See #771
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<!-- © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
License & terms of use: -->
To build ICU data files:
1: Determine the CLDR base directory and set the CLDR_DIR environment variable.
2: Determine the flags required (see the list of properties below).
3: Run: ant -f build-icu-data.xml -D<flag-name>=<flag-value>...
<!-- TODO: Add things like copying of a template directory and deleting previous files
(perhaps always generate into a temporary directory and copy back to avoid having
inconsistent state when the conversion is cancelled). -->
<project name="Convert" default="convert" basedir=".">
<!-- Initialize the properties which were not already set on the command line. -->
<target name="init-args">
<property environment="env"/>
<condition property="hascldrdir" >
<isset property="env.CLDR_DIR" />
<fail unless="hascldrdir"
message="Please set the CLDR_DIR environment variable to the top level CLDR source dir (containing 'common')."/>
<!-- The base directory of the CLDR release from which CLDR data is obtained. For
legacy reasons, this must also match an environment variable called CLDR_DIR,
which is read here, so it is best to set this via the environment variable for
now. -->
<!-- TODO: Update this when the CLDR_DIR environment variable is no longer needed. -->
<property name="cldrDir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}"/>
<!-- The output directory into which to write the converted ICU data. By default
this will overwrite (without deletion) the ICU data files in this ICU release,
so it is recommended that for testing, it be set to another value. -->
<property name="outDir" value="${basedir}/../../../icu4c/source/data/"/>
<!-- The directory in which the additional ICU XML data is stored. -->
<property name="specialsDir" value="${basedir}/../../../icu4c/source/data/xml"/>
<!-- The minimum draft status for CLDR data to be used in the conversion. See
CldrDraftStatus for more details. -->
<property name="minDraftStatus" value="contributed"/>
<!-- Whether to emit a debug report containing some possibly useful information after
the conversion has finished. -->
<!-- TODO: Currently this isn't hugely useful, so find out what people want. -->
<property name="emitReport" value="false"/>
<!-- List of output "types" to be generated (e.g. "rbnf,plurals,locales"); an empty
list means "build everything".
Note that the grouping of types is based on the legacy converter behaviour and
is not always directly associated with an output directory (e.g. "locales"
produces locale data for curr/, lang/, main/, region/, unit/, zone/ but NOT
coll/, brkitr/ or rbnf/).
You can also specify by DTD type (e.g. dtdBcp47, dtdSupplemental or dtdLdml)
which is still not quite directly associated with output directories either,
since some supplemental data is also written to the curr/ directory.
See LdmlConverter.OutputType for the full list of valid types. -->
<!-- TODO: Find out what people actually want here and switch to that. -->
<property name="outputTypes" value=""/>
<!-- Build a standalone JAR which is called by Ant (and which avoids needing to mess
about making Ant know the Maven class-path). -->
<target name="prepare-jar" depends="init-args">
<exec executable="mvn" searchpath="true">
<arg value="compile"/>
<!-- Do the actual CLDR data conversion, based on the command line arguments, built in
default properties and the configuration in the "<convert>" element below. -->
<target name="convert" depends="init-args, prepare-jar">
<taskdef name="convert" classname="">
<pathelement path="target/cldr-to-icu-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar"/>
<convert cldrDir="${cldrDir}" outputDir="${outDir}" specialsDir="${specialsDir}"
minimalDraftStatus="${minDraftStatus}" emitReport="${emitReport}">
<!-- It is not at all clear why this is being done (we expect "sr_Latn_ME" normally).
TODO: Find out and document this properly. -->
<forcedAlias dir="coll" source="sr_ME" target="sr_Cyrl_ME"/>
<!-- This appears to be a hack to avoid needing to copy and maintain the same "zh"
data for "yue". The files for "yue" in this directory should be empty otherwise.
The maximized versions of "yue_Hans" is "yue_Hans_CN" (vs "zh_Hans_CN"), and for
"yue" it's "yue_Hant_HK" (vs "zh_Hant_HK"), so the aliases are effectively just
rewriting the base language. -->
<forcedAlias dir="coll" source="yue_Hans" target="zh_Hans"/>
<forcedAlias dir="coll" source="yue" target="zh_Hant"/>
<!-- It is not at all clear why this is being done. It's certainly not exactly the same
as above, since (a) the alias is reversed (b) "zh_Hant" does exist, with different
data than "yue", so this alias is not just rewriting the base language.
