588 lines
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588 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2001, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* file name: unormimp.h
* encoding: US-ASCII
* tab size: 8 (not used)
* indentation:4
* created on: 2001may25
* created by: Markus W. Scherer
#ifndef __UNORMIMP_H__
#define __UNORMIMP_H__
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/unorm.h"
# include "unicode/chariter.h"
#include "utrie.h"
#include "ustr_imp.h"
* This new implementation of the normalization code loads its data from
* unorm.dat, which is generated with the gennorm tool.
* The format of that file is described at the end of this file.
/* norm32 value constants */
enum {
/* quick check flags 0..3 set mean "no" for their forms */
_NORM_QC_NFC=0x11, /* no|maybe */
_NORM_QC_NFKC=0x22, /* no|maybe */
_NORM_QC_NFD=4, /* no */
_NORM_QC_NFKD=8, /* no */
/* quick check flags 4..5 mean "maybe" for their forms; test flags>=_NORM_QC_MAYBE */
_NORM_CC_SHIFT=8, /* UnicodeData.txt combining class in bits 15..8 */
_NORM_EXTRA_SHIFT=16, /* 16 bits for the index to UChars and other extra data */
_NORM_EXTRA_INDEX_TOP=0xfc00, /* start of surrogate specials after shift */
_NORM_EXTRA_SURROGATE_TOP=0x3f0, /* hangul etc. */
_NORM_EXTRA_JAMO_L, /* ### not used */
/* norm32 value constants using >16 bits */
#define _NORM_MIN_SPECIAL 0xfc000000
#define _NORM_SURROGATES_TOP 0xfff00000
#define _NORM_MIN_HANGUL 0xfff00000
#define _NORM_MIN_JAMO_V 0xfff20000
#define _NORM_JAMO_V_TOP 0xfff30000
/* indexes[] value names */
enum {
_NORM_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE, /* number of bytes in normalization trie */
_NORM_INDEX_UCHAR_COUNT, /* number of UChars in extra data */
_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT, /* number of uint16_t words for combining data */
_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_FWD_COUNT, /* number of code points that combine forward */
_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_BOTH_COUNT, /* number of code points that combine forward and backward */
_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_BACK_COUNT, /* number of code points that combine backward */
_NORM_INDEX_MIN_NFC_NO_MAYBE, /* first code point with quick check NFC NO/MAYBE */
_NORM_INDEX_MIN_NFKC_NO_MAYBE, /* first code point with quick check NFKC NO/MAYBE */
_NORM_INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE, /* first code point with quick check NFD NO/MAYBE */
_NORM_INDEX_MIN_NFKD_NO_MAYBE, /* first code point with quick check NFKD NO/MAYBE */
_NORM_INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE, /* number of bytes in FCD trie */
_NORM_INDEX_TOP=32 /* changing this requires a new formatVersion */
enum {
/* FCD check: everything below this code point is known to have a 0 lead combining class */
enum {
* Bit 7 of the length byte for a decomposition string in extra data is
* a flag indicating whether the decomposition string is
* preceded by a 16-bit word with the leading and trailing cc
* of the decomposition (like for A-umlaut);
* if not, then both cc's are zero (like for compatibility ideographs).
* Bits 6..0 of the length byte contain the actual length.
* Is the normalizer data loaded?
* This is used internally before other internal normalizer functions
* are called.
* It saves this check in each of many normalization calls that
* are made for, e.g., collation.
* @param pErrorCode as usual
* @return boolean value for whether the normalization data is loaded
* @internal
unorm_haveData(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Internal API for normalizing.
* Does not check for bad input.
* @internal
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
unorm_internalNormalize(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
UNormalizationMode mode, UBool ignoreHangul,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* internal API, used by normlzr.cpp
* @internal
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
unorm_decompose(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
UBool compat, UBool ignoreHangul,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* internal API, used by normlzr.cpp
* @internal
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
unorm_compose(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength,
UBool compat, UBool ignoreHangul,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Internal API, used by collation code.
* Get access to the internal FCD trie table to be able to perform
* incremental, per-code unit, FCD checks in collation.
* One pointer is sufficient because the trie index values are offset
* by the index size, so that the same pointer is used to access the trie data.
