3150 lines
110 KiB
3150 lines
110 KiB
* Copyright (c) 1999-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 12/15/99 Madhu Creation.
* 01/12/2000 Madhu Updated for changed API and added new tests
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/brkiter.h"
#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
#include "unicode/uchar.h"
#include "unicode/utf16.h"
#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
#include "unicode/schriter.h"
#include "unicode/uniset.h"
#include "unicode/regex.h" // TODO: make conditional on regexp being built.
#include "intltest.h"
#include "rbbitst.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "uvector.h"
#include "uvectr32.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// class BITestData Holds a set of Break iterator test data and results
// Includes
// - the string data to be broken
// - a vector of the expected break positions.
// - a vector of source line numbers for the data,
// (to help see where errors occured.)
// - The expected break tag values.
// - Vectors of actual break positions and tag values.
// - Functions for comparing actual with expected and
// reporting errors.
class BITestData {
UnicodeString fDataToBreak;
UVector fExpectedBreakPositions;
UVector fExpectedTags;
UVector fLineNum;
UVector fActualBreakPositions; // Test Results.
UVector fActualTags;
BITestData(UErrorCode &status);
void addDataChunk(const char *data, int32_t tag, int32_t lineNum, UErrorCode status);
void checkResults(const char *heading, RBBITest *test);
void err(const char *heading, RBBITest *test, int32_t expectedIdx, int32_t actualIdx);
void clearResults();
// Constructor.
BITestData::BITestData(UErrorCode &status)
: fExpectedBreakPositions(status), fExpectedTags(status), fLineNum(status), fActualBreakPositions(status),
// addDataChunk. Add a section (non-breaking) piece if data to the test data.
// The macro form collects the line number, which is helpful
// when tracking down failures.
// A null data item is inserted at the start of each test's data
// to put the starting zero into the data list. The position saved for
// each non-null item is its ending position.
#define ADD_DATACHUNK(td, data, tag, status) td.addDataChunk(data, tag, __LINE__, status);
void BITestData::addDataChunk(const char *data, int32_t tag, int32_t lineNum, UErrorCode status) {
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {return;}
if (data != NULL) {
fExpectedBreakPositions.addElement(fDataToBreak.length(), status);
fExpectedTags.addElement(tag, status);
fLineNum.addElement(lineNum, status);
// checkResults. Compare the actual and expected break positions, report any differences.
void BITestData::checkResults(const char *heading, RBBITest *test) {
int32_t expectedIndex = 0;
int32_t actualIndex = 0;
for (;;) {
// If we've run through both the expected and actual results vectors, we're done.
// break out of the loop.
if (expectedIndex >= fExpectedBreakPositions.size() &&
actualIndex >= fActualBreakPositions.size()) {
if (expectedIndex >= fExpectedBreakPositions.size()) {
err(heading, test, expectedIndex-1, actualIndex);
if (actualIndex >= fActualBreakPositions.size()) {
err(heading, test, expectedIndex, actualIndex-1);
if (fActualBreakPositions.elementAti(actualIndex) != fExpectedBreakPositions.elementAti(expectedIndex)) {
err(heading, test, expectedIndex, actualIndex);
// Try to resync the positions of the indices, to avoid a rash of spurious erros.
if (fActualBreakPositions.elementAti(actualIndex) < fExpectedBreakPositions.elementAti(expectedIndex)) {
} else {
if (fActualTags.elementAti(actualIndex) != fExpectedTags.elementAti(expectedIndex)) {
test->errln("%s, tag mismatch. Test Line = %d, expected tag=%d, got %d",
heading, fLineNum.elementAt(expectedIndex),
fExpectedTags.elementAti(expectedIndex), fActualTags.elementAti(actualIndex));
// err - An error was found. Report it, along with information about where the
// incorrectly broken test data appeared in the source file.
void BITestData::err(const char *heading, RBBITest *test, int32_t expectedIdx, int32_t actualIdx)
int32_t expected = fExpectedBreakPositions.elementAti(expectedIdx);
int32_t actual = fActualBreakPositions.elementAti(actualIdx);
int32_t o = 0;
int32_t line = fLineNum.elementAti(expectedIdx);
if (expectedIdx > 0) {
// The line numbers are off by one because a premature break occurs somewhere
// within the previous item, rather than at the start of the current (expected) item.
// We want to report the offset of the unexpected break from the start of
// this previous item.
o = actual - fExpectedBreakPositions.elementAti(expectedIdx-1);
if (actual < expected) {
test->errln("%s unexpected break at offset %d in test item from line %d", heading, o, line);
} else {
test->errln("%s Failed to find break at end of item from line %d", heading, line);
void BITestData::clearResults() {
// Cannned Test Characters
static const UChar cannedTestArray[] = {
0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0020, 0x0021, '\\', 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002b, 0x002d, 0x0030, 0x0031,
0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x003c, 0x003d, 0x003e, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x005b, 0x005d, 0x005e, 0x005f, 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x007b,
0x007d, 0x007c, 0x002c, 0x00a0, 0x00a2,
0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00ab, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, 0x00b0, 0x00b2, 0x00b3,
0x00b4, 0x00b9, 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x02b0, 0x02b1, 0x02b2, 0x02b3, 0x02b4, 0x0300, 0x0301, 0x0302, 0x0303,
0x0304, 0x05d0, 0x05d1, 0x05d2, 0x05d3, 0x05d4, 0x0903, 0x093e, 0x093f, 0x0940, 0x0949, 0x0f3a, 0x0f3b, 0x2000,
0x2001, 0x2002, 0x200c, 0x200d, 0x200e, 0x200f, 0x2010, 0x2011, 0x2012, 0x2028, 0x2029, 0x202a, 0x203e, 0x203f,
0x2040, 0x20dd, 0x20de, 0x20df, 0x20e0, 0x2160, 0x2161, 0x2162, 0x2163, 0x2164, 0x0000
static UnicodeString* cannedTestChars = 0;
#define halfNA "\\u0928\\u094d\\u200d"
#define halfSA "\\u0938\\u094d\\u200d"
#define halfCHA "\\u091a\\u094d\\u200d"
#define halfKA "\\u0915\\u094d\\u200d"
#define deadTA "\\u0924\\u094d"
// RBBITest constructor and destructor
RBBITest::RBBITest() {
UnicodeString temp(cannedTestArray);
cannedTestChars = new UnicodeString();
*cannedTestChars += (UChar)0x0000;
*cannedTestChars += temp;
RBBITest::~RBBITest() {
delete cannedTestChars;
static const int T_NUMBER = 100;
static const int T_LETTER = 200;
static const int T_H_OR_K = 300;
static const int T_IDEO = 400;
//Testing the BreakIterator for devanagari script
#define deadRA "\\u0930\\u094d" /*deadform RA = devanagari RA + virama*/
#define deadPHA "\\u092b\\u094d" /*deadform PHA = devanagari PHA + virama*/
#define deadTTHA "\\u0920\\u094d"
#define deadPA "\\u092a\\u094d"
#define deadSA "\\u0938\\u094d"
#define visarga "\\u0903" /*devanagari visarga looks like a english colon*/
// Test for status {tag} return value from break rules.
// TODO: a more thorough test.
void RBBITest::TestStatusReturn() {
UnicodeString rulesString1 = "$Letters = [:L:];\n"
"$Numbers = [:N:];\n"
"Help\\ {4}/me\\!;\n"
"[^$Letters $Numbers];\n"
UnicodeString testString1 = "abc123..abc Help me Help me!";
// 01234567890123456789012345678
int32_t bounds1[] = {0, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28, -1};
int32_t brkStatus[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 4, 1, 0, -1};
UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
UParseError parseError;
RuleBasedBreakIterator *bi = new RuleBasedBreakIterator(rulesString1, parseError, status);
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
errln("FAIL : in construction");
} else {
int32_t pos;
int32_t i = 0;
for (pos=bi->first(); pos!= BreakIterator::DONE; pos=bi->next()) {
if (pos != bounds1[i]) {
errln("FAIL: expected break at %d, got %d\n", bounds1[i], pos);
int tag = bi->getRuleStatus();
if (tag != brkStatus[i]) {
errln("FAIL: break at %d, expected tag %d, got tag %d\n", pos, brkStatus[i], tag);
delete bi;
void RBBITest::TestThaiLineBreak() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BITestData thaiLineSelection(status);
// \u0e2f-- the Thai paiyannoi character-- isn't a letter. It's a symbol that
// represents elided letters at the end of a long word. It should be bound to
// the end of the word and not treated as an independent punctuation mark.
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, NULL, 0, status); // Break at start of data
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2a\\u0e16\\u0e32\\u0e19\\u0e35\\u0e2f", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e08\\u0e30", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e23\\u0e30\\u0e14\\u0e21", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e08\\u0e49\\u0e32", 0, status);
// ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2b\\u0e19\\u0e49\\u0e32", 0, status);
// ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e17\\u0e35\\u0e48", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2b\\u0e19\\u0e49\\u0e32\\u0e17\\u0e35\\u0e48", 0, status);
// the commented-out lines (I think) are the preferred result; this line is what our current dictionary is giving us
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2d\\u0e2d\\u0e01", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e21\\u0e32", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e23\\u0e48\\u0e07", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e23\\u0e30\\u0e1a\\u0e32\\u0e22", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2d\\u0e22\\u0e48\\u0e32\\u0e07", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e15\\u0e47\\u0e21", 0, status);
// the one time where the paiyannoi occurs somewhere other than at the end
// of a word is in the Thai abbrevation for "etc.", which both begins and
// ends with a paiyannoi
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2f\\u0e25\\u0e2f", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e17\\u0e35\\u0e48", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e19\\u0e31\\u0e49\\u0e19", 0, status);
RuleBasedBreakIterator* e = (RuleBasedBreakIterator *)BreakIterator::createLineInstance(
Locale("th"), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for Thai locale in TestThaiLineBreak.\n");
generalIteratorTest(*e, thaiLineSelection);
delete e;
void RBBITest::TestMixedThaiLineBreak()
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BITestData thaiLineSelection(status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, NULL, 0, status); // Break at start of data
// Arabic numerals should always be separated from surrounding Thai text
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e04\\u0e48\\u0e32", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e07\\u0e34\\u0e19", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e1a\\u0e32\\u0e17", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e41\\u0e15\\u0e30", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e23\\u0e30\\u0e14\\u0e31\\u0e1a", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e1a\\u0e32\\u0e17 ", 0, status);
// words in non-Thai scripts should always be separated from surrounding Thai text
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e17\\u0e14", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2a\\u0e2d\\u0e1a", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e1a\\u0e19", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e04\\u0e23\\u0e37\\u0e48\\u0e2d\\u0e07", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e44\\u0e2d\\u0e1a\\u0e35\\u0e40\\u0e2d\\u0e47\\u0e21 ", 0, status);
// Thai numerals should always be separated from the text surrounding them
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e04\\u0e48\\u0e32", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e07\\u0e34\\u0e19", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e1a\\u0e32\\u0e17", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e41\\u0e15\\u0e30", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e23\\u0e30\\u0e14\\u0e31\\u0e1a", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e53\\u0e59", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e1a\\u0e32\\u0e17 ", 0, status);
// Thai text should interact correctly with punctuation and symbols
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e44\\u0e2d\\u0e1a\\u0e35\\u0e40\\u0e2d\\u0e47\\u0e21", 0, status);
// ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "(\\u0e1b\\u0e23\\u0e30\\u0e40\\u0e17\\u0e28", 0, status);
// ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e44\\u0e17\\u0e22)", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "(\\u0e1b\\u0e23\\u0e30\\u0e40\\u0e17\\u0e28\\u0e44\\u0e17\\u0e22)", 0, status);
// I believe the commented-out reading above to be the correct one, but this is what passes with our current dictionary
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e08\\u0e33\\u0e01\\u0e31\\u0e14", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e1b\\u0e34\\u0e14", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e15\\u0e31\\u0e27\"", 0, status);
// The Unicode Linebreak TR says do not break before or after quotes.
