257 lines
7.0 KiB
257 lines
7.0 KiB
* File: mac_gentz.cpp
* Mac Codewarrior plugin version of gentz.
* Sean K. Todd (stodd@broadjump.com)
* Marty Saxton (msaxton@broadjump.com)
// local headers
#include "mac_utils.h"
//#include "cmemory.h"
//#include "utypes.h"
// Toolbox headers
#include "TextUtils.h"
// global variables
CWPluginContext gPluginContext;
extern "C" {
int main( int argc, char* argv[]);
//pascal OSErr FSpGetFullPath(const FSSpec *spec, short *fullPathLength, Handle *fullPath);
// plugin compiler exports.
#pragma export on
// define what file types are handled
CWPLUGIN_ENTRY( CWPlugin_GetDefaultMappingList)( const CWExtMapList** defaultMappingList)
static CWExtensionMapping sExtension = { 'TEXT', ".txt", 0 };
static CWExtMapList sExtensionMapList = { kCurrentCWExtMapListVersion, 1, &sExtension };
*defaultMappingList = &sExtensionMapList;
return cwNoErr;
// define what operations this plugin handles
CWPLUGIN_ENTRY( CWPlugin_GetDropInFlags)( const DropInFlags** flags, long* flagsSize)
static const DropInFlags sFlags = {
( kGeneratescode | kCompMultiTargAware | kCompAlwaysReload),
*flags = &sFlags;
*flagsSize = sizeof(sFlags);
return cwNoErr;
// define what platforms are supported by this plugin
// '****' - specifies any type
CWPLUGIN_ENTRY( CWPlugin_GetTargetList)( const CWTargetList** targetList)
static CWDataType sCPU = '****';
static CWDataType sOS = '****';
static CWTargetList sTargetList = { kCurrentCWTargetListVersion, 1, &sCPU, 1, &sOS };
*targetList = &sTargetList;
return cwNoErr;
// define the plugin's onscreen name
CWPLUGIN_ENTRY( CWPlugin_GetDropInName)( const char** dropinName)
static const char* sDropInName = "gentz";
*dropinName = sDropInName;
return cwNoErr;
#pragma export off
static CWResult Compile( CWPluginContext context)
// get the FileSpec of the file being processed
CWResult err = CWGetMainFileSpec( context, &gSourceFile);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
// get the index of the file to process, from the target link order
long fileNum;
err = CWGetMainFileNumber( context, &fileNum);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
// get the name of the source file to compile
gSourceFileName = p2c_strdup( gSourceFile.name);
if ( gSourceFileName == NULL)
return cwErrOutOfMemory;
// get the user specified directory from the Target Settings panel (if one exists)
err = CWGetOutputFileDirectory( gPluginContext, &gOutputFile);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err)) {
// else generate the output file into the project target's data directory
err = CWGetSuggestedObjectFileSpec( context, fileNum, &gOutputFile);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
/* // set the destination directory
Handle destH = 0;
short len = 0;
OSErr theErr = FSpGetFullPath( &gOutputFile, &len, &destH );
char* theDestPath;
char pathBuffer[1024];
if( destH ) {
uprv_memcpy(pathBuffer, ((char*)(*destH)), len);
pathBuffer[len] = 0;
theDestPath = pathBuffer;
destH = 0;
// get the source directory
Handle srcH = 0;
len = 0;
theErr = FSpGetFullPath( &gSourceFile, &len, &srcH );
char* theSrcPath;
char srcBuffer[1024];
if( srcH ) {
uprv_memcpy( srcBuffer, ((char*)(*srcH)), len);
srcBuffer[len] = 0;
theSrcPath = srcBuffer;
srcH = 0;
// set the destination directory
char* theDestPath = "";
char pathBuffer[1024];
get_path_string( &theDestPath, pathBuffer, &gOutputFile, false);
// set the source directory
char* theSrcPath = "";
char srcBuffer[1024];
get_path_string( &theSrcPath, srcBuffer, &gSourceFile, false);
int argc = 4;
char* argv[] = { "gentz", "-d", theDestPath, theSrcPath };
if ( setjmp( exit_jump) == 0) {
// Need to test that we can locate our file here so we don't
// have to in fopen(). That way, we won't get error messages
// from gentz.c when .dat files (that we don't care about)
// aren't found.
// err = LocateFile(gPluginContext, gSourceFileName, gSourceFile);
if ( main( argc, argv) != 0)
err = cwErrRequestFailed;
else {
// evidently the good old exit function got called.
if ( exit_status != 0)
err = cwErrRequestFailed;
// if the compilation succeeded, tell CodeWarrior about the output file.
// this ensures several things: 1. if the output file is deleted by the user,
// then the IDE will know to recompile it, which is good for dirty builds,
// where the output files may be hand deleted; 2. if the user elects to remove
// objects, the output files are deleted. Thanks to robv@metrowerks.com for
// pointing this new CWPro4 API out.
if ( err == cwNoErr) {
CWObjectData objectData;
::BlockZero( &objectData, sizeof( objectData));
// for fun, show how large the output file is in the data area.
long dataSize, rsrcSize;
if ( FSpGetFileSize(&gOutputFile, &dataSize, &rsrcSize) == noErr)
objectData.idatasize = dataSize;
// tell the IDE that this file was generated by the compiler.
objectData.objectfile = &gOutputFile;
err = CWStoreObjectData( context, fileNum, &objectData);
else {
// an error occured, delete the output file, which might be a partial file.
if ( gOutputFile.name[0] != 0) {
::FSpDelete( &gOutputFile);
delete[] gSourceFileName;
gSourceFileName = NULL;
return (err);
// main entry-point for gentz compiler plugin
pascal short gentz_compiler( CWPluginContext context)
short result = cwNoErr;
long request;
// Get the value indicating the task the IDE is currently asking the
// plugin to perform and make sure no error was evoked.
if ( CWGetPluginRequest( context, &request) != cwNoErr)
return cwErrRequestFailed;
gPluginContext = context;
result = cwNoErr;
// dispatch on compiler request
switch (request)
case reqInitCompiler: break; // compiler has just been loaded into memory
case reqTermCompiler: break; // compiler is about to be unloaded from memory
case reqCompile:
/* compile a source file */
result = Compile( context);
result = cwErrRequestFailed;
gPluginContext = 0;
return (result);