1092 lines
36 KiB
1092 lines
36 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2001-2003, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 08/10/2001 aliu Creation.
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
#include "unicode/resbund.h"
#include "unicode/translit.h"
#include "unicode/uniset.h"
#include "unicode/uscript.h"
#include "rbt.h"
#include "cpdtrans.h"
#include "nultrans.h"
#include "transreg.h"
#include "rbt_data.h"
#include "rbt_pars.h"
#include "tridpars.h"
#include "charstr.h"
// Enable the following symbol to add debugging code that tracks the
// allocation, deletion, and use of Entry objects. BoundsChecker has
// reported dangling pointer errors with these objects, but I have
// been unable to confirm them. I suspect BoundsChecker is getting
// confused with pointers going into and coming out of a UHashtable,
// despite the hinting code that is designed to help it.
// #define DEBUG_MEM
#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
#include <stdio.h>
// UChar constants
static const UChar LOCALE_SEP = 95; // '_'
static const UChar ID_SEP = 0x002D; /*-*/
static const UChar VARIANT_SEP = 0x002F; // '/'
// String constants
static const UChar NO_VARIANT[] = { 0 }; // empty string
static const UChar ANY[] = { 65, 110, 121, 0 }; // Any
* Resource bundle key for the RuleBasedTransliterator rule.
static const char RB_RULE[] = "Rule";
// Alias
TransliteratorAlias::TransliteratorAlias(const UnicodeString& theAliasID) :
idSplitPoint(-1) {
TransliteratorAlias::TransliteratorAlias(const UnicodeString& theID,
const UnicodeString& idBlock,
Transliterator* adopted,
int32_t theIDSplitPoint,
const UnicodeSet* cpdFilter) :
idSplitPoint(theIDSplitPoint) {
TransliteratorAlias::~TransliteratorAlias() {
delete trans;
Transliterator* TransliteratorAlias::create(UParseError& pe,
UErrorCode& ec) {
Transliterator *t;
if (trans == 0) {
t = Transliterator::createInstance(aliasID, UTRANS_FORWARD, pe, ec);
} else {
t = new CompoundTransliterator(ID, aliasID, idSplitPoint,
trans, ec);
/* test for NULL */
if (t == 0) {
return 0;
trans = 0; // so we don't delete it later
if (compoundFilter) {
t->adoptFilter((UnicodeSet*) compoundFilter->clone());
return t;
// class Spec
* A Spec is a string specifying either a source or a target. In more
* general terms, it may also specify a variant, but we only use the
* Spec class for sources and targets.
* A Spec may be a locale or a script. If it is a locale, it has a
* fallback chain that goes xx_YY_ZZZ -> xx_YY -> xx -> ssss, where
* ssss is the script mapping of xx_YY_ZZZ. The Spec API methods
* hasFallback(), next(), and reset() iterate over this fallback
* sequence.
* The Spec class canonicalizes itself, so the locale is put into
* canonical form, or the script is transformed from an abbreviation
* to a full name.
