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162 lines
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* Copyright © {1997-1999}, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// File tcoldata.h
// Internal file. Defines TableCollationData, an internal class which is shared
// by TableCollation objects, and which contains all the invariant (and large)
// pieces of data. Once created, TableCollationData objects do not change.
// Created by: Alan Liu
// Modification History:
// Date Name Description
// 2/5/97 aliu Creation.
// 3/5/97 aliu Don't stream rule table in or out. Added data members
// isRuleTableLoaded, desiredLocale, and realLocaleName,
// which are required for dynamic reloading of the rule
// string. We still keep rules in this object so that
// they can be held in the in-memory cache.
// 3/26/97 helena Updated with platform independent data types.
// 6/20/97 helena Java class name change.
// 8/18/97 helena Added internal API documentation.
#ifndef TCOLDATA_H
#define TCOLDATA_H
#include "ucmp32.h"
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "colcache.h"
#include "unicode/unistr.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include "filestrm.h"
#include "umemstrm.h"
class VectorOfPToContractTable;
class VectorOfPToExpandTable;
class RuleBasedCollator;
class CollationElementIterator;
* TableCollationData is an internal class used by TableCollation. It
* encapsulates most of the data associated with a TableCollation.
* This includes the large collation tables, including the contract
* order and expand order tables, and some small pieces of data that
* don't change, such as the maximum secondary order. The general
* idea is that the TableCollation object should be a lightweight
* object. If there are two TableCollation objects, they will each be
* very small, and users can alter the strength of each object
* independently. However, both objects, if they are refering to the
* same underlying collation, will share pointers to the same
* TableCollationData object, which doesn't change. <P>
* TableCollationData objects are therefore good candidates for
* caching in memory and potentially for reference counting. */
class TableCollationData
virtual ~TableCollationData();
* Cache interface. The cache uses UnicodeString objects as keys. These
* are completely arbitrary, but are usually something uniquely associated
* with each collation, while at the same time fairly small, such as a
* locale identifier string.
* <P> Adds the collation data object to the cache list.
* @param key the unique key of the associated collation data object.
* @param data the collation data object.
static void addToCache(const UnicodeString& key, TableCollationData* data);
* Finds and returns the cached collation data.
* @param key the unique key of the associated collation data object.
* @returns the found collation data object.
static TableCollationData* findInCache(const UnicodeString& key);
* The streamIn and streamOut methods read and write objects of this
* class as binary, platform-dependent data in the iostream. The stream
* must be in ios::binary mode for this to work. These methods are not
* intended for general public use; they are used by the framework to improve
* performance by storing certain objects in binary files.
void streamIn(FileStream* is);
void streamOut(FileStream* os) const;
* For internal use only - streaming to memory
void streamIn(UMemoryStream* is);
void streamOut(UMemoryStream* os) const;
* Checks if this object is valid.
* @return TRUE if the object is valid, FALSE otherwise.
UBool isBogus() const;
* The following are disallowed operations: not implemented.
TableCollationData(const TableCollationData&);
TableCollationData& operator=(const TableCollationData&);
// Do not access the fgCache object directly; use addToCache and findInCache.
static CollationCache fgCache;
* The TableCollation class freely manipulates the data members within a
* TableCollationData object. This is because TableCollationData is
* intended to be an internal, invisible implementation detail. If
* TableCollationData every becomes a more public API, then this will have
* to change, although this is not really advised.
friend class RuleBasedCollator;
friend class CollationElementIterator;
UBool isFrenchSec;
int16_t maxSecOrder;
int16_t maxTerOrder;
CompactIntArray* mapping;
VectorOfPToContractTable* contractTable;
VectorOfPToExpandTable* expandTable;
UBool fBogus;
* Rule string data is generated dynamically when required by the TableCollation
* object. In particular, when a binary file is created, the rule data is
* not streamed out -- this keeps the binary file small. However, two pieces
* of data are kept around (the desiredLocale and the realLocaleName) which
* allow later loading of the rule string efficiently. By efficiently, we mean
* that the usual search procedure is shortened, and the final file which
* actually led to the successful loading of the collation elements is accessed
* directly. The boolean isRuleTableLoaded allows the collation object to
* know whether rules have been loaded (an alternative is to use an empty
* ruleTable to indicate this, but this then disallows the empty string as
* a valid rule string). Note that when a collation is constructed "from
* scratch" (not loaded from a binary file), the rule table is already in place,
* and isRuleTableLoaded is set to true.
* See RuleBasedCollator::getRules().
UnicodeString ruleTable;
UBool isRuleTableLoaded;
Locale desiredLocale;
UnicodeString realLocaleName;
#endif //_TCOLDATA