Tessellating GPU path renderer.
This path renderer converts paths to linear contours, resolves intersections via Bentley-Ottman, implements a trapezoidal decomposition a la Fournier and Montuno to produce triangles, and renders those with a single draw call. It does not currently do antialiasing, so it must be used in conjunction with multisampling.
A fair amount of the code is to handle floating point edge cases in intersections. Rather than perform exact computations (which would require arbitrary precision arithmetic), we reconnect the mesh to reflect the intersection points. For example, intersections can occur above the current vertex, and force edges to be merged into the current vertex, requiring a restart of the intersections. Splitting edges for intersections can also force them to merge with formerly-distinct edges in the same polygon, or to violate the ordering of the active edge list, or the active edge state of split edges.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/855513004
2015-02-26 14:58:17 +00:00
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
2015-04-20 22:00:06 +00:00
#include "SkPath.h"
Tessellating GPU path renderer.
This path renderer converts paths to linear contours, resolves intersections via Bentley-Ottman, implements a trapezoidal decomposition a la Fournier and Montuno to produce triangles, and renders those with a single draw call. It does not currently do antialiasing, so it must be used in conjunction with multisampling.
A fair amount of the code is to handle floating point edge cases in intersections. Rather than perform exact computations (which would require arbitrary precision arithmetic), we reconnect the mesh to reflect the intersection points. For example, intersections can occur above the current vertex, and force edges to be merged into the current vertex, requiring a restart of the intersections. Splitting edges for intersections can also force them to merge with formerly-distinct edges in the same polygon, or to violate the ordering of the active edge list, or the active edge state of split edges.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/855513004
2015-02-26 14:58:17 +00:00
#include "GrContextFactory.h"
#include "GrTessellatingPathRenderer.h"
#include "GrTest.h"
#include "Test.h"
* These tests pass by not crashing, hanging or asserting in Debug.
// Tests active edges made inactive by splitting.
// Also tests active edge list forced into an invalid ordering by
// splitting (mopped up in cleanup_active_edges()).
static SkPath create_path_0() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(229.127044677734375f, 67.34100341796875f);
path.lineTo(187.8097381591796875f, -6.7729740142822265625f);
path.lineTo(171.411407470703125f, 50.94266510009765625f);
path.lineTo(245.5253753662109375f, 9.6253643035888671875f);
path.moveTo(208.4683990478515625f, 30.284009933471679688f);
path.lineTo(171.411407470703125f, 50.94266510009765625f);
path.lineTo(187.8097381591796875f, -6.7729740142822265625f);
return path;
// Intersections which fall exactly on the current vertex, and require
// a restart of the intersection checking.
static SkPath create_path_1() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(314.483551025390625f, 486.246002197265625f);
path.lineTo(385.41949462890625f, 532.8087158203125f);
path.lineTo(373.232879638671875f, 474.05938720703125f);
path.lineTo(326.670166015625f, 544.995361328125f);
path.moveTo(349.951507568359375f, 509.52734375f);
path.lineTo(373.232879638671875f, 474.05938720703125f);
path.lineTo(385.41949462890625f, 532.8087158203125f);
return path;
// Tests active edges which are removed by splitting.
static SkPath create_path_2() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(343.107391357421875f, 613.62176513671875f);
path.lineTo(426.632415771484375f, 628.5740966796875f);
path.lineTo(392.3460693359375f, 579.33544921875f);
path.lineTo(377.39373779296875f, 662.86041259765625f);
path.moveTo(384.869873046875f, 621.097900390625f);
path.lineTo(392.3460693359375f, 579.33544921875f);
path.lineTo(426.632415771484375f, 628.5740966796875f);
return path;
// Collinear edges merged in set_top().
