508 lines
21 KiB
508 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright (C) 1999, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 11/17/99 aliu Creation.
#include "rbt_rule.h"
#include "unicode/rep.h"
#include "rbt_data.h"
#include "unicode/unifilt.h"
#include "unicode/uniset.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
const UChar TransliterationRule::ETHER = 0xFFFF;
* Construct a new rule with the given input, output text, and other
* attributes. A cursor position may be specified for the output text.
* @param input input string, including key and optional ante and
* post context
* @param anteContextPos offset into input to end of ante context, or -1 if
* none. Must be <= input.length() if not -1.
* @param postContextPos offset into input to start of post context, or -1
* if none. Must be <= input.length() if not -1, and must be >=
* anteContextPos.
* @param output output string
* @param cursorPosition offset into output at which cursor is located, or -1 if
* none. If less than zero, then the cursor is placed after the
* <code>output</code>; that is, -1 is equivalent to
* <code>output.length()</code>. If greater than
* <code>output.length()</code> then an exception is thrown.
* @param adoptedSegs array of 2n integers. Each of n pairs consists of offset,
* limit for a segment of the input string. Characters in the output string
* refer to these segments if they are in a special range determined by the
* associated RuleBasedTransliterator.Data object. May be null if there are
* no segments.
* @param anchorStart TRUE if the the rule is anchored on the left to
* the context start
* @param anchorEnd TRUE if the rule is anchored on the right to the
* context limit
TransliterationRule::TransliterationRule(const UnicodeString& input,
int32_t anteContextPos, int32_t postContextPos,
const UnicodeString& outputStr,
int32_t cursorPosition, int32_t cursorOffset,
int32_t* adoptedSegs,
UBool anchorStart, UBool anchorEnd,
UErrorCode& status) {
init(input, anteContextPos, postContextPos,
outputStr, cursorPosition, cursorOffset, adoptedSegs,
anchorStart, anchorEnd, status);
* Construct a new rule with the given input, output text, and other
* attributes. A cursor position may be specified for the output text.
* @param input input string, including key and optional ante and
* post context
* @param anteContextPos offset into input to end of ante context, or -1 if
* none. Must be <= input.length() if not -1.
* @param postContextPos offset into input to start of post context, or -1
* if none. Must be <= input.length() if not -1, and must be >=
* anteContextPos.
* @param output output string
* @param cursorPosition offset into output at which cursor is located, or -1 if
* none. If less than zero, then the cursor is placed after the
* <code>output</code>; that is, -1 is equivalent to
* <code>output.length()</code>. If greater than
* <code>output.length()</code> then an exception is thrown.
TransliterationRule::TransliterationRule(const UnicodeString& input,
int32_t anteContextPos, int32_t postContextPos,
const UnicodeString& outputStr,
int32_t cursorPosition,
UErrorCode& status) {
init(input, anteContextPos, postContextPos,
outputStr, cursorPosition, 0, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, status);
* Copy constructor.
TransliterationRule::TransliterationRule(TransliterationRule& other) :
cursorPos(other.cursorPos) {
segments = 0;
if (other.segments != 0) {
// Find the end marker, which is a -1.
int32_t len = 0;
while (other.segments[len] >= 0) {
segments = new int32_t[len];
uprv_memcpy(segments, other.segments, len*sizeof(segments[0]));
void TransliterationRule::init(const UnicodeString& input,
int32_t anteContextPos, int32_t postContextPos,
const UnicodeString& outputStr,
int32_t cursorPosition, int32_t cursorOffset,
int32_t* adoptedSegs,
UBool anchorStart, UBool anchorEnd,
UErrorCode& status) {
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
// Do range checks only when warranted to save time
if (anteContextPos < 0) {
anteContextLength = 0;
} else {
if (anteContextPos > input.length()) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ante context");
anteContextLength = anteContextPos;
if (postContextPos < 0) {
keyLength = input.length() - anteContextLength;
} else {
if (postContextPos < anteContextLength ||
postContextPos > input.length()) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid post context");
keyLength = postContextPos - anteContextLength;
if (cursorPosition < 0) {
cursorPosition = outputStr.length();
} else {
if (cursorPosition > outputStr.length()) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid cursor position");
this->cursorPos = cursorPosition + cursorOffset;
this->output = outputStr;
// We don't validate the segments array. The caller must
// guarantee that the segments are well-formed.
