155 lines
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155 lines
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// file: rbbidata.h
// Copyright (C) 1999 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
// RBBI data formats Includes
// Structs that describes the format of the Binary RBBI data,
// as it is stored in ICU's data file.
// RBBIDataWrapper - Instances of this class sit between the
// raw data structs and the RulesBasedBreakIterator objects
// that are created by applications. The wrapper class
// provides reference counting for the underlying data,
// and direct pointers to data that would not otherwise
// be accessible without ugly pointer arithmetic. The
// wrapper does not attempt to provide any higher level
// abstractions for the data itself.
// There will be only one instance of RBBIDataWrapper for any
// set of RBBI run time data being shared by instances
// (clones) of RulesBasedBreakIterator.
#ifndef __RBBIDATA_H__
#define __RBBIDATA_H__
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "unicode/unistr.h"
#include "unicode/udata.h"
#include "utrie.h"
// The following structs map exactly onto the raw data from ICU common data file.
struct RBBIDataHeader {
uint32_t fMagic; // == 0xbla0
uint32_t fVersion; // == 1
uint32_t fLength; // Total length in bytes of this RBBI Data,
// including all sections, not just the header.
uint32_t fCatCount; // Number of character categories.
// Offsets and sizes of each of the subsections within the RBBI data.
// All offsets are bytes from the start of the RBBIDataHeader.
// All sizes are in bytes.
uint32_t fFTable; // forward state transition table.
uint32_t fFTableLen;
uint32_t fRTable; // Offset to the reverse state transition table.
uint32_t fRTableLen;
uint32_t fTrie; // Offset to Trie data for character categories
uint32_t fTrieLen;
uint32_t fRuleSource; // Offset to the source for for the break
uint32_t fRuleSourceLen; // rules. Stored UChar *.
uint32_t fReserved[8]; // Reserved for expansion
struct RBBIStateTableRow {
int16_t fAccepting; // Non-zero if this row is for an accepting state.
// Value is the {nnn} value to return to calling
// application.
int16_t fLookAhead; // Non-zero if this row is for a state that
// corresponds to a '/' in the rule source.
// Value is the same as the fAccepting
// value for the rule (which will appear
// in a different state.
int16_t fTag; // Non-zero if this row covers a {tagged} position
// from a rule. value is the tag number.
int16_t fReserved;
uint16_t fNextState[2]; // Next State, indexed by char category.
// Array Size is fNumCols from the
// state table header.
// CAUTION: see RBBITableBuilder::getTableSize()
// before changing anything here.
struct RBBIStateTable {
uint32_t fNumStates; // Number of states.
uint32_t fRowLen; // Length of a state table row, in bytes.
char fTableData[4]; // First RBBIStateTableRow begins here.
// (making it char[] simplifies ugly address
// arithmetic for indexing variable length rows.)
// The reference counting wrapper class
class RBBIDataWrapper : public UObject {
RBBIDataWrapper(const RBBIDataHeader *data, UErrorCode &status);
RBBIDataWrapper(UDataMemory* udm, UErrorCode &status);
RBBIDataWrapper(const RBBIDataWrapper &other);
void init(const RBBIDataHeader *data, UErrorCode &status);
RBBIDataWrapper *addReference();
void removeReference();
UBool operator ==(const RBBIDataWrapper &other) const;
int32_t hashCode();
const UnicodeString &getRuleSourceString();
void printData();
// Pointers to items within the data
const RBBIDataHeader *fHeader;
const RBBIStateTable *fForwardTable;
const RBBIStateTable *fReverseTable;
const UChar *fRuleSource;
UTrie fTrie;
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
* @draft ICU 2.2
virtual inline UClassID getDynamicClassID() const { return getStaticClassID(); }
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
* @draft ICU 2.2
static inline UClassID getStaticClassID() { return (UClassID)&fgClassID; }
int32_t fRefCount;
UDataMemory *fUDataMem;
UnicodeString fRuleString;
* The address of this static class variable serves as this class's ID
* for ICU "poor man's RTTI".
static const char fgClassID;