class Spec : public UMemory {
Spec(const UnicodeString& spec);
const UnicodeString& get() const;
UBool hasFallback() const;
const UnicodeString& next();
void reset();
UBool isLocale() const;
ResourceBundle& getBundle() const;
operator const UnicodeString&() const { return get(); }
const UnicodeString& getTop() const { return top; }
void setupNext();
UnicodeString top;
UnicodeString spec;
UnicodeString nextSpec;
UnicodeString scriptName;
UBool isSpecLocale; // TRUE if spec is a locale
UBool isNextLocale; // TRUE if nextSpec is a locale
ResourceBundle* res;
Spec(const Spec &other); // forbid copying of this class
Spec &operator=(const Spec &other); // forbid copying of this class
Spec::Spec(const UnicodeString& theSpec) : top(theSpec) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
CharString topch(top);
Locale toploc(topch);
res = new ResourceBundle(u_getDataDirectory(), toploc, status);
/* test for NULL */
if (res == 0) {
if (U_FAILURE(status) || status == U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING) {
delete res;
res = 0;
// Canonicalize script name -or- do locale->script mapping
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
const int32_t capacity = 10;
UScriptCode script[capacity]={USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE};
int32_t num = uscript_getCode(topch,script,capacity, &status);
if (num > 0 && script[0] != USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE) {
scriptName = UnicodeString(uscript_getName(script[0]), "");
// Canonicalize top
char buf[256];
if (res != 0) {
// Canonicalize locale name
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
uloc_getName(topch, buf, sizeof(buf), &status);
top = UnicodeString(buf, "");
} else if (scriptName.length() != 0) {
// We are a script; use canonical name
top = scriptName;
// assert(spec != top);
Spec::~Spec() {
delete res;
UBool Spec::hasFallback() const {
return nextSpec.length() != 0;
void Spec::reset() {
if (spec != top) {
spec = top;
isSpecLocale = (res != 0);
void Spec::setupNext() {
isNextLocale = FALSE;
if (isSpecLocale) {
nextSpec = spec;
int32_t i = nextSpec.lastIndexOf(LOCALE_SEP);
// If i == 0 then we have _FOO, so we fall through
// to the scriptName.
if (i > 0) {
isNextLocale = TRUE;
} else {
nextSpec = scriptName; // scriptName may be empty
} else {
// spec is a script, so we are at the end
// Protocol:
// for(const UnicodeString& s(spec.get());
// spec.hasFallback(); s(spec.next())) { ...
const UnicodeString& Spec::next() {
spec = nextSpec;
isSpecLocale = isNextLocale;
return spec;
const UnicodeString& Spec::get() const {
return spec;
UBool Spec::isLocale() const {
return isSpecLocale;
ResourceBundle& Spec::getBundle() const {
return *res;
#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
// Vector of Entry pointers currently in use
static UVector* DEBUG_entries = NULL;
static void DEBUG_setup() {
if (DEBUG_entries == NULL) {
UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
DEBUG_entries = new UVector(ec);
// Caller must call DEBUG_setup first. Return index of given Entry,
// if it is in use (not deleted yet), or -1 if not found.
static int DEBUG_findEntry(Entry* e) {
for (int i=0; i<DEBUG_entries->size(); ++i) {
if (e == (Entry*) DEBUG_entries->elementAt(i)) {
return i;
return -1;
// Track object creation
static void DEBUG_newEntry(Entry* e) {
if (DEBUG_findEntry(e) >= 0) {
// This should really never happen unless the heap is broken
printf("ERROR DEBUG_newEntry duplicate new pointer %08X\n", e);
UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
DEBUG_entries->addElement(e, ec);
// Track object deletion
static void DEBUG_delEntry(Entry* e) {
int i = DEBUG_findEntry(e);
if (i < 0) {
printf("ERROR DEBUG_delEntry possible double deletion %08X\n", e);
// Track object usage
static void DEBUG_useEntry(Entry* e) {
if (e == NULL) return;
int i = DEBUG_findEntry(e);
if (i < 0) {
printf("ERROR DEBUG_useEntry possible dangling pointer %08X\n", e);
// If we're not debugging then make these macros into NOPs
#define DEBUG_newEntry(x)
#define DEBUG_delEntry(x)
#define DEBUG_useEntry(x)
// class Entry
* The Entry object stores objects of different types and
* singleton objects as placeholders for rule-based transliterators to
* be built as needed. Instances of this struct can be placeholders,
* can represent prototype transliterators to be cloned, or can
* represent TransliteratorData objects. We don't support storing
* classes in the registry because we don't have the rtti infrastructure
* for it. We could easily add this if there is a need for it in the
* future.
