2137 lines
79 KiB
2137 lines
79 KiB
* Copyright (c) 1997-2005, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
#include "loctest.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
#include "unicode/ucurr.h"
#include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
#include "unicode/dtfmtsym.h"
#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
#include "unicode/coll.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "uassert.h"
const char* rawData[33][8] = {
// language code
{ "en", "fr", "ca", "el", "no", "it", "xx", "zh" },
// script code
{ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Hans" },
// country code
{ "US", "FR", "ES", "GR", "NO", "", "YY", "CN" },
// variant code
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "" },
// full name
{ "en_US", "fr_FR", "ca_ES", "el_GR", "no_NO_NY", "it", "xx_YY", "zh_Hans_CN" },
// ISO-3 language
{ "eng", "fra", "cat", "ell", "nor", "ita", "", "zho" },
// ISO-3 country
{ "USA", "FRA", "ESP", "GRC", "NOR", "", "", "CHN" },
{ "409", "40c", "403", "408", "814", "10", "0", "804" },
// display langage (English)
{ "English", "French", "Catalan", "Greek", "Norwegian", "Italian", "xx", "Chinese" },
// display script (English)
{ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Simplified Han" },
// display country (English)
{ "United States", "France", "Spain", "Greece", "Norway", "", "YY", "China" },
// display variant (English)
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", ""},
// display name (English)
// Updated no_NO_NY English display name for new pattern-based algorithm
// (part of Euro support).
{ "English (United States)", "French (France)", "Catalan (Spain)", "Greek (Greece)", "Norwegian (Norway, NY)", "Italian", "xx (YY)", "Chinese (Simplified Han, China)" },
// display langage (French)
{ "anglais", "fran\\u00E7ais", "catalan", "grec", "norv\\u00E9gien", "italien", "xx", "chinois" },
// display script (French)
{ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "han simplifi\\u00E9" },
// display country (French)
{ "\\u00C9tats-Unis", "France", "Espagne", "Gr\\u00E8ce", "Norv\\u00E8ge", "", "YY", "Chine" },
// display variant (French)
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "" },
// display name (French)
//{ "anglais (Etats-Unis)", "francais (France)", "catalan (Espagne)", "grec (Grece)", "norvegien (Norvege,Nynorsk)", "italien", "xx (YY)" },
{ "anglais (\\u00C9tats-Unis)", "fran\\u00E7ais (France)", "catalan (Espagne)", "grec (Gr\\u00E8ce)", "norv\\u00E9gien (Norv\\u00E8ge, NY)", "italien", "xx (YY)", "chinois (han simplifi\\u00E9, Chine)" }, // STILL not right
/* display language (Catalan) */
{ "angl\\u00E8s", "franc\\u00E8s", "catal\\u00E0", "grec", "noruec", "itali\\u00E0", "", "xin\\u00E9s" },
/* display script (Catalan) */
{ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Hans" },
/* display country (Catalan) */
{ "Estats Units", "Fran\\u00E7a", "Espanya", "Gr\\u00E8cia", "Noruega", "", "", "Xina" },
/* display variant (Catalan) */
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "" },
/* display name (Catalan) */
{ "angl\\u00E8s (Estats Units)", "franc\\u00E8s (Fran\\u00E7a)", "catal\\u00E0 (Espanya)", "grec (Gr\\u00E8cia)", "noruec (Noruega, NY)", "itali\\u00E0", "", "xin\\u00E9s (Hans, Xina)" },
// display langage (Greek)[actual values listed below]
{ "\\u0391\\u03b3\\u03b3\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac",
// display script (Greek)
{ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Hans" },
// display country (Greek)[actual values listed below]
{ "\\u0397\\u03BD\\u03C9\\u03BC\\u03AD\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03C2 \\u03A0\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03B9\\u03C4\\u03B5\\u03AF\\u03B5\\u03C2",
// display variant (Greek)
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "" },
// display name (Greek)[actual values listed below]
{ "\\u0391\\u03b3\\u03b3\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0397\\u03BD\\u03C9\\u03BC\\u03AD\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03C2 \\u03A0\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03B9\\u03C4\\u03B5\\u03AF\\u03B5\\u03C2)",
"\\u0393\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0393\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03af\\u03b1)",
"\\u039a\\u03b1\\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0399\\u03c3\\u03c0\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03af\\u03b1)",
"\\u0395\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03b7\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0395\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03ac\\u03b4\\u03b1)",
"\\u039d\\u03bf\\u03c1\\u03b2\\u03b7\\u03b3\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u039d\\u03bf\\u03c1\\u03b2\\u03b7\\u03b3\\u03af\\u03b1, NY)",
"\\u039A\\u03B9\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03B6\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (Hans, \\u039A\\u03AF\\u03BD\\u03B1)"
// display langage (<root>)
{ "English", "French", "Catalan", "Greek", "Norwegian", "Italian", "xx", "" },
// display script (<root>)
{ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""},
// display country (<root>)
{ "United States", "France", "Spain", "Greece", "Norway", "", "YY", "" },
// display variant (<root>)
{ "", "", "", "", "Nynorsk", "", "", ""},
// display name (<root>)
//{ "English (United States)", "French (France)", "Catalan (Spain)", "Greek (Greece)", "Norwegian (Norway,Nynorsk)", "Italian", "xx (YY)" },
{ "English (United States)", "French (France)", "Catalan (Spain)", "Greek (Greece)", "Norwegian (Norway,NY)", "Italian", "xx (YY)", "" }
// * test macros
test_compare( Function to be performed,
Test of the function,
expected result of the test,
printable result
test_compare(i=3,i,3, someNumberFormatter(i));
Note that in the second example the expression is 0, because the fcn produces it's own result.
Macro is ugly but makes the tests pretty.
#define test_compare(expression,test,expected,printableResult) \
{ \
expression; \
if((test) != (expected)) \
errln("FAIL: " + UnicodeString(#expression) + "; -> " + printableResult + "\n" + \
" (" + UnicodeString(#test) + " != " + UnicodeString(#expected) + ")" ); \
else \
logln(UnicodeString(#expression) + " -> " + printableResult + " (" + UnicodeString(#test) + ")"); \
test_assert_print( Test (should be TRUE), printable )
test_assert(i==3, toString(i));
the macro is ugly but makes the tests pretty.
#define test_assert_print(test,print) \
{ \
if(!(test)) \
errln("FAIL: " + UnicodeString(#test) + " was not true." + "-> " + UnicodeString(print) ); \
else \
logln("PASS: asserted " + UnicodeString(#test) + "-> " + UnicodeString(print)); \
#define test_dumpLocale(l) { UnicodeString s(l.getName(),""); logln(#l + UnicodeString(" = ") + s); }
: dataTable(NULL)
if (dataTable != 0) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
delete []dataTable[i];
delete []dataTable;
dataTable = 0;
void LocaleTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ )
switch (index) {
TESTCASE(0, TestBasicGetters);
TESTCASE(1, TestSimpleResourceInfo);
TESTCASE(2, TestDisplayNames);
TESTCASE(3, TestSimpleObjectStuff);
TESTCASE(4, TestPOSIXParsing);
TESTCASE(5, TestGetAvailableLocales);
TESTCASE(6, TestDataDirectory);
TESTCASE(7, TestISO3Fallback);
TESTCASE(8, TestGetLangsAndCountries);
TESTCASE(9, TestSimpleDisplayNames);
TESTCASE(10, TestUninstalledISO3Names);
TESTCASE(11, TestAtypicalLocales);
TESTCASE(12, TestThaiCurrencyFormat);
TESTCASE(13, TestEuroSupport);
TESTCASE(14, TestToString);
TESTCASE(15, Test4139940);
TESTCASE(16, Test4143951);
TESTCASE(17, Test4147315);
TESTCASE(18, Test4147317);
TESTCASE(19, Test4147552);
TESTCASE(20, TestVariantParsing);
TESTCASE(21, Test4105828);
TESTCASE(22, TestSetIsBogus);
TESTCASE(23, TestParallelAPIValues);
TESTCASE(24, TestKeywordVariants);
TESTCASE(25, TestKeywordVariantParsing);
TESTCASE(26, TestGetBaseName);
TESTCASE(27, TestGetLocale);
TESTCASE(28, TestVariantWithOutCountry);
TESTCASE(29, TestCanonicalization);
// keep the last index in sync with the condition in default:
if (index <= 28) { // keep this in sync with the last index!
