/** ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * * $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCD/GenerateBreakTest.java,v $ * $Date: 2003/02/25 23:38:23 $ * $Revision: 1.3 $ * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.text.UCD; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import com.ibm.text.utility.*; import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet; abstract public class GenerateBreakTest implements UCD_Types { static boolean DEBUG = false; // COMMON STUFF for Hangul static final byte hNot = -1, hL = 0, hV = 1, hT = 2, hLV = 3, hLVT = 4, hLIMIT = 5; static final String[] hNames = {"L", "V", "T", "LV", "LVT"}; static byte getHangulType(int cp) { if (Default.ucd.isLeadingJamo(cp)) return hL; if (Default.ucd.isVowelJamo(cp)) return hV; if (Default.ucd.isTrailingJamo(cp)) return hT; if (Default.ucd.isHangulSyllable(cp)) { if (Default.ucd.isDoubleHangul(cp)) return hLV; return hLVT; } return hNot; } public static boolean onCodepointBoundary(String s, int offset) { if (offset < 0 || offset > s.length()) return false; if (offset == 0 || offset == s.length()) return true; if (UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s.charAt(offset-1)) && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(s.charAt(offset))) return false; return true; } // finds the first base character, or the first character if there is no base public static int findFirstBase(String source, int start, int limit) { int cp; for (int i = start; i < limit; i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(source, i); byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (((1< " + showData(decomp, INFOPROPS, "\r\n\t")); shown = true; } System.out.println(j + ": " + tests[k].fileName); } } } } } static String showData(String source, UnicodeProperty[] props, String separator) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int cp; for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(source, i); if (i != 0) result.append(separator); result.append(Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(cp)); for (int j = 0; j < props.length; ++j) { result.append(", "); result.append(props[j].getProperty(SHORT)).append('=').append(props[j].getValue(cp,SHORT)); } } return result.toString(); } static void showSet(String title, UnicodeSet set) { System.out.println(title + ": " + set.toPattern(true)); Utility.showSetNames("", set, false, Default.ucd); } // determines if string is of form Base NSM* static boolean isBaseNSMStar(String source) { int cp; int status = 0; for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(source, i); byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); int catMask = 1<" + fileName + " Break Chart"); out.println("


"); if (recommendedDiffers()) { generateTable(out, false); out.println("


"); generateTable(out, true); out.println(""); } else { generateTable(out, true); } out.close(); if (recommendedDiffers()) { generateTest(false, false); } generateTest(false, true); } public void generateTest(boolean shortVersion, boolean recommended) throws IOException { String[] testCase = new String[50]; // do main test PrintWriter out = Utility.openPrintWriter(fileName + "BreakTest" + (recommended & recommendedDiffers() ? "_NEW" : "") + (shortVersion ? "_SHORT" : "") + ".txt", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS); int counter = 0; out.println("# Default " + fileName + " Break Test"); out.println("# Generated: " + Default.getDate() + ", MED"); out.println("#"); out.println("# Format:"); out.println("# (# )? "); out.println("# contains hex Unicode code points, with "); out.println("#\t" + BREAK + " wherever there is a break opportunity, and "); out.println("#\t" + NOBREAK + " wherever there is not."); out.println("# the format can change, but currently it shows:"); out.println("#\t- the sample character name"); out.println("#\t- (x) the line_break property* for the sample character"); out.println("#\t- [x] the rule that determines whether there is a break or not"); out.println("#"); sampleDescription(out); out.println("# These samples may be extended or changed in the future."); out.println("#"); for (int ii = 0; ii < sampleLimit; ++ii) { String before = samples[ii]; for (int jj = 0; jj < sampleLimit; ++jj) { Utility.dot(counter); String after = samples[jj]; // do line straight int len = genTestItems(before, after, testCase); for (int q = 0; q < len; ++q) { printLine(out, testCase[q], !shortVersion && q == 0, recommended, false); ++counter; } } } for (int ii = 0; ii < extraSingleSamples.length; ++ii) { printLine(out, extraSingleSamples[ii], true, recommended, false); } out.println("# Lines: " + counter); out.close(); } public void sampleDescription(PrintWriter out) {} abstract public boolean isBreak(String source, int offset, boolean recommended); abstract public byte getType (int cp, boolean recommended); abstract public String getTypeID(int s, boolean recommended); public boolean recommendedDiffers() { return false; } final public byte getType (int cp) { return getType(cp, false); } final public String getTypeID(int cp) { return getTypeID(cp, false); } final public String getTypeID(String s) { return getTypeID(s, false); } public String getTypeID(String s, boolean recommended) { if (s == null) return ""; if (s.length() == 1) return getTypeID(s.charAt(0), recommended); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int cp; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF32.count16(cp)) { cp = UTF32.char32At(s, i); if (i > 0) result.append(" "); result.append(getTypeID(cp, recommended)); } return result.toString(); } static final int DONE = -1; public int next(String source, int offset, boolean recommended) { for (int i = offset + 1; i <= source.length(); ++i) { if (isBreak(source, i, recommended)) return i; } return