574 lines
21 KiB
574 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright (c) 1997-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
/* Test Internationalized Calendars for C++ */
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "caltest.h"
#define CHECK(status, msg) \
if (U_FAILURE(status)) { \
errln((UnicodeString(u_errorName(status)) + UnicodeString(" : " ) )+ msg); \
return; \
static UnicodeString escape( const UnicodeString&src)
UnicodeString dst;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < src.length(); ++i) {
UChar c = src[i];
if(c < 0x0080)
dst += c;
else {
dst += UnicodeString("[");
char buf [8];
sprintf(buf, "%#x", c);
dst += UnicodeString(buf);
dst += UnicodeString("]");
return dst;
#include "incaltst.h"
#include "unicode/gregocal.h"
#include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
#include "unicode/simpletz.h"
// *****************************************************************************
// class IntlCalendarTest
// *****************************************************************************
//--- move to CalendarTest?
static const double JULIAN_EPOCH = -210866760000000.;
// Turn this on to dump the calendar fields
#define CASE(id,test) case id: name = #test; if (exec) { logln(#test "---"); logln((UnicodeString)""); test(); } break
void IntlCalendarTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ )
if (exec) logln("TestSuite IntlCalendarTest");
switch (index) {
default: name = ""; break;
#undef CASE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test various API methods for API completeness.
Calendar *c = NULL;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int j;
const char *locs [40] = { "en_US_VALLEYGIRL",
"en_US", NULL };
const char *types[40] = { "gregorian",
"gregorian", NULL };
for(j=0;locs[j];j++) {
logln(UnicodeString("Creating calendar of locale ") + locs[j]);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
c = Calendar::createInstance(locs[j], status);
CHECK(status, "creating '" + UnicodeString(locs[j]) + "' calendar");
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
logln(UnicodeString(" type is ") + c->getType());
if(strcmp(c->getType(), types[j])) {
errln(UnicodeString(locs[j]) + UnicodeString("Calendar type ") + c->getType() + " instead of " + types[j]);
delete c;
* Run a test of a quasi-Gregorian calendar. This is a calendar
* that behaves like a Gregorian but has different year/era mappings.
* The int[] data array should have the format:
* { era, year, gregorianYear, month, dayOfMonth, ... ... , -1 }
void IntlCalendarTest::quasiGregorianTest(Calendar& cal, const Locale& gcl, const int32_t *data) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// As of JDK 1.4.1_01, using the Sun JDK GregorianCalendar as
// a reference throws us off by one hour. This is most likely
// due to the JDK 1.4 incorporation of historical time zones.
//java.util.Calendar grego = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar *grego = Calendar::createInstance(gcl, status);
int32_t tz1 = cal.get(UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET,status);
int32_t tz2 = grego -> get (UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET, status);
if(tz1 != tz2) {
errln((UnicodeString)"cal's tz " + tz1 + " != grego's tz " + tz2);
for (int32_t i=0; data[i]!=-1; ) {
int32_t era = data[i++];
int32_t year = data[i++];
int32_t gregorianYear = data[i++];
int32_t month = data[i++];
int32_t dayOfMonth = data[i++];
grego->set(gregorianYear, month, dayOfMonth);
UDate D = grego->getTime(status);
cal.set(UCAL_ERA, era);
cal.set(year, month, dayOfMonth);
UDate d = cal.getTime(status);
logln((UnicodeString)"cal : " + CalendarTest::calToStr(cal));
logln((UnicodeString)"grego: " + CalendarTest::calToStr(*grego));
if (d == D) {
logln(UnicodeString("OK: ") + era + ":" + year + "/" + (month+1) + "/" + dayOfMonth +
" => " + d + " (" + UnicodeString(cal.getType()) + ")");
} else {
errln(UnicodeString("Fail: (fields to millis)") + era + ":" + year + "/" + (month+1) + "/" + dayOfMonth +
" => " + d + ", expected " + D + " (" + UnicodeString(cal.getType()) + "Off by: " + (d-D));
// Now, set the gregorian millis on the other calendar
cal.setTime(D, status);
int e = cal.get(UCAL_ERA, status);
int y = cal.get(UCAL_YEAR, status);
logln((UnicodeString)"cal : " + CalendarTest::calToStr(cal));
logln((UnicodeString)"grego: " + CalendarTest::calToStr(*grego));
if (y == year && e == era) {
logln((UnicodeString)"OK: " + D + " => " + cal.get(UCAL_ERA, status) + ":" +
