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Automatic update of all copyright notices to reflect new license terms. I have manually examined all of these diffs and restored a few files that seem to require manual adjustment. The following files still need to be modified manually, in a separate CL: android_sample/SampleApp/AndroidManifest.xml android_sample/SampleApp/res/layout/layout.xml android_sample/SampleApp/res/menu/sample.xml android_sample/SampleApp/res/values/strings.xml android_sample/SampleApp/src/com/skia/sampleapp/ android_sample/SampleApp/src/com/skia/sampleapp/ experimental/CiCarbonSampleMain.c experimental/CocoaDebugger/main.m experimental/FileReaderApp/main.m experimental/SimpleCocoaApp/main.m experimental/iOSSampleApp/Shared/SkAlertPrompt.h experimental/iOSSampleApp/Shared/SkAlertPrompt.m experimental/iOSSampleApp/SkiOSSampleApp-Base.xcconfig experimental/iOSSampleApp/SkiOSSampleApp-Debug.xcconfig experimental/iOSSampleApp/SkiOSSampleApp-Release.xcconfig gpu/src/android/GrGLDefaultInterface_android.cpp gyp/common.gypi gyp_skia include/ports/SkHarfBuzzFont.h include/views/SkOSWindow_wxwidgets.h make.bat src/opts/memset.arm.S src/opts/memset16_neon.S src/opts/memset32_neon.S src/opts/opts_check_arm.cpp src/ports/SkDebug_brew.cpp src/ports/SkMemory_brew.cpp src/ports/SkOSFile_brew.cpp src/ports/SkXMLParser_empty.cpp src/utils/ios/ src/utils/ios/ src/utils/ios/ tests/FillPathTest.cpp Review URL: git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
2011-07-28 14:26:00 +00:00
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGLInterface_DEFINED
#define GrGLInterface_DEFINED
#include "GrGLFunctions.h"
#include "GrGLExtensions.h"
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
* Rather than depend on platform-specific GL headers and libraries, we require
* the client to provide a struct of GL function pointers. This struct can be
* specified per-GrContext as a parameter to GrContext::Create. If NULL is
* passed to Create then a "default" GL interface is created. If the default is
* also NULL GrContext creation will fail.
* The default interface is returned by GrGLDefaultInterface. This function's
* implementation is platform-specific. Several have been provided, along with
* an implementation that simply returns NULL.
* By defining GR_GL_PER_GL_CALL_IFACE_CALLBACK to 1 the client can specify a
* callback function that will be called prior to each GL function call. See
* comments in GrGLConfig.h
struct GrGLInterface;
const GrGLInterface* GrGLDefaultInterface();
* Creates a GrGLInterface for a "native" GL context (e.g. WGL on windows,
* GLX on linux, AGL on Mac). The interface is only valid for the GL context
* that is current when the interface is created.
const GrGLInterface* GrGLCreateNativeInterface();
* Creates a GrGLInterface for an OSMesa context.
const GrGLInterface* GrGLCreateMesaInterface();
* Creates a GrGLInterface for an ANGLE context.
const GrGLInterface* GrGLCreateANGLEInterface();
* Creates a null GrGLInterface that doesn't draw anything. Used for measuring
* CPU overhead.
const SK_API GrGLInterface* GrGLCreateNullInterface();
* Creates a debugging GrGLInterface that doesn't draw anything. Used for
* finding memory leaks and invalid memory accesses.
const GrGLInterface* GrGLCreateDebugInterface();
typedef void (*GrGLInterfaceCallbackProc)(const GrGLInterface*);
typedef intptr_t GrGLInterfaceCallbackData;
/** Function that returns a new interface identical to "interface" but without support for
GL_NV_path_rendering. */
const GrGLInterface* GrGLInterfaceRemoveNVPR(const GrGLInterface*);
/** Function that returns a new interface identical to "interface" but with support for
test version of GL_EXT_debug_marker. */
const GrGLInterface* GrGLInterfaceAddTestDebugMarker(const GrGLInterface*,
GrGLInsertEventMarkerProc insertEventMarkerFn,
GrGLPushGroupMarkerProc pushGroupMarkerFn,
GrGLPopGroupMarkerProc popGroupMarkerFn);
* GrContext uses the following interface to make all calls into OpenGL. When a
* GrContext is created it is given a GrGLInterface. The interface's function
* pointers must be valid for the OpenGL context associated with the GrContext.
