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Enabling clip stack flattening exercises path ops. Iterating through the 903K skps that represent the imagable 1M top web pages triggers a number of bugs, some of which are addressed here. Some web pages trigger intersecting cubic representations of arc with their conic counterparts. This exposed a flaw in coincident detection that caused an infinite loop. The loop alternatively extended the coincident section and, determining the that the bounds of the curve pairs did not overlap, deleted the extension. Track the number of times the coincident detection is called, and if it exceeds an empirically found limit, assume that the curves are coincident and force it to be so. The loop count limit can be determined by enabling DEBUG_T_SECT_LOOP_COUNT and running all tests. The largest count is reported on completion. Another class of bugs was caused by concident detection duplicating nearly identical points that had been merged earlier. To track these bugs, the 'handle coincidence' code was duplicated as a const debug variety that reported if one of a dozen or so irregularities are present; then it is easier to see when a block of code that fixes one irregularity regresses another. Creating the debug const code version exposed some non-debug code that could be const, and some that was experimental and could be removed. Set DEBUG_COINCIDENCE to track coincidence health and handling. For running on Chrome, DEBUG_VERIFY checks the result of pathops against the same operation using SkRegion to verify that the results are nearly the same. When visualizing the pathops work using tools/pathops_visualizer.htm, set DEBUG_DUMP_ALIGNMENT to see the curves after they've been aligned for coincidence. Other bugs fixed include detecting when a section of a pair of curves have devolved into lines and are coincident. Review URL:
2015-10-16 16:03:38 +00:00
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "PathOpsTestCommon.h"
#include "SkIntersections.h"
#include "SkPathOpsConic.h"
#include "SkPathOpsCubic.h"
#include "SkReduceOrder.h"
#include "Test.h"
static struct cubicConic {
SkDCubic cubic;
SkDConic conic;
} cubicConicTests[] = {
{{{{188.60000610351562, 2041.5999755859375}, {188.60000610351562, 2065.39990234375},
{208, 2084.800048828125}, {231.80000305175781, 2084.800048828125}}},
{{{{231.80000305175781, 2084.800048828125}, {188.60000610351562, 2084.800048828125},
{188.60000610351562, 2041.5999755859375}}}, 0.707107008f}},
{{{{231.80000305175781, 2084.800048828125}, {255.60000610351562, 2084.800048828125},
{275, 2065.39990234375}, {275, 2041.5999755859375}}},
{{{{275, 2041.5999755859375}, {275, 2084.800048828125},
{231.80000305175781, 2084.800048828125}}}, 0.707107008f}},
static const int cubicConicTests_count = (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(cubicConicTests);
static void cubicConicIntersection(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, int index) {
const SkDCubic& cubic = cubicConicTests[index].cubic;
const SkDConic& conic = cubicConicTests[index].conic;
SkReduceOrder reduce1;
SkReduceOrder reduce2;
int order1 = reduce1.reduce(cubic, SkReduceOrder::kNo_Quadratics);
int order2 = reduce2.reduce(conic.fPts);
if (order1 != 4) {
SkDebugf("[%d] cubic order=%d\n", index, order1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0);
if (order2 != 3) {
SkDebugf("[%d] conic order=%d\n", index, order2);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0);
SkIntersections i;
int roots = i.intersect(cubic, conic);
for (int pt = 0; pt < roots; ++pt) {
double tt1 = i[0][pt];
SkDPoint xy1 = cubic.ptAtT(tt1);
double tt2 = i[1][pt];
SkDPoint xy2 = conic.ptAtT(tt2);
if (!xy1.approximatelyEqual(xy2)) {
SkDebugf("%s [%d,%d] x!= t1=%g (%g,%g) t2=%g (%g,%g)\n",
__FUNCTION__, index, pt, tt1, xy1.fX, xy1.fY, tt2, xy2.fX, xy2.fY);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, xy1.approximatelyEqual(xy2));
DEF_TEST(PathOpsCubicConicIntersection, reporter) {
for (int index = 0; index < cubicConicTests_count; ++index) {
cubicConicIntersection(reporter, index);
DEF_TEST(PathOpsCubicConicIntersectionOneOff, reporter) {
cubicConicIntersection(reporter, 1);