X-SVN-Rev: 9574
777 lines
28 KiB
777 lines
28 KiB
* Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCD/GenerateLineBreakTest.java,v $
* $Date: 2002/08/04 21:38:45 $
* $Revision: 1.2 $
package com.ibm.text.UCD;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import com.ibm.text.utility.*;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
public class GenerateLineBreakTest implements UCD_Types {
// COMMON STUFF for Hangul
static final byte hNot = -1, hL = 0, hV = 1, hT = 2, hLV = 3, hLVT = 4, hLIMIT = 5;
static final String[] hNames = {"L", "V", "T", "LV", "LVT"};
static byte getHangulType(int cp) {
if (Default.ucd.isLeadingJamo(cp)) return hL;
if (Default.ucd.isVowelJamo(cp)) return hV;
if (Default.ucd.isTrailingJamo(cp)) return hT;
if (Default.ucd.isHangulSyllable(cp)) {
if (Default.ucd.isDoubleHangul(cp)) return hLV;
return hLVT;
return hNot;
protected String rule;
protected String fileName = "Line";
// all the other items are supplied in UCD_TYPES
static byte LB_L = LB_LIMIT + hL, LB_V = LB_LIMIT + hV, LB_T = LB_LIMIT + hT,
LB2_LIMIT = (byte)(LB_SUP + 1);
String[] samples = new String[100];
byte[] TypeOrder = {
// missing from Pair Table
// resolved types below
// 3 JAMO CLASSES, plus supplementary
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new GenerateLineBreakTest().run();
new GenerateWordBreakTest().run();
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public void run() throws IOException {
// test individual cases
//printLine(out, samples[LB_ZW], "", samples[LB_CL]);
//printLine(out, samples[LB_ZW], " ", samples[LB_CL]);
PrintWriter out = Utility.openPrintWriter(fileName + "BreakTest.html", Utility.UTF8_WINDOWS);
out.println("<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'><title>"
+ fileName + "</title></head>");
out.println("<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><h3>Current (fixed only for consistency):</h3>");
generateTable(out, false);
generateTable(out, true);
String[] testCase = new String[50];
// do main test
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
out = Utility.openPrintWriter(fileName + (k == 0 ? "Test_SHORT.txt" : "Test.txt"), Utility.LATIN1_WINDOWS);
int counter = 0;
out.println("# Default " + fileName + " Break Test");
out.println("# Generated: " + Default.getDate() + ", MED");
out.println("# Format:");
out.println("# <string> (# <comment>)? ");
out.println("# <string> contains hex Unicode code points, with ");
out.println("#\t" + BREAK + " wherever there is a break opportunity, and ");
out.println("#\t" + NOBREAK + " wherever there is not.");
out.println("# <comment> the format can change, but currently it shows:");
out.println("#\t- the sample character name");
out.println("#\t- (x) the line_break property* for the sample character");
out.println("#\t- [x] the rule that determines whether there is a break or not");
out.println("# Samples:");
out.println("# The test currently takes all pairs of linebreak types*,");
out.println("# picks a sample for each type, and generates three strings: ");
out.println("#\t- the pair alone");
out.println("#\t- the pair alone with an imbeded space");
out.println("#\t- the pair alone with embedded combining marks");
out.println("# The sample for each type is simply the first code point (above NULL)");
out.println("# with that property.");
out.println("# * Note:");
out.println("#\t- SG is omitted");
out.println("#\t- 3 different Jamo characters and a supplementary character are added");
out.println("#\t The syllable types for the Jamo (L, V, T) are displayed in comments");
out.println("#\t instead of the linebreak property");
out.println("# These samples may be extended in the future.");
for (int ii = 0; ii < getLimit(); ++ii) {
int i = TypeOrder[ii];
if (i == LB_SG) continue;
String before = samples[i];
for (int jj = 0; jj < getLimit(); ++jj) {
int j = TypeOrder[jj];
if (j == LB_SG) continue;
String after = samples[j];
// do line straight
int len = genTestItems(before, after, testCase);
for (int q = 0; q < len; ++q) {
printLine(out, testCase[q], k != 0 && q == 0, false);
out.println("# Lines: " + counter);
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public int genTestItems(String before, String after, String[] results) {
results[0] = before + after;
results[1] = before + " " + after;
results[2] = before + "\u0301\u0308" + after;
return 3;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
boolean skipType(byte type) {
return type == LB_AI || type == LB_SA || type == LB_SG || type == LB_XX;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public String getTypeID(int cp) {