* On some platforms, such as Windows, function pointers for OpenGL extensions
* may vary between OpenGL contexts. So the caller must be careful to use a
* GrGLInterface initialized for the correct context. All functions that should
* be available based on the OpenGL's version and extension string must be
* non-NULL or GrContext creation will fail. This can be tested with the
* validate() method when the OpenGL context has been made current.
struct SK_API GrGLInterface : public SkRefCnt {
// simple wrapper class that exists only to initialize a pointer to NULL
template <typename FNPTR_TYPE> class GLPtr {
GLPtr() : fPtr(NULL) {}
GLPtr operator=(FNPTR_TYPE ptr) { fPtr = ptr; return *this; }
operator FNPTR_TYPE() const { return fPtr; }
// This is a temporary workaround to keep Chromium's GrGLInterface factories compiling until
// they're updated to use the Functions struct.
template <typename FNPTR_TYPE> class GLPtrAlias {
GLPtrAlias(GLPtr<FNPTR_TYPE>* base) : fBase(base) {}
void operator=(FNPTR_TYPE ptr) { *fBase = ptr; }
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
static GrGLInterface* NewClone(const GrGLInterface*);
// Validates that the GrGLInterface supports its advertised standard. This means the necessary
// function pointers have been initialized for both the GL version and any advertised
// extensions.
bool validate() const;
// Indicates the type of GL implementation
union {
GrGLStandard fStandard;
GrGLStandard fBindingsExported; // Legacy name, will be remove when Chromium is updated.
GrGLExtensions fExtensions;
bool hasExtension(const char ext[]) const { return fExtensions.has(ext); }
* The function pointers are in a struct so that we can have a compiler generated assignment
* operator.
struct Functions {
GLPtr<GrGLActiveTextureProc> fActiveTexture;
GLPtr<GrGLAttachShaderProc> fAttachShader;
GLPtr<GrGLBeginQueryProc> fBeginQuery;
GLPtr<GrGLBindAttribLocationProc> fBindAttribLocation;
GLPtr<GrGLBindBufferProc> fBindBuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLBindFragDataLocationProc> fBindFragDataLocation;
GLPtr<GrGLBindFragDataLocationIndexedProc> fBindFragDataLocationIndexed;
GLPtr<GrGLBindFramebufferProc> fBindFramebuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLBindRenderbufferProc> fBindRenderbuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLBindTextureProc> fBindTexture;
GLPtr<GrGLBindVertexArrayProc> fBindVertexArray;
GLPtr<GrGLBlendColorProc> fBlendColor;
GLPtr<GrGLBlendFuncProc> fBlendFunc;
GLPtr<GrGLBlitFramebufferProc> fBlitFramebuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLBufferDataProc> fBufferData;
GLPtr<GrGLBufferSubDataProc> fBufferSubData;
GLPtr<GrGLCheckFramebufferStatusProc> fCheckFramebufferStatus;
GLPtr<GrGLClearProc> fClear;
GLPtr<GrGLClearColorProc> fClearColor;
GLPtr<GrGLClearStencilProc> fClearStencil;
GLPtr<GrGLColorMaskProc> fColorMask;
GLPtr<GrGLCompileShaderProc> fCompileShader;
GLPtr<GrGLCompressedTexImage2DProc> fCompressedTexImage2D;
GLPtr<GrGLCompressedTexSubImage2DProc> fCompressedTexSubImage2D;
GLPtr<GrGLCopyTexSubImage2DProc> fCopyTexSubImage2D;
GLPtr<GrGLCreateProgramProc> fCreateProgram;
GLPtr<GrGLCreateShaderProc> fCreateShader;
GLPtr<GrGLCullFaceProc> fCullFace;
GLPtr<GrGLDeleteBuffersProc> fDeleteBuffers;
GLPtr<GrGLDeleteFramebuffersProc> fDeleteFramebuffers;
GLPtr<GrGLDeleteProgramProc> fDeleteProgram;
GLPtr<GrGLDeleteQueriesProc> fDeleteQueries;
GLPtr<GrGLDeleteRenderbuffersProc> fDeleteRenderbuffers;
GLPtr<GrGLDeleteShaderProc> fDeleteShader;
GLPtr<GrGLDeleteTexturesProc> fDeleteTextures;
GLPtr<GrGLDeleteVertexArraysProc> fDeleteVertexArrays;
GLPtr<GrGLDepthMaskProc> fDepthMask;
GLPtr<GrGLDisableProc> fDisable;
GLPtr<GrGLDisableVertexAttribArrayProc> fDisableVertexAttribArray;
GLPtr<GrGLDrawArraysProc> fDrawArrays;
GLPtr<GrGLDrawBufferProc> fDrawBuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLDrawBuffersProc> fDrawBuffers;
