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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "Test.h"
#include "SkPath.h"
#include "GrClip.h"
#include "GrContext.h"
#include "GrContextPriv.h"
#include "SkGradientShader.h"
#include "SkShaderBase.h"
#include "effects/GrPorterDuffXferProcessor.h"
#include "ops/GrTessellatingPathRenderer.h"
* These tests pass by not crashing, hanging or asserting in Debug.
// Tests active edges made inactive by splitting.
// Also tests active edge list forced into an invalid ordering by
// splitting (mopped up in cleanup_active_edges()).
static SkPath create_path_0() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(229.127044677734375f, 67.34100341796875f);
path.lineTo(187.8097381591796875f, -6.7729740142822265625f);
path.lineTo(171.411407470703125f, 50.94266510009765625f);
path.lineTo(245.5253753662109375f, 9.6253643035888671875f);
path.moveTo(208.4683990478515625f, 30.284009933471679688f);
path.lineTo(171.411407470703125f, 50.94266510009765625f);
path.lineTo(187.8097381591796875f, -6.7729740142822265625f);
return path;
// Intersections which fall exactly on the current vertex, and require
// a restart of the intersection checking.
static SkPath create_path_1() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(314.483551025390625f, 486.246002197265625f);
path.lineTo(385.41949462890625f, 532.8087158203125f);
path.lineTo(373.232879638671875f, 474.05938720703125f);
path.lineTo(326.670166015625f, 544.995361328125f);
path.moveTo(349.951507568359375f, 509.52734375f);
path.lineTo(373.232879638671875f, 474.05938720703125f);
path.lineTo(385.41949462890625f, 532.8087158203125f);
return path;
// Tests active edges which are removed by splitting.
static SkPath create_path_2() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(343.107391357421875f, 613.62176513671875f);
path.lineTo(426.632415771484375f, 628.5740966796875f);
path.lineTo(392.3460693359375f, 579.33544921875f);
path.lineTo(377.39373779296875f, 662.86041259765625f);
path.moveTo(384.869873046875f, 621.097900390625f);
path.lineTo(392.3460693359375f, 579.33544921875f);
path.lineTo(426.632415771484375f, 628.5740966796875f);
return path;
// Collinear edges merged in set_top().
// Also, an intersection between left and right enclosing edges which
// falls above the current vertex.
static SkPath create_path_3() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(545.95751953125f, 791.69854736328125f);
path.lineTo(612.05816650390625f, 738.494140625f);
path.lineTo(552.4056396484375f, 732.0460205078125f);
path.lineTo(605.61004638671875f, 798.14666748046875f);
path.moveTo(579.00787353515625f, 765.0963134765625f);
path.lineTo(552.4056396484375f, 732.0460205078125f);
path.lineTo(612.05816650390625f, 738.494140625f);
return path;
// Tests active edges which are made inactive by set_top().
static SkPath create_path_4() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(819.2725830078125f, 751.77447509765625f);
path.lineTo(820.70904541015625f, 666.933837890625f);
path.lineTo(777.57049560546875f, 708.63592529296875f);
path.lineTo(862.4111328125f, 710.0723876953125f);
path.moveTo(819.99078369140625f, 709.3541259765625f);
path.lineTo(777.57049560546875f, 708.63592529296875f);
path.lineTo(820.70904541015625f, 666.933837890625f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_5() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(823.33209228515625f, 749.052734375f);
path.lineTo(823.494873046875f, 664.20013427734375f);
path.lineTo(780.9871826171875f, 706.5450439453125f);
path.lineTo(865.8397216796875f, 706.70782470703125f);
path.moveTo(823.4134521484375f, 706.6263427734375f);
path.lineTo(780.9871826171875f, 706.5450439453125f);
path.lineTo(823.494873046875f, 664.20013427734375f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_6() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(954.862548828125f, 562.8349609375f);
path.lineTo(899.32818603515625f, 498.679443359375f);
path.lineTo(895.017578125f, 558.52435302734375f);
path.lineTo(959.17315673828125f, 502.990081787109375f);
path.moveTo(927.0953369140625f, 530.7572021484375f);
path.lineTo(895.017578125f, 558.52435302734375f);
path.lineTo(899.32818603515625f, 498.679443359375f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_7() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(958.5330810546875f, 547.35516357421875f);
path.lineTo(899.93109130859375f, 485.989013671875f);
path.lineTo(898.54901123046875f, 545.97308349609375f);
path.lineTo(959.9151611328125f, 487.37109375f);
path.moveTo(929.2320556640625f, 516.67205810546875f);
path.lineTo(898.54901123046875f, 545.97308349609375f);
path.lineTo(899.93109130859375f, 485.989013671875f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_8() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(389.8609619140625f, 369.326873779296875f);
path.lineTo(470.6290283203125f, 395.33697509765625f);
path.lineTo(443.250030517578125f, 341.9478759765625f);
path.lineTo(417.239959716796875f, 422.7159423828125f);
path.moveTo(430.244964599609375f, 382.3319091796875f);
path.lineTo(443.250030517578125f, 341.9478759765625f);
path.lineTo(470.6290283203125f, 395.33697509765625f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_9() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(20, 20);
path.lineTo(50, 80);
path.lineTo(20, 80);
path.moveTo(80, 50);
path.lineTo(50, 50);
path.lineTo(20, 50);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_10() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(257.19439697265625f, 320.876617431640625f);
path.lineTo(190.113037109375f, 320.58978271484375f);
path.lineTo(203.64404296875f, 293.8145751953125f);
path.moveTo(203.357177734375f, 360.896026611328125f);
path.lineTo(216.88824462890625f, 334.120819091796875f);
path.lineTo(230.41925048828125f, 307.345611572265625f);
return path;
// A degenerate segments case, where both upper and lower segments of
// a split edge must remain active.