DONE; } public int previous(String source, int offset, boolean recommended) { for (int i = offset - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (isBreak(source, i, recommended)) return i; } return DONE; } public int genTestItems(String before, String after, String[] results) { results[0] = before + after; return 1; } public String getTableEntry(String before, String after, boolean recommended, String[] ruleOut) { boolean normalBreak = isBreak(before + after, before.length(), recommended); String normalRule = rule; ruleOut[0] = rule; return normalBreak ? BREAK : NOBREAK; } public byte getResolvedType(int cp, boolean recommended) { return getType(cp, recommended); } boolean skipType(int type) { return false; } static String getInfo(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) return "NULL"; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int cp; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF32.count16(cp)) { cp = UTF32.char32At(s, i); if (i > 0) result.append(", "); result.append(Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(cp)); result.append(", gc=" + Default.ucd.getCategoryID_fromIndex(Default.ucd.getCategory(cp),SHORT)); result.append(", sc=" + Default.ucd.getScriptID_fromIndex(Default.ucd.getScript(cp),SHORT)); result.append(", lb=" + Default.ucd.getLineBreakID_fromIndex(Default.ucd.getLineBreak(cp))); } return result.toString(); } public void generateTable(PrintWriter out, boolean recommended) { String width = "width='" + (100 / (tableLimit + 2)) + "%'"; out.print(""); String types = ""; String codes = ""; for (int type = 0; type < tableLimit; ++type) { String after = samples[type]; if (after == null) continue; String h = getTypeID(after, recommended); types += ""; codes += ""; } out.println("" + types + ""); out.println("" + codes + ""); String[] rule = new String[1]; String[] rule2 = new String[1]; for (int type = 0; type < sampleLimit; ++type) { String before = samples[type]; if (before == null) continue; String line = "" + ""; for (int type2 = 0; type2 < tableLimit; ++type2) { String after = samples[type2]; if (after == null) continue; String t = getTableEntry(before, after, recommended, rule); String background = ""; String t2 = getTableEntry(before, after, !recommended, rule2); if (!t.equals(t2)) { if (t.equals(NOBREAK)) { background = " bgcolor='#CCFFFF'"; } else { background = " bgcolor='#FFFF00'"; } } else if (t.equals(NOBREAK)) { background = " bgcolor='#CCCCFF'"; } line += ""; } out.println(line + ""); } out.println("
" + h + "" + Utility.hex(after) + "
" + getTypeID(before, recommended) + "" + Utility.hex(before) + "" + t + "
"); out.println("
    "); for (int ii = 0; ii < extraSingleSamples.length; ++ii) { out.println("
  1. "); printLine(out, extraSingleSamples[ii], true, recommended, true); out.println("
  2. "); } out.println("
"); } static final String BREAK = "\u00F7"; static final String NOBREAK = "\u00D7"; public void printLine(PrintWriter out, String source, boolean comments, boolean recommended, boolean html) { int cp; StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer comment = new StringBuffer("\t# "); boolean hasBreak = isBreak(source, 0, recommended); String status; if (html) { status = hasBreak ? " style='border-right: 1px solid blue'" : ""; string.append("  "); } else { status = hasBreak ? BREAK : NOBREAK; string.append(status); } comment.append(' ').append(status).append(" [").append(rule).append(']'); for (int offset = 0; offset < source.length(); offset += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(source, offset); hasBreak = isBreak(source, offset + UTF16.getCharCount(cp), recommended); if (html) { status = hasBreak ? " style='border-right: 1px solid blue'" : ""; string.append("" + Utility.quoteXML(Utility.getDisplay(cp), true) + ""); string.append("  "); } else { if (string.length() > 0) { string.append(' '); comment.append(' '); } status = hasBreak ? BREAK : NOBREAK; string.append(Utility.hex(cp)); comment.append(Default.ucd.getName(cp) + " (" + getTypeID(cp) + ")"); string.append(' ').append(status); comment.append(' ').append(status).append(" [").append(rule).append(']'); } } if (comments && !html) string.append(comment); out.println(string); } public void findSamples() { // what we want is a list of sample characters. In the simple case, this is just one per type. // However, if there are characters that have different types (when recommended or not), then // we want a type for each cross-section BitSet bitset = new BitSet(); Map list = new TreeMap(); for (int i = 1; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!Default.ucd.isAllocated(i)) continue; if (0xD800 <= i && i <= 0xDFFF) continue; if (DEBUG && i == 0x1100) { System.out.println("debug"); } byte lb = getType(i); byte lb2 = getType(i, true); if (lb == lb2 && skipType(lb)) continue; int combined = (lb << 7) + lb2; if (!bitset.get(combined)) { bitset.set(combined); list.put(new Integer(combined), UTF16.valueOf(i)); } /* // if the sample slot is full OR if (samples[lb] == null) { samples[lb] = UTF16.valueOf(i); if (sampleLimit <= lb) sampleLimit = lb + 1; // byte lb2 = getType(i, true); // if (lb2 != lb) bs.set(lb); } */ } Iterator it = list.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String sample = (String)list.get(it.next()); samples[sampleLimit++] = sample; if (DEBUG) System.out.println(getTypeID(sample) + ":\t" + Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(sample)); } tableLimit = sampleLimit; // now add values that are different /* for (int i = 1; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) { if (!Default.ucd.isAllocated(i)) continue; if (0xD800 <= i && i <= 0xDFFF) continue; byte lb = getType(i); byte lb2 = getType(i, true); if (lb == lb2) continue; // pick some different ones if (!bs.get(lb)) { samples[sampleLimit++] = UTF16.valueOf(i); bs.set(lb); } if (!bs2.get(lb2)) { samples[sampleLimit++] = UTF16.valueOf(i); bs.set(lb2); } } */ if (extraSamples.