// So this test is changed ot not break around the quote.
// TODO: should Thai break around the around the quotes, like the original behavior here?
// ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2e\\u0e32\\u0e23\\u0e4c\\u0e14\\u0e14\\u0e34\\u0e2a\\u0e01\\u0e4c\"", 0, status);
// ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e23\\u0e38\\u0e48\\u0e19", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e2e\\u0e32\\u0e23\\u0e4c\\u0e14\\u0e14\\u0e34\\u0e2a\\u0e01\\u0e4c\""
"\\u0e23\\u0e38\\u0e48\\u0e19", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e43\\u0e2b\\u0e21\\u0e48", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e14\\u0e37\\u0e2d\\u0e19\\u0e21\\u0e34.", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e22.", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e19\\u0e35\\u0e49", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e23\\u0e32\\u0e04\\u0e32", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "$200", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e17\\u0e48\\u0e32", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e19\\u0e31\\u0e49\\u0e19 ", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "(\"\\u0e2e\\u0e32\\u0e23\\u0e4c\\u0e14\\u0e14\\u0e34\\u0e2a\\u0e01\\u0e4c\").", 0, status);
RuleBasedBreakIterator* e = (RuleBasedBreakIterator *)BreakIterator::createLineInstance(Locale("th"), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for Thai locale in TestMixedThaiLineBreak.\n");
generalIteratorTest(*e, thaiLineSelection);
delete e;
void RBBITest::TestMaiyamok()
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BITestData thaiLineSelection(status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, NULL, 0, status); // Break at start of data
// the Thai maiyamok character is a shorthand symbol that means "repeat the previous
// word". Instead of appearing as a word unto itself, however, it's kept together
// with the word before it
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e44\\u0e1b\\u0e46", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e21\\u0e32\\u0e46", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e23\\u0e30\\u0e2b\\u0e27\\u0e48\\u0e32\\u0e07", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e01\\u0e23\\u0e38\\u0e07\\u0e40\\u0e17\\u0e1e", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e41\\u0e25\\u0e30", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e40\\u0e03\\u0e35\\u0e22\\u0e07", 0, status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiLineSelection, "\\u0e43\\u0e2b\\u0e21\\u0e48", 0, status);
RuleBasedBreakIterator* e = (RuleBasedBreakIterator *)BreakIterator::createLineInstance(
Locale("th"), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for Thai locale in TestMaiyamok.\n");
generalIteratorTest(*e, thaiLineSelection);
delete e;
void RBBITest::TestThaiWordBreak() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BITestData thaiWordSelection(status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, NULL, 0, status); // Break at start of data
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E1A\\u0E17", 0, status); //2
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E17\\u0E35\\u0E48", 0, status); //5
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E51", 0, status); //6
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E1E\\u0E32\\u0E22\\u0E38", 0, status); //10
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E44\\u0E0B\\u0E42\\u0E04\\u0E25\\u0E19", 0, status); //16
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u000D\\u000A", 0, status); //18
// This is the correct result
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E42\\u0E14\\u0E42\\u0E23\\u0E18\\u0E35", 0, status); //24
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E2D\\u0E32\\u0E28\\u0E31\\u0E22", 0, status); //29
// and this is what the dictionary does...
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E42\\u0E14", 0, status); // 20
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E42\\u0E23\\u0E18\\u0E35\\u0E2D\\u0E32\\u0E28\\u0E31\\u0E22", 0, status); //29
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E2D\\u0E22\\u0E39\\u0E48", 0, status); //33
// This is the correct result
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E17\\u0E48\\u0E32\\u0E21", 0, status); //37
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E01\\u0E25\\u0E32\\u0E07", 0, status); //41
// and this is what the dictionary does
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E17\\u0E48\\u0E32\\u0E21\\u0E01\\u0E25\\u0E32\\u0E07", 0, status); //41
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E17\\u0E38\\u0E48\\u0E07", 0, status); //45
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E43\\u0E2B\\u0E0D\\u0E48", 0, status); //49
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E43\\u0E19", 0, status); //51
// This is the correct result
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E41\\u0E04\\u0E19\\u0E0B\\u0E31\\u0E2A", 0, status); //57
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E01\\u0E31\\u0E1A", 0, status); //60
// and this is what the dictionary does
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E41\\u0E04\\u0E19", 0, status); // 54
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E0B\\u0E31\\u0E2A\\u0E01\\u0E31\\u0E1A", 0, status); //60
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E25\\u0E38\\u0E07", 0, status); //63
// This is the correct result
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E40\\u0E2E\\u0E19\\u0E23\\u0E35", 0, status); //68
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E0A\\u0E32\\u0E27", 0, status); //71
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E44\\u0E23\\u0E48", 0, status); //74
//ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E41\\u0E25\\u0E30", 0, status); //77
// and this is what the dictionary does
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E40\\u0E2E", 0, status); // 65
ADD_DATACHUNK(thaiWordSelection, "\\u0E19\\u0E23\\u0E35\\u0E0A\\u0E32\\u0E27\\u0E44\\u0E23\\u0E48\\u0E41\\u0E25\\u0E30", 0, status); //77
RuleBasedBreakIterator* e = (RuleBasedBreakIterator *)BreakIterator::createWordInstance(
Locale("th"), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for Thai locale in TestThaiWordBreak.\n");
generalIteratorTest(*e, thaiWordSelection);
delete e;
// runIndexedTest
void RBBITest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* params )
if (exec) logln("TestSuite RuleBasedBreakIterator: ");
switch (index) {
case 0: name = "TestExtended";
if(exec) TestExtended(); break;
case 1: name = "TestJapaneseLineBrea";
if(exec) TestJapaneseLineBreak(); break;
case 2: name = "TestStatusReturn";
if(exec) TestStatusReturn(); break;
case 3: name = "TestLineBreakData";
if(exec) TestLineBreakData(); break;
case 4: name = "TestSentenceInvariants";
if(exec) TestSentenceInvariants(); break;
case 5: name = "TestCharacterInvariants";
if(exec) TestCharacterInvariants(); break;
case 6: name = "TestWordInvariants";
if(exec) TestWordInvariants(); break;
case 7: name = "TestEmptyString";
if(exec) TestEmptyString(); break;
case 8: name = "TestGetAvailableLocales";
if(exec) TestGetAvailableLocales(); break;
case 9: name = "TestGetDisplayName";
if(exec) TestGetDisplayName(); break;
case 10: name = "TestEndBehaviour";
if(exec) TestEndBehaviour(); break;
case 11: name = "TestBug4153072";
if(exec) TestBug4153072(); break;
case 12: name = "TestMonkey";
if(exec) {
logln("skipping TestMonkey (UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS)");
case 13: name = "TestThaiLineBreak";
if(exec) TestThaiLineBreak(); break;
case 14: name = "TestMixedThaiLineBreak";
if(exec) TestMixedThaiLineBreak(); break;
case 15: name = "TestMaiyamok";
if(exec) TestMaiyamok(); break;
case 16: name = "TestThaiWordBreak";
if(exec) TestThaiWordBreak(); break;
default: name = ""; break; //needed to end loop
// generalIteratorTest Given a break iterator and a set of test data,
// Run the tests and report the results.
void RBBITest::generalIteratorTest(RuleBasedBreakIterator& bi, BITestData &td)
testFirstAndNext(bi, td);
testLastAndPrevious(bi, td);
testFollowing(bi, td);
testPreceding(bi, td);
testIsBoundary(bi, td);
doMultipleSelectionTest(bi, td);
// testFirstAndNext. Run the iterator forwards in the obvious first(), next()
// kind of loop.
void RBBITest::testFirstAndNext(RuleBasedBreakIterator& bi, BITestData &td)
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t p;
int32_t lastP = -1;
int32_t tag;
logln("Test first and next");
for (p=bi.first(); p!=RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE; p=bi.next()) {
td.fActualBreakPositions.addElement(p, status); // Save result.
tag = bi.getRuleStatus();
td.fActualTags.addElement(tag, status);
if (p <= lastP) {
// If the iterator is not making forward progress, stop.
// No need to raise an error here, it'll be detected in the normal check of results.
lastP = p;
td.checkResults("testFirstAndNext", this);
// TestLastAndPrevious. Run the iterator backwards, starting with last().
void RBBITest::testLastAndPrevious(RuleBasedBreakIterator& bi, BITestData &td)
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t p;
int32_t lastP = 0x7ffffffe;
int32_t tag;
logln("Test first and next");
for (p=bi.last(); p!=RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE; p=bi.previous()) {
// Save break position. Insert it at start of vector of results, shoving
// already-saved results further towards the end.
td.fActualBreakPositions.insertElementAt(p, 0, status);
// bi.previous(); // TODO: Why does this fix things up????
// bi.next();
tag = bi.getRuleStatus();
td.fActualTags.insertElementAt(tag, 0, status);
if (p >= lastP) {
// If the iterator is not making progress, stop.
