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<title>ReadMe for ICU4J</title>
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<h2>ReadMe: International Components for Unicode for Java</h2>
<p>Version: 2.2 July 2002 </p>
<hr size="2" width="100%" align="center">
<p>COPYRIGHT: <br>
Copyright (c) 2002 International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights
Reserved. </p>
<hr size="2" width="100%" align="center">
<ul type="disc">
<li><a href="#introduction">Introduction to ICU4J (International Components for Unicode for Java)</a></li>
<li><a href="#license">License Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#PlatformDependencies">Platform Dependencies</a></li>
<li><a href="#download">How to Download ICU4J</a></li>
<li><a href="#WhatContain">The Structure and Contents of ICU4J</a></li>
<li><a href="#API">Where to Get Documentation</a></li>
<li><a href="#HowToInstallJavac">How to Install and Build</a></li>
<li><a href="#tryingout">Trying Out ICU4J</a></li>
<li><a href="#WhereToFindMore">Where to Find More Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#SubmittingComments">Submitting Comments, Requesting Features and Reporting
<h3><a NAME="introduction"></a><u>Introduction to ICU4J (International Components for Unicode for Java)</u></h3>
<p>Today's global market demands programs that support a wide variety
of languages and national conventions. Customers prefer software
and web pages tailored to their needs, studies confirm that
this leads to increased sales. Java provides a strong
foundation for global programs, and IBM and the ICU4J team played
a key role in providing globalization technology to Sun for use in
Java. </p>
But Java does not yet provide all the features that some products require. ICU4J is an add-on library that extends Java's globalization technology by providing the following tools:
Unicode Normalization <20> NFC, NFD, NFKD, NFKC
<blockquote>Produces canonical text representations, needed for XML and the net.</blockquote>
International Calendars <20> Arabic, Buddhist, Hebrew, and Japanese
<blockquote>Required for correct presentation of dates in some countries.</blockquote>
Number Format Enhancements <20> Scientific Notation, Spelled-out Numbers
<blockquote>Enhances standard Java number formatting. The spelled-out format is used
for checks and similar documents.</blockquote>
<li>Enhanced word-break detection <20> Rule-based, supports Thai
<blockquote>Required for correct support of Thai.</blockquote>
<li>Unicode Text Compression <20> Standard compression of Unicode text
<blockquote>Suitable for large numbers of small fields, where LZW and similar schemes
do not apply.</blockquote>
In some cases, the above support has been rolled into a later release of
Java. For example, the Thai word-break is now in Java 1.4. However, if you
are using Java 1.3, you can use the ICU4J package until you upgrade to 1.4.
<h3><a name=license></a><u>License Information</u></h3>
The ICU projects (ICU4C and ICU4J) now use the X license. The X license is a non-viral and recommended free software license that is compatible with the GNU GPL license. This became effective with release 1.8.1 of ICU4C and release 1.3.1 of ICU4J in mid-2001. All new ICU releases will adopt the X license; previous ICU releases continue to utilize the IPL (IBM Public License). Users of previous releases of ICU who want to adopt new ICU releases will need to accept the terms and conditions of the X license.
The main effect of the change is to provide GPL compatibility. The X license is listed as GPL compatible, see the gnu page at <a href=http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html#GPLCompatibleLicenses>
The text of the X license is available at <a href=http://www.x.org/terms.htm>http://www.x.org/terms.htm</a>. The IBM version contains the essential text of the license, omitting the X-specific trademarks and copyright notices.
For more details please see the <a href=http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/press.html>press announcement</a> and the <a href=http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/project_faq.html#license>Project FAQ</a>.
<h3><a NAME="PlatformDependencies"></a><u>Platform Dependencies</u></h3>
<p>Parts of ICU4J depend on functionality that is only available in Java2 (JDK1.2) or
later, although some components work under 1.1. However, all components should be
compiled using a Java 1.2.x or 1.3.x compiler, as even components that run using a 1.1.x JVM may require
language features that are only present in Java2. Currently 1.1.x is unsupported and
untested, and you use the components on a 1.1.x system at your own risk.</p>
<h3><a NAME="obtaining"></a><u>How to Download ICU4J</u></h3>
<p>There are two ways to download the ICU4J releases.