// Also, an intersection between left and right enclosing edges which
// falls above the current vertex.
static SkPath create_path_3() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(545.95751953125f, 791.69854736328125f);
path.lineTo(612.05816650390625f, 738.494140625f);
path.lineTo(552.4056396484375f, 732.0460205078125f);
path.lineTo(605.61004638671875f, 798.14666748046875f);
path.moveTo(579.00787353515625f, 765.0963134765625f);
path.lineTo(552.4056396484375f, 732.0460205078125f);
path.lineTo(612.05816650390625f, 738.494140625f);
return path;
// Tests active edges which are made inactive by set_top().
static SkPath create_path_4() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(819.2725830078125f, 751.77447509765625f);
path.lineTo(820.70904541015625f, 666.933837890625f);
path.lineTo(777.57049560546875f, 708.63592529296875f);
path.lineTo(862.4111328125f, 710.0723876953125f);
path.moveTo(819.99078369140625f, 709.3541259765625f);
path.lineTo(777.57049560546875f, 708.63592529296875f);
path.lineTo(820.70904541015625f, 666.933837890625f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_5() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(823.33209228515625f, 749.052734375f);
path.lineTo(823.494873046875f, 664.20013427734375f);
path.lineTo(780.9871826171875f, 706.5450439453125f);
path.lineTo(865.8397216796875f, 706.70782470703125f);
path.moveTo(823.4134521484375f, 706.6263427734375f);
path.lineTo(780.9871826171875f, 706.5450439453125f);
path.lineTo(823.494873046875f, 664.20013427734375f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_6() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(954.862548828125f, 562.8349609375f);
path.lineTo(899.32818603515625f, 498.679443359375f);
path.lineTo(895.017578125f, 558.52435302734375f);
path.lineTo(959.17315673828125f, 502.990081787109375f);
path.moveTo(927.0953369140625f, 530.7572021484375f);
path.lineTo(895.017578125f, 558.52435302734375f);
path.lineTo(899.32818603515625f, 498.679443359375f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_7() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(958.5330810546875f, 547.35516357421875f);
path.lineTo(899.93109130859375f, 485.989013671875f);
path.lineTo(898.54901123046875f, 545.97308349609375f);
path.lineTo(959.9151611328125f, 487.37109375f);
path.moveTo(929.2320556640625f, 516.67205810546875f);
path.lineTo(898.54901123046875f, 545.97308349609375f);
path.lineTo(899.93109130859375f, 485.989013671875f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_8() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(389.8609619140625f, 369.326873779296875f);
path.lineTo(470.6290283203125f, 395.33697509765625f);
path.lineTo(443.250030517578125f, 341.9478759765625f);
path.lineTo(417.239959716796875f, 422.7159423828125f);
path.moveTo(430.244964599609375f, 382.3319091796875f);
path.lineTo(443.250030517578125f, 341.9478759765625f);
path.lineTo(470.6290283203125f, 395.33697509765625f);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_9() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(20, 20);
path.lineTo(50, 80);
path.lineTo(20, 80);
path.moveTo(80, 50);
path.lineTo(50, 50);
path.lineTo(20, 50);
return path;
static SkPath create_path_10() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(257.19439697265625f, 320.876617431640625f);
path.lineTo(190.113037109375f, 320.58978271484375f);
path.lineTo(203.64404296875f, 293.8145751953125f);
path.moveTo(203.357177734375f, 360.896026611328125f);
path.lineTo(216.88824462890625f, 334.120819091796875f);
path.lineTo(230.41925048828125f, 307.345611572265625f);
return path;
// A degenerate segments case, where both upper and lower segments of
// a split edge must remain active.
static SkPath create_path_11() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(231.9331207275390625f, 306.2012939453125f);
path.lineTo(191.4859161376953125f, 306.04547119140625f);
path.lineTo(231.0659332275390625f, 300.2642822265625f);
path.moveTo(189.946807861328125f, 302.072265625f);
path.lineTo(179.79705810546875f, 294.859771728515625f);
path.lineTo(191.0016021728515625f, 296.165679931640625f);
path.moveTo(150.8942108154296875f, 304.900146484375f);
path.lineTo(179.708892822265625f, 297.849029541015625f);
path.lineTo(190.4742279052734375f, 299.11895751953125f);
return path;
// Handle the case where edge.dist(edge.fTop) != 0.0.
static SkPath create_path_12() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 0.0f, 400.0f);
path.lineTo( 138.0f, 202.0f);
path.lineTo( 0.0f, 202.0f);
path.moveTo( 12.62693023681640625f, 250.57464599609375f);
path.lineTo( 8.13896942138671875f, 254.556884765625f);
path.lineTo(-18.15641021728515625f, 220.40203857421875f);
path.lineTo(-15.986493110656738281f, 219.6513519287109375f);
path.moveTo( 36.931194305419921875f, 282.485504150390625f);
path.lineTo( 15.617521286010742188f, 261.2901611328125f);
path.lineTo( 10.3829498291015625f, 252.565765380859375f);
path.lineTo(-16.165292739868164062f, 222.646026611328125f);
return path;
// A degenerate segments case which exercises inactive edges being
// made active by splitting.