// No need to raise an error here, it'll be detected in the normal check of results.
lastP = p;
td.checkResults("testLastAndPrevious", this);
void RBBITest::testFollowing(RuleBasedBreakIterator& bi, BITestData &td)
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t p;
int32_t tag;
int32_t lastP = -2; // A value that will never be returned as a break position.
// cannot be -1; that is returned for DONE.
int i;
// Save the starting point, since we won't get that out of following.
p = bi.first();
td.fActualBreakPositions.addElement(p, status); // Save result.
tag = bi.getRuleStatus();
td.fActualTags.addElement(tag, status);
for (i = 0; i <= td.fDataToBreak.length()+1; i++) {
p = bi.following(i);
if (p != lastP) {
if (p == RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE) {
// We've reached a new break position. Save it.
td.fActualBreakPositions.addElement(p, status); // Save result.
tag = bi.getRuleStatus();
td.fActualTags.addElement(tag, status);
lastP = p;
// The loop normally exits by means of the break in the middle.
// Make sure that the index was at the correct position for the break iterator to have
// returned DONE.
if (i != td.fDataToBreak.length()) {
errln("testFollowing(): iterator returned DONE prematurely.");
// Full check of all results.
td.checkResults("testFollowing", this);
void RBBITest::testPreceding(RuleBasedBreakIterator& bi, BITestData &td) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t p;
int32_t tag;
int32_t lastP = 0x7ffffffe;
int i;
p = bi.last();
td.fActualBreakPositions.addElement(p, status);
tag = bi.getRuleStatus();
td.fActualTags.addElement(tag, status);
for (i = td.fDataToBreak.length(); i>=-1; i--) {
p = bi.preceding(i);
if (p != lastP) {
if (p == RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE) {
// We've reached a new break position. Save it.
td.fActualBreakPositions.insertElementAt(p, 0, status);
lastP = p;
tag = bi.getRuleStatus();
td.fActualTags.insertElementAt(tag, 0, status);
// The loop normally exits by means of the break in the middle.
// Make sure that the index was at the correct position for the break iterator to have
// returned DONE.
if (i != 0) {
errln("testPreceding(): iterator returned DONE prematurely.");
// Full check of all results.
td.checkResults("testPreceding", this);
void RBBITest::testIsBoundary(RuleBasedBreakIterator& bi, BITestData &td) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int i;
int32_t tag;
for (i = 0; i <= td.fDataToBreak.length(); i++) {
if (bi.isBoundary(i)) {
td.fActualBreakPositions.addElement(i, status); // Save result.
tag = bi.getRuleStatus();
td.fActualTags.addElement(tag, status);
td.checkResults("testIsBoundary: ", this);
void RBBITest::doMultipleSelectionTest(RuleBasedBreakIterator& iterator, BITestData &td)
RuleBasedBreakIterator* testIterator =(RuleBasedBreakIterator*)iterator.clone();
int32_t offset = iterator.first();
int32_t testOffset;
int32_t count = 0;
logln("doMultipleSelectionTest text of length: %d", td.fDataToBreak.length());
if (*testIterator != iterator)
errln("clone() or operator!= failed: two clones compared unequal");
do {
testOffset = testIterator->first();
testOffset = testIterator->next(count);
if (offset != testOffset)
errln(UnicodeString("next(n) and next() not returning consistent results: for step ") + count + ", next(n) returned " + testOffset + " and next() had " + offset);
if (offset != RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE) {
offset = iterator.next();
if (offset != RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE && *testIterator == iterator)
errln("operator== failed: Two unequal iterators compared equal.");
} while (offset != RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE);
// now do it backwards...
offset = iterator.last();
count = 0;
do {
testOffset = testIterator->last();
testOffset = testIterator->next(count); // next() with a negative arg is same as previous
if (offset != testOffset)
errln(UnicodeString("next(n) and next() not returning consistent results: for step ") + count + ", next(n) returned " + testOffset + " and next() had " + offset);
if (offset != RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE) {
offset = iterator.previous();
} while (offset != RuleBasedBreakIterator::DONE);
delete testIterator;
// Break Iterator Invariants Tests
void RBBITest::TestCharacterInvariants()
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BreakIterator *e = BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(Locale::getDefault(), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for default locale in TestCharacterInvariants.\n");
UnicodeString s = *cannedTestChars + CharsToUnicodeString("\\u1100\\u1101\\u1102\\u1160\\u1161\\u1162\\u11a8\\u11a9\\u11aa");
doBreakInvariantTest(*e, s);
s = *cannedTestChars + CharsToUnicodeString("\\u1100\\u1101\\u1102\\u1160\\u1161\\u1162\\u11a8\\u11a9\\u11aa");
doOtherInvariantTest(*e, s);
delete e;
void RBBITest::TestWordInvariants()
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BreakIterator *e = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(Locale::getDefault(), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for default locale in TestWordInvariants.\n");
UnicodeString s = *cannedTestChars + CharsToUnicodeString("\',.\\u3041\\u3042\\u3043\\u309b\\u309c\\u30a1\\u30a2\\u30a3\\u4e00\\u4e01\\u4e02");
doBreakInvariantTest(*e, s);
s = *cannedTestChars + CharsToUnicodeString("\',.\\u3041\\u3042\\u3043\\u309b\\u309c\\u30a1\\u30a2\\u30a3\\u4e00\\u4e01\\u4e02");
doOtherInvariantTest(*e, s);
delete e;
void RBBITest::TestSentenceInvariants()
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BreakIterator *e = BreakIterator::createSentenceInstance(Locale::getDefault(), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for default locale in TestSentenceInvariant.\n");
UnicodeString s = *cannedTestChars + CharsToUnicodeString(".,\\u3001\\u3002\\u3041\\u3042\\u3043\\ufeff");
doOtherInvariantTest(*e, s);
delete e;
void RBBITest::doBreakInvariantTest(BreakIterator& tb, UnicodeString& testChars)
UnicodeString work("aaa");
int32_t errCount = 0, testCharsLen = testChars.length(), breaksLen;
// a break should always occur after CR (unless followed by LF), LF, PS, and LS
UnicodeString breaks = CharsToUnicodeString("\r\n\\u2029\\u2028");
int32_t i, j;
breaksLen = breaks.length();
for (i = 0; i < breaksLen; i++) {
UChar c1 = breaks[i];
work.setCharAt(1, c1);
for (j = 0; j < testCharsLen; j++) {
UChar c0 = testChars[j];
work.setCharAt(0, c0);
for (int k = 0; k < testCharsLen; k++) {
UChar c2 = testChars[k];
work.setCharAt(2, c2);
// if a cr is followed by lf, ps, ls or etx, don't do the check (that's
// not supposed to work)
if (c1 == '\r' && (c2 == '\n' || c2 == 0x2029
|| c2 == 0x2028 || c2 == 0x0003))
if (u_charType(c1) == U_CONTROL_CHAR &&
(u_charType(c2) == U_NON_SPACING_MARK ||
u_charType(c2) == U_ENCLOSING_MARK ||
) {
// Combining marks don't combine with controls.
// TODO: enhance test to verify that the break actually occurs,
// not just ignore the case.
UBool seen2 = FALSE;
for (int l = tb.first(); l != BreakIterator::DONE; l = tb.next()) {
if (l == 2) {
seen2 = TRUE;
if (!seen2) {
errln("No Break between \\U%04x and \\U%04x", c1, c2);
if (errCount >= 75)
void RBBITest::doOtherInvariantTest(BreakIterator& tb, UnicodeString& testChars)
UnicodeString work("a\r\na");
int32_t errCount = 0, testCharsLen = testChars.length();
int32_t i, j;
int8_t type;
// a break should never occur between CR and LF
for (i = 0; i < testCharsLen; i++) {
work.setCharAt(0, testChars[i]);
for (j = 0; j < testCharsLen; j++) {
work.setCharAt(3, testChars[j]);
for (int32_t k = tb.first(); k != BreakIterator::DONE; k = tb.next())
if (k == 2) {
errln("Break between CR and LF in string U\\%04x U\\%04x U\\%04x U\\%04x",
work[0], work[1], work[2], work[3]);
if (errCount >= 75)
// a break should never occur before a non-spacing mark, unless the preceding
// character is CR, LF, PS, or LS
// Or the general category == Control.
work += "aaaa";
for (i = 0; i < testCharsLen; i++) {
UChar c1 = testChars[i];
if (c1 == '\n' || c1 == '\r' || c1 == 0x2029 || c1 == 0x2028 || c1 == 0x0003 ||
u_charType(c1) == U_CONTROL_CHAR || u_charType(c1) == U_FORMAT_CHAR) {
work.setCharAt(1, c1);
for (j = 0; j < testCharsLen; j++) {
UChar c2 = testChars[j];
type = u_charType(c2);
if ((type != U_NON_SPACING_MARK) &&
(type != U_ENCLOSING_MARK)) {
work.setCharAt(2, c2);
for (int k = tb.first(); k != BreakIterator::DONE; k = tb.next())
if (k == 2) {
//errln("Break between U+" + UCharToUnicodeString(work[1])
// + " and U+" + UCharToUnicodeString(work[2]));
errln("Unexpected Break between %6x and %6x", c1, c2);
if (errCount >= 75)
// other tests
void RBBITest::TestEmptyString()
UnicodeString text = "";
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BITestData x(status);
ADD_DATACHUNK(x, "", 0, status); // Break at start of data
RuleBasedBreakIterator* bi = (RuleBasedBreakIterator *)BreakIterator::createLineInstance(Locale::getDefault(), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for default locale in TestEmptyString.\n");
generalIteratorTest(*bi, x);
delete bi;
void RBBITest::TestGetAvailableLocales()
int32_t locCount = 0;
const Locale* locList = BreakIterator::getAvailableLocales(locCount);
if (locCount == 0)
errln("getAvailableLocales() returned an empty list!");
// Just make sure that it's returning good memory.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < locCount; ++i) {
//Testing the BreakIterator::getDisplayName() function
void RBBITest::TestGetDisplayName()
UnicodeString result;
BreakIterator::getDisplayName(Locale::getUS(), result);
if (Locale::getDefault() == Locale::getUS() && result != "English (United States)")
errln("BreakIterator::getDisplayName() failed: expected \"English (United States)\", got \""
+ result);
BreakIterator::getDisplayName(Locale::getFrance(), Locale::getUS(), result);
if (result != "French (France)")
errln("BreakIterator::getDisplayName() failed: expected \"French (France)\", got \""
+ result);
* Test End Behaviour
* @bug 4068137
void RBBITest::TestEndBehaviour()
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString testString("boo.");
BreakIterator *wb = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(Locale::getDefault(), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for default locale in TestEndBehaviour.\n");
if (wb->first() != 0)
errln("Didn't get break at beginning of string.");
if (wb->next() != 3)
errln("Didn't get break before period in \"boo.\"");
if (wb->current() != 4 && wb->next() != 4)
errln("Didn't get break at end of string.");
delete wb;
* @bug 4153072
void RBBITest::TestBug4153072() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
BreakIterator *iter = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(Locale::getDefault(), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for default locale in TestBug4153072\n");
UnicodeString str("...Hello, World!...");
int32_t begin = 3;
int32_t end = str.length() - 3;
UBool dummy;
StringCharacterIterator* textIterator = new StringCharacterIterator(str, begin, end, begin);
for (int index = -1; index < begin + 1; ++index) {
dummy = iter->isBoundary(index);
if (index < begin && dummy == TRUE) {
errln((UnicodeString)"Didn't handle preceeding correctly with offset = " + index +
" and begin index = " + begin);
delete iter;
* Test Japanese Line Break
* @bug 4095322
void RBBITest::TestJapaneseLineBreak()
#if 0
// Test needs updating some more... Dump it for now.