TODO: Find out and document this properly. -->
<forcedAlias dir="rbnf" source="zh_Hant_HK" target="yue"/>
<!-- The primary set of locale IDs to be generated. Other, directory specific, sets exist
and do not have to be subsets of this. Some of these ID are aliases, so XML files
may not exist for all of them. -->
<!-- TODO: Add locale ID inference to reduce this list considerably. -->
<localeIds dirs="curr,lang,locales,region,unit,zone">
// A
af, af_NA, af_ZA, agq, agq_CM, ak, ak_GH, am, am_ET, ar, ar_001,
ar_AE, ar_BH, ar_DJ, ar_DZ, ar_EG, ar_EH, ar_ER, ar_IL, ar_IQ,
ar_JO, ar_KM, ar_KW, ar_LB, ar_LY, ar_MA, ar_MR, ar_OM, ar_PS,
ar_QA, ar_SA, ar_SD, ar_SO, ar_SS, ar_SY, ar_TD, ar_TN, ar_YE, ars,
as, as_IN, asa, asa_TZ, ast, ast_ES, az, az_AZ, az_Cyrl, az_Cyrl_AZ,
az_Latn, az_Latn_AZ,
// B
bas, bas_CM, be, be_BY, bem, bem_ZM, bez, bez_TZ, bg, bg_BG, bm,
bm_ML, bn, bn_BD, bn_IN, bo, bo_CN, bo_IN, br, br_FR, brx, brx_IN,
bs, bs_Cyrl, bs_Cyrl_BA, bs_Latn, bs_Latn_BA, bs_BA,
// C
ca, ca_AD, ca_ES, ca_FR, ca_IT, ccp, ccp_BD, ccp_IN, ce, ce_RU,
ceb, ceb_PH, cgg, cgg_UG, chr, chr_US, ckb, ckb_IQ, ckb_IR, cs,
cs_CZ, cy, cy_GB,
// D
da, da_DK, da_GL, dav, dav_KE, de, de_AT, de_BE, de_CH, de_DE,
de_IT, de_LI, de_LU, dje, dje_NE, dsb, dsb_DE, dua, dua_CM, dyo,
dyo_SN, dz, dz_BT,
// E
ebu, ebu_KE, ee, ee_GH, ee_TG, el, el_CY, el_GR, en, en_001,
en_150, en_AE, en_AG, en_AI, en_AS, en_AT, en_AU, en_BB, en_BE,
en_BI, en_BM, en_BS, en_BW, en_BZ, en_CA, en_CC, en_CH, en_CK,
en_CM, en_CX, en_CY, en_DE, en_DG, en_DK, en_DM, en_ER, en_FI,
en_FJ, en_FK, en_FM, en_GB, en_GD, en_GG, en_GH, en_GI, en_GM,
en_GU, en_GY, en_HK, en_IE, en_IL, en_IM, en_IN, en_IO, en_JE,
en_JM, en_KE, en_KI, en_KN, en_KY, en_LC, en_LR, en_LS, en_MG,
en_MH, en_MO, en_MP, en_MS, en_MT, en_MU, en_MW, en_MY, en_NA,
en_NF, en_NG, en_NH, en_NL, en_NR, en_NU, en_NZ, en_PG, en_PH,
en_PK, en_PN, en_PR, en_PW, en_RH, en_RW, en_SB, en_SC, en_SD,
en_SE, en_SG, en_SH, en_SI, en_SL, en_SS, en_SX, en_SZ, en_TC,
en_TK, en_TO, en_TT, en_TV, en_TZ, en_UG, en_UM, en_US, en_US_POSIX,
en_VC, en_VG, en_VI, en_VU, en_WS, en_ZA, en_ZM, en_ZW, eo,
eo_001, es, es_419, es_AR, es_BO, es_BR, es_BZ, es_CL, es_CO,
es_CR, es_CU, es_DO, es_EA, es_EC, es_ES, es_GQ, es_GT, es_HN,
es_IC, es_MX, es_NI, es_PA, es_PE, es_PH, es_PR, es_PY, es_SV,
es_US, es_UY, es_VE, et, et_EE, eu, eu_ES, ewo, ewo_CM,
// F
fa, fa_AF, fa_IR, ff, ff_CM, ff_GN, ff_Latn, ff_Latn_BF, ff_Latn_CM,
ff_Latn_GH, ff_Latn_GM, ff_Latn_GN, ff_Latn_GW, ff_Latn_LR, ff_Latn_MR,