name = "(test omitted by !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING)";
} else {
name = "";
break; //needed to end loop
void LocaleTest::TestBasicGetters() {
UnicodeString temp;
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i <= MAX_LOCALES; i++) {
Locale testLocale("");
if (rawData[SCRIPT][i] && rawData[SCRIPT][i][0] != 0) {
testLocale = Locale(rawData[LANG][i], rawData[SCRIPT][i], rawData[CTRY][i], rawData[VAR][i]);
else {
testLocale = Locale(rawData[LANG][i], rawData[CTRY][i], rawData[VAR][i]);
logln("Testing " + (UnicodeString)testLocale.getName() + "...");
if ( (temp=testLocale.getLanguage()) != (dataTable[LANG][i]))
errln(" Language code mismatch: " + temp + " versus "
+ dataTable[LANG][i]);
if ( (temp=testLocale.getScript()) != (dataTable[SCRIPT][i]))
errln(" Script code mismatch: " + temp + " versus "
+ dataTable[SCRIPT][i]);
if ( (temp=testLocale.getCountry()) != (dataTable[CTRY][i]))
errln(" Country code mismatch: " + temp + " versus "
+ dataTable[CTRY][i]);
if ( (temp=testLocale.getVariant()) != (dataTable[VAR][i]))
errln(" Variant code mismatch: " + temp + " versus "
+ dataTable[VAR][i]);
if ( (temp=testLocale.getName()) != (dataTable[NAME][i]))
errln(" Locale name mismatch: " + temp + " versus "
+ dataTable[NAME][i]);
logln("Same thing without variant codes...");
for (i = 0; i <= MAX_LOCALES; i++) {
Locale testLocale("");
if (rawData[SCRIPT][i] && rawData[SCRIPT][i][0] != 0) {
testLocale = Locale(rawData[LANG][i], rawData[SCRIPT][i], rawData[CTRY][i]);
else {
testLocale = Locale(rawData[LANG][i], rawData[CTRY][i]);
logln("Testing " + (temp=testLocale.getName()) + "...");
if ( (temp=testLocale.getLanguage()) != (dataTable[LANG][i]))
errln("Language code mismatch: " + temp + " versus "
+ dataTable[LANG][i]);
if ( (temp=testLocale.getScript()) != (dataTable[SCRIPT][i]))
errln("Script code mismatch: " + temp + " versus "
+ dataTable[SCRIPT][i]);
if ( (temp=testLocale.getCountry()) != (dataTable[CTRY][i]))
errln("Country code mismatch: " + temp + " versus "
+ dataTable[CTRY][i]);
if (testLocale.getVariant()[0] != 0)
errln("Variant code mismatch: something versus \"\"");
logln("Testing long language names and getters");
Locale test8 = Locale::createFromName("x-klingon-latn-zx.utf32be@special");
temp = test8.getLanguage();
if (temp != UnicodeString("x-klingon") )
errln("Language code mismatch: " + temp + " versus \"x-klingon\"");
temp = test8.getScript();
if (temp != UnicodeString("Latn") )
errln("Script code mismatch: " + temp + " versus \"Latn\"");
temp = test8.getCountry();
if (temp != UnicodeString("ZX") )
errln("Country code mismatch: " + temp + " versus \"ZX\"");
temp = test8.getVariant();
//if (temp != UnicodeString("SPECIAL") )
// errln("Variant code mismatch: " + temp + " versus \"SPECIAL\"");
// As of 3.0, the "@special" will *not* be parsed by uloc_getName()
if (temp != UnicodeString("") )
errln("Variant code mismatch: " + temp + " versus \"\"");
if (Locale::getDefault() != Locale::createFromName(NULL))
errln("Locale::getDefault() == Locale::createFromName(NULL)");
// NOTE: There used to be a special test for locale names that had language or
// country codes that were longer than two letters. The new version of Locale
// doesn't support anything that isn't an officially recognized language or
// country code, so we no longer support this feature.
Locale bogusLang("THISISABOGUSLANGUAGE"); // Jitterbug 2864: language code too long
if(!bogusLang.isBogus()) {
if( bogusLang.isBogus() ||
strcmp(bogusLang.getLanguage(), "eo")!=0 ||
*bogusLang.getCountry()!=0 ||
*bogusLang.getVariant()!=0 ||
strcmp(bogusLang.getName(), "eo")!=0
) {
errln("assignment to bogus Locale does not unbogus it or sets bad data");
Locale a("eo_DE@currency=DEM");
Locale *pb=a.clone();
if(pb==&a || *pb!=a) {
errln("Locale.clone() failed");
delete pb;
void LocaleTest::TestParallelAPIValues() {
logln("Test synchronization between C and C++ API");
if (strcmp(Locale::getChinese().getName(), ULOC_CHINESE) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_CHINESE Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getEnglish().getName(), ULOC_ENGLISH) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_ENGLISH Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getFrench().getName(), ULOC_FRENCH) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_FRENCH Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getGerman().getName(), ULOC_GERMAN) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_GERMAN Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getItalian().getName(), ULOC_ITALIAN) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_ITALIAN Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getJapanese().getName(), ULOC_JAPANESE) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_JAPANESE Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getKorean().getName(), ULOC_KOREAN) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_KOREAN Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getSimplifiedChinese().getName(), ULOC_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getTraditionalChinese().getName(), ULOC_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getCanada().getName(), ULOC_CANADA) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_CANADA Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getCanadaFrench().getName(), ULOC_CANADA_FRENCH) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_CANADA_FRENCH Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getChina().getName(), ULOC_CHINA) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_CHINA Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getPRC().getName(), ULOC_PRC) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_PRC Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getFrance().getName(), ULOC_FRANCE) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_FRANCE Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getGermany().getName(), ULOC_GERMANY) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_GERMANY Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getItaly().getName(), ULOC_ITALY) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_ITALY Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getJapan().getName(), ULOC_JAPAN) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_JAPAN Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getKorea().getName(), ULOC_KOREA) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_KOREA Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getTaiwan().getName(), ULOC_TAIWAN) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_TAIWAN Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getUK().getName(), ULOC_UK) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_UK Locale");
if (strcmp(Locale::getUS().getName(), ULOC_US) != 0) {
errln("Differences for ULOC_US Locale");
void LocaleTest::TestSimpleResourceInfo() {
UnicodeString temp;
char temp2[20];
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= MAX_LOCALES; i++) {
Locale testLocale(rawData[LANG][i], rawData[CTRY][i], rawData[VAR][i]);
logln("Testing " + (temp=testLocale.getName()) + "...");
if ( (temp=testLocale.getISO3Language()) != (dataTable[LANG3][i]))
errln(" ISO-3 language code mismatch: " + temp
+ " versus " + dataTable[LANG3][i]);
if ( (temp=testLocale.getISO3Country()) != (dataTable[CTRY3][i]))
errln(" ISO-3 country code mismatch: " + temp
+ " versus " + dataTable[CTRY3][i]);
sprintf(temp2, "%x", (int)testLocale.getLCID());
if (UnicodeString(temp2) != dataTable[LCID][i])
errln((UnicodeString)" LCID mismatch: " + temp2 + " versus "
+ dataTable[LCID][i]);
errln((UnicodeString)"Some error on number " + i + u_errorName(err));
Locale locale("en");
if(strcmp(locale.getName(), "en") != 0||
strcmp(locale.getLanguage(), "en") != 0) {
errln("construction of Locale(en) failed\n");
* Jitterbug 2439 -- markus 20030425
* The lookup of display names must not fall back through the default
* locale because that yields useless results.
Locale english("en", "US");
Locale french("fr", "FR");
Locale croatian("ca", "ES");
Locale greek("el", "GR");
logln(" In locale = en_US...");
doTestDisplayNames(english, DLANG_EN);
logln(" In locale = fr_FR...");
doTestDisplayNames(french, DLANG_FR);
logln(" In locale = ca_ES...");
doTestDisplayNames(croatian, DLANG_CA);
logln(" In locale = el_GR...");
doTestDisplayNames(greek, DLANG_EL);
/* test that the default locale has a display name for its own language */
UnicodeString s;
Locale().getDisplayLanguage(Locale(), s);
if(s.length()<=3 && s.charAt(0)<=0x7f) {
/* check <=3 to reject getting the language code as a display name */
errln("unable to get a display string for the language of the default locale\n");
* API coverage improvements: call
* Locale::getDisplayLanguage(UnicodeString &) and
* Locale::getDisplayCountry(UnicodeString &)
if(s.length()<=3 && s.charAt(0)<=0x7f) {
errln("unable to get a display string for the language of the default locale [2]\n");
if(s.isEmpty()) {
errln("unable to get any default-locale display string for the country of fr_FR\n");
Locale("zh", "Hant").getDisplayScript(s);
if(s.isEmpty()) {
errln("unable to get any default-locale display string for the country of zh_Hant\n");
test_assert( Test (should be TRUE) )
the macro is ugly but makes the tests pretty.
