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* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGLFunctions_DEFINED
#define GrGLFunctions_DEFINED
#include "GrGLConfig.h"
* Classifies GL contexts by which standard they implement (currently as Desktop
* vs. ES).
enum GrGLStandard {
* Declares typedefs for all the GL functions used in GrGLInterface
typedef unsigned int GrGLenum;
typedef unsigned char GrGLboolean;
typedef unsigned int GrGLbitfield;
typedef signed char GrGLbyte;
typedef char GrGLchar;
typedef short GrGLshort;
typedef int GrGLint;
typedef int GrGLsizei;
typedef int64_t GrGLint64;
typedef unsigned char GrGLubyte;
typedef unsigned short GrGLushort;
typedef unsigned int GrGLuint;
typedef uint64_t GrGLuint64;
typedef float GrGLfloat;
typedef float GrGLclampf;
typedef double GrGLdouble;
typedef double GrGLclampd;
typedef void GrGLvoid;
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef signed long long int GrGLintptr;
typedef signed long long int GrGLsizeiptr;
typedef signed long int GrGLintptr;
typedef signed long int GrGLsizeiptr;
typedef signed long int GrGLintptr;
typedef signed long int GrGLsizeiptr;
extern "C" {
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLActiveTextureProc)(GrGLenum texture);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLAttachShaderProc)(GrGLuint program, GrGLuint shader);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBeginQueryProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint id);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindAttribLocationProc)(GrGLuint program, GrGLuint index, const char* name);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindBufferProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint buffer);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindFramebufferProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint framebuffer);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindRenderbufferProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint renderbuffer);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindTextureProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLuint texture);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBlendColorProc)(GrGLclampf red, GrGLclampf green, GrGLclampf blue, GrGLclampf alpha);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindFragDataLocationProc)(GrGLuint program, GrGLuint colorNumber, const GrGLchar* name);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindFragDataLocationIndexedProc)(GrGLuint program, GrGLuint colorNumber, GrGLuint index, const GrGLchar * name);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindVertexArrayProc)(GrGLuint array);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBlendFuncProc)(GrGLenum sfactor, GrGLenum dfactor);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBlitFramebufferProc)(GrGLint srcX0, GrGLint srcY0, GrGLint srcX1, GrGLint srcY1, GrGLint dstX0, GrGLint dstY0, GrGLint dstX1, GrGLint dstY1, GrGLbitfield mask, GrGLenum filter);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBufferDataProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLsizeiptr size, const GrGLvoid* data, GrGLenum usage);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBufferSubDataProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLintptr offset, GrGLsizeiptr size, const GrGLvoid* data);
typedef GrGLenum (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCheckFramebufferStatusProc)(GrGLenum target);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLClearProc)(GrGLbitfield mask);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLClearColorProc)(GrGLclampf red, GrGLclampf green, GrGLclampf blue, GrGLclampf alpha);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLClearStencilProc)(GrGLint s);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLClientActiveTextureProc)(GrGLenum texture);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLColorMaskProc)(GrGLboolean red, GrGLboolean green, GrGLboolean blue, GrGLboolean alpha);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCompileShaderProc)(GrGLuint shader);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCompressedTexImage2DProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLint level, GrGLenum internalformat, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height, GrGLint border, GrGLsizei imageSize, const GrGLvoid* data);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCompressedTexSubImage2DProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLint level, GrGLint xoffset, GrGLint yoffset, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height, GrGLenum format, GrGLsizei imageSize, const GrGLvoid* data);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCopyTexSubImage2DProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLint level, GrGLint xoffset, GrGLint yoffset, GrGLint x, GrGLint y, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCopyTextureCHROMIUMProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum src, GrGLenum dst, GrGLint level, GrGLint format, GrGLenum type);
typedef GrGLuint (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCreateProgramProc)(void);
typedef GrGLuint (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCreateShaderProc)(GrGLenum type);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCullFaceProc)(GrGLenum mode);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeleteBuffersProc)(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint* buffers);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeleteFramebuffersProc)(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint *framebuffers);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeleteProgramProc)(GrGLuint program);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeleteQueriesProc)(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint *ids);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeleteRenderbuffersProc)(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint *renderbuffers);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeleteShaderProc)(GrGLuint shader);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeleteTexturesProc)(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint* textures);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeleteVertexArraysProc)(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLuint *arrays);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDepthMaskProc)(GrGLboolean flag);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDisableProc)(GrGLenum cap);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDisableVertexAttribArrayProc)(GrGLuint index);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDrawArraysProc)(GrGLenum mode, GrGLint first, GrGLsizei count);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDrawBufferProc)(GrGLenum mode);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDrawBuffersProc)(GrGLsizei n, const GrGLenum* bufs);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDrawElementsProc)(GrGLenum mode, GrGLsizei count, GrGLenum type, const GrGLvoid* indices);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLEnableProc)(GrGLenum cap);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLEnableVertexAttribArrayProc)(GrGLuint index);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLEndQueryProc)(GrGLenum target);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLFinishProc)();