this->segments = adoptedSegs;
// Implement anchors by inserting an ETHER character on the
// left or right. If on the left, then the indices must be
// incremented. If on the right, no index change is
// necessary.
if (anchorStart || anchorEnd) {
if (anchorStart) {
/* // The following was commented out because it modified the parameter
// instead of this->cursorPos [grhoten j535]
// Adjust segment offsets
if (segments != 0) {
int32_t *p = segments;
// The end marker is a -1.
while (*p != -1) {
if (anchorEnd) {
} else {
pattern = input;
TransliterationRule::~TransliterationRule() {
delete[] segments;
* Return the position of the cursor within the output string.
* @return a value from 0 to <code>getOutput().length()</code>, inclusive.
int32_t TransliterationRule::getCursorPos(void) const {
return cursorPos;
* Return the preceding context length. This method is needed to
* support the <code>Transliterator</code> method
* <code>getMaximumContextLength()</code>.
int32_t TransliterationRule::getAnteContextLength(void) const {
return anteContextLength;
* Internal method. Returns 8-bit index value for this rule.
* This is the low byte of the first character of the key,
* unless the first character of the key is a set. If it's a
* set, or otherwise can match multiple keys, the index value is -1.
int16_t TransliterationRule::getIndexValue(const TransliterationRuleData& data) const {
if (anteContextLength == pattern.length()) {
// A pattern with just ante context {such as foo)>bar} can
// match any key.
return -1;
UChar c = pattern.charAt(anteContextLength);
return (int16_t)(data.lookupSet(c) == NULL ? (c & 0xFF) : -1);
* Do a replacement of the input pattern with the output text in
* the given string, at the given offset. This method assumes
* that a match has already been found in the given text at the
* given position.
* @param text the text containing the substring to be replaced
* @param offset the offset into the text at which the pattern
* matches. This is the offset to the point after the ante
* context, if any, and before the match string and any post
* context.
* @param data the RuleBasedTransliterator.Data object specifying
* context for this transliterator.
* @return the change in the length of the text
int32_t TransliterationRule::replace(Replaceable& text, int32_t offset,
const TransliterationRuleData& data) const {
if (segments == NULL) {
text.handleReplaceBetween(offset, offset + keyLength, output);
return output.length() - keyLength;
} else {
/* When there are segments to be copied, use the Replaceable.copy()
* API in order to retain out-of-band data. Copy everything to the
* point after the key, then delete the key. That is, copy things
* into offset + keyLength, then replace offset .. offset +
* keyLength with the empty string.
* Minimize the number of calls to Replaceable.replace() and
* Replaceable.copy().
int32_t textStart = offset - anteContextLength;
int32_t dest = offset + keyLength; // copy new text to here
UnicodeString buf;
for (int32_t i=0; i<output.length(); ++i) {
UChar c = output.charAt(i);
int32_t b = data.lookupSegmentReference(c);
if (b < 0) {
// Accumulate straight (non-segment) text.
} else {
// Insert any accumulated straight text.
if (buf.length() > 0) {
text.handleReplaceBetween(dest, dest, buf);
dest += buf.length();
// Copy segment with out-of-band data
b *= 2;
text.copy(textStart + segments[b],
textStart + segments[b+1], dest);
dest += segments[b+1] - segments[b];
// Insert any accumulated straight text.
if (buf.length() > 0) {
text.handleReplaceBetween(dest, dest, buf);
dest += buf.length();
// Delete the key
text.handleReplaceBetween(offset, offset + keyLength, buf);
return dest - (offset + keyLength) - keyLength;
* Internal method. Returns true if this rule matches the given
* index value. The index value is an 8-bit integer, 0..255,
* representing the low byte of the first character of the key.