#define test_assert(test) \
{ \
if(!(test)) \
errln("FAIL: " + UnicodeString(#test) + " was not true. " + UnicodeString(__FILE__ " line ") + __LINE__ ); \
else \
logln("PASS: asserted " + UnicodeString(#test) ); \
void LocaleTest::TestSimpleObjectStuff() {
Locale test1("aa", "AA");
Locale test2("aa", "AA");
Locale test3(test1);
Locale test4("zz", "ZZ");
Locale test5("aa", "AA", "");
Locale test6("aa", "AA", "ANTARES");
Locale test7("aa", "AA", "JUPITER");
Locale test8 = Locale::createFromName("aa-aa-jupiTER"); // was "aa-aa.utf8@jupiter" but in 3.0 getName won't normalize that
// now list them all for debugging usage.
// Make sure things compare to themselves!
test_assert(test1 == test1);
test_assert(test2 == test2);
test_assert(test3 == test3);
test_assert(test4 == test4);
test_assert(test5 == test5);
test_assert(test6 == test6);
test_assert(test7 == test7);
test_assert(test8 == test8);
// make sure things are not equal to themselves.
test_assert(!(test1 != test1));
test_assert(!(test2 != test2));
test_assert(!(test3 != test3));
test_assert(!(test4 != test4));
test_assert(!(test5 != test5));
test_assert(!(test6 != test6));
test_assert(!(test7 != test7));
test_assert(!(test8 != test8));
// make sure things that are equal to each other don't show up as unequal.
test_assert(!(test1 != test2));
test_assert(!(test2 != test1));
test_assert(!(test1 != test3));
test_assert(!(test2 != test3));
test_assert(test5 == test1);
test_assert(test6 != test2);
test_assert(test6 != test5);
test_assert(test6 != test7);
// test for things that shouldn't compare equal.
test_assert(!(test1 == test4));
test_assert(!(test2 == test4));
test_assert(!(test3 == test4));
test_assert(test7 == test8);
// test for hash codes to be the same.
int32_t hash1 = test1.hashCode();
int32_t hash2 = test2.hashCode();
int32_t hash3 = test3.hashCode();
test_assert(hash1 == hash2);
test_assert(hash1 == hash3);
test_assert(hash2 == hash3);
// test that the assignment operator works.
test4 = test1;
test_assert(test4 == test4);
test_assert(!(test1 != test4));
test_assert(!(test2 != test4));
test_assert(!(test3 != test4));
test_assert(test1 == test4);
test_assert(test4 == test1);
// test assignments with a variant
logln("test7 = test6");
test7 = test6;
test_assert(test7 == test7);
test_assert(test7 == test6);
test_assert(test7 != test5);
logln("test6 = test1");
test_assert(test6 != test7);
test_assert(test6 == test1);
test_assert(test6 == test6);
// A class which exposes constructors that are implemented in terms of the POSIX parsing code.
class POSIXLocale : public Locale
POSIXLocale(const UnicodeString& l)
char *ch;
ch = new char[l.length() + 1];
ch[l.extract(0, 0x7fffffff, ch, "")] = 0;
delete [] ch;
POSIXLocale(const char *l)
void LocaleTest::TestPOSIXParsing()
POSIXLocale test1("ab_AB");
POSIXLocale test2(UnicodeString("ab_AB"));
Locale test3("ab","AB");
POSIXLocale test4("ab_AB_Antares");
POSIXLocale test5(UnicodeString("ab_AB_Antares"));
Locale test6("ab", "AB", "Antares");
test_assert(test1 == test1);
test_assert(test1 == test2);
test_assert(test2 == test3);
test_assert(test3 == test1);
test_assert(test4 == test5);
test_assert(test5 == test6);
test_assert(test6 == test4);
test_assert(test1 != test4);
test_assert(test5 != test3);
test_assert(test5 != test2);
int32_t hash1 = test1.hashCode();
int32_t hash2 = test2.hashCode();
int32_t hash3 = test3.hashCode();
test_assert(hash1 == hash2);
test_assert(hash2 == hash3);
test_assert(hash3 == hash1);
void LocaleTest::TestGetAvailableLocales()
int32_t locCount = 0;
const Locale* locList = Locale::getAvailableLocales(locCount);
if (locCount == 0)
errln("getAvailableLocales() returned an empty list!");
else {
logln(UnicodeString("Number of locales returned = ") + locCount);
UnicodeString temp;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < locCount; ++i)
// I have no idea how to test this function...
// This test isn't applicable anymore - getISO3Language is
// independent of the data directory
void LocaleTest::TestDataDirectory()
char oldDirectory[80];
const char* temp;
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString testValue;
temp = Locale::getDataDirectory();
strcpy(oldDirectory, temp);
logln(UnicodeString("oldDirectory = ") + oldDirectory);
Locale test(Locale::US);
logln("first fetch of language retrieved " + testValue);
if (testValue != "eng")
errln("Initial check of ISO3 language failed: expected \"eng\", got \"" + testValue + "\"");
char *path;
Locale::setDataDirectory( path );
logln("second fetch of language retrieved " + testValue);
if (testValue != "xxx")
errln("setDataDirectory() failed: expected \"xxx\", got \"" + testValue + "\"");
logln("third fetch of language retrieved " + testValue);
if (testValue != "eng")
errln("get/setDataDirectory() failed: expected \"eng\", got \"" + testValue + "\"");
void LocaleTest::doTestDisplayNames(Locale& displayLocale, int32_t compareIndex) {
UnicodeString temp;
for (int32_t i = 0; i <= MAX_LOCALES; i++) {
Locale testLocale("");
if (rawData[SCRIPT][i] && rawData[SCRIPT][i][0] != 0) {
testLocale = Locale(rawData[LANG][i], rawData[SCRIPT][i], rawData[CTRY][i], rawData[VAR][i]);
else {
testLocale = Locale(rawData[LANG][i], rawData[CTRY][i], rawData[VAR][i]);
logln(" Testing " + (temp=testLocale.getName()) + "...");
UnicodeString testLang;
UnicodeString testScript;
UnicodeString testCtry;
UnicodeString testVar;
UnicodeString testName;
testLocale.getDisplayLanguage(displayLocale, testLang);
testLocale.getDisplayScript(displayLocale, testScript);
testLocale.getDisplayCountry(displayLocale, testCtry);
testLocale.getDisplayVariant(displayLocale, testVar);
testLocale.getDisplayName(displayLocale, testName);
UnicodeString expectedLang;
UnicodeString expectedScript;
UnicodeString expectedCtry;
UnicodeString expectedVar;
UnicodeString expectedName;
expectedLang = dataTable[compareIndex][i];
if (expectedLang.length() == 0)
expectedLang = dataTable[DLANG_EN][i];
expectedScript = dataTable[compareIndex + 1][i];
if (expectedScript.length() == 0)
expectedScript = dataTable[DSCRIPT_EN][i];
expectedCtry = dataTable[compareIndex + 2][i];
if (expectedCtry.length() == 0)
expectedCtry = dataTable[DCTRY_EN][i];
expectedVar = dataTable[compareIndex + 3][i];
if (expectedVar.length() == 0)
expectedVar = dataTable[DVAR_EN][i];
expectedName = dataTable[compareIndex + 4][i];
if (expectedName.length() == 0)
expectedName = dataTable[DNAME_EN][i];
if (testLang != expectedLang)
errln("Display language (" + UnicodeString(displayLocale.getName()) + ") of (" + UnicodeString(testLocale.getName()) + ") got " + testLang + " expected " + expectedLang);
if (testScript != expectedScript)
errln("Display script (" + UnicodeString(displayLocale.getName()) + ") of (" + UnicodeString(testLocale.getName()) + ") got " + testScript + " expected " + expectedScript);
if (testCtry != expectedCtry)
errln("Display country (" + UnicodeString(displayLocale.getName()) + ") of (" + UnicodeString(testLocale.getName()) + ") got " + testCtry + " expected " + expectedCtry);
if (testVar != expectedVar)
errln("Display variant (" + UnicodeString(displayLocale.getName()) + ") of (" + UnicodeString(testLocale.getName()) + ") got " + testVar + " expected " + expectedVar);
if (testName != expectedName)
errln("Display name (" + UnicodeString(displayLocale.getName()) + ") of (" + UnicodeString(testLocale.getName()) + ") got " + testName + " expected " + expectedName);
// table of valid data
void LocaleTest::setUpDataTable()
if (dataTable == 0) {
dataTable = new UnicodeString*[33];
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
dataTable[i] = new UnicodeString[8];
for (int32_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
dataTable[i][j] = CharsToUnicodeString(rawData[i][j]);
// ====================
* @bug 4011756 4011380
Locale test("xx", "YY");
const char * result;
result = test.getISO3Language();
// Conform to C API usage
if (!result || (result[0] != 0))
errln("getISO3Language() on xx_YY returned " + UnicodeString(result) + " instead of \"\"");
result = test.getISO3Country();
if (!result || (result[0] != 0))
errln("getISO3Country() on xx_YY returned " + UnicodeString(result) + " instead of \"\"");
* @bug 4106155 4118587
// It didn't seem right to just do an exhaustive test of everything here, so I check
// for the following things:
// 1) Does each list have the right total number of entries?