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(extraSamples, 0, samples, sampleLimit, extraSamples.length); sampleLimit += extraSamples.length; } } public int findLastNon(String source, int offset, byte notLBType, boolean recommended) { int cp; for (int i = offset-1; i >= 0; i -= UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) { cp = UTF16.charAt(source, i); byte f = getResolvedType(cp, recommended); if (f != notLBType) return i; } return -1; } static public class Context { public int cpBefore2, cpBefore, cpAfter, cpAfter2; public byte tBefore2, tBefore, tAfter, tAfter2; public String toString() { return "[" + Utility.hex(cpBefore2) + "(" + tBefore2 + "), " + Utility.hex(cpBefore) + "(" + tBefore + "), " + Utility.hex(cpAfter) + "(" + tAfter + "), " + Utility.hex(cpAfter2) + "(" + tAfter2 + ")]"; } } public void getGraphemeBases(String source, int offset, boolean recommended, byte ignoreType, Context context) { context.cpBefore2 = context.cpBefore = context.cpAfter = context.cpAfter2 = -1; context.tBefore2 = context.tBefore = context.tAfter = context.tAfter2 = -1; //if (DEBUG_GRAPHEMES) System.out.println(Utility.hex(source) + "; " + offset + "; " + ignoreType); MyBreakIterator graphemeIterator = new MyBreakIterator(); graphemeIterator.set(source, offset); while (true) { int cp = graphemeIterator.previousBase(); if (cp == -1) break; byte t = getResolvedType(cp, recommended); if (t == ignoreType) continue; if (context.cpBefore == -1) { context.cpBefore = cp; context.tBefore = t; } else { context.cpBefore2 = cp; context.tBefore2 = t; break; } } graphemeIterator.set(source, offset); while (true) { int cp = graphemeIterator.nextBase(); if (cp == -1) break; byte t = getResolvedType(cp, recommended); if (t == ignoreType) continue; if (context.cpAfter == -1) { context.cpAfter = cp; context.tAfter = t; } else { context.cpAfter2 = cp; context.tAfter2 = t; break; } } } // ======================================== static class GenerateLineBreakTest extends GenerateBreakTest { // all the other items are supplied in UCD_TYPES static byte LB_L = LB_LIMIT + hL, LB_V = LB_LIMIT + hV, LB_T = LB_LIMIT + hT, LB_LV = LB_LIMIT + hLV, LB_LVT = LB_LIMIT + hLVT, LB_SUP = LB_LIMIT + hLIMIT, LB2_LIMIT = (byte)(LB_SUP + 1); /* private byte[] AsmusOrderToMyOrder = { LB_OP, LB_CL, LB_QU, LB_GL, LB_NS, LB_EX, LB_SY, LB_IS, LB_PR, LB_PO, LB_NU, LB_AL, LB_ID, LB_IN, LB_HY, LB_BA, LB_BB, LB_B2, LB_ZW, LB_CM, // missing from Pair Table LB_SP, LB_BK, LB_CR, LB_LF, // resolved types below LB_CB, LB_AI, LB_SA, LB_SG, LB_XX, // 3 JAMO CLASSES, plus supplementary LB_L, LB_V, LB_T, LB_LV, LB_LVT, LB_SUP }; private byte[] MyOrderToAsmusOrder = new byte[AsmusOrderToMyOrder.length]; { for (byte i = 0; i < AsmusOrderToMyOrder.length; ++i) { MyOrderToAsmusOrder[AsmusOrderToMyOrder[i]] = i; } */ { fileName = "Line"; extraSingleSamples = new String[] {"can't", "can\u2019t", "ab\u00ADby", "-3" }; } public boolean recommendedDiffers() { return true; } public void sampleDescription(PrintWriter out) { out.println("# Samples:"); out.println("# The test currently takes all pairs of linebreak types*,"); out.println("# picks a sample for each type, and generates three strings: "); out.println("#\t- the pair alone"); out.println("#\t- the pair alone with an imbeded space"); out.println("#\t- the pair alone with embedded combining marks"); out.println("# The sample for each type is simply the first code point (above NULL)"); out.println("# with that property."); out.println("# * Note:"); out.println("#\t- SG is omitted"); out.println("#\t- 3 different Jamo characters and a supplementary character are added"); out.println("#\t The syllable types for the Jamo (L, V, T) are displayed in comments"); out.println("#\t instead of the linebreak property"); out.println("#"); } // stuff that subclasses need to override public int genTestItems(String before, String after, String[] results) { results[0] = before + after; results[1] = before + " " + after; results[2] = before + "\u0301\u0308" + after; return 3; } // stuff that subclasses need to override boolean skipType(int type) { return type == LB_AI || type == LB_SA || type == LB_SG || type == LB_XX; } // stuff that subclasses need to override public String getTypeID(int cp, boolean recommended) { byte result = getType(cp, recommended); if (result == LB_SUP) return "SUP"; if (result >= LB_LIMIT) return hNames[result - LB_LIMIT]; return Default.ucd.getLineBreakID_fromIndex(result); // AsmusOrderToMyOrder[result]); } // stuff that subclasses need to override public byte getType(int cp, boolean recommended) { if (cp > 0xFFFF) return LB_SUP; byte result = getHangulType(cp); if (result != hNot) return (byte)(result + LB_LIMIT); // return MyOrderToAsmusOrder[Default.ucd.getLineBreak(cp)]; return Default.ucd.getLineBreak(cp); } public String getTableEntry(String before, String after, boolean recommended, String[] ruleOut) { String t = "_"; boolean spaceBreak = isBreak(before + " " + after, before.length() + 1, recommended); String spaceRule = rule; boolean spaceBreak2 = isBreak(before + " " + after, before.length(), recommended); String spaceRule2 = rule; boolean normalBreak = isBreak(before + after, before.length(), recommended); String normalRule = rule; if (!normalBreak) { if (!spaceBreak && !spaceBreak2) { t = "^"; rule = spaceRule.equals(normalRule) ? normalRule : spaceRule + "/" + normalRule; if (!spaceRule2.equals(normalRule) && !spaceRule2.equals(spaceRule)) { rule += "/" + spaceRule2; } } else { t = "%"; rule = normalRule; } } ruleOut[0] = rule; return t; } public byte getResolvedType (int cp, boolean recommended) { // LB 1 Assign a line break category to each