byte result = getType(cp);
if (result == LB_SUP) return "SUP";
if (result >= LB_LIMIT) return hNames[result - LB_LIMIT];
return Default.ucd.getLineBreakID_fromIndex(result);
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public byte getType(int cp) {
if (cp > 0xFFFF) return LB_SUP;
byte result = getHangulType(cp);
if (result != hNot) return (byte)(result + LB_LIMIT);
return Default.ucd.getLineBreak(cp);
public int getLimit() {
return LB2_LIMIT;
public int getTableLimit() {
return LB_SUP; // skip last;
public void generateTable(PrintWriter out, boolean recommended) {
String width = "width='" + (100 / (getTableLimit() + 1)) + "%'";
out.print("<table border='1' cellspacing='0'><tr><th " + width + "></th>");
byte type;
for (int i = 0; i < getTableLimit(); ++i) {
type = TypeOrder[i];
if (skipType(type)) continue;
String h = getTypeID(samples[TypeOrder[i]]);
out.print("<th " + width + ">" + h + "</th>");
String[] rule = new String[1];
String[] rule2 = new String[1];
for (int i = 0; i < getTableLimit(); ++i) {
type = TypeOrder[i];
if (skipType(type)) continue;
String before = samples[type];
String line = "<tr><th>" + getTypeID(before) + "</th>";
for (int j = 0; j < getTableLimit(); ++j) {
type = TypeOrder[j];
if (skipType(type)) continue;
String after = samples[type];
String t = getTableEntry(before, after, recommended, rule);
String background = "";
String t2 = getTableEntry(before, after, !recommended, rule2);
if (!t.equals(t2)) {
if (t.equals(NOBREAK)) {
background = " bgcolor='#CCFFFF'";
} else {
background = " bgcolor='#FFFF00'";
} else if (t.equals(NOBREAK)) {
background = " bgcolor='#CCCCFF'";
line += "<th title='" + rule[0] + "'" + background + ">" + t + "</th>";
out.println(line + "</tr>");
public String getTableEntry(String before, String after, boolean recommended, String[] ruleOut) {
String t = "_";
boolean spaceBreak = isBreak(before + " " + after, before.length() + 1, recommended);
String spaceRule = rule;
boolean spaceBreak2 = isBreak(before + " " + after, before.length(), recommended);
String spaceRule2 = rule;
boolean normalBreak = isBreak(before + after, before.length(), recommended);
String normalRule = rule;
if (!normalBreak) {
if (!spaceBreak && !spaceBreak2) {
t = "^";
rule = spaceRule.equals(normalRule) ? normalRule : spaceRule + "/" + normalRule;
if (!spaceRule2.equals(normalRule) && !spaceRule2.equals(spaceRule)) {
rule += "/" + spaceRule2;
} else {
t = "%";
rule = normalRule;
ruleOut[0] = rule;
return t;
static final String BREAK = "\u00F7";
static final String NOBREAK = "\u00D7";
public void printLine(PrintWriter out, String source, boolean comments, boolean recommended) {
int cp;
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer comment = new StringBuffer("\t# ");
String status = isBreak(source, 0, recommended) ? BREAK : NOBREAK;
comment.append(' ').append(status).append(" [").append(rule).append(']');
for (int offset = 0; offset < source.length(); offset += UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) {
cp = UTF16.charAt(source, offset);
if (string.length() > 0) {
string.append(' ');
comment.append(' ');
comment.append(Default.ucd.getName(cp) + " (" + getTypeID(cp) + ")");
status = isBreak(source, offset + UTF16.getCharCount(cp), recommended) ? BREAK : NOBREAK;
string.append(' ').append(status);
comment.append(' ').append(status).append(" [").append(rule).append(']');
if (comments) string.append(comment);
public void findSamples() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) {
if (!Default.ucd.isAllocated(i)) continue;
if (0xD800 <= i && i <= 0xDFFF) continue;
if(i == 0x1100) {
byte lb = getType(i);
if (samples[lb] == null) {
samples[lb] = UTF16.valueOf(i);
for (int i = 0; i < TypeOrder.length; ++i) {
String sample = samples[i];
System.out.println(getTypeID(sample) + ":\t" + Default.ucd.getCodeAndName(sample));
public String getTypeID(String s) {
if (s == null) return "<null>";
if (s.length() == 1) return getTypeID(s.charAt(0));
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
int cp;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += UTF32.count16(cp)) {
cp = UTF32.char32At(s, i);
if (i > 0) result.append(" ");
return result.toString();
public int findLastNon(String source, int offset, byte notLBType, boolean recommended) {
int cp;
for (int i = offset-1; i >= 0; i -= UTF16.getCharCount(cp)) {
cp = UTF16.charAt(source, i);
byte f = getResolvedType(cp, recommended);
if (f != notLBType) return i;
return -1;
public byte getResolvedType (int cp, boolean recommended) {
// LB 1 Assign a line break category to each character of the input.