static SkPath create_path_11() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(231.9331207275390625f, 306.2012939453125f);
path.lineTo(191.4859161376953125f, 306.04547119140625f);
path.lineTo(231.0659332275390625f, 300.2642822265625f);
path.moveTo(189.946807861328125f, 302.072265625f);
path.lineTo(179.79705810546875f, 294.859771728515625f);
path.lineTo(191.0016021728515625f, 296.165679931640625f);
path.moveTo(150.8942108154296875f, 304.900146484375f);
path.lineTo(179.708892822265625f, 297.849029541015625f);
path.lineTo(190.4742279052734375f, 299.11895751953125f);
return path;
// Handle the case where edge.dist(edge.fTop) != 0.0.
static SkPath create_path_12() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 0.0f, 400.0f);
path.lineTo( 138.0f, 202.0f);
path.lineTo( 0.0f, 202.0f);
path.moveTo( 12.62693023681640625f, 250.57464599609375f);
path.lineTo( 8.13896942138671875f, 254.556884765625f);
path.lineTo(-18.15641021728515625f, 220.40203857421875f);
path.lineTo(-15.986493110656738281f, 219.6513519287109375f);
path.moveTo( 36.931194305419921875f, 282.485504150390625f);
path.lineTo( 15.617521286010742188f, 261.2901611328125f);
path.lineTo( 10.3829498291015625f, 252.565765380859375f);
path.lineTo(-16.165292739868164062f, 222.646026611328125f);
return path;
// A degenerate segments case which exercises inactive edges being
// made active by splitting.
static SkPath create_path_13() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(690.62127685546875f, 509.25555419921875f);
path.lineTo(99.336181640625f, 511.71405029296875f);
path.lineTo(708.362548828125f, 512.4349365234375f);
path.lineTo(729.9940185546875f, 516.3114013671875f);
path.lineTo(738.708984375f, 518.76995849609375f);
path.lineTo(678.3463134765625f, 510.0819091796875f);
path.lineTo(681.21795654296875f, 504.81378173828125f);
path.moveTo(758.52764892578125f, 521.55963134765625f);
path.lineTo(719.1549072265625f, 514.50372314453125f);
path.lineTo(689.59063720703125f, 512.0628662109375f);
path.lineTo(679.78216552734375f, 507.447845458984375f);
return path;
// Tests vertices which become "orphaned" (ie., no connected edges)
// after simplification.
static SkPath create_path_14() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(217.326019287109375f, 166.4752960205078125f);
path.lineTo(226.279266357421875f, 170.929473876953125f);
path.lineTo(234.3973388671875f, 177.0623626708984375f);
path.lineTo(262.0921630859375f, 188.746124267578125f);
path.moveTo(196.23638916015625f, 174.0722198486328125f);
path.lineTo(416.15277099609375f, 180.138214111328125f);
path.lineTo(192.651947021484375f, 304.0228271484375f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_15() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 0.0f, 0.0f);
path.lineTo(10000.0f, 0.0f);
path.lineTo( 0.0f, -1.0f);
path.lineTo(10000.0f, 0.000001f);
path.lineTo( 0.0f, -30.0f);
return path;
// Reduction of Nebraska-StateSeal.svg. Floating point error causes the
// same edge to be added to more than one poly on the same side.