character of the input. // Resolve AI, CB, SA, SG, XX into other line break classes depending on criteria outside this algorithm. byte result = getType(cp); switch (result) { case LB_AI: result = LB_AI; break; // case LB_CB: result = LB_ID; break; case LB_SA: result = LB_AL; break; // case LB_SG: result = LB_XX; break; Surrogates; will never occur case LB_XX: result = LB_AL; break; } if (recommended) { if (getHangulType(cp) != hNot) { result = LB_ID; } } return result; } // find out whether there is a break at offset // WARNING: as a side effect, sets "rule" public boolean isBreak(String source, int offset, boolean recommended) { // LB 1 Assign a line break category to each character of the input. // Resolve AI, CB, SA, SG, XX into other line break classes depending on criteria outside this algorithm. // this is taken care of in the getResolvedType function // LB 2a Never break at the start of text rule="2a"; if (offset <= 0) return false; // LB 2b Always break at the end of text rule="2b"; if (offset >= source.length()) return true; // UTF-16: never break in the middle of a code point if (!onCodepointBoundary(source, offset)) return false; // now get the character before and after, and their types int cpBefore = UTF16.charAt(source, offset-1); int cpAfter = UTF16.charAt(source, offset); byte before = getResolvedType(cpBefore, recommended); byte after = getResolvedType(cpAfter, recommended); rule="3a"; // Always break after hard line breaks (but never between CR and LF). // CR ^ LF if (before == LB_CR && after == LB_LF) return false; if (before == LB_BK || before == LB_LF || before == LB_CR) return true; //LB 3b Don’t break before hard line breaks. rule="3b"; if (after == LB_BK || after == LB_LF | after == LB_CR) return false; // LB 4 Don’t break before spaces or zero-width space. // × SP // × ZW rule="4"; if (after == LB_SP || after == LB_ZW) return false; // LB 5 Break after zero-width space. // ZW ÷ rule="5"; if (before == LB_ZW) return true; // LB 6 Don’t break graphemes (before combining marks, around virama or on sequences of conjoining Jamos. rule="6"; if (after == LB_CM) return false; if (before == LB_L && (after == LB_L || after == LB_V || after == LB_LV || after == LB_LVT)) return false; if ((before == LB_LV || before == LB_V) && (after == LB_V || after == LB_T)) return false; if ((before == LB_LVT || before == LB_T) && (after == LB_T)) return false; boolean setBase = false; if (before == LB_CM) { setBase = true; int backOffset = findLastNon(source, offset, LB_CM, recommended); if (backOffset < 0) { before = LB_ID; } else { before = getResolvedType(UTF16.charAt(source, backOffset), recommended); } } // LB 7 In all of the following rules, if a space is the base character for a combining mark, // the space is changed to type ID. In other words, break before SP CM* in the same cases as // one would break before an ID. rule="7"; if (setBase && before == LB_SP) before = LB_ID; // LB 8 Don’t break before ‘]’ or ‘!’ or ‘;’ or ‘/’, even after spaces. // × CL, × EX, × IS, × SY rule="8"; if (after == LB_CL || after == LB_EX || after == LB_SY | after == LB_IS) return false; // find the last non-space character; we will need it byte lastNonSpace = before; if (lastNonSpace == LB_SP) { int backOffset = findLastNon(source, offset, LB_CM, recommended); if (backOffset >= 0) { lastNonSpace = getResolvedType(UTF16.charAt(source, backOffset), recommended); } } // LB 9 Don’t break after ‘[’, even after spaces. // OP SP* × rule="9"; if (lastNonSpace == LB_OP) return false; // LB 10 Don’t break within ‘”[’, , even with intervening spaces. // QU SP* × OP rule="10"; if (lastNonSpace == LB_QU && after == LB_OP) return false; // LB 11 Don’t break within ‘]h’, even with intervening spaces. // CL SP* × NS rule="11"; if (lastNonSpace == LB_CL && after == LB_NS) return false; // LB 11a Don’t break within ‘——’, even with intervening spaces. // B2 × B2 rule="11a"; if (lastNonSpace == LB_B2 && after == LB_B2) return false; if (recommended) { // LB 13 Don’t break before or after NBSP or WORD JOINER // × GL // GL × rule="11b"; if (after == LB_GL || before == LB_GL) return false; } // [Note: by this time, all of the "X" in the table are accounted for. We can safely break after spaces.] rule="12"; // LB 12 Break after spaces // SP ÷ if (before == LB_SP) return true; if (!recommended) { // LB 13 Don’t break before or after NBSP or WORD JOINER // × GL // GL × rule="13"; if (after == LB_GL || before == LB_GL) return false; } rule="14"; // LB 14 Don’t break before or after ‘”’ // × QU // QU × if (before == LB_QU || after == LB_QU) return false; // LB 15 Don’t break before hyphen-minus, other hyphens, fixed-width spaces, // small kana and other non- starters, or after acute accents: // × BA // × HY // × NS // BB × if (recommended) { // LB 14a Break before and after CB // CB ÷ // ÷ CB if (before == LB_CB || after == LB_CB) return true; } rule="15"; if (after == LB_NS) return false; if (after == LB_HY) return false; if (after == LB_BA) return false; if (before == LB_BB) return false; if (!recommended) { // LB 15b Break after hyphen-minus, and before acute accents: // HY ÷ // ÷ BB rule="15b"; if (before == LB_HY) return true; if (after == LB_BB) return true; } // LB 16 Don’t break between two ellipses, or between letters or numbers and ellipsis: // AL × IN // ID × IN // IN × IN // NU × IN // Examples: ’9...’, ‘a...’, ‘H...’ rule="16"; if ((before == LB_NU || before == LB_AL || before == LB_ID) && after == LB_IN) return false; if (before == LB_IN && after == LB_IN) return false; // Don't break alphanumerics. // LB 17 Don’t break within ‘a9’, ‘3a’, or ‘H%’ // ID × PO // AL × NU // NU × AL // Numbers are of the form PR ? ( OP | HY ) ? NU (NU | IS) * CL ? PO ? // Examples: $(12.35) 2,1234 (12)˘ 12.54˘ // This is approximated with the