X-SVN-Rev: 22442
947 lines
42 KiB
947 lines
42 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2000-2007, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
package com.ibm.rbm;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import com.ibm.rbm.gui.RBManagerGUI;
* A utility class to aid in the process of updating the Natural Language Support of Tempus Fugit.
* This class scans the directory containing NLS files and checks the various languages found there
* for completeness, duplication of entry, and status of translation. The class can be instantiated
* through a constructor, or it can be run from the command line. For additional information on the
* command line results, see the <CODE>main</CODE> method.
* @author Jared Jackson
* @see com.ibm.rbm.RBManager
public class RBManager {
// *** DATA ***
private Vector allBundleKeys; // A Vector of Strings with all defined NLS properties
private Vector bundles; // A Vector of NLSbundles, one for each language
private String currentUser; // The name of the person currently using the editor
private String baseClass; // The name of the base class of the active resource bundle
private File currentDirectory;
// The default constructor is not publicly available
private RBManager() {
try {
// Look and Feel check
try {
String laf = Preferences.getPreference("lookandfeel");
if (!laf.equals("")) UIManager.setLookAndFeel(laf);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignored
RBManagerGUI guiFrame = new RBManagerGUI();
if (!Preferences.getPreference("username").equals(""))
if (!Preferences.getPreference("locale").equals("")) {
String localeStr = Preferences.getPreference("locale");
String language = Resources.getLanguage(localeStr);
String country = Resources.getCountry(localeStr);
String variant = Resources.getVariant(localeStr);
if (language == null || language.equals("") || language.length() > 3) language = "en";
if (country == null) country = new String();
if (variant == null) Resources.setLocale(new Locale(language, country));
else Resources.setLocale(new Locale(language, country, variant));
} catch (Exception e) {
* This constructor creates an entirely blank RBManager and base Bundle. Only the base class name is defined.
* All other properties need to be defined.
public RBManager(String baseClassName) {
allBundleKeys = new Vector();
bundles = new Vector();
currentUser = "Unknown";
baseClass = baseClassName;
currentDirectory = new File("");
Bundle mainBundle = new Bundle("");
// Create a default group
mainBundle.addBundleGroup("Ungrouped Items", "These are resource items that have not been assigned a group");
* This is the standard constructor for RBManager. It is constructed from the root of a resource bundle.
* In the current implementation, each file is parsed separately starting with the base class file (root).
* In this implementation, the lookup keys are represented to the user as they appear in the files. The
* translation values however are translated according to the basic rules defined in java.util.Properties.
* Thus in the key, the user may see '\"' when in the value it would have been converted to '"'. This
* translation is reversed when saving the resource bundle.
* @param mainFile The base class file of the resource bundle to be read
public RBManager(File mainFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
currentDirectory = new File(mainFile.getParent());
String[] encodings;
// Initiailize the readers to the main NLS file
FileReader fr = new FileReader(mainFile);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
// Load the java readable values from the main NLS file;
Properties p = new Properties();
p.load(new FileInputStream(mainFile));
// Count the number of language files and set up the encoding and dictionary data
int numLanguages = 1;
String NLSbaseClass = null;
String NLSpostfix = null;
if (mainFile.getName().indexOf(".") >= 0) {
NLSbaseClass = mainFile.getName().substring(0,mainFile.getName().indexOf("."));
NLSpostfix = ".properties";
} else {
NLSbaseClass = mainFile.getName();
NLSpostfix = "";
baseClass = NLSbaseClass;
String filePrefix = mainFile.getName().substring(0,mainFile.getName().lastIndexOf("."));
String filePostfix = mainFile.getName().substring(mainFile.getName().lastIndexOf("."),mainFile.getName().length());
File resDir = currentDirectory;
if (resDir != null && resDir.isDirectory()) {
String[] temp = resDir.list();
numLanguages = 0;
// Count the number of language files
for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if (temp[i].startsWith(NLSbaseClass) && (temp[i].endsWith(NLSpostfix)
|| temp[i].endsWith(NLSpostfix.toUpperCase()) || NLSpostfix.equals(""))) {
// Starts with the base class name and ends in proper suffix (above)
// Base name is followed by . or _ (below)
RBManagerGUI.debugMsg("Character is: " + temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()));
if (temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()) == '.' || temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()) == '_')
// Initialize the bundles and encodings
encodings = new String[numLanguages];