// Change for Unicode TR 14: Punctuation characters with categories Pi and Pf do not count
// as opening and closing punctuation for line breaking.
// Also, \u30fc and \u30fe are not counted as hyphens. Remove these chars
// from these tests. 6-13-2002
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString testString = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u4e00x\\u4e8c");
UnicodeString precedingChars = CharsToUnicodeString(
UnicodeString followingChars = CharsToUnicodeString(
// ")]}\\u00bb!%,.\\u3001\\u3002\\u3063\\u3083\\u3085\\u3087\\u30c3\\u30e3\\u30e5\\u30e7\\u30fc"
// ":;\\u309b\\u309c\\u3005\\u309d\\u309e\\u30fd\\u30fe\\u2019\\u201d\\u00b0\\u2032\\u2033\\u2034"
BreakIterator *iter = BreakIterator::createLineInstance(Locale::getJapan(), status);
int32_t i;
if (U_FAILURE(status))
errln("Failed to create the BreakIterator for Japanese locale in TestJapaneseLineBreak.\n");
for (i = 0; i < precedingChars.length(); i++) {
testString.setCharAt(1, precedingChars[i]);
int32_t j = iter->first();
if (j != 0)
errln("ja line break failure: failed to start at 0");
j = iter->next();
if (j != 1)
errln("ja line break failure: failed to stop before '" + UCharToUnicodeString(precedingChars[i])
+ "' (" + ((int)(precedingChars[i])) + ")");
j = iter->next();
if (j != 3)
errln("ja line break failure: failed to skip position after '" + UCharToUnicodeString(precedingChars[i])
+ "' (" + ((int)(precedingChars[i])) + ")");
for (i = 0; i < followingChars.length(); i++) {
testString.setCharAt(1, followingChars[i]);
int j = iter->first();
if (j != 0)
errln("ja line break failure: failed to start at 0");
j = iter->next();
if (j != 2)
errln("ja line break failure: failed to skip position before '" + UCharToUnicodeString(followingChars[i])
+ "' (" + ((int)(followingChars[i])) + ")");
j = iter->next();
if (j != 3)
errln("ja line break failure: failed to stop after '" + UCharToUnicodeString(followingChars[i])
+ "' (" + ((int)(followingChars[i])) + ")");
delete iter;
// RBBITest::Extended Run RBBI Tests from an external test data file
struct TestParams {
BreakIterator *bi;
UnicodeString dataToBreak;
UVector32 *expectedBreaks;
UVector32 *srcLine;
UVector32 *srcCol;
void RBBITest::executeTest(TestParams *t) {
int32_t bp;
int32_t prevBP;
int32_t i;
// Run the iterator forward
prevBP = -1;
for (bp = t->bi->first(); bp != BreakIterator::DONE; bp = t->bi->next()) {
if (prevBP == bp) {
// Fail for lack of forward progress.
errln("Forward Iteration, no forward progress. Break Pos=%4d File line,col=%4d,%4d",
bp, t->srcLine->elementAti(bp), t->srcCol->elementAti(bp));
// Check that there were we didn't miss an expected break between the last one
// and this one.
for (i=prevBP+1; i<bp; i++) {
if (t->expectedBreaks->elementAti(i) != 0) {
errln("Forward Itertion, break expected, but not found. Pos=%4d File line,col= %4d,%4d",
i, t->srcLine->elementAti(i), t->srcCol->elementAti(i));
// Check that the break we did find was expected
if (t->expectedBreaks->elementAti(bp) == 0) {
errln("Forward Itertion, break found, but not expected. Pos=%4d File line,col= %4d,%4d",
bp, t->srcLine->elementAti(bp), t->srcCol->elementAti(bp));
} else {
// The break was expected.
// Check that the {nnn} tag value is correct.
int32_t expectedTagVal = t->expectedBreaks->elementAti(bp);
if (expectedTagVal == -1) {
expectedTagVal = 0;
int32_t rs = ((RuleBasedBreakIterator *)t->bi)->getRuleStatus();
if (rs != expectedTagVal) {
errln("Incorrect status for break. Pos=%4d File line,col= %4d,%4d.\n"
" Actual, Expected status = %4d, %4d",
bp, t->srcLine->elementAti(bp), t->srcCol->elementAti(bp), rs, expectedTagVal);
prevBP = bp;
// Verify that there were no missed expected breaks after the last one found
for (i=prevBP+1; i<t->expectedBreaks->size(); i++) {
if (t->expectedBreaks->elementAti(i) != 0) {
errln("Forward Itertion, break expected, but not found. Pos=%4d File line,col= %4d,%4d",
i, t->srcLine->elementAti(i), t->srcCol->elementAti(i));
// Run the iterator backwards, verify that the same breaks are found.
prevBP = t->dataToBreak.length()+2; // start with a phony value for the last break pos seen.
for (bp = t->bi->last(); bp != BreakIterator::DONE; bp = t->bi->previous()) {
if (prevBP == bp) {
// Fail for lack of progress.
errln("Reverse Iteration, no progress. Break Pos=%4d File line,col=%4d,%4d",
bp, t->srcLine->elementAti(bp), t->srcCol->elementAti(bp));
// Check that there were we didn't miss an expected break between the last one
// and this one. (UVector returns zeros for index out of bounds.)
for (i=prevBP-1; i>bp; i--) {
if (t->expectedBreaks->elementAti(i) != 0) {
errln("Reverse Itertion, break expected, but not found. Pos=%4d File line,col= %4d,%4d",
i, t->srcLine->elementAti(i), t->srcCol->elementAti(i));
// Check that the break we did find was expected
if (t->expectedBreaks->elementAti(bp) == 0) {
errln("Reverse Itertion, break found, but not expected. Pos=%4d File line,col= %4d,%4d",
bp, t->srcLine->elementAti(bp), t->srcCol->elementAti(bp));
} else {
// The break was expected.
// Check that the {nnn} tag value is correct.
int32_t expectedTagVal = t->expectedBreaks->elementAti(bp);
if (expectedTagVal == -1) {
expectedTagVal = 0;
int32_t rs = ((RuleBasedBreakIterator *)t->bi)->getRuleStatus();
if (rs != expectedTagVal) {
errln("Incorrect status for break. Pos=%4d File line,col= %4d,%4d.\n"
" Actual, Expected status = %4d, %4d",
bp, t->srcLine->elementAti(bp), t->srcCol->elementAti(bp), rs, expectedTagVal);
prevBP = bp;
// Verify that there were no missed breaks prior to the last one found
for (i=prevBP-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (t->expectedBreaks->elementAti(i) != 0) {
errln("Forward Itertion, break expected, but not found. Pos=%4d File line,col= %4d,%4d",
i, t->srcLine->elementAti(i), t->srcCol->elementAti(i));
void RBBITest::TestExtended() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Locale locale = Locale::getDefault();
UnicodeString rules;
TestParams tp;
tp.bi = NULL;
tp.expectedBreaks = new UVector32(status);
tp.srcLine = new UVector32(status);
tp.srcCol = new UVector32(status);
// Open and read the test data file.
const char *testDataDirectory = loadTestData(status);
char testFileName[1000];
if (strlen(testDataDirectory) >= sizeof(testFileName)) {
errln("Can't open test data. Path too long.");
strcpy(testFileName, testDataDirectory);
char *p = strstr(testFileName, "/out/testdata");
if (p == NULL) {
p = strstr(testFileName, "\\out\\testdata");
if (p == NULL) {
errln("Can't open test data. Bad test data directory path..");
strcpy(p+1, "rbbitst.txt");
int len;
UChar *testFile = ReadAndConvertFile(testFileName, len, status);
// Put the test data into a UnicodeString
UnicodeString testString(FALSE, testFile, len);
enum EParseState{
parseState = PARSE_TAG;
EParseState savedState = PARSE_TAG;
const UChar CH_LF = 0x0a;
const UChar CH_CR = 0x0d;
const UChar CH_HASH = 0x23;
const UChar CH_PERIOD = 0x2e;
const UChar CH_LT = 0x3c;
const UChar CH_GT = 0x3e;
const UChar CH_BACKSLASH = 0x5c;
const UChar CH_BULLET = 0x2022;
int32_t lineNum = 1;
int32_t colStart = 0;
int32_t column = 0;
int32_t charIdx = 0;
int32_t tagValue = 0; // The numeric value of a <nnn> tag.
for (charIdx = 0; charIdx < len; ) {
UChar c = testString.charAt(charIdx);
if (c == CH_CR && charIdx<len && testString.charAt(charIdx) == CH_LF) {
// treat CRLF as a unit
c = CH_LF;
if (c == CH_LF || c == CH_CR) {
colStart = charIdx;
column = charIdx - colStart + 1;
switch (parseState) {
if (c == 0x0a || c == 0x0d) {
parseState = savedState;
if (c == CH_HASH) {
parseState = PARSE_COMMENT;
savedState = PARSE_TAG;
if (u_isUWhiteSpace(c)) {
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 6, "<word>") == 0) {
delete tp.bi;
tp.bi = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(locale, status);
charIdx += 5;
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 6, "<char>") == 0) {
delete tp.bi;
tp.bi = BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(locale, status);
charIdx += 5;
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 6, "<line>") == 0) {
delete tp.bi;
tp.bi = BreakIterator::createLineInstance(locale, status);
charIdx += 5;
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 6, "<sent>") == 0) {
delete tp.bi;
tp.bi = BreakIterator::createSentenceInstance(locale, status);
charIdx += 5;
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 7, "<title>") == 0) {
delete tp.bi;
tp.bi = BreakIterator::createTitleInstance(locale, status);
charIdx += 6;
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 6, "<data>") == 0) {
parseState = PARSE_DATA;
charIdx += 5;
tp.dataToBreak = "";
tp.srcCol ->removeAllElements();
errln("line %d: Tag expected in test file.", lineNum);
goto end_test;
parseState = PARSE_COMMENT;
savedState = PARSE_DATA;
if (c == CH_BULLET) {
int32_t breakIdx = tp.dataToBreak.length();
tp.expectedBreaks->setElementAt(-1, breakIdx);
tp.srcLine->setElementAt(lineNum, breakIdx);
tp.srcCol ->setSize(breakIdx+1);
tp.srcCol ->setElementAt(column, breakIdx);
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 7, "</data>") == 0) {
// Add final entry to mappings from break location to source file position.
