398 lines
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398 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2000-2004, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* file name: ucnvmbcs.h
* encoding: US-ASCII
* tab size: 8 (not used)
* indentation:4
* created on: 2000jul07
* created by: Markus W. Scherer
#ifndef __UCNVMBCS_H__
#define __UCNVMBCS_H__
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
#include "ucnv_cnv.h"
* ICU conversion (.cnv) data file structure, following the usual UDataInfo
* header.
* Format version: 6.2
* struct UConverterStaticData -- struct containing the converter name, IBM CCSID,
* min/max bytes per character, etc.
* see ucnv_bld.h
* --------------------
* The static data is followed by conversionType-specific data structures.
* At the moment, there are only variations of MBCS converters. They all have
* the same toUnicode structures, while the fromUnicode structures for SBCS
* differ from those for other MBCS-style converters.
* _MBCSHeader.version 4.2 adds an optional conversion extension data structure.
* If it is present, then an ICU version reading header versions 4.0 or 4.1
* will be able to use the base table and ignore the extension.
* The unicodeMask in the static data is part of the base table data structure.
* Especially, the UCNV_HAS_SUPPLEMENTARY flag determines the length of the
* fromUnicode stage 1 array.
* The static data unicodeMask refers only to the base table's properties if
* a base table is included.
* In an extension-only file, the static data unicodeMask is 0.
* The extension data indexes have a separate field with the unicodeMask flags.
* MBCS-style data structure following the static data.
* Offsets are counted in bytes from the beginning of the MBCS header structure.
* Details about usage in comments in ucnvmbcs.c.
* struct _MBCSHeader (see the definition in this header file below)
* contains 32-bit fields as follows:
* 8 values:
* 0 uint8_t[4] MBCS version in UVersionInfo format (currently
* 1 uint32_t countStates
* 2 uint32_t countToUFallbacks
* 3 uint32_t offsetToUCodeUnits
* 4 uint32_t offsetFromUTable
* 5 uint32_t offsetFromUBytes
* 6 uint32_t flags, bits:
* 31.. 8 offsetExtension -- _MBCSHeader.version 4.2 (ICU 2.8) and higher
* 0 for older versions and if
* there is not extension structure
* 7.. 0 outputType
* 7 uint32_t fromUBytesLength -- _MBCSHeader.version 4.1 (ICU 2.4) and higher
* counts bytes in fromUBytes[]
* if(outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_EXT_ONLY) {
* -- base table name for extension-only table
* char baseTableName[variable]; -- with NUL plus padding for 4-alignment
* -- all _MBCSHeader fields except for version and flags are 0
* } else {
* -- normal base table with optional extension
* int32_t stateTable[countStates][256];
* struct _MBCSToUFallback { (fallbacks are sorted by offset)
* uint32_t offset;
* UChar32 codePoint;
* } toUFallbacks[countToUFallbacks];
* uint16_t unicodeCodeUnits[(offsetFromUTable-offsetToUCodeUnits)/2];
* (padded to an even number of units)
* -- stage 1 tables
* if(staticData.unicodeMask&UCNV_HAS_SUPPLEMENTARY) {
* -- stage 1 table for all of Unicode
* uint16_t fromUTable[0x440]; (32-bit-aligned)
* } else {
* -- BMP-only tables have a smaller stage 1 table
* uint16_t fromUTable[0x40]; (32-bit-aligned)
* }
* -- stage 2 tables
* length determined by top of stage 1 and bottom of stage 3 tables
* if(outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_1) {
* -- SBCS: pure indexes
* uint16_t stage 2 indexes[?];
* } else {
* -- DBCS, MBCS, EBCDIC_STATEFUL, ...: roundtrip flags and indexes
* uint32_t stage 2 flags and indexes[?];
* }
* -- stage 3 tables with byte results
* if(outputType==MBCS_OUTPUT_1) {
* -- SBCS: each 16-bit result contains flags and the result byte, see ucnvmbcs.c
* uint16_t fromUBytes[fromUBytesLength/2];
* } else {
* -- DBCS, MBCS, EBCDIC_STATEFUL, ... 2/3/4 bytes result, see ucnvmbcs.c
* uint8_t fromUBytes[fromUBytesLength]; or
* uint16_t fromUBytes[fromUBytesLength/2]; or
* uint32_t fromUBytes[fromUBytesLength/4];
* }
* }
* -- extension table, details see ucnv_ext.h
* int32_t indexes[>=32]; ...
/* MBCS converter data and state -------------------------------------------- */
enum {
* MBCS action codes for conversions to Unicode.
