198 lines
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198 lines
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* Copyright (C) 1999, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 11/24/99 aliu Creation.
* 12/13/1999 srl Padded OffsetIndex to 4 byte values
#ifndef TZDAT_H
#define TZDAT_H
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
/* This file defines the format of the memory-mapped data file
* containing system time zone data for icu. See also gentz
* and tz.pl.
* The format is designed specifically to allow certain operations:
* 1. Performing a fast binary search by name, and locating the
* corresponding zone data. This is the most important operation.
* It corresponds to the TimeZone::createTimeZone() method.
* 2. Performing a fast iteration over zones having a specific GMT
* offset. For this operation, the zone data need not be
* retrieved, just the IDs. This corresponds to the
* TimeZone::createAvailableIDs(int32_t) method.
* 3. Iterating over all zone IDs. This corresponds to the
* TimeZone::createAvailableIDs() method.
* The createAvailableIDs() methods return arrays of pointers to
* existing static UnicodeString IDs that it owns. Thus
* createAvailableIDs() needs a way to reference one of these IDs when
* iterating. Note that these IDs are _not_ stored in the
* memory-mapped data file, so we cannot store offsets. To solve this
* problem, we define a canonical index number for each zone. This
* index number runs from 0..n-1, where n is the total number of
* zones. The name table is stored in index number order, and we
* provide a table that is sorted by GMT offset with keys being GMT
* offset values and values being canonical index numbers.
* (Later, we might change createAvailableIDs() to return char*
* strings rather than UnicodeString pointers. In that case, this
* data structure could be modified to index into the name table
* directly.)
* In the following table, sizes are estimated sizes for a zone list
* of about 200 standard and 200 DST zones, which is typical in 1999.
* [THIS IS OBSOLETE - Needs updating for format 3]
* 0K TZHeader
* 2K Standard zone table (StandardZone[])
* 4K DST zone table (Zone[])
* 2K Index table, sorted by name, 4 bytes / zone
* This is a list of 'count' deltas sorted in ascending
* lexicographic order of name string.
* 1K Index table, sorted by gmtOffset then name. See
* OffsetIndex struct.
* 6K Name table - always last
* This is all the zone names, in lexicographic order,
* with zero bytes terminating each name.
* Any field with a name ending in "delta" is an offset value
* from the first byte of the TZHeader structure, unless otherwise
* specified.
* When using the name index table and the offset index table,
* code can determine whether an indexed zone is a standard
* zone or a DST zone by examining its delta. If the delta is
* less than dstDelta, it is a standard zone. Otherwise it
* is a DST zone.
// Information used to identify and validate the data
#define TZ_DATA_NAME "tz"
#define TZ_DATA_TYPE "dat"
// Fields in UDataInfo:
// TZ_SIG[] is encoded as numeric literals for compatibility with the HP compiler
static const uint8_t TZ_SIG_0 = 0x7a; // z
static const uint8_t TZ_SIG_1 = 0x6f; // o
static const uint8_t TZ_SIG_2 = 0x6e; // n
static const uint8_t TZ_SIG_3 = 0x65; // e
// This must match the version number at the top of tz.txt as
// well as the version number in the udata header.
static const int8_t TZ_FORMAT_VERSION = 3; // formatVersion[0]
struct TZHeader {
uint16_t versionYear; // e.g. "1999j" -> 1999
uint16_t versionSuffix; // e.g. "1999j" -> 10
uint32_t count; // standardCount + dstCount
uint32_t equivTableDelta; // delta to equivalency group table
uint32_t offsetIndexDelta; // delta to gmtOffset index table
uint32_t nameIndexDelta; // delta to name index table
// The name index table is an array of 'count' 32-bit offsets from
// the start of this header to equivalency group table entries.
uint32_t nameTableDelta; // delta to name (aka ID) table
// The name table contains all zone IDs, in sort order, each name
// terminated by a zero byte.
struct StandardZone {
int32_t gmtOffset; // gmt offset in milliseconds
struct TZRule {
uint8_t month; // month
int8_t dowim; // dowim
int8_t dow; // dow
uint16_t time; // time in minutes
int8_t mode; // (w/s/u) == TimeZone::TimeMode enum as int
struct DSTZone {
int32_t gmtOffset; // gmtoffset in milliseconds
uint16_t dstSavings; // savings in minutes
TZRule onsetRule; // onset rule
TZRule ceaseRule; // cease rule
* This variable-sized struct represents a time zone equivalency group.
* This is a set of one or more zones that are identical in GMT offset
* and rules, but differ in ID. The struct has a variable size because
* the standard zone has no rule data, and also because it contains a
* variable number of index values listing the zones in the group.
* The struct is padded to take up 4n bytes so that 4-byte integers
* within the struct stay 4-aligned (namely, the gmtOffset members of
* the zone structs).
struct TZEquivalencyGroup {
uint16_t nextEntryDelta; // 0 for last entry
uint8_t isDST; // != 0 for DSTZone
uint8_t reserved;
union {
struct {
StandardZone zone;
uint16_t count;
uint16_t index; // There are actually 'count' uint16_t's here
} s;
struct {
DSTZone zone;
uint16_t count;
uint16_t index; // There are actually 'count' uint16_t's here
} d;
} u;
// There may be two bytes of padding HERE to make the whole struct
// have size 4n bytes.
* This variable-sized struct makes up the offset index table. To get
* from one table entry to the next, add the nextEntryDelta. If the
* nextEntryDelta is zero then this is the last entry. The offset
* index table is designed for sequential access, not random access.
* Given the small number of distinct offsets (39 in 1999j), this
* suffices.
* The value of default is the zone within this list that should be
* selected as the default zone in the absence of any other
* discriminating information. This information comes from the file
* tz.default. Note that this is itself a zone number, like
* those in the array starting at &zoneNumber.
* The gmtOffset field must be 4-aligned for some architectures. To
* ensure this, we do two things: 1. The entire struct is 4-aligned.
* 2. The gmtOffset is placed at a 4-aligned position within the
* struct. 3. The size of the whole structure is padded out to 4n
* bytes. We achieve this last condition by adding two bytes of
* padding after the last zoneNumber, if count is _even_. That is,
* the struct size is 10+2count+padding, where padding is (count%2==0
* ? 2:0). See gentz for implementation.
struct OffsetIndex {
int32_t gmtOffset; // in ms - 4-aligned
uint16_t nextEntryDelta;
uint16_t defaultZone; // a zone number from 0..TZHeader.count-1
uint16_t count;
uint16_t zoneNumber; // There are actually 'count' uint16_t's here
// Following the 'count' uint16_t's starting with zoneNumber,
// there may be two bytes of padding to make the whole struct have
// a size of 4n. nextEntryDelta skips over any padding.