X-SVN-Rev: 14072
858 lines
29 KiB
858 lines
29 KiB
// ***************************************************************************
// *
// * Copyright (C) 1997-2003, International Business Machines
// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// *
// ***************************************************************************
fr {
collations {
standard {
Version { "1.0" }
Sequence { "[backwards 2]&A<<\u00e6/e<<<\u00c6/E" }
// http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/index.html
Countries {
Fallback{ "en"}
AD { "Andorre" }
AE { "\u00c9mirats Arabes Unis" }
AG { "Antigua et Barbuda" }
AL { "Albanie" }
AM { "Arm\u00E9nie" }
AN { "Antilles N\u00E9erlandaises" }
AR { "Argentine" }
AS { "Samoa Am\u00E9ricaines" }
AT { "Autriche" }
AU { "Australie" }
AZ { "Azerba\u00EFdjan" }
BA { "Bosnie-Herz\u00E9govine" }
BB { "Barbade" }
BE { "Belgique" }
BG { "Bulgarie" }
BH { "Bahre\u00EFn" }
BM { "Bermudes" }
BO { "Bolivie" }
BR { "Br\u00E9sil" }
BT { "Bhoutan" }
BV { "\u00CEle Bouvet" }
BY { "B\u00E9larus" }
//BZ { "Belize" }
CC { "\u00CEles Cocos" }
CD { "R\u00E9publique D\u00E9mocratique du Congo" }
CF { "R\u00E9publique Centrafricaine" }
CH { "Suisse" }
CK { "\u00CEles Sandwich du Sud" }
CL { "Chili" }
CM { "Cameroun" }
CN { "Chine" }
CO { "Colombie" }
CV { "Cap Vert" }
CX { "\u00CEle Christmas" }
CY { "Chypre" }
CZ { "R\u00E9publique Tch\u00E8que" }
DE { "Allemagne" }
DK { "Danemark" }
DM { "Dominique" }
DO { "R\u00E9publique Dominicaine" }
DZ { "Alg\u00E9rie" }
EC { "\u00C9quateur" }
EE { "Estonie" }
EG { "Egypte" }
EH { "Sahara Occidental" }
ER { "\u00C9rythr\u00e9e" }
ES { "Espagne" }
ET { "Ethiopie" }
FI { "Finlande" }
FJ { "Fidji" }
FK { "\u00CEles Falkland (Malvinas)" }
FM { "Micron\u00E9sie" }
FO { "\u00CEles F\u00E9ro\u00E9" }
GB { "Royaume-Uni" }
GD { "Grenade" }
GE { "G\u00E9orgie" }
GF { "Guyane Fran\u00e7aise" }
GL { "Groenland" }
GM { "Gambie" }
GN { "Guin\u00E9e" }
GQ { "Guin\u00E9e \u00C9quatoriale" }
GR { "Gr\u00E8ce" }
GS { "G\u00E9orgie du Sud, \u00CEles Sandwich du Sud" }
GW { "Guin\u00E9e-Bissau" }
GY { "Guyane" }
HK { "Hong-Kong R.A.S." }
HM { "\u00CEles Heard et MacDonald" }
HR { "Croatie" }
HT { "Ha\u00EFti" }
HU { "Hongrie" }
ID { "Indon\u00E9sie" }
IE { "Irlande" }
IL { "Isra\u00EBl" }
IN { "Inde" }
IO { "Territoire Britannique de l'Oc\u00E9an Indien" }
IS { "Islande" }
IT { "Italie" }
JM { "Jama\u00EFque" }
JO { "Jordanie" }
JP { "Japon" }
KH { "Cambodge" }
KM { "Comores" }
KN { "Saint Kitts et Nevis" }
KP { "Cor\u00E9e du Nord" } // alternate name { "Cor\u00E9e, R\u00E9publique populaire d\u00E9mocratique de" }
KR { "Cor\u00E9e du Sud" } // alternate name { "Cor\u00E9e, R\u00E9publique de" }