// 2) Does each list contain certain language and country codes we think are important
// (the G7 countries, plus a couple others)?
// 3) Does each list have every entry formatted correctly? (i.e., two characters,
// all lower case for the language codes, all upper case for the country codes)
// 4) Is each list in sorted order?
int32_t testCount = 0;
const char * const * test = Locale::getISOLanguages();
const char spotCheck1[ ][4] = { "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it",
"ja", "ko", "zh", "th", "he",
"id", "iu", "ug", "yi", "za" };
int32_t i;
for(testCount = 0;test[testCount];testCount++)
/* TODO: Change this test to be more like the cloctst version? */
if (testCount != 472)
errln("Expected getISOLanguages() to return 472 languages; it returned %d", testCount);
else {
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
int32_t j;
for (j = 0; j < testCount; j++)
if (uprv_strcmp(test[j],spotCheck1[i])== 0)
if (j == testCount || (uprv_strcmp(test[j],spotCheck1[i])!=0))
errln("Couldn't find " + (UnicodeString)spotCheck1[i] + " in language list.");
for (i = 0; i < testCount; i++) {
UnicodeString testee(test[i],"");
UnicodeString lc(test[i],"");
if (testee != lc.toLower())
errln(lc + " is not all lower case.");
if ( (testee.length() != 2) && (testee.length() != 3))
errln(testee + " is not two or three characters long.");
if (i > 0 && testee.compare(test[i - 1]) <= 0)
errln(testee + " appears in an out-of-order position in the list.");
test = Locale::getISOCountries();
UnicodeString spotCheck2 [] = { "US", "CA", "GB", "FR", "DE",
"IT", "JP", "KR", "CN", "TW",
"TH" };
int32_t spot2Len = 11;
if (testCount != 239)
errln("Expected getISOLanguages to return 238 languages; it returned" + testCount);
else {
for (i = 0; i < spot2Len; i++) {
int32_t j;
for (j = 0; j < testCount; j++)
UnicodeString testee(test[j],"");
if (testee == spotCheck2[i])
UnicodeString testee(test[j],"");
if (j == testCount || testee != spotCheck2[i])
errln("Couldn't find " + spotCheck2[i] + " in country list.");
for (i = 0; i < testCount; i++) {
UnicodeString testee(test[i],"");
UnicodeString uc(test[i],"");
if (testee != uc.toUpper())
errln(testee + " is not all upper case.");
if (testee.length() != 2)
errln(testee + " is not two characters long.");
if (i > 0 && testee.compare(test[i - 1]) <= 0)
errln(testee + " appears in an out-of-order position in the list.");
* @bug 4118587
// This test is different from TestDisplayNames because TestDisplayNames checks
// fallback behavior, combination of language and country names to form locale
// names, and other stuff like that. This test just checks specific language
// and country codes to make sure we have the correct names for them.
char languageCodes[] [4] = { "he", "id", "iu", "ug", "yi", "za" };
UnicodeString languageNames [] = { "Hebrew", "Indonesian", "Inuktitut", "Uighur", "Yiddish",
"Zhuang" };
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
UnicodeString test;
Locale l(languageCodes[i], "", "");
l.getDisplayLanguage(Locale::getUS(), test);
if (test != languageNames[i])
errln("Got wrong display name for " + UnicodeString(languageCodes[i]) + ": Expected \"" +
languageNames[i] + "\", got \"" + test + "\".");
* @bug 4118595
// This test checks to make sure getISO3Language and getISO3Country work right
// even for locales that are not installed.
const char iso2Languages [][4] = { "am", "ba", "fy", "mr", "rn",
"ss", "tw", "zu" };
const char iso3Languages [][5] = { "amh", "bak", "fry", "mar", "run",
"ssw", "twi", "zul" };
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString test;
Locale l(iso2Languages[i], "", "");
test = l.getISO3Language();
if((test != iso3Languages[i]) || U_FAILURE(err))
errln("Got wrong ISO3 code for " + UnicodeString(iso2Languages[i]) + ": Expected \"" +
iso3Languages[i] + "\", got \"" + test + "\"." + UnicodeString(u_errorName(err)));
char iso2Countries [][4] = { "AF", "BW", "KZ", "MO", "MN",
"SB", "TC", "ZW" };
char iso3Countries [][4] = { "AFG", "BWA", "KAZ", "MAC", "MNG",
"SLB", "TCA", "ZWE" };
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Locale l("", iso2Countries[i], "");
UnicodeString test(l.getISO3Country(), "");
if (test != iso3Countries[i])
errln("Got wrong ISO3 code for " + UnicodeString(iso2Countries[i]) + ": Expected \"" +
UnicodeString(iso3Countries[i]) + "\", got \"" + test + "\"." + u_errorName(err));
* @bug 4092475
* I could not reproduce this bug. I'm pretty convinced it was fixed with the
* big locale-data reorg of 10/28/97. The lookup logic for language and country
* display names was also changed at that time in that check-in. --rtg 3/20/98
Locale localesToTest [] = { Locale("de", "CA"),
Locale("ja", "ZA"),
Locale("ru", "MX"),
Locale("en", "FR"),
Locale("es", "DE"),
Locale("", "HR"),
Locale("", "SE"),
Locale("", "DO"),
Locale("", "BE") };
UnicodeString englishDisplayNames [] = { "German (Canada)",
"Japanese (South Africa)",
"Russian (Mexico)",
"English (France)",
"Spanish (Germany)",
"Dominican Republic",
"Belgium" };
UnicodeString frenchDisplayNames []= { "allemand (Canada)",
"japonais (Afrique du Sud)",
"russe (Mexique)",
"anglais (France)",
"espagnol (Allemagne)",
CharsToUnicodeString("R\\u00E9publique dominicaine"),
"Belgique" };
UnicodeString spanishDisplayNames [] = {
CharsToUnicodeString("alem\\u00E1n (Canad\\u00E1)"),
CharsToUnicodeString("japon\\u00E9s (Sud\\u00E1frica)"),
CharsToUnicodeString("ruso (M\\u00E9xico)"),
CharsToUnicodeString("ingl\\u00E9s (Francia)"),
CharsToUnicodeString("espa\\u00F1ol (Alemania)"),
CharsToUnicodeString("Rep\\u00FAblica Dominicana"),
CharsToUnicodeString("B\\u00E9lgica") };
// De-Anglicizing root required the change from
// English display names to ISO Codes - ram 2003/09/26
UnicodeString bengaliDisplayNames [] = { "de (CA)",
"ja (ZA)",
"ru (MX)",
"en (FR)",
"es (DE)",
"BE" };
int32_t i;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Locale saveLocale;
Locale::setDefault(Locale::getUS(), status);
for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
UnicodeString name;
localesToTest[i].getDisplayName(Locale::getUS(), name);
if (name != englishDisplayNames[i])
errln("Lookup in English failed: expected \"" + englishDisplayNames[i]
+ "\", got \"" + name + "\"");
logln("Locale name was-> " + (name=localesToTest[i].getName()));
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
UnicodeString name;
localesToTest[i].getDisplayName(Locale("es", "ES"), name);
if (name != spanishDisplayNames[i])
errln("Lookup in Spanish failed: expected \"" + spanishDisplayNames[i]
+ "\", got \"" + name + "\"");
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
UnicodeString name;
localesToTest[i].getDisplayName(Locale::getFrance(), name);
if (name != frenchDisplayNames[i])
errln("Lookup in French failed: expected \"" + frenchDisplayNames[i]
+ "\", got \"" + name + "\"");
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
UnicodeString name;
localesToTest[i].getDisplayName(Locale("be", "ES"), name);
logln(name + " Locale fallback to be, and data fallback to root");
if (name != bengaliDisplayNames[i])
errln("Lookup in Bengali failed: expected \"" + bengaliDisplayNames[i]
+ "\", got \"" + name + "\"");
localesToTest[i].getDisplayName(Locale("be", "EG"), name);
logln(name + " Data fallback to root");
if (name != bengaliDisplayNames[i])
errln("Lookup in Bengali failed: expected \"" + bengaliDisplayNames[i]
+ "\", got \"" + name + "\"");
Locale::setDefault(saveLocale, status);
* @bug 4135752
* This would be better tested by the LocaleDataTest. Will move it when I
* get the LocaleDataTest working again.
