2001-02-03 02:17:16 +00:00
data ICU-833 2001-02-03 01:47:08 +00:00
debian ICU-648 fix debian/rules. 2000-11-27 22:37:51 +00:00
docs ICU-776 Add ISO 3166 country code index to time zone data and new API to TimeZone 2001-02-02 19:26:56 +00:00
packaging ICU-648 updated to version number 1.7 2000-11-22 06:39:11 +00:00
source ICU-776 gcc dies if we have *country != NULL instead of *country != 0 2001-02-03 02:17:16 +00:00
.cvsignore ICU-648 Don't ignore debian. 2000-12-14 01:08:41 +00:00
license.html ICU-161 IPSL version needs not to be changed. 2000-01-11 19:30:59 +00:00
readme.html ICU-653 update to readme.html regarding library name changes on win32 2001-01-08 20:05:13 +00:00

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  <body lang="en-US">
    <h1>International Components for Unicode<br>

    <p>Version: 2000-Dec-15<br>
     Copyright &copy; 1997-2000 International Business Machines Corporation
    and others. All Rights Reserved.</p>



    <ul type="disc">
      <li><a href="#news">Late Breaking News And What Is New?</a></li>

      <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>

      <li><a href="#WhatContain">What the International Components for
      Unicode Contain</a></li>

      <li><a href="#PlatformDependencies">Platform Dependencies</a></li>

      <li><a href="#ImportantNotes">Important Installation Notes</a></li>

      <li><a href="#HowToInstall">How to Build And Install ICU</a></li>

      <li><a href="#WhereToFindMore">Where To Find More Information</a></li>

      <li><a href="#SubmittingComments">Submitting Comments, Requesting
      Features and Reporting Bugs</a></li>

    <h2><a name="#news">Late Breaking News And What Is New?</a></h2>

      <li><a href="#win32LibNames">Library names are changed and moved on Win32</a></li>
      <li><a href="#sharedLibNote">Using Shared Data Libraries</a></li>

      <li><a href="#ErrcodeChanges">Important Change Of Error Codes From
      Streaming Conversion Functions</a> (change for ICU 1.6)</li>

      <li><a href="#collation">The collation implementation is being reworked</a></li>

      <li>We have improved or added support for country variants of ISO-2022, HZ, UTF-32 (incomplete), and GB 18030</li>

      <li><a href="#API_documentation">Updated API documentation</a></li>

      <li>For more news about this release, see the <a href="">online release notes</a>.</li>

    <h2><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></h2>

    <p>Today's software market is a global one in which it is desirable to
    develop and maintain one application that supports a wide variety of
    national languages. International Components for Unicode provides the
    following tools to help you write language independent applications:</p>

    <ul type="disc">
      <li>UnicodeString supporting the Unicode 3.0 standard</li>

      <li>Resource bundles for storing and accessing localized

      <li>Number formatters for converting binary numbers into text strings
      for meaningful display</li>

      <li>Date and time formatters for converting internal time data into
      text strings for meaningful display</li>

      <li>Message formatters for putting together sequences of strings,
      numbers dates and other format to create messages</li>

      <li>Text collation supporting language sensitive comparison of

      <li>Text boundary analysis for finding characters, word and sentence

      <li>Changing simple data files rather than modifying program code
      easily localizes applications written using these tools</li>

      <li>Over 150 locales supported. Visit the <a href=
      site for a demonstration and a full list of supported locales or see the
      <a href="">index file with the supported locales</a>.
      Also see the <a href="">User Guide</a>.</li>

    <p>It is possible to support additional locales by adding more locale
    data files, with no code changes.</p>

    <p>Please refer to POSIX programmer's Guide for details on what the ISO
    locale ID means.</p>

    <p>Your comments are important to making this release successful. We are
    committed to fixing any bugs, and will also use your feedback to help
    plan future releases.</p>

    <p><strong><u>IMPORTANT</u>: Please make sure you understand the <a href=
    "license.html">Copyright and License information</a>.</strong></p>


