2001-03-23 23:49:05 +00:00

822 lines
31 KiB

* Copyright (C) 1998-2001, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* File parse.c
* Modification History:
* Date Name Description
* 05/26/99 stephen Creation.
* 02/25/00 weiv Overhaul to write udata
#include "ucol_imp.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "uhash.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
#include "read.h"
#include "unicode/ustdio.h"
#include "ustr.h"
#include "reslist.h"
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "unicode/putil.h"
#define U_ICU_UNIDATA "unidata"
U_STRING_DECL(k_start_string, "string", 6);
U_STRING_DECL(k_start_binary, "binary", 6);
U_STRING_DECL(k_start_table, "table", 5);
U_STRING_DECL(k_start_int, "int", 3);
U_STRING_DECL(k_start_array, "array", 5);
U_STRING_DECL(k_start_intvector, "intvector", 9);
U_STRING_DECL(k_start_reserved, "reserved", 8);
/* U_STRING_DECL(rootName, "root", 4);*/
static UBool didInit=FALSE;
/* static UBool didInitRoot=FALSE;*/
/* Node IDs for the state transition table. */
enum ENode {
eInitial, /* Next: Locale name */
eGotLoc, /* Next: { */
eIdle, /* Next: Tag name | } */
eGotTag, /* Next: { | : */
eNode5, /* Next: Data | Subtag */
eNode6, /* Next: } | { | , */
eList, /* Next: List data */
eNode8, /* Next: , */
eTagList, /* Next: Subtag data */
eNode10, /* Next: } */
eNode11, /* Next: Subtag */
eNode12, /* Next: { */
e2dArray, /* Next: Data | } */
eNode14, /* Next: , | } */
eNode15, /* Next: , | } */
eNode16, /* Next: { | } */
eTypeStart, /* Next: Type name */
eGotType /* Next: { */
/* Action codes for the state transtiion table. */
enum EAction {
/* Generic actions */
eNOP = 0x0100, /* Do nothing */
eOpen = 0x0200, /* Open a new locale data block with the data
string as the locale name */
eClose = 0x0300, /* Close a locale data block */
eSetTag = 0x0400, /* Record the last string as the tag name */
/* Comma-delimited lists */
eBegList = 0x1100, /* Start a new string list with the last string
as the first element */
eEndList = 0x1200, /* Close a string list being built */
eListStr = 0x1300, /* Record the last string as a data string and
increment the index */
eStr = 0x1400, /* Record the last string as a singleton string */
/* 2-d lists */
eBeg2dList = 0x2100, /* Start a new 2d string list with no elements as yet */
eEnd2dList = 0x2200, /* Close a 2d string list being built */
e2dStr = 0x2300, /* Record the last string as a 2d string */
eNewRow = 0x2400, /* Start a new row */
/* Tagged lists */
eBegTagged = 0x3100, /* Start a new tagged list with the last
string as the first subtag */
eEndTagged = 0x3200, /* Close a tagged list being build */
eSubtag = 0x3300, /* Record the last string as the subtag */
eTaggedStr = 0x3400, /* Record the last string as a tagged string */
/* Type support */
eBegType = 0x4100, /* Start getting a type */
eSetType = 0x4200 /* Record and init type */
/* A struct which encapsulates a node ID and an action. */
struct STransition {
enum ENode fNext;
enum EAction fAction;
/* This table describes an ATM (state machine) which parses resource
bundle text files rather strictly. Each row represents a node. The
columns of that row represent transitions into other nodes. Most
transitions are "eError" because most transitions are
disallowed. For example, if the parser has just seen a tag name, it
enters node 4 ("eGotTag"). The state table then marks only one
valid transition, which is into node 5, upon seeing an eOpenBrace
token. We allow an extra comma after the last element in a
comma-delimited list (transition from eList to eIdle on
kCloseBrace). */
static struct STransition gTransitionTable [] = {
/* kString kOpenBrace kCloseBrace kComma */
/*eError*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eInitial*/ {eGotLoc,eOpen}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eGotLoc*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eIdle,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eIdle*/ {eGotTag,eSetTag}, {eError,eNOP}, {eInitial,eClose}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eGotTag*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eNode5,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eNode5*/ {eNode6,eNOP}, {e2dArray,eBeg2dList},{eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eNode6*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eTagList,eBegTagged},{eIdle,eStr}, {eList,eBegList},