int count = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if (temp[i].equals(mainFile.getName())) {
encodings[0] = "";
} else if (temp[i].startsWith(NLSbaseClass) && (temp[i].endsWith(NLSpostfix)
|| temp[i].endsWith(NLSpostfix.toUpperCase()) || NLSpostfix.equals(""))) {
if (temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()) == '.' || temp[i].charAt(NLSbaseClass.length()) == '_') {
encodings[count] = new String(temp[i].substring(filePrefix.length()+1,temp[i].indexOf(filePostfix))); count++;
} else {
// Initialize the bundles and encodings in case the directory information is not available
// In this case, only the main NLS file will be handled
encodings = new String[numLanguages];
encodings[0] = new String("");
} // end the count and initialization
// Read in the entries from the main file
String line;
// Set the dictionary for the main file
Bundle dict = new Bundle(encodings[0]);
// Set up the first group in case there are NLS items which were not assigned to a group
BundleGroup group = new BundleGroup(dict, "Ungrouped Items");
group.setComment("NLS Items which were not initially assigned to a group");
BundleItem item = new BundleItem(group,null,null);
int count = 0;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// Test to make sure this is a file that was generated by RBManager
if (!line.trim().equals("")) count++;
if (count == 1 && !line.startsWith("# @file")) {
// Not generated by RBManager
Resources.getTranslation("error_not_rbmanager_format") + "\n" + Resources.getTranslation("error_suggest_import_properties"),
Resources.getTranslation("dialog_title_error_not_rbmanager_format"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
throw new FileNotFoundException("Improper format for file: " + mainFile.getName());
String commentLine = null;
// Grab text following the # sign
if (line.indexOf("#") >= 0) {
commentLine = line.substring(line.indexOf("#")+1,line.length());
line = line.substring(0,line.indexOf("#"));
if (commentLine != null && commentLine.trim().length() > 0) {
// Process any information made available in comment '@' information
Hashtable descriptors = getDescriptors(null,commentLine);
if (descriptors != null) {
Object o;
// File tags
o = descriptors.get("file"); if (o != null) dict.name = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileComment"); if (o != null) dict.comment = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileLanguage"); if (o != null) dict.language = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileCountry"); if (o != null) dict.country = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileVariant"); if (o != null) dict.variant = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileManager"); if (o != null) dict.manager = ((String) o);
// Group tags
o = descriptors.get("group");
if (o != null) {
group = new BundleGroup(dict, (String)o);
o = descriptors.get("groupComment"); if (o != null) group.setComment((String) o);
// Item tags
o = descriptors.get("comment"); if (o != null) item.setComment((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("translated"); if (o != null) item.setTranslated(((String) o).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
o = descriptors.get("creator"); if (o != null) item.setCreator((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("modifier"); if (o != null) item.setModifier((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("created"); if (o != null) item.setCreatedDate((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("modified"); if (o != null) item.setModifiedDate((String) o);
// Lookup tags (e.g. {_#_} _description_)
Enumeration keys = descriptors.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String tag = (String)keys.nextElement();
if (tag.startsWith("{")) {
if (tag.indexOf("}") < 0) continue;
String lookup = tag.substring(1,tag.indexOf("}"));
item.getLookups().put(lookup, descriptors.get(tag));
} // end check of comment line
if (line.trim().length() < 1) continue;
// Grab the name and value (translation) from the line
int breakpoint = 0;
boolean started = false;
char array[] = line.toCharArray();
for (int i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (!started && array[i] != ' ' && array[i] != '\t') started = true;
if (started && (array[i] == '=' || array[i] == ':' || array[i] == ' ' || array[i] == '\t')) {
breakpoint = i;
String key = String.valueOf(array,0,breakpoint);
String translation = p.getProperty(key);
if (translation == null || translation.equals(""))
else item.setTranslation(translation);
item = new BundleItem(group,null,null);
} // end while - main NLS file
// Now that we have parsed the entire main language file, populate the allNLSKey set with the dictionary keys
allBundleKeys = new Vector();
Enumeration keys = ((Bundle)bundles.elementAt(0)).allItems.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
// Now go through all of the other languages
for (int i = 1; i < encodings.length; i++) {
if (encodings[i].equals("kr")) continue; // I can't handle double byte character sets yet
// Try to obtain the new file
File tempFile = new File(resDir, NLSbaseClass + "_" + encodings[i] + NLSpostfix);