    <h2><a name="WhatContain">What the International Components for Unicode

    <p>There are two ways to download the ICU releases,</p>

    <ul type="disc">
      <li><strong>Official Release Snapshot:</strong><br>
       If you want to use ICU (as opposed to developing it), your best bet is
      to download an official, packaged ICU version of the ICU source code.
      These versions are tested more thoroughly than day-to-day development
      builds of the system, and they are packaged in zip and tar files for
      convenient download. These packaged files can be found at <a href=

       If packaged snapshot is named <strong></strong> or <strong>ICUXXXXXX.tgz</strong> , XXXXXX
      is the release version number.<br>
       Please unzip this file. It will re-construct the source
      directory, including anonymous CVS control directories (see below).</li>

      <li><strong>CVS Source Repository:</strong><br>
       If you are interested in developing features, patches, or bug fixes
      for ICU, you should probably be working with the latest version of the
      ICU source code. You will need to check the code out of our CVS
      repository to ensure that you have the most recent version of all of
      the files. There are several ways to do this:</li>

      <li style="list-style: none">
        <ul type="circle">
           If you want to browse the code and only make occasional downloads,
          you may want to use WebCVS. It provides a convenient, web-based
          interface for browsing and downloading the latest version of the
          ICU source code and documentation. You can also view each file's
          revision history, display the differences between individual
          revisions, determine which revisions were part of which official
          release, and so on.</li>

             If you will be doing serious work on ICU, you should probably
            install a CVS client on your own machine so that you can do batch
            operations without going through the WebCVS interface. On
            Windows, we suggest the WinCVS client. The following is the
            example instruction on how to download ICU via WinCVS: 

              <li>Install the WinCVS client, which you can download from the
              WinCVS home page.</li>

              <li>In the WinCVS preferences, specify your CVSRoot to be
               with the password "anoncvs". To enter the CVSRoot value,
              select "Preferences" from the "Cvs Admin" pull-down menu.
              Authentication should be set to "'passwd' file on the cvs

              <li>To "extract" the most recent version of ICU, select
              "Checkout module" from the "Cvs Admin" menu. Specify "icu" for
              the module name.</li>

          <li>CVS command line:<br>
           You can also check out the repository anonymously on UNIX using
          the following commands, after first setting your CVSROOT to point
          to the ICU repository:<br>
           cvs login CVS password: anoncvs<br>
           cvs checkout icu<br>
           cvs logout</i></li>

    <p>For more details on how to download ICU directly from the web site,
    please also see <a href=

    <p>Below, <strong>$Root</strong> is the placement of the icu directory in
    your file system, like "drive:\...\icu" in your environment. "drive:\..."
    stands for any drive and any directory on that drive that you chose to
    install icu into.</p>

    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
      <caption align="left">
        <strong>The following files describe the code drop</strong>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Describes the International Components for Unicode (this

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Contains IBM's public license</p>


    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
      <caption align="left">
        <strong>The following directories contain source code and data

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>The core Unicode and support functionality,
           such as resource bundles, character properties, locales,
           codepage conversion, and normalization.Unicode, Locale,
          UnicodeString. </p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Modules in i18n are generally the more data-driven, that is
          to say resource bundle driven, components. These deal with
          higher level internationalization issues such as formatting,
          collation, text break analysis, and transliteration.</p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>A test suite including all C++ APIs. For information about
          running the test suite, see the users' guide.</p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>A test suite written in C, including all C APIs. For information about running
          the test suite, see the users' guide.</p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          This directory contains the source data in text format, which is
          compiled into binary form during the ICU build process.  The output from these files is stored in $Root/source/data/build while awaiting further packaging.

          <li><b>unidata/</b> This directory contains the Unicode data
          files. Please see <a href=
          ""></a> for more
          <li><b>Resource Bundle sources</b>  .txt files containing 
             ICU language and culture-specific localization data.
             Two special bundles are <b>root</b> which is the fallback
             data and parent of other bundles, and <b>index</b> which 
             contains a list of installed bundles.                <b>resfiles.txt</b> contains the list of resource bundle files.<p>
             Also here are transliteration bundles, and the list of installed
             transliteration files in <b>translit_index.txt</b>.<p>

             All resource bundles are compiled into .res files.
               <b>ucmfiles.txt</b> contains the list of converter files.