class Entry : public UMemory {
enum Type {
NONE // Only used for uninitialized entries
} entryType;
// NOTE: stringArg cannot go inside the union because
// it has a copy constructor
UnicodeString stringArg; // For RULES_*, ALIAS, COMPOUND_RBT
int32_t intArg; // For COMPOUND_RBT, LOCALE_RULES
UnicodeSet* compoundFilter; // For COMPOUND_RBT
union {
Transliterator* prototype; // For PROTOTYPE
TransliterationRuleData* data; // For RBT_DATA, COMPOUND_RBT
struct {
Transliterator::Factory function;
Transliterator::Token context;
} factory; // For FACTORY
} u;
void adoptPrototype(Transliterator* adopted);
void setFactory(Transliterator::Factory factory,
Transliterator::Token context);
Entry(const Entry &other); // forbid copying of this class
Entry &operator=(const Entry &other); // forbid copying of this class
Entry::Entry() {
u.prototype = 0;
compoundFilter = NULL;
entryType = NONE;
Entry::~Entry() {
if (entryType == PROTOTYPE) {
delete u.prototype;
} else if (entryType == RBT_DATA || entryType == COMPOUND_RBT) {
// The data object is shared between instances of RBT. The
// entry object owns it. It should only be deleted when the
// transliterator component is being cleaned up. Doing so
// invalidates any RBTs that the user has instantiated.
delete u.data;
delete compoundFilter;
void Entry::adoptPrototype(Transliterator* adopted) {
if (entryType == PROTOTYPE) {
delete u.prototype;
entryType = PROTOTYPE;
u.prototype = adopted;
void Entry::setFactory(Transliterator::Factory factory,
Transliterator::Token context) {
if (entryType == PROTOTYPE) {
delete u.prototype;
entryType = FACTORY;
u.factory.function = factory;
u.factory.context = context;
// UObjectDeleter for Hashtable::setValueDeleter
static void U_EXPORT2 U_CALLCONV
deleteEntry(void* obj) {
delete (Entry*) obj;
// class TransliteratorRegistry: Basic public API
TransliteratorRegistry::TransliteratorRegistry(UErrorCode& status) :
TransliteratorRegistry::~TransliteratorRegistry() {
// Through the magic of C++, everything cleans itself up
Transliterator* TransliteratorRegistry::get(const UnicodeString& ID,
TransliteratorAlias*& aliasReturn,
UParseError& parseError,
UErrorCode& status) {
Entry *entry = find(ID);
return (entry == 0) ? 0
: instantiateEntry(ID, entry, aliasReturn, parseError,status);
void TransliteratorRegistry::put(Transliterator* adoptedProto,
UBool visible) {
Entry *entry = new Entry();
registerEntry(adoptedProto->getID(), entry, visible);
void TransliteratorRegistry::put(const UnicodeString& ID,
Transliterator::Factory factory,
Transliterator::Token context,
UBool visible) {
Entry *entry = new Entry();
entry->setFactory(factory, context);
registerEntry(ID, entry, visible);
void TransliteratorRegistry::put(const UnicodeString& ID,
const UnicodeString& resourceName,
UTransDirection dir,
UBool visible) {
Entry *entry = new Entry();
entry->entryType = (dir == UTRANS_FORWARD) ? Entry::RULES_FORWARD
entry->stringArg = resourceName;
registerEntry(ID, entry, visible);
void TransliteratorRegistry::put(const UnicodeString& ID,
const UnicodeString& alias,
UBool visible) {
Entry *entry = new Entry();
entry->entryType = Entry::ALIAS;
entry->stringArg = alias;
registerEntry(ID, entry, visible);
void TransliteratorRegistry::remove(const UnicodeString& ID) {
UnicodeString source, target, variant;
UBool sawSource;
TransliteratorIDParser::IDtoSTV(ID, source, target, variant, sawSource);
// Only need to do this if ID.indexOf('-') < 0
UnicodeString id;
TransliteratorIDParser::STVtoID(source, target, variant, id);
removeSTV(source, target, variant);
availableIDs.removeElement((void*) &id);
// class TransliteratorRegistry: Public ID and spec management
* Return the number of IDs currently registered with the system.
