760 lines
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760 lines
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* Copyright (C) 1997-2000, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 03/22/00 aliu Adapted from original C++ ICU Hashtable.
#include "uhash.h"
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
/* This hashtable is implemented as a double hash. All elements are
* stored in a single array with no secondary storage for collision
* resolution (no linked list, etc.). When there is a hash collision
* (when two unequal keys have the same hashcode) we resolve this by
* using a secondary hash. The secondary hash is an increment
* computed as a hash function (a different one) of the primary
* hashcode. This increment is added to the initial hash value to
* obtain further slots assigned to the same hash code. For this to
* work, the length of the array and the increment must be relatively
* prime. The easiest way to achieve this is to have the length of
* the array be prime, and the increment be any value from
* 1..length-1.
* Hashcodes are 32-bit integers. We make sure all hashcodes are
* non-negative by masking off the top bit. This has two effects: (1)
* modulo arithmetic is simplified. If we allowed negative hashcodes,
* then when we computed hashcode % length, we could get a negative
* result, which we would then have to adjust back into range. It's
* simpler to just make hashcodes non-negative. (2) It makes it easy
* to check for empty vs. occupied slots in the table. We just mark
* empty or deleted slots with a negative hashcode.
* The central function is _uhash_find(). This function looks for a
* slot matching the given key and hashcode. If one is found, it
* returns a pointer to that slot. If the table is full, and no match
* is found, it returns NULL -- in theory. This would make the code
* more complicated, since all callers of _uhash_find() would then
* have to check for a NULL result. To keep this from happening, we
* don't allow the table to fill. When there is only one
* empty/deleted slot left, uhash_put() will refuse to increase the
* count, and fail. This simplifies the code. In practice, one will
* seldom encounter this using default UHashtables. However, if a
* hashtable is set to a U_FIXED resize policy, or if memory is
* exhausted, then the table may fill.
* High and low water ratios control rehashing. They establish levels
* of fullness (from 0 to 1) outside of which the data array is
* reallocated and repopulated. Setting the low water ratio to zero
* means the table will never shrink. Setting the high water ratio to
* one means the table will never grow. The ratios should be
* coordinated with the ratio between successive elements of the
* PRIMES table, so that when the primeIndex is incremented or
* decremented during rehashing, it brings the ratio of count / length
* back into the desired range (between low and high water ratios).
* PRIVATE Constants, Macros
/* This is a list of non-consecutive primes chosen such that
* PRIMES[i+1] ~ 2*PRIMES[i]. (Currently, the ratio ranges from 1.81
* to 2.18; the inverse ratio ranges from 0.459 to 0.552.) If this
* ratio is changed, the low and high water ratios should also be
* adjusted to suit.
static int32_t PRIMES[] = {
17, 37, 67, 131, 257, 521, 1031, 2053, 4099, 8209, 16411, 32771,
65537, 131101, 262147, 524309, 1048583, 2097169, 4194319, 8388617,
16777259, 33554467, 67108879, 134217757, 268435459, 536870923,
1073741827, 2147483647
#define PRIMES_LENGTH (sizeof(PRIMES) / sizeof(PRIMES[0]))
/* These ratios are tuned to the PRIMES array such that a resize
* places the table back into the zone of non-resizing. That is,
* after a call to _uhash_rehash(), a subsequent call to
* _uhash_rehash() should do nothing (should not churn). This is only
* a potential problem with U_GROW_AND_SHRINK.
static const float RESIZE_POLICY_RATIO_TABLE[6] = {
/* low, high water ratio */
0.0F, 0.5F, /* U_GROW: Grow on demand, do not shrink */
0.1F, 0.5F, /* U_GROW_AND_SHRINK: Grow and shrink on demand */
0.0F, 1.0F /* U_FIXED: Never change size */
Invariants for hashcode values:
* EMPTY < 0
* Real hashes >= 0
Hashcodes may not start out this way, but internally they are
adjusted so that they are always positive. We assume 32-bit
hashcodes; adjust these constants for other hashcode sizes.