cal.get(UCAL_YEAR, status) + "/" +
(cal.get(UCAL_MONTH, status)+1) + "/" + cal.get(UCAL_DATE, status) + " (" + UnicodeString(cal.getType()) + ")");
} else {
errln((UnicodeString)"Fail: (millis to fields)" + D + " => " + cal.get(UCAL_ERA, status) + ":" +
cal.get(UCAL_YEAR, status) + "/" +
(cal.get(UCAL_MONTH, status)+1) + "/" + cal.get(UCAL_DATE, status) +
", expected " + era + ":" + year + "/" + (month+1) + "/" +
dayOfMonth + " (" + UnicodeString(cal.getType()));
delete grego;
CHECK(status, "err during quasiGregorianTest()");
// Verify that Gregorian works like Gregorian
void IntlCalendarTest::TestGregorian() {
UDate timeA = Calendar::getNow();
int32_t data[] = {
GregorianCalendar::AD, 1868, 1868, UCAL_SEPTEMBER, 8,
GregorianCalendar::AD, 1868, 1868, UCAL_SEPTEMBER, 9,
GregorianCalendar::AD, 1869, 1869, UCAL_JUNE, 4,
GregorianCalendar::AD, 1912, 1912, UCAL_JULY, 29,
GregorianCalendar::AD, 1912, 1912, UCAL_JULY, 30,
GregorianCalendar::AD, 1912, 1912, UCAL_AUGUST, 1,
Calendar *cal;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
cal = Calendar::createInstance(/*"de_DE", */ status);
CHECK(status, UnicodeString("Creating de_CH calendar"));
// Sanity check the calendar
UDate timeB = Calendar::getNow();
UDate timeCal = cal->getTime(status);
if(!(timeA <= timeCal) || !(timeCal <= timeB)) {
errln((UnicodeString)"Error: Calendar time " + timeCal +
" is not within sampled times [" + timeA + " to " + timeB + "]!");
// end sanity check
// Note, the following is a good way to test the sanity of the constructed calendars,
// using Collation as a delay-loop:
// $ intltest format/IntlCalendarTest collate/G7CollationTest format/IntlCalendarTest
delete cal;
* Verify that BuddhistCalendar shifts years to Buddhist Era but otherwise
* behaves like GregorianCalendar.
void IntlCalendarTest::TestBuddhist() {
// BE 2542 == 1999 CE
UDate timeA = Calendar::getNow();
int32_t data[] = {
0, // B. era [928479600000]
2542, // B. year
1999, // G. year
UCAL_JUNE, // month
4, // day
0, // B. era [-79204842000000]
3, // B. year
-540, // G. year
12, // day
0, // test month calculation: 4795 BE = 4252 AD is a leap year, but 4795 AD is not.
4795, // BE [72018057600000]
4252, // AD
Calendar *cal;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
cal = Calendar::createInstance("th_TH@calendar=buddhist", status);
CHECK(status, UnicodeString("Creating th_TH@calendar=buddhist calendar"));
// Sanity check the calendar
UDate timeB = Calendar::getNow();
UDate timeCal = cal->getTime(status);
if(!(timeA <= timeCal) || !(timeCal <= timeB)) {
errln((UnicodeString)"Error: Calendar time " + timeCal +
" is not within sampled times [" + timeA + " to " + timeB + "]!");
// end sanity check
delete cal;
* Verify that JapaneseCalendar shifts years to Japanese Eras but otherwise
* behaves like GregorianCalendar.
void IntlCalendarTest::TestJapanese() {
UDate timeA = Calendar::getNow();
/* Sorry.. japancal.h is private! */
#define JapaneseCalendar_MEIJI 232
#define JapaneseCalendar_TAISHO 233
#define JapaneseCalendar_SHOWA 234
#define JapaneseCalendar_HEISEI 235
// BE 2542 == 1999 CE
int32_t data[] = {
// Jera Jyr Gyear m d
JapaneseCalendar_MEIJI, 1, 1868, UCAL_SEPTEMBER, 8,
JapaneseCalendar_MEIJI, 1, 1868, UCAL_SEPTEMBER, 9,
JapaneseCalendar_MEIJI, 2, 1869, UCAL_JUNE, 4,
JapaneseCalendar_MEIJI, 45, 1912, UCAL_JULY, 29,
JapaneseCalendar_TAISHO, 1, 1912, UCAL_JULY, 30,
JapaneseCalendar_TAISHO, 1, 1912, UCAL_AUGUST, 1,
// new tests (not in java)
JapaneseCalendar_SHOWA, 64, 1989, UCAL_JANUARY, 7, // Test current era transition (different code path than others)
JapaneseCalendar_HEISEI, 1, 1989, UCAL_JANUARY, 8,
JapaneseCalendar_HEISEI, 1, 1989, UCAL_JANUARY, 9,
JapaneseCalendar_HEISEI, 1, 1989, UCAL_DECEMBER, 20,
JapaneseCalendar_HEISEI, 15, 2003, UCAL_MAY, 22,
Calendar *cal;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
cal = Calendar::createInstance("ja_JP@calendar=japanese", status);
CHECK(status, UnicodeString("Creating ja_JP@calendar=japanese calendar"));
// Sanity check the calendar
UDate timeB = Calendar::getNow();
UDate timeCal = cal->getTime(status);
if(!(timeA <= timeCal) || !(timeCal <= timeB)) {
errln((UnicodeString)"Error: Calendar time " + timeCal +
" is not within sampled times [" + timeA + " to " + timeB + "]!");
// end sanity check
delete cal;
void IntlCalendarTest::TestBuddhistFormat() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// Test simple parse/format with adopt
// First, a contrived english test..