// Resolve AI, CB, SA, SG, XX into other line break classes depending on criteria outside this algorithm.
byte result = getType(cp);
switch (result) {
case LB_AI: result = LB_AI; break;
// case LB_CB: result = LB_ID; break;
case LB_SA: result = LB_AL; break;
// case LB_SG: result = LB_XX; break; Surrogates; will never occur
case LB_XX: result = LB_AL; break;
if (recommended) {
if (getHangulType(cp) != hNot) {
result = LB_ID;
return result;
public boolean onCodepointBoundary(String s, int offset) {
if (offset < 0 || offset > s.length()) return false;
if (offset == 0 || offset == s.length()) return true;
if (UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s.charAt(offset-1))
&& UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(s.charAt(offset))) return false;
return true;
// find out whether there is a break at offset
// WARNING: as a side effect, sets "rule"
public boolean isBreak(String source, int offset, boolean recommended) {
// LB 1 Assign a line break category to each character of the input.
// Resolve AI, CB, SA, SG, XX into other line break classes depending on criteria outside this algorithm.
// this is taken care of in the getResolvedType function
// LB 2a Never break at the start of text
if (offset <= 0) return false;
// LB 2b Always break at the end of text
if (offset >= source.length()) return true;
// UTF-16: never break in the middle of a code point
if (!onCodepointBoundary(source, offset)) return false;
// now get the character before and after, and their types
int cpBefore = UTF16.charAt(source, offset-1);
int cpAfter = UTF16.charAt(source, offset);
byte before = getResolvedType(cpBefore, recommended);
byte after = getResolvedType(cpAfter, recommended);
// Always break after hard line breaks (but never between CR and LF).
// CR ^ LF
if (before == LB_CR && after == LB_LF) return false;
if (before == LB_BK || before == LB_LF || before == LB_CR) return true;
//LB 3b Don<6F>t break before hard line breaks.
if (after == LB_BK || after == LB_LF | after == LB_CR) return false;
// LB 4 Don<6F>t break before spaces or zero-width space.
// <20> SP
// <20> ZW
if (after == LB_SP || after == LB_ZW) return false;
// LB 5 Break after zero-width space.
// ZW <20>
if (before == LB_ZW) return true;
// LB 6 Don<6F>t break graphemes (before combining marks, around virama or on sequences of conjoining Jamos.
if (after == LB_CM) return false;
if (before == LB_L && (after == LB_L || after == LB_V || after == LB_LV || after == LB_LVT)) return false;
if ((before == LB_LV || before == LB_V) && (after == LB_V || after == LB_T)) return false;
if ((before == LB_LVT || before == LB_T) && (after == LB_T)) return false;
boolean setBase = false;
if (before == LB_CM) {
setBase = true;
int backOffset = findLastNon(source, offset, LB_CM, recommended);
if (backOffset < 0) {
before = LB_ID;
} else {
before = getResolvedType(UTF16.charAt(source, backOffset), recommended);
// LB 7 In all of the following rules, if a space is the base character for a combining mark,
// the space is changed to type ID. In other words, break before SP CM* in the same cases as
// one would break before an ID.
if (setBase && before == LB_SP) before = LB_ID;
// LB 8 Don<6F>t break before <20>]<5D> or <20>!<21> or <20>;<3B> or <20>/<2F>, even after spaces.
// <20> CL, <20> EX, <20> IS, <20> SY
if (after == LB_CL || after == LB_EX || after == LB_SY | after == LB_IS) return false;
// find the last non-space character; we will need it
byte lastNonSpace = before;
if (lastNonSpace == LB_SP) {
int backOffset = findLastNon(source, offset, LB_CM, recommended);
if (backOffset >= 0) {
lastNonSpace = getResolvedType(UTF16.charAt(source, backOffset), recommended);
// LB 9 Don<6F>t break after <20>[<5B>, even after spaces.
// OP SP* <20>
if (lastNonSpace == LB_OP) return false;
// LB 10 Don<6F>t break within <20><>[<5B>, , even with intervening spaces.