* @internal
U_CAPI const uint16_t * U_EXPORT2
unorm_getFCDTrie(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Internal API, used by collation code.
* Get the FCD value for a code unit, with
* bits 15..8 lead combining class
* bits 7..0 trail combining class
* If c is a lead surrogate and the value is not 0,
* then instead of combining classes the value
* is used in unorm_getFCD16FromSurrogatePair() to get the real value
* of the supplementary code point.
* @internal
inline uint16_t
unorm_getFCD16(const uint16_t *fcdTrieIndex, UChar c) {
* Internal API, used by collation code.
* Get the FCD value for a supplementary code point, with
* bits 15..8 lead combining class
* bits 7..0 trail combining class
* @param fcd16 The FCD value for the lead surrogate, not 0.
* @param c2 The trail surrogate code unit.
* @internal
inline uint16_t
unorm_getFCD16FromSurrogatePair(const uint16_t *fcdTrieIndex, uint16_t fcd16, UChar c2) {
struct UCharIterator;
typedef struct UCharIterator UCharIterator;
enum UCharIteratorOrigin {
typedef enum UCharIteratorOrigin UCharIteratorOrigin;
typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
UCharIteratorMove( UCharIterator *iter, int32_t delta, UCharIteratorOrigin origin);
typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
UCharIteratorHasNext(UCharIterator *iter);
typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
UCharIteratorHasPrevious(UCharIterator *iter);
typedef UChar U_CALLCONV
UCharIteratorCurrent(UCharIterator *iter);
typedef UChar U_CALLCONV
UCharIteratorNext(UCharIterator *iter);
typedef UChar U_CALLCONV
UCharIteratorPrevious(UCharIterator *iter);
* C API for code unit iteration.
* This can be used as a C wrapper around
* CharacterIterator, Replaceable, or implemented using simple strings, etc.
* @internal for normalization
struct UCharIterator {
* (protected) Pointer to string or wrapped object or similar.
* Not used by caller.
void *context;
* (protected) Length of string or similar.
* Not used by caller.
int32_t length;
* (protected) Start index or similar.
* Not used by caller.
int32_t start;
* (protected) Current index or similar.
* Not used by caller.
int32_t index;
* (protected) Limit index or similar.
* Not used by caller.
int32_t limit;
* (public) Moves the current position relative to the start or end of the
* iteration range, or relative to the current position itself.
* The movement is expressed in numbers of code units forward
* or backward by specifying a positive or negative delta.
* @param delta can be positive, zero, or negative
* @param origin move relative to the start, end, or current index
* @return the new index
UCharIteratorMove *move;
* (public) Check if current() and next() can still
* return another code unit.
UCharIteratorHasNext *hasNext;
* (public) Check if previous() can still return another code unit.
UCharIteratorHasPrevious *hasPrevious;
* (public) Return the code unit at the current position,
* or 0xffff if there is none (index is at the end).
UCharIteratorCurrent *current;
* (public) Return the code unit at the current index and increment
* the index (post-increment, like s[i++]),
* or return 0xffff if there is none (index is at the end).
UCharIteratorNext *next;
* (public) Decrement the index and return the code unit from there
* (pre-decrement, like s[--i]),
* or return 0xffff if there is none (index is at the start).
UCharIteratorPrevious *previous;
* Internal API for iterative normalizing - see Normalizer.
* @internal
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
unorm_nextNormalize(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
UCharIterator *src,
UNormalizationMode mode, UBool ignoreHangul,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Internal API for iterative normalizing - see Normalizer.
* @internal
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
unorm_previousNormalize(UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
UCharIterator *src,
UNormalizationMode mode, UBool ignoreHangul,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Description of the format of unorm.dat. ### TODO describe 2.0 with UTrie
* For more details of how to use the data structures see the code
* in unorm.cpp (runtime normalization code) and
* in gennorm.c and gennorm/store.c (build-time data generation).
* - Overall partition
* unorm.dat customarily begins with a UDataInfo structure, see udata.h and .c.