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
DecimalFormat *thaiCurrency = (DecimalFormat*)NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(
Locale("th", "TH"), status);
UChar posPrefix = 0x0e3f;
UnicodeString temp;
if(U_FAILURE(status) || !thaiCurrency)
errln("Couldn't get th_TH currency -> " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status)));
if (thaiCurrency->getPositivePrefix(temp) != UnicodeString(&posPrefix, 1, 1))
errln("Thai currency prefix wrong: expected 0x0e3f, got \"" +
thaiCurrency->getPositivePrefix(temp) + "\"");
if (thaiCurrency->getPositiveSuffix(temp) != "")
errln("Thai currency suffix wrong: expected \"\", got \"" +
thaiCurrency->getPositiveSuffix(temp) + "\"");
delete thaiCurrency;
* @bug 4122371
* Confirm that Euro support works. This test is pretty rudimentary; all it does
* is check that any locales with the EURO variant format a number using the
* Euro currency symbol.
* ASSUME: All locales encode the Euro character "\u20AC".
* If this is changed to use the single-character Euro symbol, this
* test must be updated.
UChar euro = 0x20ac;
const UnicodeString EURO_CURRENCY(&euro, 1, 1); // Look for this UnicodeString in formatted Euro currency
const char* localeArr[] = {
const char** locales = localeArr;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString temp;
for (;*locales!=NULL;locales++) {
Locale loc (*locales);
UnicodeString temp;
NumberFormat *nf = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(loc, status);
UnicodeString pos;
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
dataerrln("Error calling NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(%s)", *locales);
nf->format(271828.182845, pos);
UnicodeString neg;
nf->format(-271828.182845, neg);
if (pos.indexOf(EURO_CURRENCY) >= 0 &&
neg.indexOf(EURO_CURRENCY) >= 0) {
logln("Ok: " + (temp=loc.getName()) +
": " + pos + " / " + neg);
else {
errln("Fail: " + (temp=loc.getName()) +
" formats without " + EURO_CURRENCY +
": " + pos + " / " + neg +
delete nf;
UnicodeString dollarStr("USD", ""), euroStr("EUR", ""), genericStr((UChar)0x00a4), resultStr;
UChar tmp[4];
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
ucurr_forLocale("en_US", tmp, 4, &status);
if (dollarStr != resultStr) {
errln("Fail: en_US didn't return USD");
ucurr_forLocale("en_US_EURO", tmp, 4, &status);
if (euroStr != resultStr) {
errln("Fail: en_US_EURO didn't return EUR");
ucurr_forLocale("en_GB_EURO", tmp, 4, &status);
if (euroStr != resultStr) {
errln("Fail: en_GB_EURO didn't return EUR");
ucurr_forLocale("en_US_PREEURO", tmp, 4, &status);
if (dollarStr != resultStr) {
errln("Fail: en_US_PREEURO didn't fallback to en_US");
ucurr_forLocale("en_US_Q", tmp, 4, &status);
if (dollarStr != resultStr) {
errln("Fail: en_US_Q didn't fallback to en_US");
int32_t invalidLen = ucurr_forLocale("en_QQ", tmp, 4, &status);
if (invalidLen || U_SUCCESS(status)) {
errln("Fail: en_QQ didn't return NULL");
* @bug 4139504
* toString() doesn't work with language_VARIANT.
LocaleTest::TestToString() {
Locale DATA [] = {
Locale("xx", "", ""),
Locale("", "YY", ""),
Locale("", "", "ZZ"),
Locale("xx", "YY", ""),
Locale("xx", "", "ZZ"),
Locale("", "YY", "ZZ"),
Locale("xx", "YY", "ZZ"),
const char DATA_S [][20] = {
for (int32_t i=0; i < 7; ++i) {
const char *name;
name = DATA[i].getName();
if (strcmp(name, DATA_S[i]) != 0)
errln("Fail: Locale.getName(), got:" + UnicodeString(name) + ", expected: " + DATA_S[i]);
logln("Pass: Locale.getName(), got:" + UnicodeString(name) );
* @bug 4139940
* Couldn't reproduce this bug -- probably was fixed earlier.
* -- basically, hungarian for monday shouldn't have an \u00f4
* (o circumflex)in it instead it should be an o with 2 inclined
* (right) lines over it..
* You may wonder -- why do all this -- why not just add a line to
* LocaleData? Well, I could see by inspection that the locale file had the
* right character in it, so I wanted to check the rest of the pipeline -- a
* very remote possibility, but I wanted to be sure. The other possibility
* is that something is wrong with the font mapping subsystem, but we can't
* test that here.
Locale mylocale("hu", "", "");
UDate mydate = date(98,3,13); // A Monday
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
SimpleDateFormat df_full("EEEE", mylocale, status);
UnicodeString str;
FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
df_full.format(mydate, str, pos);
// Make sure that o circumflex (\u00F4) is NOT there, and
// o double acute (\u0151) IS.
UChar ocf = 0x00f4;
UChar oda = 0x0151;
if (str.indexOf(oda) < 0 || str.indexOf(ocf) >= 0) {
errln("Fail: Monday in Hungarian is wrong - oda's index is %d and ocf's is %d",
str.indexOf(oda), str.indexOf(ocf));
logln(UnicodeString("String is: ") + str );
LocaleTest::date(int32_t y, int32_t m, int32_t d, int32_t hr, int32_t min, int32_t sec)
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Calendar *cal = Calendar::createInstance(status);
if (cal == 0)
return 0.0;
cal->set(1900 + y, m, d, hr, min, sec); // Add 1900 to follow java.util.Date protocol
UDate dt = cal->getTime(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
return 0.0;
delete cal;
return dt;
* @bug 4143951
* Russian first day of week should be Monday. Confirmed.
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Calendar *cal = Calendar::createInstance(Locale("ru", "", ""), status);
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
if (cal->getFirstDayOfWeek(status) != UCAL_MONDAY) {
errln("Fail: First day of week in Russia should be Monday");
delete cal;
* @bug 4147315
* java.util.Locale.getISO3Country() works wrong for non ISO-3166 codes.
* Should throw an exception for unknown locales
UnicodeString temp;
// Try with codes that are the wrong length but happen to match text
// at a valid offset in the mapping table
Locale locale("aaa", "CCC");
const char *result = locale.getISO3Country();
// Change to conform to C api usage
if((result==NULL)||(result[0] != 0))
errln("ERROR: getISO3Country() returns: " + UnicodeString(result,"") +
" for locale '" + (temp=locale.getName()) + "' rather than exception" );
* @bug 4147317
* java.util.Locale.getISO3Language() works wrong for non ISO-3166 codes.