* To retrieve the actual IDs, call getAvailableID(i) with
* i from 0 to countAvailableIDs() - 1.
int32_t TransliteratorRegistry::countAvailableIDs(void) {
return availableIDs.size();
* Return the index-th available ID. index must be between 0
* and countAvailableIDs() - 1, inclusive. If index is out of
* range, the result of getAvailableID(0) is returned.
const UnicodeString& TransliteratorRegistry::getAvailableID(int32_t index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= availableIDs.size()) {
index = 0;
return *(const UnicodeString*) availableIDs[index];
int32_t TransliteratorRegistry::countAvailableSources(void) {
return specDAG.count();
UnicodeString& TransliteratorRegistry::getAvailableSource(int32_t index,
UnicodeString& result) {
int32_t pos = -1;
const UHashElement *e = 0;
while (index-- >= 0) {
e = specDAG.nextElement(pos);
if (e == 0) {
if (e == 0) {
} else {
result = *(UnicodeString*) e->key.pointer;
return result;
int32_t TransliteratorRegistry::countAvailableTargets(const UnicodeString& source) {
Hashtable *targets = (Hashtable*) specDAG.get(source);
return (targets == 0) ? 0 : targets->count();
UnicodeString& TransliteratorRegistry::getAvailableTarget(int32_t index,
const UnicodeString& source,
UnicodeString& result) {
Hashtable *targets = (Hashtable*) specDAG.get(source);
if (targets == 0) {
result.truncate(0); // invalid source
return result;
int32_t pos = -1;
const UHashElement *e = 0;
while (index-- >= 0) {
e = targets->nextElement(pos);
if (e == 0) {
if (e == 0) {
result.truncate(0); // invalid index
} else {
result = *(UnicodeString*) e->key.pointer;
return result;
int32_t TransliteratorRegistry::countAvailableVariants(const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target) {
Hashtable *targets = (Hashtable*) specDAG.get(source);
if (targets == 0) {
return 0;
UVector *variants = (UVector*) targets->get(target);
// variants may be 0 if the source/target are invalid
return (variants == 0) ? 0 : variants->size();
UnicodeString& TransliteratorRegistry::getAvailableVariant(int32_t index,
const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target,
UnicodeString& result) {
Hashtable *targets = (Hashtable*) specDAG.get(source);
if (targets == 0) {
result.truncate(0); // invalid source
return result;
UVector *variants = (UVector*) targets->get(target);
if (variants == 0) {
result.truncate(0); // invalid target
return result;
UnicodeString *v = (UnicodeString*) variants->elementAt(index);
if (v == 0) {
result.truncate(0); // invalid index
} else {
result = *v;
return result;
// class TransliteratorRegistry: internal
* Convenience method. Calls 6-arg registerEntry().
void TransliteratorRegistry::registerEntry(const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target,
const UnicodeString& variant,
Entry* adopted,
UBool visible) {
UnicodeString ID;
UnicodeString s(source);
if (s.length() == 0) {
s = ANY;
TransliteratorIDParser::STVtoID(source, target, variant, ID);
registerEntry(ID, s, target, variant, adopted, visible);
* Convenience method. Calls 6-arg registerEntry().
void TransliteratorRegistry::registerEntry(const UnicodeString& ID,
Entry* adopted,
UBool visible) {
UnicodeString source, target, variant;
UBool sawSource;
TransliteratorIDParser::IDtoSTV(ID, source, target, variant, sawSource);
// Only need to do this if ID.indexOf('-') < 0
UnicodeString id;
TransliteratorIDParser::STVtoID(source, target, variant, id);
registerEntry(id, source, target, variant, adopted, visible);
* Register an entry object (adopted) with the given ID, source,
* target, and variant strings.
void TransliteratorRegistry::registerEntry(const UnicodeString& ID,
const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target,
const UnicodeString& variant,
Entry* adopted,
UBool visible) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
registry.put(ID, adopted, status);
if (visible) {
registerSTV(source, target, variant);
if (!availableIDs.contains((void*) &ID)) {
UnicodeString *newID = (UnicodeString *)ID.clone();
// NUL-terminate the ID string
availableIDs.addElement(newID, status);
} else {
removeSTV(source, target, variant);
availableIDs.removeElement((void*) &ID);
* Register a source-target/variant in the specDAG. Variant may be
* empty, but source and target must not be. If variant is empty then
* the special variant NO_VARIANT is stored in slot zero of the
* UVector of variants.
void TransliteratorRegistry::registerSTV(const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target,
const UnicodeString& variant) {
// assert(source.length() > 0);
// assert(target.length() > 0);
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Hashtable *targets = (Hashtable*) specDAG.get(source);
if (targets == 0) {
targets = new Hashtable(TRUE);
if (targets == 0) {
specDAG.put(source, targets, status);
UVector *variants = (UVector*) targets->get(target);
if (variants == 0) {
variants = new UVector(uhash_deleteUnicodeString,
uhash_compareCaselessUnicodeString, status);
if (variants == 0) {
targets->put(target, variants, status);
// assert(NO_VARIANT == "");
// We add the variant string. If it is the special "no variant"
// string, that is, the empty string, we add it at position zero.
if (!variants->contains((void*) &variant)) {
if (variant.length() > 0) {
variants->addElement(new UnicodeString(variant), status);
} else {
variants->insertElementAt(new UnicodeString(NO_VARIANT), 0, status);
* Remove a source-target/variant from the specDAG.
void TransliteratorRegistry::removeSTV(const UnicodeString& source,
const UnicodeString& target,
const UnicodeString& variant) {
// assert(source.length() > 0);
// assert(target.length() > 0);
// UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Hashtable *targets = (Hashtable*) specDAG.get(source);
if (targets == 0) {
return; // should never happen for valid s-t/v
UVector *variants = (UVector*) targets->get(target);
if (variants == 0) {
return; // should never happen for valid s-t/v
variants->removeElement((void*) &variant);
if (variants->size() == 0) {
targets->remove(target); // should delete variants
if (targets->count() == 0) {
specDAG.remove(source); // should delete targets
* Attempt to find a source-target/variant in the dynamic registry
* store. Return 0 on failure.
* Caller does NOT own returned object.
Entry* TransliteratorRegistry::findInDynamicStore(const Spec& src,
const Spec& trg,
const UnicodeString& variant) {
UnicodeString ID;
TransliteratorIDParser::STVtoID(src, trg, variant, ID);
Entry *e = (Entry*) registry.get(ID);
return e;
* Attempt to find a source-target/variant in the static locale
* resource store. Do not perform fallback. Return 0 on failure.
* On success, create a new entry object, register it in the dynamic
* store, and return a pointer to it, but do not make it public --
* just because someone requested something, we do not expand the
* available ID list (or spec DAG).
* Caller does NOT own returned object.
Entry* TransliteratorRegistry::findInStaticStore(const Spec& src,
const Spec& trg,
const UnicodeString& variant) {
Entry* entry = 0;
if (src.isLocale()) {
entry = findInBundle(src, trg, variant, UTRANS_FORWARD);
} else if (trg.isLocale()) {
entry = findInBundle(trg, src, variant, UTRANS_REVERSE);
// If we found an entry, store it in the Hashtable for next
// time.
if (entry != 0) {
registerEntry(src.getTop(), trg.getTop(), variant, entry, FALSE);
return entry;
// As of 2.0, resource bundle keys cannot contain '_'
static const UChar TRANSLITERATE_TO[] = {84,114,97,110,115,108,105,116,101,114,97,116,101,84,111,0}; // "TransliterateTo"
static const UChar TRANSLITERATE_FROM[] = {84,114,97,110,115,108,105,116,101,114,97,116,101,70,114,111,109,0}; // "TransliterateFrom"
static const UChar TRANSLITERATE[] = {84,114,97,110,115,108,105,116,101,114,97,116,101,0}; // "Transliterate"
* Attempt to find an entry in a single resource bundle. This is
* a one-sided lookup. findInStaticStore() performs up to two such
* lookups, one for the source, and one for the target.
* Do not perform fallback. Return 0 on failure.
* On success, create a new Entry object, populate it, and return it.
* The caller owns the returned object.
Entry* TransliteratorRegistry::findInBundle(const Spec& specToOpen,
const Spec& specToFind,
const UnicodeString& variant,
UTransDirection direction)
UnicodeString utag;
UnicodeString resStr;
int32_t pass;
for (pass=0; pass<2; ++pass) {
// First try either TransliteratorTo_xxx or
// TransliterateFrom_xxx, then try the bidirectional
// Transliterate_xxx. This precedence order is arbitrary
// but must be consistent and documented.
if (pass == 0) {
utag.append(direction == UTRANS_FORWARD ?
} else {
UnicodeString s(specToFind.get());
CharString tag(utag);
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
ResourceBundle subres(specToOpen.getBundle().get(tag, status));
if (U_FAILURE(status) || status == U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING) {
if (specToOpen.get() != subres.getLocale().getName()) {
if (variant.length() != 0) {
CharString var(variant);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
resStr = subres.getStringEx(var, status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Exit loop successfully
else {
// Variant is empty, which means match the first variant listed.
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
resStr = subres.getStringEx(1, status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Exit loop successfully
if (pass==2) {
// Failed
return NULL;
// We have succeeded in loading a string from the locale
// resources. Create a new registry entry to hold it and return it.
Entry *entry = new Entry();
if (entry != 0) {
// The direction is always forward for the
// TransliterateTo_xxx and TransliterateFrom_xxx
// items; those are unidirectional forward rules.
// For the bidirectional Transliterate_xxx items,
// the direction is the value passed in to this
// function.
int32_t dir = (pass == 0) ? UTRANS_FORWARD : direction;
entry->entryType = Entry::LOCALE_RULES;
entry->stringArg = resStr;
entry->intArg = dir;
return entry;
* Convenience method. Calls 3-arg find().
Entry* TransliteratorRegistry::find(const UnicodeString& ID) {
UnicodeString source, target, variant;
UBool sawSource;
TransliteratorIDParser::IDtoSTV(ID, source, target, variant, sawSource);
return find(source, target, variant);
* Top-level find method. Attempt to find a source-target/variant in
* either the dynamic or the static (locale resource) store. Perform
* fallback.
* Lookup sequence for ss_SS_SSS-tt_TT_TTT/v:
* ss_SS_SSS-tt_TT_TTT/v -- in hashtable
* ss_SS_SSS-tt_TT_TTT/v -- in ss_SS_SSS (no fallback)
* repeat with t = tt_TT_TTT, tt_TT, tt, and tscript
* ss_SS_SSS-t/ *
* ss_SS-t/ *
* ss-t/ *
* sscript-t/ *
* Here * matches the first variant listed.
* Caller does NOT own returned object. Return 0 on failure.
Entry* TransliteratorRegistry::find(UnicodeString& source,
UnicodeString& target,
UnicodeString& variant) {
Spec src(source);
Spec trg(target);
Entry* entry;
if (variant.length() != 0) {
// Seek exact match in hashtable
entry = findInDynamicStore(src, trg, variant);
if (entry != 0) {
return entry;
// Seek exact match in locale resources
entry = findInStaticStore(src, trg, variant);
if (entry != 0) {
return entry;
for (;;) {
for (;;) {
// Seek match in hashtable
entry = findInDynamicStore(src, trg, NO_VARIANT);
if (entry != 0) {
return entry;
// Seek match in locale resources
entry = findInStaticStore(src, trg, NO_VARIANT);
if (entry != 0) {
return entry;
if (!src.hasFallback()) {
if (!trg.hasFallback()) {
return 0;
* Given an Entry object, instantiate it. Caller owns result. Return
* 0 on failure.
* Return a non-empty aliasReturn value if the ID points to an alias.
* We cannot instantiate it ourselves because the alias may contain
* filters or compounds, which we do not understand. Caller should
* make aliasReturn empty before calling.
* The entry object is assumed to reside in the dynamic store. It may be
* modified.
Transliterator* TransliteratorRegistry::instantiateEntry(const UnicodeString& ID,
Entry *entry,
TransliteratorAlias* &aliasReturn,
UParseError& parseError,
UErrorCode& status) {
for (;;) {
if (entry->entryType == Entry::RBT_DATA) {
return new RuleBasedTransliterator(ID, entry->u.data);
} else if (entry->entryType == Entry::PROTOTYPE) {
return entry->u.prototype->clone();
} else if (entry->entryType == Entry::ALIAS) {
aliasReturn = new TransliteratorAlias(entry->stringArg);
/* test for NULL */
if (aliasReturn == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (entry->entryType == Entry::FACTORY) {
return entry->u.factory.function(ID, entry->u.factory.context);
} else if (entry->entryType == Entry::COMPOUND_RBT) {
UnicodeString id("_", "");
Transliterator *t = new RuleBasedTransliterator(id, entry->u.data);
/* test for NULL */
if (t == 0) {
return 0;
aliasReturn = new TransliteratorAlias(ID, entry->stringArg, t, entry->intArg, entry->compoundFilter);
return 0;
TransliteratorParser parser;
if (entry->entryType == Entry::LOCALE_RULES) {
parser.parse(entry->stringArg, (UTransDirection) entry->intArg,
parseError, status);
} else {
// At this point entry type must be either RULES_FORWARD or
// RULES_REVERSE. We process the rule data into a
// TransliteratorRuleData object, and possibly also into an
// ::id header and/or footer. Then we modify the registry with
// the parsed data and retry.
UBool isReverse = (entry->entryType == Entry::RULES_REVERSE);
// We use the file name, taken from another resource bundle
// 2-d array at static init time, as a locale language. We're
// just using the locale mechanism to map through to a file
// name; this in no way represents an actual locale.
CharString ch(entry->stringArg);
UResourceBundle *bundle = ures_openDirect(0, ch, &status);
UnicodeString rules = ures_getUnicodeStringByKey(bundle, RB_RULE, &status);
// If the status indicates a failure, then we don't have any
// rules -- there is probably an installation error. The list
// in the root locale should correspond to all the installed
// transliterators; if it lists something that's not
// installed, we'll get an error from ResourceBundle.
parser.parse(rules, isReverse ? UTRANS_REVERSE : UTRANS_FORWARD,
parseError, status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
// We have a failure of some kind. Remove the ID from the
// registry so we don't keep trying. NOTE: This will throw off
// anyone who is, at the moment, trying to iterate over the
// available IDs. That's acceptable since we should never
// really get here except under installation, configuration,
// or unrecoverable run time memory failures.
entry->u.data = parser.orphanData();
entry->stringArg = parser.idBlock;
entry->intArg = parser.idSplitPoint;
entry->compoundFilter = parser.orphanCompoundFilter();
// Reset entry->entryType to something that we process at the
// top of the loop, then loop back to the top. As long as we
// do this, we only loop through twice at most.
// NOTE: The logic here matches that in
// Transliterator::createFromRules().
if (entry->stringArg.length() == 0) {
if (entry->u.data == 0) {
// No idBlock, no data -- this is just an
// alias for Null
entry->entryType = Entry::ALIAS;
entry->stringArg = NullTransliterator::ID;
} else {
// No idBlock, data != 0 -- this is an
// ordinary RBT_DATA
entry->entryType = Entry::RBT_DATA;
} else {
if (entry->u.data == 0) {
// idBlock, no data -- this is an alias. The ID has
// been munged from reverse into forward mode, if
// necessary, so instantiate the ID in the forward
// direction.
entry->entryType = Entry::ALIAS;
} else {
// idBlock and data -- this is a compound
// RBT
entry->entryType = Entry::COMPOUND_RBT;
return 0; // failed