Ram Viswanadha 469ce0aa21 ICU-4235 fix failures on multiple platforms
X-SVN-Rev: 18908
2005-12-15 22:19:29 +00:00

436 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2005, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
/* This file is the test code for test code wbnf.cpp
* The wbnf.cpp is an extended BNF parser to generate string for ICU test code
* DO NOT include this file in any file other than at the tail of "wbnf.cpp"
* Putting the test code here is to increase readability for "wbnf.cpp".
#ifndef _WBNFTEST
#define _WBNFTEST
#define CALL(fun) \
if (fun()){ \
printf("Pass: " #fun "\n");\
} else { \
printf("FAILED: !!! " #fun " !!!\n"); \
#define DUMP_R(fun, var, times) \
{printf("\n========= " #fun " =============\n"); \
for (int i=0; i<times; i++) { \
const char * t =;\
fwrite(t,strlen(t),1,stdout); \
printf("\n"); \
} \
static UBool TestQuote(){
const char *const str = "This ' A !,z| qq [] .new\tline";
const char *const str_r = "This \\' A '!,'z'|' qq '[]' '.'new\tline";
//// :( we must quote our string to following C syntax
//// cannot type the literal here, it makes our code rather human unreadable
//// very very unconformable!
//const char *const s1 = "ab'c";
//const char (* s1_r1) [] = { "ab''c", // ab''c
// "ab\\'c", // ab\'c
// };//
// . '.' \.
// .. \.\. '.'\. '.'\. '..' // '.''.' wrong
//const char *const s2 = "a..'.b"; // a..'.b
//const char (*s2_r) [] = { "a'..''.'b" // a'..''.'b
// ,"a'..\\'.'b" // a'..\'.'b
// ,"a'..'\\''.'b" // a'..'\''.'b
// };//
//const char *const s3 = "a..\\.b"; // a..\.b
//const char (*s3_r) [] = { "a'..\\\\.'b" // a'..\\.'b
// ,"a'..'\\\\'.'b" // a'..'\\'.'b
// };//
// // no catact operation, no choice, must be compact
srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
//Escaper l(Escaper::NO, Escaper::NO, Escaper::RAND_ESC);
Pick *p = new Literal(str);
Quote q(*p);
DUMP_R(TestQuote, (*p), 1);
DUMP_R(TestQuote, q, 20);
return FALSE;
static UBool TestLiteral(){
const char * s = "test string99.";
Literal n(s);
const char * r =;
return strcmp(s,r) == 0;
static UBool TestSequence(){
Sequence seq;
seq.append(new Literal("abc "));
seq.append(new Literal(", s"));
return strcmp(, "abc , s") == 0;
static UBool TestAlternation(){
srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
Alternation alt;
alt.append(new Literal("aaa_10%"),10);
alt.append(new Literal("bbb_0%"),0);
alt.append(new Literal("ccc_10%"),10);
alt.append(new Literal("ddddddd_50%"),50);
DUMP_R(TestAlternation, alt, 50);
return FALSE;
static UBool TestBuffer(){
Buffer_int t;
int s = t.content_size();
for (int i=0; i<s; ++i){
printf("%d\n", t[i]);
return FALSE;
static UBool TestWeightedRand(){
srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
Buffer_int t;
WeightedRand wr(&Buffer_int().append(10).append(0).append(50),4);
// WeightedRand wr(&t,3);
for (int i=0; i< 50; ++i){
return FALSE;
static UBool TestRepeat(){
srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
Repeat rep(new Literal("aaa1-5 "), 1, 5);
DUMP_R(TestRepeat, rep, 50);
Repeat r2(new Literal("b{1,3}1%0%5% "), 1, 3, &Buffer_int().append(1).append(0).append(5));
DUMP_R(TestRepeat, r2, 50);
Repeat r3(new Literal("aaa5-5 "), 5, 5);
DUMP_R(TestRepeat, r3, 50);
return FALSE;
static UBool TestVariable(){
SymbolTable tab;
Pick * value = new Literal("string1");
Variable var1(&tab, "x", value);
Variable var2(&tab, "y");
// tab.put(var2, value); // TOFIX: point alias/recursion problem
Pick * value2 = new Literal("string2");
tab.put(var2, value2);
Pick * value3 = new Literal("string3");
Variable var3(&tab, "z");
tab.put("z", value3);
UBool pass;
pass = strcmp(, value->next()) == 0;
pass = pass && strcmp(, value2->next()) == 0;
pass = pass && strcmp(, value3->next()) == 0;
return pass;
static UBool TestSymbolTable(){
Literal * n1 = new Literal("string1");
Literal * n2 = new Literal("string2");
SymbolTable t;
t.put("abc", n1);
t.put("$aaa", n2);
// t.put("alias", n1); // TOFIX: point alias/recursion problem
UBool pass;
pass = t.find(NULL) == SymbolTable::EMPTY;
pass = pass && t.find("ccc") == SymbolTable::NO_VAR;
pass = pass && t.find("bbb") == SymbolTable::NO_REF;
pass = pass && t.find("abc") == SymbolTable::HAS_REF;
pass = pass && t.find("$aaa") == SymbolTable::HAS_REF;
pass = pass && t.find("abc") == SymbolTable::NO_VAR;
return pass;
int DumpScanner(Scanner & s, UBool dump = TRUE){
int len = strlen(s.source);
int error_start_offset = s.history - s.source;
if (dump){
printf("\n=================== DumpScanner ================\n");
fwrite(s.source, len, 1, stdout);
fwrite(s.source, s.history - s.source, 1, stdout);
fwrite(s.history, s.working - s.history, 1, stdout);
fwrite(s.working, (s.source + len - s.working), 1, stdout);
return error_start_offset;
static UBool TestScanner(void){
//const char str1[] = "$root = $command{0,5} $reset $mostRules{1,20};";
//const char str1_r[][20] = {"$root", "=", "$command", "{", "0", ",", "5", "}",
// "$reset", "$mostRules", "{", "1", ",", "20", "}", ";"};
const char str2[] = "$p2 =(\\\\ $s $string $s)? 25%;";
const char str2_r[][20] = {"$p2", "=", "(", "\\", "$s", "$string", "$s", ")", "?", "25", "%", ";"};
const char *str = str2;
const char (*str_r)[20] = str2_r;
int tokenNum = sizeof(str2_r)/sizeof(char[20]);
Scanner t(str);
UBool pass = TRUE;
int i = 0;
while (pass){
if (t.tokenType == STREAM_END){
pass = pass? i == tokenNum : FALSE;
} else if (t.tokenType == ERROR){
pass = FALSE;
} else {
pass = strcmp( &(t.token[0]), str_r[i++]) == 0;
//const char ts[] = "$commandList = '['"
//" ( alternate ' ' $alternateOptions"
//" | backwards ' 2'"
//" | normalization ' ' $onoff "
//" | caseLevel ' ' $onoff "
//" | hiraganaQ ' ' $onoff"
//" | caseFirst ' ' $caseFirstOptions"
//" | strength ' ' $strengthOptions"
//" ) ']';" ;
//Scanner t2(ts);
//pass = TRUE;
//do {
// t2.getNextToken();
// if (t2.tokenType == ERROR){
// DumpScanner(t2);
// return FALSE;
// }
//}while (t.tokenType != STREAM_END);
return pass;
class TestParserT {
UBool operator () (const char *const str, const int exp_error_offset = -1, const UBool dump = TRUE){
Parser par(str);
if (par.rules()){
if ( exp_error_offset == -1){
return TRUE;
}else {
return FALSE;
}else {
return DumpScanner(par.s, dump) == exp_error_offset;
UBool TestParser(){
TestParserT test;
UBool pass = TRUE;
pass = pass && test ("$s = ' ' ? 50%;");
pass = pass && test("$x = ($var {1,2}) 3%;"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$x = $var {1,2} 3% | b 4%;"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$x = $var {1,2} 3%;"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$m = $c ? 2% 4% | $r 5% | $n 25%;"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$a = b ? 2% | c 5%;"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$x = A B 5% C 10% | D;", 8, FALSE); // illegal 5%
pass = pass && test("$x = aa 45% | bb 5% cc;", 19, FALSE);// illegal cc
pass = pass && test("$x = (b 5%) (c 6%);"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$x = (b 5%) c 6%;", 13, FALSE); // illegal 6%
pass = pass && test("$x = b 5% (c 6%);", 9, FALSE); // illegal (c 6%)
pass = pass && test("$x = b 5% c 6%;", 9, FALSE); // illegal c 6%
pass = pass && test("$x = b 5%;"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$x = aa 45% | bb 5% cc;", 19, FALSE);// illegal cc
pass = pass && test("$x = a | b | c 4% | d 5%;"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$s = ' ' ? 50% abc;"); // legal
pass = pass && test("$s = a | c d | e f;"); // legal
pass = pass && test( "$z = q 0% | p 1% | r 100%;"); // legal How to check parsed tree??
pass = pass && test("$s = ' ' ? 50%;");
pass = pass && test("$relationList = '<' | '<<' | ';' | '<<<' | ',' | '=';");
pass = pass && test("$p1 = ($string $s '|' $s)? 25%;");
pass = pass && test("$p2 = (\\\\ $s $string $s)? 25%;");
pass = pass && test("$rel2 = $p1 $string $s $p2;");
pass = pass && test("$relation = $relationList $s ($rel1 | $rel2) $crlf;");
pass = pass && test("$command = $commandList $crlf;");
pass = pass && test("$reset = '&' $s ($beforeList $s)? 10% ($positionList 100% | $string 10%) $crlf;");
pass = pass && test("$mostRules = $command 1% | $reset 5% | $relation 25%;");
pass = pass && test("$root = $command{0,5} $reset $mostRules{1,20};");
const char collationBNF[] =
"$s = ' '? 50%;"
"$crlf = '\r\n';"
"$alternateOptions = non'-'ignorable | shifted;"
"$onoff = on | off;"
"$caseFirstOptions = off | upper | lower;"
"$strengthOptions = '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | 'I';"
"$commandList = '['"
" ( alternate ' ' $alternateOptions"
" | backwards ' 2'"
" | normalization ' ' $onoff "
" | caseLevel ' ' $onoff "
" | hiraganaQ ' ' $onoff"
" | caseFirst ' ' $caseFirstOptions"
" | strength ' ' $strengthOptions"
" ) ']';"
"$command = $commandList $crlf;"
"$ignorableTypes = (tertiary | secondary | primary) ' ' ignorable;"
"$allTypes = variable | regular | implicit | trailing | $ignorableTypes;"
"$positionList = '[' (first | last) ' ' $allTypes ']';"
"$beforeList = '[before ' ('1' | '2' | '3') ']';"
"$relationList = ("
" '<'"
" | '<<'"
" | ';'"
" | '<<<'"
" | ','"
" | '='"
"$string = $magic;"
"$rel1 = '[variable top]' $s;"
"$p1 = ($string $s '|' $s)? 25%;"
"$p2 = (\\\\ $s $string $s)? 25%;"
"$rel2 = $p1 $string $s $p2;"
"$relation = $relationList $s ($rel1 | $rel2) $crlf;"
"$reset = '&' $s ($beforeList $s)? 10% ($positionList 1% | $string 10%) $crlf;"
"$mostRules = $command 1% | $reset 5% | $relation 25%;"
"$root = $command{0,5} $reset $mostRules{1,20};"
pass = pass && test(collationBNF);
return pass;
static UBool TestLanguageGenerator(){
//LanguageGenerator g;
//const char *const s = "$s = p 0% | q 1%;";
//g.parseBNF(s, "$s");
UBool pass;
//= strcmp("q", == 0;
const char *const def =
//"$a = $b;"
//"$b = $c;"
//"$c = $t;"
//"$t = abc $z{1,2};"
//"$k = a | b | c | d | e | f | g ;"
//"$z = q 0% | p 1% | r 1%;"
"$x = a ? 0%;"
; // end of string
// const char * s = "abczz";
LanguageGenerator g;
pass = g.parseBNF(def, "$x",TRUE);
//// LanguageGenerator g(collationBNF, "$root", "$magic", new MagicNode());
if (pass != LanguageGenerator::OK) return FALSE;
DUMP_R(TestLanguageGenerator, g, 20);
return pass;
////UBool pass = strcmp(s,r) == 0;
//if (pass){
// printf("TestRandomLanguageGenerator passed.\n");
//} else {
// printf("TestRandomLanguageGenerator FAILED!!!\n");
//return pass;
static UBool TestMorph(){
srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
Alternation * alt = new Alternation();
.append(new Literal("a")).append(new Literal("b")).append(new Literal("c"))
.append(new Literal("d")).append(new Literal("e")).append(new Literal("f"))
.append(new Literal("g")).append(new Literal("h")).append(new Literal("i"))
.append(new Literal("j")).append(new Literal("k")).append(new Literal("l"))
.append(new Literal("m")).append(new Literal("n")).append(new Literal("o"))
Repeat * rep = new Repeat( alt ,5,5 );
Morph m( *rep);
// DUMP_R(TestMorph,(*rep),20);
return FALSE;
void TestWbnf(void){
srand((unsigned)time( NULL ));
#endif /* _WBNFTEST */