#define HASH_DELETED ((int32_t) 0x80000000)
#define HASH_EMPTY ((int32_t) HASH_DELETED + 1)
#define IS_EMPTY_OR_DELETED(x) ((x) < 0)
#define HASH_DELETE_KEY_VALUE(hash, key, value) \
if (hash->keyDeleter != NULL && key != NULL) { \
(*hash->keyDeleter)(key); \
} \
if (hash->valueDeleter != NULL && value != NULL) { \
(*hash->valueDeleter)(value); \
* Debugging
/* Enable this section to compile in runtime assertion checking. */
/* #define HASH_DEBUG */
#include <stdio.h>
#define assert(exp) (void)( (exp) || (_assert(#exp, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0) )
static void _assert(const char* exp, const char* file, int line) {
printf("ERROR: assert(%s) failed: %s, line %d\n",
exp, file, line);
#define assert(exp)
* PRIVATE Prototypes
static UHashtable* _uhash_create(UHashFunction keyHash, UKeyComparator keyComp,
int32_t primeIndex, UErrorCode *status);
static void _uhash_allocate(UHashtable *hash, int32_t primeIndex,
UErrorCode *status);
static void _uhash_rehash(UHashtable *hash);
static UHashElement* _uhash_find(const UHashtable *hash, const void* key,
int32_t hashcode);
static void* _uhash_internalRemoveElement(UHashtable *hash, UHashElement* e);
static void* _uhash_setElement(UHashtable* hash, UHashElement* e,
int32_t hashcode, void* key, void* value);
static void _uhash_internalSetResizePolicy(UHashtable *hash, enum UHashResizePolicy policy);
U_CAPI UHashtable*
uhash_open(UHashFunction keyHash, UKeyComparator keyComp,
UErrorCode *status) {
return _uhash_create(keyHash, keyComp, 3, status);
U_CAPI UHashtable*
uhash_openSize(UHashFunction keyHash, UKeyComparator keyComp,
int32_t size,
UErrorCode *status) {
/* Find the smallest index i for which PRIMES[i] >= size. */
int32_t i = 0;
while (i<(PRIMES_LENGTH-1) && PRIMES[i]<size) {
return _uhash_create(keyHash, keyComp, i, status);
U_CAPI void
uhash_close(UHashtable *hash) {
assert(hash != NULL);
if (hash->elements != NULL) {
if (hash->keyDeleter != NULL || hash->valueDeleter != NULL) {
int32_t pos=-1;
UHashElement *e;
while ((e = (UHashElement*) uhash_nextElement(hash, &pos)) != NULL) {
HASH_DELETE_KEY_VALUE(hash, e->key, e->value);
hash->elements = NULL;
U_CAPI UHashFunction
uhash_setKeyHasher(UHashtable *hash, UHashFunction fn) {
UHashFunction result = hash->keyHasher;
hash->keyHasher = fn;
return result;
U_CAPI UKeyComparator
uhash_setKeyComparator(UHashtable *hash, UKeyComparator fn) {
UKeyComparator result = hash->keyComparator;
hash->keyComparator = fn;
return result;
U_CAPI UObjectDeleter
uhash_setKeyDeleter(UHashtable *hash, UObjectDeleter fn) {
UObjectDeleter result = hash->keyDeleter;
hash->keyDeleter = fn;
return result;
U_CAPI UObjectDeleter
uhash_setValueDeleter(UHashtable *hash, UObjectDeleter fn) {
UObjectDeleter result = hash->valueDeleter;
hash->valueDeleter = fn;
return result;
U_CAPI void
uhash_setResizePolicy(UHashtable *hash, enum UHashResizePolicy policy) {
_uhash_internalSetResizePolicy(hash, policy);
hash->lowWaterMark = (int32_t)(hash->length * hash->lowWaterRatio);
hash->highWaterMark = (int32_t)(hash->length * hash->highWaterRatio);
U_CAPI int32_t
uhash_count(const UHashtable *hash) {
return hash->count;
U_CAPI void*
uhash_get(const UHashtable *hash,
const void* key) {
return _uhash_find(hash, key, hash->keyHasher(key))->value;
U_CAPI void*
uhash_put(UHashtable *hash,
void* key,
void* value,
UErrorCode *status) {
/* Put finds the position in the table for the new value. If the
* key is already in the table, it is deleted, if there is a
* non-NULL keyDeleter. Then the key, the hash and the value are
* all put at the position in their respective arrays.