          <li><b>Code page converter tables</b> .ucm files containing mappings to and from unicode. These are compiled into .cnv files.

          <li><b>convrtrs.txt</b> is the alias mapping table from various converter name formats to ICU internal format and vice versa.  It produces cnvalias.dat.

          <li><b>timezone.txt</b> is a generated file which is compiled into tz.dat, containing time zone information.


        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>This directory is where the final, packaged version of the
          ICU binary data ends up.  If the ICU_DATA environment variable is
          used, then it should be set to this directory.  
          The intermediate individual data files (.res, .cnv) are kept
          in the subdirectory "$Root/source/data/build" prior to packaging.

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Tools for generating the data files. Data files are generated by
          invoking $Root/source/data/build/makedata.bat on Win32 or
          $Root/source/make on unix.</p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Various sample programs that use ICU</p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Non-supported API additions. Currently, it contains the 'ustdio' file i/o library</p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Contains the ICU layout engine (not a rasterizer).</p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>These directories contain scripts and tools for packaging the final ICU build for various release platforms.

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Contains helper makefiles for platform specific build commands. Used by 'configure'.</p>

        <td width="20%">

        <td width="80%">
          <p>Contains top level ICU project files, for instance to build
          all of ICU under one MSVC project.</p>


    <!-- end of ICU structure ==================================== -->

    <h2><a name="PlatformDependencies">Platform Dependencies</a></h2>

    <p>The platform dependencies have been mostly isolated into the following files:</p>

    <ul type="disc">
        <u></u>: (autoconf'ed platforms)<BR>
        <u>p<I>XXXX</I>.h</u>  (others: pwin32.h, pos2.h, pmacos.h, ..): Platform-dependent typedefs and defines:<br>

        <ul type="circle">
          <li>XP_CPLUSPLUS for C++ only.</li>

          <li>TRUE and FALSE, bool_t, int8_t, int16_t etc.</li>

          <li>U_EXPORT and U_IMPORT for specifying dynamic library import and

    <ul type="disc">
        <u>putil.c:</u> platform-dependent implementations of various
        functions that are platform dependent: (declared in putil.h)<br>

        <ul type="circle">
          <li>icu_isNaN, icu_isInfinite(double), icu_getNaN();
          icu_getInfinity for handling special floating point values.</li>

          <li>icu_tzset, icu_timezone, icu_tzname and time for reading
          platform specific time and timezone information.</li>

          <li>icu_getDefaultDataDirectory, icu_getDefaultLocaleID for reading
          the locale setting and data directory.</li>

          <li>icu_isBigEndian for finding the endianess of the platform.</li>

          <li>icu_nextDouble is used specifically by the ChoiceFormat

    <ul type="disc">
        <u>umutex.h and umutex.c</u>: Code for doing synchronization in
        multithreaded applications. If you wish to use International
        Components for Unicode in a multithreaded application, you must
        provide a synchronization primitive that the classes can use to
        protect their global data against simultaneous modifications. See
        Users' guide for more information.<br>

        <ul type="circle">
          <li>We supply sample implementations for WinNT, Win95, Win98,
          Sun/Solaris, RedHat/Linux, HP-UX and for AIX on an RS/6000.</li>


    <ul type="disc">
        <u>udata.h</u> and <u>udata.c</u>: The data-accessing interface in ICU is implemented
        such that there is a lot of flexibility for reading a data file. Each
        platform can tune the performance of file accessing for its
        environment by choosing to implement one of the following

        <ul type="circle">

          <li>Memory map</li>

          <li>Plain text</li>

          <li>If you are changing the platform-dependent files, utypes.h and
          putil.h may also be interesting, but shouldn't have to be changed.
          If you think any other files than the ones mentioned above have
          platform dependencies, please contact us.</li>