static SkPath create_path_16() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(170.8199920654296875, 491.86700439453125);
path.lineTo(173.7649993896484375, 489.7340087890625);
path.lineTo(174.1450958251953125, 498.545989990234375);
path.lineTo( 171.998992919921875, 500.88201904296875);
path.moveTo(168.2922515869140625, 498.66265869140625);
path.lineTo(169.8589935302734375, 497.94500732421875);
path.lineTo( 172, 500.88299560546875);
path.moveTo( 169.555267333984375, 490.70111083984375);
path.lineTo(173.7649993896484375, 489.7340087890625);
path.lineTo( 170.82000732421875, 491.86700439453125);
return path;
// A simple concave path. Test this with a non-invertible matrix.
static SkPath create_path_17() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(20, 20);
path.lineTo(80, 20);
path.lineTo(30, 30);
path.lineTo(20, 80);
return path;
// A shape with a vertex collinear to the right hand edge.
// This messes up find_enclosing_edges.
static SkPath create_path_18() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(80, 20);
path.lineTo(80, 60);
path.lineTo(20, 60);
path.moveTo(80, 50);
path.lineTo(80, 80);
path.lineTo(20, 80);
return path;
// Exercises the case where an edge becomes collinear with *two* of its
// adjacent neighbour edges after splitting.
// This is a reduction from
static SkPath create_path_19() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 351.99298095703125, 348.23046875);
path.lineTo( 351.91876220703125, 347.33984375);
path.lineTo( 351.91876220703125, 346.1953125);
path.lineTo( 351.90313720703125, 347.734375);
path.lineTo( 351.90313720703125, 346.1328125);
path.lineTo( 351.87579345703125, 347.93359375);
path.lineTo( 351.87579345703125, 345.484375);
path.lineTo( 351.86407470703125, 347.7890625);
path.lineTo( 351.86407470703125, 346.2109375);
path.lineTo( 351.84844970703125, 347.63763427734375);
path.lineTo( 351.84454345703125, 344.19232177734375);
path.lineTo( 351.78204345703125, 346.9483642578125);
path.lineTo( 351.758636474609375, 347.18310546875);
path.lineTo( 351.75469970703125, 346.75);
path.lineTo( 351.75469970703125, 345.46875);
path.lineTo( 352.5546875, 345.46875);
path.lineTo( 352.55078125, 347.01953125);
path.lineTo( 351.75079345703125, 347.02313232421875);
path.lineTo( 351.74688720703125, 346.15203857421875);
path.lineTo( 351.74688720703125, 347.646148681640625);
path.lineTo( 352.5390625, 346.94140625);
path.lineTo( 351.73907470703125, 346.94268798828125);
path.lineTo( 351.73516845703125, 344.48565673828125);
path.lineTo( 352.484375, 346.73828125);
path.lineTo( 351.68438720703125, 346.7401123046875);
path.lineTo( 352.4765625, 346.546875);
path.lineTo( 351.67657470703125, 346.54937744140625);
path.lineTo( 352.47265625, 346.75390625);
path.lineTo( 351.67266845703125, 346.756622314453125);
path.lineTo( 351.66876220703125, 345.612091064453125);
return path;
// An intersection above the first vertex in the mesh.
// Reduction from
static SkPath create_path_20() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 2822128.5, 235.026336669921875);
path.lineTo( 2819349.25, 235.3623504638671875);
path.lineTo( -340558688, 23.83478546142578125);
path.lineTo( -340558752, 25.510419845581054688);
path.lineTo( -340558720, 27.18605804443359375);
return path;
// An intersection whose result is NaN (due to rounded-to-inf endpoint).
static SkPath create_path_21() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(1.7889142061167663539e+38, 39338463358011572224.0);
path.lineTo( 1647.4193115234375, -522.603515625);
path.lineTo( 1677.74560546875, -529.0028076171875);
path.lineTo( 1678.29541015625, -528.7847900390625);
path.lineTo( 1637.5167236328125, -519.79266357421875);
path.lineTo( 1647.4193115234375, -522.603515625);
return path;
// A quad which becomes NaN when interpolated.
static SkPath create_path_22() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(-5.71889e+13f, 1.36759e+09f);
path.quadTo(2.45472e+19f, -3.12406e+15f, -2.19589e+18f, 2.79462e+14f);
return path;
// A path which contains out-of-range colinear intersections.
