
408 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrTest.h"
#include "GrBatchAtlas.h"
#include "GrContextOptions.h"
#include "GrDrawContextPriv.h"
#include "GrDrawingManager.h"
#include "GrGpuResourceCacheAccess.h"
#include "GrResourceCache.h"
#include "SkGpuDevice.h"
#include "SkGrPriv.h"
#include "SkMathPriv.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "text/GrBatchFontCache.h"
#include "text/GrTextBlobCache.h"
namespace GrTest {
void SetupAlwaysEvictAtlas(GrContext* context) {
// These sizes were selected because they allow each atlas to hold a single plot and will thus
// stress the atlas
int dim = GrBatchAtlas::kGlyphMaxDim;
GrBatchAtlasConfig configs[3];
configs[kA8_GrMaskFormat].fWidth = dim;
configs[kA8_GrMaskFormat].fHeight = dim;
configs[kA8_GrMaskFormat].fLog2Width = SkNextLog2(dim);
configs[kA8_GrMaskFormat].fLog2Height = SkNextLog2(dim);
configs[kA8_GrMaskFormat].fPlotWidth = dim;
configs[kA8_GrMaskFormat].fPlotHeight = dim;
configs[kA565_GrMaskFormat].fWidth = dim;
configs[kA565_GrMaskFormat].fHeight = dim;
configs[kA565_GrMaskFormat].fLog2Width = SkNextLog2(dim);
configs[kA565_GrMaskFormat].fLog2Height = SkNextLog2(dim);
configs[kA565_GrMaskFormat].fPlotWidth = dim;
configs[kA565_GrMaskFormat].fPlotHeight = dim;
configs[kARGB_GrMaskFormat].fWidth = dim;
configs[kARGB_GrMaskFormat].fHeight = dim;
configs[kARGB_GrMaskFormat].fLog2Width = SkNextLog2(dim);
configs[kARGB_GrMaskFormat].fLog2Height = SkNextLog2(dim);
configs[kARGB_GrMaskFormat].fPlotWidth = dim;
configs[kARGB_GrMaskFormat].fPlotHeight = dim;
void GrTestTarget::init(GrContext* ctx, sk_sp<GrDrawContext> drawContext) {
fDrawContext = drawContext;
void GrContext::getTestTarget(GrTestTarget* tar, sk_sp<GrDrawContext> drawContext) {
// We could create a proxy GrDrawTarget that passes through to fGpu until ~GrTextTarget() and
// then disconnects. This would help prevent test writers from mixing using the returned
// GrDrawTarget and regular drawing. We could also assert or fail in GrContext drawing methods
// until ~GrTestTarget().
tar->init(this, std::move(drawContext));
void GrContext::setTextBlobCacheLimit_ForTesting(size_t bytes) {
void GrContext::setTextContextAtlasSizes_ForTesting(const GrBatchAtlasConfig* configs) {
void GrContext::purgeAllUnlockedResources() {
void GrContext::resetGpuStats() const {
void GrContext::dumpCacheStats(SkString* out) const {
void GrContext::dumpCacheStatsKeyValuePairs(SkTArray<SkString>* keys,
SkTArray<double>* values) const {
fResourceCache->dumpStatsKeyValuePairs(keys, values);
void GrContext::printCacheStats() const {
SkString out;
SkDebugf("%s", out.c_str());
void GrContext::dumpGpuStats(SkString* out) const {
return fGpu->stats()->dump(out);
void GrContext::dumpGpuStatsKeyValuePairs(SkTArray<SkString>* keys,
SkTArray<double>* values) const {
return fGpu->stats()->dumpKeyValuePairs(keys, values);
void GrContext::printGpuStats() const {
SkString out;
SkDebugf("%s", out.c_str());
GrTexture* GrContext::getFontAtlasTexture(GrMaskFormat format) {
GrBatchFontCache* cache = this->getBatchFontCache();
return cache->getTexture(format);
void SkGpuDevice::drawTexture(GrTexture* tex, const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint& paint) {
GrPaint grPaint;
SkMatrix mat;
if (!SkPaintToGrPaint(this->context(), paint, mat,
this->surfaceProps().isGammaCorrect(), &grPaint)) {
SkMatrix textureMat;
textureMat[SkMatrix::kMScaleX] = 1.0f/dst.width();
textureMat[SkMatrix::kMScaleY] = 1.0f/dst.height();
textureMat[SkMatrix::kMTransX] = -dst.fLeft/dst.width();
textureMat[SkMatrix::kMTransY] = -dst.fTop/dst.height();
grPaint.addColorTextureProcessor(tex, textureMat);
fDrawContext->drawRect(GrNoClip(), grPaint, mat, dst);
void GrGpu::Stats::dump(SkString* out) {
out->appendf("Render Target Binds: %d\n", fRenderTargetBinds);