KW { "Kowe\u00EFt" }
LB { "Liban" }
LC { "Sainte-Lucie" }
LR { "Lib\u00E9ria" }
LT { "Lithuanie" }
LV { "Lettonie" }
LY { "Libye" }
MA { "Maroc" }
//MD { "Moldavie" }
MH { "\u00CEles Marshall" }
MK { "Mac\u00E9doine" }
MN { "Mongolie" }
MO { "Macao R.A.S. de Chine" }
MP { "Mariannes du Nord" }
MR { "Mauritanie" }
MT { "Malte" }
MU { "Maurice" }
MX { "Mexique" }
MY { "Malaisie" }
NA { "Namibie" }
NC { "Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" }
NF { "\u00CEle Norfolk" }
NG { "Nig\u00E9ria" }
NL { "Pays-Bas" }
NO { "Norv\u00E8ge" }
NP { "N\u00E9pal" }
NU { "Niu\u00E9" }
NZ { "Nouvelle-Z\u00E9lande" }
PE { "P\u00E9rou" }
PF { "Polyn\u00E9sie Fran\u00E7aise" }
PG { "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guin\u00E9e" }
PL { "Pologne" }
PM { "Saint Pierre et Miquelon" }
PR { "Porto Rico" }
PS { "Territoire Palestinien" }
PW { "Palaos" }
RO { "Roumanie" }
RU { "Russie" }
SA { "Arabie Saoudite" }
SB { "\u00CEles Salomon" }
SD { "Soudan" }
SE { "Su\u00E8de" }
SG { "Singapour" }
SH { "Sainte-H\u00E9l\u00E8ne" }
SI { "Slov\u00E9nie" }
SJ { "Svalbard et \u00CEle Jan Mayen" }
SK { "Slovaquie" }
SM { "Saint-Marin" }
SN { "S\u00E9n\u00E9gal" }
SO { "Somalie" }
SP { "Serbie" }
ST { "Sao Tom\u00E9-et-Principe" }
SY { "Syrie" }
TC { "\u00CEles Turks et Ca\u00EFques" }
TD { "Tchad" }
TF { "Terres Australes Fran\u00E7aises" }
TH { "Tha\u00EFlande" }
TJ { "Tadjikistan" }
//TL { "Timor" }
TN { "Tunisie" }
TR { "Turquie" }
TT { "Trinit\u00E9 et Tobago" }
TW { "Ta\u00EFwan, Province de Chine" }
TZ { "Tanzanie" }
UG { "Ouganda" }
UM { "\u00CEles Mineures \u00C9loign\u00e9es des \u00C9tats-Unis" }
US { "\u00C9tats-Unis" }
UZ { "Ouzb\u00e9kistan" }
VA { "Le Saint-Si\u00E8ge (Etat de la Cit\u00E9 du Vatican)" }
VC { "Saint Vincent et les Grenadines" }
VE { "V\u00e9n\u00e9zuela" }
VG { "\u00CEles Vierges Britanniques" }
VI { "\u00CEles Vierges des \u00C9tats-Unis" }
VN { "Vi\u00eat Nam" }
WF { "Wallis et Futuna" }
YE { "Y\u00E9men" }
YU { "Yougoslavie" }
ZA { "Afrique du Sud" }
ZM { "Zambie" }
// Currency display names
Currencies {
AED { "AED", "dirham des E A.U." } // UAE Dirham
AFA { "AFA", "afghani" } // Afghani
ALL { "ALL", "lek" } // Leck
ANG { "ANG", "florin des Antilles n\u00E9erl." } // Netherlands Antillan Guilder
AOK { "AOK", "kwanza" } // Kwanza
ARA { "ARA", "austral" }
ARP { "ARP", "peso argentin" } // Argentine Peso
ATS { "ATS", "schilling autrichien" } // Schilling
AUD { "AUD", "dollar australien" } // Australian Dollar
BBD { "BBD", "dollar de Barbade" } // Barbados Dollar
BDT { "BDT", "taka" } // Taka
BEF { "FB", "franc belge" } // Belgian Franc