* It matches this rule if it matches the first character of the
* key, or if the first character of the key is a set, and the set
* contains any character with a low byte equal to the index
* value. If the rule contains only ante context, as in foo)>bar,
* then it will match any key.
UBool TransliterationRule::matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v,
const TransliterationRuleData& data) const {
if (anteContextLength == pattern.length()) {
// A pattern with just ante context {such as foo)>bar} can
// match any key.
return TRUE;
UChar c = pattern.charAt(anteContextLength);
const UnicodeSet* set = data.lookupSet(c);
return set == NULL ? (uint8_t(c) == v) : set->containsIndexValue(v);
* Return true if this rule masks another rule. If r1 masks r2 then
* r1 matches any input string that r2 matches. If r1 masks r2 and r2 masks
* r1 then r1 == r2. Examples: "a>x" masks "ab>y". "a>x" masks "a[b]>y".
* "[c]a>x" masks "[dc]a>y".
UBool TransliterationRule::masks(const TransliterationRule& r2) const {
/* Rule r1 masks rule r2 if the string formed of the
* antecontext, key, and postcontext overlaps in the following
* way:
* r1: aakkkpppp
* r2: aaakkkkkpppp
* ^
* The strings must be aligned at the first character of the
* key. The length of r1 to the left of the alignment point
* must be <= the length of r2 to the left; ditto for the
* right. The characters of r1 must equal (or be a superset
* of) the corresponding characters of r2. The superset
* operation should be performed to check for UnicodeSet
* masking.
/* LIMITATION of the current mask algorithm: Some rule
* maskings are currently not detected. For example,
* "{Lu}]a>x" masks "A]a>y". This can be added later. TODO
int32_t len = pattern.length();
int32_t left = anteContextLength;
int32_t left2 = r2.anteContextLength;
int32_t right = len - left;
int32_t right2 = r2.pattern.length() - left2;
return left <= left2 && right <= right2 &&
0 == r2.pattern.compare(left2 - left, len, pattern);
* Return true if this rule matches the given text.
* @param text the text, both translated and untranslated
* @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start
* <= limit</code>.
* @param limit the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <= limit
* <= text.length()</code>.
* @param cursor position at which to translate next, representing offset
* into text. This value must be between <code>start</code> and
* <code>limit</code>.
* @param filter the filter. Any character for which
* <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
* altered by this transliterator. If <tt>filter</tt> is
* <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
UBool TransliterationRule::matches(const Replaceable& text,
const UTransPosition& pos,
const TransliterationRuleData& data,
const UnicodeFilter* filter) const {
// Match anteContext, key, and postContext
int32_t cursor = pos.start - anteContextLength;
// Quick length check; this is a performance win for long rules.
// Widen by one (on both sides) to allow anchor matching.
if (cursor < (pos.contextStart - 1) ||
(cursor + pattern.length()) > (pos.contextLimit + 1)) {
return FALSE;
for (int32_t i=0; i<pattern.length(); ++i, ++cursor) {
if (!charMatches(pattern.charAt(i), text, cursor, pos,
data, filter)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Return the degree of match between this rule and the given text. The
* degree of match may be mismatch, a partial match, or a full match. A
* mismatch means at least one character of the text does not match the
* context or key. A partial match means some context and key characters
* match, but the text is not long enough to match all of them. A full
* match means all context and key characters match.
* @param text the text, both translated and untranslated
* @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start
* <= limit</code>.
* @param limit the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <= limit
* <= text.length()</code>.
* @param cursor position at which to translate next, representing offset
* into text. This value must be between <code>start</code> and
* <code>limit</code>.
* @param filter the filter. Any character for which
* <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
* altered by this transliterator. If <tt>filter</tt> is
* <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
* @return one of <code>MISMATCH</code>, <code>PARTIAL_MATCH</code>, or
* <code>FULL_MATCH</code>.
