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<title>New Page 18</title>
<p>This file provides instructions for building and running the UnicodeTools, which<br>
can be used to:</p>
<li>build the Derived Unicode files in the UCD (Unicode Character Database),</li>
<li>build the transformed UCA (Unicode Collation Algorithm) files needed by ICU.</li>
<li>run consistency checks on beta releases of the UCD and the UCA.</li>
<li>build 4 chart folders on the unicode site</li>
<p><font color="#FF0000"><b>WARNING!!</b></font></p>
<li>This is NOT production level code, and should never be used in programs.</li>
<li>The API is subject to change without notice, and will not be maintained.</li>
<li>The source is uncommented, and has many warts; since it is not production code, it has not
been worth the time to clean it up.</li>
<li>It will probably not work on Unix or Mac without changing the file separator.</li>
<li>Currently it uses hard-coded directory names.</li>
<li>The contents of multiple versions of the UCD must be copied to a local directory, as described
<h3>0. You will need to get ICU4J on your system, using CVS.</h3>
<p>The rest of this will assume that you have set up CVS so that you load the ICU4J project into
You need both the main icu4j and a subproject called unicodetools. See:
<a href="http://ibm.com/software/globalization/icu/repository.jsp">
http://ibm.com/software/globalization/icu/repository.jsp</a>. Inside unicodetools, look at com/ibm/text. The
main directories of interest are UCD, UCA and utility.</p>
<h4>0a. If you are using Eclipse for your IDE, look at the instructions on
<a href="http://icu.sourceforge.net/docs/eclipse_howto/eclipse_howto.html">
http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/docs/eclipse_howto/eclipse_howto.html</a> </h4>
<p>Set up Eclipse to build two projects: ICU4J and UnicodeTools:<br>
Project Name: ICU4J<br>
Directory: C:\ICU4J\icu4j<br>
Default output folder = ICU4J/classes<br>
Project Name: UnicodeTools<br>
Directory: C:\ICU4J\unicodetools<br>
Default Output Folder: UnicodeTools/classes<br>
After Eclipse is set up with these, exclude certain files from UnicodeTools:<br>
Right-Click UnicodeTools > Properties > Java Build Path > Exclusions<br>
UnicodeTools must also include the ICU4J project, with<br>
Right-Click UnicodeTools > Properties > Java Build Path > Projects</p>
<h3>1. In UCD, you must edit UCD_Types.java at the top, to set the directories for the build:</h3>
<p>public static final String DATA_DIR = "C:\\DATA\\";<br>
public static final String UCD_DIR = BASE_DIR + "UCD\\";<br>
public static final String BIN_DIR = DATA_DIR + "BIN\\";<br>
public static final String GEN_DIR = DATA_DIR + "GEN\\";<br>
Make sure that each of these directories exist. Also make sure that the following<br>
<h3>2. Download all of the UnicodeData files for each version into UCD_DIR.</h3>
<p>The folder names must be of the form: "3.2.0-Update", so rename the folders on the<br>
Unicode site to this format.</p>
<h4>2a Ensure Complete Release</h4>
<p>If you are downloading any "incomplete" release (one that does not contain a complete set of data
files for that release, you need to also download the previous complete release). Most of the N.M-Update
directoriess are complete, *except*:</p>
<p>4.0-Update, which does not contain a copy of Unihan.txt and some other files<br>
3.1-Update, which does not contain a copy of BidiMirroring.txt</p>
<p>Also, make the following changes to UnicodeData for 1.1.5:</p>
<pre>3400;HANGUL SYLLABLE KIYEOK A;Lo;0;L;1100 1161;;;;N;;;;;
4E00;<cjk IDEOGRAPH REPRESENTATIVE>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;</pre>
<pre>4E00;<cjk Ideograph, First>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
9FA5;<cjk Ideograph, Last>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
E000;<private Use, First>;Co;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
F8FF;<private Use, Last>;Co;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;</pre>
<p><b>And from a late version of Unicode, add:</b></p>
<pre>F900;CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F900;Lo;0;L;8C48;;;;N;;;;;
<h4>2b. UCA data</h4>
<p>If you are building any of the UCA tools, you need to get a copy of the UCA data file<br>
from http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr10/#AllKeys. The default location for this is:<br>
BASE_DIR + "Collation\allkeys" + VERSION + ".txt".<br>
If you have it in a different location, change that value for KEYS in UCA.java, and <br>
the value for BASE_DIR</p>
<h4>2c. Here is an example of the default directory structure with files:</h4>
<h3>3. Versions</h3>
<p>All of the following have "version X" in the options you give to Java (either on the
command line, or in the Eclipse 'run' options. If you want a specific version like 3.1.0, then you
would write "version 3.1.1". If you want the latest version (4.1.0), you can omit the "version X".</p>
<h3>4. Running UCD, you will use com.ibm.text.UCD.Main as your main class.</h3>
<p>The Working directory has to be C:\ICU4J\unicodetools\com\ibm\text\UCD<br>
(In Eclipse you can also use ${workspace_loc:UnicodeTools/com/ibm/text/UCD}, which abstracts away
the location.)<br>
The same for UCA:</p>
<p>main: com.ibm.text.UCD.Main<br>
directory: <a href="file:///C:/ICU4J/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCA">
<h4>4a. BIN</h4>
<p>For each version, the tools build a set of binary data in BIN that contain the information for
that release. This is done automatically, or you can manually do it with the options<br>
version X build<br>
This builds an compressed format of all the UCD data (except blocks and Unihan) into the BIN
directory. Don't worry about the voluminous console messages, unless one says "FAIL".<br>
<font color="#FF0000"><i>You have to manually do this if you change any of the data files in that
<p>Note: if for any reason you modify the binary format of the BIN files, you also have to bump the
value in that file:<br>
static final byte BINARY_FORMAT = 8; // bumped if binary format of UCD changes</p>
<h4>4b. To build the Unicode files for a particular version X, run the Main with the following
<p>This will execute the commands in the file MakeUnicodeFiles.txt.</p>
<p>You will edit that file if you want a different 'd' version for the files, OR if you want to
change which files are built. At the top of the file you will see the following text:</p>
<pre>Generate: </pre>
<pre>DeltaVersion: 7</pre>
<h4>4c. To change which files are built, put any number of regular expressions separated by spaces
after Generate. Eg,</h4>
<pre>Generate: .*line.* prop.*</pre>
<p>The matching is case-insensitive.</p>
<h4>4d. To change the 'd' number that is appended to the generated files names, change the
<h4>4e. To run basic consistency checking, run:</h4>
<p>version X verify<br>
Don't worry about any console messages except those that say FAIL.</p>
<h4>4f. Output</h4>
<p>The files will be generated in the GEN directories.</p>
<li>If they are the same as previous files (except for the first line and Date), they will be
renamed to UNCHANGED... </li>
<li>If they are not, then a bat file will be generated in the DIFF directory. Double-clicking on
this file will launch CompareIt, which is a nice diff program. Get compareIt from
<a class="xurl" href="http://www.grigsoft.com/files.htm">http://www.grigsoft.com/files.htm</a> (be
sure to get the Unicode version),then you can also set it as the diff program in CVS with
Admin/Preferences/WinCVS, External Diff = C:\Program Files\Compare It!\wincmp3.exe (or equiv).</li>
<h3>5. Running UCA, you will use com.ibm.text.UCA.Main as your main class.</h3>
<h4>5a. To build all the UCA files used by ICU, use the option:</h4>
<p>java <UCA>Main ICU</p>
<h4>6. To build all the charts, use the UCA project, with options: normalizationChart caseChart
scriptChart indexChart</h4>