BGL { "BGL", "lev" } // Lev
BHD { "BHD", "dinar de Bahrein" } // Bahraini Dinar
BIF { "BIF", "franc du Burundi" } // Burundi Franc
BMD { "BMD", "dollar des Bermudes" } // Bermudian Dollar
BND { "BND", "dollar de Brunei" } // Brunei Dollar
BOP { "BOP", "peso bolivien" } // Bolivian Peso
BRC { "BRC", "cruzeiro" } // Cruzeiro
BSD { "BSD", "dollar des Bahamas" } // Bahamian Dollar
BUK { "BUK", "kyat" } // Kyat
BWP { "BWP", "pula" } // Pula
BZD { "BZD", "dollar de Belize" } // Belize Dollar
CAD { "CAD", "dollar canadien" } // Canadian Dollar
CHF { "sFr.", "franc suisse" } // Swiss Franc
CLP { "CLP", "peso chilien" } // Chilean Peso
CNY { "CNY", "Yuan Ren-min-bi" } // Yuan Renminbi
COP { "COP", "peso colombien" } // Colombian Peso
CRC { "CRC", "colon" } // Costa Rican Colon
CSK { "CSK", "couronne tch\u00E8que" } // Koruna
CUP { "CUP", "peso cubain" } // Cuban Peso
CVE { "CVE", "escudo du Cap-Vert" } // Cape Verde Escudo
CYP { "CYP", "livre cypriote" } // Cyprus Pound
CZK { "CZK", "couronne tch\u00E8que" } // Czech Koruna
DEM { "DEM", "deutsche mark" } // Deutsche Mark
// DIF { "DIF", "franc de Djibouti" } -- unconfirmed
DKK { "DKK", "couronne danoise" } // Danish Krone
DOP { "DOP", "peso dominicain" } // Dominican Peso
DZD { "DZD", "dinar alg\u00E9rien" } // Algerian Dinar
ECS { "ECS", "sucre" } // Sucre
EGP { "EGP", "livre \u00E9gyptienne" } // Egyptian Pound
ESP { "ESP", "peseta espagnole" } // Spanish Peseta
ETB { "ETB", "birr" } // Ethiopian Birr
EUR { "\u20AC", "euro" } // Euro
FIM { "FIM", "mark finlandais" } // Markka
FJD { "FJD", "dollar de Fidji" } // Fiji Dollar
FKP { "FKP", "livre des Falkland" } // Falkland Islands Pound
FRF { "F", "franc fran\u00E7ais" } // French Franc
GBP { "\u00A3", "livre sterling" } // Pound Sterling
GHC { "GHC", "cedi" } // Cedi
GIP { "GIP", "livre de Gibraltar" } // Gibraltar Pound
GMD { "GMD", "dalasie" } // Dalasi
GNS { "GNS", "syli" } // Syli
GQE { "GQE", "ekwele" } // Ekwele
GRD { "GRD", "drachme" } // Drachma
GTQ { "GTQ", "quetzal" } // Quetzal
GWP { "GWP", "peso de Guin\u00E9e-Bissau" } // Guinea-Bissau Peso
GYD { "GYD", "dollar de Guyane" } // Guyana Dollar
HKD { "HKD", "dollar de Hong Kong" } // Hong Kong Dollar
HNL { "HNL", "lempira" } // Lempira
HRD { "HRD", "dinar croate" }
HTG { "HTG", "gourde" } // Gourde
HUF { "HUF", "forint" } // Forint
IDR { "IDR", "rupiah" } // Rupiah
IEP { "IEP", "livre irlandaise" } // Irish Pound
ILS { "ILS", "sh\u00E9kel" } // New Israeli Sheqel
INR { "=0#Rs.|1#Re.|1<Rs.", "roupie indienne" } // Indian Rupee
IQD { "IQD", "dinar irakien" } // Iraqi Dinar
IRR { "IRR", "rial iranien" } // Iranian Rial
ISK { "ISK", "couronne islandaise" } // Iceland Krona
ITL { "\u20A4", "lire italienne" } // Lira
JMD { "JMD", "dollar jamaicain" } // Jamaican Dollar
JOD { "JOD", "dinar jordanien" } // Jordanian Dinar
JPY { "\u00A5", "yen" } // Yen
KES { "KES", "shilling du Kenya" } // Kenyan Shilling
KHR { "KHR", "riel" } // Riel
KMF { "KMF", "franc des Comores" } // Comoro Franc
KPW { "KPW", "won nord-cor\u00E9en" } // North Korean Won
KRW { "KRW", "won" } // Won
KWD { "KWD", "dinar koweitien" } // Kuwaiti Dinar
KYD { "KYD", "dollar des Caimanes" } // Cayman Islands Dollar
LAK { "LAK", "kip" } // Kip
LBP { "LBP", "livre libanaise" } // Lebanese Pound
LKR { "LKR", "roupie de Sri Lanka" } // Sri Lanka Rupee
LRD { "LRD", "dollar lib\u00E9rien" } // Liberian Dollar
LUF { "LUF", "franc luxembourgeois" } // Luxembourg Franc
LYD { "LYD", "dinar Iybien" } // Lybian Dinar
MAD { "MAD", "dirham marocain" } // Moroccan Dirham
MGF { "MGF", "franc malgache" } // Malagasy Franc
MLF { "MLF", "franc malien" } // Mali Franc
MNT { "MNT", "tugrik" } // Tugrik
MOP { "MOP", "pataca" } // Pataca
MRO { "MRO", "ouguija" } // Ouguiya
MTP { "MTP", "livre maltaise" } // Maltese Pound
MUR { "MUR", "roupie de l'\u00EEle Maurice" } // Mauritius Rupee
MVR { "MVR", "roupie des Maldives" } // Rufiyaa
MWK { "MWK", "kwacha" } // Kwacha
MXP { "MXP", "peso mexicain" } // Mexican Peso
MYR { "MYR", "ringgit" } // Malaysian Ringgit
MZM { "MZM", "metical" } // Metical
NGN { "NGN", "naira" } // Naira
NIC { "NIC", "cordoba" } // Cordoba
NLG { "NLG", "florin n\u00E9erlandais" } // Netherlands Guilder
NOK { "NOK", "couronne norv\u00E9gienne" } // Norwegian Krone
NPR { "NPR", "roupie du N\u00E9pal" } // Nepalese Rupee
NZD { "NZD", "dollar n\u00E9o-z\u00E9landais" } // New Zealand Dollar
OMR { "OMR", "rial omani" } // Rial Omani
PAB { "PAB", "balboa" } // Balboa
PES { "PES", "sol" } // Sol
PGK { "PGK", "kina" } // Kina
PHP { "PHP", "peso philippin" } // Philippine Peso
PKR { "PKR", "roupie du Pakistan" } // Pakistan Rupee
PLZ { "PLZ", "zloty" } // Zloty
PTE { "PTE", "escudo portugais" } // Portugese Escudo
PYG { "PYG", "guarani" } // Guarani
QAR { "QAR", "rial du Qatar" } // Qatari Rial
ROL { "ROL", "leu" } // Leu
RUR { "RUR", "rouble de Russie" } // Russian Ruble
RWF { "RWF", "franc du Rwanda" } // Rwanda Franc
SAR { "SAR", "riyal saoudien" } // Saudi Riyal
SBD { "SBD", "dollar de Salomon" } // Solomon Islands Dollar
SCR { "SCR", "roupie des Seychelles" } // Seychelles Rupee
SDP { "SDP", "livre soudanaise" } // Sudanese Pound
SEK { "SEK", "couronne su\u00E9doise" } // Swedish Krona
SGD { "SGD", "dollar de Singapour" } // Singapore Dollar
SHP { "SHP", "livre de Sainte-H\u00E9l\u00E8ne" } // Saint Helena Pound
SIT { "SIT", "monnaie slov\u00E8ne" } // Tolar
SKK { "SKK", "couronne slovaque" } // Slovak Koruna
SLL { "SLL", "leone" } // Leone
SOS { "SOS", "shilling de Somalie" } // Somali Shilling
SRG { "SRG", "florin de Surinam" } // Suriname Guilder
STD { "STD", "dobra" } // Dobra
SUR { "SUR", "rouble de C.E.I." } // Rouble
SYP { "SYP", "livre syrienne" } // Syrian Pound
SZL { "SZL", "lilangeni" } // Lilangeni
THB { "THB", "baht" } // Baht
TND { "TND", "dinar tunisien" } // Tunisian Dinar
TOP { "TOP", "pa'anga" } // Pa'anga
TPE { "TPE", "escudo de Timor" } // Timor Escudo
TRL { "TRL", "livre turque" } // Turkish Lira
TTD { "TTD", "dollar de la Trinit\u00E9" } // Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
TWD { "TWD", "dollar ta\u00EFwanien" } // New Taiwan Dollar
TZS { "TZS", "shilling de Tanzanie" } // Tanzanian Shilling
UGS { "UGS", "shilling ougandais" } // Uganda Shilling
USD { "$", "dollar des Etats-Unis" } // US Dollar
UYP { "UYP", "peso uruguayen" } // Uruguayan Peso
VEB { "VEB", "bolivar" } // Bolivar
VND { "VND", "dong" } // Dong
VUV { "VUV", "vatu" } // Vatu
WST { "WST", "tala" } // Tala
XAF { "XAF", "franc CFA (BEAC)" } // CFA Franc BEAC
XCD { "XCD", "dollar des Cara\u00EFbes" } // East Caribbean Dollar
XEU { "XEU", "unit\u00E9 de compte europ\u00E9enne (ECU)" } // European Currency Unit
XOF { "XOF", "franc CFA (BCEAO)" } // CFA Franc BCEAO
XPF { "XPF", "franc CFP" } // CFP Franc
YDD { "YDD", "dinar du Y\u00E9men" } // Yemeni Dinar
YER { "YER", "riyal du Y\u00E9men" } // Yemeni Rial
YUD { "YUD", "nouveau dinar yougoslave" } // New Yugoslavian
ZAR { "ZAR", "rand" } // Rand
ZMK { "ZMK", "kwacha" } // Kwacha
ZRZ { "ZRZ", "za\u00EFre" } // Zaire
ZWD { "ZWD", "Zimbabwe dollar" } // Zimbabwe Dollar
DateTimePatterns {
"HH' h 'mm z",
"HH:mm:ss z",
"EEEE d MMMM yyyy",
"d MMMM yyyy",
"d MMM yy",
"{1} {0}",
DayAbbreviations {
DayNames {
Eras {
"av. J.-C.",
"ap. J.-C.",
localPatternChars { "GaMjkHmsSEDFwWxhKzAe" }
"Latn", // ISO 15924 Name
ExemplarCharacters { "[a-z\u00e9\u00e8\u00f9\u00e7\u00e0\u00e2\u00ea\u00ee\u00f4\u00fb\u00e6\u0153\u00eb\u00ef\u00ff]" }
// http://lcweb.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/frenchlangn.html
Languages {
//Fallback { "en" }
root { "racine" }
aa { "afar" }
ab { "abkhaze" }
ae { "avestique" }
af { "afrikaans" }
an { "aragonais" }
am { "amharique" }
ar { "arabe" }
as { "assamais" }
av { "avar" }
ay { "aymara" }
az { "az\u00E9ri" }
ba { "bachkir" }
be { "bi\u00E9lorusse" }
bg { "bulgare" }
bh { "bihari" }
bi { "bichlamar" }
bm { "bambara" }
bn { "bengali" }
bo { "tib\u00E9tain" }
br { "breton" }
bs { "bosniaque" }
ca { "catalan" }
ce { "tch\u00E9tch\u00E8ne" }
ch { "chamorro" }
co { "corse" }
cr { "cree" }
cs { "tch\u00E8que" }
cv { "tchouvache" }
cy { "gallois" }
da { "danois" }
de { "allemand" }
dv { "maldivien" }
dz { "dzongkha" }
ee { "\u00E9w\u00E9" }
el { "grec" }
en { "anglais" }
eo { "esp\u00E9ranto" }
es { "espagnol" }
et { "estonien" }
eu { "basque" }
fa { "persan" }
ff { "peul" }
fi { "finnois" }
fj { "fidjien" }
fo { "f\u00E9ro\u00EFen" }
fr { "fran\u00E7ais" }
fy { "frison" }
ga { "irlandais" }
gd { "ga\u00E9lique \u00E9cossais" }
gl { "galicien" }
gn { "guarani" }
gu { "goudjrati" }
gv { "manx" }
ha { "haoussa" }
haw { "hawa\u00EFen" }
he { "h\u00E9breu" }
hi { "hindi" }
ho { "hiri motu" }
hr { "croate" }
ht { "ha\u00EFtien" }
hu { "hongrois" }
hy { "arm\u00E9nien" }
hz { "herero" }
ia { "interlingua" }
id { "indon\u00E9sien" }
ie { "interlingu\u00EB" }
ig { "igbo" }
ii { "yi de Sichuan" }
ik { "inupiaq" }
io { "ido" }
is { "islandais" }
it { "italien" }
iu { "inuktitut" }
ja { "japonais" }
jv { "javanais" }
ka { "g\u00E9orgien" }
kg { "kongo" }
ki { "kikuyu" }
kj { "kuanyama" }
kk { "kazakh" }
kl { "groenlandais" }
km { "khmer" }
kn { "kannada" }
ko { "cor\u00E9en" }
kok { "konkani" }
kr { "kanouri" }
ks { "kashmiri" }
ku { "kurde" }
kv { "komi" }
kw { "cornique" }
ky { "kirghize" }
la { "latin" }
lb { "luxembourgeois" }
lg { "ganda" }
li { "limbourgeois" }
ln { "lingala" }
lo { "lao" }
lt { "lithuanien" }
lu { "luba-katanga" }
lv { "letton" }
mg { "malgache" }
mh { "marshall" }
mi { "maori" }
mk { "mac\u00E9donien" }
ml { "malayalam" }
mn { "mongol" }
mo { "moldave" }
mr { "marathe" }
ms { "malais" }
mt { "maltais" }
my { "birman" }
na { "nauruan" }
nb { "bokm\u00E5l norv\u00E9gien" }
nd { "nd\u00E9b\u00E9l\u00E9 du Nord" }
ne { "n\u00E9palais" }
ng { "ndonga" }
nl { "n\u00E9erlandais" }
nn { "nynorsk norv\u00E9gien" }
no { "norv\u00E9gien" }
nr { "nd\u00E9b\u00E9l\u00E9 du Sud" }
nv { "navaho" }
ny { "nyanja" }
oc { "occitan" }
oj { "ojibwa" }
om { "galla" }
or { "oriya" }
os { "oss\u00E8te" }
pa { "pendjabi" }
pi { "pali" }
pl { "polonais" }
ps { "pachto" }
pt { "portugais" }
qu { "quechua" }
rm { "rh\u00E9to-roman" }
rn { "roundi" }
ro { "roumain" }
ru { "russe" }
rw { "rwanda" }
sa { "sanskrit" }
sc { "sarde" }
sd { "sindhi" }
se { "sami du Nord" }
sg { "sango" }
sh { "serbo-croate" }
si { "singhalais" }
sk { "slovaque" }
sl { "slov\u00E8ne" }
sm { "samoan" }
sn { "shona" }
so { "somali" }
sq { "albanais" }
sr { "serbe" }
ss { "swati" }
st { "sotho du Sud" }
su { "soundanais" }
sv { "su\u00E9dois" }
sw { "swahili" }
ta { "tamoul" }
te { "t\u00E9lougou" }
tg { "tadjik" }