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLFlushProc)();
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLFlushMappedBufferRangeProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLintptr offset, GrGLsizeiptr length);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLFramebufferRenderbufferProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum attachment, GrGLenum renderbuffertarget, GrGLuint renderbuffer);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLFramebufferTexture2DProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum attachment, GrGLenum textarget, GrGLuint texture, GrGLint level);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum attachment, GrGLenum textarget, GrGLuint texture, GrGLint level, GrGLsizei samples);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLFrontFaceProc)(GrGLenum mode);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGenBuffersProc)(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint* buffers);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGenFramebuffersProc)(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint *framebuffers);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGenerateMipmapProc)(GrGLenum target);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGenQueriesProc)(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint *ids);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGenRenderbuffersProc)(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint *renderbuffers);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGenTexturesProc)(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint* textures);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGenVertexArraysProc)(GrGLsizei n, GrGLuint *arrays);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetBufferParameterivProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint* params);
typedef GrGLenum (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetErrorProc)();
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum attachment, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint* params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetIntegervProc)(GrGLenum pname, GrGLint* params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetProgramInfoLogProc)(GrGLuint program, GrGLsizei bufsize, GrGLsizei* length, char* infolog);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetProgramivProc)(GrGLuint program, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint* params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetQueryivProc)(GrGLenum GLtarget, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint *params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetQueryObjecti64vProc)(GrGLuint id, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint64 *params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetQueryObjectivProc)(GrGLuint id, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint *params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetQueryObjectui64vProc)(GrGLuint id, GrGLenum pname, GrGLuint64 *params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetQueryObjectuivProc)(GrGLuint id, GrGLenum pname, GrGLuint *params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetRenderbufferParameterivProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint* params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetShaderInfoLogProc)(GrGLuint shader, GrGLsizei bufsize, GrGLsizei* length, char* infolog);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetShaderivProc)(GrGLuint shader, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint* params);
typedef const GrGLubyte* (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetStringProc)(GrGLenum name);
typedef const GrGLubyte* (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetStringiProc)(GrGLenum name, GrGLuint index);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetTexLevelParameterivProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLint level, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint* params);
typedef GrGLint (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetUniformLocationProc)(GrGLuint program, const char* name);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLInsertEventMarkerProc)(GrGLsizei length, const char* marker);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLInvalidateBufferDataProc)(GrGLuint buffer);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLInvalidateBufferSubDataProc)(GrGLuint buffer, GrGLintptr offset, GrGLsizeiptr length);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLInvalidateFramebufferProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLsizei numAttachments, const GrGLenum *attachments);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLInvalidateSubFramebufferProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLsizei numAttachments, const GrGLenum *attachments, GrGLint x, GrGLint y, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLInvalidateTexImageProc)(GrGLuint texture, GrGLint level);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLInvalidateTexSubImageProc)(GrGLuint texture, GrGLint level, GrGLint xoffset, GrGLint yoffset, GrGLint zoffset, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height, GrGLsizei depth);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLLineWidthProc)(GrGLfloat width);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLLinkProgramProc)(GrGLuint program);
typedef GrGLvoid* (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLMapBufferProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum access);
typedef GrGLvoid* (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLMapBufferRangeProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLintptr offset, GrGLsizeiptr length, GrGLbitfield access);
typedef GrGLvoid* (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLMapBufferSubDataProc)(GrGLuint target, GrGLintptr offset, GrGLsizeiptr size, GrGLenum access);
typedef GrGLvoid* (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLMapTexSubImage2DProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLint level, GrGLint xoffset, GrGLint yoffset, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height, GrGLenum format, GrGLenum type, GrGLenum access);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPixelStoreiProc)(GrGLenum pname, GrGLint param);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPopGroupMarkerProc)();