fr = new FileReader(tempFile);
br = new BufferedReader(fr);
// Try to obtain the java readable properties for the file
p = new Properties();
p.load(new FileInputStream(tempFile));
// Set the dictionary for the main file
dict = new Bundle(encodings[i]);
// Set up the first group in case there are NLS items which were not assigned to a group
group = new BundleGroup(dict, "Ungrouped Items");
group.setComment("NLS Items which were not initially assigned to a group");
item = new BundleItem(group,null,null);
// Create the rest of the groups
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
String commentLine = null;
// Grab the text following the # sign
if (line.indexOf("#") >= 0) {
commentLine = line.substring(line.indexOf("#")+1,line.length());
line = line.substring(0,line.indexOf("#"));
if (commentLine != null && commentLine.trim().length() > 0) {
// Process any information made available in comment '@' information
Hashtable descriptors = getDescriptors(null,commentLine);
if (descriptors != null) {
Object o;
// File tags
o = descriptors.get("file"); if (o != null) dict.name = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileComment"); if (o != null) dict.comment = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileLanguage"); if (o != null) dict.language = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileCountry"); if (o != null) dict.country = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileVariant"); if (o != null) dict.variant = ((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("fileManager"); if (o != null) dict.manager = ((String) o);
// Group tags
o = descriptors.get("group");
if (o != null) {
group = new BundleGroup(dict, (String)o);
o = descriptors.get("groupComment"); if (o != null) group.setComment((String) o);
// Item tags
o = descriptors.get("comment"); if (o != null) item.setComment((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("translated"); if (o != null) item.setTranslated(((String) o).equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
o = descriptors.get("creator"); if (o != null) item.setCreator((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("modifier"); if (o != null) item.setModifier((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("created"); if (o != null) item.setCreatedDate((String) o);
o = descriptors.get("modified"); if (o != null) item.setModifiedDate((String) o);
// Lookup tags (e.g. {_#_} _description_)
Enumeration descKeys = descriptors.keys();
while (descKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
String tag = (String)descKeys.nextElement();
if (tag.startsWith("{")) {
if (tag.indexOf("}") < 0) continue;
String lookup = tag.substring(1,tag.indexOf("}"));
item.getLookups().put(lookup, descriptors.get(tag));
} // end check of comment line
if (line.trim().length() < 1) continue;
// Grab the name and value (translation) from the line
int breakpoint = 0;
boolean started = false;
char array[] = line.toCharArray();
for (int j=0; j < array.length; j++) {
if (!started && array[j] != ' ' && array[j] != '\t') started = true;
if (started && (array[j] == '=' || array[j] == ':' || array[j] == ' ' || array[j] == '\t')) {
breakpoint = j;
String key = String.valueOf(array,0,breakpoint);
String translation = p.getProperty(key);
if (translation == null || translation.equals(""))
else item.setTranslation(translation);
item = new BundleItem(group,null,null);
} // end while - next line
} // end for looop through languages
// Add this opened file to our recent files
Preferences.addRecentFilePreference(mainFile.getName(), mainFile.getAbsolutePath());
} // end RBManager()
// *** METHODS ***
* Main
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Make sure the user specified a path
if (args.length < 1) {
new RBManager();
} // main
public String toString() { return baseClass; }
* Write the contents of the file to the output stream
public void writeToFile() throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
File outputFile = new File(currentDirectory, baseClass +
((bundle.encoding == null || bundle.encoding.equals("")) ? "" : "_" + bundle.encoding) +
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFile);
// In case this is a newly created bundle or the location has changed recently, update the recent files, preference
Preferences.addRecentFilePreference(baseClass + ".properties", currentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator +
baseClass + ".properties");
* Calling this method removes a resource from the resource bundle. This method does not permanently
* erase the file containing the resources at this encoding, however any changes or saves that take
* place once this file has been removed will not be reflected in this hidden file. To restore the resource,
* the bundle will have to be recreated. (This last point may change)
public void hideResource(String encoding) {
for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
if (bundle.encoding.equals(encoding)) {
* Erases permanently one of the resource files. Be careful about calling this method there is nothing you can do
* once a file is erased.