int32_t hashcode;
UHashElement* e;
if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto err;
assert(hash != NULL);
if (value == NULL) {
/* Disallow storage of NULL values, since NULL is returned by
* get() to indicate an absent key. Storing NULL == removing.
return uhash_remove(hash, key);
if (hash->count > hash->highWaterMark) {
hashcode = (*hash->keyHasher)(key);
e = _uhash_find(hash, key, hashcode);
assert(e != NULL);
if (IS_EMPTY_OR_DELETED(e->hashcode)) {
/* Important: We must never actually fill the table up. If we
* do so, then _uhash_find() will return NULL, and we'll have
* to check for NULL after every call to _uhash_find(). To
* avoid this we make sure there is always at least one empty
* or deleted slot in the table. This only is a problem if we
* are out of memory and rehash isn't working.
if (hash->count == hash->length) {
/* Don't allow count to reach length */
goto err;
/* We must in all cases handle storage properly. If there was an
* old key, then it must be deleted (if the deleter != NULL).
* Make hashcodes stored in table positive.
return _uhash_setElement(hash, e, hashcode & 0x7FFFFFFF, key, value);
/* If the deleters are non-NULL, this method adopts its key and/or
* value arguments, and we must be sure to delete the key and/or
* value in all cases, even upon failure.
HASH_DELETE_KEY_VALUE(hash, key, value);
return NULL;
U_CAPI void*
uhash_remove(UHashtable *hash,
const void* key) {
/* First find the position of the key in the table. If the object
* has not been removed already, remove it. If the user wanted
* keys deleted, then delete it also. We have to put a special
* hashcode in that position that means that something has been
* deleted, since when we do a find, we have to continue PAST any
* deleted values.
void* result = NULL;
UHashElement* e = _uhash_find(hash, key, hash->keyHasher(key));
assert(e != NULL);
if (!IS_EMPTY_OR_DELETED(e->hashcode)) {
result = _uhash_internalRemoveElement(hash, e);
if (hash->count < hash->lowWaterMark) {
return result;
U_CAPI void
uhash_removeAll(UHashtable *hash) {
int32_t pos = -1;
const UHashElement *e;
assert(hash != NULL);
if (hash->count != 0) {
while ((e = uhash_nextElement(hash, &pos)) != NULL) {
uhash_removeElement(hash, e);
assert(hash->count == 0);
U_CAPI const UHashElement*
uhash_nextElement(const UHashtable *hash, int32_t *pos) {
/* Walk through the array until we find an element that is not
* EMPTY and not DELETED.
int32_t i;
assert(hash != NULL);
for (i = *pos + 1; i < hash->length; ++i) {
if (!IS_EMPTY_OR_DELETED(hash->elements[i].hashcode)) {
*pos = i;
return &(hash->elements[i]);
/* No more elements */
return NULL;
U_CAPI void*
uhash_removeElement(UHashtable *hash, const UHashElement* e) {
assert(hash != NULL);
assert(e != NULL);
if (!IS_EMPTY_OR_DELETED(e->hashcode)) {
return _uhash_internalRemoveElement(hash, (UHashElement*) e);
return NULL;
* PUBLIC Key Hash Functions
Compute the hash by iterating sparsely over about 32 (up to 63)
characters spaced evenly through the string. For each character,
multiply the previous hash value by a prime number and add the new
character in, like a linear congruential random number generator,
producing a pseudorandom deterministic value well distributed over
the output range. [LIU]
int32_t hash = 0; \
if (key != NULL) { \
const TYPE *p = (const TYPE*) key; \
int32_t len = STRLEN; \
int32_t inc = ((len - 32) / 32) + 1; \
const TYPE *limit = p + len; \
while (p<limit) { \
hash = (hash * 37) + DEREF; \
p += inc; \
} \
} \
return hash
U_CAPI int32_t
uhash_hashUChars(const void *key) {
STRING_HASH(UChar, u_strlen(p), *p);
/* Used by UnicodeString to compute its hashcode - Not public API. */
U_CAPI int32_t
uhash_hashUCharsN(const UChar *key, int32_t length) {
STRING_HASH(UChar, length, *p);
U_CAPI int32_t
uhash_hashChars(const void *key) {
STRING_HASH(uint8_t, uprv_strlen((char*)p), *p);
U_CAPI int32_t
uhash_hashIChars(const void *key) {
STRING_HASH(uint8_t, uprv_strlen((char*)p), uprv_tolower(*p));
* PUBLIC Comparator Functions
uhash_compareUChars(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
const UChar *p1 = (const UChar*) key1;
const UChar *p2 = (const UChar*) key2;
if (p1 == p2) {