* These values are in bits 23..20 of the state table entries.
enum {
/* Macros for state table entries */
#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION(state, offset) (int32_t)(((int32_t)(state)<<24L)|(offset))
#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION_SET_OFFSET(entry, offset) (int32_t)(((entry)&0xff000000)|(offset))
#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION_ADD_OFFSET(entry, offset) (int32_t)((entry)+(offset))
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL(state, action, value) (int32_t)(0x80000000|((int32_t)(state)<<24L)|((action)<<20L)|(value))
#define MBCS_ENTRY_SET_FINAL(entry) (int32_t)((entry)|0x80000000)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_SET_ACTION(entry, action) (int32_t)(((entry)&0xff0fffff)|((int32_t)(action)<<20L))
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_SET_VALUE(entry, value) (int32_t)(((entry)&0xfff00000)|(value))
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_SET_ACTION_VALUE(entry, action, value) (int32_t)(((entry)&0xff000000)|((int32_t)(action)<<20L)|(value))
#define MBCS_ENTRY_SET_STATE(entry, state) (int32_t)(((entry)&0x80ffffff)|((int32_t)(state)<<24L))
#define MBCS_ENTRY_STATE(entry) (((entry)>>24)&0x7f)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_IS_TRANSITION(entry) ((entry)>=0)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_IS_FINAL(entry) ((entry)<0)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION_STATE(entry) ((entry)>>24)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_TRANSITION_OFFSET(entry) ((entry)&0xffffff)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_STATE(entry) (((entry)>>24)&0x7f)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_IS_VALID_DIRECT_16(entry) ((entry)<(int32_t)0x80100000)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_ACTION(entry) (((entry)>>20)&0xf)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_VALUE(entry) ((entry)&0xfffff)
#define MBCS_ENTRY_FINAL_VALUE_16(entry) (uint16_t)(entry)
/* single-byte fromUnicode: get the 16-bit result word */
#define MBCS_SINGLE_RESULT_FROM_U(table, results, c) (results)[ (table)[ (table)[(c)>>10] +(((c)>>4)&0x3f) ] +((c)&0xf) ]
/* multi-byte fromUnicode: get the 32-bit stage 2 entry */
#define MBCS_STAGE_2_FROM_U(table, c) ((const uint32_t *)(table))[ (table)[(c)>>10] +(((c)>>4)&0x3f) ]
#define MBCS_FROM_U_IS_ROUNDTRIP(stage2Entry, c) ( ((stage2Entry) & ((uint32_t)1<< (16+((c)&0xf)) )) !=0)
#define MBCS_VALUE_2_FROM_STAGE_2(bytes, stage2Entry, c) ((uint16_t *)(bytes))[16*(uint32_t)(uint16_t)(stage2Entry)+((c)&0xf)]
#define MBCS_VALUE_4_FROM_STAGE_2(bytes, stage2Entry, c) ((uint32_t *)(bytes))[16*(uint32_t)(uint16_t)(stage2Entry)+((c)&0xf)]
#define MBCS_POINTER_3_FROM_STAGE_2(bytes, stage2Entry, c) ((bytes)+(16*(uint32_t)(uint16_t)(stage2Entry)+((c)&0xf))*3)
* MBCS output types for conversions from Unicode.
* These per-converter types determine the storage method in stage 3 of the lookup table,
* mostly how many bytes are stored per entry.
enum {
MBCS_OUTPUT_1, /* 0 */
MBCS_OUTPUT_2, /* 1 */
MBCS_OUTPUT_3, /* 2 */
MBCS_OUTPUT_4, /* 3 */
MBCS_OUTPUT_3_EUC=8, /* 8 */
MBCS_OUTPUT_4_EUC, /* 9 */
MBCS_OUTPUT_2_SISO=12, /* c */
MBCS_OUTPUT_2_HZ, /* d */
MBCS_OUTPUT_DBCS_ONLY=0xdb /* runtime-only type for DBCS-only handling of SISO tables */
* Fallbacks to Unicode are stored outside the normal state table and code point structures
* in a vector of items of this type. They are sorted by offset.
typedef struct {
uint32_t offset;
UChar32 codePoint;
} _MBCSToUFallback;
* This is the MBCS part of the UConverterTable union (a runtime data structure).