          <li>For the Intltest test suite, intltest.cpp in
          "icu/source/test/intltest/" contains the method pathnameInContext,
          which must also be adapted to any new platform.</li>


    <h2><a name="ImportantNotes">Important Installation Notes</a></h2>

    <h3><a name="ImportantNotesWin32">Win32 Platform</a></h3>

    <h3><a name="win32LibNames">BREAKING NEWS: Library names are changed and libraries are moved on Win32</a></h3>
    <p>As it was previously mentioned and proposed on <a href="">ICU list</a>, 
    ICU libraries on Win32 are now renamed and relocated. The following changes took place:</p>

    <li>in icu\lib:</li>
            <li>Debug\icuuc.lib -> icuucd.lib</li>
            <li>Release\icuuc.lib -> icuuc.lib</li>
            <li>Debug\icui18n.lib -> icuind.lib</li>
            <li>Release\icui18n.lib -> icuin.lib</li>
            <li>Debug\ustdio.lib -> icuiod.lib</li>
            <li>Release\ustdio.lib -> icuio.lib</li>
    <li>in icu\bin:</li>
            <li>Debug\icuuc.dll -> icuuc17d.dll</li>
            <li>Release\icuuc.dll -> icuuc17.dll</li>
            <li>Debug\icui18n.dll -> icuin17d.dll</li>
            <li>Release\icui18n.dll -> icuin17.dll</li>
            <li>Debug\ustdio.dll -> icuio17d.dll</li>
            <li>Release\ustdio.dll -> icuio17.dll</li>

        <p>Also, ctestfw and ex toolutil (now icutu17) libraries appeared in icu\bin
        and icu\lib dirs, but this shouldn't concern regular users of icu.</p>

<h4>What to do, how to cope?</h4>

        <p>When you first try to compile your programs with new version of icu,
        compilation will fail. The following steps are required:</p>
                <li>change your path from ...\icu\bin\debug or ...\icu\bin\release to just ...\icu\bin</li>
                <li>make the same change for MSVC executable directory setting (tools->options->directories)</li>
                <li>In all your .dsp files (project settings), on linker tab change input libraries according to the above scheme. You want to do it for both debug and release versions.</li>

        <p>When a new, binary incompatible version appears after 1.7, the libraries will change the version number, so you will have to rename libraries in your projects again. However, this way you can have several versions of icu on the same machine and change the libraries for different programs without having to change path settings on your machine.</p>


    <p>If you are building on the Win32 platform, it is important that you
    understand a few build details:</p>

    <p><u>DLL directories and the PATH setting:</u> As delivered, the
    International Components for Unicode build as several DLLs. These DLLs
    are placed in the directories "icu\bin\Debug" and "icu\bin\Release". You
    must add either of these directories to the PATH environment variable in
    your system, or any executables you build will not be able to access
    International Components for Unicode libraries. Alternatively, you can
    copy the DLL files into a directory already in your PATH, but we do not
    recommend this. You can wind up with multiple copies of the DLL and wind
    up using the wrong one.</p>

    <p><u>To change your PATH:</u> When you are not using the debug version,
    you will want to change the "Debug" part of the path to "Release" instead
    (the $Root is the root ICU installation directory e.g.

    <ul type="disk">
      <li><strong>Windows 2000</strong>: Use the System Icon in the Control
      Panel. Pick the "Advanced" tab. Select the "Environment Variables..."
      button. Select the variable PATH in the lower box, and select the lower
      "Edit..." button. In the "Variable Value" box, append the string
      ";$Root\bin\Debug" to the end of the path string. If there is nothing
      there, just type in "$Root\bin\Debug". Click the Set button, then the
      OK button.</li>

      <li><strong>Windows NT</strong>: Use the System Icon in the Control
      Panel. Pick the "Environment" tab, and select the variable PATH in the
      lower box. In the "value" box, append the string ";$Root\bin\Debug" at
      the end of the path string. If there is nothing there, just type in
      "drive:\...\icu\bin\Debug". Click the Set button, then the Ok

      <li><strong>Windows 95/98/ME</strong>: Edit the autoexec.bat, and add
      the following line to the end of file, "SET