return TRUE;
if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) {
return FALSE;
while (*p1 != 0 && *p1 == *p2) {
return (*p1 == *p2);
uhash_compareChars(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
const char *p1 = (const char*) key1;
const char *p2 = (const char*) key2;
if (p1 == p2) {
return TRUE;
if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) {
return FALSE;
while (*p1 != 0 && *p1 == *p2) {
return (*p1 == *p2);
uhash_compareIChars(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
const char *p1 = (const char*) key1;
const char *p2 = (const char*) key2;
if (p1 == p2) {
return TRUE;
if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) {
return FALSE;
while (*p1 != 0 && uprv_tolower(*p1) == uprv_tolower(*p2)) {
return (*p1 == *p2);
* PUBLIC int32_t Support Functions
U_CAPI int32_t
uhash_hashLong(const void *key) {
return (int32_t) key;
uhash_compareLong(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
return key1 == key2;
* PUBLIC Deleter Functions
U_CAPI void
uhash_freeBlock(void *obj) {
* PRIVATE Implementation
static UHashtable*
_uhash_create(UHashFunction keyHash, UKeyComparator keyComp,
int32_t primeIndex,
UErrorCode *status) {
UHashtable *result;
if (U_FAILURE(*status)) return NULL;
assert(keyHash != NULL);
assert(keyComp != NULL);
result = (UHashtable*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(UHashtable));
if (result == NULL) {
return NULL;
result->keyHasher = keyHash;
result->keyComparator = keyComp;
result->keyDeleter = NULL;
result->valueDeleter = NULL;
_uhash_internalSetResizePolicy(result, U_GROW);
_uhash_allocate(result, primeIndex, status);
if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
return NULL;
return result;
* Allocate internal data array of a size determined by the given
* prime index. If the index is out of range it is pinned into range.
* If the allocation fails the status is set to
* U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR and all array storage is freed. In
* either case the previous array pointer is overwritten.
* Caller must ensure primeIndex is in range 0..PRIME_LENGTH-1.
static void
_uhash_allocate(UHashtable *hash,
int32_t primeIndex,
UErrorCode *status) {
UHashElement *p, *limit;
if (U_FAILURE(*status)) return;
assert(primeIndex >= 0 && primeIndex < PRIMES_LENGTH);
hash->primeIndex = primeIndex;
hash->length = PRIMES[primeIndex];
p = hash->elements = (UHashElement*)
uprv_malloc(sizeof(UHashElement) * hash->length);
if (hash->elements == NULL) {
limit = p + hash->length;
while (p < limit) {
p->key = NULL;
p->value = NULL;
p->hashcode = HASH_EMPTY;
hash->count = 0;
hash->lowWaterMark = (int32_t)(hash->length * hash->lowWaterRatio);
hash->highWaterMark = (int32_t)(hash->length * hash->highWaterRatio);
* Attempt to grow or shrink the data arrays in order to make the
* count fit between the high and low water marks. hash_put() and
* hash_remove() call this method when the count exceeds the high or
* low water marks. This method may do nothing, if memory allocation
* fails, or if the count is already in range, or if the length is
* already at the low or high limit. In any case, upon return the
* arrays will be valid.
static void
_uhash_rehash(UHashtable *hash) {
UHashElement *old = hash->elements;
int32_t oldLength = hash->length;
int32_t newPrimeIndex = hash->primeIndex;
int32_t i;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
if (hash->count > hash->highWaterMark) {
if (++newPrimeIndex >= PRIMES_LENGTH) {
} else if (hash->count < hash->lowWaterMark) {
if (--newPrimeIndex < 0) {
} else {
_uhash_allocate(hash, newPrimeIndex, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
hash->elements = old;
hash->length = oldLength;
for (i = oldLength - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!IS_EMPTY_OR_DELETED(old[i].hashcode)) {
UHashElement *e = _uhash_find(hash, old[i].key, old[i].hashcode);
assert(e != NULL);
assert(e->hashcode == HASH_EMPTY);
e->key = old[i].key;
e->value = old[i].value;
e->hashcode = old[i].hashcode;
* Look for a key in the table, or if no such key exists, the first
* empty slot matching the given hashcode. Keys are compared using
* the keyComparator function.