// QU SP* <20> OP
if (lastNonSpace == LB_QU && after == LB_OP) return false;
// LB 11 Don<6F>t break within <20>]h<>, even with intervening spaces.
// CL SP* <20> NS
if (lastNonSpace == LB_CL && after == LB_NS) return false;
// LB 11a Don<6F>t break within <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>, even with intervening spaces.
// B2 <20> B2
if (lastNonSpace == LB_B2 && after == LB_B2) return false;
if (recommended) {
// LB 13 Don<6F>t break before or after NBSP or WORD JOINER
// <20> GL
// GL <20>
if (after == LB_GL || before == LB_GL) return false;
// [Note: by this time, all of the "X" in the table are accounted for. We can safely break after spaces.]
// LB 12 Break after spaces
// SP <20>
if (before == LB_SP) return true;
if (!recommended) {
// LB 13 Don<6F>t break before or after NBSP or WORD JOINER
// <20> GL
// GL <20>
if (after == LB_GL || before == LB_GL) return false;
// LB 14 Don<6F>t break before or after <20><><EFBFBD>
// <20> QU
// QU <20>
if (before == LB_QU || after == LB_QU) return false;
// LB 15 Don<6F>t break before hyphen-minus, other hyphens, fixed-width spaces,
// small kana and other non- starters, or after acute accents:
// <20> BA
// <20> HY
// <20> NS
// BB <20>
if (recommended) {
// LB 14a Break before and after CB
// CB <20>
// <20> CB
if (before == LB_CB || after == LB_CB) return true;
if (after == LB_NS) return false;
if (after == LB_HY) return false;
if (after == LB_BA) return false;
if (before == LB_BB) return false;
if (!recommended) {
// LB 15b Break after hyphen-minus, and before acute accents:
// HY <20>
// <20> BB
if (before == LB_HY) return true;
if (after == LB_BB) return true;
// LB 16 Don<6F>t break between two ellipses, or between letters or numbers and ellipsis:
// AL <20> IN
// ID <20> IN
// IN <20> IN
// NU <20> IN
// Examples: <20>9...<2E>, <20>a...<2E>, <20>H...<2E>
if ((before == LB_NU || before == LB_AL || before == LB_ID) && after == LB_IN) return false;
if (before == LB_IN && after == LB_IN) return false;
// Don't break alphanumerics.
// LB 17 Don<6F>t break within <20>a9<61>, <20>3a<33>, or <20>H%<25>
// ID <20> PO
// AL <20> NU
// NU <20> AL
// Numbers are of the form PR ? ( OP | HY ) ? NU (NU | IS) * CL ? PO ?
// Examples: $(12.35) 2,1234 (12)<29> 12.54<EFBFBD>
// This is approximated with the following rules. (Some cases already handled above,
// like <20>9,<2C>, <20>[9<>.)
if (before == LB_ID && after == LB_PO) return false;
if (before == LB_AL && after == LB_NU) return false;
if (before == LB_NU && after == LB_AL) return false;
// LB 18 Don<6F>t break between the following pairs of classes.
// CL <20> PO
// HY <20> NU
// IS <20> NU
// NU <20> NU
// NU <20> PO
// PR <20> AL
// PR <20> HY
// PR <20> ID
// PR <20> NU
// PR <20> OP
// SY <20> NU
// Example pairs: <20>$9<>, <20>$[<5B>, <20>$-<2D>, <20>-9<>, <20>/9<>, <20>99<39>, <20>,9<>, <20>9%<25> <20>]%<25>
if (before == LB_CL && after == LB_PO) return false;
if (before == LB_HY && after == LB_NU) return false;
if (before == LB_IS && after == LB_NU) return false;
if (before == LB_NU && after == LB_NU) return false;
if (before == LB_NU && after == LB_PO) return false;
if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_AL) return false;
if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_HY) return false;
if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_ID) return false;
if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_NU) return false;
if (before == LB_PR && after == LB_OP) return false;
if (before == LB_SY && after == LB_NU) return false;
if (recommended) {
// LB 15b Break after hyphen-minus, and before acute accents:
// HY <20>
// <20> BB
if (before == LB_HY) return true;
if (after == LB_BB) return true;
// LB 19 Don<6F>t break between alphabetics (<28>at<61>)
// AL <20> AL
if (before == LB_AL && after == LB_AL) return false;
// LB 20 Break everywhere else
// ALL <20>
// <20> ALL
return true;
static class GenerateWordBreakTest extends GenerateLineBreakTest {
static final byte CR = 0, LF = 1, Control = 2, Extend = 3, Link = 4, CGJ = 5, Base = 6, LetterBase = 7, Other = 8,
L = oLIMIT + hL, V = oLIMIT + hV, T = oLIMIT + hT, LV = oLIMIT + hLV, LVT = oLIMIT + hLVT,