out->appendf("Shader Compilations: %d\n", fShaderCompilations);
out->appendf("Textures Created: %d\n", fTextureCreates);
out->appendf("Texture Uploads: %d\n", fTextureUploads);
out->appendf("Transfers to Texture: %d\n", fTransfersToTexture);
out->appendf("Stencil Buffer Creates: %d\n", fStencilAttachmentCreates);
out->appendf("Number of draws: %d\n", fNumDraws);
void GrGpu::Stats::dumpKeyValuePairs(SkTArray<SkString>* keys, SkTArray<double>* values) {
keys->push_back(SkString("render_target_binds")); values->push_back(fRenderTargetBinds);
keys->push_back(SkString("shader_compilations")); values->push_back(fShaderCompilations);
keys->push_back(SkString("texture_uploads")); values->push_back(fTextureUploads);
keys->push_back(SkString("number_of_draws")); values->push_back(fNumDraws);
keys->push_back(SkString("number_of_failed_draws")); values->push_back(fNumFailedDraws);
void GrResourceCache::getStats(Stats* stats) const {
stats->fTotal = this->getResourceCount();
stats->fNumNonPurgeable = fNonpurgeableResources.count();
stats->fNumPurgeable = fPurgeableQueue.count();
for (int i = 0; i < fNonpurgeableResources.count(); ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < fPurgeableQueue.count(); ++i) {
void GrResourceCache::dumpStats(SkString* out) const {
Stats stats;
float countUtilization = (100.f * fBudgetedCount) / fMaxCount;
float byteUtilization = (100.f * fBudgetedBytes) / fMaxBytes;
out->appendf("Budget: %d items %d bytes\n", fMaxCount, (int)fMaxBytes);
out->appendf("\t\tEntry Count: current %d"
Refactor to separate backend object lifecycle and GpuResource budget decision Refactor GrGpuResource to contain two different pieces of state: a) instance is budgeted or not budgeted b) instance references wrapped backend objects or not The "object lifecycle" was also attached to backend object handles (ids), which made the code a bit unclear. Backend objects would be associated with GrGpuResource::LifeCycle, even though GrGpuResource::LifeCycle refers to the GpuResource, and individual backend objects in one GpuResource might be governed with different "lifecycle". Mark the budgeted/not budgeted with SkBudgeted::kYes, SkBudgeted::kNo. This was previously GrGpuResource::kCached_LifeCycle, GrGpuResource::kUncached_LifeCycle. Mark the "references wrapped object" with boolean. This was previously GrGpuResource::kBorrowed_LifeCycle, GrGpuResource::kAdopted_LifeCycle for GrGpuResource. Associate the backend object ownership status with GrBackendObjectOwnership for the backend object handles. The resource type leaf constuctors, such has GrGLTexture or GrGLTextureRenderTarget take "budgeted" parameter. This parameter is passed to GrGpuResource::registerWithCache(). The resource type intermediary constructors, such as GrGLTexture constructors for class GrGLTextureRenderTarget do not take "budgeted" parameters, intermediary construtors do not call registerWithCache. Removes the need for tagging GrGpuResource -derived subclass constructors with "Derived" parameter. Makes instances that wrap backend objects be registered with a new function GrGpuResource::registerWithCacheWrapped(). Removes "budgeted" parameter from classes such as StencilAttahment, as they are always cached and never wrap any external backend objects. Removes the use of concept "external" from the member function names. The API refers to the objects as "wrapped", so make all related functions use the term consistently. No change in functionality. Resources referencing wrapped objects are always inserted to the cache with budget decision kNo. BUG=594928 GOLD_TRYBOT_URL= Review URL:
2016-04-22 08:48:29 +00:00
" (%d budgeted, %d wrapped, %d locked, %d scratch %.2g%% full), high %d\n",
stats.fTotal, fBudgetedCount, stats.fWrapped, stats.fNumNonPurgeable,