static SkPath create_path_23() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 0, 63.39080047607421875);
path.lineTo(-0.70804601907730102539, 63.14350128173828125);
path.lineTo(-7.8608899287380243391e-17, 64.14080047607421875);
path.moveTo( 0, 64.14080047607421875);
path.lineTo(44.285900115966796875, 64.14080047607421875);
path.lineTo( 0, 62.64080047607421875);
path.moveTo(21.434900283813476562, -0.24732701480388641357);
path.lineTo(-0.70804601907730102539, 63.14350128173828125);
path.lineTo(0.70804601907730102539, 63.6381988525390625);
return path;
// A path which results in infs and nans when conics are converted to quads.
static SkPath create_path_24() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(-2.20883e+37f, -1.02892e+37f);
path.conicTo(-2.00958e+38f, -9.36107e+37f, -1.7887e+38f, -8.33215e+37f, 0.707107f);
path.conicTo(-1.56782e+38f, -7.30323e+37f, 2.20883e+37f, 1.02892e+37f, 0.707107f);
path.conicTo(2.00958e+38f, 9.36107e+37f, 1.7887e+38f, 8.33215e+37f, 0.707107f);
path.conicTo(1.56782e+38f, 7.30323e+37f, -2.20883e+37f, -1.02892e+37f, 0.707107f);
return path;
GrTessellator: implement straight skeleton, phase 2. This CL implements two major changes to the AA tessellating path renderer: 1) Fix inverted edges after stroke and simplify. Instead of detecting and fixing edges which invert on stroking during the stroking pass, we run the full simplify pass on both inner and outer contours, then create edge collapse events for the overlap regions. We then process the edge events in a priority queue and process them in order of decreasing alpha (this is the "edge event" part of the straight skeleton algorithm). By doing it after simplification, we ensure that there's a full-alpha intersection vertex to join the collapse edge to (which may have <1 alpha), so no spurious gradients appear in the rendered path. 2) "Pointy" vertices (defined as those which meet at an acute angle less than 14 degrees) are now properly bevelled off during stroking. This removes antialiasing artifacts which extend beyond the path boundary. Some ancillary changes: The extracted boundaries which are input to stroking have their line equations pre-normalized, and multiplied by winding. This simplifies a lot of code which was performing this computation on the fly. The workaround for the "intruding vertex" problem was removed, since the straight skeleton now moves the intruding vertex before it can cause problems. Bug: 756823 Change-Id: I271ed32be6847da55273b387e8c04bbf9b512b70 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <> Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
2017-12-19 23:09:54 +00:00
// An edge collapse event which also collapses a neighbour, requiring
// its event to be removed.
static SkPath create_path_25() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 43.44110107421875, 148.15106201171875);
path.lineTo( 44.64471435546875, 148.16748046875);
path.lineTo( 46.35009765625, 147.403076171875);
path.lineTo( 46.45404052734375, 148.34906005859375);
path.lineTo( 45.0400390625, 148.54205322265625);
path.lineTo( 44.624053955078125, 148.9810791015625);
path.lineTo( 44.59405517578125, 149.16107177734375);
path.lineTo( 44.877044677734375, 149.62005615234375);
path.lineTo(144.373016357421875, 68.8070068359375);
return path;
// An edge collapse event causes an edge to become collinear, requiring
// its event to be removed.
static SkPath create_path_26() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 43.44110107421875, 148.15106201171875);
path.lineTo( 44.64471435546875, 148.16748046875);
path.lineTo( 46.35009765625, 147.403076171875);
path.lineTo( 46.45404052734375, 148.34906005859375);
path.lineTo( 45.0400390625, 148.54205322265625);
path.lineTo( 44.624053955078125, 148.9810791015625);
path.lineTo( 44.59405517578125, 149.16107177734375);
path.lineTo( 44.877044677734375, 149.62005615234375);
path.lineTo(144.373016357421875, 68.8070068359375);
return path;
// A path which results in non-finite points when stroked and bevelled for AA.
static SkPath create_path_27() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(8.5027233009104409507e+37, 1.7503381025241130639e+37);
path.lineTo(7.0923661737711584874e+37, 1.4600074517285415699e+37);
path.lineTo(7.0848733446033294691e+37, 1.4584649744781838604e+37);
path.lineTo(-2.0473916115129349496e+37, -4.2146796450364162012e+36);
path.lineTo(2.0473912312177548811e+37, 4.2146815465123165435e+36);
return path;
// AA stroking this path produces intersection failures on bevelling.