GLPtr<GrGLDrawElementsProc> fDrawElements;
GLPtr<GrGLEnableProc> fEnable;
GLPtr<GrGLEnableVertexAttribArrayProc> fEnableVertexAttribArray;
GLPtr<GrGLEndQueryProc> fEndQuery;
GLPtr<GrGLFinishProc> fFinish;
GLPtr<GrGLFlushProc> fFlush;
GLPtr<GrGLFlushMappedBufferRangeProc> fFlushMappedBufferRange;
GLPtr<GrGLFramebufferRenderbufferProc> fFramebufferRenderbuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLFramebufferTexture2DProc> fFramebufferTexture2D;
GLPtr<GrGLFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleProc> fFramebufferTexture2DMultisample;
GLPtr<GrGLFrontFaceProc> fFrontFace;
GLPtr<GrGLGenBuffersProc> fGenBuffers;
GLPtr<GrGLGenFramebuffersProc> fGenFramebuffers;
GLPtr<GrGLGenerateMipmapProc> fGenerateMipmap;
GLPtr<GrGLGenQueriesProc> fGenQueries;
GLPtr<GrGLGenRenderbuffersProc> fGenRenderbuffers;
GLPtr<GrGLGenTexturesProc> fGenTextures;
GLPtr<GrGLGenVertexArraysProc> fGenVertexArrays;
GLPtr<GrGLGetBufferParameterivProc> fGetBufferParameteriv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetErrorProc> fGetError;
GLPtr<GrGLGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivProc> fGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetIntegervProc> fGetIntegerv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetQueryObjecti64vProc> fGetQueryObjecti64v;
GLPtr<GrGLGetQueryObjectivProc> fGetQueryObjectiv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetQueryObjectui64vProc> fGetQueryObjectui64v;
GLPtr<GrGLGetQueryObjectuivProc> fGetQueryObjectuiv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetQueryivProc> fGetQueryiv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetProgramInfoLogProc> fGetProgramInfoLog;
GLPtr<GrGLGetProgramivProc> fGetProgramiv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetRenderbufferParameterivProc> fGetRenderbufferParameteriv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetShaderInfoLogProc> fGetShaderInfoLog;
GLPtr<GrGLGetShaderivProc> fGetShaderiv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetStringProc> fGetString;
GLPtr<GrGLGetStringiProc> fGetStringi;
GLPtr<GrGLGetTexLevelParameterivProc> fGetTexLevelParameteriv;
GLPtr<GrGLGetUniformLocationProc> fGetUniformLocation;
GLPtr<GrGLInsertEventMarkerProc> fInsertEventMarker;
GLPtr<GrGLInvalidateBufferDataProc> fInvalidateBufferData;
GLPtr<GrGLInvalidateBufferSubDataProc> fInvalidateBufferSubData;
GLPtr<GrGLInvalidateFramebufferProc> fInvalidateFramebuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLInvalidateSubFramebufferProc> fInvalidateSubFramebuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLInvalidateTexImageProc> fInvalidateTexImage;
GLPtr<GrGLInvalidateTexSubImageProc> fInvalidateTexSubImage;
GLPtr<GrGLLineWidthProc> fLineWidth;
GLPtr<GrGLLinkProgramProc> fLinkProgram;
GLPtr<GrGLMapBufferProc> fMapBuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLMapBufferRangeProc> fMapBufferRange;
GLPtr<GrGLMapBufferSubDataProc> fMapBufferSubData;
GLPtr<GrGLMapTexSubImage2DProc> fMapTexSubImage2D;
GLPtr<GrGLMatrixLoadfProc> fMatrixLoadf;
GLPtr<GrGLMatrixLoadIdentityProc> fMatrixLoadIdentity;
GLPtr<GrGLPixelStoreiProc> fPixelStorei;
GLPtr<GrGLPopGroupMarkerProc> fPopGroupMarker;
GLPtr<GrGLPushGroupMarkerProc> fPushGroupMarker;
GLPtr<GrGLQueryCounterProc> fQueryCounter;
GLPtr<GrGLReadBufferProc> fReadBuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLReadPixelsProc> fReadPixels;
GLPtr<GrGLRenderbufferStorageProc> fRenderbufferStorage;
// On OpenGL ES there are multiple incompatible extensions that add support for MSAA
// and ES3 adds MSAA support to the standard. On an ES3 driver we may still use the
// older extensions for performance reasons or due to ES3 driver bugs. We want the function
// that creates the GrGLInterface to provide all available functions and internally
// we will select among them. They all have a method called glRenderbufferStorageMultisample*.