following rules. (Some cases already handled above, // like ‘9,’, ‘[9’.) rule="17"; if (before == LB_ID && after == LB_PO) return false; if (before == LB_AL && after == LB_NU) return false; if (before == LB_NU && after == LB_AL) return false; // LB 18 Don’t break between the following pairs of classes. // CL × PO // HY × NU // IS × NU // NU × NU // NU × PO // PR × AL // PR × HY // PR × ID // PR × NU // PR × OP // SY × NU // Example pairs: ‘$9’, ‘$[’, ‘$-‘, ‘-9’, ‘/9’, ‘99’, ‘,9’, ‘9%’ ‘]%’ rule="18"; if (before == LB_CL && after == LB_PO) return false; if (before == LB_HY && after == LB_NU) return false; if (before == LB_IS && after == LB_NU) return false; if (before == LB_NU && after == LB_NU) return false; if (before == LB_NU && after == LB_PO) return false; if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_AL) return false; if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_HY) return false; if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_ID) return false; if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_NU) return false; if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_OP) return false; if (before == LB_SY && after == LB_NU) return false; if (recommended) { // LB 15b Break after hyphen-minus, and before acute accents: // HY ÷ // ÷ BB rule="18b"; if (before == LB_HY) return true; if (after == LB_BB) return true; } // LB 19 Don’t break between alphabetics (“at”) // AL × AL rule="19"; if (before == LB_AL && after == LB_AL) return false; // LB 20 Break everywhere else // ALL ÷ // ÷ ALL rule="20"; return true; } } //============================================== static class GenerateGraphemeBreakTest extends GenerateBreakTest { static final byte CR = 0, LF = 1, Control = 2, Extend = 3, Link = 4, CGJ = 5, Base = 6, LetterBase = 7, Other = 8, oLIMIT = 9, // RESET THIS IF LIST ABOVE CHANGES! L = oLIMIT + hL, V = oLIMIT + hV, T = oLIMIT + hT, LV = oLIMIT + hLV, LVT = oLIMIT + hLVT, LIMIT = LVT + 1; static final String[] Names = {"CR", "LF", "CTL", "Extend", "Link", "CGJ", "Base", "LetterBase", "Other" }; static UnicodeProperty extendProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(DERIVED | GraphemeExtend); static UnicodeProperty baseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(DERIVED | GraphemeBase); static UnicodeProperty linkProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(BINARY_PROPERTIES | GraphemeLink); static UnicodeSet otherExtendSet = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(BINARY_PROPERTIES | Other_GraphemeExtend).getSet() .addAll(new UnicodeSet("[\u09BE\u09D7\u0B3E\u0B57\u0BD7\u0BBE" + "\u0CC2\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0D3E\u0D57\u0DCF\u0DDF\\U0001D165\\U0001D16E\\U0001D16F]")); { fileName = "GraphemeCluster"; } // stuff that subclasses need to override public String getTypeID(int cp, boolean recommended) { byte type = getType(cp, recommended); if (type >= oLIMIT) return hNames[type - oLIMIT]; return Names[type]; } // stuff that subclasses need to override public byte getType(int cp, boolean recommended) { recommended = true; // don't care about old stuff // single characters if (cp == 0xA) return LF; if (cp == 0xD) return CR; if (recommended) { if (cp == 0x034F) return Extend; } if (cp == 0x2028 || cp == 0x2029) return Control; // Hangul byte result = getHangulType(cp); if (result != hNot) return (byte)(result + oLIMIT); // other properties // category based byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (cat == Cc) return Control; if (recommended) { if (cat == Cf) return Control; if (cat == Me || cat == Mn) return Extend; // FOR FUTURE! if (otherExtendSet.contains(cp)) return Extend; return Base; } if (cat == Cf) return Extend; if (((1< source.length()) return false; if (offset == 0) return true; rule = "2"; if (offset == source.length()) return true; // UTF-16: never break in the middle of a code point if (!onCodepointBoundary(source, offset)) return false; // now get the character before and after, and their types int cpBefore = UTF16.charAt(source, offset-1); int cpAfter = UTF16.charAt(source, offset); byte before = getResolvedType(cpBefore, recommended); byte after = getResolvedType(cpAfter, recommended); rule = "3"; if (before == CR && after == LF) return false; rule = "4"; if (before == CR || before == LF || before == Control || after == Control || after == LF || after == CR) return true; rule = "6"; if (before == L && (after == L || after == V || after == LV || after == LVT)) return false; rule = "7"; if ((before == LV || before == V) && (after == V || after == T)) return false; rule = "8"; if ((before == LVT || before == T) && (after == T)) return false; rule = "9"; if (after == Extend) return false; if (recommended) { if (after == Link || after == CGJ) return false; } else { // Do not break around a CGJ. rule = "10"; if (before == CGJ && (after == Base || after == LetterBase || after == L || after == V || after == T || after == LV || after == LVT)) return false; rule = "11"; if (after == CGJ) return false; // Do not break between linking characters and letters, or before linking characters. This provides for Indic graphemes, where virama (halant) will link character clusters together. rule = "12"; //Link Extend* × LetterBase (12) if (after == LetterBase || after == L || after == V || after == T || after == LV || after == LVT) { int backOffset = findLastNon(source, offset, Extend, recommended); if (backOffset >= 0) { byte last = getResolvedType(UTF16.charAt(source, backOffset), recommended); if (last == Link) return false; } } rule = "13"; if (after == Link) return false; } // Otherwise break after all characters. rule = "14"; return true; } } //============================================== static class GenerateWordBreakTest extends GenerateBreakTest { static final byte Format = 0, Katakana = 1, ALetter = 2, MidLetter = 3, Hyphen = 4, Numeric = 5, Infix_Numeric = 6, Prefix_Numeric = 7, Postfix_Numeric = 8, Prefix = 9, Postfix = 10, MidNumLet = 11, Hiragana = 12, Other = 13, LIMIT = Other + 1; static final String[] Names = {"Format", "Katakana", "ALetter", "MidLetter", "Hyphen", "Numeric", "INum", "PrNum", "PoNum", "PreLet", "PostLet", "MidNumLet", "Hiragana", "Other" }; static GenerateGraphemeBreakTest grapheme = new GenerateGraphemeBreakTest(); static Context context = new Context(); static String LENGTH = "[\u30FC\uFF70]"; static String HALFWIDTH_KATAKANA = "[\uFF65-\uFF9F]"; static String KATAKANA_ITERATION = "[\u30FD\u30FE]"; static String HIRAGANA_ITERATION = "[\u309D\u309E]"; static UnicodeSet extraKatakana = new UnicodeSet("[" + LENGTH + HALFWIDTH_KATAKANA + KATAKANA_ITERATION + "]"); static UnicodeProperty baseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(DERIVED | GraphemeBase); static UnicodeProperty linkProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(BINARY_PROPERTIES | GraphemeLink); static UnicodeSet prefixSet = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(BINARY_PROPERTIES | Logical_Order_Exception).getSet(); static UnicodeSet postfixSet; static UnicodeSet exceptionLetters; static UnicodeSet normalLetters; static UnicodeSet thaiLaoNormal; static UnicodeSet marks = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(CATEGORY | Mn).getSet() .addAll(UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(CATEGORY | Me).getSet()); static UnicodeSet oughtToBeLm = new UnicodeSet("[\u02B9-\u02BA\u02C2-\u02CF\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02ED]"); /* U+02B9..U+02BA # MODIFIER LETTER PRIME..MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE PRIME U+02C2..U+02CF # MODIFIER LETTER LEFT ARROWHEAD..MODIFIER LETTER LOW ACUTE ACCENT U+02D2..U+02DF # MODIFIER LETTER CENTRED RIGHT HALF RING..MODIFIER LETTER CROSS ACCE U+02E5..U+02ED # MODIFIER LETTER EXTRA-HIGH TONE BAR..MODIFIER LETTER UNASPIRATED */ static UnicodeSet letterSet = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(CATEGORY | Lo).getSet() .addAll(UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(CATEGORY | Lu).getSet()) .addAll(UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(CATEGORY | Lt).getSet()) .addAll(UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(CATEGORY | Ll).getSet()) .addAll(UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(CATEGORY | Lm).getSet()) .addAll(UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(CATEGORY | Mc).getSet()) .addAll(oughtToBeLm); { UnicodeSet linebreakNS = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(LINE_BREAK | LB_NS).getSet(); postfixSet = new UnicodeSet(linebreakNS) .retainAll(letterSet) .addAll(new UnicodeSet("[\u0e30-\u0E3A\u0e45-\u0e4e]")) .addAll(new UnicodeSet("[[\u0eb0-\u0EBd\u0ec6-\u0ece]-[:Cn:]]")) .removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:mn:]")) .removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:katakana:]").addAll(extraKatakana)); thaiLaoNormal = new UnicodeSet("[[:thai:][:lao:]]").removeAll(prefixSet).removeAll(postfixSet); // we want ideographics, hiragana, thai (except prefix/suffix) //UnicodeSet compatIdeographics = new UnicodeSet("[\uf900-\ufa6a\\U0002F800-\\U0002FA1D]"); UnicodeSet hiragana = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(SCRIPT | HIRAGANA_SCRIPT).getSet(); UnicodeSet smallHiragana = new UnicodeSet(hiragana).retainAll(linebreakNS); UnicodeSet missingKatakana = new UnicodeSet(extraKatakana).removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:katakana:]")); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("missingKatakana: " + missingKatakana.toPattern(true)); Utility.showSetNames("", missingKatakana, false, Default.ucd); System.out.println("oughtToBeLm: " + oughtToBeLm.toPattern(true)); Utility.showSetNames("", oughtToBeLm, false, Default.ucd); System.out.println("Prefix: " + prefixSet.toPattern(true)); Utility.showSetNames("", prefixSet, false, Default.ucd); System.out.println("Postfix: " + postfixSet.toPattern(true)); Utility.showSetNames("", postfixSet, false, Default.ucd); System.out.println("exceptionLetters: " + exceptionLetters.toPattern(true)); System.out.println("hiragana: " + hiragana.toPattern(true)); System.out.println("smallHiragana: " + hiragana.toPattern(true)); Utility.showSetNames("", smallHiragana, true, Default.ucd); System.out.println("midLetterSet: " + midLetterSet.toPattern(true)); Utility.showSetNames("", midLetterSet, true, Default.ucd); } fileName = "Word"; extraSamples = new String[] { "\uFF70", "\uFF65", "\u30FD", "a\u2060", "a:", "a'", "a'\u2060", "a,", "1:", "1'", "1,", "1.\u2060" }; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("length not covered: " + new UnicodeSet(LENGTH).removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:katakana:]")).toPattern(true)); System.out.println("half-width not covered: " + new UnicodeSet(HALFWIDTH_KATAKANA).removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:katakana:]")).toPattern(true)); System.out.println("k.iteration not covered: " + new UnicodeSet(KATAKANA_ITERATION).removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:katakana:]")).toPattern(true)); System.out.println("h.iteration not covered: " + new UnicodeSet(HIRAGANA_ITERATION).removeAll(new UnicodeSet("[:hiragana:]")).toPattern(true)); System.out.println("L1: " + getTypeID('\u30FC')); System.out.println("L2: " + getTypeID('\uFF70')); } String [] temp = {"can't", "can\u2019t", "ab\u00ADby", "a$-34,567.14%b", "3a" }; extraSingleSamples = new String [temp.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(temp, 0, extraSingleSamples, 0, temp.length); for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; ++i) { extraSingleSamples[i+temp.length] = insertEverywhere(temp[i], "\u2060", grapheme); } } // stuff that subclasses need to override public String getTypeID(int cp, boolean recommended) { byte type = getType(cp, recommended); return Names[type]; } // stuff that subclasses need to override public byte getType(int cp, boolean recommended) { byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (cat == Cf) return Format; byte script = Default.ucd.getScript(cp); if (script == KATAKANA_SCRIPT) return Katakana; if (extraKatakana.contains(cp)) return Katakana; if (script == HIRAGANA_SCRIPT || script == THAI_SCRIPT || script == LAO_SCRIPT) return Other; if (ideographicSet.contains(cp)) return Other; if (alphabeticSet.contains(cp)) return ALetter; byte lb = Default.ucd.getLineBreak(cp); if (lb == LB_NU) return Numeric; if (midLetterSet.contains(cp)) { if (lb == LB_IS) return MidNumLet; return MidLetter; } if (lb == LB_IS) return Infix_Numeric; return Other; } public int genTestItems(String before, String after, String[] results) { results[0] = before + after; results[1] = 'a' + before + "\u0301\u0308" + after + "\u0301\u0308" + 'a'; results[2] = 'a' + before + "\u0301\u0308" + samples[MidLetter] + after + "\u0301\u0308" + 'a'; results[3] = 'a' + before + "\u0301\u0308" + samples[Infix_Numeric] + after + "\u0301\u0308" + 'a'; return 3; } public boolean isBreak(String source, int offset, boolean recommended) { recommended = true; // don't care about old stuff rule = "1"; if (offset < 0 || offset > source.length()) return false; if (offset == 0) return true; rule = "2"; if (offset == source.length()) return true; // Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character: // the first base character, if there is one; otherwise the first character. // GC => FB rule="3"; if (!grapheme.isBreak( source, offset, recommended)) return false; // now get the base character before and after, and their types getGraphemeBases(source, offset, recommended, Format, context); byte before = context.tBefore; byte after = context.tAfter; byte before2 = context.tBefore2; byte after2 = context.tAfter2; //Don't break between most letters // ALetter × ALetter rule = "5"; if (before == ALetter && after == ALetter) return false; // Don’t break letters across certain punctuation // ALetter×(MidLetter | MidNumLet) ALetter(6) // ALetter (MidLetter | MidNumLet)×ALetter(7) rule = "6"; if (before == ALetter && (after == MidLetter || after == MidNumLet) && after2 == ALetter) return false; rule = "7"; if (before2 == ALetter && (before == MidLetter || before == MidNumLet) && after == ALetter) return false; // Don’t break within sequences of digits, or digits adjacent to letters. // Numeric × Numeric (5) rule = "8"; if (before == Numeric && after == Numeric) return false; // ALetter × Numeric (6) rule = "9"; if (before == ALetter && after == Numeric) return false; // Numeric × ALetter (7) rule = "10"; if (before == Numeric && after == ALetter) return false; // Don’t break within sequences like: '-3.2' // Numeric (MidNum | MidNumLet)×Numeric(11) rule = "11"; if (before2 == Numeric && (before == Infix_Numeric || before == MidNumLet) && after == Numeric) return false; // Numeric×(MidNum | MidNumLet) Numeric(12) rule = "12"; if (before == Numeric && (after == Infix_Numeric || after == MidNumLet) && after2 == Numeric) return false; // Don't break between Hiragana // Hiragana × Hiragana (13) rule = "13"; if (before == Hiragana && after == Hiragana) return false; // Otherwise break always. rule = "14"; return true; } } //============================================== static class GenerateSentenceBreakTest extends GenerateBreakTest { static final byte Format = 0, Sep = 1, Sp = 2, OLetter = 3, Lower = 4, Upper = 5, Numeric = 6, Close = 7, ATerm = 8, Term = 9, Other = 10, LIMIT = Other + 1; static final String[] Names = {"Format", "Sep", "Sp", "OLetter", "Lower", "Upper", "Numeric", "Close", "ATerm", "Term", "Other" }; static GenerateGraphemeBreakTest grapheme = new GenerateGraphemeBreakTest(); static UnicodeSet sepSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\u000a\\u000d\\u0085\\u2029\\u2028]"); static UnicodeSet atermSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\u002E]"); static UnicodeSet termSet = new UnicodeSet( "[\\u0021\\u003F\\u0589\\u061f\\u06d4\\u0700-\\u0702\\u0934" + "\\u1362\\u1367\\u1368\\u104A\\u104B\\u166E" + "\\u1803\\u1809\\u203c\\u203d" + "\\u2048\\u2049\\u3002\\ufe52\\ufe57\\uff01\\uff0e\\uff1f\\uff61]"); static UnicodeProperty lowercaseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(DERIVED | PropLowercase); static UnicodeProperty uppercaseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(DERIVED | PropUppercase); UnicodeSet linebreakNS = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(LINE_BREAK | LB_NU).getSet(); { fileName = "Sentence"; extraSamples = new String[] { }; extraSingleSamples = new String[] { "(\"Go.\") (He did.)", "(\u201CGo?\u201D) (He did.)", "U.S.A\u0300. is", "U.S.A\u0300? He", "U.S.A\u0300.", "3.4", "c.d", "etc.)\u2019 \u2018(the", "etc.)\u2019 \u2018(The", "the resp. leaders are", "\u5B57.\u5B57", "etc.\u5B83", "etc.\u3002", "\u5B57\u3002\u5B83", }; String[] temp = new String [extraSingleSamples.