// This should skip the point, but not assert.
static SkPath create_path_28() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(-7.5952312625177475154e+21, -2.6819185100266674911e+24);
path.lineTo( 1260.3787841796875, 1727.7947998046875);
path.lineTo( 1260.5567626953125, 1728.0386962890625);
path.lineTo(1.1482511310557754163e+21, 4.054538502765980051e+23);
path.lineTo(-7.5952312625177475154e+21, -2.6819185100266674911e+24);
return path;
// A quad which generates a huge number of points (>2B) when uniformly
// linearized. This should not hang or OOM.
static SkPath create_path_29() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(10, 0);
path.lineTo(0, 0);
path.quadTo(10, 0, 0, 8315084722602508288);
return path;
// A path which hangs during simplification. It produces an edge which is
// to the left of its own endpoints, which causes an infinte loop in the
// right-enclosing-edge splitting.
static SkPath create_path_30() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(0.75001740455627441406, 23.051967620849609375);
path.lineTo(5.8471612930297851562, 22.731662750244140625);
path.lineTo(10.749670028686523438, 22.253145217895507812);
path.lineTo(13.115868568420410156, 22.180681228637695312);
path.lineTo(15.418928146362304688, 22.340015411376953125);
path.lineTo( 17.654022216796875, 22.82159423828125);
path.lineTo(19.81632232666015625, 23.715869903564453125);
path.lineTo(40, 0);
path.lineTo(5.5635203441547955577e-15, 0);
path.lineTo(5.5635203441547955577e-15, 47);
path.lineTo(-1.4210854715202003717e-14, 21.713298797607421875);
path.lineTo(0.75001740455627441406, 21.694292068481445312);
path.lineTo(0.75001740455627441406, 23.051967620849609375);
return path;
// A path with vertices which become infinite on AA stroking. Should not crash or assert.
static SkPath create_path_31() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(2.0257809259190991347e+36, -1244080640);
path.conicTo(2.0257809259190991347e+36, -1244080640,
2.0257809259190991347e+36, 0.10976474732160568237, 0.70710676908493041992);
path.lineTo(-10036566016, -1954718402215936);
path.conicTo(-1.1375507718551896064e+20, -1954721086570496,
10036566016, -1954721086570496, 0.70710676908493041992);
return path;
static std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> create_linear_gradient_processor(GrContext* ctx) {
GrTessellator: implement straight skeleton, phase 2. This CL implements two major changes to the AA tessellating path renderer: 1) Fix inverted edges after stroke and simplify. Instead of detecting and fixing edges which invert on stroking during the stroking pass, we run the full simplify pass on both inner and outer contours, then create edge collapse events for the overlap regions. We then process the edge events in a priority queue and process them in order of decreasing alpha (this is the "edge event" part of the straight skeleton algorithm). By doing it after simplification, we ensure that there's a full-alpha intersection vertex to join the collapse edge to (which may have <1 alpha), so no spurious gradients appear in the rendered path. 2) "Pointy" vertices (defined as those which meet at an acute angle less than 14 degrees) are now properly bevelled off during stroking. This removes antialiasing artifacts which extend beyond the path boundary. Some ancillary changes: The extracted boundaries which are input to stroking have their line equations pre-normalized, and multiplied by winding. This simplifies a lot of code which was performing this computation on the fly. The workaround for the "intruding vertex" problem was removed, since the straight skeleton now moves the intruding vertex before it can cause problems. Bug: 756823 Change-Id: I271ed32be6847da55273b387e8c04bbf9b512b70 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <> Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
2017-12-19 23:09:54 +00:00
SkPoint pts[2] = { {0, 0}, {1, 1} };
SkColor colors[2] = { SK_ColorGREEN, SK_ColorBLUE };
sk_sp<SkShader> shader = SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(
pts, colors, nullptr, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colors), SkShader::kClamp_TileMode);
GrColorSpaceInfo colorSpaceInfo(nullptr, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig);
Reland "Fix handling of MaskFilter matrices" This reverts commit c64ee20e135a336ed775ccb6dec8a87efd19ec02. Reason for revert: initial failures should be fixed in Original change's description: > Revert "Fix handling of MaskFilter matrices" > > This reverts commit 2097fd03ffea48bd904c48c93348b2350600870e. > > Reason for revert: This is breaking a lot of Windows bots (esp. on the shadermaskfilter_localmatrix) > > Original change's description: > > Fix handling of MaskFilter matrices > > > > 1) extend GrFPArgs to track pre/post local matrices, add helpers for > > creating pre/post wrapper args > > > > 2) add a SkShaderBase helper (totalLocalMatrix) to centralize the LM > > sandwich logic. > > > > 3) update call sites to use the above > > > > 4) rename SkMatrixFilter::makeWithLocalMatrix -> makeWithMatrix, to > > disambiguate vs. SkShader::makeWithLocalMatrix. > > > > BUG=skia:7744 > > > > Change-Id: Ib2b7b007e6924979b00649dde7c94ef4b34771f1 > > Reviewed-on: > > Commit-Queue: Florin Malita <> > > Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <> > >,,, > > Change-Id: I918dbb95bf00b3122e6699b84566ec82dbb5fc5c > No-Presubmit: true > No-Tree-Checks: true > No-Try: true > Bug: skia:7744 > Reviewed-on: > Reviewed-by: Robert Phillips <> > Commit-Queue: Robert Phillips <>,,, Change-Id: If194862a928d1abe22ed8fa968436c725d19a8fc No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: skia:7744 Reviewed-on: Commit-Queue: Florin Malita <> Reviewed-by: Florin Malita <>
