389 lines
11 KiB
389 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright (C) 1997-2001, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 06/21/00 aliu Creation.
#include "unicode/utrans.h"
#include "unicode/putil.h"
#include "unicode/rbt.h"
#include "unicode/rep.h"
#include "unicode/translit.h"
#include "unicode/unifilt.h"
#include "unicode/uniset.h"
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "cpputils.h"
// Following macro is to be followed by <return value>';' or just ';'
#define utrans_ENTRY(s) if ((s)==NULL || U_FAILURE(*(s))) return
* Replaceable-UReplaceableCallbacks glue
* Make a UReplaceable + UReplaceableCallbacks into a Replaceable object.
class ReplaceableGlue : public Replaceable {
UChar *buf;
int32_t bufLen;
UReplaceable *rep;
UReplaceableCallbacks *func;
enum { BUF_PAD = 8 };
ReplaceableGlue(UReplaceable *replaceable,
UReplaceableCallbacks *funcCallback);
virtual ~ReplaceableGlue();
virtual void handleReplaceBetween(UTextOffset start,
UTextOffset limit,
const UnicodeString& text);
virtual void copy(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t dest);
virtual UChar getCharAt(UTextOffset offset) const;
virtual UChar32 getChar32At(UTextOffset offset) const;
ReplaceableGlue::ReplaceableGlue(UReplaceable *replaceable,
UReplaceableCallbacks *funcCallback)
: Replaceable((*funcCallback->length)(replaceable))
this->rep = replaceable;
this->func = funcCallback;
buf = 0;
bufLen = 0;
ReplaceableGlue::~ReplaceableGlue() {
delete[] buf;
UChar ReplaceableGlue::getCharAt(UTextOffset offset) const {
return (*func->charAt)(rep, offset);
UChar32 ReplaceableGlue::getChar32At(UTextOffset offset) const {
return (*func->char32At)(rep, offset);
void ReplaceableGlue::handleReplaceBetween(UTextOffset start,
UTextOffset limit,
const UnicodeString& text) {
int32_t len = text.length();
if (buf == 0 || bufLen < len) {
delete[] buf;
bufLen = len + BUF_PAD;
buf = new UChar[bufLen];
text.extract(0, len, buf);
(*func->replace)(rep, start, limit, buf, len);
fLength = (*func->length)(rep);
void ReplaceableGlue::copy(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t dest) {
(*func->copy)(rep, start, limit, dest);
fLength = (*func->length)(rep);
* PRIVATE Implementation
* Extract a UnicodeString to a char* buffer using the invariant
* converter and return the actual length.
static int32_t
_utrans_copyUnicodeStringToChars(const UnicodeString& str,
char* buf,
int32_t bufCapacity) {
int32_t len = str.length();
if (buf != 0) {
// copy whatever will fit into buf
int32_t len2 = uprv_min(len, bufCapacity - 1);
str.extract(0, len2, buf, "");
buf[len2] = 0; // zero-terminate
return len; // return actual length
* General API
U_CAPI UTransliterator*
utrans_open(const char* id,
UTransDirection dir,
UErrorCode* status) {
utrans_ENTRY(status) NULL;
if (id == NULL) {
return NULL;
UnicodeString ID(id, ""); // use invariant converter
Transliterator *trans = NULL;
trans = Transliterator::createInstance(ID, dir, NULL);
if (trans == NULL) {
return (UTransliterator*) trans;
U_CAPI UTransliterator*
utrans_openRules(const char* id,
const UChar* rules,
int32_t rulesLength, /* -1 if null-terminated */
UTransDirection dir,
UParseError* parseErr, /* may be NULL */
UErrorCode* status) {
utrans_ENTRY(status) NULL;
if (id == NULL || rules == NULL) {
return NULL;
UnicodeString ID(id, ""); // use invariant converter
UnicodeString ruleStr(rulesLength < 0,
rulesLength); // r-o alias
RuleBasedTransliterator *trans = NULL;
// Use if() to avoid construction of ParseError object on stack
// unless it is called for by user.