stats.fScratch, countUtilization, fHighWaterCount);
out->appendf("\t\tEntry Bytes: current %d (budgeted %d, %.2g%% full, %d unbudgeted) high %d\n",
SkToInt(fBytes), SkToInt(fBudgetedBytes), byteUtilization,
SkToInt(stats.fUnbudgetedSize), SkToInt(fHighWaterBytes));
void GrResourceCache::dumpStatsKeyValuePairs(SkTArray<SkString>* keys,
SkTArray<double>* values) const {
Stats stats;
keys->push_back(SkString("gpu_cache_purgable_entries")); values->push_back(stats.fNumPurgeable);
void GrResourceCache::changeTimestamp(uint32_t newTimestamp) { fTimestamp = newTimestamp; }
SkDEBUGCODE(GrSingleOwner::AutoEnforce debug_SingleOwner(fDrawContext->fSingleOwner);)
#define RETURN_IF_ABANDONED if (fDrawContext->fDrawingManager->wasAbandoned()) { return; }
void GrDrawContextPriv::testingOnly_drawBatch(const GrPipelineBuilder& pipelineBuilder,
GrDrawBatch* batch,
const GrClip* clip) {
GR_AUDIT_TRAIL_AUTO_FRAME(fDrawContext->fAuditTrail, "GrDrawContext::testingOnly_drawBatch");
if (clip) {
fDrawContext->getDrawTarget()->drawBatch(pipelineBuilder, fDrawContext, *clip, batch);
} else {
fDrawContext->getDrawTarget()->drawBatch(pipelineBuilder, fDrawContext, GrNoClip(), batch);
// Code for the mock context. It's built on a mock GrGpu class that does nothing.
#include "GrGpu.h"
class GrPipeline;
class MockCaps : public GrCaps {
explicit MockCaps(const GrContextOptions& options) : INHERITED(options) {}
bool isConfigTexturable(GrPixelConfig config) const override { return false; }
bool isConfigRenderable(GrPixelConfig config, bool withMSAA) const override { return false; }
typedef GrCaps INHERITED;
class MockGpu : public GrGpu {
MockGpu(GrContext* context, const GrContextOptions& options) : INHERITED(context) {
fCaps.reset(new MockCaps(options));
~MockGpu() override {}
bool onGetReadPixelsInfo(GrSurface* srcSurface, int readWidth, int readHeight, size_t rowBytes,
GrPixelConfig readConfig, DrawPreference*,
ReadPixelTempDrawInfo*) override { return false; }
bool onGetWritePixelsInfo(GrSurface* dstSurface, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig srcConfig, DrawPreference*,
WritePixelTempDrawInfo*) override { return false; }
void discard(GrRenderTarget*) override {}
bool onCopySurface(GrSurface* dst,
GrSurface* src,
const SkIRect& srcRect,
const SkIPoint& dstPoint) override { return false; };
void onGetMultisampleSpecs(GrRenderTarget* rt,
const GrStencilSettings&,
int* effectiveSampleCnt,
SkAutoTDeleteArray<SkPoint>*) override {
*effectiveSampleCnt = rt->desc().fSampleCnt;
bool initCopySurfaceDstDesc(const GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceDesc* desc) const override {
return false;
void drawDebugWireRect(GrRenderTarget*, const SkIRect&, GrColor) override {};
void onResetContext(uint32_t resetBits) override {}
void xferBarrier(GrRenderTarget*, GrXferBarrierType) override {}
Refactor to separate backend object lifecycle and GpuResource budget decision Refactor GrGpuResource to contain two different pieces of state: a) instance is budgeted or not budgeted b) instance references wrapped backend objects or not The "object lifecycle" was also attached to backend object handles (ids), which made the code a bit unclear. Backend objects would be associated with GrGpuResource::LifeCycle, even though GrGpuResource::LifeCycle refers to the GpuResource, and individual backend objects in one GpuResource might be governed with different "lifecycle". Mark the budgeted/not budgeted with SkBudgeted::kYes, SkBudgeted::kNo. This was previously GrGpuResource::kCached_LifeCycle, GrGpuResource::kUncached_LifeCycle. Mark the "references wrapped object" with boolean. This was previously GrGpuResource::kBorrowed_LifeCycle, GrGpuResource::kAdopted_LifeCycle for GrGpuResource. Associate the backend object