public void eraseFile(String encoding) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
if (!(bundle.encoding.equals(encoding))) continue;
File outputFile = new File(currentDirectory, baseClass +
((bundle.encoding == null || bundle.encoding.equals("")) ? "" : "_" + bundle.encoding) +
boolean success = outputFile.delete();
if (!success) throw new IOException(Resources.getTranslation("error_deletion_not_possible"));
* Writes only one of the resource files to the file system. This file is specified by the encoding parameter
public void writeToFile(String encoding) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
if (bundle.encoding.equals(encoding) || (i==0 && encoding.equals(""))) {
File outputFile = new File(currentDirectory, baseClass +
((bundle.encoding == null || bundle.encoding.equals("")) ? "" : "_" + bundle.encoding) +
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFile);
// In case this is a newly created bundle or the location has changed recently, update the recent files, preference
Preferences.addRecentFilePreference(baseClass + ".properties", currentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator +
baseClass + ".properties");
* Given a BundleItem and some properties to change for that item, this method first checks to make sure the passed
* item is valid and if it is, the properties of that item are changed to reflect those passed in as parameters to this
* method.
* @return true if the BundleItem was valid and updateable, false if otherwise (in this case no changes were made).
public boolean editItem(BundleItem item, String name, String value, String groupName, String comment, Hashtable lookups) {
if (name == null || name.equals("") || groupName == null || groupName.equals("") || item == null) return false;
String oldName = item.getKey();
String oldComment = item.getComment();
String oldValue = item.getTranslation();
//String oldGroupName = item.getParentGroup().getName();
// Loop through the bundles
for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
BundleItem oldItem = (BundleItem)bundle.allItems.get(oldName);
if (oldItem == null) break;
if (!oldName.equals(name)) {
// A new key
bundle.allItems.put(oldItem.getKey(), oldItem);
if (oldItem.getComment() == null || oldItem.getComment().equals(oldComment)) oldItem.setComment(comment);
if (oldItem.getTranslation().equals(oldValue)) oldItem.setTranslation(value);
if (!oldItem.getParentGroup().getName().equals(groupName)) {
// A new group
BundleGroup bg = bundle.getBundleGroup(groupName);
if (bg == null) bg = bundle.getUngroupedGroup();
return true;
* Attempts to create a new item in each of the language files. The method first checks the base Resource Bundle
* to make sure that the item name does not all ready exist. If it does exist the item is not created.
* @param name The unique key of the item
* @param value The translation of the item for the base class
* @param groupName The group name, should all ready exist in the base class
* @param comment An optional comment to be added to the item, can be <CODE>null</CODE>
* @return An error response. If the creation was successful <CODE>true</CODE> is returned, if there was an error <CODE>false</CODE> is returned.
public boolean createItem(String name, String value, String groupName, String comment, Hashtable lookups) {
if (name == null || name.equals("") || groupName == null || groupName.equals("")) return false;
Bundle mainBundle = (Bundle)bundles.firstElement();
BundleGroup mainGroup = null;
if (mainBundle.allItems.containsKey(name)) return false;
for (int i=0; i < mainBundle.getGroupCount(); i++) {
BundleGroup bg = mainBundle.getBundleGroup(i);
if (bg.getName().equals(groupName)) {mainGroup = bg; break;}
if (mainGroup == null) return false;
// Add to the base class
BundleItem mainItem = new BundleItem(mainGroup, name, value);
mainBundle.allItems.put(name, mainItem);
if (lookups != null) mainItem.setLookups(lookups);
// Add to the rest of the bundles
for (int i=1; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
// Find the group
BundleGroup group = null;
for (int j=0; j < bundle.getGroupCount(); j++) {
BundleGroup bg = bundle.getBundleGroup(j);
if (bg.getName().equals(groupName)) {group = bg; break;}
if (group == null) {
group = new BundleGroup(bundle, groupName);
BundleItem item = new BundleItem(group, name, value);
if (lookups != null) item.setLookups(lookups);
bundle.allItems.put(name, item);
return true;
* Attempts to create a new group in each of the language files. The method first checks the base Resource Bundle
* to make sure that the group name does not all ready exist. If it does exist the group is not created.
* @param groupName The unique group name to be created
* @param groupComment An optional comment to be added to the group, can be <CODE>null</CODE>
* @return An error response. If the creation was successful <CODE>true</CODE> is returned, if there was an error <CODE>false</CODE> is returned.
public boolean createGroup(String groupName, String groupComment) {
if (groupName == null || groupName.equals(""))
return false;
// Check to see if the group exists
Bundle mainBundle = (Bundle)bundles.firstElement();
if (mainBundle.hasGroup(groupName))
return false;
// Create the group
for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
BundleGroup bg = new BundleGroup(bundle, groupName);
if (groupComment != null)
return true;
* Removes a group and all of the items within that group from the various
* Resource Bundles known to the system. This method removes the group from
* the protected vector of groups, then removes all items in that group from
* the protected vector of untranslated items, and the protected hashtable of
* all items.