* Should throw an exception for unknown locales
UnicodeString temp;
// Try with codes that are the wrong length but happen to match text
// at a valid offset in the mapping table
Locale locale("aaa", "CCC");
const char *result = locale.getISO3Language();
// Change to conform to C api usage
if((result==NULL)||(result[0] != 0))
errln("ERROR: getISO3Language() returns: " + UnicodeString(result,"") +
" for locale '" + (temp=locale.getName()) + "' rather than exception" );
* @bug 4147552
Locale locales [] = { Locale("no", "NO"),
Locale("no", "NO", "B"),
Locale("no", "NO", "NY")
UnicodeString edn("Norwegian (Norway, B)");
UnicodeString englishDisplayNames [] = {
"Norwegian (Norway)",
// "Norwegian (Norway,B)",
//"Norwegian (Norway,NY)"
"Norwegian (Norway, NY)"
UnicodeString ndn("norsk (Norge, B");
UnicodeString norwegianDisplayNames [] = {
"norsk (Norge)",
"norsk (Norge, B)",
"norsk (Noreg, NY)"
//"Norsk (Noreg, Nynorsk)"
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Locale saveLocale;
Locale::setDefault(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
Locale loc = locales[i];
UnicodeString temp;
if (loc.getDisplayName(temp) != englishDisplayNames[i])
errln("English display-name mismatch: expected " +
englishDisplayNames[i] + ", got " + loc.getDisplayName(temp));
if (loc.getDisplayName(loc, temp) != norwegianDisplayNames[i])
errln("Norwegian display-name mismatch: expected " +
norwegianDisplayNames[i] + ", got " +
loc.getDisplayName(loc, temp));
Locale::setDefault(saveLocale, status);
Locale en_US_custom("en", "US", "De Anza_Cupertino_California_United States_Earth");
UnicodeString dispName("English (United States, DE ANZA_CUPERTINO_CALIFORNIA_UNITED STATES_EARTH)");
UnicodeString got;
en_US_custom.getDisplayVariant(Locale::getUS(), got);
if(got != dispVar) {
errln("FAIL: getDisplayVariant()");
errln("Wanted: " + dispVar);
errln("Got : " + got);
en_US_custom.getDisplayName(Locale::getUS(), got);
if(got != dispName) {
errln("FAIL: getDisplayName()");
errln("Wanted: " + dispName);
errln("Got : " + got);
Locale shortVariant("fr", "FR", "foo");
if(got != "FOO") {
errln("FAIL: getDisplayVariant()");
errln("Wanted: foo");
errln("Got : " + got);
Locale bogusVariant("fr", "FR", "_foo");
if(got != "FOO") {
errln("FAIL: getDisplayVariant()");
errln("Wanted: foo");
errln("Got : " + got);
Locale bogusVariant2("fr", "FR", "foo_");
if(got != "FOO") {
errln("FAIL: getDisplayVariant()");
errln("Wanted: foo");
errln("Got : " + got);
Locale bogusVariant3("fr", "FR", "_foo_");
if(got != "FOO") {
errln("FAIL: getDisplayVariant()");
errln("Wanted: foo");
errln("Got : " + got);
* @bug 4105828
* Currency symbol in zh is wrong. We will test this at the NumberFormat
* end to test the whole pipe.
Locale LOC [] = { Locale::getChinese(), Locale("zh", "CN", ""),
Locale("zh", "TW", ""), Locale("zh", "HK", "") };
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
NumberFormat *fmt = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance(LOC[i], status);
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
errln("Couldn't create NumberFormat");
UnicodeString result;
FieldPosition pos(0);
fmt->format((int32_t)1, result, pos);
UnicodeString temp;
if(result != "100%") {
errln(UnicodeString("Percent for ") + LOC[i].getDisplayName(temp) + " should be 100%, got " + result);
delete fmt;
// Tests setBogus and isBogus APIs for Locale
// Jitterbug 1735
LocaleTest::TestSetIsBogus() {
Locale l("en_US");
if(l.isBogus() != TRUE) {
errln("After setting bogus, didn't return TRUE");
l = "en_US"; // This should reset bogus
if(l.isBogus() != FALSE) {
errln("After resetting bogus, didn't return FALSE");
LocaleTest::TestKeywordVariants(void) {
struct {
const char *localeID;
const char *expectedLocaleID;
//const char *expectedLocaleIDNoKeywords;
//const char *expectedCanonicalID;
const char *expectedKeywords[10];
int32_t numKeywords;
UErrorCode expectedStatus;
} testCases[] = {
"de_DE@ currency = euro; C o ll A t i o n = Phonebook ; C alen dar = buddhist ",
{"calendar", "collation", "currency"},
U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR /* must have '=' after '@' */
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t i = 0, j = 0;
const char *result = NULL;
StringEnumeration *keywords;
int32_t keyCount = 0;
const char *keyword = NULL;
const UnicodeString *keywordString;
int32_t keywordLen = 0;
for(i = 0; i < (int32_t)(sizeof(testCases)/sizeof(testCases[0])); i++) {
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Locale l(testCases[i].localeID);
keywords = l.createKeywords(status);
if(status != testCases[i].expectedStatus) {
err("Expected to get status %s. Got %s instead\n",
u_errorName(testCases[i].expectedStatus), u_errorName(status));
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
if(keywords) {
if((keyCount = keywords->count(status)) != testCases[i].numKeywords) {
err("Expected to get %i keywords, got %i\n", testCases[i].numKeywords, keyCount);
if(keyCount) {
for(j = 0;;) {
if((j&1)==0) {
if((keyword = keywords->next(&keywordLen, status)) == NULL) {
if(strcmp(keyword, testCases[i].expectedKeywords[j]) != 0) {
err("Expected to get keyword value %s, got %s\n", testCases[i].expectedKeywords[j], keyword);
} else {
if((keywordString = keywords->snext(status)) == NULL) {
if(*keywordString != UnicodeString(testCases[i].expectedKeywords[j], "")) {
err("Expected to get keyword UnicodeString %s, got %s\n", testCases[i].expectedKeywords[j], keyword);
if(j == keyCount / 2) {
// replace keywords with a clone of itself
StringEnumeration *k2 = keywords->clone();
if(k2 == NULL || keyCount != k2->count(status)) {
errln("KeywordEnumeration.clone() failed");
} else {
delete keywords;
keywords = k2;
keywords->reset(status); // Make sure that reset works.
for(j = 0;;) {
if((keyword = keywords->next(&keywordLen, status)) == NULL) {
if(strcmp(keyword, testCases[i].expectedKeywords[j]) != 0) {
err("Expected to get keyword value %s, got %s\n", testCases[i].expectedKeywords[j], keyword);
delete keywords;
result = l.getName();
if(uprv_strcmp(testCases[i].expectedLocaleID, result) != 0) {
err("Expected to get \"%s\" from \"%s\". Got \"%s\" instead\n",
testCases[i].expectedLocaleID, testCases[i].localeID, result);
LocaleTest::TestKeywordVariantParsing(void) {
struct {
const char *localeID;
const char *keyword;
const char *expectedValue;
} testCases[] = {
{ "de_DE@ C o ll A t i o n = Phonebook ", "collation", "Phonebook" },
{ "de_DE", "collation", ""},
{ "de_DE@collation= PHONEBOOK", "collation", "PHONEBOOK" },
{ "de_DE@ currency = euro ; CoLLaTion = PHONEBOOk ", "collation", "PHONEBOOk" },
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t i = 0;
int32_t resultLen = 0;
char buffer[256];
for(i = 0; i < (int32_t)(sizeof(testCases)/sizeof(testCases[0])); i++) {
*buffer = 0;
Locale l(testCases[i].localeID);
resultLen = l.getKeywordValue(testCases[i].keyword, buffer, 256, status);
if(uprv_strcmp(testCases[i].expectedValue, buffer) != 0) {
err("Expected to extract \"%s\" from \"%s\" for keyword \"%s\". Got \"%s\" instead\n",
testCases[i].expectedValue, testCases[i].localeID, testCases[i].keyword, buffer);
LocaleTest::TestGetBaseName(void) {
struct {
const char *localeID;
const char *baseName;
} testCases[] = {
{ "de_DE@ C o ll A t i o n = Phonebook ", "de_DE" },
{ "de@currency = euro; CoLLaTion = PHONEBOOk", "de" },
{ "ja@calendar = buddhist", "ja" }
int32_t i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < (int32_t)(sizeof(testCases)/sizeof(testCases[0])); i++) {
Locale loc(testCases[i].localeID);
if(strcmp(testCases[i].baseName, loc.getBaseName())) {
errln("For locale \"%s\" expected baseName \"%s\", but got \"%s\"",
testCases[i].localeID, testCases[i].baseName, loc.getBaseName());
* Compare two locale IDs. If they are equal, return 0. If `string'
* starts with `prefix' plus an additional element, that is, string ==
* prefix + '_' + x, then return 1. Otherwise return a value < 0.
static UBool _loccmp(const char* string, const char* prefix) {
int32_t slen = (int32_t)strlen(string),
plen = (int32_t)strlen(prefix);
int32_t c = uprv_strncmp(string, prefix, plen);
/* 'root' is "less than" everything */
if (uprv_strcmp(prefix, "root") == 0) {
return (uprv_strcmp(string, "root") == 0) ? 0 : 1;
if (c) return -1; /* mismatch */
if (slen == plen) return 0;
if (string[plen] == '_') return 1;
return -2; /* false match, e.g. "en_USX" cmp "en_US" */
* Check the relationship between requested locales, and report problems.