/*eList*/ {eNode8,eListStr}, {eError,eNOP}, {eIdle,eEndList}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eNode8*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eIdle,eEndList}, {eList,eNOP},
/*eTagList*/ {eNode10,eTaggedStr},{eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eNode10*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eNode11,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eNode11*/ {eNode12,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eIdle,eEndTagged},{eError,eNOP},
/*eNode12*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eTagList,eSubtag}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*e2dArray*/ {eNode14,e2dStr}, {eError,eNOP}, {eNode15,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eNode14*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eNode15,eNOP}, {e2dArray,eNOP},
/*eNode15*/ {eError,eNOP}, {e2dArray,eNewRow}, {eIdle,eEnd2dList},{eNode16,eNOP},
/*eNode16*/ {eError,eNOP}, {e2dArray,eNewRow}, {eIdle,eEnd2dList},{eError,eNOP},
/*eTypeStart*/{eGotType,eSetType}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP},
/*eGotType*/ {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}, {eError,eNOP}
/* Row length is 4 */
#define GETTRANSITION(row,col) (gTransitionTable[col + (row<<2)])
/* Not anymore, it is 5 now */
/*#define GETTRANSITION(row,col) (gTransitionTable[col + (row*5)])*/
* Hashtable glue
static UBool get(UHashtable *hash, const struct UString* tag) {
return (UBool)(uhash_get(hash, tag) != NULL);
static void put(UHashtable *hash, const struct UString *tag,
UErrorCode* status) {
struct UString* key = (struct UString*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(struct UString));
ustr_cpy(key, tag, status);
uhash_put(hash, key, (void*)1, status);
static void freeUString(void* ustr) {
ustr_deinit((struct UString*)ustr);
static int32_t hashUString(const void* ustr) {
return uhash_hashUChars(((struct UString*)ustr)->fChars);
static UBool compareUString(const void* ustr1, const void* ustr2) {
return uhash_compareUChars(((struct UString*)ustr1)->fChars,
((struct UString*)ustr2)->fChars);
char *getModificationData(struct UFILE *file, UErrorCode *status) {
enum ETokenType modType;
struct UString modToken;
char *retValue = NULL;
modType = getNextToken(file, &modToken, status);
if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && modType == tok_open_brace) {
modType = getNextToken(file, &modToken, status);
if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && modType == tok_string) {
retValue = uprv_malloc(u_strlen(modToken.fChars)+1);
u_UCharsToChars(modToken.fChars, retValue, u_strlen(modToken.fChars)+1);
modType = getNextToken(file, &modToken, status);
if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && modType == tok_close_brace) {
return retValue;
} else {
setErrorText("Invalid modificator directive");
return NULL;
* parse
int32_t lineCount = 0;
char lastTag[200] = "";
struct SRBRoot*
parse(FileStream *f, const char *cp, const char *inputDir,
UErrorCode *status)
struct UFILE *file;
enum ETokenType type;
enum ENode node;
struct STransition t;
struct UString token;
struct UString tag;
char cTag[1024];
char cSubTag[1024];
struct SRBRoot *bundle = NULL;
struct SResource *rootTable = NULL;
struct SResource *temp = NULL;
struct SResource *temp1 = NULL;
struct SResource *temp2 = NULL;
UBool colEl = FALSE, colOverride = FALSE, ucaEl = FALSE;
UChar trueValue[] = {0x0054, 0x0052, 0x0055, 0x0045, 0x0000}; /* Just to store "TRUE" and "FALSE" */
/* UChar falseValue[] = {0x0046, 0x0041, 0x004C, 0x0053, 0x0045, 0x0000}; */ /* Unicode for "FALSE" */
/* Hashtable for keeping track of seen tag names */
struct UHashtable *data;
strcpy(lastTag, "<none>");
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) return NULL;
/* setup */
cTag = uprv_malloc(1024);
if(cTag == NULL) {
return NULL;
cSubTag = uprv_malloc(1024);
if(cSubTag == NULL) {