ff_Latn_NE, ff_Latn_NG, ff_Latn_SL, ff_Latn_SN, ff_MR, ff_SN, fi,
fi_FI, fil, fil_PH, fo, fo_DK, fo_FO, fr, fr_BE, fr_BF, fr_BI,
fr_BJ, fr_BL, fr_CA, fr_CD, fr_CF, fr_CG, fr_CH, fr_CI, fr_CM,
fr_DJ, fr_DZ, fr_FR, fr_GA, fr_GF, fr_GN, fr_GP, fr_GQ, fr_HT,
fr_KM, fr_LU, fr_MA, fr_MC, fr_MF, fr_MG, fr_ML, fr_MQ, fr_MR,
fr_MU, fr_NC, fr_NE, fr_PF, fr_PM, fr_RE, fr_RW, fr_SC, fr_SN,
fr_SY, fr_TD, fr_TG, fr_TN, fr_VU, fr_WF, fr_YT, fur, fur_IT,
fy, fy_NL,
// G
ga, ga_IE, gd, gd_GB, gl, gl_ES, gsw, gsw_CH, gsw_FR, gsw_LI,
gu, gu_IN, guz, guz_KE, gv, gv_IM,
// H
ha, ha_GH, ha_NE, ha_NG, haw, haw_US, he, he_IL, hi, hi_IN,
hr, hr_BA, hr_HR, hsb, hsb_DE, hu, hu_HU, hy, hy_AM,
// I
ia, ia_001, id, id_ID, ig, ig_NG, ii, ii_CN, in, in_ID, is,
is_IS, it, it_CH, it_IT, it_SM, it_VA, iw, iw_IL,
// J
ja, ja_JP, ja_JP_TRADITIONAL, jgo, jgo_CM, jmc, jmc_TZ, jv, jv_ID,
// K
ka, ka_GE, kab, kab_DZ, kam, kam_KE, kde, kde_TZ, kea, kea_CV,
khq, khq_ML, ki, ki_KE, kk, kk_KZ, kkj, kkj_CM, kl, kl_GL, kln,
kln_KE, km, km_KH, kn, kn_IN, ko, ko_KP, ko_KR, kok, kok_IN,
ks, ks_IN, ksb, ksb_TZ, ksf, ksf_CM, ksh, ksh_DE, ku, ku_TR,
kw, kw_GB, ky, ky_KG,
// L
lag, lag_TZ, lb, lb_LU, lg, lg_UG, lkt, lkt_US, ln, ln_AO,
ln_CD, ln_CF, ln_CG, lo, lo_LA, lrc, lrc_IQ, lrc_IR, lt, lt_LT,
lu, lu_CD, luo, luo_KE, luy, luy_KE, lv, lv_LV,
// M
mas, mas_KE, mas_TZ, mer, mer_KE, mfe, mfe_MU, mg, mg_MG, mgh,
mgh_MZ, mgo, mgo_CM, mi, mi_NZ, mk, mk_MK, ml, ml_IN, mn,
mn_MN, mo, mr, mr_IN, ms, ms_BN, ms_MY, ms_SG, mt, mt_MT, mua,
mua_CM, my, my_MM, mzn, mzn_IR,
// N
naq, naq_NA, nb, nb_NO, nb_SJ, nd, nd_ZW, nds, nds_DE, nds_NL,
ne, ne_IN, ne_NP, nl, nl_AW, nl_BE, nl_BQ, nl_CW, nl_NL, nl_SR,
nl_SX, nmg, nmg_CM, nn, nn_NO, nnh, nnh_CM, no, no_NO, no_NO_NY,
nus, nus_SS, nyn, nyn_UG,
// O
om, om_ET, om_KE, or, or_IN, os, os_GE, os_RU,
// P
pa, pa_Arab, pa_Arab_PK, pa_Guru, pa_Guru_IN, pa_IN, pa_PK, pl,
pl_PL, ps, ps_AF, ps_PK, pt, pt_AO, pt_BR, pt_CH, pt_CV, pt_GQ,
pt_GW, pt_LU, pt_MO, pt_MZ, pt_PT, pt_ST, pt_TL,
// Q
qu, qu_BO, qu_EC, qu_PE,
// R
rm, rm_CH, rn, rn_BI, ro, ro_MD, ro_RO, rof, rof_TZ, ru,
ru_BY, ru_KG, ru_KZ, ru_MD, ru_RU, ru_UA, rw, rw_RW, rwk, rwk_TZ,
// S
sah, sah_RU, saq, saq_KE, sbp, sbp_TZ, sd, sd_PK, se, se_FI,
se_NO, se_SE, seh, seh_MZ, ses, ses_ML, sg, sg_CF, sh, sh_BA,
sh_CS, sh_YU, shi, shi_Latn, shi_Latn_MA, shi_Tfng, shi_Tfng_MA,
shi_MA, si, si_LK, sk, sk_SK, sl, sl_SI, smn, smn_FI, sn, sn_ZW,
so, so_DJ, so_ET, so_KE, so_SO, sq, sq_AL, sq_MK, sq_XK, sr,