<ul type="disc">
<li><b>Official Release Snapshot:</b><br>
If you want to use ICU4J (as opposed to developing it), your best
bet is to download an official, packaged version of the ICU4J
source code. These versions are tested more thoroughly than
day-to-day development builds, and they are packaged in zip files
for convenient download. These packaged files can be found
at <a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/download/index.html">http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/download/index.html</a>. If a packaged snapshot is named <b>ICU4JXXXXXX.zip</b>, where XXXXXX is
the release version number. Please unzip this file. It
will reconstruct the source directory. </li>
<ul type="disc">
<li><b>CVS Source Repository:</b><br>
If you are interested in developing features, patches, or bug fixes for ICU4J, you should
probably be working with the latest version of the ICU4J source code. You will need to
check the code out of our CVS repository to ensure that you have the most recent version
of all of the files. There are several ways to do this: <br>
<ul type="circle">
If you want to browse the code and only make occasional downloads, you may want to use
WebCVS. It provides a convenient, web-based interface for browsing and downloading the
latest version of the ICU4J source code and documentation. You can also view each file's
revision history, display the differences between individual revisions, determine which
revisions were part of which official release, and so on. <br>
If you will be doing serious work on ICU4J, you should probably install a CVS client on
your own machine so that you can do batch operations without going through the WebCVS
interface. On Windows, we suggest the WinCVS client. To download ICU4J via WinCVS: <ol>
<li>Install the WinCVS client, which you can download from the <a
<li>Select <strong>Preferences</strong> from the <strong>Admin</strong> menu.<ol type="a">
<li>On the <strong>General</strong> tab panel: Set your <strong>CVSROOT</strong> to "<strong>:pserver:anoncvs@oss.software.ibm.com:/usr/cvs/icu4j</strong>".<br>
Leave other options on this page at their default.</li>
<li>On the <strong>Ports</strong> tab panel: Check the <strong>pserver</strong> checkbox and
enter port <strong>2401</strong>.</li>
<li>Click on the Login menu button (<strong>Admin</strong> menu). Enter in "<strong>anoncvs</strong>" when requested.</li>
<li>To extract the most recent version of ICU4J, select <strong>Checkout module</strong>
from the <strong>Create</strong> menu. Specify "<strong>icu4j</strong>" for the
module name. This will create a new copy of the workspace on your local hard drive.</li>
<li>In the future, you can download updated files from the repository to your hard drive
using the <strong>Update selection</strong> item in the <strong>Modify</strong> menu.<br>
<li>CVS command line:<br>
You can also check out the repository anonymously on UNIX using the following commands,
after first setting your CVSROOT to point to the ICU4J repository: <pre><code>export CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@oss.software.ibm.com:/usr/cvs/icu4j
cvs login CVS password: anoncvs
cvs checkout icu4j
cvs logout</code></pre>
<p>For more details on how to download ICU4J directly from the web site, please also see <a
<h3><a NAME="WhatContain"></a><u>The Structure and Contents of ICU4J</u></h3>
<p>Below, <b>$Root</b> is the placement of the icu directory in your file system, like
"drive:\...\icu4j" in your environment. "drive:\..." stands for any
drive and any directory on that drive that you chose to install icu4j into. </p>
<p><b>The following files describe the code drop:</b></p>
<table BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3">
(this file)</td>
<td>A description of ICU4J (International Components for Unicode for Java)</td>
<td>The X license, used by ICU4J</td>
<td>A convenience bat file for building ICU4J with Ant on Windows</td>
<td>A convenience sh file for building ICU4J with Ant on Unix</td>
<td>Ant build file. See <a href="#HowToInstallJavac">How to Install and Build</a> for more information</td>
<p><b>The source directories mirror the package structure of the code. They contain source code and data files:</b> </p>
<table BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3" WIDTH="623">
<td>Package that is used for internal developements. Demos, tests and tools are located here. For information about running the tests, see $Root/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/TestAll.java.</td>
<td>This package is for internal use. Classes used by different ICU4J packages but not intended for public use are located here.</td>
<td>Character properties package.</td>
<td>Mathematic manipulation.</td>
<td>Main package, containing the following components:
<li>Arabic shaping
<li>Break iteration
<li>Date formatting
<li>Number formatting
<li>String manipulation
<li>String search
<li>Unicode compression
<li>Unicode sets
<td>Calendars, time zones and other utility classes</td>
<td>$Root/src/com/ibm/richtext</td> <td>Styled text editing
package. This includes demos, tests, and GUIs for editing and
displaying styled text. The richtext package provides a
scrollable display, typing, arrow-key support, tabs, alignment and
justification, word- and sentence-selection (by double-clicking
and triple-clicking, respectively), text styles, clipboard
operations (cut, copy and paste) and a log of changes for
undo-redo. Richtext uses Java's TextLayout and complex
text support (provided to Sun by the ICU4J team).</td>
<p><b>Building ICU4J creates and populates the following directories:</b> </p>
<table BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3">
<td>contains all class files</td>
<td>contains JavaDoc for all packages</td>
<p><b>Data organization:</b> </p>
<p>Data is stored in various locations in ICU4J:
