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<title>ReadMe for ICU</title>
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<h2>ReadMe: IBM's International Classes For Unicode</h2>
<p>Version: 07/22/1999 <br>
<p>COPYRIGHT: <br>
© Copyright Taligent, Inc., 1997 <br>
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1997 - 1999 <br>
Licensed Material - Program-Property of IBM - All Rights Reserved. <br>
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA
ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. <br>
<li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#WhatContain">What the International Classes for Unicode Contain</a></li>
<li><a href="#API">API overview</a></li>
<li><a href="#PlatformDependencies">Platform Dependencies</a></li>
<li><a href="#ImportantNotes">Important Notes regarding Win32</a></li>
<li><a href="#HowToInstall">How to Install/Build</a></li>
<li><a href="#addlocaledatafile">How to add a locale data file</a></li>
<li><a href="#addrbdatatoapp">How to add resource bundle data to your application</a></li>
<li><a href="#WhereCollation">Where Collation Data is Stored</a></li>
<li><a href="#CharsetConvert">Character Set Conversion Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#ProgrammingNotes">Programming Notes</a></li>
<li><a href="#WhereToFindMore">Where to Find More Information</a></li>
<li><a href="#SubmittingComments">Submitting Comments, Requesting Features and Reporting
<h3><a NAME="introduction"></a><u>Introduction</u></h3>
<p>Today's software market is a global one in which it is desirable to develop and
maintain one application that supports a wide variety of national languages. IBM's
International Classes for Unicode provides the following tools to help you write language
independent applications:
<li>UnicodeString supporting the Unicode 3.0 standard</li>
<li>Resource bundles for storing and accessing localized information</li>
<li>Number formatters for converting binary numbers into text strings for meaningful display</li>
<li>Date and time formatters for converting internal time data into text strings for
meaningful display</li>
<li>Message formatters for putting together sequences of strings, numbers dates and other
format to create messages</li>
<li>Text collation supporting language sensitive comparison of strings</li>
<li>Text boundary analysis for finding characters, word and sentence boundaries</li>
<li>Changing simple data files rather than modifying program code easily localizes
applications written using these tools</li>
<li>Over 150 locales supported. Visit <a
site for a demonstration and a full list of supported locales</li>
<p>It is possible to support additional locales by adding more locale data files, with no
code changes. </p>
<p>Please refer to POSIX programmer's Guide for details on what the ISO locale ID means. </p>
<p>Your comments are important to making this release successful. We are committed
to fixing any bugs, and will also use your feedback to help plan future releases. </p>
<b><u><p>IMPORTANT</u>: Please make sure you understand the <a href="license.html">Copyright
and License information</a>.</b></p>
<p> </p>
<h3><a NAME="WhatContain"></a><u>What the International Classes For Unicode Contain</u></h3>
<p>All files are contained in <b>icu-XXXXXX.zip.</b> <br>
Please unzip this file. It will re-construct the source directory. Please be sure to
do "<strong>unzip -a icu-XXXXXX.zip -d drive:\directory</strong>" or use WinZip
on Win32 platforms. This will convert the line feed/carriage return characters
correctly on windows. </p>
<p>Below, <b>$Root</b> is the placement of the icu directory in your file system, like
"drive:\...\icu" in your environment. "drive:\..." stands for any
drive and any directory on that drive that you chose to install icu into.</p>
<p><b>The following files describe the code drop:</b> <br>
<table BORDER="1">
<td>readme.html (this file)</td>
<td>describes the IBM's International Classes for Unicode</td>
<td>contains IBM's public license</td>
<p><b>The following directories contain source code and data files:</b> <br>
<table BORDER="1" WIDTH="623">
<td WIDTH="20%">$Root\source\common\</td>
<td WIDTH="80%">The utility classes, such as ResourceBundle, Unicode, Locale,
UnicodeString. The codepage conversion library API, UnicodeConverter.</td>
<td WIDTH="20%">$Root\source\i18n\</td>
<td WIDTH="80%">The collation source files, Collator, RuleBasedCollator and
CollationKey. <br>
The text boundary API, which locates character, word, sentence, and <br>
line breaks. <br>
The format API, which formats and parses data in numeric or date format to and from text.</td>
<td WIDTH="20%">$Root\source\test\intltest\</td>
<td WIDTH="80%">A test suite including all C++ APIs. For information about running the
