X-SVN-Rev: 12253
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88 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
# All Rights Reserved.
# file: sent.txt
# ICU Sentence Break Rules
# See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
# These rules are based on TR 29 version 4.0.0
# Character categories as defined in TR 29
$Sep = [\u000a \u000d \u0085 \u2028 \u2029];
$Format = [[:Format:]];
$Sp = [[:Whitespace:] - $Sep];
$Lower = [[:Lowercase:]];
$Upper = [[:TitleCase_Letter:] [:Uppercase:]];
$OLetter = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name = HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:] - [$Lower $Upper]];
$Numeric = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
$ATerm = [.];
$Term = [\u0021 \u003F \u0589 \u061F \u06D4 \u0700 \u0701 \u0702 \u0964 \u1362
\u1367 \u1368 \u104a \u104b \u166e \u1803 \u1809 \u203C \u203D \u2047
\u2048 \u2049 \u3002 \uFE52 \uFE57 \uFF01 \uFF0E \uFF1F \uFF61];
$Close = [[:Open_Punctuation:] [:Close_Punctuation:] [:Linebreak = Quotation:] -
[[:name = HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:] $ATerm $Term]];
# Define extended forms of the character classes,
# incorporate grapheme cluster + format chars.
$Extend = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]];
$ATermEx = $ATerm $Extend* $Format*;
$NumericEx = $Numeric $Extend* $Format*;
$UpperEx = $Upper $Extend* $Format*;
$TermEx = $Term $Extend* $Format*;
# $SepSeq keeps together CRLF as a separator. (CRLF is a grapheme cluster)
$SepSeq = $Sep | \u000d\u000a;
# $InteriorChars are those that never trigger a following break.
$InteriorChars = [^$Term $ATerm $Sep]; #Note: includes Extend and Format chars
# Rule 6. Match an ATerm (.) that does not cause a break because a number immediately follows it.
$NumberFollows = $InteriorChars* $ATermEx $NumericEx;
# Rule 7. $UppersSurround Match a no-break sentence fragment containing a . surrounded by Uppers
$UppersSurround = $InteriorChars* $UpperEx $ATermEx $UpperEx;
# Rule 8 Matches a sentence fragment containing "." that should not cause a sentence break,
# because a lower case word follows the period.
$LowerWordFollows = $InteriorChars* $ATermEx $Close* $Sp* [^$OLetter $Upper $Lower $Sep]* $Lower;
# Rules 3, 9, 10, 11
# Matches a simple sentence, or the trailing part of a complex sentence,
# where a simple sentence contains no interior "."s.
$EndSequence = $InteriorChars* ($TermEx | $ATermEx) $Close* $Sp* $SepSeq? |
$InteriorChars* $SepSeq?;
# Put them all together.
($NumberFollows | $UppersSurround | $LowerWordFollows)* $EndSequence;
# Reverse Rules
$EndGorp = ($Term | $ATerm | $Sep | $Close | $Extend | $Format | $Sp);
$RevEndSequence = $EndGorp* $InteriorChars* $EndGorp* | $Sep [^$ATerm $Term]*;
$ReverseLowerWordFollows = $Lower [^$OLetter $Upper $Lower $Sep]* $ATerm $InteriorChars*;
$ReverseUpperSurround = $Upper $Format* $Extend* $ATerm $Format* $Extend* $Upper $InteriorChars*;
$ReverseNumberFollows = $Numeric $Format* $Extend* $ATerm $InteriorChars*;
! $RevEndSequence ($ReverseLowerWordFollows | $ReverseUpperSurround | $ReverseNumberFollows)* .?;
#! .*;