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(extraSingleSamples, 0, temp, 0, extraSingleSamples.length); for (int i = 0; i < extraSingleSamples.length; ++i) { temp[i+extraSingleSamples.length] = insertEverywhere(extraSingleSamples[i], "\u2060", grapheme); } extraSingleSamples = temp; } // stuff that subclasses need to override public String getTypeID(int cp, boolean recommended) { byte type = getType(cp, recommended); return Names[type]; } // stuff that subclasses need to override public byte getType(int cp, boolean recommended) { byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp); if (cat == Cf) return Format; if (sepSet.contains(cp)) return Sep; if (Default.ucd.getBinaryProperty(cp, White_space)) return Sp; if (linebreakNS.contains(cp)) return Numeric; if (lowercaseProp.hasValue(cp)) return Lower; if (uppercaseProp.hasValue(cp) || cat == Lt) return Upper; if (alphabeticSet.contains(cp)) return OLetter; if (atermSet.contains(cp)) return ATerm; if (termSet.contains(cp)) return Term; if (cat == Po || cat == Pe || Default.ucd.getLineBreak(cp) == LB_QU) return Close; return Other; } public int genTestItems(String before, String after, String[] results) { results[0] = before + after; /* results[1] = 'a' + before + "\u0301\u0308" + after + "\u0301\u0308" + 'a'; results[2] = 'a' + before + "\u0301\u0308" + samples[MidLetter] + after + "\u0301\u0308" + 'a'; results[3] = 'a' + before + "\u0301\u0308" + samples[Infix_Numeric] + after + "\u0301\u0308" + 'a'; */ return 1; } static Context context = new Context(); public boolean isBreak(String source, int offset, boolean recommended) { rule = "1"; if (offset < 0 || offset > source.length()) return false; if (offset == 0) return true; rule = "2"; if (offset == source.length()) return true; // Sep ÷ (3) rule = "3"; byte beforeChar = getResolvedType(source.charAt(offset-1), recommended); if (beforeChar == Sep) return true; // Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character: // the first base character, if there is one; otherwise the first character. // GC => FB // Ignore interior Format characters. That is, ignore Format characters in all subsequent rules. // X Format* // ? // X // (5) rule="3"; if (!grapheme.isBreak( source, offset, recommended)) return false; getGraphemeBases(source, offset, recommended, Format, context); byte before = context.tBefore; byte after = context.tAfter; byte before2 = context.tBefore2; byte after2 = context.tAfter2; // Do not break after ambiguous terminators like period, if immediately followed by a number or lowercase letter, is between uppercase letters, or if the first following letter (optionally after certain punctuation) is lowercase. For example, a period may be an abbreviation or numeric period, and not mark the end of a sentence. // ATerm × (Lower | Numeric) (6) // Upper ATerm × Upper (7) if (before == ATerm) { rule = "6"; if (after == Lower || after == Numeric) return false; rule = "7"; if (DEBUG_GRAPHEMES) System.out.println(context + ", " + Upper); if (before2 == Upper && after == Upper) return false; } // The following cases are all handled together. // First we loop backwards, checking for the different types. MyBreakIterator graphemeIterator = new MyBreakIterator(); graphemeIterator.set(source, offset); int state = 0; byte lookAfter = -1; int cp; byte t; boolean gotSpace = false; boolean gotClose = false; behindLoop: while (true) { cp = graphemeIterator.previousBase(); if (cp == -1) break; t = getResolvedType(cp, recommended); if (SHOW_TYPE) System.out.println(Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(cp) + ", " + getTypeID(cp, recommended)); if (t == Format) continue; // ignore all formats! switch (state) { case 0: if (t == Sp) { // loop as long as we have Space gotSpace = true; continue behindLoop; } else if (t == Close) { gotClose = true; state = 1; // go to close loop continue behindLoop; } break; case 1: if (t == Close) { // loop as long as we have Close continue behindLoop; } break; } if (t == ATerm) { lookAfter = ATerm; } else if (t == Term) { lookAfter = Term; } break; } // if we didn't find ATerm or Term, bail if (lookAfter == -1) { // Otherwise, do not break // Any × Any (11) rule = "12"; return false; } // ATerm Close* Sp*×(¬( OLetter))* Lower(8) // Break after sentence terminators, but include closing punctuation, trailing spaces, and (optionally) a paragraph separator. // ( Term | ATerm ) Close*×( Close | Sp | Sep )(9) // ( Term | ATerm ) Close* Sp×( Sp | Sep )(10) // ( Term | ATerm ) Close* Sp*÷(11) // We DID find one. Loop to see if the right side is ok. graphemeIterator.set(source, offset); boolean isFirst = true; while (true) { cp = graphemeIterator.nextBase(); if (cp == -1) break; t = getResolvedType(cp, recommended); if (SHOW_TYPE) System.out.println(Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(cp) + ", " + getTypeID(cp, recommended)); if (t == Format) continue; // skip format characters! if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; if (lookAfter == ATerm && t == Upper) { rule = "8"; return false; } if (gotSpace) { if (t == Sp || t == Sep) { rule = "10"; return false; } } else if (t == Close || t == Sp || t == Sep) { rule = "9"; return false; } if (lookAfter == Term) break; } // at this point, we have an ATerm. All other conditions are ok, but we need to verify 6 if (t != OLetter && t != Upper && t != Lower) continue; if (t == Lower) { rule = "8"; return false; } break; } rule = "11"; return true; } } static final boolean DEBUG_GRAPHEMES = false; static class MyBreakIterator { int offset = 0; String string = ""; GenerateBreakTest breaker = new GenerateGraphemeBreakTest(); boolean recommended = true; public MyBreakIterator set(String source, int offset) { //if (DEBUG_GRAPHEMES) System.out.println(Utility.hex(string) + "; " + offset); string = source; this.offset = offset; return this; } public int nextBase() { if (offset >= string.length()) return -1; int result = UTF16.charAt(string, offset); for (++offset; offset < string.length(); ++offset) { if (breaker.isBreak(string, offset, recommended)) break; } //if (DEBUG_GRAPHEMES) System.out.println(Utility.hex(result)); return result; } public int previousBase() { if (offset <= 0) return -1; for (--offset; offset >= 0; --offset) { if (breaker.isBreak(string, offset, recommended)) break; } int result = UTF16.charAt(string, offset); //if (DEBUG_GRAPHEMES) System.out.println(Utility.hex(result)); return result; } } }