<li>Data that is "raw" data goes into <strong>$Root/src/data</strong>. This
includes things like the raw Unicode database. <strong>$Root/src/data</strong> does <em>not</em>
contain <strong>.java</strong> source files.</li>
<li>Data that is in the form of a Java class, typically (but not necessarily) a ResourceBundle,
goes into one of the packages <code>com.ibm.util.resources</code> or <code>com.ibm.text.resources</code>,
depending on whether the associated code lives in <code>com.ibm.util</code> or <code>com.ibm.text</code>.</li>
<li>Data that is not part of ICU4J proper (or its base tool set), but rather part of a test,
sample, or demo, should go near the source code of its owner. This makes it easy to ship a
core ICU4J release without optional components.</li>
<h3><u><a name="API"></a>Where to get Documentation</u></h3>
<p>The complete API documentation is available on the ICU4J web site:
<li><a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/index.html">Index to all ICU4J API</a></li>
<li>International Calendars – <a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/util/IslamicCalendar.html">Islamic</a>,
<a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/util/BuddhistCalendar.html">Buddhist</a>, <a
href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/util/HebrewCalendar.html">Hebrew</a>, <a
<li><a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/text/Normalizer.html">Unicode Normalization</a> –
Canonical text representation for W3C.</li>
<li><a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/text/NumberFormat.html">Number Format Enhancements</a> –
Scientific Notation, Spelled out.</li>
<li><a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/text/BreakIterator.html">Enhanced word-break detection</a>
– Rule-based, supports Thai</li>
<li><a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/text/StringSearch.html">Unicode Text Searching</a> –
Efficient multi-lingual searching.</li>
<li><a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/text/Transliterator.html">Transliteration</a> – A general framework for onverting text from one format to another, e.g. Cyrillic to Latin, or Hex to Unicode.
<li>Unicode Text <a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/text/UnicodeCompressor.html">Compression</a> &
<a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/doc/com/ibm/text/UnicodeDecompressor.html">Decompression</a> – 2:1
compression on English Unicode text.</li>
<h3><a NAME="HowToInstallJavac"></a><u>How to Install and Build</u></h3>
<p>To install ICU4J, simply place the prebuilt jar file <strong>icu4j.jar</strong> on your
Java CLASSPATH. No other files are needed.</p>
<p>To build ICU4J, you will need a Java2 JDK and the Ant build system.
We strongly recommend using the Ant build system to build ICU4J:</p>
<li>It's recommended to install both the JDK and Ant somewhere <em>outside</em> the ICU4J
directory. For example, on Linux you might install these
in /usr/local.</li>
<li>Install a recent JDK, version 1.3.x or 1.4.x will work.</li>
<li><p>Next install the <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/"><strong>Ant</strong></a> build
system, part of the Apache Software Foundation's <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/"><strong>Jakarta</strong></a>
project. Ant is a portable, Java-based build system similar to make. ICU4J uses Ant
because it introduces no other dependencies, it's portable, and it's easier to manage than
a collection of makefiles. We currently build ICU4J using a single makefile on both
Windows 9x and Linux using Ant. The build system requires Ant 1.4 or later.</p>
<p>Installing Ant is straightforward. Download it (see <a
extract it onto your system, set some environment variables, and add its bin directory to
your path. For example:<pre> set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3.1
set ANT_HOME=C:\jakarta-ant
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin</pre></p>
<p>See the current Ant documentation for details.</p>
<p>Once the JDK and Ant are installed, building is just a matter of
typing <strong>ant</strong> in the ICU4J root directory. This causes
the Ant build system to perform a build as specified by the file
<strong>build.xml</strong>, located in the ICU4J root directory. You
can give Ant options like -verbose, and you can specify targets. Ant
will only build what's been changed and will resolve dependencies
properly. For example:</p>
<pre>F:\icu4j>ant tests
Buildfile: build.xml
Project base dir set to: F:\icu4j
Executing Target: core
Compiling 71 source files to F:\icu4j\classes
Executing Target: tests
Compiling 24 source files to F:\icu4j\classes
Completed in 19 seconds</pre>
<p>The following are some targets that you can give after <strong>ant</strong>. For more
targets, see the build.xml file:</p>
<div align="left">
<table border="1" cellpadding="0">
<td>Build all targets.</td>
<td>Build the main class files in the subdirectory <strong>classes</strong>. If no target
is specified, core is assumed.</td>
<td>Build the test class files.</td>
<td>Build the demos.</td>
<td>Build the tools.</td>
<td>Run javadoc over the main class files, generating an HTML documentation tree in the
subdirectory <strong>doc</strong>.</td>
<td>Create a jar archive <strong>icu4j.jar</strong> in the root ICU4J directory containing
the main class files.</td>
<td>Create a zip archive of the source, docs, and jar file for distribution. The zip file <strong>icu4jYYYYMMDD.zip</strong>
will be created in the directory <em>above</em> the root ICU4J directory, where YYYYMMDD
is today's date. Any existing file of that name will be overwritten.</td>
<td>Like the <strong>zip</strong> target, without the docs and the jar file. The zip file <strong>icu4jsrcYYYYMMDD.zip</strong>
will be created in the directory <em>above</em> the root ICU4J directory.</td>
<td>Build the richedit core class files and tests.