// Need one extra because last break position returned is after the
// last char in the data, not at the last char.
tp.srcLine->addElement(lineNum, status);
tp.srcCol ->addElement(column, status);
parseState = PARSE_TAG;
charIdx += 7;
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 3, "\\N{") == 0) {
// Named character, e.g. \N{COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT}
// Get the code point from the name and insert it into the test data.
// (Damn, no API takes names in Unicode !!!
// we've got to take it back to char *)
int32_t nameEndIdx = testString.indexOf((UChar)0x7d/*'}'*/, charIdx);
int32_t nameLength = nameEndIdx - (charIdx+2);
char charNameBuf[200];
UChar32 theChar = -1;
if (nameEndIdx != -1) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
testString.extract(charIdx+2, nameLength, charNameBuf, sizeof(charNameBuf));
charNameBuf[sizeof(charNameBuf)-1] = 0;
theChar = u_charFromName(U_UNICODE_CHAR_NAME, charNameBuf, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
theChar = -1;
if (theChar == -1) {
errln("Error in named character in test file at line %d, col %d",
lineNum, column);
} else {
// Named code point was recognized. Insert it
// into the test data.
while (tp.dataToBreak.length() > tp.srcLine->size()) {
tp.srcLine->addElement(lineNum, status);
tp.srcCol ->addElement(column, status);
if (nameEndIdx > charIdx) {
charIdx = nameEndIdx+1;
if (testString.compare(charIdx-1, 2, "<>") == 0) {
int32_t breakIdx = tp.dataToBreak.length();
tp.expectedBreaks->setElementAt(-1, breakIdx);
tp.srcLine->setElementAt(lineNum, breakIdx);
tp.srcCol ->setSize(breakIdx+1);
tp.srcCol ->setElementAt(column, breakIdx);
if (c == CH_LT) {
tagValue = 0;
parseState = PARSE_NUM;
if (c == CH_HASH && column==3) { // TODO: why is column off so far?
parseState = PARSE_COMMENT;
savedState = PARSE_DATA;
if (c == CH_BACKSLASH) {
// Check for \ at end of line, a line continuation.
// Advance over (discard) the newline
UChar32 cp = testString.char32At(charIdx);
if (cp == CH_CR && charIdx<len && testString.charAt(charIdx+1) == CH_LF) {
// We have a CR LF
// Need an extra increment of the input ptr to move over both of them
if (cp == CH_LF || cp == CH_CR) {
colStart = charIdx;
// Let unescape handle the back slash.
cp = testString.unescapeAt(charIdx);
if (cp != -1) {
// Escape sequence was recognized. Insert the char
// into the test data.
while (tp.dataToBreak.length() > tp.srcLine->size()) {
tp.srcLine->addElement(lineNum, status);
tp.srcCol ->addElement(column, status);
// Not a recognized backslash escape sequence.
// Take the next char as a literal.
// TODO: Should this be an error?
c = testString.charAt(charIdx);
charIdx = testString.moveIndex32(charIdx, 1);
// Normal, non-escaped data char.
// Save the mapping from offset in the data to line/column numbers in
// the original input file. Will be used for better error messages only.
// If there's an expected break before this char, the slot in the mapping
// vector will already be set for this char; don't overwrite it.
if (tp.dataToBreak.length() > tp.srcLine->size()) {
tp.srcLine->addElement(lineNum, status);
tp.srcCol ->addElement(column, status);
// We are parsing an expected numeric tag value, like <1234>,
// within a chunk of data.
if (u_isUWhiteSpace(c)) {
if (c == CH_GT) {
// Finished the number. Add the info to the expected break data,
// and switch parse state back to doing plain data.
parseState = PARSE_DATA;
if (tagValue == 0) {
tagValue = -1;
int32_t breakIdx = tp.dataToBreak.length();
tp.expectedBreaks->setElementAt(tagValue, breakIdx);
tp.srcLine->setElementAt(lineNum, breakIdx);
tp.srcCol ->setSize(breakIdx+1);
tp.srcCol ->setElementAt(column, breakIdx);
if (u_isdigit(c)) {
tagValue = tagValue*10 + u_charDigitValue(c);
errln("Syntax Error in test file at line %d, col %d",
lineNum, column);
goto end_test;
parseState = PARSE_COMMENT;
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
errln("ICU Error %s while parsing test file at line %d.",
u_errorName(status), lineNum);
goto end_test;
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
delete tp.bi;
delete tp.expectedBreaks;
delete tp.srcLine;
delete tp.srcCol;
delete [] testFile;
// ReadAndConvertFile Read a text data file, convert it to UChars, and
// return the datain one big UChar * buffer, which the caller must delete.
// TODO: This is a clone of RegexTest::ReadAndConvertFile.
// Move this function to some common place.
UChar *RBBITest::ReadAndConvertFile(const char *fileName, int &ulen, UErrorCode &status) {
UChar *retPtr = NULL;
char *fileBuf = NULL;
UConverter* conv = NULL;
ulen = 0;
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return retPtr;
// Open the file.
f = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (f == 0) {
errln("Error opening test data file %s\n", fileName);
goto cleanUpAndReturn;
// Read it in
int fileSize;
int amt_read;
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END);
fileSize = ftell(f);
fileBuf = new char[fileSize];
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
amt_read = fread(fileBuf, 1, fileSize, f);
if (amt_read != fileSize || fileSize <= 0) {
errln("Error reading test data file.");
goto cleanUpAndReturn;
// Look for a Unicode Signature (BOM) on the data just read
int32_t signatureLength;
const char * fileBufC;
const char* encoding;
fileBufC = fileBuf;
encoding = ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature(
fileBuf, fileSize, &signatureLength, &status);
if(encoding!=NULL ){
fileBufC += signatureLength;
fileSize -= signatureLength;
// Open a converter to take the rule file to UTF-16
conv = ucnv_open(encoding, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
goto cleanUpAndReturn;
// Convert the rules to UChar.
// Preflight first to determine required buffer size.
ulen = ucnv_toUChars(conv,
NULL, // dest,
0, // destCapacity,
if (status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
// Buffer Overflow is expected from the preflight operation.
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
retPtr = new UChar[ulen+1];
retPtr, // dest,
delete fileBuf;
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
errln("ucnv_toUChars: ICU Error \"%s\"\n", u_errorName(status));
delete retPtr;
retPtr = 0;
ulen = 0;
return retPtr;
// Exhaustive Tests, using Unicode Data Files.
// Token level scanner for the Unicode Line Break Test Data file.
// Return the next token, as follows:
// >= 0: a UChar32 character, scanned from hex in the file.
// -1: a break position, a division sign in the file.
// -2: end of rule. A new line in the file.
// -3: end of file. No more rules.
// -4: Error
// The scanner
// strips comments, ('#' to end of line)
// Recognizes CR, CR/LF and LF as new lines.
// Skips over spaces and Xs (don't break here) in the data.
struct ScanState {
int32_t fPeekChar;
UBool fPeeked;
int32_t fLineNum;
FILE *fFile;
ScanState() :fPeeked(FALSE), fLineNum(0), fFile(NULL) {};
// Literal characters that are of interest. In hex to keep EBCDIC based machines happy.
// The data itself is latin-1 on all platforms.
static const int32_t chSpace = 0x20;
static const int32_t chTab = 0x09;
static const int32_t chCR = 0x0D;
static const int32_t chLF = 0x0A;
static const int32_t chHash = 0x23;
static const int32_t chMult = 0xD7;
static const int32_t chDivide = 0xF7;
static int32_t nextLBDToken(ScanState *s) {
int32_t c;
// Read characters from the input file until we get something interesting
// to return. The file is in latin-1 encoding.
for (;;) {
// Get the next character to look at,
if (s->fPeeked) {
c = s->fPeekChar;
s->fPeeked = FALSE;
} else {
c = getc(s->fFile);
// EOF. Return immediately.
if (c == EOF) {
return -3;
// Spaces. Treat the multiply sign as a space - it indicates a no-break position
// in the data, and the test program doesn't want to see them.
// Continue the next char loop, looking for something significant.
if (c == chSpace || c == chTab || c == chMult) {
// Divide sign. Indicates an expected break position.
if (c == chDivide) {
return -1;
// New Line Handling. Keep track of line number in the file, which in turn
// requires keeping track of CR/LF as a single new line.
if (c == chCR) {
s->fPeekChar = getc(s->fFile);
if (s->fPeekChar != chLF) {s->fPeeked = TRUE;};
return -2;
if (c == chLF) {
return -2;
// Comments. Consume everything up to the next new line.
if (c == chHash) {
do {
c = getc(s->fFile);
} while (!(c == EOF || c == chCR || c == chLF));
s->fPeekChar = c;
s->fPeeked = TRUE;
return nextLBDToken(s);
// Scan a hex character (UChar32) value.
if (u_digit(c, 16) >= 0) {
int32_t v = u_digit(c, 16);
for (;;) {
c = getc(s->fFile);
if (u_digit(c, 16) < 0) {break;};
v <<= 4;
v += u_digit(c, 16);
s->fPeekChar = c;
s->fPeeked = TRUE;
return v;
// Error. Character was something unexpected.
return -4;
void RBBITest::TestLineBreakData() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString testString;
UVector expectedBreaks(status);
ScanState ss;
int32_t tok;
BreakIterator *bi = BreakIterator::createLineInstance(Locale::getDefault(), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
errln("Failure creating break iterator");
const char * lbdfName = "LBTest.txt";
// Open the test data file.