public void deleteGroup(String groupName) {
if (groupName == null) return;
// Loop through all of the bundles;
for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
* Remove resource items of the given name from each of the resource bundles that the system
* knows about. This works by first removing the item from the protected vector of translated
* items, if it is there, and then removing it from the the hashtable of all items, and then
* removing it from its respective group.
public void deleteItem(String itemName) {
if (itemName == null) return;
// Loop through all of the bundles;
for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
// Loop through untranslated items
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
// Loop through all Items
Enumeration items = bundle.allItems.elements();
while(items.hasMoreElements()) {
BundleItem item = (BundleItem)items.nextElement();
if (item.getKey().equals(itemName)) {
* Looks through the resources contained in the bundle for a resource of the given encoding. Note that this
* search is case sensitive.
* @return True if the encoding exists as one of the resource files, false otherwise
public boolean hasResource(String encoding) {
// Check to see if the encoding exists
for (int i=0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle b = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
if (b.encoding.equals(encoding)) return true;
return false;
* Attempts to create a new resource file with the given encoding. The method first checks the base Resource Bundle
* to make sure that encoding does not all ready exist. If it does exist the resource file is not created.
* @param title An optional, quick title for the file, can be <CODE>null</CODE>
* @param comment An optional comment to be added to the resource, can be <CODE>null</CODE>
* @param manager The name of the person responsible for this resource, can be <CODE>null</CODE>
* @param encoding The proper encoding for the resource. Must be of form 'language', 'language_country', or 'language_country_variant'
* @param language A more formal name for the language (e.g. 'English', 'Deutsch', etc.), can be <CODE>null</CODE>
* @param country A more formal name for the country described by the resource, can be <CODE>null</CODE>
* @param variant A more formal name for the variant described by the resource, can be <CODE>null</CODE>
* @param copyValues An indication of wether or not to populate the resource with the items in the base class
* @return An error response. If the creation was successful <CODE>true</CODE> is returned, if there was an error <CODE>false</CODE> is returned.
public boolean createResource(String title, String comment, String manager, String encoding,
String language, String country, String variant, boolean copyValues) {
if (encoding == null || encoding.equals("") || encoding.startsWith("_")) return false;
// Check to see if the encoding exists
if (hasResource(encoding)) return false;
// Create the resource
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(encoding);
bundle.name = title;
bundle.comment = comment;
bundle.manager = manager;
bundle.language = language;
bundle.country = country;
bundle.variant = variant;
// Create a default group
bundle.addBundleGroup("Ungrouped Items", "These are resource items that have not been assigned a group");
if (copyValues) {
Bundle mainBundle = (Bundle)bundles.firstElement();
for (int i=0; i < mainBundle.getGroupCount(); i++) {
BundleGroup mainGroup = mainBundle.getBundleGroup(i);
BundleGroup bg = new BundleGroup(bundle,mainGroup.getName());
for (int j=0; j < mainGroup.getItemCount(); j++) {
BundleItem mainItem = mainGroup.getBundleItem(j);
BundleItem item = new BundleItem(bg, mainItem.getKey(), mainItem.getTranslation());
item.setLookups(new Hashtable());
// TODO: This should be done in the Bundle class
Enumeration keys = mainItem.getLookups().keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)keys.nextElement();
String value = (String)mainItem.getLookups().get(name);
item.getLookups().put(new String(name), new String(value));
return true;
* Returns the number of duplicate NLS entries
public int getNumberDuplicates() {
return ((Bundle)bundles.firstElement()).duplicates.size();
* Returns a single string with a comma delimited listing of all duplicate entries found in the NLS resources
public String getDuplicatesListing() {
return listStrings(getDuplicatesListingVector());
* Returns a Vector collection of duplicate BundleItems found in the bundle
public Vector getDuplicatesListingVector() {
return ((Bundle)bundles.firstElement()).duplicates;
* A useful debugging method that lists the various BundleGroup names in a String.
public String getGroupListing() {
return listStrings(getGroupListingVector());
* Returns a vector collection of all of the BundleGroup items founds int the bundle.