    <p><u>Link with Runtime libraries:</u> All the DLLs link with the C
    runtime library "Debug Multithreaded DLL" or "Multithreaded DLL." (This
    is changed through the Project Settings dialog, on the C/C++ tab, under
    Code Generation.) It is important that any executable or other DLL you
    build which uses the International Components for Unicode DLLs links with
    these runtime libraries as well. If you do not do this, you will
    seemingly get memory errors when you run the executable.<br>

    <h3><a name="collation">Collation Improvements</a></h3>
    <p>We are reimplementing the collation implementation to make it faster
    (much of this is done with ICU 1.7), to comply with the Unicode Collation Algorithm
    (ICU 1.8), and also to make the locale-specific collation data smaller
    (by separating it from the shared UCA data, also for ICU 1.8).<br>
    <em>This means that sort keys and even some collation results are changing from ICU 1.6
    and will change again for ICU 1.8.</em><br>
    For details, see our <a href="">collation design document</a>.</p>

    <h3><a name="API_documentation">API documentation</a></h3>
    <p>We are updating our API documentation, generated JavaDoc-style from the public header files.
    It is available for <a href="">online browsing</a>
    as well as <a href="">for download from the release folder</a>.</p>

    <p>Also, as a more general and comprehensive documentation, we are working on improving the
    <a href="">ICU User Guide</a>.</p>

    <h3><a name="ImportantNotesOS390">OS/390 Platform</a></h3>

    <p><em>Note that ICU 1.7 is not supported on OS/390!</em>
    ICU 1.6 is supported, and ICU 1.8 is scheduled to be.</p>

    <p>If you are building on the OS/390 UNIX System Services platform, it is
    important that you understand a few details:</p>

      <li>The gnu utilities gmake and gzip/gunzip are needed and can be
      obtained for OS/390 from <a href=
      ""></a>. Search for OS/390,
      register, and follow download directions.</li>

        Encoding considerations: The source code assumes that it is compiled
        with codepage 1047 (to be exact, the UNIX System Services variant of
        it). The pax command converts all of the source code files from ASCII
        to codepage 1047 (USS) EBCDIC. However, some files are binary files
        and must not be converted, or must be converted back to their
        original state. Those files are: 

          <li>All the .brk files located in the icu/data directory


        Such a conversion can be done using iconv:<br>
         <code>iconv -f IBM-1047 -t ISO8859-1 uni-text.txt &gt;

        DLL directories and the LIBPATH setting: Building and testing ICU
        needs the ICU libraries on the LIBPATH. In other words, the LIBPATH
        should contain (each path prepended with the root directory that
        contains the icu directory): 






        <p>OS/390 supports both native S/390 hexadecimal floating point and,
        with Version 2.6 and later, IEEE binary floating point. This is a
        compile time option. Applications built with IEEE should use ICU dlls
        that are built with IEEE (and vice versa). The environment variable
        IEEE390=1 will cause the OS/390 version of ICU to be built with IEEE
        floating point. The default is native hexadecimal floating point.<br>
         <em>Important:</em> Currently (ICU 1.4.2), native floating point
        support is sufficient for codepage conversion, resource bundle and
        UnicodeString operations, but the Format APIs, especially
        ChoiceFormat, require IEEE binary floating point.</p>

        <p>Examples for configuring ICU:<br>
         Debug build: <code>IEEE390=1 ./configure</code><br>
         Release build: <code>CFLAGS=-2 IEEE390=1 ./configure</code></p>

      <li>Since the default make on OS/390 is not gmake, pkgdata tool
      requires that the environment variable MAKE be set to path to

      <li>The makedep executable that is used with the OS/390 ICU build
      process is not shipped with ICU. It is available at the <a href=
      "">OS/390 UNIX - Tools
      and Toys</a> site. The PATH environment variable should be updated to
      contain the location of this executable prior to build. Alternatively,
      makedep may be moved into an existing PATH directory.</li>

      <li>When running the test suite, the TZ environment variable should be
      set to export TZ="PST8PDT" so that time zone comparisons are

