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* Copyright (C) 1996-2001, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* File coll.cpp
* Created by: Helena Shih
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 2/5/97 aliu Modified createDefault to load collation data from
* binary files when possible. Added related methods
* createCollationFromFile, chopLocale, createPathName.
* 2/11/97 aliu Added methods addToCache, findInCache, which implement
* a Collation cache. Modified createDefault to look in
* cache first, and also to store newly created Collation
* objects in the cache. Modified to not use gLocPath.
* 2/12/97 aliu Modified to create objects from RuleBasedCollator cache.
* Moved cache out of Collation class.
* 2/13/97 aliu Moved several methods out of this class and into
* RuleBasedCollator, with modifications. Modified
* createDefault() to call new RuleBasedCollator(Locale&)
* constructor. General clean up and documentation.
* 2/20/97 helena Added clone, operator==, operator!=, operator=, and copy
* constructor.
* 05/06/97 helena Added memory allocation error detection.
* 05/08/97 helena Added createInstance().
* 6/20/97 helena Java class name change.
* 04/23/99 stephen Removed EDecompositionMode, merged with
* Normalizer::EMode
* 11/23/9 srl Inlining of some critical functions
* 01/29/01 synwee Modified into a C++ wrapper calling C APIs (ucol.h)
#include "unicode/coll.h"
#include "unicode/tblcoll.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
// Collator public methods -----------------------------------------------
Collator* Collator::createInstance(UErrorCode& success)
if (U_FAILURE(success))
return 0;
return createInstance(Locale::getDefault(), success);
Collator* Collator::createInstance(const Locale& desiredLocale,
UErrorCode& status)
if (U_FAILURE(status))
return 0;
// A bit of explanation is required here. Although in the current
// implementation
// Collator::createInstance() is just turning around and calling
// RuleBasedCollator(Locale&), this will not necessarily always be the
// case. For example, suppose we modify this code to handle a
// non-table-based Collator, such as that for Thai. In this case,
// createInstance() will have to be modified to somehow determine this fact
// (perhaps a field in the resource bundle). Then it can construct the
// non-table-based Collator in some other way, when it sees that it needs
// to.
// The specific caution is this: RuleBasedCollator(Locale&) will ALWAYS
// return a valid collation object, if the system if functioning properly.
// The reason is that it will fall back, use the default locale, and even
// use the built-in default collation rules. THEREFORE, createInstance()
// should in general ONLY CALL RuleBasedCollator(Locale&) IF IT KNOWS IN
// ADVANCE that the given locale's collation is properly implemented as a
// RuleBasedCollator.
// Currently, we don't do this...we always return a RuleBasedCollator,
// whether it is strictly correct to do so or not, without checking, because
// we currently have no way of checking.
RuleBasedCollator* collation = new RuleBasedCollator(desiredLocale,
if (U_FAILURE(status))
delete collation;
collation = NULL;
return collation;
Collator *
Collator::createInstance(const Locale &loc,
UVersionInfo version,
UErrorCode &status) {
Collator *collator;
UVersionInfo info;
collator=new RuleBasedCollator(loc, status);
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
if(0!=uprv_memcmp(version, info, sizeof(UVersionInfo))) {
delete collator;
return NULL;
return collator;
UBool Collator::equals(const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target) const
return (compare(source, target) == EQUAL);
UBool Collator::greaterOrEqual(const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target) const
return (compare(source, target) != LESS);
UBool Collator::greater(const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target) const
return (compare(source, target) == GREATER);
const Locale* Collator::getAvailableLocales(int32_t& count)
return Locale::getAvailableLocales(count);
UnicodeString& Collator::getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
const Locale& displayLocale,
UnicodeString& name)
// synwee : in a dilemma whether to change to UCollator. Since
// UCollator is basically using the below operation.
// Change means more mantainability where else no change means faster speed.
return objectLocale.getDisplayName(displayLocale, name);
UnicodeString& Collator::getDisplayName(const Locale& objectLocale,
UnicodeString& name)
// synwee : in a dilemma whether to change to UCollator. Since
// UCollator is basically using the below operation.
// Change means more mantainability where else no change means faster speed.
return objectLocale.getDisplayName(Locale::getDefault(), name);
/* This is useless information */
/*void Collator::getVersion(UVersionInfo versionInfo) const
if (versionInfo!=NULL)
uprv_memcpy(versionInfo, fVersion, U_MAX_VERSION_LENGTH);
// UCollator protected constructor destructor ----------------------------
* Default constructor.
* Constructor is different from the old default Collator constructor.
* The task for determing the default collation strength and normalization mode
* is left to the child class.
* Constructor.
* Empty constructor, does not handle the arguments.
* This constructor is done for backward compatibility with 1.7 and 1.8.
* The task for handling the argument collation strength and normalization
* mode is left to the child class.
* @param collationStrength collation strength
* @param decompositionMode
Collator::Collator(UCollationStrength /* collationStrength */,
UNormalizationMode /* decompositionMode */)
Collator::Collator(const Collator& /* other */)
int32_t Collator::getBound(const uint8_t *source,
int32_t sourceLength,
UColBoundMode boundType,
uint32_t noOfLevels,
uint8_t *result,
int32_t resultLength,
UErrorCode &status) {
return ucol_getBound(source, sourceLength, boundType, noOfLevels, result, resultLength, &status);
// UCollator private data members ----------------------------------------
/* This is useless information */
/*const UVersionInfo Collator::fVersion = {1, 1, 0, 0};*/
/* eof */