// TODO: a proper way to handle this data.
ss.fFile = fopen(lbdfName, "rb");
if (ss.fFile == NULL) {
logln("Unable to open Line Break Test Data file. Skipping test.");
delete bi;
// Loop once per line from the test data file.
for (;;) {
// Zero out test data from previous line.
// Read one test's (line's) worth of data from the file.
// Loop once per token on the input file line.
for(;;) {
tok = nextLBDToken(&ss);
// If we scanned a character number in the file.
// save it in the test data array.
if (tok >= 0) {
// If we scanned a break position in the data, record it.
if (tok == -1) {
expectedBreaks.addElement(testString.length(), status);
// If we scanned a new line, or EOF
// drop out of scan loop and run the test case.
if (tok == -2 || tok == -3) {break;};
// None of above. Error.
errln("Failure: Unrecognized data format, test file line %d", ss.fLineNum);
// If this line from the test data file actually contained test data,
// run the test.
if (testString.length() > 0) {
int32_t pos; // Break Position in the test string
int32_t expectedI = 0; // Index of expected break position in vector of same.
int32_t expectedPos; // Expected break position (index into test string)
pos = bi->first(); // TODO: break iterators always return a match at pos 0.
pos = bi->next(); // Line Break TR says no match at position 0.
// Resolve.
for (; pos != BreakIterator::DONE; ) {
expectedPos = expectedBreaks.elementAti(expectedI);
if (pos < expectedPos) {
errln("Failure: Test file line %d, unexpected break found at position %d",
ss.fLineNum, pos);
if (pos > expectedPos) {
errln("Failure: Test file line %d, failed to find break at position %d",
ss.fLineNum, expectedPos);
pos = bi->next();
// If we've hit EOF on the input file, we're done.
if (tok == -3) {
delete bi;
// classs RBBIMonkeyKind
// Monkey Test for Break Iteration
// Abstract interface class. Concrete derived classes independently
// implement the break rules for different iterator types.
// The Monkey Test itself uses doesn't know which type of break iterator it is
// testing, but works purely in terms of the interface defined here.
class RBBIMonkeyKind {
// Return a UVector of UnicodeSets, representing the character classes used
// for this type of iterator.
virtual UVector *charClasses() = 0;
// Set the test text on which subsequent calls to next() will operate
virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &s) = 0;
// Find the next break postion, starting from the prev break position, or from zero.
// Return -1 after reaching end of string.
virtual int32_t next(int32_t i) = 0;
virtual ~RBBIMonkeyKind();
UErrorCode deferredStatus;
RBBIMonkeyKind::RBBIMonkeyKind() {
deferredStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
RBBIMonkeyKind::~RBBIMonkeyKind() {
// Random Numbers. Similar to standard lib rand() and srand()
// Not using library to
// 1. Get same results on all platforms.
// 2. Get access to current seed, to more easily reproduce failures.
static uint32_t m_seed = 1;
static uint32_t m_rand()
m_seed = m_seed * 1103515245 + 12345;
return (uint32_t)(m_seed/65536) % 32768;
// class RBBICharMonkey Character (Grapheme Cluster) specific implementation
// of RBBIMonkeyKind.
class RBBICharMonkey: public RBBIMonkeyKind {
virtual ~RBBICharMonkey();
virtual UVector *charClasses();
virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &s);
virtual int32_t next(int32_t i);
UVector *fSets;
UnicodeSet *fCRLFSet;
UnicodeSet *fControlSet;
UnicodeSet *fExtendSet;
UnicodeSet *fHangulSet;
UnicodeSet *fAnySet;
RegexMatcher *fMatcher;
const UnicodeString *fText;
RBBICharMonkey::RBBICharMonkey() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
fText = NULL;
fMatcher = new RegexMatcher("\\X", 0, status); // Pattern to match a grampheme cluster
fCRLFSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\r\\n]", status);
fControlSet = new UnicodeSet("[[\\p{Zl}\\p{Zp}\\p{Cc}\\p{Cf}]-[\\n]-[\\r]]", status);
fExtendSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Extend}]", status);
fHangulSet = new UnicodeSet(
"\\p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=LV}\\p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=LVT}]", status);
fAnySet = new UnicodeSet("[\\u0000-\\U0010ffff]", status);
fSets = new UVector(status);
fSets->addElement(fCRLFSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fControlSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fExtendSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fHangulSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fAnySet, status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
deferredStatus = status;
void RBBICharMonkey::setText(const UnicodeString &s) {
fText = &s;
int32_t RBBICharMonkey::next(int32_t i) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t retVal = -1;
if (fMatcher->find(i, status)) {
retVal = fMatcher->end(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)){
retVal = -1;
return retVal;
UVector *RBBICharMonkey::charClasses() {
return fSets;
RBBICharMonkey::~RBBICharMonkey() {
delete fSets;
delete fCRLFSet;
delete fControlSet;
delete fExtendSet;
delete fHangulSet;
delete fAnySet;
delete fMatcher;
// class RBBIWordMonkey Word Break specific implementation
// of RBBIMonkeyKind.
class RBBIWordMonkey: public RBBIMonkeyKind {
virtual ~RBBIWordMonkey();
virtual UVector *charClasses();
virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &s);
virtual int32_t next(int32_t i);
UVector *fSets;
UnicodeSet *fKatakanaSet;
UnicodeSet *fALetterSet;
UnicodeSet *fMidLetterSet;
UnicodeSet *fMidNumLetSet;
UnicodeSet *fMidNumSet;
UnicodeSet *fNumericSet;
UnicodeSet *fFormatSet;
UnicodeSet *fOtherSet;
UnicodeSet *fExtendSet;
RegexMatcher *fMatcher;
const UnicodeString *fText;
UChar32 *fMungedText;
int32_t fMungedLen;
int32_t *fMungedPositions;
int32_t *fOrigPositions;
RegexMatcher *fGCFMatcher;
RegexMatcher *fGCMatcher;
RBBIWordMonkey::RBBIWordMonkey() : fMungedText(0),
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
fSets = new UVector(status);
fKatakanaSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{script=KATAKANA}\\u30fc\\uff70\\ufe9e\\ff9f]", status);
const UnicodeString ALetterStr( "[[\\p{Alphabetic}\\u05f3]-[\\p{Ideographic}]-[\\p{Script=Thai}]"
fALetterSet = new UnicodeSet(ALetterStr, status);
fMidLetterSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\u0027\\u00b7\\u05f4\\u2019\\u2027]", status);
fMidNumLetSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\u002e\\u003a]", status);
fMidNumSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_Break=Infix_Numeric}]", status);
fNumericSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_Break=Numeric}]", status);
fFormatSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Format}]", status);
fExtendSet = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Grapheme_Extend}]", status);
fOtherSet = new UnicodeSet();
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
deferredStatus = status;
fSets->addElement(fALetterSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fMidLetterSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fMidNumLetSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fMidNumSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fNumericSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fFormatSet, status);
fSets->addElement(fOtherSet, status);
fMungedText = NULL;
fMungedLen = 0;
fMungedPositions = NULL;
fOrigPositions = NULL;
fGCFMatcher = new RegexMatcher("\\X(?:\\p{Format}\\p{Grapheme_Extend}*)*", 0, status);
fGCMatcher = new RegexMatcher("\\X", 0, status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
deferredStatus = status;
void RBBIWordMonkey::setText(const UnicodeString &s) {
fText = &s;
delete [] fMungedText;
fMungedText = new UChar32[s.length()];
fMungedLen = 0;
delete [] fMungedPositions;
fMungedPositions = new int32_t[s.length()];
delete [] fOrigPositions;
fOrigPositions = new int32_t[s.length()];
memset(fOrigPositions, -1, s.length()*4);
// Precompute the "Munged Text", which is the test text,
// converted to an array of UChar32 for easier indexing,
// and with all but the first char of each Graphem Cluster removed (rule 3)
// and with format chars removed (rule 4)
fGCMatcher ->reset(s);
int32_t pos=0;
while (fGCFMatcher->find()) {
pos = fGCFMatcher->start(deferredStatus);
UChar32 c = s.char32At(pos);
fMungedPositions[fMungedLen] = pos;
fOrigPositions[pos] = fMungedLen;
fMungedText[fMungedLen++] = c;
int32_t RBBIWordMonkey::next(int32_t prevPos) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
if (prevPos >= fText->length()) {
return -1;
// If the previous position doesn't map to a position in the munged text,
// it means that the prev position was pointing to a trailing format char
// Advance, looking for additional format chars while doing so.
if (fOrigPositions[prevPos] == -1) {
// Advance by one grapheme cluster (could include combining marks)
fGCMatcher->find(prevPos, status);
int32_t pos = fGCMatcher->end(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
pos = -1;
// TODO: Don't return extend chars here!!!
return pos;
// Loop runs once per position in the munged test text, until a break position
// is found.
int32_t mpos = fOrigPositions[prevPos];
for (; ; mpos++) {
UChar32 letter = fMungedText[mpos];
// Break at end of text.
if (mpos >= fMungedLen-1) {
mpos = fMungedLen;
// Rule (5). ALetter x ALetter
if (fALetterSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) &&
fALetterSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1])) {
// Rule (6) ALetter x (MidLetter | MidNumLet) ALetter
if ((mpos+2) < fMungedLen &&
fALetterSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) &&
(fMidLetterSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1]) ||
fMidNumLetSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1]) ) &&
// Rule (7) ALetter (MidLetter | MidNumLet) x ALetter
if (mpos >= 1 &&
fALetterSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos-1]) &&
(fMidLetterSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) ||
fMidNumLetSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) ) &&
// Rule (8) Numeric x Numeric
if (fNumericSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) &&
fNumericSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1])) {
// Rule (9) ALetter x Numeric
if (fALetterSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) &&
fNumericSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1])) {
// Rule (10) Numeric x ALetter
if (fNumericSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) &&
fALetterSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1])) {
// Rule (11) Numeric (MidNum | MidNumLet) x Numeric
if (mpos >= 1 &&
fNumericSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos-1]) &&
(fMidNumSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) ||
fMidNumLetSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) ) &&
// Rule (12) Numeric x (MidNum | MidNumLet) Numeric
if ((mpos+2) < fMungedLen &&
fNumericSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) &&
(fMidNumSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1]) ||
fMidNumLetSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1]) ) &&
// Rule (13) Katakana x Katakana
if (fKatakanaSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos]) &&
fKatakanaSet->contains(fMungedText[mpos+1])) {
// Rule 14. Break found here.
// We have a break position in terms of an index in the munged data.
// Get the corresponding index in the original test text.
int32_t breakPos;
if (mpos == fMungedLen) {
breakPos = fText->length();
} else {
breakPos = fMungedPositions[mpos];
// Rule 4 fixup, back up before any trailing
// format characters at the end of the word.
int32_t t = breakPos;
for (;;) {
t = fText->moveIndex32(t, -1);
if (t <= prevPos) {
UChar32 prevC = fText->char32At(t);
if (fExtendSet->contains(prevC)) {
if (fFormatSet->contains(prevC) == FALSE) {
breakPos = t;
return breakPos;
UVector *RBBIWordMonkey::charClasses() {
return fSets;
RBBIWordMonkey::~RBBIWordMonkey() {
delete fSets;
delete fKatakanaSet;
delete fALetterSet;
delete fMidLetterSet;
delete fMidNumLetSet;
delete fMidNumSet;
delete fNumericSet;
delete fFormatSet;
delete fExtendSet;
delete fOtherSet;
delete [] fMungedText;
delete [] fMungedPositions;
delete [] fOrigPositions;
delete fGCFMatcher;
delete fGCMatcher;
// RBBILineMonkey
class RBBILineMonkey: public RBBIMonkeyKind {
virtual ~RBBILineMonkey();
virtual UVector *charClasses();
virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &s);
virtual int32_t next(int32_t i);
UVector *fSets;
UnicodeSet *fBK;
UnicodeSet *fCR;
UnicodeSet *fLF;
UnicodeSet *fCM;
UnicodeSet *fNL;
UnicodeSet *fSG;
UnicodeSet *fWJ;
UnicodeSet *fZW;
UnicodeSet *fGL;
UnicodeSet *fCB;
UnicodeSet *fSP;
UnicodeSet *fB2;
UnicodeSet *fBA;
UnicodeSet *fBB;
UnicodeSet *fHY;
UnicodeSet *fCL;
UnicodeSet *fEX;
UnicodeSet *fIN;
UnicodeSet *fNS;
UnicodeSet *fOP;
UnicodeSet *fQU;
UnicodeSet *fIS;
UnicodeSet *fNU;
UnicodeSet *fPO;
UnicodeSet *fPR;
UnicodeSet *fSY;
UnicodeSet *fAI;
UnicodeSet *fAL;
UnicodeSet *fID;
UnicodeSet *fSA;
UnicodeSet *fXX;
BreakIterator *fCharBI;
const UnicodeString *fText;
int32_t *fOrigPositions;
RegexMatcher *fNumberMatcher;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
fSets = new UVector(status);
fBK = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_Break=BK}]", status);
fCR = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CR}]", status);
fLF = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=LF}]", status);
fCM = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CM}]", status);
fNL = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=NL}]", status);
fWJ = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=WJ}]", status);
fZW = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=ZW}]", status);
fGL = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=GL}]", status);
fCB = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CB}]", status);
fSP = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=SP}]", status);
fB2 = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=B2}]", status);
fBA = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=BA}]", status);
fBB = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=BB}]", status);
fHY = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=HY}]", status);
fCL = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=CL}]", status);
fEX = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=EX}]", status);
fIN = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=IN}]", status);
fNS = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=NS}]", status);
fOP = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=OP}]", status);
fQU = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=QU}]", status);
fIS = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=IS}]", status);
fNU = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=NU}]", status);
fPO = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=PO}]", status);
fPR = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=PR}]", status);
fSY = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=SY}]", status);
fAI = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=AI}]", status);
fAL = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=AL}]", status);
fID = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=ID}]", status);
fSA = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=SA}]", status);
fXX = new UnicodeSet("[\\p{Line_break=XX}]", status);
fAL->addAll(*fXX); // Default behavior for XX is identical to AL
fAL->addAll(*fAI); // Default behavior for AI is identical to AL
fAL->addAll(*fSA); // Default behavior for SA is XX, which defaults to AL
fSets->addElement(fBK, status);
fSets->addElement(fCR, status);
fSets->addElement(fLF, status);
fSets->addElement(fCM, status);
fSets->addElement(fNL, status);
fSets->addElement(fWJ, status);
fSets->addElement(fZW, status);
fSets->addElement(fGL, status);
fSets->addElement(fCB, status);
fSets->addElement(fSP, status);
fSets->addElement(fB2, status);
fSets->addElement(fBA, status);
fSets->addElement(fBB, status);
fSets->addElement(fHY, status);
fSets->addElement(fCL, status);
fSets->addElement(fEX, status);
fSets->addElement(fIN, status);
fSets->addElement(fNS, status);
fSets->addElement(fOP, status);
fSets->addElement(fQU, status);
fSets->addElement(fIS, status);
fSets->addElement(fNU, status);
fSets->addElement(fPO, status);
fSets->addElement(fPR, status);
fSets->addElement(fSY, status);
fSets->addElement(fAI, status);
fSets->addElement(fAL, status);
fSets->addElement(fID, status);
fSets->addElement(fSA, status);
// fSets->addElement(fXX, status);
fNumberMatcher = new RegexMatcher(
0, status);
fCharBI = BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
deferredStatus = status;
void RBBILineMonkey::setText(const UnicodeString &s) {
fText = &s;
int32_t RBBILineMonkey::next(int32_t prevPos) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t pos; // Index of the char following a potential break position
int32_t nextPos; // Index of the next potential "pos" to test.
// Usually skips over combining marks.
int32_t nextCPPos; // Index of the code point following "pos."
// Allows for surrogates. Ignores combining marks.
int32_t tPos; // temp value.
if (prevPos >= fText->length()) {
return -1;
// We need to figure out where the next character of interest starts
// Depends on the previous char, and whether it eats following CombiningMarks
// or not.
UChar32 c = fText->char32At(prevPos);
if (c == 0x0d || c == 0x0a || c == 0x85 || fBK->contains(c) || fSP->contains(c)) {
// char doesn't automatically combine with CM.
nextPos = fText->moveIndex32(prevPos, 1);
} else {
nextPos = fCharBI->following(prevPos);
for (;;) {
UChar32 c = fText->char32At(nextPos);
if (!fCM->contains(c)) {
nextPos = fText->moveIndex32(nextPos, 1);
pos = prevPos;
// Loop runs once per position in the test text, until a break position
// is found.
for (;;) {
prevPos = pos;
pos = nextPos;
UChar32 prevChar = fText->char32At(prevPos);
UChar32 thisChar = fText->char32At(pos);
nextCPPos = fText->moveIndex32(pos, 1);
nextPos = nextCPPos;
// Break at end of text.
if (pos >= fText->length()) {
// LB 3a Always break after hard line breaks,
if (fBK->contains(prevChar)) {
// LB 3b Break after CR, LF, NL, but not inside CR LF
if (prevChar == 0x0d && thisChar == 0x0a) {
if (prevChar == 0x0d ||
prevChar == 0x0a ||
prevChar == 0x85) {
// LB 3c Don't break before hard line breaks
if (thisChar == 0x0d || thisChar == 0x0a || thisChar == 0x85 ||
fBK->contains(thisChar)) {
// LB 4 Don't break before spaces or zero-width space.
if (fSP->contains(thisChar)) {
if (fZW->contains(thisChar)) {
if (!fSP->contains(thisChar)) {
// nextPos advances over Hangul Syllables plus any chars
// of line break class CM.
// Advancing by a grapheme cluster with a character break iterator
// almost gets this, except Line Break CM includes some
// stuff that is not combining from the grapheme cluster definition.
nextPos = fCharBI->following(pos); // Advance by grapheme cluster
// now advance over any CM class chars that were missed
for (;;) {
UChar32 c = fText->char32At(nextPos);
if (!fCM->contains(c)) {
nextPos = fText->moveIndex32(nextPos, 1);
// LB 5 Break after zero width space
if (fZW->contains(prevChar)) {
// LB 6 Treat Korean Syllables as a single unit
// (Requires no explicit action. nextChar already advances by grapheme cluster
// which goes over an entire syllable.
// LB 7a In a SP CM* sequence, treat the SP as an ID
if (nextCPPos != nextPos && fSP->contains(thisChar)) {
thisChar = 0x3400; // 0x3400 is a CJK Ideograph, type is ID.
// LB 7b Treat X CM* as if it were x.
// No explicit action required.
// LB 7c Treat any remaining combining mark as AL
if (fCM->contains(thisChar)) {
thisChar = 0x41; // thisChar = 'A';
// LB 8 Don't break before closings.
if (fCL->contains(thisChar) ||
fEX->contains(thisChar) ||
fIS->contains(thisChar) ||
fSY->contains(thisChar)) {
// LB 9 Don't break after OP SP*
for (tPos=prevPos; ; tPos=fCharBI->preceding(tPos)) {
if (fOP->contains(fText->char32At(tPos))) {
if (fSP->contains(fText->char32At(tPos)) == FALSE || tPos == 0) {
goto fall_through_9;
// We match OP SP* x
// No break at this postion.
// Continue the outer loop.
// LB 10 QU SP* x OP
if (fOP->contains(thisChar)) {
tPos = prevPos;
for (tPos=prevPos; ; tPos=fCharBI->preceding(tPos)) {
if (fOP->contains(fText->char32At(tPos))) {
if (fSP->contains(fText->char32At(tPos)) == FALSE || tPos == 0) {
goto fall_through_10;
// We match QU SP* x OP
// No break at this postion.
// Continue the outer loop.
// LB 11 CL SP* x NS
if (fNS->contains(thisChar)) {
tPos = prevPos;
for (tPos=prevPos; ; tPos=fCharBI->preceding(tPos)) {
if (fCL->contains(fText->char32At(tPos))) {
if (fSP->contains(fText->char32At(tPos)) == FALSE || tPos == 0) {
goto fall_through_11;
// We match CL SP* x NS
// No break at this postion.
// Continue the outer loop.