* First find the start position, which is the hashcode modulo
* the length. Test it to see if it is:
* a. identical: First check the hash values for a quick check,
* then compare keys for equality using keyComparator.
* b. deleted
* c. empty
* Stop if it is identical or empty, otherwise continue by adding a
* "jump" value (moduloing by the length again to keep it within
* range) and retesting. For efficiency, there need enough empty
* values so that the searchs stop within a reasonable amount of time.
* This can be changed by changing the high/low water marks.
* In theory, this function can return NULL, if it is full (no empty
* or deleted slots) and if no matching key is found. In practice, we
* prevent this elsewhere (in uhash_put) by making sure the last slot
* in the table is never filled.
* The size of the table should be prime for this algorithm to work;
* otherwise we are not guaranteed that the jump value (the secondary
* hash) is relatively prime to the table length.
static UHashElement*
_uhash_find(const UHashtable *hash, const void* key,
int32_t hashcode) {
int32_t firstDeleted = -1; /* assume invalid index */
int32_t theIndex, startIndex;
int32_t jump = 0; /* lazy evaluate */
int32_t tableHash;
hashcode &= 0x7FFFFFFF; /* must be positive */
startIndex = theIndex = (hashcode ^ 0x4000000) % hash->length;
do {
tableHash = hash->elements[theIndex].hashcode;
if (tableHash == hashcode) { /* quick check */
if ((*hash->keyComparator)(key, hash->elements[theIndex].key)) {
return &(hash->elements[theIndex]);
} else if (!IS_EMPTY_OR_DELETED(tableHash)) {
/* We have hit a slot which contains a key-value pair,
* but for which the hash code does not match. Keep
* looking.
} else if (tableHash == HASH_EMPTY) { /* empty, end o' the line */
} else if (firstDeleted < 0) { /* remember first deleted */
firstDeleted = theIndex;
if (jump == 0) { /* lazy compute jump */
/* The jump value must be relatively prime to the table
* length. As long as the length is prime, then any value
* 1..length-1 will be relatively prime to it.
jump = (hashcode % (hash->length - 1)) + 1;
theIndex = (theIndex + jump) % hash->length;
} while (theIndex != startIndex);
if (firstDeleted >= 0) {
theIndex = firstDeleted; /* reset if had deleted slot */
} else if (tableHash != HASH_EMPTY) {
/* We get to this point if the hashtable is full (no empty or
* deleted slots), and we've failed to find a match. THIS
* WILL NEVER HAPPEN as long as uhash_put() makes sure that
* count is always < length.
return NULL; /* Never happens if uhash_put() behaves */
return &(hash->elements[theIndex]);
static void*
_uhash_setElement(UHashtable *hash, UHashElement* e,
int32_t hashcode, void* key, void* value) {
void* oldKey = e->key;
void* oldValue = e->value;
if (hash->keyDeleter != NULL && oldKey != NULL &&
oldKey != key) { /* Avoid double deletion */
if (oldValue == value) { /* Avoid double deletion */
oldValue = NULL;
if (hash->valueDeleter != NULL && oldValue != NULL) {
oldValue = NULL;
e->key = key;
e->value = value;
e->hashcode = hashcode;
return oldValue;
* Assumes that the given element is not empty or deleted.
static void*
_uhash_internalRemoveElement(UHashtable *hash, UHashElement* e) {
return _uhash_setElement(hash, e, HASH_DELETED, NULL, NULL);
static void
_uhash_internalSetResizePolicy(UHashtable *hash, enum UHashResizePolicy policy) {
assert(hash == 0);
assert(((int32_t)policy) >= 0);
assert(((int32_t)policy) < 3);
hash->lowWaterRatio = RESIZE_POLICY_RATIO_TABLE[policy * 2];
hash->highWaterRatio = RESIZE_POLICY_RATIO_TABLE[policy * 2 + 1];