Andy Heninger 360f38dc1e ICU-903 updated copyright notices.
X-SVN-Rev: 4245
2001-03-21 23:22:16 +00:00

437 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2000-2001, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* file name: pkgdata.c
* encoding: ANSI X3.4 (1968)
* tab size: 8 (not used)
* indentation:4
* created on: 2000may15
* created by: Steven \u24C7 Loomis
* This program packages the ICU data into different forms
* (DLL, common data, etc.)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/putil.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "filestrm.h"
#include "toolutil.h"
#include "unewdata.h"
#include "uoptions.h"
#include "pkgtypes.h"
#include "makefile.h"
#ifdef WIN32
extern void pkg_mode_windows(UPKGOptions *o, FileStream *makefile, UErrorCode *status);
#else /*#ifdef WIN32*/
extern void pkg_mode_dll(UPKGOptions* o, FileStream *stream, UErrorCode *status);
#endif /*#ifdef UDATA_SO_SUFFIX*/
extern void pkg_mode_common(UPKGOptions* o, FileStream *stream, UErrorCode *status);
#endif /*#ifdef WIN32*/
extern void pkg_mode_files(UPKGOptions* o, FileStream *stream, UErrorCode *status);
static int executeMakefile(const UPKGOptions *o);
static void loadLists(UPKGOptions *o, UErrorCode *status);
/* This sets the modes that are available */
static struct
const char *name;
const char *desc;
} modes[] =
{ "files", pkg_mode_files, "Uses raw data files (no effect). Installation copies all files to the target location." },
#ifdef WIN32
{ "dll", pkg_mode_windows, "Generates one common data file and one shared library, <package>.dll"},
{ "common", pkg_mode_windows, "Generates just the common file, <package>.dat"}
#else /*#ifdef WIN32*/
{ "dll", pkg_mode_dll, "Generates one shared library, <package>" UDATA_SO_SUFFIX },
{ "common", pkg_mode_common, "Generates one common data file, <package>.dat" }
#endif /*#ifdef WIN32*/
static UOption options[]={
/*00*/ UOPTION_DEF( "name", 'p', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG),
/*01*/ UOPTION_DEF( "bldopt", 'O', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG), /* on Win32 it is release or debug */
/*02*/ UOPTION_DEF( "mode", 'm', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG),
/*03*/ UOPTION_HELP_H, /* -h */
/*05*/ UOPTION_VERBOSE, /* -v */
/*06*/ UOPTION_COPYRIGHT, /* -c */
/*07*/ UOPTION_DEF( "comment", 'C', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG),
/*08*/ UOPTION_DESTDIR, /* -d */
/*09*/ UOPTION_DEF( "clean", 'k', UOPT_NO_ARG),
/*10*/ UOPTION_DEF( "nooutput",'n', UOPT_NO_ARG),
/*11*/ UOPTION_DEF( "rebuild", 'F', UOPT_NO_ARG),
/*12*/ UOPTION_DEF( "tempdir", 'T', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG),
/*13*/ UOPTION_DEF( "install", 'I', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG),
/*15*/ UOPTION_DEF( "entrypoint", 'e', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG),
const char options_help[][160]={
"Set the data name",
#ifdef WIN32
"R:icupath for release version or D:icupath for debug version, where icupath is the directory where ICU is located"
"Specify options for the builder",
"Specify the mode of building (see below)",
"This usage text",
"This usage text",
"Make the output verbose",
"Use the standard ICU copyright",
"Use a custom comment (instead of the copyright)",
"Specify the destination directory for files",
"Clean out generated & temporary files",
"Suppress output of data, just list files to be created",
"Force rebuilding of all data",
"Specify temporary dir (default: output dir)",
"Install the data (specify target)",