test suite, see <a href="docs/intltest.html">docs\intltest.html</a>.</td>
<td WIDTH="20%">$Root\source\test\cintltst\</td>
<td WIDTH="80%">A test suite including all C APIs. For information about running the test
suite, see <a href="docs/cintltst.html">docs\cintltst.html.</a></td>
<td WIDTH="20%">$Root\data\</td>
<td WIDTH="80%">The Unicode 3.0 data file. Please see <a
href="http://www.unicode.org/">http://www.unicode.org/</a> for more information. <br>
This directory also contains the resource files for all international objects. These
files are of three types: <ul>
<li>TXT files contain general locale data. </li>
<li>RES files contain non-portable locale data files which are generated by the <strong>genrb</strong>
<li>COL files are non-portable packed binary collation data files which are created by the <strong>gencol</strong>
tool. </li>
<li>UCM files which contain mapping tables {from,to} Unicode in text format</li>
<li>CNV files are non-portable packed binary conversion data generated by the <strong>makeconv</strong>
<td WIDTH="20%">$Root\source\tools\genrb</td>
<td WIDTH="80%">This tool converts the portable locale data files in text format to
machine-specific binary format for resource bundle performance efficiency.</td>
<td WIDTH="20%">$Root\source\tools\gencol</td>
<td WIDTH="80%">This tool converts the collation rules in the portable locale data files
in text format to machine-specific binary collation data.</td>
<td WIDTH="20%">$Root\source\tools\makeconv</td>
<td WIDTH="80%">This tool converts the native encoding to/from UCS-2 mapping table in text
format to machine-specific binary format.</td>
<p> <b>The following directories are populated when you've built the framework:</b> <br>
(on Unix, replace $Root with the value given to the file "configure") <br>
<table BORDER="1">
<td>contains all the public header files.</td>
<td>contains the libraries for static/dynamic linking or executable programs.</td>
<p><b>The following diagram shows the main directory structure of the IBM's International
Classes for Unicode:</b> </p>
<pre> icu-NNNN
output icu
_____|_____ ______________|______________________________
| | | | | | |
libraries programs include data source | |
(built) (built) (built) | readme.html license.html
| | | | | |
common i18n test extra tools samples
| |
___|___ ___|_________________
| | | | | |
intltest cintltst makeconv ctestfw genrb ....</pre>
<h3><a NAME="API"></a><u>API Overview</u></h3>
<p>In the International Classes for Unicode, there are two categories:
<li>Low-level Unicode/Resource Attributes: (<strong>icuuc</strong> library)<ul>
<li><a href="docs/utilCL.html">Utility Classes</a></li>
<li>Conversion Interface</li>
<li>High-level Unicode Internationalization: (<strong>icui18n</strong> library)<ul>
<li><a href="docs/boundCL.html">Text Boundary Classes</a></li>
<li><a href="docs/collateCL.html">Collation Classes</a></li>
<li><a href="docs/formatCL.html">Formatting Classes</a></li>
<p>See IBM's<a href="docs/codeConv.html"> International Classes for Unicode Code
Conventions</a> for a discussion of code conventions common to all library classes. </p>
<p>See also <a href="html/aindex.html">html/aindex.html</a> for an alphabetical index, and
<a href="html/HIERjava.html">html/HIERjava.html</a> for a hierarchical index to detailed
API documentation. <br>
<h3><a NAME="PlatformDependencies"></a><u>Platform Dependencies</u></h3>
<p>The platform dependencies have been isolated into the following 4 files:
<li><u>platform.h.in:</u> Platform-dependent typedefs and defines:</li>
<li>XP_CPLUSPLUS is defined for C++</li>
<li>bool_t, TRUE and FALSE, int8_t, int16_t etc.</li>
<li>U_EXPORT and U_IMPORT for specifying dynamic library import and export</li>
<li><u>putil.c:</u> platform-dependent implementations of various functions that are
platform dependent: (declared in putil.h)</li>
<li>icu_isNaN, icu_isInfinite(double), icu_getNaN(); icu_getInfinity for handling special
floating point values</li>
<li>icu_tzset, icu_timezone, icu_tzname and time for reading platform specific time and
timezone information</li>
<li>icu_getDefaultDataDirectory, icu_getDefaultLocaleID for reading the locale setting and
data directory</li>
<li>icu_isBigEndian for finding the endianess of the platform</li>
<li>icu_nextDouble is used specifically by the ChoiceFormat API.</li>
<li><u>mutex.h and mutex.cpp</u>: Code for doing synchronization in multithreaded
applications. If you wish to use IBM's International Classes for Unicode in a
multithreaded application, you must provide a synchronization primitive that the classes
can use to protect their global data against simultaneous modifications. See <a
href="docs/mutex.html">docs\mutex.html</a> for more information.</li>