th { "tha\u00EF" }
ti { "tigrigna" }
tk { "turkm\u00E8ne" }
tl { "tagalog" }
tn { "setswana" }
to { "tonga" }
tr { "turc" }
ts { "tsonga" }
tt { "tatare" }
tw { "twi" }
ty { "tahitien" }
ug { "ou\u00EFgour" }
uk { "ukrainien" }
ur { "ourdou" }
uz { "ouzbek" }
ve { "venda" }
vi { "vietnamien" }
vo { "volap\u00FCk" }
wa { "wallon" }
wo { "wolof" }
xh { "xhosa" }
yi { "yiddish" }
yo { "yoruba" }
za { "zhuang" }
zh { "chinois" }
zu { "zoulou" }
MonthAbbreviations {
MonthNames {
NumberElements {
NumberPatterns {
"#,##0.00 \u00A4;-#,##0.00 \u00A4",
Scripts {
Arab { "arabe" }
Armn { "arm\u00E9nien" }
Beng { "beng\u00E2gl\u00EE" }
Bopo { "bopomofo" }
Brai { "braille" }
Buhd { "bouhide" }
Cans { "syllabaire autochthone canadien unifi\u00E9" }
Cher { "tch\u00E9rok\u00EE" }
Cprt { "chypriote" }
Cyrl { "cyrillique" }
Deva { "d\u00E9van\u00E2gar\u00EE" }
Dsrt { "d\u00E9s\u00E9ret" }
Ethi { "\u00E9thiopique" }
Geor { "g\u00E9orgien" }
Goth { "gotique" }
Grek { "grec" }
Gujr { "goudjar\u00E2t\u00EE" }
Guru { "gourmoukh\u00EE" }
Hang { "hang\u00FBl" }
Hano { "hanoun\u00F3o" }
Hani { "han" }
//Hans { "Simplified Han" } // Not a formal part of ISO-15924 yet, and missing data.
//Hant { "Traditional Han" } // Not a formal part of ISO-15924 yet, and missing data.
Hebr { "h\u00E9breu" }
Hira { "hiragana" }
Ital { "ancien italique" }
Kana { "katakana" }
Khmr { "khmer" }
Knda { "kannara" }
Laoo { "laotien" }
Latn { "latin" }
//Limb { "Limbu" } // translation missing
Linb { "lin\u00E9aire B" }
Mlym { "malay\u00E2lam" }
Mong { "mongol" }
Mymr { "birman" }
Ogam { "ogam" }
Orya { "oriy\u00E2" }
Osma { "osmanais" }
//Qaac { "Coptic" } // translation missing, and this is PUA
//Qaai { "Inherited" }// translation missing, and this is PUA
Runr { "runique" }
Shaw { "shavien" }
Sinh { "singhalais" }
Syrc { "syriaque" }
Tagb { "tagbanoua" }
//Tale { "Tai Le" } // translation missing
Taml { "tamoul" }
Telu { "t\u00E9lougou" }
Tglg { "tagal" }
Thaa { "th\u00E2na" }
Thai { "tha\u00EF" }
Tibt { "tib\u00E9tain" }
//Ugar { "Ugaritic" } // translation missing
Yiii { "yi" }
//Zyyy { "Common" } // This could be "\u00E9criture ind\u00E9termin\u00E9e"
// Rule Based Number Format Support
// * Spellout rules for French. French adds some interesting quirks of its
// * own: 1) The word "et" is interposed between the tens and ones digits,
// * but only if the ones digit if 1: 20 is "vingt," and 2 is "vingt-deux,"
// * but 21 is "vingt-et-un." 2) There are no words for 70, 80, or 90.
// * "quatre-vingts" ("four twenties") is used for 80, and values proceed
// * by score from 60 to 99 (e.g., 73 is "soixante-treize" ["sixty-thirteen"]).