UDate aDate = 999932400000.0;
SimpleDateFormat *fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("MMMM d, yyyy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=buddhist"), status);
CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
SimpleDateFormat *fmt2 = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("MMMM d, yyyy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=gregorian"), status);
CHECK(status, "creating gregorian date format instance");
if(!fmt) {
errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
} else {
UnicodeString str;
fmt2->format(aDate, str);
logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Date: " + str);
fmt->format(aDate, str);
logln(UnicodeString() + "as Buddhist Calendar: " + escape(str));
UnicodeString expected("September 8, 2544 BE");
if(str != expected) {
errln("Expected " + escape(expected) + " but got " + escape(str));
UDate otherDate = fmt->parse(expected, status);
if(otherDate != aDate) {
UnicodeString str3;
fmt->format(otherDate, str3);
errln("Parse incorrect of " + escape(expected) + " - wanted " + aDate + " but got " + otherDate + ", " + escape(str3));
} else {
logln("Parsed OK: " + expected);
delete fmt;
delete fmt2;
CHECK(status, "Error occured testing Buddhist Calendar in English ");
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// Now, try in Thai
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u0E27\\u0E31\\u0E19\\u0E40\\u0E2A\\u0E32\\u0E23\\u0E4C\\u0E17\\u0E35\\u0E48"
" 8 \\u0E01\\u0E31\\u0e19\\u0e22\\u0e32\\u0e22\\u0e19 \\u0e1e.\\u0e28. 2544");
UDate expectDate = 999932400000.0;
Locale loc("th_TH_TRADITIONAL"); // legacy
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u0E27\\u0E31\\u0E19\\u0E40\\u0E2A\\u0E32\\u0E23\\u0E4C\\u0E17\\u0E35\\u0E48"
" 8 \\u0E01\\u0E31\\u0e19\\u0e22\\u0e32\\u0e22\\u0e19 \\u0e1e.\\u0e28. 2544");
UDate expectDate = 999932400000.0;
Locale loc("th_TH@calendar=buddhist");
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u0E27\\u0E31\\u0E19\\u0E40\\u0E2A\\u0E32\\u0E23\\u0E4C\\u0E17\\u0E35\\u0E48"
" 8 \\u0E01\\u0E31\\u0e19\\u0e22\\u0e32\\u0e22\\u0e19 \\u0e04.\\u0e28. 2001");
UDate expectDate = 999932400000.0;
Locale loc("th_TH@calendar=gregorian");
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u0E27\\u0E31\\u0E19\\u0E40\\u0E2A\\u0E32\\u0E23\\u0E4C\\u0E17\\u0E35\\u0E48"
" 8 \\u0E01\\u0E31\\u0e19\\u0e22\\u0e32\\u0e22\\u0e19 \\u0e04.\\u0e28. 2001");
UDate expectDate = 999932400000.0;
Locale loc("th_TH_TRADITIONAL@calendar=gregorian");
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
void IntlCalendarTest::TestJapaneseFormat() {
Calendar *cal;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
cal = Calendar::createInstance("ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", status);
CHECK(status, UnicodeString("Creating ja_JP_TRADITIONAL calendar"));
Calendar *cal2 = cal->clone();
delete cal;
cal = NULL;
// Test simple parse/format with adopt
UDate aDate = 999932400000.0;
SimpleDateFormat *fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("MMMM d, yy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=japanese"), status);
SimpleDateFormat *fmt2 = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("MMMM d, yy G"), Locale("en_US@calendar=gregorian"), status);
CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
if(!fmt) {
errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
} else {
UnicodeString str;
fmt2->format(aDate, str);
logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Date: " + str);
fmt->format(aDate, str);
logln(UnicodeString() + "as Japanese Calendar: " + str);
UnicodeString expected("September 8, 13 Heisei");
if(str != expected) {
errln("Expected " + expected + " but got " + str);
UDate otherDate = fmt->parse(expected, status);
if(otherDate != aDate) {
UnicodeString str3;
ParsePosition pp;
fmt->parse(expected, *cal2, pp);
fmt->format(otherDate, str3);