<li>We supply sample implementations for WinNT, Win95, Sun, Linux and for AIX on an RS/6000.</li>
<li>If you are changing the platform-dependent files, ptypes.h and putil.h may also be
interesting, but shouldn't have to be changed. If you think any other files than the ones
mentioned above have platform dependencies, please contact us.</li>
<li>For the Intltest test suite, intltest.cpp in "icu\source\test\intltest\"
contains the method pathnameInContext, which must also be adapted to any new platform.</li>
<h3><a NAME="ImportantNotes"></a><b><u>Important Notes Regarding Win32</u></b></h3>
<p>If you are building on the Win32 platform, it is important that you understand a few
build details: </p>
<p><u>DLL directories and the PATH setting:</u> As delivered, the IBM's International
Classes for Unicode build as several DLLs. These DLLs are placed in the directories
"icu\bin\Debug" and "icu\bin\Release". You must add either of
these directories to the PATH environment variable in your system, or any executables you
build will not be able to access IBM's International Classes for Unicode libraries.
Alternatively, you can copy the DLL files into a directory already in your PATH, but we do
not recommend this -- you can wind up with multiple copies of the DLL, and wind up using
the wrong one. </p>
<p><u>To change your PATH:</u> Do this under NT by using the System control panel.
Pick the "Environment" tab, select the variable PATH in the lower box. In
the "value" box, append the string ";drive:\...\icu\bin\Debug" at the
end of the path string. If there is nothing there, just type in
"drive:\...\icu\bin\Debug". Click the Set button, then the Ok button. </p>
<p><u>Link with Runtime libraries:</u> All the DLLs link with the C runtime library
"Debug Multithreaded DLL" or "Multithreaded DLL." (This is changed
through the Project Settings dialog, on the C/C++ tab, under Code Generation.) It is
important that any executable or other DLL you build which uses the IBM's International
Classes for Unicode DLLs links with these runtime libraries as well. If you do not do
this, you will seemingly get memory errors when you run the executable. <br>
<h3><a NAME="HowToInstall"></a><u>How to Install/Build on Win NT</u></h3>
<p>Building IBM's International Classes for Unicode requires:
<li>Microsoft NT 3.51 or above</li>
<li>Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (Service Pack 2 is required to work with the release build of
max speed optimization).</li>
<p>The steps are:
<li>Unzip the icu-XXXX.zip file, type "unzip -a icu-XXXX.zip -d drive:\directory"
under command prompt or use WinZip. drive:\directory\icu is the root ($Root)
directory (you may but don't need to place "icu" into another directory). If you
change the root, you will change the project settings accordingly in EACH makefile in the
project, updating the include and library paths.</li>
<li>Set the environment variable <strong>ICU_DATA</strong>, the full pathname of the data
directory, to indicate where the locale data files and conversion mapping tables are.</li>
<li>Start Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.</li>
<li>Choose "File" menu and select "Open WorkSpace".</li>
<li>In the file chooser, choose icu\source\allinone\allinone.dsw. Open this workspace.</li>
<li>This workspace includes all the IBM's International Classes for Unicode libraries,
necessary tools as well as intltest and cintltest test suite projects.</li>
<li>Set the active Project. Choose "Project" menu and select "Set active
project". In the submenu, select "intltest".</li>
<li>Set the active configuration ("Win32 Debug" or "Win32 Release") and
make sure this matches your PATH setting as described in the previous chapter. (See note
<li>Choose "Build" menu and select "Rebuild All". If you want to build
the Debug and Release configurations at the same time, choose "Build" menu and
select "Batch Build..." instead (and mark all configurations as checked), then
click the button named "Rebuild All".</li>
<li>Repeat steps 7-9 for makeconv (set active project to "makeconv"), genrb
("genrb") and gencol ("gencol") tools.</li>
<li>Run the mkcnvfle.bat script to create the converter data files in binary format. The
script requires two arguments, where first is either "Release" or
"Debug" reflecting the type of build and the second is path to the icu
<li>Run the genrb.bat script to create the locale data files in binary format. The script
requires two arguments, where first is either "Release" or "Debug"
reflecting the type of build and the second is path to the icu directory</li>
<li>Run the gencol.exe program to pre-load the collation data and create the collation data
in binary format.</li>
<li>Save the value of the <strong>TZ</strong> environment variable and then set it to <strong>PST8PDT</strong>.
<li>Reopen the "allinone" project file and run the "intltest" test.
Reset the <strong>TZ</strong> value.</li>
<li>To run the C test suite, set "cintltst" as the active project, repeat steps 8,
9 and then run the "cintltst" test..</li>
<li>Build and run as outlined above.</li>
<p>Note: </b>To set the active configuration, two different possibilities are:
<li>Choose "Build" menu, select "Set Active Configuration", and select
"Win32 Release" or "Win32 Debug".</li>
<li>Another way is to select "Customize" in the "Tools" menu, select the
"Toolbars" tab, enable "Build" instead of "Build Minibar",
and click on "Close". This will bring up a toolbar which you can move aside the
other permanent toolbars at the top of the MSVC window. The advantage is that you now have
an easy-to-reach pop-up menu which will always show the currently selected active
configuration. Or, you can drag the project and configuration selectiors and drop
them on the menu bar for later selection.</li>
<p>It is also possible to build each library individually, using the workspaces in each
respective directory. They have to be built in the following order: <br>
1. common <br>
2. i18n <br>
3. makeconv<br>
4. genrb<br>
5. gencol<br>
6. ctestfw <br>
7. intltest and cintltst, if you want to run
the test suite. <br>
Regarding the test suite, please read the directions in <a href="docs/intltest.html">docs/intltest.html</a>
and <a href="docs/cintltst.html">docs/cintltst.html</a> </p>
<h3>How to Install/Build on Unix</h3>
<p>There is a set of Makefiles for Unix which supports Linux w/gcc, Solaris w/gcc and
Workshop CC. and AIX w/xlc. </p>
<p>Building IBM's International Classes for Unicode on Unix requires: </p>
<p>A UNIX C++ compiler, (gcc, cc, xlc_r, etc...) installed on the target machine. A recent
version of GNU make (3.7+). </p>
<p>The steps are:
<li>Unzip the icu-XXXX.zip file with the "-a" option.</li>
<li>Before running the test programs or samples, please set the environment variable <strong>ICU_DATA</strong>,
the full pathname of the data directory, to indicate where the locale data files and
conversion mapping tables are. If this variable is not set, the default user data
directory will be used.</li>
<li>Change directory to the "icu/source".</li>
<li>If it is not already set, please set the executable flag for the following files (by
executing 'chmod +x' command): configure, install.sh and config.*, </li>
<li>Type "./configure" or type "./configure --help" to print the
avialable options.</li>
<li>Type "make" to compile the libraries and all the data files.</li>
<li>Optionally, type "make check" to verify the test suite.</li>
<li>Type "Make install" to install.</li>
<p>It is also possible to build each library individually, using the Makefiles in each
respective directory. They have to be built in the following order: <br>
1. common <br>
2. i18n <br>
3. makeconv <br>
4. genrb<br>
5. gencol<br>
6. ctestfw <br>
7. intltest and cintltst, if you want to run
the test suite. <br>
Regarding the test suite, please read the directions in <a href="docs/intltest.html">docs/intltest.html</a>
and <a href="docs/cintltst.html">docs/cintltst.html</a> </p>
<p><a NAME="addlocaledatafile"></a> </p>
<h3><u>How to add a locale data file</u></h3>
<p>To add locale data files to IBM's International Classes for Unicode do the following: </p>
<p>1. Create a file containing the key-value pairs which value you are overriding from the
parent locale data file. <br>
Make sure the filename is the locale ID with the extension
".txt". We recommend you copy parent file and change the values <br>
that need to be changed, remove all other key-pairs. Be sure to update
the locale ID key (the outmost brace) with <br>
the name of the locale id your a creating.</p>
<p>2. Name the file with locale ID you are creating with a ".txt" at the end.</p>
<p>e.g. fr_BF.txt <br>
Would create a locale that inherits all the key-value pairs from fr.txt.</p>
<p>3. Add the name of that file (without the ".txt" extension) as a single line
in "index.txt" file in the default locale directory (icu/data/).</p>
<p>4. Run the genrb tool to convert the file into binary format. Under the command
prompt, type:</p>
<p><font face="Courier New">> genrb \Full Path\fr_BF.txt</font></p>
<p><a NAME="addrbdatatoapp"></a></p>
<b><u><font size="+1">
<p>How to add resource bundle data to your application</font></u></b> </p>
<p>Adding resource bundle data to your application is quite simple: </p>
<p>Create resource bundle files with the right format and names in a directory for
resource bundles you create in your application directory tree.(for more information of
that format of these files see <a
bundle format)</a> <br>
Use that same directory name (absolute path) when instantiating a resource bundle at run
<p><a NAME="WhereCollation"></a></p>
<h3><u>Where Collation Data is stored</u></h3>
<p>Collation data is stored in a single directory on a local disk. Each locale's data is
stored in a corresponding ASCII text file indicated by a "CollationElements" tag
. For instance, the data for de_CH is stored with a tag "CollationElements" in a
file named "de_CH.txt". Reading the collation data from these files can be
time-consuming, especially for large pieces of data that occur in languages such as
Japanese. For this reason, the Collation Framework implements a second file format, a
performance-optimized, non-portable, binary format. These binary files are generated
automatically by the framework the first time a collation table is parsed. They have names
of the form "de_CH.col". Once the files are generated by the framework, future
loading of those collations occur from the binary file, rather than the text file, at much
higher speed. </p>
<p>In general, you don't have to do anything special with these files. They can be
generated directly by using the "gencol" tool. In addition, they can also
be generated and used automatically by the framework, without intervention on your part.
However, there are situations in which you will have to regenerate them. To do so, you
must manually delete the ".col" files from your collation data directory and
re-run the gencol tool.</p>
<p>You will need to regenerate your ".col" files in the following circumstances:
<li>You are moving your data to another platform. Since the ".col" files are
non-portable, you must make sure they are regenerated.</li>
<li><b>DO NOT </b>copy them from one platform to another.</li>
<li>You have changed the "CollationElements" data in the locale's ".txt"
file. Note that if you change the default rules for some reason, which underlie all
collations, then you will have to rebuild ALL your ".col" files, since they all
are merged with the default rule set.</li>
<h3><a NAME="CharsetConvert"></a><u>Character Set Conversion Information</u></h3>
<p>The charset conversion library provides ways to convert simple text strings (e.g.,
char*) such as ISO 8859-1 to and from Unicode. The objective is to provide clean, simple,
reliable, portable and adaptable data structures and algorithms to support the IBM's
International Classes for Unicode's character codeset Conversion APIs. The conversion data
in the library originated from the NLTC lab in IBM. The IBM character set conversion
tables are publicly available in the published IBM document called "CHARACTER DATA
library includes single-byte, double-byte and some UCS encodings to and from Unicode. This
document can be ordered through Mechanicsberg and it comes with 2 CD ROMs which have
machine readable conversion tables on them. The license agreement is included in IBM's
International Classes for Unicode agreement. </p>
<p>To order the document in the US you can call 1-800-879-2755 and request document number
SC09-2190-00. The cost of this publication is $75.00 US not including tax. </p>
<p>Currently, the support code pages are: </p>
<p><font face="Courier New">ibm-1004: PC Data Latin-1<br>
ibm-1008: Arabic 8bit ISO/ASCII<br>
ibm-1038: Adobe Symbol Set<br>
ibm-1089: ISO-8859-6<br>
ibm-1112: MS Windows Baltic Rim<br>
ibm-1116: PC Data Estonia<br>
ibm-1117: PC Data Latvia<br>
ibm-1118: PC Data Lithuania<br>
ibm-1119: PC Data Russian<br>
ibm-1123: Cyrillic Ukraine EBCDIC<br>
ibm-1140: </font><font COLOR="#000000" size="3" face="Courier New">EBCDIC USA, Canada,
Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand - EBCDIC: Italy</font><font
face="Courier New"><br>
ibm-1141: EBCDIC Germany, Austria<br>
ibm-1142: EBCDIC Denmark etc.<br>
ibm-1143: EBCDIC Sweden<br>
ibm-1144: EBCDIC Italy<br>
ibm-1145: EBCDIC Spain<br>
ibm-1146: EBCDIC UK Irland<br>
ibm-1147: EBCDIC France<br>
ibm-1148: EBCDIC International Latin-1<br>
ibm-1250: MS-Windows Latin-2<br>
ibm-1251: MS-Windows Cyrillic<br>
ibm-1252: MS-Windows Latin-1<br>
ibm-1253: MS-Windows Greek<br>
ibm-1254: MS-Windows Turkey<br>
ibm-1255: MS-Windows Hebrew<br>
ibm-1256: MS-Windows Arabic<br>
ibm-1257: MS-Windows Baltic Rim<br>
ibm-1258: MS-Windows Vietnamese<br>
ibm-1275: Apple Latin-1<br>
ibm-1276: Adobe (Postscript) Standard Encoding<br>
ibm-1277: Adobe (Postscript) Latin-1<br>
ibm-1280: Apple Greek<br>
ibm-1281: Apple Turkey<br>
ibm-1282: Apple Central European<br>
ibm-1283: Apple Cyrillic<br>
ibm-1361: Korean EUC Windows cp949<br>
ibm-1383: Simplified Chinese EUC<br>
ibm-1386: Simplified Chinese GBK<br>
ibm-290: Japanese Katakana SBCS<br>
ibm-37 : </font><font COLOR="#000000" size="3" face="Courier New">CECP: USA, Canada
(ESA*), Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand - MS Windows, Hebrew</font><font
face="Courier New"><br>
ibm-420: Arabic (with presentation forms)<br>
ibm-424: Hebrew<br>
ibm-437: PC Data PC Base USA<br>
ibm-813: ISO-8859-7<br>
ibm-833: Korean Host Extended SBCS<br>
ibm-852: PC Data Latin-2 Multilingual<br>
ibm-855: PC Data Cyrillic<br>
ibm-856: PC Data Hebrew<br>
ibm-857: PC Data Turkey<br>
ibm-858: PC Data with EURO<br>
ibm-859: PC Latin-9<br>
ibm-860: PC Data Portugal<br>
ibm-861: PC Data Iceland<br>
ibm-863: PC Data Canada<br>
ibm-864: PC Data Arabic<br>
ibm-865: PC Data Denmark<br>
ibm-866: PC Data Russian<br>
ibm-867: PC Data Hebrew<br>
ibm-868: PC Data Urdu<br>
ibm-869: PC Data Greek<br>
ibm-874: PC Data Thai<br>
ibm-878: Russian Internet koi8-r<br>
ibm-912: ISO-8859-2<br>
ibm-913: ISO-8859-3<br>
ibm-914: ISO-8859-4<br>
ibm-915: ISO-8859-5<br>
ibm-916: ISO-8859-8<br>
ibm-920: ISO-8859-9<br>
ibm-921: Baltic 8bit<br>
ibm-922: Estonia 8bit<br>
ibm-923: ISO-8859-15<br>
ibm-930: Japanese Katakana-Kanji Host<br>
ibm-933: Korean Host Mixed<br>
ibm-935: Simplified Chinese Host Mixed<br>
ibm-937: Traditional Chinese Host Mixed<br>
ibm-942: Japanese PC Data Mixed<br>
ibm-943: Japanese PC Data for Open Environment<br>
ibm-949: KS Code PC Data Mixed<br>
ibm-950: BIG-5<br>
ibm-970: Korean EUC</font></p>
<h3><a NAME="ProgrammingNotes"></a><u>Programming Notes</u></h3>
<h4><b><u>Reporting Errors</u></b></h4>
<p>In order for the code to be portable, only a subset of the C++ language that will
compile correctly on even the oldest of C++ compilers (and also to provide a usable C
interface) can be used in the implementation, which means that there's no use the C++
exception mechanism in the code. </p>
<p>After considering many alternatives, the decision was that every function that can fail
takes an error-code parameter by reference. This is always the last parameter in the
function’s parameter list. The ErrorCode type is defined as a enumerated type. Zero
represents no error, positive values represent errors, and negative values represent
non-error status codes. Macros were provided, SUCCESS and FAILURE, to check the error
code. </p>
<p>The ErrorCode parameter is an input-output parameter. Every function tests the error
code before doing anything else, and immediately exits if it’s a FAILURE error code.
If the function fails later on, it sets the error code appropriately and exits without
doing any other work (except, of course, any cleanup it has to do). If the function
encounters a non-error condition it wants to signal (such as "encountered an
unmappable character" in transcoding), it sets the error code appropriately and
continues. Otherwise, the function leaves the error code unchanged. </p>
<p>Generally, only functions that don’t take an ErrorCode parameter, but call
functions that do, have to declare one. Almost all functions that take an ErrorCode
parameter and also call other functions that do merely have to propagate the error code
they were passed down to the functions they call. Functions that declare a new ErrorCode
parameter must initialize it to ZERO_ERROR before calling any other functions. </p>
<p>The rationale here is to allow a function to call several functions (that take error
codes) in a row without having to check the error code after each one. [A function usually
will have to check the error code before doing any other processing, however, since it is
supposed to stop immediately after receiving an error code.] Propagating the error-code
parameter down the call chain saves the programmer from having to declare one everywhere,
and also allows us to more closely mimic the C++ exception protocol. </p>
<h4><b><u>C Function and Data Type Naming</u></b></h4>
<p>Function names.</b> If a function is identical (or almost identical) to an ANSI or
POSIX function, we give it the same name and (as much as possible) the same parameter
list. A "u" is prepended onto the beginning of the name. </p>
<p>For functions that exist prior to version 1.2.1, that the function name should begin
with a lower-case "u". After the "u" is a short code identifying the
subsystem it belongs to (e.g., "loc", "rb", "cnv",
"coll", etc.). This code is separated from the actual function name by an
underscore, and the actual function name can be anything. For example, </p>
<pre><font size="-1">UChar* uloc_getLanguage(...);
void uloc_setDefaultLocale(...);
UChar* ures_getString(...);</font></pre>
<p><b>Struct and enum type names.</b> For structs and enum types, the rule is that their
names begin with a capital "U." There is no underscore for struct names.</p>
<pre><font size="-1" face="Courier New"> UResourceBundle;
<p>Enum value names.</b> Enumeration values have names that begin with "UXXX"
where XXX stands for the name of the functional category.</p>
<pre><font size="-1" face="Courier New">UNUM_DECIMAL;
<p>Macro names.</b> Macro names are in all caps, but there are currently no other
requirements. </p>
<p><b>Constant names.</b> Many constant names (constants defined with "const",
not macros defined with "#define" that are used as constants) begin with a
lowercase k, but this isn’t universally enforced. </p>
<h4><b><u>Preflighting and Overflow Handling</u></b></h4>
<p>In ICU's C APIs, the user needs to adhere to the following principles for consistency
across all functional categories:
<li>All the Unicode string processing should be expressed in terms of a UChar* buffer that
is always null terminated.</li>
<li>The APIs assume that the input string parameters are statically allocated fix-sized
character buffers.</li>
<li>When the value a function is going to return is already stored as a constant value in
static space (e.g., it’s coming from a fixed table, or is stored in a cache), the
function will just return the const UChar* pointer.</li>
<li>When the function can’t return a UChar* to storage the user doesn’t have to
delete, the caller needs to pass in a pointer to a character buffer that the function can
fill with the result. This pointer needs to be accompanied by a int32_t parameter that
gives the size of the buffer.</li>
<p>To find out how large the result buffer should be, ICU provides a <strong>preflighting</strong>
C interface. The interface works like this:
<li>When using the "<b>preflighting</b>" option: you need to pass the function a
NULL pointer for the buffer pointer, and the function returns the actual size of the
result. You can then choose to allocate a buffer of the correct size and re-run the
operation if you would like to.</li>
<li>After allocating a buffer of some reasonable size on the stack and passes that to the
function, if the result can fit in that buffer, everything works fine. If the result
doesn’t fit, the function will return the actual size needed. You can then
allocate a buffer of the correct size on the heap and try calling the same function again.</li>
<li>Now you have created a buffer of some reasonable size on the stack and passes it to the
function. If you don't care about the completeness of the result and the allocated
buffer is too small, you can continue on using the truncated result.</li>
<p>The following three options demonstrates how to use the preflighting interface, </p>
<pre><font size="-1"><font face="Courier New">/**
</font> * @param result is a pointer to where the actual result will be.
* @param maxResultSize is the number of characters the buffer pointed to be result has room for.
* @return The actual length of the result (counting the terminating null)
int32_t doSomething( /* input params */, UChar* result,
int32_t maxResultSize,<font
face="Courier New"> UErrorCode* err);</font></font></pre>
<p>In this sample, if the actual result doesn’t fit in the space available in <font
size="-1" face="Courier New">maxResultSize</font>, this function returns the amount of
space necessary to hold the result, and result holds as many characters of the actual
result as possible. If you don’t care about this, no further action is necessary. If
you <i>do </i>care about the truncated characters, you can then allocate a buffer on the
heap of the size specified by the return value and call the function again, passing <i>that
</i>buffer’s address for result. </p>
<p>All preflighting functions have a fill-in <font size="-1" face="Courier New">ErrorCode</font>
parameter (and follow the normal <font size="-1" face="Courier New">ErrorCode</font>
rules), even if they are not currently doing so. Buffer overflow would be treated as a
FAILURE error condition, but would <i>not</i> be reported when the caller passes in NULL
for <font size="-1" face="Courier New">actualResultSize</font> (presumably, a NULL for
this parameter means the client doesn’t care if he got a buffer overflow). All other
failing error conditions will overwrite the "buffer overflow" error, e.g. <font
face="Courier New">MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR</font> etc..</p>
<h4><b><u>Arrays as return types</u></b></h4>
<p>Returning an array of strings is fairly easy in C++, but very hard in C. Instead of
returning the array pointer directly, we opted for an iterative interface instead: split
the function into two functions. One returns the number of elements in the array,
and the other one returns a single specified element from the array.</p>
<pre><font size="-1" face="Courier New">int32_t countArrayItems(/* params */);
int32_t getArrayElement(int32_t elementIndex, /* other params */,
UChar* result, int32_t maxResultSize, UErrorCode* err);</font></pre>
<p>In this case, iterating across all the elements in the array would amount to a call to
the count() function followed by multiple calls to the getElement() function. </p>
<pre><font size="-1" face="Courier New">for (i = 0; i < countArrayItems(...); i++) {
UChar element[50];
getArrayItem(i, ..., element, 50, &err);
/* do something with element */
<p>In the case of the resource bundle <font face="Courier New">ures_XXXX</font> functions
returning 2-dimensional arrays, the getElement() function takes both x and y coordinates
for the desired element, and the count() function returns the number of arrays (x axis).
Since the size of each array element in the resource 2-D arrays should always be
the same, this provides an easy-to-use C interface. </p>
<pre><font size="-1" face="Courier New">void countArrayItems(int32_t* rows, int32_t* columns,
/* other params */);
int32_t get2dArrayElement(int32_t rowIndex,
int32_t colIndex,
/* other params */,
UChar* result,
int32_t maxResultSize,
UErrorCode* err);</font></pre>
<h3><a NAME="WhereToFindMore"></a><u>Where to Find More Information</u></h3>
<a href="http://www.ibm.com/java/tools/international-classes/">
<p>http://www.ibm.com/java/tools/international-classes/</a> is a pointer to general
information about the International Classes For Unicode. </p>
<p><a href="html/aindex.html">html/aindex.html</a> is an alphabetical index to detailed
API documentation. <br>
<a href="html/HIERjava.html">html/HIERjava.html</a> is a hierarchical index to detailed
API documentation. </p>
<p><a href="docs/collate.html">docs\collate.html</a> is an overview to Collation. </p>
<p><a href="docs/BreakIterator.html">docs\BreakIterator.html</a> is a diagram showing how
BreakIterator processes text elements. </p>
<p><a href="http://www.ibm.com/java/education/international-unicode/unicode1.html">http://www.ibm.com/java/education/international-unicode/unicode1.html</a>
is a pointer to information on how to make applications global. <br>
<h3><a NAME="SubmittingComments"></a><u>Submitting Comments, Requesting Features and
Reporting Bugs</u></h3>
<p>To submit comments, request features and report bugs, please contact us. While we
are not able to respond individually to each comment, we do review all comments. Send
Internet email to <a href="mailto:icu4c@us.ibm.com">icu4c@us.ibm.com.</a> <br>
<p>© Copyright 1997 Taligent, Inc. <br>
© Copyright 1997-1999 IBM Corporation <br>
IBM Center for Java Technology Silicon Valley, <br>
10275 N De Anza Blvd., Cupertino, CA 95014 <br>
All rights reserved. </p>