* It keeps all the per-converter data and points into the loaded mapping tables.
typedef struct UConverterMBCSTable {
/* toUnicode */
uint8_t countStates, dbcsOnlyState, stateTableOwned;
uint32_t countToUFallbacks;
const int32_t (*stateTable)/*[countStates]*/[256];
int32_t (*swapLFNLStateTable)/*[countStates]*/[256]; /* for swaplfnl */
const uint16_t *unicodeCodeUnits/*[countUnicodeResults]*/;
const _MBCSToUFallback *toUFallbacks;
/* fromUnicode */
const uint16_t *fromUnicodeTable;
const uint8_t *fromUnicodeBytes;
uint8_t *swapLFNLFromUnicodeBytes; /* for swaplfnl */
uint32_t fromUBytesLength;
uint8_t outputType, unicodeMask;
/* converter name for swaplfnl */
char *swapLFNLName;
/* extension data */
struct UConverterSharedData *baseSharedData;
const int32_t *extIndexes;
} UConverterMBCSTable;
* MBCS data header. See data format description above.
typedef struct {
UVersionInfo version;
uint32_t countStates,
} _MBCSHeader;
* This is a simple version of _MBCSGetNextUChar() that is used
* by other converter implementations.
* It only returns an "assigned" result if it consumes the entire input.
* It does not use state from the converter, nor error codes.
* It does not handle the EBCDIC swaplfnl option (set in UConverter).
* It handles conversion extensions but not GB 18030.
* Return value:
* U+fffe unassigned
* U+ffff illegal
* otherwise the Unicode code point
ucnv_MBCSSimpleGetNextUChar(UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
const char *source, int32_t length,
UBool useFallback);
* This version of _MBCSSimpleGetNextUChar() is optimized for single-byte, single-state codepages.
* It does not handle the EBCDIC swaplfnl option (set in UConverter).
* It does not handle conversion extensions (_extToU()).
ucnv_MBCSSingleSimpleGetNextUChar(UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
uint8_t b, UBool useFallback);
* This macro version of _MBCSSingleSimpleGetNextUChar() gets a code point from a byte.
* It works for single-byte, single-state codepages that only map
* to and from BMP code points, and it always
* returns fallback values.
#define _MBCS_SINGLE_SIMPLE_GET_NEXT_BMP(sharedData, b) \
* This is an internal function that allows other converter implementations
* to check whether a byte is a lead byte.
ucnv_MBCSIsLeadByte(UConverterSharedData *sharedData, char byte);
/** This is a macro version of _MBCSIsLeadByte(). */
#define _MBCS_IS_LEAD_BYTE(sharedData, byte) \
* This is another simple conversion function for internal use by other
* conversion implementations.
* It does not use the converter state nor call callbacks.
* It does not handle the EBCDIC swaplfnl option (set in UConverter).
* It handles conversion extensions but not GB 18030.
* It converts one single Unicode code point into codepage bytes, encoded
* as one 32-bit value. The function returns the number of bytes in *pValue:
* 1..4 the number of bytes in *pValue
* 0 unassigned (*pValue undefined)
* -1 illegal (currently not used, *pValue undefined)
* *pValue will contain the resulting bytes with the last byte in bits 7..0,
* the second to last byte in bits 15..8, etc.
* Currently, the function assumes but does not check that 0<=c<=0x10ffff.
U_CFUNC int32_t
ucnv_MBCSFromUChar32(UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
UChar32 c, uint32_t *pValue,
UBool useFallback);
* This version of _MBCSFromUChar32() is optimized for single-byte codepages.
* It does not handle the EBCDIC swaplfnl option (set in UConverter).
* It returns the codepage byte for the code point, or -1 if it is unassigned.
U_CFUNC int32_t
ucnv_MBCSSingleFromUChar32(UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
UChar32 c,
UBool useFallback);
* SBCS, DBCS, and EBCDIC_STATEFUL are replaced by MBCS, but
* we cheat a little about the type, returning the old types if appropriate.
U_CFUNC UConverterType
ucnv_MBCSGetType(const UConverter* converter);
U_CFUNC void
ucnv_MBCSFromUnicodeWithOffsets(UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pArgs,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
U_CFUNC void
ucnv_MBCSToUnicodeWithOffsets(UConverterToUnicodeArgs *pArgs,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Internal function returning a UnicodeSet for toUnicode() conversion.
* Currently only used for ISO-2022-CN, and only handles roundtrip mappings.
* In the future, if we add support for reverse-fallback sets, this function
* needs to be updated, and called for each initial state.
* Does not currently handle extensions.
* Does not empty the set first.
U_CFUNC void
ucnv_MBCSGetUnicodeSetForBytes(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
USetAdder *sa,
UConverterUnicodeSet which,
uint8_t state, int32_t lowByte, int32_t highByte,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Internal function returning a UnicodeSet for toUnicode() conversion.
* Currently only used for ISO-2022-CN, and only handles roundtrip mappings.
* In the future, if we add support for fallback sets, this function
* needs to be updated.
* Handles extensions.
* Does not empty the set first.
U_CFUNC void
ucnv_MBCSGetUnicodeSetForUnicode(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
USetAdder *sa,
UConverterUnicodeSet which,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);