ownership status with GrBackendObjectOwnership for the backend object handles. The resource type leaf constuctors, such has GrGLTexture or GrGLTextureRenderTarget take "budgeted" parameter. This parameter is passed to GrGpuResource::registerWithCache(). The resource type intermediary constructors, such as GrGLTexture constructors for class GrGLTextureRenderTarget do not take "budgeted" parameters, intermediary construtors do not call registerWithCache. Removes the need for tagging GrGpuResource -derived subclass constructors with "Derived" parameter. Makes instances that wrap backend objects be registered with a new function GrGpuResource::registerWithCacheWrapped(). Removes "budgeted" parameter from classes such as StencilAttahment, as they are always cached and never wrap any external backend objects. Removes the use of concept "external" from the member function names. The API refers to the objects as "wrapped", so make all related functions use the term consistently. No change in functionality. Resources referencing wrapped objects are always inserted to the cache with budget decision kNo. BUG=594928 GOLD_TRYBOT_URL= Review URL:
2016-04-22 08:48:29 +00:00
GrTexture* onCreateTexture(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, SkBudgeted budgeted,
const SkTArray<GrMipLevel>& texels) override {
return nullptr;
Refactor to separate backend object lifecycle and GpuResource budget decision Refactor GrGpuResource to contain two different pieces of state: a) instance is budgeted or not budgeted b) instance references wrapped backend objects or not The "object lifecycle" was also attached to backend object handles (ids), which made the code a bit unclear. Backend objects would be associated with GrGpuResource::LifeCycle, even though GrGpuResource::LifeCycle refers to the GpuResource, and individual backend objects in one GpuResource might be governed with different "lifecycle". Mark the budgeted/not budgeted with SkBudgeted::kYes, SkBudgeted::kNo. This was previously GrGpuResource::kCached_LifeCycle, GrGpuResource::kUncached_LifeCycle. Mark the "references wrapped object" with boolean. This was previously GrGpuResource::kBorrowed_LifeCycle, GrGpuResource::kAdopted_LifeCycle for GrGpuResource. Associate the backend object ownership status with GrBackendObjectOwnership for the backend object handles. The resource type leaf constuctors, such has GrGLTexture or GrGLTextureRenderTarget take "budgeted" parameter. This parameter is passed to GrGpuResource::registerWithCache(). The resource type intermediary constructors, such as GrGLTexture constructors for class GrGLTextureRenderTarget do not take "budgeted" parameters, intermediary construtors do not call registerWithCache. Removes the need for tagging GrGpuResource -derived subclass constructors with "Derived" parameter. Makes instances that wrap backend objects be registered with a new function GrGpuResource::registerWithCacheWrapped(). Removes "budgeted" parameter from classes such as StencilAttahment, as they are always cached and never wrap any external backend objects. Removes the use of concept "external" from the member function names. The API refers to the objects as "wrapped", so make all related functions use the term consistently. No change in functionality. Resources referencing wrapped objects are always inserted to the cache with budget decision kNo. BUG=594928 GOLD_TRYBOT_URL= Review URL:
2016-04-22 08:48:29 +00:00
GrTexture* onCreateCompressedTexture(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, SkBudgeted budgeted,
const SkTArray<GrMipLevel>& texels) override {
return nullptr;
GrTexture* onWrapBackendTexture(const GrBackendTextureDesc&,
GrWrapOwnership) override { return nullptr; }
GrRenderTarget* onWrapBackendRenderTarget(const GrBackendRenderTargetDesc&,