// LB 11a B2 x B2
if (fB2->contains(thisChar) && fB2->contains(prevChar)) {
// LB 11b
// x GL
// GL x
if (fGL->contains(thisChar) || fGL->contains(prevChar)) {
// LB 12 break after space
if (fSP->contains(prevChar)) {
// LB 14
// x QU
// QU x
if (fQU->contains(thisChar) || fQU->contains(prevChar)) {
// LB 14a Break around a CB
// NOTE: DISABLE FOR ICU, FOR NOW. Too hard to implement in Rules.
#if 0
if (fCB->contains(thisChar) || fCB->contains(prevChar)) {
// LB 15
if (fBA->contains(thisChar) ||
fHY->contains(thisChar) ||
fNS->contains(thisChar) ||
fBB->contains(prevChar) ) {
// LB 16
if (fAL->contains(prevChar) && fIN->contains(thisChar) ||
fID->contains(prevChar) && fIN->contains(thisChar) ||
fIN->contains(prevChar) && fIN->contains(thisChar) ||
fNU->contains(prevChar) && fIN->contains(thisChar) ) {
// LB 17 ID x PO (Note: Leading CM behaves like ID)
// AL x NU
// NU x AL
if (fID->contains(prevChar) && fPO->contains(thisChar) ||
fCM->contains(prevChar) && fPO->contains(thisChar) ||
fAL->contains(prevChar) && fNU->contains(thisChar) ||
fNU->contains(prevChar) && fAL->contains(thisChar) ) {
// LB 18 Numbers
UnicodeString subStr(*fText, prevPos);
if (fNumberMatcher->lookingAt(status)) {
// TODO: Check status codes
int32_t numEndIdx = prevPos + fNumberMatcher->end(status);
if (numEndIdx > pos) {
// We got a match on a number of more than one char.
// Need to move "pos" and "nextPos" to reflect the end
// of the number before continuing.
UChar32 lastCharInNumber;
nextPos = numEndIdx;
pos = numEndIdx;
do {
pos = fText->moveIndex32(nextPos, -1);
lastCharInNumber = fText->char32At(pos);
} while (fCM->contains(lastCharInNumber));
// LB 18b
if (fHY->contains(prevChar) || fBB->contains(thisChar)) {
// LB 19
if (fAL->contains(prevChar) && fAL->contains(thisChar)) {
// LB 20 Break everywhere else
return pos;
UVector *RBBILineMonkey::charClasses() {
return fSets;
RBBILineMonkey::~RBBILineMonkey() {
delete fSets;
delete fBK;
delete fCR;
delete fLF;
delete fCM;
delete fNL;
delete fWJ;
delete fZW;
delete fGL;
delete fCB;
delete fSP;
delete fB2;
delete fBA;
delete fBB;
delete fHY;
delete fCL;
delete fEX;
delete fIN;
delete fNS;
delete fOP;
delete fQU;
delete fIS;
delete fNU;
delete fPO;
delete fPR;
delete fSY;
delete fAI;
delete fAL;
delete fID;
delete fSA;
delete fXX;
delete fCharBI;
delete fNumberMatcher;
// TestMonkey
// params
// seed=nnnnn Random number starting seed.
// Setting the seed allows errors to be reproduced.
// loop=nnn Looping count. Controls running time.
// -1: run forever.
// 0 or greater: run length.
// type = char | work | line | sent | title
static int32_t getIntParam(UnicodeString name, UnicodeString ¶ms, int32_t defaultVal) {
int32_t val = defaultVal;
name.append(" *= *(-?\\d+)");
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
RegexMatcher m(name, params, 0, status);
if (m.find()) {
// The param exists. Convert the string to an int.
char valString[100];
int32_t paramLength = m.end(1, status) - m.start(1, status);
if (paramLength >= sizeof(valString)-1) {paramLength = sizeof(valString)-2;};
params.extract(m.start(1, status), paramLength, valString, sizeof(valString));
val = strtol(valString, NULL, 10);
// Delete this parameter from the params string.
params = m.replaceFirst("", status);
return val;
void RBBITest::TestMonkey(char *params) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t loopCount = 500;
int32_t seed = 1;
UnicodeString breakType = "all";
Locale locale("en");
if (quick == FALSE) {
loopCount = 10000;
if (params) {
UnicodeString p(params);
loopCount = getIntParam("loop", p, loopCount);
seed = getIntParam("seed", p, seed);
RegexMatcher m(" *type *= *(char|word|line|sent|title) *", p, 0, status);
if (m.find()) {
breakType = m.group(1, status);
p = m.replaceFirst("", status);
if (RegexMatcher("\\S", p, 0, status).find()) {
// Each option is stripped out of the option string as it is processed.
// All options have been checked. The option string should have been completely emptied..
char buf[100];
p.extract(buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, status);
buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0;
errln("Unrecognized or extra parameter: %s\n", buf);
if (breakType == "char" || breakType == "all") {
RBBICharMonkey m;
BreakIterator *bi = BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(locale, status);
RunMonkey(bi, m, "char", seed, loopCount);
delete bi;
if (breakType == "word" || breakType == "all") {
logln("Word Break Monkey Test");
RBBIWordMonkey m;
BreakIterator *bi = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(locale, status);
if (params == NULL) {
// TODO: Resolve rule ambiguities, unpin loop count.
loopCount = 2;
RunMonkey(bi, m, "word", seed, loopCount);
delete bi;
if (breakType == "line" || breakType == "all") {
logln("Line Break Monkey Test");
RBBILineMonkey m;
BreakIterator *bi = BreakIterator::createLineInstance(locale, status);
RunMonkey(bi, m, "line", seed, loopCount);
delete bi;
// Run a RBBI monkey test. Common routine, for all break iterator types.
// Parameters:
// bi - the break iterator to use
// mk - MonkeyKind, abstraction for obtaining expected results
// name - Name of test (char, word, etc.) for use in error messages
// seed - Seed for starting random number generator (parameter from user)
// numIterations
void RBBITest::RunMonkey(BreakIterator *bi, RBBIMonkeyKind &mk, char *name, uint32_t seed, int32_t numIterations) {
const int32_t TESTSTRINGLEN = 500;
UnicodeString testText;
int32_t numCharClasses;
UVector *chClasses;
char expectedBreaks[TESTSTRINGLEN*2 + 1];
char forwardBreaks[TESTSTRINGLEN*2 + 1];
char reverseBreaks[TESTSTRINGLEN*2+1];
int i;
int loopCount = 0;
m_seed = seed;
numCharClasses = mk.charClasses()->size();
chClasses = mk.charClasses();
// Check for errors that occured during the construction of the MonkeyKind object.
// Can't report them where they occured because errln() is a method coming from intlTest,
// and is not visible outside of RBBITest :-(
if (U_FAILURE(mk.deferredStatus)) {
errln("status of \"%s\" in creation of RBBIMonkeyKind.", u_errorName(mk.deferredStatus));
// Verify that the character classes all have at least one member.
for (i=0; i<numCharClasses; i++) {
UnicodeSet *s = (UnicodeSet *)chClasses->elementAt(i);
if (s == NULL || s->size() == 0) {
errln("Character Class #%d is null or of zero size.", i);
while (loopCount <= numIterations || numIterations == -1) {
// Save current random number seed, so that we can recreate the random numbers
// for this loop iteration in event of an error.
seed = m_seed;
// Populate a test string with data.
for (i=0; i<TESTSTRINGLEN; i++) {
int32_t aClassNum = m_rand() % numCharClasses;
UnicodeSet *classSet = (UnicodeSet *)chClasses->elementAt(aClassNum);
int32_t charIdx = m_rand() % classSet->size();
UChar32 c = classSet->charAt(charIdx);
assert(c >= 0); // TODO: deal with sets containing strings.
// Calculate the expected results for this test string.
memset(expectedBreaks, 0, sizeof(expectedBreaks));
expectedBreaks[0] = 1;
int32_t breakPos = 0;
for (;;) {
breakPos = mk.next(breakPos);
if (breakPos == -1) {
assert(breakPos <= testText.length());
expectedBreaks[breakPos] = 1;
// Find the break positions using forward iteration
memset(forwardBreaks, 0, sizeof(forwardBreaks));
for (i=bi->first(); i != BreakIterator::DONE; i=bi->next()) {
if (i < 0 || i > testText.length()) {
errln("%s break monkey test: Out of range value returned by breakIterator::next()", name);
forwardBreaks[i] = 1;
// Find the break positions using reverse iteration
memset(reverseBreaks, 0, sizeof(reverseBreaks));
for (i=bi->last(); i != BreakIterator::DONE; i=bi->previous()) {
if (i < 0 || i > testText.length()) {
errln("%s break monkey test: Out of range value returned by breakIterator::next()", name);
reverseBreaks[i] = 1;
// Compare the expected and actual results.
for (i=0; i<=testText.length(); i++) {
UBool forwardError = forwardBreaks[i] != expectedBreaks[i];
UBool anyError = forwardError || reverseBreaks[i] != expectedBreaks[i];
if (anyError) {
// Format a range of the test text that includes the failure as
// a data item that can be included in the rbbi test data file.
// Start of the range is the last point where expected and actual results
// both agreed that there was a break position.
int startContext = i;
for (;;) {
if (startContext==0) { break; }
if (expectedBreaks[startContext] != 0) {break;}
// End of range is two expected breaks past the start position.
int endContext = i+1;
int ci;
for (ci=0; ci<2; ci++) { // Number of items to include in error text.
for (;;) {
if (endContext >= testText.length()) {break;}
if (expectedBreaks[endContext-1] != 0) { break;}
// Format looks like "<data><>\uabcd\uabcd<>\U0001abcd...</data>"
UnicodeString errorText = "<data>";
for (ci=startContext; ci<endContext;) {
UnicodeString hexChars("0123456789abcdef");
UChar32 c;
int bn;
c = testText.char32At(ci);
if (ci == i) {
// This is the location of the error.
} else if (expectedBreaks[ci] != 0) {
// This a non-error expected break position.
if (c < 0x10000) {
for (bn=12; bn>=0; bn-=4) {
} else {
for (bn=28; bn>=0; bn-=4) {
ci = testText.moveIndex32(ci, 1);
// Output the error
char charErrorTxt[100];
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
errorText.extract(charErrorTxt, sizeof(charErrorTxt), NULL, status);
charErrorTxt[sizeof(charErrorTxt)-1] = 0;
errln("%s break monkey test error. %s. Direction = %s; Random seed = %d; buf Idx = %d\n%s",
name, (expectedBreaks[i]? "break expected but not found" : "break found but not expected"),
(forwardError?"forward":"reverse"), seed, i, charErrorTxt);