// So we have separate function pointers for GL_IMG/EXT_multisampled_to_texture,
// GL_CHROMIUM/ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample/ES3, and GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample
// variations.
// If a driver supports multiple GL_ARB_framebuffer_multisample-style extensions then we will
// assume the function pointers for the standard (or equivalent GL_ARB) version have
// been preferred over GL_EXT, GL_CHROMIUM, or GL_ANGLE variations that have reduced
// functionality.
// GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture (preferred) or GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture
GLPtr<GrGLRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc> fRenderbufferStorageMultisampleES2EXT;
// GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample
GLPtr<GrGLRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc> fRenderbufferStorageMultisampleES2APPLE;
// This is used to store the pointer for GL_ARB/EXT/ANGLE/CHROMIUM_framebuffer_multisample or
// the standard function in ES3+ or GL 3.0+.
GLPtr<GrGLRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc> fRenderbufferStorageMultisample;
// Pointer to BindUniformLocationCHROMIUM from the GL_CHROMIUM_bind_uniform_location extension.
GLPtr<GrGLBindUniformLocation> fBindUniformLocation;
GLPtr<GrGLResolveMultisampleFramebufferProc> fResolveMultisampleFramebuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLScissorProc> fScissor;
GLPtr<GrGLShaderSourceProc> fShaderSource;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilFuncProc> fStencilFunc;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilFuncSeparateProc> fStencilFuncSeparate;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilMaskProc> fStencilMask;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilMaskSeparateProc> fStencilMaskSeparate;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilOpProc> fStencilOp;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilOpSeparateProc> fStencilOpSeparate;
GLPtr<GrGLTexImage2DProc> fTexImage2D;
GLPtr<GrGLTexParameteriProc> fTexParameteri;
GLPtr<GrGLTexParameterivProc> fTexParameteriv;
GLPtr<GrGLTexSubImage2DProc> fTexSubImage2D;
GLPtr<GrGLTexStorage2DProc> fTexStorage2D;
GLPtr<GrGLDiscardFramebufferProc> fDiscardFramebuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform1fProc> fUniform1f;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform1iProc> fUniform1i;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform1fvProc> fUniform1fv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform1ivProc> fUniform1iv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform2fProc> fUniform2f;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform2iProc> fUniform2i;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform2fvProc> fUniform2fv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform2ivProc> fUniform2iv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform3fProc> fUniform3f;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform3iProc> fUniform3i;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform3fvProc> fUniform3fv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform3ivProc> fUniform3iv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform4fProc> fUniform4f;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform4iProc> fUniform4i;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform4fvProc> fUniform4fv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniform4ivProc> fUniform4iv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniformMatrix2fvProc> fUniformMatrix2fv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniformMatrix3fvProc> fUniformMatrix3fv;
GLPtr<GrGLUniformMatrix4fvProc> fUniformMatrix4fv;
GLPtr<GrGLUnmapBufferProc> fUnmapBuffer;
GLPtr<GrGLUnmapBufferSubDataProc> fUnmapBufferSubData;
GLPtr<GrGLUnmapTexSubImage2DProc> fUnmapTexSubImage2D;
GLPtr<GrGLUseProgramProc> fUseProgram;
GLPtr<GrGLVertexAttrib4fvProc> fVertexAttrib4fv;
GLPtr<GrGLVertexAttribPointerProc> fVertexAttribPointer;
GLPtr<GrGLViewportProc> fViewport;
// Experimental: Functions for GL_NV_path_rendering. These will be
// alphabetized with the above functions once this is fully supported
// (and functions we are unlikely to use will possibly be omitted).
Add functions to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES Add OpenGL ES extension functions needed to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES. The added glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV call is defined in NV_path_rendering revision 30, similar to following: Append to the end of the "Shader Inputs" subsection of Section 3.12.2 "Shader Execution": The command void ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV(uint program, int location, enum genMode, int components, const float *coeffs); controls how a user-defined (non-built-in) fragment input of a GLSL program object is computed for fragment shading operations that occur as a result of CoverFillPathNV or CoverStrokePathNV. /program/ names a GLSL program object. If /program/ has not been successfully linked, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. The given fragment input generation state is loaded into the fragment input variable location identified by /location/. This location is a value returned either by GetProgramResourceLocation with a /programInterface/ of FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV and a given fragment shader input variable name or by GetProgramResourceiv with FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV for the /programInterface/ and LOCATION for the property for a given fragment input resource index. .... glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV will be used instead of glPathTexGen, because the latter depends on fixed function pipeline that is not exposed in ES. Also add glGetProgramResourceLocation from OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_program_interface_query. Also add FRAGMENT_INPUT define to be used with glGetProgramResourceLocation. The added functions are not used yet, but they're needed when implementing NV_path_rendering support for OpenGL ES. They can also be used on OpenGL. Remove uncalled NV_path_rendering functions, so they do not cause confusion or take space in the interface definition. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Remove definitions NV_path_rendering that are for NV_path_rendering function parameters that are not used. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Committed: Author: Review URL:
2014-07-03 05:56:35 +00:00
GLPtr<GrGLGetProgramResourceLocationProc> fGetProgramResourceLocation;
GLPtr<GrGLPathCommandsProc> fPathCommands;
GLPtr<GrGLPathCoordsProc> fPathCoords;
GLPtr<GrGLPathParameteriProc> fPathParameteri;
GLPtr<GrGLPathParameterfProc> fPathParameterf;
GLPtr<GrGLGenPathsProc> fGenPaths;
GLPtr<GrGLDeletePathsProc> fDeletePaths;
GLPtr<GrGLIsPathProc> fIsPath;
GLPtr<GrGLPathStencilFuncProc> fPathStencilFunc;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilFillPathProc> fStencilFillPath;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilStrokePathProc> fStencilStrokePath;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilFillPathInstancedProc> fStencilFillPathInstanced;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilStrokePathInstancedProc> fStencilStrokePathInstanced;
GLPtr<GrGLPathTexGenProc> fPathTexGen;
GLPtr<GrGLCoverFillPathProc> fCoverFillPath;
GLPtr<GrGLCoverStrokePathProc> fCoverStrokePath;
GLPtr<GrGLCoverFillPathInstancedProc> fCoverFillPathInstanced;
GLPtr<GrGLCoverStrokePathInstancedProc> fCoverStrokePathInstanced;
// NV_path_rendering v1.2
GLPtr<GrGLStencilThenCoverFillPathProc> fStencilThenCoverFillPath;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilThenCoverStrokePathProc> fStencilThenCoverStrokePath;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedProc> fStencilThenCoverFillPathInstanced;
GLPtr<GrGLStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedProc> fStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstanced;
// NV_path_rendering v1.3
Add functions to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES Add OpenGL ES extension functions needed to support NV_path_rendering in OpenGL ES. The added glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV call is defined in NV_path_rendering revision 30, similar to following: Append to the end of the "Shader Inputs" subsection of Section 3.12.2 "Shader Execution": The command void ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV(uint program, int location, enum genMode, int components, const float *coeffs); controls how a user-defined (non-built-in) fragment input of a GLSL program object is computed for fragment shading operations that occur as a result of CoverFillPathNV or CoverStrokePathNV. /program/ names a GLSL program object. If /program/ has not been successfully linked, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. The given fragment input generation state is loaded into the fragment input variable location identified by /location/. This location is a value returned either by GetProgramResourceLocation with a /programInterface/ of FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV and a given fragment shader input variable name or by GetProgramResourceiv with FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV for the /programInterface/ and LOCATION for the property for a given fragment input resource index. .... glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV will be used instead of glPathTexGen, because the latter depends on fixed function pipeline that is not exposed in ES. Also add glGetProgramResourceLocation from OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_program_interface_query. Also add FRAGMENT_INPUT define to be used with glGetProgramResourceLocation. The added functions are not used yet, but they're needed when implementing NV_path_rendering support for OpenGL ES. They can also be used on OpenGL. Remove uncalled NV_path_rendering functions, so they do not cause confusion or take space in the interface definition. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Remove definitions NV_path_rendering that are for NV_path_rendering function parameters that are not used. The ones that are later used can be re-added when needed. Committed: Author: Review URL:
2014-07-03 05:56:35 +00:00
GLPtr<GrGLProgramPathFragmentInputGenProc> fProgramPathFragmentInputGen;
} fFunctions;
// Per-GL func callback
GrGLInterfaceCallbackProc fCallback;
GrGLInterfaceCallbackData fCallbackData;
// This exists for internal testing.
virtual void abandon() const {}