return NULL;
node = eInitial;
data = 0;
file = u_finit((FILE *)f, 0, cp);
lineCount = 1;
/* file = u_finit(f, cp, status); */
if(file == NULL) {
setErrorText("Could not initialize input file - most probably because of wrong converter\n");
goto finish;
bundle = bundle_open(status);
rootTable = bundle -> fRoot;
if(U_FAILURE(*status) || file == NULL) {
goto finish;
/* iterate through the stream */
for(;;) {
/* Collation tailoring rules version */
UVersionInfo version;
/* get next token from stream */
type = getNextToken(file, &token, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
switch(type) {
case tok_EOF:
*status = (node == eInitial) ? U_ZERO_ERROR : U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
setErrorText("Unexpected EOF encountered");
goto finish;
case tok_error:
goto finish;
t = GETTRANSITION(node, type);
node = t.fNext;
if(node == eError) {
goto finish;
switch(t.fAction) {
case eNOP:
/* Record the last string as the tag name */
case eSetTag:
ustr_cpy(&tag, &token, status);
u_UCharsToChars(tag.fChars, cTag, u_strlen(tag.fChars)+1);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
strcpy(lastTag, cTag);
/* fprintf(stdout, "%d: %s\n", lineCount, lastTag); //[prints all tags]
if(get(data, &tag)) {
char *s;
s = uprv_malloc(1024);
strcpy(s, "Duplicate tag name detected: ");
u_austrcpy(s+strlen(s), tag.fChars);
goto finish;
char *modificator = uprv_strchr(cTag, ':');
if(modificator != NULL) {
/* type modificator - do the type modification*/
*modificator = '\0';
ustr_setlen(&tag, uprv_strlen(cTag), status);
u_charsToUChars(cTag, tag.fChars, uprv_strlen(cTag));
/* we need to test whether we have the same name, different type here */
if(get(data, &tag)) {
char *s;
s = uprv_malloc(1024);
strcpy(s, "Duplicate tag name detected: ");
u_austrcpy(s+strlen(s), tag.fChars);
goto finish;
/* including streams of binary data */
if(uprv_strcmp(modificator, "bin") == 0) {
char *binaryValue;
char toConv[3];
uint32_t i = 0, bytesConverted = 0;
uint8_t val = 0;
uint8_t *newValue;
fprintf(stdout, "bin\n");
binaryValue = getModificationData(file, status);
if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && binaryValue != NULL) {
/* do the parsing & outputing of the data */
fprintf(stdout, "Will parse binary value %s and store it in tag: %s\n", binaryValue, cTag);
newValue = uprv_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*uprv_strlen(binaryValue));
for(i = 0; i<uprv_strlen(binaryValue); i+=2) {
toConv[0] = *(binaryValue+i);
toConv[1] = *(binaryValue+i+1);
toConv[2] = '\0';
val = (uint8_t)uprv_strtoul(toConv, NULL, 16);
newValue[bytesConverted] = val;
temp1 = bin_open(bundle, cTag, bytesConverted, newValue, status);
table_add(rootTable, temp1, status);
node = eIdle;
} else {
if(binaryValue != NULL) {
node = eError;
/* including integers */
else if(uprv_strcmp(modificator, "int") == 0) {
char *intValue;
int32_t val;
fprintf(stdout, "int\n");
intValue = getModificationData(file, status);
if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && intValue != NULL) {
/* do the parsing & outputing of the data */
fprintf(stdout, "Will parse integer value %s and store it in tag: %s\n", intValue, cTag);
val = uprv_strtol(intValue, NULL, 10);
temp1 = int_open(bundle, cTag, val, status);
fprintf(stdout, "Added integer %s, value %d -> %s\n", cTag, val,
u_errorName(*status) );
table_add(rootTable, temp1, status);
put(data, &tag, status);
node = eIdle;
} else {
if(intValue != NULL) {
node = eError;
/* importing a file and storing it in a binary object */
else if(uprv_strcmp(modificator, "import") == 0) {
FileStream *importFile;
int32_t len;
uint8_t *binData;
char *fileName;
fprintf(stdout, "import\n");
fileName = getModificationData(file, status);
if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && fileName != NULL) {
/* do the reading & outputing of the file */
fprintf(stdout, "Will read %s and store it in tag: %s\n", fileName, cTag);
/* Open the input file for reading */
if(inputDir == NULL) {
importFile = T_FileStream_open(fileName, "rb");
} else {
char *openFileName = NULL;
int32_t dirlen = uprv_strlen(inputDir);
int32_t filelen = uprv_strlen(fileName);
