X-SVN-Rev: 18047
226 lines
8.3 KiB
226 lines
8.3 KiB
* Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* $Source: /xsrl/Nsvn/icu/unicodetools/com/ibm/text/UCD/QuickTest.java,v $
* $Date: 2005/06/24 23:51:52 $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
package com.ibm.text.UCD;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.util.BagFormatter;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSetIterator;
import com.ibm.text.utility.*;
public class QuickTest implements UCD_Types {
public static class Length {
String title;
int bytesPerCodeUnit;
int longestCodePoint = -1;
int longestLength = 0;
UnicodeSet longestSet = new UnicodeSet();
Length(String title, int bytesPerCodeUnit) {
this.title = title;
this.bytesPerCodeUnit = bytesPerCodeUnit;
void add(int codePoint, int codeUnitLength) {
if (codeUnitLength > longestLength) {
longestCodePoint = codePoint;
longestLength = codeUnitLength;
System.out.println(title + " \t(" + codeUnitLength*bytesPerCodeUnit + " bytes, "
+ codeUnitLength + " code units) \t"
+ Default.ucd().getCodeAndName(codePoint));
} else if (codeUnitLength == longestLength) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
getLengths("NFC", Default.nfc());
getLengths("NFD", Default.nfd());
getLengths("NFKC", Default.nfkc());
getLengths("NFKD", Default.nfkd());
static final int skip = (1<<UCD.UNASSIGNED) | (1<<UCD.PRIVATE_USE) | (1<<UCD.SURROGATE);
private static void getLengths(String title, Normalizer normalizer) throws IOException {
Length utf8Len = new Length(title + "\tUTF8", 1);
Length utf16Len = new Length(title + "\tUTF16", 1);
Length utf32Len = new Length(title + "\tUTF32", 1);
for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) {
int type = Default.ucd().getCategoryMask(i);
if ((type & skip) != 0) continue;
String norm = normalizer.normalize(i);
utf8Len.add(i, getUTF8Length(norm));
utf16Len.add(i, norm.length());
utf32Len.add(i, UTF16.countCodePoint(norm));
UnicodeSet common = new UnicodeSet(utf8Len.longestSet)
if (common.size() > 0) {
UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(common);
System.out.println("Common Exemplar: " + Default.ucd().getCodeAndName(it.codepoint));
static ByteArrayOutputStream utf8baos;
static Writer utf8bw;
static int getUTF8Length(String source) throws IOException {
if (utf8bw == null) {
utf8baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
utf8bw = new OutputStreamWriter(utf8baos, "UTF-8");
return utf8baos.size();
static final void test() {
String test2 = "ab\u263ac";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(test2, "\u263a");
try {
while (true) {
String s = st.nextToken();
} catch (Exception e) { }
StringReader r = new StringReader(test2);
StreamTokenizer s = new StreamTokenizer(r);
try {
while (true) {
int x = s.nextToken();
if (x == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) break;
} catch (Exception e) { }
String testString = "en-Arab-200-gaulish-a-abcd-def-x-abcd1234-12345678";
for (int i = testString.length() + 1; i > 0; --i) {
String trunc = truncateValidLanguageTag(testString, i);
System.out.println(i + "\t" + trunc + "\t" + trunc.length());
static String truncateValidLanguageTag(String tag, int limit) {
if (tag.length() <= limit) return tag;
// legit truncation point has - after, and two letters before
do {
if (tag.charAt(limit) == '-' && tag.charAt(limit-1) != '-' && tag.charAt(limit-2) != '-') break;
} while (--limit > 2);
return tag.substring(0,limit);
static final void test2() {