GrWrapOwnership) override {
return nullptr;
GrRenderTarget* onWrapBackendTextureAsRenderTarget(const GrBackendTextureDesc&) override {
Add wrapBackendTextureAsRenderTarget API Skia's GrTextureProvider currently exposes two APIs for wrapping backend objects: * wrapBackendTexture - wraps a texture into a GrTexture. Depending on flags, this GrTexture can be converted to a GrRenderTarget. Skia manages the render target objects it may create to provide a render target for the texture. This allows Skia to create stencil buffers if needed and manager MSAA resolves. * wrapBackendRenderTarget - wraps a FBO into a GrRenderTarget. This object cannot be converted to a GrTexture. Skia does not manage the render target objects for such a GrRenderTarget, and as such cannot attach stencil buffers or perform MSAA resolves on the created GrRenderTarget. Given these two options, wrapBackendTexture provides more versatility and allows Skia more room for optimization. Chrome currently uses wrapBackendTexture for this reason. While these two functions cover most cases, they do not provide a way for Skia to wrap a texture into a render target (and gain the MSAA and stencil buffer management), without also creating a GrTexture. This is problematic in cases where a texture can be bound to a render target, but cannot be textured from, as is the case in Chrome's limited support for GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. To address this, a new function is created: * wrapBackendTextureAsRenderTarget - wraps a texture into a GrRenderTarget. As with wrapBackendTexture, the created render target objects are fully managed by Skia. Unlike wrapBackendTexture no GrTexture is created, and the created object will never be textured from. BUG=skia: GOLD_TRYBOT_URL= Review URL:
2016-02-24 22:49:51 +00:00
return nullptr;
GrBuffer* onCreateBuffer(size_t, GrBufferType, GrAccessPattern, const void*) override {
return nullptr;
void onClear(GrRenderTarget*, const SkIRect& rect, GrColor color) override {}
void onClearStencilClip(GrRenderTarget*, const SkIRect& rect, bool insideClip) override {}
void onDraw(const GrPipeline&,
const GrPrimitiveProcessor&,
const GrMesh*,
int meshCount) override {}
bool onReadPixels(GrSurface* surface,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
void* buffer,
size_t rowBytes) override {
return false;
bool onWritePixels(GrSurface* surface,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, const SkTArray<GrMipLevel>& texels) override {
return false;
bool onTransferPixels(GrSurface* surface,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, GrBuffer* transferBuffer,
size_t offset, size_t rowBytes) override {
return false;
void onResolveRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target) override { return; }
GrStencilAttachment* createStencilAttachmentForRenderTarget(const GrRenderTarget*,
int width,
int height) override {
return nullptr;
void clearStencil(GrRenderTarget* target) override {}
GrBackendObject createTestingOnlyBackendTexture(void* pixels, int w, int h,
GrPixelConfig config) override {
return 0;
bool isTestingOnlyBackendTexture(GrBackendObject ) const override { return false; }
void deleteTestingOnlyBackendTexture(GrBackendObject, bool abandonTexture) override {}
typedef GrGpu INHERITED;
GrContext* GrContext::CreateMockContext() {
GrContext* context = new GrContext;
return context;
void GrContext::initMockContext() {
GrContextOptions options;
options.fBufferMapThreshold = 0;
SkASSERT(nullptr == fGpu);
fGpu = new MockGpu(this, options);
// We delete these because we want to test the cache starting with zero resources. Also, none of
// these objects are required for any of tests that use this context. TODO: make stop allocating
// resources in the buffer pools.