<td>Create the richedit jar file (which contains only the richedit core class files).
The file <strong>richedit.jar</strong>
will be created in the <strong>./richedit</strong> subdirectory. Any existing file of
that name will be overwritten.</td>
<td>Create a zip archive of the richedit docs and jar file for distribution. The zip file <strong>richedit.zip</strong>
will be created in the <strong>./richedit</strong> subdirectory. Any existing file of
that name will be overwritten.</td>
<td>Remove all built targets, leaving the source.</td>
<p>For more information, read the Ant documentation and the <strong>build.xml</strong>
<p>After doing a build it is a good idea to run all the icu4j tests by typing <br>"java
-classpath $Root/classes -DUnicodeData=$Root/src/data/unicode com.ibm.test.TestAll".</p>
<p>(If you are allergic to build systems, as an alternative to using
Ant you can build by running javac and javadoc directly. This
is not recommended. You may have to manually create destination
<h3><a name="tryingout"></a><u>Trying Out ICU4J</u></h3>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> the demos provided with ICU4J are for the
most part undocumented. This list can show you where to look, but you'll
have to experiment a bit. The demos (with the
exception of richedit) are <strong>unsupported</strong> and may change
or disappear without notice.</p>
<p>The icu4j.jar file contains only the core ICU4J classes, not the
demo classes, so unless you build ICU4J there is little to try out.
To try out the <strong>richedit</strong> package, first build the richeditJar target.
This is a 'runnable' jar file. To run the richedit demo, type:
<tt><blockquote> java -jar richedit/richedit.jar</blockquote></tt>
This will present an empty edit pane with an awt interface.</p>
<p>With a fuller command line you can try out other options, for example:
<tt><blockquote> java -classpath richedit/richedit.jar com.ibm.richtext.demo.EditDemo [-swing][file]</blockquote></tt>
This will use an awt GUI, or a swing GUI if
<tt>-swing</tt> is passed on the command line. It will open a text
file if one is provided, otherwise it will open a blank page. Click
to type.</p>
You can add tabs to the tab ruler by clicking in the ruler while holding down the control key.
Clicking on an existing tab changes between left, right, center, and decimal tabs. Dragging
a tab moves it, dragging it off the ruler removes it.</p>
You can experiment with complex text by using the keymap functions.
Please note that these are mainly for demo purposes, for real work
with Arabic or Hebrew you will want to use an input method. You will
need to use a font that supports Arabic or Hebrew, 'Lucida Sans' (provided
with Java) supports these languages.</p>
<p>The other demo programs are <strong>not supported</strong> and exist only to let you
experiment with the ICU4J classes. First, build ICU4J using <tt>ant all</tt>. Then try
one of the following:
<li><tt>java -classpath classes com.ibm.demo.calendar.CalendarApp</tt>
<li><tt>java -classpath classes com.ibm.demo.holiday.HolidayCalendarDemo</tt>
<li><tt>java -classpath classes com.ibm.demo.rbbi.TextBoundDemo</tt><br>(Click in the text, then use <tt>ctrl-N</tt> and <tt>ctrl-P</tt> to select the next or previous block of text.)
<li><tt>java -classpath classes com.ibm.demo.rbnf.RbnfDemo</tt>
<li><tt>java -classpath classes com.ibm.demo.translit.Demo</tt>
<h3><a name="WhereToFindMore"></a><u>Where to Find More Information</u></h3>
<p><a href="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j">http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j</a> is a
pointer to general information about the International Components for Unicode in Java </p>
<p><a href="http://www.ibm.com/developer/unicode">http://www.ibm.com/developer/unicode</a> is a pointer to
information on how to make applications global. </p>
<h3><a NAME="SubmittingComments"></a><u>Submitting Comments, Requesting Features and
Reporting Bugs</u></h3>
<p>Your comments are important to making ICU4J successful. We are committed
to fixing any bugs, and will use your feedback to help plan future releases.</p>
<p>To submit comments, request features and report bugs, contact us through the <a href=http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/archives/index.html>ICU4J mailing list</a>.<br>
While we are not able to respond individually to each comment, we do review all comments.</p>
<p>Thanks for your interest in ICU4J!</p>
<hr size="2" width="100%" align="center">
<p>Copyright <20> 2002 International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights
Reserved. <br>
5600 Cottle Road, San Jos<6F>, CA 95193
<hr size="2" width="100%" align="center">