* The caller specifies the expected relationships between requested
* and valid (expReqValid) and between valid and actual (expValidActual).
* Possible values are:
* "gt" strictly greater than, e.g., en_US > en
* "ge" greater or equal, e.g., en >= en
* "eq" equal, e.g., en == en
void LocaleTest::_checklocs(const char* label,
const char* req,
const Locale& validLoc,
const Locale& actualLoc,
const char* expReqValid,
const char* expValidActual) {
const char* valid = validLoc.getName();
const char* actual = actualLoc.getName();
int32_t reqValid = _loccmp(req, valid);
int32_t validActual = _loccmp(valid, actual);
if (((0 == uprv_strcmp(expReqValid, "gt") && reqValid > 0) ||
(0 == uprv_strcmp(expReqValid, "ge") && reqValid >= 0) ||
(0 == uprv_strcmp(expReqValid, "eq") && reqValid == 0)) &&
((0 == uprv_strcmp(expValidActual, "gt") && validActual > 0) ||
(0 == uprv_strcmp(expValidActual, "ge") && validActual >= 0) ||
(0 == uprv_strcmp(expValidActual, "eq") && validActual == 0))) {
logln("%s; req=%s, valid=%s, actual=%s",
label, req, valid, actual);
} else {
errln("FAIL: %s; req=%s, valid=%s, actual=%s. Require (R %s V) and (V %s A)",
label, req, valid, actual,
expReqValid, expValidActual);
void LocaleTest::TestGetLocale(void) {
UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
const char *req;
Locale valid, actual, reqLoc;
// Calendar
req = "en_US_BROOKLYN";
Calendar* cal = Calendar::createInstance(Locale::createFromName(req), ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Calendar::createInstance failed");
} else {
valid = cal->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = cal->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Calendar::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("Calendar", req, valid, actual);
/* Make sure that it fails correctly */
if (cal->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec).getName()[0] != 0) {
errln("FAIL: Calendar::getLocale() failed to fail correctly. It should have returned \"\"");
delete cal;
// DecimalFormat, DecimalFormatSymbols
req = "fr_FR_NICE";
DecimalFormat* dec = (DecimalFormat*)
NumberFormat::createInstance(Locale::createFromName(req), ec);
U_ASSERT(dec->getDynamicClassID() == DecimalFormat::getStaticClassID());
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: NumberFormat::createInstance failed");
} else {
valid = dec->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = dec->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: DecimalFormat::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("DecimalFormat", req, valid, actual);
const DecimalFormatSymbols* sym = dec->getDecimalFormatSymbols();
U_ASSERT(sym != 0);
valid = sym->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = sym->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: DecimalFormatSymbols::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("DecimalFormatSymbols", req, valid, actual);
delete dec;
// DateFormat, DateFormatSymbols
req = "de_CH_LUCERNE";
SimpleDateFormat* dat = (SimpleDateFormat*)
U_ASSERT(dat != 0);
U_ASSERT(dat->getDynamicClassID() == SimpleDateFormat::getStaticClassID());
valid = dat->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = dat->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: SimpleDateFormat::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("SimpleDateFormat", req, valid, actual);
const DateFormatSymbols* sym = dat->getDateFormatSymbols();
U_ASSERT(sym != 0);
valid = sym->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = sym->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: DateFormatSymbols::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("DateFormatSymbols", req, valid, actual);
delete dat;
// BreakIterator
req = "es_ES_BARCELONA";
reqLoc = Locale::createFromName(req);
BreakIterator* brk = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(reqLoc, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: BreakIterator::createWordInstance failed");
} else {
valid = brk->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = brk->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: BreakIterator::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("BreakIterator", req, valid, actual);
// After registering something, the behavior should be different
URegistryKey key = BreakIterator::registerInstance(brk, reqLoc, UBRK_WORD, ec);
brk = 0; // registerInstance adopts
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: BreakIterator::registerInstance() failed");
} else {
brk = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(reqLoc, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: BreakIterator::createWordInstance failed");
} else {
valid = brk->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = brk->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: BreakIterator::getLocale() failed");
} else {
// N.B.: now expect valid==actual==req
req, valid, actual, "eq", "eq");
// No matter what, unregister
BreakIterator::unregister(key, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: BreakIterator::unregister() failed");
delete brk;
brk = 0;
// After unregistering, should behave normally again
brk = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(reqLoc, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: BreakIterator::createWordInstance failed");
} else {
valid = brk->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = brk->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: BreakIterator::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("BreakIterator(unregistered)", req, valid, actual);
delete brk;
// Collator
req = "hi_IN_BHOPAL";
reqLoc = Locale::createFromName(req);
Collator* coll = Collator::createInstance(reqLoc, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Collator::createInstance failed");
} else {
valid = coll->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = coll->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Collator::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("Collator", req, valid, actual);
// After registering something, the behavior should be different
URegistryKey key = Collator::registerInstance(coll, reqLoc, ec);
coll = 0; // registerInstance adopts
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Collator::registerInstance() failed");
} else {
coll = Collator::createInstance(reqLoc, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Collator::createWordInstance failed");
} else {
valid = coll->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = coll->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Collator::getLocale() failed");
} else {
// N.B.: now expect valid==actual==req
req, valid, actual, "eq", "eq");
// No matter what, unregister
Collator::unregister(key, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Collator::unregister() failed");
delete coll;
coll = 0;
// After unregistering, should behave normally again
coll = Collator::createInstance(reqLoc, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Collator::createInstance failed");
} else {
valid = coll->getLocale(ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, ec);
actual = coll->getLocale(ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
errln("FAIL: Collator::getLocale() failed");
} else {
_checklocs("Collator(unregistered)", req, valid, actual);