"Specify a custom source directory",
"Specify a custom entrypoint name (default: short name)"
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
FileStream *out;
UPKGOptions o;
CharList *tail;
const char *progname;
bool_t needsHelp = FALSE;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
char tmp[1024];
int32_t i;
progname = argv[0];
/* read command line options */
argc=u_parseArgs(argc, argv, sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0]), options);
/* error handling, printing usage message */
/* I've decided to simply print an error and quit. This tool has too
many options to just display them all of the time. */
if(options[3].doesOccur || options[4].doesOccur) {
needsHelp = TRUE;
else {
if(!needsHelp && argc<0) {
"%s: error in command line argument \"%s\"\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Run '%s --help' for help.\n", progname);
return 1;
if(! (options[0].doesOccur && options[1].doesOccur &&
options[2].doesOccur) ) {
fprintf(stderr, " required parameters are missing: -p AND -O AND -m \n");
fprintf(stderr, "Run '%s --help' for help.\n", progname);
return 1;
if(argc == 1) {
"No input files specified.\n"
"Run '%s --help' for help.\n", progname);
return 1;
} /* end !needsHelp */
if(argc<0 || needsHelp ) {
"usage: %s [-options] [-] [ filename1 filename2 ... ] \n"
"\tProduce packaged ICU data from the given list(s) of files.\n"
"\t'-' by itself means to read from stdin.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "\n options:\n");
for(i=0;i<(sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0]));i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%-5s -%c or --%-10s %s\n",
fprintf(stderr, "modes: (-m option)\n");
for(i=0;i<(sizeof(modes)/sizeof(modes[0]));i++) {
fprintf(stderr, " %-10s %s\n", modes[i].name, modes[i].desc);
return 1;
/* OK, fill in the options struct */
uprv_memset(&o, 0, sizeof(o));
o.mode = options[2].value;
o.fcn = NULL;
for(i=0;i<sizeof(modes)/sizeof(modes[0]);i++) {
if(!uprv_strcmp(modes[i].name, o.mode)) {
o.fcn = modes[i].fcn;
if(o.fcn == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid mode '%s' specified. Run '%s --help' to list valid modes.\n", o.mode, progname);
return 1;
o.shortName = options[0].value;
#ifdef WIN32 /* format is R:pathtoICU or D:pathtoICU */
char *pathstuff = (char *)options[1].value;
if(options[1].value[uprv_strlen(options[1].value)-1] == '\\') {
pathstuff[uprv_strlen(options[1].value)-1] = '\0';
if(*pathstuff == 'R' || *pathstuff == 'D') {
o.options = pathstuff;
if(*pathstuff == ':') {
*pathstuff = '\0';
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid windows build mode, should be R (release) or D (debug).\n", o.mode, progname);
return 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid windows build mode, should be R (release) or D (debug).\n", o.mode, progname);
return 1;
o.icuroot = pathstuff;
#else /* on UNIX, we'll just include the file... */
o.options = options[1].value;
o.verbose = options[5].doesOccur;
if(options[6].doesOccur) {
} else if (options[7].doesOccur) {
o.comment = options[7].value;
if( options[8].doesOccur ) {
o.targetDir = options[8].value;
} else {
o.targetDir = ""; /* cwd */
o.clean = options[9].doesOccur;
o.nooutput = options[10].doesOccur;
o.rebuild = options[11].doesOccur;
if( options[12].doesOccur ) {
o.tmpDir = options[12].value;
} else {
o.tmpDir = o.targetDir;
if( options[13].doesOccur ) {
o.install = options[13].value;
if( options[14].doesOccur ) {
o.srcDir = options[14].value;
} else {
o.srcDir = ".";