    <h3><a name="ImportantNotesOS400">OS/400 Platform</a></h3>

    <p>ICU Reference Release 1.4.0 contains partial support for the 400
    platform, but additional work by the user is currently needed to get it
    to build completely. A future release of the ICU should work
    out-of-the-box under OS/400.</p>


          <li>QSHELL interpreter installed (install base option 30, operating

          <li>QShell Utilities, PRPQ 5799-XEH</li>

          <li>ILE C++ for AS/400, PRPQ 5799-GDW</li>

          <li>GNU facilities (the gnu facilities are currently available by
          request only. Send e-mail to <a href=
          ""></a> )</li>
        <!-- end requirements -->

        Build environment setup: 

          <li>Create AS400 target library. This library will be the target
          for the resulting modules, programs and service programs. You will
          specify this library on the OUTPUTDIR environment variable in step

            Set up the following environment variables in your build process
            (use ADDENVVAR or WRKENVVAR CL commands) 

            <div style="margin-left: 2em">
              CC - '/usr/bin/icc'<br>
               CXX - ' /usr/bin/icc'<br>
               MAKE - '/usr/bin/gmake'<br>
               OUTPUTDIR - <i>identifies target as400 library for *module,
              *pgm and *srvpgm objects</i>

          <li>Add QCXXN, to your build process library list. This results in
          the resolution of CRTCPPMOD used by the icc compiler</li>

            Configure the Makefiles (see configure below)
            <strong>Note:</strong> Verify that the mh-os400 configure file is

              <li>Run 'configure --host=as400-os400'</li>

              <li>The 'clean' and 'install' targets will not work without
              changes because of symbolic links. To delete the target module,
              program, or service programs replace <tt>rm -rf</tt> with
              <strong>$(RMV)</strong>, and in the library installation
              targets (install-library) change <tt>$(INSTALL)</tt> to

          <li>gmake -e (-e to pickup the compilers)</li>
        <!-- end build environment -->
    <strong>Note:</strong> About the NULL pointer checks 

    <div style="margin-left: 2em">
      In common/ucnv.c and common/unistr.c (search for U_MAX_PTR), there are
      additional checks for NULL pointers. This is because pointer comparison
      works differently on the AS/400 architecture.

    <h2><a name="HowToInstall">How To Build And Install ICU</a></h2>

    <h3><a name="HowToInstallWindows">How To Build And Install On

    <p>Building International Components for Unicode requires:</p>

    <ul type="disc">
      <li>Microsoft NT 3.51 or above</li>

      <li>Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (Service Pack 2 is required to work with
      the release build of max speed optimization).</li>

    <p>The steps are:</p>

    <ol start="1" type="1">
      <li>Unzip the file, type "unzip -a -d
      drive:\directory" under command prompt or use WinZip.
      drive:\directory\icu is the root ($Root) directory (you may but don't
      need to place "icu" into another directory). If you change the root,
      you will change the project settings accordingly in EACH makefile in
      the project, updating the "include" and "library" paths.</li>

      <li>Set the environment variable <strong>ICU_DATA</strong> to the full
      pathname of the data directory. The trailing "\" is required after the
      directory name (e.g. "$Root\source\data\" will work, but the value
      "$Root\source\data" is not acceptable). This environment variable
      indicates where the locale data files and conversion mapping tables
      are located.</li>

      <li>Be sure that the ICU binary directory, $Root\bin\[Release|Debug],
      is included in the <strong>PATH</strong> environment variable. The
      tests may not work without the DLL files in the path.</li>

      <li>Set the <strong>TZ</strong> environment variable to
      <strong>PST8PDT</strong>. The tests will not work in any other

      <li>Use Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 to open the
      "$Root\source\allinone\allinone.dsw" workspace (This workspace includes
      all the International Components for Unicode libraries, necessary ICU
      building tools, and the intltest and cintltest test suite

      <li>Set the active Project to the "all" project. To do this: Choose
      "Project" menu, and select "Set active project". In the submenu, select
      the "all" workspace.</li>

