<canvasclass=patheffectid=canvas1title="Plain: A drawn star with overlapping solid lines"></canvas>
<canvasclass=patheffectid=canvas2title="Dash: A drawn star with overlapping dashed lines"></canvas>
<canvasclass=patheffectid=canvas3title="Trim: A portion of a drawn star with overlapping solid lines"></canvas>
<canvasclass=patheffectid=canvas4title="Simplify: A drawn star with non-overlapping solid lines."></canvas>
<canvasclass=patheffectid=canvas5title="Stroke: A drawn star with non-overlapping solid lines stroked at various thicknesses and with square edges"></canvas>
<canvasclass=patheffectid=canvas6title="Grow: A drawn star's expanding outline"></canvas>
<canvasclass=patheffectid=canvas7title="Shrink: A solid drawn star shrunk down"></canvas>
<canvasclass=patheffectid=canvasTransformtitle="Transform: A drawn star moved and rotated by an Affine Matrix"></canvas>
The primary feature of the library is the `SkPath` object. It can be created:
- From the SVG string of a path `PathKit.FromSVGString(str)`
- From a 2D array of verbs and arguments `PathKit.FromCmds(cmds)`
- From `PathKit.NewPath()` (It will be blank)
- As a copy of an existing `SkPath` with `path.copy()` or `PathKit.NewPath(path)`
It can be exported as:
- An SVG string `path.toSVGString()`
- A [Path2D](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Path2D) object `path.toPath2D()`
- Directly to a canvas 2D context `path.toCanvas(ctx)`
- A 2D array of verbs and arguments `path.toCmds()`
Once an SkPath object has been made, it can be interacted with in the following ways:
- expanded by any of the Path2D operations (`moveTo`, `lineTo`, `rect`, `arc`, etc)
- combined with other paths using `op` or `PathKit.MakeFromOp(p1, p2, op)`. For example, `path1.op(path2, PathKit.PathOp.INTERSECT)` will set path1 to be the area represented by where path1 and path2 overlap (intersect). `PathKit.MakeFromOp(path1, path2, PathKit.PathOp.INTERSECT)` will do the same but returned as a new `SkPath` object.
- adjusted with some of the effects (`trim`, `dash`, `stroke`, etc)
**Important**: Any objects (`SkPath`, `SkOpBuilder`, etc) that are created must be cleaned up with `path.delete()` when they
leave the scope to avoid leaking the memory in the WASM heap. This includes any of the constructors, `copy()`,
or any function prefixed with "make".
### PathKit ###
#### `FromSVGString(str)` ####
**str** - `String` representing an [SVGPath](https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_path.asp)
Returns an `SkPath` with the same verbs and arguments as the SVG string, or `null` on a failure.
let path = PathKit.FromSVGString('M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z');
// path represents a triangle
// don't forget to do path.delete() when it goes out of scope.
#### `FromCmds(cmds)` ####
**cmds** - `Array<Array<Number>>`, a 2D array of commands, where a command is a verb
followed by its arguments.
Returns an `SkPath` with the verbs and arguments from the list or `null` on a failure.
This can be faster than calling `.moveTo()`, `.lineTo()`, etc many times.
let cmds = [
[PathKit.MOVE_VERB, 0, 10],
[PathKit.LINE_VERB, 30, 40],
[PathKit.QUAD_VERB, 20, 50, 45, 60],
let path = PathKit.FromCmds(cmds);
// path is the same as if a user had done
// let path = PathKit.NewPath().moveTo(0, 10).lineTo(30, 40).quadTo(20, 50, 45, 60);
// don't forget to do path.delete() when it goes out of scope.
#### `NewPath()` ####
Returns an empty `SkPath` object.
let path = PathKit.NewPath();
path.moveTo(0, 10)
.lineTo(30, 40)
.quadTo(20, 50, 45, 60);
// don't forget to do path.delete() when it goes out of scope.
// Users can also do let path = new PathKit.SkPath();
#### `NewPath(pathToCopy)` ####
**pathToCopy** - SkPath, a path to make a copy of.
Returns a `SkPath` that is a copy of the passed in `SkPath`.
let otherPath = ...;
let clone = PathKit.NewPath(otherPath);
// don't forget to do clone.delete() when it goes out of scope.