* After that there are the following arrays:
* uint16_t indexes[_NORM_INDEX_TOP]; -- _NORM_INDEX_TOP=indexes[0]=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COUNT]
* uint16_t stage1[stage1Top]; -- stage1Top=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_TRIE_INDEX_COUNT]
* uint32_t norm32Table[norm32TableTop]; -- norm32TableTop=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_TRIE_DATA_COUNT]
* uint16_t extraData[extraDataTop]; -- extraDataTop=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_UCHAR_COUNT]
* uint16_t combiningTable[combiningTableTop]; -- combiningTableTop=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT]
* uint16_t fcdStage1[fcdStage1Top]; -- fcdStage1Top=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_FCD_TRIE_INDEX_COUNT]
* uint16_t fcdTable[fcdTableTop]; -- fcdTableTop=indexes[_NORM_INDEX_FCD_TRIE_DATA_COUNT]
* The indexes array contains lengths of the following arrays (and its own length)
* as well as the following values:
* -- length of indexes[]
* -- for trie indexes: shift UChars by this much
* indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_FWD_COUNT]=combineFwdTop
* -- one more than the highest combining index computed for forward-only-combining characters
* indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_BOTH_COUNT]=combineBothTop-combineFwdTop
* -- number of combining indexes computed for both-ways-combining characters
* indexes[_NORM_INDEX_COMBINE_BACK_COUNT]=combineBackTop-combineBothTop
* -- number of combining indexes computed for backward-only-combining characters
* - Tries
* The main structures are two trie tables ("compact arrays"),
* each with one index array and one data array.
* Generally, tries use the upper bits of an input value to access the index array,
* which results in an index to the data array where a block of values is stored.
* The lower bits of the same input value are then used to index inside that data
* block to get to the specific data element for the input value.
* In order to use each trie with a single base pointer, the index values in
* the index array are offset by the length of the index array.
* With this, a base pointer to the trie index array is also directly used
* with the index value to access the trie data array.
* For example, if trieIndex[n] refers to offset m in trieData[] then
* the actual value is q=trieIndex[n]=lengthof(trieIndex)+m
* and you access trieIndex[q] instead of trieData[m].
* - Folded tries
* The tries here are extended to work for lookups on UTF-16 strings with
* supplementary characters encoded with surrogate pairs.
* They are called "folded tries".
* Each 16-bit code unit (UChar, not code point UChar32) is looked up this way.
* If there is relevant data for any given code unit, then the data or the code unit
* must be checked for whether it is a leading surrogate.
* If so, then the data contains an offset that is used together with the following
* trailing surrogate code unit value for a second trie access.
* This uses a portion of the index array beyond what is accessible with 16-bit units,
* i.e., it uses the part of the trie index array starting at its index
* 0x10000>>_NORM_TRIE_SHIFT.
* Such folded tries are useful when processing UTF-16 strings, especially if
* many code points do not have relevant data, so that the check for
* surrogates and the second trie lookup are rarely performed.
* It avoids the overhead of a double-index trie that is necessary if the input
* is always with 21-bit code points.
* - Tries in unorm.dat
* The first trie consists of the stage1 and the norm32Table arrays.
* It provides data for the NF* quick checks and normalization.
* The second trie consists of the fcdStage1 and the fcdTable arrays
* and provides data just for FCD checks.
* - norm32 data words from the first trie
* The norm32Table contains one 32-bit word "norm32" per code point.
* It contains the following bit fields:
* 31..16 extra data index, _NORM_EXTRA_SHIFT is used to shift this field down
* if this index is <_NORM_EXTRA_INDEX_TOP then it is an index into
* extraData[] where variable-length normalization data for this
* code point is found
* then this is a norm32 for a leading surrogate, and the index
* value is used together with the following trailing surrogate
* code unit in the second trie access
* then this is a norm32 for a "special" character,
* i.e., the character is a Hangul syllable or a Jamo
* generally, instead of extracting this index from the norm32 and
* comparing it with the above constants,
* the normalization code compares the entire norm32 value
* 15..8 combining class (cc) according to UnicodeData.txt
* 7..6 _NORM_COMBINES_ANY flags, used in composition to see if a character
* combines with any following or preceding character(s)
* at all
* 5..0 quick check flags, set for "no" or "maybe", with separate flags for
* each normalization form
* the higher bits are "maybe" flags; for NF*D there are no such flags
* the lower bits are "no" flags for all forms, in the same order
* as the "maybe" flags,
* which is (MSB to LSB): NFKD NFD NFKC NFC
* 3..0 _NORM_QC_ANY_NO
* see further related constants
* - Extra data per code point
* "Extra data" is referenced by the index in norm32.