if(inputDir[dirlen-1] != U_FILE_SEP_CHAR) {
openFileName = (char *) uprv_malloc(dirlen+filelen+2);
uprv_strcpy(openFileName, inputDir);
openFileName[dirlen] = U_FILE_SEP_CHAR;
openFileName[dirlen+1] = '\0';
uprv_strcat(openFileName, fileName);
} else {
openFileName = (char *) uprv_malloc(dirlen+filelen+1);
uprv_strcpy(openFileName, inputDir);
uprv_strcat(openFileName, fileName);
importFile = T_FileStream_open(openFileName, "rb");
if(importFile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error! Couldn't open input file %s for tag %s\n", fileName, cTag);
node = eError;
len = T_FileStream_size(importFile);
binData = uprv_malloc(len);
temp1 = bin_open(bundle, cTag, len, binData, status);
fprintf(stdout, "Added %s, len %d -> %s\n", cTag, len,
u_errorName(*status) );
table_add(rootTable, temp1, status);
put(data, &tag, status);
node = eIdle;
} else {
if(fileName != NULL) {
node = eError;
/* array of integers, still unimplemented */
else if(uprv_strcmp(modificator, "intarray") == 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "intarray\n");
/* unknown tupe - an error */
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown %s\n", modificator);
} else if(uprv_strcmp(cTag, "CollationElements") == 0) {
colEl = TRUE;
} else if(uprv_strcmp(cTag, "%%UCARULES")==0){
ucaEl =TRUE;
/* Record a singleton string */
case eStr:
/* check if we have reached here after finding %%UCARULES */
UChar *c,*end,*ucaRulesStr;
FileStream *in =NULL;
UFILE* ufile=NULL;
int fileLength = 0;
char fileName[256]={'\0'};
char cs[128] = { '\0'};
const char* cpStr=NULL;
char start[3] ={'0'};
ucaEl=FALSE; /* reset ucaEL */
/* make the fileName including the directory */
uprv_strcat(fileName, cs);
/* open the file */
in = T_FileStream_open(fileName, "rb");
T_FileStream_read(in, start, 3);
if(start[0] == '\xFE' && start[1] == '\xFF') {
cpStr = "UTF16_BigEndian";
} else if(start[0] == '\xFF' && start[1] == '\xFE') {
cpStr = "UTF16_LittleEndian";
} else if(start[0] == '\xEF' && start[1] == '\xBB' && start[2] == '\xBF') {
cpStr = "UTF8";
ufile = u_finit((FILE*) in,0, cpStr);
if(in && ufile){
fileLength =T_FileStream_size(in);
ucaRulesStr = (UChar*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UChar) * fileLength);
c= ucaRulesStr;
end = ucaRulesStr + fileLength/2;
/* read in the rulses */
while(c < end) {
*c++ = u_fgetc(ufile);
/* couldn't read all chars */
if(c < end) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error! Couldn't read all chars from input file %s for tag %s\n", fileName, cTag);
/* Add it to bundle */
temp = string_open(bundle,cTag, ucaRulesStr, fileLength/2, status);
table_add(rootTable, temp, status);
put(data, &tag, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
temp = NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "Error! Couldn't open input file %s for tag %s\n", fileName, cTag );
goto finish;
if(temp != NULL) {
goto finish;
temp = string_open(bundle, cTag, token.fChars, token.fLength, status);
table_add(rootTable, temp, status);
/*uhash_put(data, tag.fChars, status);*/
put(data, &tag, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
temp = NULL;
/* Begin a string list */
case eBegList:
if(temp != NULL) {
goto finish;
temp = array_open(bundle, cTag, status);
temp1 = string_open(bundle, NULL, token.fChars, token.fLength, status);
array_add(temp, temp1, status);
temp1 = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
/* Record a comma-delimited list string */
case eListStr:
temp1 = string_open(bundle, NULL, token.fChars, token.fLength, status);
array_add(temp, temp1, status);
temp1 = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
/* End a string list */
case eEndList:
/*uhash_put(data, tag.fChars, status);*/
put(data, &tag, status);
table_add(rootTable, temp, status);
temp = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
case eBeg2dList:
if(temp != NULL) {
goto finish;
temp = array_open(bundle, cTag, status);
temp1 = array_open(bundle, NULL, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
case eEnd2dList:
/*uhash_put(data, tag.fChars, status);*/
put(data, &tag, status);
array_add(temp, temp1, status);
table_add(rootTable, temp, status);