// Users can also do let clone = new PathKit.SkPath(otherPath);
// or let clone = otherPath.copy();
#### `MakeFromOp(pathOne, pathTwo, op)` ####
**pathOne** - `SkPath`, a path. <br>
**pathTwo** - `SkPath`, a path. <br>
**op** - `PathOp`, an op to apply
Returns a new `SkPath` that is the result of applying the given PathOp to the first and second
path (order matters).
let pathOne = PathKit.NewPath().moveTo(0, 20).lineTo(10, 10).lineTo(20, 20).close();
let pathTwo = PathKit.NewPath().moveTo(10, 20).lineTo(20, 10).lineTo(30, 20).close();
let mountains = PathKit.MakeFromOp(pathOne, pathTwo, PathKit.PathOp.UNION);
// don't forget to do mountains.delete() when it goes out of scope.
// Users can also do pathOne.op(pathTwo, PathKit.PathOp.UNION);
// to have the resulting path be stored to pathOne and avoid allocating another object.
### SkPath (object) ###
#### `addPath(otherPath)` ####
**otherPath** - `SkPath`, a path to append to this path
Adds the given path to `this` and then returns `this` for chaining purposes.
#### `addPath(otherPath, transform)` ####
**otherPath** - `SkPath`, a path to append to this path. <br>
**startT, stopT** - `Number`, values in [0, 1] that indicate the start and stop
"percentages" of the path to draw <br>
**isComplement** - `Boolean`, If the complement of the trimmed section should
be drawn instead of the areas between **startT** and **stopT**.
Sets `this` path to be a subset of the original path, then returns `this` for chaining purposes.
See the "Trim" effect above for a visual example.
let box = PathKit.NewPath().rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
box.trim(0.25, 1.0);
// box is now the 3 segments that look like a U
// (the top segment has been removed).
### SkOpBuilder (object) ###
This object enables chaining multiple PathOps together.
Create one with `let builder = new PathKit.SkOpBuilder();`
When created, the internal state is "empty path".
Don't forget to call `delete()` on both the builder and the result
of `resolve()`
#### `add(path, operation)` ####
**path** - `SkPath`, The path to be combined with the given rule. <br>
**operation** - `PathOp`, The operation to apply to the two paths.
Adds a path and the operand to the builder.
#### `make()` or `resolve()` ####
Creates and returns a new `SkPath` based on all the given paths
and operands.
Don't forget to call `.delete()` on the returned path when it goes out of scope.
### SkMatrix (struct) ###
`SkMatrix` translates between a C++ struct and a JS Array.
It basically takes a nine element 1D Array and turns it into a
3x3 2D Affine Matrix.
### SkRect (struct) ###
`SkRect` translates between a C++ struct and a JS Object with
the following keys (all values are `Number`:
- **fLeft**: x coordinate of top-left corner
- **fTop**: y coordinate of top-left corner
- **fRight**: x coordinate of bottom-right corner
- **fBottom**: y coordinate of bottom-rightcorner
### StrokeOpts (struct) ###
`StrokeOpts` translates between a C++ struct and a JS Object with
the following keys:
- **width**, `Number` the width of the lines of the path. Default 1.
- **miter_limit**, `Number`, the miter limit. Defautl 4. See [SkPaint reference](https://skia.org/user/api/SkPaint_Reference#Miter_Limit) for more details.
- **join**, `StrokeJoin`, the join to use. Default `PathKit.StrokeJoin.MITER`.
See [SkPaint reference](https://skia.org/user/api/SkPaint_Reference#SkPaint_Join) for more details.
- **cap**, `StrokeCap`, the cap to use. Default `PathKit.StrokeCap.BUTT`.
See [SkPaint reference](https://skia.org/user/api/SkPaint_Reference#Stroke_Cap) for more details.
### PathOp (enum) ###
The following enum values are exposed. They are essentially constant
objects, differentiated by thier `.value` property.
These are used in `PathKit.MakeFromOp()` and `SkPath.op()`.
### FillType (enum) ###
The following enum values are exposed. They are essentially constant
objects, differentiated by thier `.value` property.
-`PathKit.FillType.WINDING` (also known as nonzero)
These are used by `SkPath.getFillType()` and `SkPath.setFillType()`, but
generally clients will want `SkPath.getFillTypeString()`.
### StrokeJoin (enum) ###
The following enum values are exposed. They are essentially constant
objects, differentiated by thier `.value` property.
See [SkPaint reference](https://skia.org/user/api/SkPaint_Reference#SkPaint_Join) for more details.
### StrokeCap (enum) ###
The following enum values are exposed. They are essentially constant
objects, differentiated by thier `.value` property.
See [SkPaint reference](https://skia.org/user/api/SkPaint_Reference#Stroke_Cap) for more details.