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPushGroupMarkerProc)(GrGLsizei length, const char* marker);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLQueryCounterProc)(GrGLuint id, GrGLenum target);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLReadBufferProc)(GrGLenum src);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLReadPixelsProc)(GrGLint x, GrGLint y, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height, GrGLenum format, GrGLenum type, GrGLvoid* pixels);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLRenderbufferStorageProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum internalformat, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLsizei samples, GrGLenum internalformat, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLResolveMultisampleFramebufferProc)();
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLScissorProc)(GrGLint x, GrGLint y, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLBindUniformLocation)(GrGLuint program, GrGLint location, const char* name);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLShaderSourceProc)(GrGLuint shader, GrGLsizei count, const char* const * str, const GrGLint* length);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLShaderSourceProc)(GrGLuint shader, GrGLsizei count, const char** str, const GrGLint* length);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilFuncProc)(GrGLenum func, GrGLint ref, GrGLuint mask);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilFuncSeparateProc)(GrGLenum face, GrGLenum func, GrGLint ref, GrGLuint mask);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilMaskProc)(GrGLuint mask);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilMaskSeparateProc)(GrGLenum face, GrGLuint mask);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilOpProc)(GrGLenum fail, GrGLenum zfail, GrGLenum zpass);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilOpSeparateProc)(GrGLenum face, GrGLenum fail, GrGLenum zfail, GrGLenum zpass);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLTexImage2DProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLint level, GrGLint internalformat, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height, GrGLint border, GrGLenum format, GrGLenum type, const GrGLvoid* pixels);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLTexParameteriProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint param);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLTexParameterivProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLenum pname, const GrGLint* params);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLTexStorage2DProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLsizei levels, GrGLenum internalformat, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDiscardFramebufferProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLsizei numAttachments, const GrGLenum* attachments);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLTexSubImage2DProc)(GrGLenum target, GrGLint level, GrGLint xoffset, GrGLint yoffset, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height, GrGLenum format, GrGLenum type, const GrGLvoid* pixels);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform1fProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLfloat v0);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform1iProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLint v0);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform1fvProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, const GrGLfloat* v);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform1ivProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, const GrGLint* v);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform2fProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLfloat v0, GrGLfloat v1);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform2iProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLint v0, GrGLint v1);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform2fvProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, const GrGLfloat* v);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform2ivProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, const GrGLint* v);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform3fProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLfloat v0, GrGLfloat v1, GrGLfloat v2);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform3iProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLint v0, GrGLint v1, GrGLint v2);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform3fvProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, const GrGLfloat* v);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform3ivProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, const GrGLint* v);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform4fProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLfloat v0, GrGLfloat v1, GrGLfloat v2, GrGLfloat v3);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform4iProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLint v0, GrGLint v1, GrGLint v2, GrGLint v3);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform4fvProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, const GrGLfloat* v);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniform4ivProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, const GrGLint* v);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniformMatrix2fvProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, GrGLboolean transpose, const GrGLfloat* value);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniformMatrix3fvProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, GrGLboolean transpose, const GrGLfloat* value);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUniformMatrix4fvProc)(GrGLint location, GrGLsizei count, GrGLboolean transpose, const GrGLfloat* value);
typedef GrGLboolean (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUnmapBufferProc)(GrGLenum target);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUnmapBufferSubDataProc)(const GrGLvoid* mem);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUnmapTexSubImage2DProc)(const GrGLvoid* mem);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLUseProgramProc)(GrGLuint program);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLVertexAttrib4fvProc)(GrGLuint indx, const GrGLfloat* values);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLVertexAttribPointerProc)(GrGLuint indx, GrGLint size, GrGLenum type, GrGLboolean normalized, GrGLsizei stride, const GrGLvoid* ptr);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLViewportProc)(GrGLint x, GrGLint y, GrGLsizei width, GrGLsizei height);
// Experimental: Functions for GL_NV_path_rendering. These will be
// alphabetized with the above functions once this is fully supported
// (and functions we are unlikely to use will possibly be omitted).