errln("Parse incorrect of " + expected + " - wanted " + aDate + " but got " + " = " + otherDate + ", " + str3 + " = " + CalendarTest::calToStr(*cal2) );
} else {
logln("Parsed OK: " + expected);
delete fmt;
// Test parse with incomplete information
fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(UnicodeString("G y"), Locale("en_US@calendar=japanese"), status);
aDate = -3197120400000.;
CHECK(status, "creating date format instance");
if(!fmt) {
errln("Coudln't create en_US instance");
} else {
UnicodeString str;
fmt2->format(aDate, str);
logln(UnicodeString() + "Test Date: " + str);
fmt->format(aDate, str);
logln(UnicodeString() + "as Japanese Calendar: " + str);
UnicodeString expected("Meiji 1");
if(str != expected) {
errln("Expected " + expected + " but got " + str);
UDate otherDate = fmt->parse(expected, status);
if(otherDate != aDate) {
UnicodeString str3;
ParsePosition pp;
fmt->parse(expected, *cal2, pp);
fmt->format(otherDate, str3);
errln("Parse incorrect of " + expected + " - wanted " + aDate + " but got " + " = " +
otherDate + ", " + str3 + " = " + CalendarTest::calToStr(*cal2) );
} else {
logln("Parsed OK: " + expected);
delete fmt;
delete cal2;
delete fmt2;
CHECK(status, "Error occured");
// Now, try in Japanese
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5e73\\u621013\\u5e749\\u67088\\u65e5\\u571f\\u66dc\\u65e5");
UDate expectDate = 999932400000.0; // Testing a recent date
Locale loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5e73\\u621013\\u5e749\\u67088\\u65e5\\u571f\\u66dc\\u65e5");
UDate expectDate = 999932400000.0; // Testing a recent date
Locale loc("ja_JP_TRADITIONAL"); // legacy
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5b89\\u6c385\\u5e747\\u67084\\u65e5\\u6728\\u66dc\\u65e5");
UDate expectDate = -6106035600000.0;
Locale loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
{ // Jitterbug 1869 - this is an ambiguous era. (Showa 64 = Jan 6 1989, but Showa could be 2 other eras) )
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u662d\\u548c64\\u5e741\\u67086\\u65e5\\u91d1\\u66dc\\u65e5");
UDate expectDate = 600076800000.0;
Locale loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
{ // This Feb 29th falls on a leap year by gregorian year, but not by Japanese year.
UnicodeString expect = CharsToUnicodeString("\\u5EB7\\u6B632\\u5e742\\u670829\\u65e5\\u65e5\\u66dc\\u65e5");
// Add -1:00 to the following for historical TZ - aliu
UDate expectDate = -16214403600000.0; // courtesy of date format round trip test
Locale loc("ja_JP@calendar=japanese");
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
simpleTest(loc, expect, expectDate, status);
void IntlCalendarTest::simpleTest(const Locale& loc, const UnicodeString& expect, UDate expectDate, UErrorCode& status)
UnicodeString tmp;
UDate d;
DateFormat *fmt0 = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance(DateFormat::kFull, DateFormat::kFull);
logln("Try format/parse of " + (UnicodeString)loc.getName());
DateFormat *fmt2 = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull, loc);
if(fmt2) {
fmt2->format(expectDate, tmp);
logln(escape(tmp) + " ( in locale " + loc.getName() + ")");
if(tmp != expect) {
errln(UnicodeString("Failed to format " ) + loc.getName() + " expected " + escape(expect) + " got " + escape(tmp) );
d = fmt2->parse(expect,status);
CHECK(status, "Error occured parsing " + UnicodeString(loc.getName()));
if(d != expectDate) {
errln(UnicodeString("Failed to parse " ) + escape(expect) + ", " + loc.getName() + " expect " + (double)expectDate + " got " + (double)d + " " + escape(tmp));
logln( "wanted " + escape(fmt0->format(expectDate,tmp.remove())) + " but got " + escape(fmt0->format(d,tmp.remove())));
delete fmt2;
} else {
errln((UnicodeString)"Can't create " + loc.getName() + " date instance");
delete fmt0;
#undef CHECK
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */