368 lines
12 KiB
368 lines
12 KiB
// ***************************************************************************
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// * Copyright (C) 1997-2003, International Business Machines
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vi {
Version { "2.0" }
AmPmMarkers {
collations {
standard {
Version { "3.0" }
Sequence { "[normalization on]"
// accented letters are actually ordered like this:
// grave, hook above, tilde, acute, dot below.
// primary differences
// Note many of the country names have dashes in the name. This seems to be correct.
// Translations that are done poorly seem to remove them. This doesn't mean that all the dashes are correct,
// but care should be taken before removing them.
Countries {
AE { "C\u00e1c Ti\u1ec3u V\u01b0\u01a1ng qu\u1ed1c A-r\u1eadp Th\u1ed1ng nh\u1ea5t" }
AF { "\u00c1p-ga-ni-xtan" }
AG { "An-ti-gu-a v\u00e0 Ba-bu-\u0111a" }
AL { "An-ba-ni" }
AM { "\u00c1c-m\u00ea-ni-a" }
AO { "\u0102ng-g\u00f4-la" }
AR { "\u00c1c-hen-ti-na" }
AT { "\u00c1o" } // \u00c1o Qu\u1ed1c ?
AU { "\u00dac \u00d0\u1ea1i L\u1ee3i" }
AZ { "Ai-d\u00e9c-bai-gian" }
BA { "B\u00f4-xni-a H\u00e9c-x\u00ea-g\u00f4-vi-na" }
BB { "B\u00e1c-ba-\u0111\u1ed1t" }
BD { "B\u0103ng-la-\u0111\u00e9t" }
BE { "B\u1ec9" }
BF { "Bu\u1ed1c-ki-na Pha-x\u00f4" }
BG { "Bun-ga-ri" }
BH { "Ba-ren" }
BI { "Bu-run-\u0111i" }
BJ { "B\u00ea-nanh" }
BN { "Bru-n\u00e2y" }
BO { "B\u00f4-li-vi-a" }
BR { "Bra-xin" }
BS { "Ba-ha-ma" }
BW { "B\u1ed1t-xoa-na" }
BY { "B\u00ea-la-r\u00fat" }
BZ { "B\u00ea-li-x\u00ea" }
CA { "Ca-na-\u0111a" }
CF { "C\u1ed9ng h\u00f2a Trung Phi" }
CG { "C\u00f4ng-g\u00f4" }
CH { "Thu\u1ef5 S\u0129" }
CI { "B\u1edd Bi\u1ec3n Ng\u00e0" }
CL { "Chi-l\u00ea" }
CM { "Ca-m\u01a1-run" }
CN { "Trung Qu\u1ed1c" }
CO { "C\u00f4-l\u00f4m-bi-a" }
CR { "C\u1ed1t-xta Ri-ca" }
CU { "Cu-ba" }
CV { "C\u00e1p-ve" }
CY { "S\u00edp" }
CZ { "C\u1ed9ng h\u00f2a S\u00e9c" }
DE { "\u00d0\u1ee9c" }
DJ { "Gi-bu-ti" }
DK { "\u0110an M\u1ea1c" }
DZ { "An-gi\u00ea-ri" }
EC { "\u00ca-cu-a-\u0111o" }
EE { "E-xt\u00f4-ni-a" }
EG { "Ai-c\u1eadp" }
EH { "Ph\u00eda t\u00e2y Sahara" }
ER { "\u00ca-ri-t\u01a1-r\u00ea-a" }
ES { "T\u00e2y Ban Nha" }
ET { "\u00ca-ti-\u00f4-pi-a" }
FI { "Ph\u1ea7n Lan" }
FJ { "Phi-gi" }
FM { "Mi-cr\u00f4-n\u00ea-xi-a" }
FR { "Ph\u00e1p" }
GA { "Ga-b\u00f4ng" }
GB { "V\u01b0\u01a1ng qu\u1ed1c Anh" }
GD { "Gr\u00ea-na-\u0111a" }
GE { "Gru-di-a" }
GH { "Gha-na" }
GM { "G\u0103m-bi-a" }
GN { "Ghi-n\u00ea" }
GQ { "Ghi-n\u00ea X\u00edch-\u0111\u1ea1o" }
GR { "Hy L\u1ea1p" }
GT { "Goa-t\u00ea-ma-la" }
GW { "Ghi-n\u00ea B\u00edt-xao" }
GY { "Guy-a-na" }
HN { "H\u00f4n-\u0111u-r\u00e1t" }
HR { "Cr\u00f4-a-ti-a" }
HT { "Ha-i-ti" }
HU { "Hung-ga-ri" }
ID { "Nam D\u01b0\u01a1ng" } // or maybe also In-\u0111\u00f4-n\u00ea-xi-a
IE { "Ai-len" }
IL { "I-xra-en" }
IN { "\u1ea4n \u00d0\u1ed9" }
IQ { "I-r\u1eafc" }
IR { "I-ran" }
IS { "Ai-x\u01a1-len" }
IT { "\u00DD" } // The less frequent form of this country is "I-ta-li-a"
JM { "Ha-mai-ca" }
JO { "Gi\u00f3c-\u0111a-ni" }
JP { "Nh\u1eadt B\u1ea3n" }
KE { "K\u00ea-ni-a" }
KG { "C\u01b0-r\u01a1-g\u01b0-xtan" }
KH { "Cam-pu-chia" }
KI { "Ki-ri-ba-ti" }
KM { "C\u00f4-m\u00f4" }
KN { "Xan-k\u00edt v\u00e0 N\u00ea-vi" }
KP { "Tri\u1ec1u Ti\u00ean" } // Alt name?: C\u1ed9ng h\u00f2a D\u00e2n ch\u1ee7 Nh\u00e2n d\u00e2n Tri\u1ec1u Ti\u00ean
KR { "H\u00e0n Qu\u1ed1c" }
KW { "C\u00f4-o\u00e9t" }
KZ { "Ka-d\u1eafc-xtan" }
LA { "L\u00e0o" }
LB { "Li-b\u0103ng" }
LC { "Xan Lu-xi" }
LI { "Lich-ten-xt\u00ean" }
LK { "Xri Lan-ca" }
LR { "Li-b\u00ea-ri-a" }
LS { "L\u00ea-x\u00f4-th\u00f4" }
LT { "Li-tu-a-ni-a" }
LU { "L\u00fac-x\u0103m-bua" }
LV { "L\u00e1t-vi-a" }
LY { "Li-bi" }
MA { "Ma-r\u1ed1c" }
MC { "M\u00f4-na-c\u00f4" }
MD { "M\u00f4n-\u0111\u00f4-va" }
MG { "Ma-\u0111a-g\u00e1t-xca" }
MH { "Qu\u1ea7n \u0111\u1ea3o M\u00e1c-san"}
MK { "Ma-x\u00ea-\u0111\u00f4-ni-a" }
ML { "Ma-li" }
MM { "Mi-an-ma" }
MN { "M\u00f4ng C\u1ed5" }
MR { "M\u00f4-ri-ta-ni" }
MT { "Man-ta" }
MU { "M\u00f4-ri-x\u01a1" }
MV { "Man-\u0111i-v\u01a1" }
MW { "Ma-la-uy" }
MX { "M\u00ea-hi-c\u00f4" }
MY { "Ma-lay-xi-a" }
MZ { "M\u00f4-d\u0103m-b\u00edch" }
NA { "Nam-mi-bi-a" }
NE { "Ni-gi\u00ea" }
NG { "Ni-gi\u00ea-ri-a" }
NI { "Ni-ca-ra-goa" }
NL { "H\u00e0 Lan" }
NO { "Na Uy" }
NP { "N\u00ea-pan" }
NZ { "Niu Di-l\u00e2n" }
OM { "\u00d4-man" }
PA { "Pa-na-ma" }
PE { "P\u00ea-ru" }
PG { "Pa-pu-a Niu Ghi-n\u00ea" }
PH { "Phi-lip-pin" }
PK { "Pa-ki-xtan" }
PL { "Ba Lan" }
PT { "B\u1ed3 \u00d0\u00e0o Nha" }
PY { "Pa-ra-goay" }
QA { "Ca-ta" }
RO { "Ru-ma-ni" }
RU { "Nga" }
RW { "Ru-an-\u0111a" }
SA { "\u1ea2-r\u1eadp X\u00ea-\u00fat" }
SB { "Qu\u1ea7n \u0111\u1ea3o X\u00f4-l\u00f4-m\u00f4ng" }
SC { "X\u00e2y-sen" }
SD { "Xu-\u0111\u0103ng" }
SE { "Thu\u1ef5 \u0110i\u1ec3" }
SG { "Xin-ga-po" }
SI { "Xl\u00f4-ven-ni-a" }
SK { "Xl\u00f4-va-ki-a" }
SL { "Xi-\u00ea-ra L\u00ea-\u00f4n" }
SM { "Xan Ma-ri-n\u00f4" }
SN { "X\u00ea-n\u00ea-gan" }
SO { "X\u00f4-ma-li" }
SP { "S\u00e9cbia" }
SR { "Xu-ri-nam" }
ST { "Xao T\u00f4-m\u00ea v\u00e0 Prin-xi-p\u00ea" }
SV { "En-san-va-\u0111o" }
SY { "Xi-ri" }
SZ { "Xoa-di-len" }
TD { "S\u00e1t" }
TG { "T\u00f4-g\u00f4" }
TH { "Th\u00e1i Lan" }
TJ { "T\u00e1t-gi-ki-xtan" }
TM { "Tu\u1ed1c-m\u00ea-ni-xtan" }
TN { "Tuy-ni-di" }
TO { "T\u00f4ng-ga" }
TR { "Th\u1ed5 Nh\u0129 K\u1ef3" }
TT { "Tri-ni-\u0111\u00e1t v\u00e0 T\u00f4-ba-g\u00f4" }
TV { "Tu-va-lu" }
TW { "\u00d0\u00e0i Loan" }
TZ { "Tan-da-ni-a" }
UA { "U-crai-na" }
UG { "U-gan-\u0111a" }
US { "H\u1ee3p ch\u00fang qu\u1ed1c Hoa k\u1ef3" } // M\u1ef9 = slang abbreviated form of US; Hoa K\u1ef3 = US; H\u1ee3p ch\u00fang qu\u1ed1c Hoa k\u1ef3 = USA
UY { "U-ru-goay" }
UZ { "U-d\u01a1-b\u00ea-ki-xtan" }
VA { "Va-ti-c\u0103ng" }
VC { "Xan Vin-xen v\u00e0 Gr\u00ea-na-din" }
VE { "V\u00ea-n\u00ea-zu-\u00ea-la" }
VN { "Vi\u1ec7t Nam" }
VU { "Va-nu-a-tu" }
WS { "Xa-moa" }
YE { "Y-\u00ea-men" }
ZA { "Nam Phi" }
ZM { "D\u0103m-bi-a" }
ZW { "Dim-ba-bu-\u00ea" }
Currencies {
VND { "\u0111", "\u00d0\u00f4ng" } // Vietnamese Dong. More people use \u0111 rather than \u20AB
DateTimeElements:intvector {
DateTimePatterns {
"HH:mm:ss z",
"HH:mm:ss z",
"EEEE dd MMMM yyyy", // Should this be "EEEE dd MMMM n\u0103m yyyy"?
"dd MMMM yyyy", // Should this be "dd MMMM n\u0103m yyyy"?
"{0} {1}",
DayAbbreviations {
"Th 2",
"Th 3",
"Th 4",
"Th 5",
"Th 6",
"Th 7",
DayNames {
"Ch\u1EE7 nh\u1EADt",
"Th\u1EE9 hai",
"Th\u1EE9 ba",
"Th\u1EE9 t\u01B0",
"Th\u1EE9 n\u0103m",
"Th\u1EE9 s\u00E1u",
"Th\u1EE9 b\u1EA3y",
// The case of the letters may be wrong for languages because Ti\u1EBFng is used.
// Ti\u1EBFng is used in order to clarify some of the names, and ti\u1EBFng means "language".
// Ti\u1EBFng is used to differentiate similar words like English from England and German from Germany,
// which are frequently the same in Vietnamese.
// It is difficult to decide whether Ti\u1EBFng should precede the translation, but it doesn't hurt to keep it there.
Languages {
ca { "Ti\u1EBFng Catalan" }
da { "Ti\u1EBFng \u0110an M\u1EA1ch" }
de { "Ti\u1EBFng \u0110\u1EE9c" }
en { "Ti\u1EBFng Anh" }
eo { "Ti\u1EBFng Esp\u00E9ranto" }
es { "Ti\u1EBFng T\u00E2y Ban Nha" }
fr { "Ti\u1EBFng Ph\u00E1p" }
hr { "Ti\u1EBFng Cr\u00f4atia" }
hu { "Ti\u1EBFng Hung-ga-ri" }
it { "Ti\u1EBFng \u00DD" } // Just \u00DD seems okay because Ti\u1EBFng is used. \u00DD is sometimes used to mean Italy too.
ja { "Ti\u1EBFng Nh\u1EADt" }
ko { "Ti\u1EBFng H\u00E0n Qu\u1ED1c" }
nl { "Ti\u1EBFng H\u00E0 Lan" }
pt { "Ti\u1EBFng B\u1ED3 \u0110\u00E0o Nha" }
ro { "Ti\u1EBFng La M\u00E3" }
ru { "Ti\u1EBFng Nga" }
sv { "Ti\u1EBFng Thu\u1EF5 \u0110i\u1EC3n" }
tr { "Ti\u1EBFng Th\u1ED5 Nh\u0129 K\u1EF3" }
vi { "Ti\u1EBFng Vi\u1EC7t" }
zh { "Ti\u1EBFng Trung Qu\u1ED1c" }
"Latn", // ISO 15924 Name
ExemplarCharacters{ "[a-z\u1EA0-\u1Ef9\u0111\u01A1\u00E0-\u00E3\u00E8-\u00EA\u00EC\u00ED\u00F2-\u00F5\u00F9\u00FA\u00FD\u0103\u0129\u0169\u01B0]" }
MonthAbbreviations {
"Thg 1",
"Thg 2",
"Thg 3",
"Thg 4",
"Thg 5",
"Thg 6",
"Thg 7",
"Thg 8",
"Thg 9",
"Thg 10",
"Thg 11",
"Thg 12",
MonthNames {
"Th\u00E1ng m\u1ED9t",
"Th\u00E1ng hai",
"Th\u00E1ng ba",
"Th\u00E1ng t\u01B0",
"Th\u00E1ng n\u0103m",
"Th\u00E1ng s\u00E1u",
"Th\u00E1ng b\u1EA3y",
"Th\u00E1ng t\u00E1m",
"Th\u00E1ng ch\u00EDn",
"Th\u00E1ng m\u01B0\u1EDDi",
"Th\u00E1ng m\u01B0\u1EDDi m\u1ED9t",
"Th\u00E1ng m\u01B0\u1EDDi hai",
NumberElements {
NumberPatterns {
"#,##0.00 \u00A4;-#,##0.00 \u00A4",