if( options[15].doesOccur ) {
o.entryName = options[15].value;
} else {
o.entryName = o.shortName;
/* OK options are set up. Now the file lists. */
tail = NULL;
for( i=1; i<argc; i++) {
if ( !uprv_strcmp(argv[i] , "-") ) {
/* stdin */
if( o.hadStdin == TRUE ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: can't specify '-' twice!\n"
"Run '%s --help' for help.\n", progname);
return 1;
o.hadStdin = TRUE;
o.fileListFiles = pkg_appendToList(o.fileListFiles, &tail, uprv_strdup(argv[i]));
/* load the files */
loadLists(&o, &status);
if( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error loading input file lists: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
return 2;
/* Makefile pathname */
uprv_strcpy(tmp, o.tmpDir);
uprv_strcat(tmp, U_FILE_SEP_STRING);
uprv_strcat(tmp, o.shortName);
uprv_strcat(tmp, "_");
uprv_strcat(tmp, o.mode);
uprv_strcat(tmp, ".mak"); /* MAY NEED TO CHANGE PER PLATFORM */
o.makeFile = uprv_strdup(tmp);
out = T_FileStream_open(o.makeFile, "w");
pkg_mak_writeHeader(out, &o); /* need to take status */
o.fcn(&o, out, &status);
pkg_mak_writeFooter(out, &o);
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error creating makefile [%s]: %s\n", o.mode,
return 1;
if(o.nooutput == TRUE) {
return 0; /* nothing to do. */
return executeMakefile(&o);
/* POSIX - execute makefile */
static int executeMakefile(const UPKGOptions *o)
char cmd[1024];
/*char pwd[1024];*/
const char *make;
int rc;
make = getenv("MAKE");
if(!make || !make[0]) {
make = U_MAKE;
/*getcwd(pwd, 1024);*/
#ifdef WIN32
sprintf(cmd, "%s %s%s -f \"%s\" %s %s %s",
o->install ? "INSTALLTO=" : "",
o->install ? o->install : "",
o->clean ? "clean" : "",
o->rebuild ? "rebuild" : "",
o->install ? "install" : "");
#elif OS400
sprintf(cmd, "CALL GNU/GMAKE PARM(%s%s%s '-f' '%s' %s %s %s)",
o->install ? "'INSTALLTO=" : "",
o->install ? o->install : "",
o->install ? "'" : "",
o->clean ? "'clean'" : "",
o->rebuild ? "'rebuild'" : "",
o->install ? "'install'" : "");
sprintf(cmd, "%s %s%s -f %s %s %s %s",
o->install ? "INSTALLTO=" : "",
o->install ? o->install : "",
o->clean ? "clean" : "",
o->rebuild ? "rebuild" : "",
o->install ? "install" : "");
if(o->verbose) {
rc = system(cmd);
if(rc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "# Failed, rc=%d\n", rc);
return rc < 128 ? rc : (rc >> 8);
static void loadLists(UPKGOptions *o, UErrorCode *status)
CharList *l, *tail = NULL, *tail2 = NULL;
FileStream *in;
char line[2048];
char tmp[1024];
const char* baseName;
char *s;
for(l = o->fileListFiles; l; l = l->next) {
if(o->verbose) {
fprintf(stdout, "# Reading %s..\n", l->str);
/* TODO: stdin */
in = T_FileStream_open(l->str, "r");
if(!in) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening <%s>.\n", l->str);
while(T_FileStream_readLine(in, line, sizeof(line))!=NULL) {
/* remove trailing newline characters */
while(*s!=0) {
if(*s=='\r' || *s=='\n') {
if((*line == 0) || (*line == '#')) {
continue; /* comment or empty line */
/* add the file */
s = (char*)getLongPathname(line);
baseName = findBasename(s);
o->files = pkg_appendToList(o->files, &tail, uprv_strdup(baseName));
if(s != baseName) { /* s was something long, so we leave it as it is */
o->filePaths = pkg_appendToList(o->filePaths, &tail2, uprv_strdup(s));
} else { /* s was just a basename, we want to prepend source dir*/
uprv_strcpy(tmp, o->srcDir);
uprv_strcat(tmp, o->srcDir[uprv_strlen(o->srcDir)-1]==U_FILE_SEP_CHAR?"":U_FILE_SEP_STRING);
uprv_strcat(tmp, s);
o->filePaths = pkg_appendToList(o->filePaths, &tail2, uprv_strdup(tmp));