delete coll;
void LocaleTest::TestVariantWithOutCountry(void) {
Locale loc("en","","POSIX");
if (0 != strcmp(loc.getVariant(), "POSIX")) {
errln("FAIL: en__POSIX didn't get parsed correctly");
Locale loc2("en","","FOUR");
if (0 != strcmp(loc2.getVariant(), "FOUR")) {
errln("FAIL: en__FOUR didn't get parsed correctly");
Locale loc3("en","Latn","","FOUR");
if (0 != strcmp(loc3.getVariant(), "FOUR")) {
errln("FAIL: en_Latn__FOUR didn't get parsed correctly");
Locale loc4("","Latn","","FOUR");
if (0 != strcmp(loc4.getVariant(), "FOUR")) {
errln("FAIL: _Latn__FOUR didn't get parsed correctly");
Locale loc5("","Latn","US","FOUR");
if (0 != strcmp(loc5.getVariant(), "FOUR")) {
errln("FAIL: _Latn_US_FOUR didn't get parsed correctly");
static Locale _canonicalize(int32_t selector, /* 0==createFromName, 1==createCanonical, 2==Locale ct */
const char* localeID) {
switch (selector) {
case 0:
return Locale::createFromName(localeID);
case 1:
return Locale::createCanonical(localeID);
case 2:
return Locale(localeID);
return Locale("");
void LocaleTest::TestCanonicalization(void)
static struct {
const char *localeID; /* input */
const char *getNameID; /* expected getName() result */
const char *canonicalID; /* expected canonicalize() result */
} testCases[] = {
{ "ca_ES_PREEURO-with-extra-stuff-that really doesn't make any sense-unless-you're trying to increase code coverage",
{ "ca_ES_PREEURO", "ca_ES_PREEURO", "ca_ES@currency=ESP" },
{ "de_AT_PREEURO", "de_AT_PREEURO", "de_AT@currency=ATS" },
{ "de_DE_PREEURO", "de_DE_PREEURO", "de_DE@currency=DEM" },
{ "de_LU_PREEURO", "de_LU_PREEURO", "de_LU@currency=LUF" },
{ "el_GR_PREEURO", "el_GR_PREEURO", "el_GR@currency=GRD" },
{ "en_BE_PREEURO", "en_BE_PREEURO", "en_BE@currency=BEF" },
{ "en_IE_PREEURO", "en_IE_PREEURO", "en_IE@currency=IEP" },
{ "es_ES_PREEURO", "es_ES_PREEURO", "es_ES@currency=ESP" },
{ "eu_ES_PREEURO", "eu_ES_PREEURO", "eu_ES@currency=ESP" },
{ "fi_FI_PREEURO", "fi_FI_PREEURO", "fi_FI@currency=FIM" },
{ "fr_BE_PREEURO", "fr_BE_PREEURO", "fr_BE@currency=BEF" },
{ "fr_FR_PREEURO", "fr_FR_PREEURO", "fr_FR@currency=FRF" },
{ "fr_LU_PREEURO", "fr_LU_PREEURO", "fr_LU@currency=LUF" },
{ "ga_IE_PREEURO", "ga_IE_PREEURO", "ga_IE@currency=IEP" },
{ "gl_ES_PREEURO", "gl_ES_PREEURO", "gl_ES@currency=ESP" },
{ "it_IT_PREEURO", "it_IT_PREEURO", "it_IT@currency=ITL" },
{ "nl_BE_PREEURO", "nl_BE_PREEURO", "nl_BE@currency=BEF" },
{ "nl_NL_PREEURO", "nl_NL_PREEURO", "nl_NL@currency=NLG" },
{ "pt_PT_PREEURO", "pt_PT_PREEURO", "pt_PT@currency=PTE" },
{ "de__PHONEBOOK", "de__PHONEBOOK", "de@collation=phonebook" },
{ "en_GB_EURO", "en_GB_EURO", "en_GB@currency=EUR" },
{ "en_GB@EURO", "en_GB@EURO", "en_GB@currency=EUR" }, /* POSIX ID */
{ "es__TRADITIONAL", "es__TRADITIONAL", "es@collation=traditional" },
{ "hi__DIRECT", "hi__DIRECT", "hi@collation=direct" },
{ "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", "ja_JP@calendar=japanese" },
{ "th_TH_TRADITIONAL", "th_TH_TRADITIONAL", "th_TH@calendar=buddhist" },
{ "zh_TW_STROKE", "zh_TW_STROKE", "zh_Hant_TW@collation=stroke" },
{ "zh__PINYIN", "zh__PINYIN", "zh@collation=pinyin" },
{ "zh@collation=pinyin", "zh@collation=pinyin", "zh@collation=pinyin" },
{ "zh_CN@collation=pinyin", "zh_CN@collation=pinyin", "zh_CN@collation=pinyin" },
{ "zh_CN_CA@collation=pinyin", "zh_CN_CA@collation=pinyin", "zh_CN_CA@collation=pinyin" },
{ "en_US_POSIX", "en_US_POSIX", "en_US_POSIX" },
{ "hy_AM_REVISED", "hy_AM_REVISED", "hy_AM_REVISED" },
{ "no_NO_NY", "no_NO_NY", "no_NO_NY" /* not: "nn_NO" [alan ICU3.0] */ },
{ "no@ny", "no@ny", "no__NY" /* not: "nn" [alan ICU3.0] */ }, /* POSIX ID */
{ "no-no.utf32@B", "no_NO.utf32@B", "no_NO_B" /* not: "nb_NO_B" [alan ICU3.0] */ }, /* POSIX ID */
{ "qz-qz@Euro", "qz_QZ@Euro", "qz_QZ@currency=EUR" }, /* qz-qz uses private use iso codes */
// NOTE: uloc_getName() works on en-BOONT, but Locale() parser considers it BOGUS
// TODO: unify this behavior
{ "en-BOONT", "BOGUS", "en__BOONT" }, /* registered name */
{ "de-1901", "de_1901", "de__1901" }, /* registered name */
{ "de-1906", "de_1906", "de__1906" }, /* registered name */
{ "sr-SP-Cyrl", "sr_SP_CYRL", "sr_Cyrl_SP" }, /* .NET name */
{ "sr-SP-Latn", "sr_SP_LATN", "sr_Latn_SP" }, /* .NET name */
{ "uz-UZ-Cyrl", "uz_UZ_CYRL", "uz_Cyrl_UZ" }, /* .NET name */
{ "uz-UZ-Latn", "uz_UZ_LATN", "uz_Latn_UZ" }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh-CHS", "zh_CHS", "zh_Hans" }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh-CHT", "zh_CHT", "zh_Hant" }, /* .NET name This may change back to zh_Hant */
/* posix behavior that used to be performed by getName */
{ "mr.utf8", "mr.utf8", "mr" },
{ "de-tv.koi8r", "de_TV.koi8r", "de_TV" },
{ "x-piglatin_ML.MBE", "x-piglatin_ML.MBE", "x-piglatin_ML" },
{ "i-cherokee_US.utf7", "i-cherokee_US.utf7", "i-cherokee_US" },
{ "x-filfli_MT_FILFLA.gb-18030", "x-filfli_MT_FILFLA.gb-18030", "x-filfli_MT_FILFLA" },
{ "no-no-ny.utf8@B", "no_NO_NY.utf8@B", "no_NO_NY_B" /* not: "nn_NO" [alan ICU3.0] */ }, /* @ ignored unless variant is empty */
/* fleshing out canonicalization */
/* trim space and sort keywords, ';' is separator so not present at end in canonical form */
{ "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@ currency = EUR; calendar = Japanese ;", "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR", "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR" },
/* already-canonical ids are not changed */
{ "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR", "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR", "en_Hant_IL_VALLEY_GIRL@calendar=Japanese;currency=EUR" },
/* PRE_EURO and EURO conversions don't affect other keywords */
{ "es_ES_PREEURO@CALendar=Japanese", "es_ES_PREEURO@calendar=Japanese", "es_ES@calendar=Japanese;currency=ESP" },
{ "es_ES_EURO@SHOUT=zipeedeedoodah", "es_ES_EURO@shout=zipeedeedoodah", "es_ES@currency=EUR;shout=zipeedeedoodah" },
/* currency keyword overrides PRE_EURO and EURO currency */
{ "es_ES_PREEURO@currency=EUR", "es_ES_PREEURO@currency=EUR", "es_ES@currency=EUR" },
{ "es_ES_EURO@currency=ESP", "es_ES_EURO@currency=ESP", "es_ES@currency=ESP" },
/* norwegian is just too weird, if we handle things in their full generality */
{ "no-Hant-GB_NY@currency=$$$", "no_Hant_GB_NY@currency=$$$", "no_Hant_GB_NY@currency=$$$" /* not: "nn_Hant_GB@currency=$$$" [alan ICU3.0] */ },
/* test cases reflecting internal resource bundle usage */
{ "root@kw=foo", "root@kw=foo", "root@kw=foo" },
{ "@calendar=gregorian", "@calendar=gregorian", "@calendar=gregorian" },
{ "ja_JP@calendar=Japanese", "ja_JP@calendar=Japanese", "ja_JP@calendar=Japanese" }
static const char* label[] = { "createFromName", "createCanonical", "Locale" };
int32_t i, j;
for (i=0; i < (int)(sizeof(testCases)/sizeof(testCases[0])); i++) {
for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
const char* expected = (j==1) ? testCases[i].canonicalID : testCases[i].getNameID;
Locale loc = _canonicalize(j, testCases[i].localeID);
const char* getName = loc.isBogus() ? "BOGUS" : loc.getName();
if(uprv_strcmp(expected, getName) != 0) {
errln("FAIL: %s(%s).getName() => \"%s\", expected \"%s\"",
label[j], testCases[i].localeID, getName, expected);
} else {
logln("Ok: %s(%s) => \"%s\"",
label[j], testCases[i].localeID, getName);