LIMIT = LVT + 1;
static final String[] Names = {"CR", "LF", "CTL", "Extend", "Link", "CGJ", "Base", "LetterBase", "Other" };
static UnicodeProperty extendProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(DERIVED | GraphemeExtend);
static UnicodeProperty baseProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(DERIVED | GraphemeBase);
static UnicodeProperty linkProp = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(BINARY_PROPERTIES | GraphemeLink);
fileName = "Word";
TypeOrder = new byte[LIMIT];
for (byte i = 0; i < TypeOrder.length; ++i) {
TypeOrder[i] = i;
boolean skipType(byte type) {
return false;
public int getLimit() {
return LIMIT;
public int getTableLimit() {
return LIMIT;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public int genTestItems(String before, String after, String[] results) {
results[0] = before + after;
return 1;
public String getTableEntry(String before, String after, boolean recommended, String[] ruleOut) {
boolean normalBreak = isBreak(before + after, before.length(), recommended);
String normalRule = rule;
ruleOut[0] = rule;
return normalBreak ? BREAK : NOBREAK;
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public String getTypeID(int cp) {
byte type = getType(cp);
if (type >= oLIMIT) return hNames[type - oLIMIT];
return Names[type];
// stuff that subclasses need to override
public byte getType(int cp) {
// single characters
if (cp == 0xA) return LF;
if (cp == 0xD) return CR;
if (cp == 0x034F) return CGJ;
if (cp == 0x2028 || cp == 0x2029) return Control;
// Hangul
byte result = getHangulType(cp);
if (result != hNot) return (byte)(result + oLIMIT);
// other properties
// category based
byte cat = Default.ucd.getCategory(cp);
if (cat == Cc) return Control;
if (cat == Cf) return Extend;
if (((1<<cat) & LETTER_MASK) != 0) return LetterBase;
// other binary properties
if (linkProp.hasValue(cp)) return Link;
if (extendProp.hasValue(cp)) return Extend;
if (baseProp.hasValue(cp)) return Base;
return Other;
public byte getResolvedType(int cp, boolean recommended) {
return getType(cp);
public boolean isBreak(String source, int offset, boolean recommended) {
if (offset < 0 || offset > source.length()) return false;
if (offset == 0) return true;
rule = "2";
if (offset == source.length()) return true;
// UTF-16: never break in the middle of a code point
if (!onCodepointBoundary(source, offset)) return false;
// now get the character before and after, and their types
int cpBefore = UTF16.charAt(source, offset-1);
int cpAfter = UTF16.charAt(source, offset);
byte before = getResolvedType(cpBefore, recommended);
byte after = getResolvedType(cpAfter, recommended);
rule = "3";
if (before == CR && after == LF) return false;
rule = "4";
if (before == CR || before == LF || before == Control
|| after == Control || after == LF || after == CR) return true;
rule = "6";
if (before == L && (after == L || after == V || after == LV || after == LVT)) return false;
rule = "7";
if ((before == LV || before == V) && (after == V || after == T)) return false;
rule = "8";
if ((before == LVT || before == T) && (after == T)) return false;
rule = "9";
if (after == Extend) return false;
if (recommended) {
if (after == Link || after == CGJ) return false;
} else {
// Do not break around a CGJ.
rule = "10";
if (before == CGJ && (after == Base
|| after == LetterBase || after == L || after == V || after == T || after == LV || after == LVT)) return false;
rule = "11";
if (after == CGJ) return false;
// Do not break between linking characters and letters, or before linking characters. This provides for Indic graphemes, where virama (halant) will link character clusters together.
rule = "12";
//Link Extend* <20> LetterBase (12)
if (after == LetterBase || after == L || after == V || after == T || after == LV || after == LVT) {
int backOffset = findLastNon(source, offset, Extend, recommended);
if (backOffset >= 0) {
byte last = getResolvedType(UTF16.charAt(source, backOffset), recommended);
if (last == Link) return false;
rule = "13";
if (after == Link) return false;
// Otherwise break after all characters.
rule = "14";
return true;
} |