// * Numbers from 1,100 to 1,199 are rendered as hundreds rather than
// * thousands: 1,100 is "onze cents" ("eleven hundred"), rather than
// * "mille cent" ("one thousand one hundred")
SpelloutRules {
// the main rule set
"-x: moins >>;\n"
"x.x: << virgule >>;\n"
// words for numbers from 0 to 10
"z\u00e9ro; un; deux; trois; quatre; cinq; six; sept; huit; neuf;\n"
"dix; onze; douze; treize; quatorze; quinze; seize;\n"
" dix-sept; dix-huit; dix-neuf;\n"
// ords for the multiples of 10: %%alt-ones inserts "et"
// when needed
"20: vingt[->%%alt-ones>];\n"
"30: trente[->%%alt-ones>];\n"
"40: quarante[->%%alt-ones>];\n"
"50: cinquante[->%%alt-ones>];\n"
// rule for 60. The /20 causes this rule's multiplier to be
// 20 rather than 10, allowinhg us to recurse for all values
// from 60 to 79...
"60/20: soixante[->%%alt-ones>];\n"
// ...except for 71, which must be special-cased
"71: soixante et onze;\n"
// at 72, we have to repeat the rule for 60 to get us to 79
"72/20: soixante->%%alt-ones>;\n"
// at 80, we state a new rule with the phrase for 80. Since
// it changes form when there's a ones digit, we need a second
// rule at 81. This rule also includes "/20," allowing it to
// be used correctly for all values up to 99
"80: quatre-vingts; 81/20: quatre-vingt->>;\n"
// "cent" becomes plural when preceded by a multiplier, and
// the multiplier is omitted from the singular form
"100: cent[ >>];\n"
"200: << cents[ >>];\n"
"1000: mille[ >>];\n"
// values from 1,100 to 1,199 are rendered as "onze cents..."
// instead of "mille cent..." The > after "1000" decreases
// the rule's exponent, causing its multiplier to be 100 instead
// of 1,000. This prevents us from getting "onze cents cent
// vingt-deux" ("eleven hundred one hundred twenty-two").
"1100>: onze cents[ >>];\n"
// at 1,200, we go back to formating in thousands, so we
// repeat the rule for 1,000
"1200: mille >>;\n"
// at 2,000, the multiplier is added
"2000: << mille[ >>];\n"
"1,000,000: << million[ >>];\n"
"1,000,000,000: << milliard[ >>];\n"
"1,000,000,000,000: << billion[ >>];\n"
"1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n"
// %%alt-ones is used to insert "et" when the ones digit is 1
"; et-un; =%main=;\n"
"&\u0000 << ' ' << ',' << '-';\n"
collation{ "Ordonnancement" }
calendar { "Calendrier" }
//currency { "" }
Types {
traditional{ "Traditionnel Ordonnancement" }
traditional{ "Traditionnel Calendrier" }
Variants {
REVISED { "R\u00e9vis\u00e9" }
zoneStrings {
// International Calendars Data.
// NOTE (ICU 2.6) - the format of this data WILL CHANGE in future releases.
// Islamic calendar
//Eras_islamic:array {
// "AH" // Anno Hijri (in root)
MonthNames_islamic {
"Mouharram", // Muharram
"Safar", // Safar
"Rabi'-oul-Aououal", // Rabi' al-awwal
"Rabi'-out-Tani", // Rabi' al-thani
"Djoumada-l-Oula", // Jumada al-awwal
"Djoumada-t-Tania", // Jumada al-thani
"Radjab", // Rajab
"Cha'ban", // Sha'ban
"Ramadan", // Ramadan
"Chaououal", // Shawwal
"Dou-l-Qa'da", // Dhu al-Qi'dah
"Dou-l-Hidjja", // Dhu al-Hijjah
MonthAbbreviations_islamic:alias { // same as MonthNames (no data)
// Civil is identical other than in calculations
MonthNames_islamic-civil:alias {
MonthAbbreviations_islamic-civil:alias {
MonthNames_hebrew {
"Tisseri", // Tishri
"Hesvan", // Heshvan
"Kislev", // Kislev
"T\u00e9beth", // Tevet
"Sch\u00e9bat", // Shevat
"Adar", // Adar I
"Adar II", // Adar
"Nissan", // Nisan
"Iyar", // Iyar
"Sivan", // Sivan
"Tamouz", // Tamuz
"Ab", // Av
"Elloul", // Elul
MonthAbbreviations_hebrew:alias {
"fr/MonthNames_hebrew" // no data