sr_Cyrl, sr_Cyrl_BA, sr_Cyrl_ME, sr_Cyrl_RS, sr_Cyrl_CS, sr_Cyrl_XK,
sr_Cyrl_YU, sr_Latn, sr_Latn_BA, sr_Latn_ME, sr_Latn_RS, sr_Latn_CS,
sr_Latn_XK, sr_Latn_YU, sr_BA, sr_ME, sr_RS, sr_CS, sr_XK, sr_YU,
sv, sv_AX, sv_FI, sv_SE, sw, sw_CD, sw_KE, sw_TZ, sw_UG,
// T
ta, ta_IN, ta_LK, ta_MY, ta_SG, te, te_IN, teo, teo_KE, teo_UG,
tg, tg_TJ, th, th_TH, th_TH_TRADITIONAL, ti, ti_ER, ti_ET, tk,
tk_TM, tl, tl_PH, to, to_TO, tr, tr_CY, tr_TR, tt, tt_RU,
twq, twq_NE, tzm, tzm_MA,
// U
ug, ug_CN, uk, uk_UA, ur, ur_IN, ur_PK, uz, uz_AF, uz_Arab,
uz_Arab_AF, uz_Cyrl, uz_Cyrl_UZ, uz_Latn, uz_Latn_UZ, uz_UZ,
// V
vai, vai_Latn, vai_Latn_LR, vai_LR, vai_Vaii, vai_Vaii_LR, vi,
vi_VN, vun, vun_TZ,
// W
wae, wae_CH, wo, wo_SN,
// X
xh, xh_ZA, xog, xog_UG,
// Y
yav, yav_CM, yi, yi_001, yo, yo_BJ, yo_NG, yue, yue_CN, yue_HK,
yue_Hans, yue_Hans_CN, yue_Hant, yue_Hant_HK,
// Z
zgh, zgh_MA, zh, zh_Hans, zh_Hans_CN, zh_Hans_HK, zh_Hans_MO,
zh_Hans_SG, zh_Hant, zh_Hant_HK, zh_Hant_MO, zh_Hant_TW, zh_CN,
zh_HK, zh_MO, zh_SG, zh_TW, zu, zu_ZA
<!-- TODO: Explain why these special cases are needed/different. -->
<localeIds dirs="coll">
// A-B
af, am, ars, ar, as, az, be, bg, bn, bo, bs_Cyrl, bs,
// C-F
ca, ceb, chr, cs, cy, da, de_AT, de, dsb, dz, ee, el, en,
en_US_POSIX, en_US, eo, es, et, fa_AF, fa, fil, fi, fo, fr_CA, fr,
// G-J
ga, gl, gu, ha, haw, he, hi, hr, hsb, hu, hy,
id_ID, id, ig, in, in_ID, is, it, iw_IL, iw, ja,
// K-P
ka, kk, kl, km, kn, kok, ko, ku, ky, lb, lkt, ln, lo, lt, lv,
mk, ml, mn, mo, mr, ms, mt, my, nb, ne, nl, nn, no_NO, no,
om, or, pa_IN, pa, pa_Guru, pl, ps, pt,
// R-T
ro, ru, se, sh_BA, sh_CS, sh, sh_YU, si, sk, sl, smn, sq,
sr_BA, sr_Cyrl_ME, sr_Latn, sr_ME, sr_RS, sr, sv, sw,
ta, te, th, tk, to, tr,
// U-Z
ug, uk, ur, uz, vi, wae, wo, xh, yi, yo, yue_CN, yue_Hans,
yue, zh_CN, zh_Hant, zh_HK, zh_MO, zh_SG, zh_TW, zh, zu
<localeIds dirs="rbnf">
// A-E
af, ak, am, ars, ar, az, be, bg, bs, ca, ccp, chr, cs, cy,
da, de_CH, de, ee, el, en_001, en_IN, en, eo, es_419, es_DO,
es_GT, es_HN, es_MX, es_NI, es_PA, es_PR, es_SV, es, es_US, et,
// F-P
fa_AF, fa, ff, fil, fi, fo, fr_BE, fr_CH, fr, ga, he, hi, hr,
hu, hy, id, in, is, it, iw, ja, ka, kl, km, ko, ky, lb,
lo, lrc, lt, lv, mk, ms, mt, my, nb, nl, nn, no, pl, pt_PT, pt,
// Q-Z
qu, ro, ru, se, sh, sk, sl, sq, sr_Latn, sr, sv, sw, ta, th, tr,
uk, vi, yue_Hans, yue, zh_Hant_HK, zh_Hant, zh_HK, zh_MO, zh_TW, zh
<localeIds dirs="brkitr">
de, el, en, en_US_POSIX, en_US, es, fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh_Hant, zh
</project> |