Add functions to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES Add OpenGL ES extension functions needed to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES. The added glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV call is defined in NV_path_rendering revision 30, similar to following: Append to the end of the "Shader Inputs" subsection of Section 3.12.2 "Shader Execution": The command void ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV(uint program, int location, enum genMode, int components, const float *coeffs); controls how a user-defined (non-built-in) fragment input of a GLSL program object is computed for fragment shading operations that occur as a result of CoverFillPathNV or CoverStrokePathNV. /program/ names a GLSL program object. If /program/ has not been successfully linked, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. The given fragment input generation state is loaded into the fragment input variable location identified by /location/. This location is a value returned either by GetProgramResourceLocation with a /programInterface/ of FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV and a given fragment shader input variable name or by GetProgramResourceiv with FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV for the /programInterface/ and LOCATION for the property for a given fragment input resource index. .... glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV will be used instead of glPathTexGen, because the latter depends on fixed function pipeline that is not exposed in ES. Also add glGetProgramResourceLocation from OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_program_interface_query. Also add FRAGMENT_INPUT define to be used with glGetProgramResourceLocation. The added functions are not used yet, but they're needed when implementing NV_path_rendering support for OpenGL ES. They can also be used on OpenGL. Remove uncalled NV_path_rendering functions, so they do not cause confusion or take space in the interface definition. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Remove definitions NV_path_rendering that are for NV_path_rendering function parameters that are not used. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Committed: Author: Review URL:
2014-07-03 05:56:35 +00:00
// EXT_direct_state_access
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLMatrixLoadfProc)(GrGLenum matrixMode, const GrGLfloat* m);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLMatrixLoadIdentityProc)(GrGLenum);
Add functions to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES Add OpenGL ES extension functions needed to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES. The added glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV call is defined in NV_path_rendering revision 30, similar to following: Append to the end of the "Shader Inputs" subsection of Section 3.12.2 "Shader Execution": The command void ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV(uint program, int location, enum genMode, int components, const float *coeffs); controls how a user-defined (non-built-in) fragment input of a GLSL program object is computed for fragment shading operations that occur as a result of CoverFillPathNV or CoverStrokePathNV. /program/ names a GLSL program object. If /program/ has not been successfully linked, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. The given fragment input generation state is loaded into the fragment input variable location identified by /location/. This location is a value returned either by GetProgramResourceLocation with a /programInterface/ of FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV and a given fragment shader input variable name or by GetProgramResourceiv with FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV for the /programInterface/ and LOCATION for the property for a given fragment input resource index. .... glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV will be used instead of glPathTexGen, because the latter depends on fixed function pipeline that is not exposed in ES. Also add glGetProgramResourceLocation from OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_program_interface_query. Also add FRAGMENT_INPUT define to be used with glGetProgramResourceLocation. The added functions are not used yet, but they're needed when implementing NV_path_rendering support for OpenGL ES. They can also be used on OpenGL. Remove uncalled NV_path_rendering functions, so they do not cause confusion or take space in the interface definition. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Remove definitions NV_path_rendering that are for NV_path_rendering function parameters that are not used. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Committed: Author: Review URL:
2014-07-03 05:56:35 +00:00
// ARB_program_interface_query
typedef GrGLint (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGetProgramResourceLocationProc)(GrGLuint program, GrGLenum programInterface, const GrGLchar *name);
// NV_path_rendering
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathCommandsProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLsizei numCommands, const GrGLubyte *commands, GrGLsizei numCoords, GrGLenum coordType, const GrGLvoid *coords);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathCoordsProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLsizei numCoords, GrGLenum coordType, const GrGLvoid *coords);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathSubCoordsProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLsizei coordStart, GrGLsizei numCoords, GrGLenum coordType, const GrGLvoid *coords);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathStringProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLenum format, GrGLsizei length, const GrGLvoid *pathString);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathGlyphsProc)(GrGLuint firstPathName, GrGLenum fontTarget, const GrGLvoid *fontName, GrGLbitfield fontStyle, GrGLsizei numGlyphs, GrGLenum type, const GrGLvoid *charcodes, GrGLenum handleMissingGlyphs, GrGLuint pathParameterTemplate, GrGLfloat emScale);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathGlyphRangeProc)(GrGLuint firstPathName, GrGLenum fontTarget, const GrGLvoid *fontName, GrGLbitfield fontStyle, GrGLuint firstGlyph, GrGLsizei numGlyphs, GrGLenum handleMissingGlyphs, GrGLuint pathParameterTemplate, GrGLfloat emScale);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLWeightPathsProc)(GrGLuint resultPath, GrGLsizei numPaths, const GrGLuint paths[], const GrGLfloat weights[]);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCopyPathProc)(GrGLuint resultPath, GrGLuint srcPath);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLInterpolatePathsProc)(GrGLuint resultPath, GrGLuint pathA, GrGLuint pathB, GrGLfloat weight);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLTransformPathProc)(GrGLuint resultPath, GrGLuint srcPath, GrGLenum transformType, const GrGLfloat *transformValues);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathParameteriProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLenum pname, GrGLint value);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathParameterfProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLenum pname, GrGLfloat value);