temp1 = NULL;
temp = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
case e2dStr:
temp2 = string_open(bundle, NULL, token.fChars, token.fLength, status);
array_add(temp1, temp2, status);
temp2 = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
case eNewRow:
array_add(temp, temp1, status);
temp1 = array_open(bundle, NULL, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
case eBegTagged:
if(temp != NULL) {
goto finish;
temp = table_open(bundle, cTag, status);
u_UCharsToChars(token.fChars, cSubTag, u_strlen(token.fChars)+1);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
case eEndTagged:
/*uhash_put(data, tag.fChars, status);*/
put(data, &tag, status);
table_add(rootTable, temp, status);
temp = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
case eTaggedStr:
temp1 = string_open(bundle, cSubTag, token.fChars, token.fLength, status);
table_add(temp, temp1, status);
temp1 = NULL;
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
/* We have seen the Override tag aleady, now checks if the value is "TRUE" or "FALSE". */
if (uprv_strcmp(cSubTag, "Override") == 0)
if (u_strncmp(token.fChars, trueValue, u_strlen(trueValue)) == 0)
colOverride = TRUE;
} else {
colOverride = FALSE;
if(colEl && (uprv_strcmp(cSubTag, "Version") == 0)){
char tVer[40];
int32_t length=u_strlen(token.fChars);
if(length>=(int32_t)sizeof(tVer)) {
u_UCharsToChars(token.fChars, tVer, length);
if (colEl && (uprv_strcmp(cSubTag, "Sequence") == 0))
UErrorCode intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
/* uint32_t defaultRulesArrayLength = 0;*/
/* do the collation elements */
int32_t len = 0;
uint8_t *binColData = NULL;
UCollator *coll = NULL;
UChar *rules = NULL;
struct UString newTag;
coll = ucol_openRules(token.fChars, token.fLength, UCOL_DECOMP_CAN, 0, &intStatus);
if(U_SUCCESS(intStatus) && coll !=NULL) {
binColData = ucol_cloneRuleData(coll, &len, &intStatus);
coll->dataInfo.dataVersion[1] = version[0]; /*tailoring rules version*/
if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && data != NULL) {
temp1 = bin_open(bundle, "%%CollationNew", len, binColData, status);
table_add(rootTable, temp1, status);
} else {
setErrorText("Warning: could not obtain rules from collator");
} else {
setErrorText("Warning: %%Collation could not be constructed from CollationElements - check context!");
colEl = FALSE;
colOverride = FALSE;
intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
ustr_initChars(&newTag, "CollationElements", -1, &intStatus);
if(U_FAILURE(intStatus)) {
goto finish;
put(data, &newTag, &intStatus);
if(U_FAILURE(intStatus)) {
goto finish;
/* Record the last string as the subtag */
case eSubtag:
u_UCharsToChars(token.fChars, cSubTag, u_strlen(token.fChars)+1);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
if(table_get(temp, cSubTag, status) != 0) {
setErrorText("Duplicate subtag found in tagged list");
goto finish;
case eOpen:
if(data != 0) {
goto finish;
bundle_setlocale(bundle, token.fChars, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
goto finish;
data = uhash_open(hashUString, compareUString, status);
uhash_setKeyDeleter(data, freeUString);
case eClose:
if(data == 0) {
goto finish;
case eSetType:
/* type recognition */
if(!didInit) {
U_STRING_INIT(k_start_string, "string", 6);
U_STRING_INIT(k_start_binary, "binary", 6);
U_STRING_INIT(k_start_table, "table", 5);
U_STRING_INIT(k_start_int, "int", 3);
U_STRING_INIT(k_start_array, "array", 5);
U_STRING_INIT(k_start_intvector, "intvector", 9);
U_STRING_INIT(k_start_reserved, "reserved", 8);
if(u_strcmp(token.fChars, k_start_string) == 0) {
node = eGotTag;
} else if(u_strcmp(token.fChars, k_start_array) == 0) {
node = eGotTag;
} else if(u_strcmp(token.fChars, k_start_table) == 0) {
node = eGotTag;
} else if(u_strcmp(token.fChars, k_start_binary) == 0) {
/* start of binary */
} else if(u_strcmp(token.fChars, k_start_int) == 0) {
/* start of integer */
} else if(u_strcmp(token.fChars, k_start_intvector) == 0) {
/* start of intvector */
} else if(u_strcmp(token.fChars, k_start_reserved) == 0) {
/* start of reserved */
} else {
goto finish;
/* clean up */
if(data != 0)
if(file != 0)
return bundle;