* @see #MISMATCH
* @see #FULL_MATCH
int32_t TransliterationRule::getMatchDegree(const Replaceable& text,
const UTransPosition& pos,
const TransliterationRuleData& data,
const UnicodeFilter* filter) const {
int len = getRegionMatchLength(text, pos, data, filter);
return len < anteContextLength ? MISMATCH :
(len < pattern.length() ? PARTIAL_MATCH : FULL_MATCH);
* Return the number of characters of the text that match this rule. If
* there is a mismatch, return -1. If the text is not long enough to match
* any characters, return 0.
* @param text the text, both translated and untranslated
* @param start the beginning index, inclusive; <code>0 <= start
* <= limit</code>.
* @param limit the ending index, exclusive; <code>start <= limit
* <= text.length()</code>.
* @param cursor position at which to translate next, representing offset
* into text. This value must be between <code>start</code> and
* <code>limit</code>.
* @param data a dictionary of variables mapping <code>Character</code>
* to <code>UnicodeSet</code>
* @param filter the filter. Any character for which
* <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
* altered by this transliterator. If <tt>filter</tt> is
* <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
* @return -1 if there is a mismatch, 0 if the text is not long enough to
* match any characters, otherwise the number of characters of text that
* match this rule.
int32_t TransliterationRule::getRegionMatchLength(const Replaceable& text,
const UTransPosition& pos,
const TransliterationRuleData& data,
const UnicodeFilter* filter) const {
int32_t cursor = pos.start - anteContextLength;
// Quick length check; this is a performance win for long rules.
// Widen by one to allow anchor matching.
if (cursor < (pos.contextStart - 1)) {
return -1;
int32_t i;
for (i=0; i<pattern.length() && cursor<pos.contextLimit; ++i, ++cursor) {
if (!charMatches(pattern.charAt(i), text, cursor, pos,
data, filter)) {
return -1;
return i;
* Return true if the given key matches the given text. This method
* accounts for the fact that the key character may represent a character
* set. Note that the key and text characters may not be interchanged
* without altering the results.
* @param keyChar a character in the match key
* @param textChar a character in the text being transliterated
* @param data a dictionary of variables mapping <code>Character</code>
* to <code>UnicodeSet</code>
* @param filter the filter. Any character for which
* <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
* altered by this transliterator. If <tt>filter</tt> is
* <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
UBool TransliterationRule::charMatches(UChar keyChar, const Replaceable& text,
int32_t index,
const UTransPosition& pos,
const TransliterationRuleData& data,
const UnicodeFilter* filter) const {
const UnicodeSet* set = 0;
UChar textChar = (index >= pos.contextStart && index < pos.contextLimit)
? text.charAt(index) : ETHER;
return (filter == 0 || filter->contains(textChar)) &&
(((set = data.lookupSet(keyChar)) == 0) ?
keyChar == textChar : set->contains(textChar));
* Return true if the given key matches the given text. This method
* accounts for the fact that the key character may represent a character
* set. Note that the key and text characters may not be interchanged
* without altering the results.
* @param keyChar a character in the match key
* @param textChar a character in the text being transliterated
* @param data a dictionary of variables mapping <code>Character</code>
* to <code>UnicodeSet</code>
* @param filter the filter. Any character for which
* <tt>filter.contains()</tt> returns <tt>false</tt> will not be
* altered by this transliterator. If <tt>filter</tt> is
* <tt>null</tt> then no filtering is applied.
//[ANCHOR]UBool TransliterationRule::charMatches(UChar keyChar, UChar textChar,
//[ANCHOR] const TransliterationRuleData& data,
//[ANCHOR] const UnicodeFilter* filter) const {
//[ANCHOR] const UnicodeSet* set = 0;
//[ANCHOR] return (filter == 0 || filter->contains(textChar)) &&
//[ANCHOR] (((set = data.lookupSet(keyChar)) == 0) ?
//[ANCHOR] keyChar == textChar : set->contains(textChar));