typedef GrGLuint (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLGenPathsProc)(GrGLsizei range);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLDeletePathsProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLsizei range);
typedef GrGLboolean (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLIsPathProc)(GrGLuint path);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathStencilFuncProc)(GrGLenum func, GrGLint ref, GrGLuint mask);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilFillPathProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLenum fillMode, GrGLuint mask);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilStrokePathProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLint reference, GrGLuint mask);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilFillPathInstancedProc)(GrGLsizei numPaths, GrGLenum pathNameType, const GrGLvoid *paths, GrGLuint pathBase, GrGLenum fillMode, GrGLuint mask, GrGLenum transformType, const GrGLfloat *transformValues);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilStrokePathInstancedProc)(GrGLsizei numPaths, GrGLenum pathNameType, const GrGLvoid *paths, GrGLuint pathBase, GrGLint reference, GrGLuint mask, GrGLenum transformType, const GrGLfloat *transformValues);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathTexGenProc)(GrGLenum texCoordSet, GrGLenum genMode, GrGLint components, const GrGLfloat *coeffs);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCoverFillPathProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLenum coverMode);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCoverStrokePathProc)(GrGLuint name, GrGLenum coverMode);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCoverFillPathInstancedProc)(GrGLsizei numPaths, GrGLenum pathNameType, const GrGLvoid *paths, GrGLuint pathBase, GrGLenum coverMode, GrGLenum transformType, const GrGLfloat *transformValues);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLCoverStrokePathInstancedProc)(GrGLsizei numPaths, GrGLenum pathNameType, const GrGLvoid *paths, GrGLuint pathBase, GrGLenum coverMode, GrGLenum transformType, const GrGLfloat* transformValues);
// NV_path_rendering v1.2
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilThenCoverFillPathProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLenum fillMode, GrGLuint mask, GrGLenum coverMode);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilThenCoverStrokePathProc)(GrGLuint path, GrGLint reference, GrGLuint mask, GrGLenum coverMode);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedProc)(GrGLsizei numPaths, GrGLenum pathNameType, const GrGLvoid *paths, GrGLuint pathBase, GrGLenum fillMode, GrGLuint mask, GrGLenum coverMode, GrGLenum transformType, const GrGLfloat *transformValues);
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedProc)(GrGLsizei numPaths, GrGLenum pathNameType, const GrGLvoid *paths, GrGLuint pathBase, GrGLint reference, GrGLuint mask, GrGLenum coverMode, GrGLenum transformType, const GrGLfloat *transformValues);
// NV_path_rendering v1.3
Add functions to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES Add OpenGL ES extension functions needed to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES. The added glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV call is defined in NV_path_rendering revision 30, similar to following: Append to the end of the "Shader Inputs" subsection of Section 3.12.2 "Shader Execution": The command void ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV(uint program, int location, enum genMode, int components, const float *coeffs); controls how a user-defined (non-built-in) fragment input of a GLSL program object is computed for fragment shading operations that occur as a result of CoverFillPathNV or CoverStrokePathNV. /program/ names a GLSL program object. If /program/ has not been successfully linked, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. The given fragment input generation state is loaded into the fragment input variable location identified by /location/. This location is a value returned either by GetProgramResourceLocation with a /programInterface/ of FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV and a given fragment shader input variable name or by GetProgramResourceiv with FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV for the /programInterface/ and LOCATION for the property for a given fragment input resource index. .... glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV will be used instead of glPathTexGen, because the latter depends on fixed function pipeline that is not exposed in ES. Also add glGetProgramResourceLocation from OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_program_interface_query. Also add FRAGMENT_INPUT define to be used with glGetProgramResourceLocation. The added functions are not used yet, but they're needed when implementing NV_path_rendering support for OpenGL ES. They can also be used on OpenGL. Remove uncalled NV_path_rendering functions, so they do not cause confusion or take space in the interface definition. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Remove definitions NV_path_rendering that are for NV_path_rendering function parameters that are not used. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Committed: Author: Review URL:
2014-07-03 05:56:35 +00:00
typedef GrGLvoid (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLProgramPathFragmentInputGenProc)(GrGLuint program, GrGLint location, GrGLenum genMode, GrGLint components,const GrGLfloat *coeffs);
typedef GrGLenum (GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE* GrGLPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayProc)(GrGLuint firstPathName, GrGLenum fontTarget, GrGLsizeiptr fontSize, const GrGLvoid *fontData, GrGLsizei faceIndex, GrGLuint firstGlyphIndex, GrGLsizei numGlyphs, GrGLuint pathParameterTemplate, GrGLfloat emScale);
} // extern "C"