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These directories contain some Unicode tools used to build various files,
and to check the consistency of the Unicode releases.
- They are NOT production level code, and should never be used in programs.
- The API is subject to change without notice, and will not be maintained.
- The source is uncommented, and not well structured -- classic spaghetti style.
- There is no build mechanism.
- I have not checked to make sure it works on Unix; probably the only change that
needs to be made is to fix the file separator.
1. You must edit UCD_Types at the top, to set the directories for the build:
public static final String DATA_DIR = "C:\\DATA\\";
public static final String BIN_DIR = DATA_DIR + "BIN\\";
public static final String GEN_DIR = DATA_DIR + "GEN\\";
Make sure that each of these directories exist. Also make sure that
2. Download all of the UnicodeData files for each version into DATA_DIR
The folder names must be of the form: "3.2.0-Update"
3. For each version X (like 3.1.0), run
java version X build
This builds an compressed format of all the UCD data (except blocks and Unihan)
into the BIN directory. Don't worry about the voluminous console messages, unless one says
4. To build all of the files for a particular version X, run
java version X all
To build a particular file, like CaseFolding, use that file name instead of all
java version X CaseFolding
To change the D version, edit the link in GenerateData.java:
static final int dVersion = 2; // change to fix the generated file D version. If less than zero, no "d"
5. To run basic consistency checking, run:
java version X verify
Don't worry about any console messages except those that say FAIL. |