if (parseErr != NULL) {
trans = new RuleBasedTransliterator(ID, ruleStr, dir,
NULL, *parseErr, *status);
} else {
trans = new RuleBasedTransliterator(ID, ruleStr, dir,
NULL, *status);
if (trans == NULL) {
} else if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
delete trans;
trans = NULL;
return (UTransliterator*) trans;
U_CAPI UTransliterator*
utrans_openInverse(const UTransliterator* trans,
UErrorCode* status) {
utrans_ENTRY(status) NULL;
UTransliterator* result =
(UTransliterator*) ((Transliterator*) trans)->createInverse();
if (result == NULL) {
return result;
U_CAPI UTransliterator*
utrans_clone(const UTransliterator* trans,
UErrorCode* status) {
utrans_ENTRY(status) NULL;
if (trans == NULL) {
return NULL;
Transliterator *t = ((Transliterator*) trans)->clone();
if (t == NULL) {
return (UTransliterator*) t;
U_CAPI void
utrans_close(UTransliterator* trans) {
delete (Transliterator*) trans;
U_CAPI int32_t
utrans_getID(const UTransliterator* trans,
char* buf,
int32_t bufCapacity) {
const UnicodeString& id = ((Transliterator*) trans)->getID();
return _utrans_copyUnicodeStringToChars(id, buf, bufCapacity);
U_CAPI void
utrans_register(UTransliterator* adoptedTrans,
UErrorCode* status) {
Transliterator::registerInstance((Transliterator*) adoptedTrans,
U_CAPI void
utrans_unregister(const char* id) {
UnicodeString ID(id, ""); // use invariant converter
U_CAPI void
utrans_setFilter(UTransliterator* trans,
const UChar* filterPattern,
int32_t filterPatternLen,
UErrorCode* status) {
UnicodeFilter* filter = NULL;
if (filterPattern != NULL && *filterPattern != 0) {
// Create read only alias of filterPattern:
UnicodeString pat(filterPatternLen < 0, filterPattern, filterPatternLen);
filter = new UnicodeSet(pat, *status);
if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
delete filter;
filter = NULL;
((Transliterator*) trans)->adoptFilter(filter);
U_CAPI int32_t
utrans_countAvailableIDs(void) {
return Transliterator::countAvailableIDs();
U_CAPI int32_t
utrans_getAvailableID(int32_t index,
char* buf, // may be NULL
int32_t bufCapacity) {
const UnicodeString& id = Transliterator::getAvailableID(index);
return _utrans_copyUnicodeStringToChars(id, buf, bufCapacity);
* Transliteration API
U_CAPI void
utrans_trans(const UTransliterator* trans,
UReplaceable* rep,
UReplaceableCallbacks* repFunc,
int32_t start,
int32_t* limit,
UErrorCode* status) {
if (trans == 0 || rep == 0 || repFunc == 0 || limit == 0) {
ReplaceableGlue r(rep, repFunc);
*limit = ((Transliterator*) trans)->transliterate(r, start, *limit);
U_CAPI void
utrans_transIncremental(const UTransliterator* trans,
UReplaceable* rep,
UReplaceableCallbacks* repFunc,
UTransPosition* pos,
UErrorCode* status) {
if (trans == 0 || rep == 0 || repFunc == 0 || pos == 0) {
ReplaceableGlue r(rep, repFunc);
((Transliterator*) trans)->transliterate(r, *pos, *status);
U_CAPI void
utrans_transUChars(const UTransliterator* trans,
UChar* text,
int32_t* textLength,
int32_t textCapacity,
int32_t start,
int32_t* limit,
UErrorCode* status) {
if (trans == 0 || text == 0 || limit == 0) {
int32_t textLen = (textLength == NULL || *textLength < 0)
? u_strlen(text) : *textLength;
// writeable alias: for this ct, len CANNOT be -1 (why?)
UnicodeString str(text, textLen, textCapacity);
*limit = ((Transliterator*) trans)->transliterate(str, start, *limit);
// Copy the string buffer back to text (only if necessary)
// and fill in *neededCapacity (if neededCapacity != NULL).
textLen = uprv_fillOutputString(str, text, textCapacity, status);
if(textLength != NULL) {
*textLength = textLen;
U_CAPI void
utrans_transIncrementalUChars(const UTransliterator* trans,
UChar* text,
int32_t* textLength,
int32_t textCapacity,
UTransPosition* pos,
UErrorCode* status) {
if (trans == 0 || text == 0 || pos == 0) {
int32_t textLen = (textLength == NULL || *textLength < 0)
? u_strlen(text) : *textLength;
// writeable alias: for this ct, len CANNOT be -1 (why?)
UnicodeString str(text, textLen, textCapacity);
((Transliterator*) trans)->transliterate(str, *pos, *status);
// Copy the string buffer back to text (only if necessary)
// and fill in *neededCapacity (if neededCapacity != NULL).
textLen = uprv_fillOutputString(str, text, textCapacity, status);
if(textLength != NULL) {
*textLength = textLen;