static SkPath create_path_13() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(690.62127685546875f, 509.25555419921875f);
path.lineTo(99.336181640625f, 511.71405029296875f);
path.lineTo(708.362548828125f, 512.4349365234375f);
path.lineTo(729.9940185546875f, 516.3114013671875f);
path.lineTo(738.708984375f, 518.76995849609375f);
path.lineTo(678.3463134765625f, 510.0819091796875f);
path.lineTo(681.21795654296875f, 504.81378173828125f);
path.moveTo(758.52764892578125f, 521.55963134765625f);
path.lineTo(719.1549072265625f, 514.50372314453125f);
path.lineTo(689.59063720703125f, 512.0628662109375f);
path.lineTo(679.78216552734375f, 507.447845458984375f);
return path;
// Tests vertices which become "orphaned" (ie., no connected edges)
// after simplification.
static SkPath create_path_14() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo(217.326019287109375f, 166.4752960205078125f);
path.lineTo(226.279266357421875f, 170.929473876953125f);
path.lineTo(234.3973388671875f, 177.0623626708984375f);
path.lineTo(262.0921630859375f, 188.746124267578125f);
path.moveTo(196.23638916015625f, 174.0722198486328125f);
path.lineTo(416.15277099609375f, 180.138214111328125f);
path.lineTo(192.651947021484375f, 304.0228271484375f);
return path;
2015-03-02 17:34:13 +00:00
static SkPath create_path_15() {
SkPath path;
path.moveTo( 0.0f, 0.0f);
path.lineTo(10000.0f, 0.0f);
path.lineTo( 0.0f, -1.0f);
path.lineTo(10000.0f, 0.000001f);
path.lineTo( 0.0f, -30.0f);
return path;
2015-07-31 13:48:27 +00:00
static void test_path(GrDrawTarget* dt, GrRenderTarget* rt, GrResourceProvider* rp,
const SkPath& path) {
Tessellating GPU path renderer.
This path renderer converts paths to linear contours, resolves intersections via Bentley-Ottman, implements a trapezoidal decomposition a la Fournier and Montuno to produce triangles, and renders those with a single draw call. It does not currently do antialiasing, so it must be used in conjunction with multisampling.
A fair amount of the code is to handle floating point edge cases in intersections. Rather than perform exact computations (which would require arbitrary precision arithmetic), we reconnect the mesh to reflect the intersection points. For example, intersections can occur above the current vertex, and force edges to be merged into the current vertex, requiring a restart of the intersections. Splitting edges for intersections can also force them to merge with formerly-distinct edges in the same polygon, or to violate the ordering of the active edge list, or the active edge state of split edges.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/855513004
2015-02-26 14:58:17 +00:00
GrTessellatingPathRenderer tess;
GrPipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder;
2015-04-27 06:18:49 +00:00
GrStrokeInfo stroke(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle);
2015-07-31 13:48:27 +00:00
GrPathRenderer::DrawPathArgs args;
args.fTarget = dt;
args.fPipelineBuilder = &pipelineBuilder;
args.fResourceProvider = rp;
args.fColor = GrColor_WHITE;
args.fViewMatrix = &SkMatrix::I();
args.fPath = &path;
args.fStroke = &stroke;
args.fAntiAlias = false;
Tessellating GPU path renderer.
This path renderer converts paths to linear contours, resolves intersections via Bentley-Ottman, implements a trapezoidal decomposition a la Fournier and Montuno to produce triangles, and renders those with a single draw call. It does not currently do antialiasing, so it must be used in conjunction with multisampling.
A fair amount of the code is to handle floating point edge cases in intersections. Rather than perform exact computations (which would require arbitrary precision arithmetic), we reconnect the mesh to reflect the intersection points. For example, intersections can occur above the current vertex, and force edges to be merged into the current vertex, requiring a restart of the intersections. Splitting edges for intersections can also force them to merge with formerly-distinct edges in the same polygon, or to violate the ordering of the active edge list, or the active edge state of split edges.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/855513004
2015-02-26 14:58:17 +00:00
DEF_GPUTEST(TessellatingPathRendererTests, reporter, factory) {
GrContext* context = factory->get(static_cast<GrContextFactory::GLContextType>(0));
2015-08-27 14:41:13 +00:00
if (nullptr == context) {
2015-04-20 22:00:06 +00:00
Tessellating GPU path renderer.