2018-04-11 19:33:40 +00:00
GrFPArgs args(ctx, &SkMatrix::I(), SkFilterQuality::kLow_SkFilterQuality, &colorSpaceInfo);
return as_SB(shader)->asFragmentProcessor(args);
static void test_path(GrContext* ctx,
GrRenderTargetContext* renderTargetContext,
const SkPath& path,
const SkMatrix& matrix = SkMatrix::I(),
GrAAType aaType = GrAAType::kNone,
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fp = nullptr) {
GrTessellatingPathRenderer tess;
GrPaint paint;
if (fp) {
GrNoClip noClip;
SkIRect clipConservativeBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(renderTargetContext->width(),
GrStyle style(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle);
GrShape shape(path, style);
GrPathRenderer::DrawPathArgs args{ctx,
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_ALL_CONTEXTS(TessellatingPathRendererTests, reporter, ctxInfo) {
GrContext* ctx = ctxInfo.grContext();
sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext> rtc(ctx->contextPriv().makeDeferredRenderTargetContext(
SkBackingFit::kApprox, 800, 800, kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig, nullptr, 1, GrMipMapped::kNo,
if (!rtc) {
// Adding discard to appease vulkan validation warning about loading uninitialized data on draw
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_0());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_1());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_2());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_3());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_4());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_5());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_6());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_7());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_8());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_9());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_10());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_11());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_12());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_13());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_14());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_15());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_16());
SkMatrix nonInvertibleMatrix = SkMatrix::MakeScale(0, 0);
std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fp(create_linear_gradient_processor(ctx));
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_17(), nonInvertibleMatrix, GrAAType::kCoverage,
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_18());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_19());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_20(), SkMatrix(), GrAAType::kCoverage);
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_21(), SkMatrix(), GrAAType::kCoverage);
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_22());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_23());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_24());
GrTessellator: implement straight skeleton, phase 2. This CL implements two major changes to the AA tessellating path renderer: 1) Fix inverted edges after stroke and simplify. Instead of detecting and fixing edges which invert on stroking during the stroking pass, we run the full simplify pass on both inner and outer contours, then create edge collapse events for the overlap regions. We then process the edge events in a priority queue and process them in order of decreasing alpha (this is the "edge event" part of the straight skeleton algorithm). By doing it after simplification, we ensure that there's a full-alpha intersection vertex to join the collapse edge to (which may have <1 alpha), so no spurious gradients appear in the rendered path. 2) "Pointy" vertices (defined as those which meet at an acute angle less than 14 degrees) are now properly bevelled off during stroking. This removes antialiasing artifacts which extend beyond the path boundary. Some ancillary changes: The extracted boundaries which are input to stroking have their line equations pre-normalized, and multiplied by winding. This simplifies a lot of code which was performing this computation on the fly. The workaround for the "intruding vertex" problem was removed, since the straight skeleton now moves the intruding vertex before it can cause problems. Bug: 756823 Change-Id: I271ed32be6847da55273b387e8c04bbf9b512b70 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <> Commit-Queue: Stephen White <>
2017-12-19 23:09:54 +00:00
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_25(), SkMatrix(), GrAAType::kCoverage);
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_26(), SkMatrix(), GrAAType::kCoverage);
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_27(), SkMatrix(), GrAAType::kCoverage);
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_28(), SkMatrix(), GrAAType::kCoverage);
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_29());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_30());
test_path(ctx, rtc.get(), create_path_31(), SkMatrix(), GrAAType::kCoverage);