public Vector getGroupListingVector() {
Vector v = new Vector();
Bundle bundle = (Bundle)bundles.firstElement();
for (int i=0; i < bundle.getGroupCount(); i++) {
String name = bundle.getBundleGroup(i).getName();
return v;
* Returns the total number of languages that the system seems to support
public int getNumberLanguages() {
return bundles.size();
* Returns a single string comprised of a comma delimited listing of all languages the system seems to support
public String getLanguageListing() {
return listStrings(getLanguageListingVector());
* Returns a vector of strings comprising a list of all languages in the system
public Vector getLanguageListingVector() {
Vector v = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle dict = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
String dictStr = new String();
if (dict.language != null) dictStr += dict.language;
if (dict.country != null) dictStr += " " + dict.country;
if (dict.variant != null) dictStr += " " + dict.variant;
if (dictStr.trim().equals("")) dictStr = (dict.encoding.trim().equals("") ? "Base Resource Bundle" : dict.encoding);
return v;
* Returns the number of translations contained across all language files
public int getNumberTotalTranslations() {
return allBundleKeys.size();
* Returns the number of BundleGroups in the bundle.
public int getNumberGroups() {
return ((Bundle)bundles.firstElement()).getGroupCount();
* Returns the name of the user currently using the editor
public String getUser() {
return currentUser;
* Sets the name of the user currently using the editor
public void setUser(String user) {
currentUser = user;
* Sets the name of the base class associated with this resource bundle
public void setBaseClass(String baseClassName) {
baseClass = baseClassName;
* Sets the directory in the file system in which this resource bundle is to be
* saved and retrieved.
public void setFileDirectory(File directory) {
if (directory.isDirectory()) currentDirectory = directory;
* Returns the base class name if known, or "Unknown Base Class" otherwise.
public String toSring() {
return (baseClass == null ? "Unknown Base Class" : baseClass);
* Returns the base class name or null if it does not exist.
public String getBaseClass() {
return baseClass;
* A Vector of NLSbundles, one for each language
public Vector getBundles() {
return bundles;
* Return a bundle from a locale
* @return The requested resource bundle
public Bundle getBundle(String locale) {
Bundle bundle = null;
if (hasResource(locale)) {
for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
Bundle tempb = (Bundle)bundles.elementAt(i);
if (tempb.encoding.equals(locale)) {
bundle = tempb;
return bundle;
* Returns the name of the file that is the base class file for the resource bundle.
public File getBaseFile() {
return new File(currentDirectory,baseClass + ".properties");
// Return a single comma delimited string made from a vector of strings
private String listStrings(Vector v) {
String retStr = new String();
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
Object o = v.elementAt(i);
if (!(o instanceof String)) continue;
String s = (String)o;
if (i > 0) retStr += ", ";
retStr += s;
return retStr;
// Init - called before ant construction
private void init() {
allBundleKeys = new Vector();
bundles = new Vector();
currentUser = "Unknown";
// Return a hashtable of the tags in a comment line (i.e. the text after each '@' character) and their values
private Hashtable getDescriptors(Hashtable result, String line) {
// Recursion terminating condition
if (line == null || line.length() <= 0 || line.indexOf("@") < 0) return result;
// Otherwise generate what information we can and recurse
if (result == null) result = new Hashtable();
// Strip off any information before and including a '@'
line = line.substring(line.indexOf("@")+1, line.length());
// There should be a space after the '@_tag_' and the value of this property
if (line.indexOf(" ") < 0) return result; // This shouldn't happen if things are formatted right
// Add the text after the '@' character up to the first whitespace (has to be a space, not tab or other whitespace)
String name = line.substring(0,line.indexOf(" ")).trim();
// Now strip off the tag name
line = line.substring(line.indexOf(" "), line.length());
// If there is another '@' character we take the value up until that character
if (line.indexOf("@") >= 0) {
// Otherwise we take the rest of the characters in the line
else {
return result;
// Recurse
return getDescriptors(result, line.substring(line.indexOf("@"), line.length()));
// Checks an array of strings to see if it contains a particular string
/* private static boolean arrayContains(String[] array, String match) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i].equals(match)) return true;
return false;
// Prints the usage of the program when called from main
/* private static void printUsage() {
String usage = new String();
usage += "Usage:\n\njava com.ibm.almaden.TempusFugit.Tools.RBManager fileName ((-r | -d) encoding?)?";
usage += "\n\n fileName -> The file (and path?) representing the main NLS resource\n\t\t(i.e. TempusFugit.resources)\n";
usage += " encoding -> Returns results for only the language encoding specified\n";
usage += " flag -r -> Gives only a status report on the state of the translations\n";