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<title>ScriptRun readme</title>
What is scrptrun and srtest?</h2>
The ICU LayoutEngine must be called with text in a single script. scrptrun.h
and scrptrun.cpp implement the ScriptRun class, which can be used to find
runs of text that is in a single script. It uses a basic iteration interface.
<p>srtest is a little program that tests ScriptRun. You can use it as an
example of how to use ScriptRun. Here's what the output should look like:
<blockquote><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=-1>Script 'DEVANAGARI'
from 0 to 9.</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=-1>Script 'ARABIC' from
9 to 17.</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=-1>Script 'CYRILLIC' from
17 to 25.</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=-1>Script 'LATIN' from
25 to 33.</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=-1>Script 'HAN' from 33
to 35.</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=-1>Script 'HIRAGANA' from
35 to 41.</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=-1>Script 'KATAKANA' from
41 to 45.</font></font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier"><font size=-1>Script 'DESERET' from
45 to 53.</font></font></blockquote>
How do I build scrptrun and srtest?</h2>
To use ScriptRun in your application, copy scrptrun.h and scrptrun.cpp
to your source directory, and use them just as if they were part of your
application. ScriptRun is so small that it's not worth making it into a
separate library.
<p>Building srtest is easy, on Windows build the srtest workspace in <icu>\source\extra\scrptrun.
On UNIX, connect to <top-build-dir>/extra/scrptrun and do "make all"
ScriptRun is based on <a href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr24/">Unicode
Technical Report #24</a> but the implementation is not complete. In particular
it doesn't handle paired punctuation correctly. A complete implemetation
will be added to ICU in the future.</li>
Because ScriptRun is designed to be used with the LayoutEngine, it uses
the LayoutEngine's coding conventions instead of ICU's coding conventions.</li>