* It is variable-length data. It is only present, and only those parts
* of it are, as needed for a given character.
* The norm32 extra data index is added to the beginning of extraData[]
* to get to a vector of 16-bit words with data at the following offsets:
* [-1] Combining index for composition.
* Stored only if norm32&_NORM_COMBINES_ANY .
* [0] Lengths of the canonical and compatibility decomposition strings.
* Stored only if there are decompositions, i.e.,
* if norm32&(_NORM_QC_NFD|_NORM_QC_NFKD)
* High byte: length of NFKD, or 0 if none
* Low byte: length of NFD, or 0 if none
* Each length byte also has another flag:
* Bit 7 of a length byte is set if there are non-zero
* combining classes (cc's) associated with the respective
* decomposition. If this flag is set, then the decomposition
* is preceded by a 16-bit word that contains the
* leading and trailing cc's.
* Bits 6..0 of a length byte are the length of the
* decomposition string, not counting the cc word.
* [1..n] NFD
* [n+1..] NFKD
* Each of the two decompositions consists of up to two parts:
* - The 16-bit words with the leading and trailing cc's.
* This is only stored if bit 7 of the corresponding length byte
* is set. In this case, at least one of the cc's is not zero.
* High byte: leading cc==cc of the first code point in the decomposition string
* Low byte: trailing cc==cc of the last code point in the decomposition string
* - The decomposition string in UTF-16, with length code units.
* - Combining indexes and combiningTable[]
* Combining indexes are stored at the [-1] offset of the extra data
* if the character combines forward or backward with any other characters.
* They are used for (re)composition in NF*C.
* Values of combining indexes are arranged according to whether a character
* combines forward, backward, or both ways:
* forward-only < both ways < backward-only
* The index values for forward-only and both-ways combining characters
* are indexes into the combiningTable[].
* The index values for backward-only combining characters are simply
* incremented from the preceding index values to be unique.
* In the combiningTable[], a variable-length list
* of variable-length (back-index, code point) pair entries is stored
* for each forward-combining character.
* These back-indexes are the combining indexes of both-ways or backward-only
* combining characters that the forward-combining character combines with.
* Each list is sorted in ascending order of back-indexes.
* Each list is terminated with the last back-index having bit 15 set.
* Each pair (back-index, code point) takes up either 2 or 3
* 16-bit words.
* The first word of a list entry is the back-index, with its bit 15 set if
* this is the last pair in the list.
* The second word contains flags in bits 15..13 that determine
* if there is a third word and how the combined character is encoded:
* 15 set if there is a third word in this list entry
* 14 set if the result is a supplementary character
* 13 set if the result itself combines forward
* According to these bits 15..14 of the second word,
* the result character is encoded as follows:
* 00 or 01 The result is <=0x1fff and stored in bits 12..0 of
* the second word.
* 10 The result is 0x2000..0xffff and stored in the third word.
* Bits 12..0 of the second word are not used.
* 11 The result is a supplementary character.
* Bits 9..0 of the leading surrogate are in bits 9..0 of
* the second word.
* Add 0xd800 to these bits to get the complete surrogate.
* Bits 12..10 of the second word are not used.
* The trailing surrogate is stored in the third word.
* - FCD trie
* The FCD trie is very simple.
* It is a folded trie with 16-bit data words.
* In each word, the high byte contains the leading cc of the character,
* and the low byte contains the trailing cc of the character.
* These cc's are the cc's of the first and last code points in the
* canonical decomposition of the character.
* Since all 16 bits are used for cc's, lead surrogates must be tested
* by checking the code unit instead of the trie data.
* This is done only if the 16-bit data word is not zero.
* If the code unit is a leading surrogate and the data word is not zero,
* then instead of cc's it contains the offset for the second trie lookup.