UnicodeSet format = new UnicodeSet("[:Cf:]");
[4] NameStartChar := ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] |
[#xC0-#x2FF] | [#x370-#x37D] | [#x37F-#x1FFF] |
[#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] |
[#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xEFFFF]
[4a] NameChar := NameStartChar | "-" | "." | [0-9] | #xB7 |
[#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040]
UnicodeSet nameStartChar = new UnicodeSet("[\\: A-Z \\_ a-z"
+ "\\u00c0-\\u02FF \\u0370-\\u037D \\u037F-\\u1FFF"
+ "\\u200C-\\u200D \\u2070-\\u218F \\u2C00-\\u2FEF"
+ "\\u3001-\\uD7FF \\uF900-\\U000EFFFF]");
UnicodeSet nameChar = new UnicodeSet("[\\- \\. 0-9 \\u00B7 "
+ "\\u0300-\\u036F \\u203F-\\u2040]")
UnicodeSet nameAll = new UnicodeSet(nameChar).addAll(nameStartChar);
showSet("NameStartChar", nameStartChar);
showDiffs("NameChar", nameChar, "NameStartChar", nameStartChar);
UnicodeSet ID_Start = new UnicodeSet("[:ID_Start:]");
UnicodeSet ID_Continue = new UnicodeSet("[:ID_Continue:]").removeAll(format);
UnicodeSet ID_All = new UnicodeSet(ID_Start).addAll(ID_Continue);
showDiffs("ID_All", ID_All, "nameAll", nameAll);
showDiffs("ID_Start", ID_Start, "nameStartChar", nameStartChar);
UnicodeSet defaultIgnorable = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(DERIVED | DefaultIgnorable).getSet();
UnicodeSet whitespace = UnifiedBinaryProperty.make(BINARY_PROPERTIES | White_space).getSet();
UnicodeSet notNFKC = new UnicodeSet();
UnicodeSet privateUse = new UnicodeSet();
UnicodeSet noncharacter = new UnicodeSet();
for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; ++i) {
if (!Default.ucd().isAllocated(i)) continue;
if (!Default.nfkc().isNormalized(i)) notNFKC.add(i);
if (Default.ucd().isNoncharacter(i)) noncharacter.add(i);
if (Default.ucd().getCategory(i) == PRIVATE_USE) privateUse.add(i);
showSet("notNFKC in NameChar", new UnicodeSet(notNFKC).retainAll(nameChar));
showSet("notNFKC outside of NameChar", new UnicodeSet(notNFKC).removeAll(nameChar));
showSet("Whitespace in NameChar", new UnicodeSet(nameChar).retainAll(whitespace));
showSet("Whitespace not in NameChar", new UnicodeSet(whitespace).removeAll(nameChar));
showSet("Noncharacters in NameChar", new UnicodeSet(noncharacter).retainAll(noncharacter));
showSet("Noncharacters outside of NameChar", new UnicodeSet(noncharacter).removeAll(nameChar));
showSet("Format in NameChar", new UnicodeSet(nameChar).retainAll(format));
showSet("Other Default_Ignorables in NameChar", new UnicodeSet(defaultIgnorable).removeAll(format).retainAll(nameChar));
showSet("PrivateUse in NameChar", new UnicodeSet(defaultIgnorable).retainAll(privateUse));
UnicodeSet CID_Start = new UnicodeSet("[:ID_Start:]").removeAll(notNFKC);
UnicodeSet CID_Continue = new UnicodeSet("[:ID_Continue:]")
UnicodeSet CID_Continue_extras = new UnicodeSet(CID_Continue).removeAll(CID_Start);
showDiffs("NoK_ID_Start", CID_Start, "NameStartChar", nameStartChar);
showDiffs("NoK_ID_Continue_Extras", CID_Continue_extras, "NameChar", nameChar);
System.out.println("Removing canonical singletons");
static void showDiffs(String title1, UnicodeSet set1, String title2, UnicodeSet set2) {
showSet(title1 + " - " + title2, new UnicodeSet(set1).removeAll(set2));
static void showSet(String title1, UnicodeSet set1) {
if (set1.size() == 0) {
System.out.println("\tCount:" + set1.size());
System.out.println("\tSet:" + set1.toPattern(true));
Utility.showSetNames("", set1, false, Default.ucd());
} |