154 lines
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154 lines
6.9 KiB
// rbbiscan.h
// Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
// All Rights Reserved.
// This file contains declarations for class RBBIRuleScanner
#ifndef RBBISCAN_H
#define RBBISCAN_H
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "unicode/rbbi.h"
#include "unicode/uniset.h"
#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
#include "uhash.h"
#include "uvector.h"
#include "symtable.h" // For UnicodeSet parsing, is the interface that
// looks up references to $variables within a set.
#include "rbbinode.h"
//#include "rbbitblb.h"
class RBBIRuleBuilder;
class RBBISymbolTable;
// class RBBIRuleScanner does the lowest level, character-at-a-time
// scanning of break iterator rules.
// The output of the scanner is parse trees for
// the rule expressions and a list of all Unicode Sets
// encountered.
static const int kStackSize = 100; // The size of the state stack for
// rules parsing. Corresponds roughly
// to the depth of parentheses nesting
// that is allowed in the rules.
enum EParseAction {dummy01, dummy02}; // Placeholder enum for the specifier for
// actions that are specified in the
// rule parsing state table.
class RBBIRuleScanner : public UMemory {
struct RBBIRuleChar {
UChar32 fChar;
UBool fEscaped;
RBBIRuleScanner(RBBIRuleBuilder *rb);
virtual ~RBBIRuleScanner();
void nextChar(RBBIRuleChar &c); // Get the next char from the input stream.
// Return false if at end.
UBool push(const RBBIRuleChar &c); // Push (unget) one character.
// Only a single character may be pushed.
void parse(); // Parse the rules, generating two parse
// trees, one each for the forward and
// reverse rules,
// and a list of UnicodeSets encountered.
UBool doParseActions(EParseAction a);
void error(UErrorCode e); // error reporting convenience function.
void fixOpStack(RBBINode::OpPrecedence p);
// a character.
void findSetFor(const UnicodeString &s, RBBINode *node, UnicodeSet *setToAdopt = NULL);
UChar32 nextCharLL();
void printNodeStack(const char *title);
RBBINode *pushNewNode(RBBINode::NodeType t);
void scanSet();
RBBIRuleBuilder *fRB; // The rule builder that we are part of.
int32_t fScanIndex; // Index of current character being processed
// in the rule input string.
int32_t fNextIndex; // Index of the next character, which
// is the first character not yet scanned.
UBool fQuoteMode; // Scan is in a 'quoted region'
int fLineNum; // Line number in input file.
int fCharNum; // Char position within the line.
UChar32 fLastChar; // Previous char, needed to count CR-LF
// as a single line, not two.
RBBIRuleChar fC; // Current char for parse state machine
// processing.
UnicodeString fVarName; // $variableName, valid when we've just
// scanned one.
RBBIRuleTableEl **fStateTable; // State Transition Table for RBBI Rule
// parsing. index by p[state][char-class]
uint16_t fStack[kStackSize]; // State stack, holds state pushes
int fStackPtr; // and pops as specified in the state
// transition rules.
RBBINode *fNodeStack[kStackSize]; // Node stack, holds nodes created
// during the parse of a rule
int fNodeStackPtr;
UBool fReverseRule; // True if the rule currently being scanned
// is a reverse direction rule (if it
// starts with a '!')
UBool fLookAheadRule; // True if the rule includes a '/'
// somewhere within it.
RBBISymbolTable *fSymbolTable; // symbol table, holds definitions of
// $variable symbols.
UHashtable *fSetTable; // UnicocodeSet hash table, holds indexes to
// the sets created while parsing rules.
// The key is the string used for creating
// the set.
UnicodeSet *fRuleSets[10]; // Unicode Sets that are needed during
// the scanning of RBBI rules. The
// indicies for these are assigned by the
// perl script that builds the state tables.
// See rbbirpt.h.
int32_t fRuleNum; // Counts each rule as it is scanned.
UnicodeSet *gRuleSet_rule_char;
UnicodeSet *gRuleSet_white_space;
UnicodeSet *gRuleSet_name_char;
UnicodeSet *gRuleSet_name_start_char;
RBBIRuleScanner(const RBBIRuleScanner &other); // forbid copying of this class
RBBIRuleScanner &operator=(const RBBIRuleScanner &other); // forbid copying of this class