      <li>Set the active configuration to "Win32 Debug" or "Win32 Release"
      (See note below).</li>

      <li>Choose the "Build" menu and select "Rebuild All". If you want to
      build the Debug and Release configurations at the same time, choose
      "Build" menu and select "Batch Build..." instead (and mark all
      configurations as checked), then click the button named "Rebuild All".
      The "all" workspace will build all the test programs as well as the
      tools for generating binary locale data files. The "makedata" project
      will be run automatically to convert the locale data files from text
      format into icudata.dll.</li>

      <li>Run the C++ test suite, "intltest". To do this: set the active
      project to "intltest", and press F5 to run it.</li>

      <li>Run the C test suite, "cintltst". To do this: set the active
      project to "cintltst", and press F5 to run it.</li>

      <li>Make sure that both "cintltst" and "intltest" passed without any
      errors. The return codes are non-zero when they do not pass. Visual C++
      will display the return codes in the debug tag of the output window.
      When "intltest" and "cintltest" return 0, it means that everything is
      installed correctly.</li>

      <li>Reset the <strong>TZ</strong> environment variable to its original
      value, unless you plan on testing ICU any further.</li>

      <li>You are now able to develop applications with ICU.</li>

    <p><strong>Note:</strong> To set the active configuration, two different
    possibilities are:</p>

    <ul type="disc">
      <li>Choose "Build" menu, select "Set Active Configuration", and select
      "Win32 Release" or "Win32 Debug".</li>

      <li>Another way is to select "Customize" in the "Tools" menu, select
      the "Toolbars" tab, enable "Build" instead of "Build Minibar", and
      click on "Close". This will bring up a toolbar which you can move aside
      the other permanent toolbars at the top of the MSVC window. The
      advantage is that you now have an easy-to-reach pop-up menu that will
      always show the currently selected active configuration. Or, you can
      drag the project and configuration selections and drop them on the menu
      bar for later selection.</li>

    <p>It is also possible to build each library individually, using the
    workspaces in each respective directory. They have to be built in the
    following order:<br>

    <ol start="1" type="1">


      <li>makedata (which invokes makeconv, genrb, genccode, etc.)</li>


      <li>intltest and cintltst, if you want to run the test suite.</li>

    <h3><a name="HowToInstallUnix">How To Build And Install On Unix</a></h3>

    <p>There is a set of Makefiles for Unix that supports Linux w/gcc,
    Solaris w/gcc and Workshop CC, AIX w/xlc and OS/390 with C++.</p>

    <p>Building International Components for Unicode on Unix requires:</p>

    <p>A UNIX C++ compiler, (gcc, cc, xlc_r, etc...) installed on the target
    machine. A recent version of GNU make (3.7+). OS/390 gnu utilities for
    both make (gmake) and zip (gzip/gunzip) can be found at the MKS web site
    at <a href=""></a>. Please do a
    search on "os/390".</p>

    <p>The steps are:</p>

    <ol start="1" type="1">
      <li>Decompress the icuXXXX.tar (or icuXXXX.tgz) file.</li>

      <li>Before running the test programs or samples, please set the
      environment variable <strong>ICU_DATA</strong>, the full pathname of
      the data directory, to indicate where the locale data files and
      conversion mapping tables are. If this variable is not set, the default
      user data directory will be used. The trailing "/" is required after
      the directory name (e.g. "$Root/source/data/" will work, but the value
      "$Root/source/data" is not acceptable). The <strong>TZ</strong>
      environment variable does not need to be set.</li>

      <li>Change directory to the "icu/source".</li>

      <li>If it is not already set, please set the executable flag for the
      following files (by executing 'chmod +x' command): runConfigureICU,
      configure, and config.*,</li>

      <li>You also need to set other environment variables for different
      build systems. See the <a href="">User Guide</a> or the
      provided <a href="source/runConfigureICU">script</a>.</li>

      <li>Type "./configure" or type "./configure --help" to print the
      available options.</li>

      <li>Type "make" to compile the libraries and all the data files. On
      OS/390, both IEEE binary floating point and native S/390 hexadecimal
      floating point calculations are supported. The default is to build with
      native floating-point support. Please set the environment variable
      IEEE390=1 if you would like to make the ICU DLLs with IEEE floating
      point support.</li>

      <li>Optionally, type "make check" to verify the test suite.</li>

      <li>Type "make install" to install.</li>

    <p>Some platforms use package management tools to control the
    installation and uninstallation of files on the system, as well as
    the integrity of the system configuration. You may want to check if
    ICU can be packaged for your package management tools by looking
    into the "packaging" directory. (Please note that if you are using
    a snapshot of ICU from CVS, it is probable that the packaging scripts
    or related files are not up to date with the contents of ICU at this
    time, so use them with caution.)</p>

    <p>It is also possible to build each library individually, using the
    Makefiles in each respective directory. They have to be built in the
    following order:</p>

    <ol start="1" type="1">







      <li>intltest and cintltst, if you want to run the test suite.</li>

    <h3><a name="sharedLibNote">Using Shared Data Libraries</a></h3>

    <p style='margin-left:.5in'>HP/UX has a documented characteristic where
    the shl_unload() function always unloads a library, regardless of how
    many times the library has been loaded. Most operating systems
    reference-count libraries as they are opened. In the future (Jitterbug
    414) this may be corrected in the ICU, but at present we work around this
    problem by simply NOT ever unloading shared libraries. This means that
    once a data library is loaded (ex: by a process, it cannot
    be unloaded and replaced without stopping and restarting the process.</p>

    <h3><a name="ErrcodeChanges">Important Change Of Error Codes From
    Streaming Conversion Functions (change for ICU 1.6)</a></h3>

    <p>We have decided to make a semantic change to the conversion API which
    affects applications using ICU that are migrated to use ICU versions 1.6 or later
    compared to earlier ICU versions before 1.6:<br>
     The error code that is set from streaming conversion like</p>
ucnv_fromUnicode() - ucnv_toUnicode()
ucnv_fromUChars()  - ucnv_toUChars()
scsu_compress()    - scsu_decompress()
    when the target buffer is full but the source not empty is changed from
    <code>U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR</code> to
    <code>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</code>. This change makes the error codes
    more consistent with their names and with their use in other icu

    <p>You need to test for this new error code if your code uses ICU for
    conversion and used the old error code. ucnv.h and scsu.h are updated
    with this information. Please search in your source code for
    <code>U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR</code>. If it is used with the above
    functions (<em>not</em> with <code>ucnv_getNextUChar()</code>), then you
    need to change it to <code>U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</code> in order to get
    your code to work with icu 1.6 or later.</p>

    <p>See the updated sample code in <code>icu/source/samples</code>. All
    samples are updated. See <a href=
    jitterbug 516</a> for details. This was discussed in July 2000 on the icu
    mailing list. Please see the list archive for the <a href=

    <h2><a name="WhereToFindMore">Where To Find More Information</a></h2>

    <p><a href=""></a>
    is the homepage of the International Components for Unicode.</p>

    <p>The API Documentation is available <a href="">online</a> or
    <a href="">for download</a>.
    The (draft of) the User Guide is available for <a href="">browsing and as a PDF file</a>.</p>

    <p><a href=""></a>
    is a pointer to information on how to make applications global.</p>

    <h2><a name="SubmittingComments">Submitting Comments, Requesting Features
    and Reporting Bugs</a></h2>

    <p>To submit comments, request features and report bugs, please contact us.
    The best forum is the ICU mailing list.
    See the <a href="">information on how to browse and join the list</a>.
    If you find a bug in the code that has not been submitted and/or fixed yet, then please
    <a href="">submit a jitterbug</a>.</p>


    <p>Copyright &copy; 1997-2000 International Business Machines Corporation
    and others. All Rights Reserved.<br>
     IBM Center for Emerging Technologies Silicon Valley,<br>
     10275 N De Anza Blvd., Cupertino, CA 95014<br>
     All rights reserved.</p>