This path renderer converts paths to linear contours, resolves intersections via Bentley-Ottman, implements a trapezoidal decomposition a la Fournier and Montuno to produce triangles, and renders those with a single draw call. It does not currently do antialiasing, so it must be used in conjunction with multisampling.
A fair amount of the code is to handle floating point edge cases in intersections. Rather than perform exact computations (which would require arbitrary precision arithmetic), we reconnect the mesh to reflect the intersection points. For example, intersections can occur above the current vertex, and force edges to be merged into the current vertex, requiring a restart of the intersections. Splitting edges for intersections can also force them to merge with formerly-distinct edges in the same polygon, or to violate the ordering of the active edge list, or the active edge state of split edges.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/855513004
2015-02-26 14:58:17 +00:00
GrSurfaceDesc desc;
desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag;
desc.fWidth = 800;
desc.fHeight = 800;
desc.fConfig = kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig;
desc.fOrigin = kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
2015-07-31 20:59:30 +00:00
SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> texture(context->textureProvider()->createApproxTexture(desc));
Tessellating GPU path renderer.
This path renderer converts paths to linear contours, resolves intersections via Bentley-Ottman, implements a trapezoidal decomposition a la Fournier and Montuno to produce triangles, and renders those with a single draw call. It does not currently do antialiasing, so it must be used in conjunction with multisampling.
A fair amount of the code is to handle floating point edge cases in intersections. Rather than perform exact computations (which would require arbitrary precision arithmetic), we reconnect the mesh to reflect the intersection points. For example, intersections can occur above the current vertex, and force edges to be merged into the current vertex, requiring a restart of the intersections. Splitting edges for intersections can also force them to merge with formerly-distinct edges in the same polygon, or to violate the ordering of the active edge list, or the active edge state of split edges.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/855513004
2015-02-26 14:58:17 +00:00
GrTestTarget tt;
GrRenderTarget* rt = texture->asRenderTarget();
GrDrawTarget* dt = tt.target();
2015-07-31 13:48:27 +00:00
GrResourceProvider* rp = tt.resourceProvider();
Tessellating GPU path renderer.
This path renderer converts paths to linear contours, resolves intersections via Bentley-Ottman, implements a trapezoidal decomposition a la Fournier and Montuno to produce triangles, and renders those with a single draw call. It does not currently do antialiasing, so it must be used in conjunction with multisampling.
A fair amount of the code is to handle floating point edge cases in intersections. Rather than perform exact computations (which would require arbitrary precision arithmetic), we reconnect the mesh to reflect the intersection points. For example, intersections can occur above the current vertex, and force edges to be merged into the current vertex, requiring a restart of the intersections. Splitting edges for intersections can also force them to merge with formerly-distinct edges in the same polygon, or to violate the ordering of the active edge list, or the active edge state of split edges.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/855513004
2015-02-26 14:58:17 +00:00
2015-07-31 13:48:27 +00:00
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_0());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_1());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_2());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_3());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_4());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_5());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_6());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_7());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_8());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_9());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_10());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_11());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_12());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_13());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_14());
test_path(dt, rt, rp, create_path_15());
Tessellating GPU path renderer.
This path renderer converts paths to linear contours, resolves intersections via Bentley-Ottman, implements a trapezoidal decomposition a la Fournier and Montuno to produce triangles, and renders those with a single draw call. It does not currently do antialiasing, so it must be used in conjunction with multisampling.
A fair amount of the code is to handle floating point edge cases in intersections. Rather than perform exact computations (which would require arbitrary precision arithmetic), we reconnect the mesh to reflect the intersection points. For example, intersections can occur above the current vertex, and force edges to be merged into the current vertex, requiring a restart of the intersections. Splitting edges for intersections can also force them to merge with formerly-distinct edges in the same polygon, or to violate the ordering of the active edge list, or the active edge state of split edges.
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/855513004
2015-02-26 14:58:17 +00:00