SSE2 version of ClampX_ClampY_{no}filter_scale; yields 10-20% speedup in
bitmap_8888 benchmarks on top of last week's SSSE3 patch. Thanks to Jin Yang. git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,5 +136,9 @@ void S32_opaque_D32_filter_DX(const SkBitmapProcState& s, const uint32_t xy[],
int count, SkPMColor colors[]);
void S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX(const SkBitmapProcState& s, const uint32_t xy[],
int count, SkPMColor colors[]);
void ClampX_ClampY_filter_scale(const SkBitmapProcState& s, uint32_t xy[],
int count, int x, int y);
void ClampX_ClampY_nofilter_scale(const SkBitmapProcState& s, uint32_t xy[],
int count, int x, int y);
@ -232,3 +232,254 @@ void S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX_SSE2(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
*colors++ = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(sum);
} while (--count > 0);
static inline uint32_t ClampX_ClampY_pack_filter(SkFixed f, unsigned max,
SkFixed one) {
unsigned i = SkClampMax(f >> 16, max);
i = (i << 4) | ((f >> 12) & 0xF);
return (i << 14) | SkClampMax((f + one) >> 16, max);
/* SSE version of ClampX_ClampY_filter_scale()
* portable version is in core/SkBitmapProcState_matrix.h
void ClampX_ClampY_filter_scale_SSE2(const SkBitmapProcState& s, uint32_t xy[],
int count, int x, int y) {
SkASSERT((s.fInvType & ~(SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask |
SkMatrix::kScale_Mask)) == 0);
SkASSERT(s.fInvKy == 0);
const unsigned maxX = s.fBitmap->width() - 1;
const SkFixed one = s.fFilterOneX;
const SkFixed dx = s.fInvSx;
SkFixed fx;
SkPoint pt;
s.fInvProc(*s.fInvMatrix, SkIntToScalar(x) + SK_ScalarHalf,
SkIntToScalar(y) + SK_ScalarHalf, &pt);
const SkFixed fy = SkScalarToFixed(pt.fY) - (s.fFilterOneY >> 1);
const unsigned maxY = s.fBitmap->height() - 1;
// compute our two Y values up front
*xy++ = ClampX_ClampY_pack_filter(fy, maxY, s.fFilterOneY);
// now initialize fx
fx = SkScalarToFixed(pt.fX) - (one >> 1);
// test if we don't need to apply the tile proc
if (dx > 0 && (unsigned)(fx >> 16) <= maxX &&
(unsigned)((fx + dx * (count - 1)) >> 16) < maxX) {
if (count >= 4) {
// SSE version of decal_filter_scale
while ((size_t(xy) & 0x0F) != 0) {
SkASSERT((fx >> (16 + 14)) == 0);
*xy++ = (fx >> 12 << 14) | ((fx >> 16) + 1);
fx += dx;
__m128i wide_1 = _mm_set1_epi32(1);
__m128i wide_dx4 = _mm_set1_epi32(dx * 4);
__m128i wide_fx = _mm_set_epi32(fx + dx * 3, fx + dx * 2,
fx + dx, fx);
while (count >= 4) {
__m128i wide_out;
wide_out = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_srai_epi32(wide_fx, 12), 14);
wide_out = _mm_or_si128(wide_out, _mm_add_epi32(
_mm_srai_epi32(wide_fx, 16), wide_1));
_mm_store_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(xy), wide_out);
xy += 4;
fx += dx * 4;
wide_fx = _mm_add_epi32(wide_fx, wide_dx4);
count -= 4;
} // while count >= 4
} // if count >= 4
while (count-- > 0) {
SkASSERT((fx >> (16 + 14)) == 0);
*xy++ = (fx >> 12 << 14) | ((fx >> 16) + 1);
fx += dx;
} else {
// SSE2 only support 16bit interger max & min, so only process the case
// maxX less than the max 16bit interger. Actually maxX is the bitmap's
// height, there should be rare bitmap whose height will be greater
// than max 16bit interger in the real world.
if ((count >= 4) && (maxX <= 0xFFFF)) {
while (((size_t)xy & 0x0F) != 0) {
*xy++ = ClampX_ClampY_pack_filter(fx, maxX, one);
fx += dx;
__m128i wide_fx = _mm_set_epi32(fx + dx * 3, fx + dx * 2,
fx + dx, fx);
__m128i wide_dx4 = _mm_set1_epi32(dx * 4);
__m128i wide_one = _mm_set1_epi32(one);
__m128i wide_maxX = _mm_set1_epi32(maxX);
__m128i wide_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0xF);
while (count >= 4) {
__m128i wide_i;
__m128i wide_lo;
__m128i wide_fx1;
// i = SkClampMax(f>>16,maxX)
wide_i = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_srli_epi32(wide_fx, 16),
wide_i = _mm_min_epi16(wide_i, wide_maxX);
// i<<4 | TILEX_LOW_BITS(fx)
wide_lo = _mm_srli_epi32(wide_fx, 12);
wide_lo = _mm_and_si128(wide_lo, wide_mask);
wide_i = _mm_slli_epi32(wide_i, 4);
wide_i = _mm_or_si128(wide_i, wide_lo);
// i<<14
wide_i = _mm_slli_epi32(wide_i, 14);
// SkClampMax(((f+one))>>16,max)
wide_fx1 = _mm_add_epi32(wide_fx, wide_one);
wide_fx1 = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_srli_epi32(wide_fx1, 16),
wide_fx1 = _mm_min_epi16(wide_fx1, wide_maxX);
// final combination
wide_i = _mm_or_si128(wide_i, wide_fx1);
_mm_store_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(xy), wide_i);
wide_fx = _mm_add_epi32(wide_fx, wide_dx4);
fx += dx * 4;
xy += 4;
count -= 4;
} // while count >= 4
} // if count >= 4
while (count-- > 0) {
*xy++ = ClampX_ClampY_pack_filter(fx, maxX, one);
fx += dx;
/* SSE version of ClampX_ClampY_nofilter_scale()
* portable version is in core/SkBitmapProcState_matrix.h
void ClampX_ClampY_nofilter_scale_SSE2(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
uint32_t xy[], int count, int x, int y) {
SkASSERT((s.fInvType & ~(SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask |
SkMatrix::kScale_Mask)) == 0);
// we store y, x, x, x, x, x
const unsigned maxX = s.fBitmap->width() - 1;
SkFixed fx;
SkPoint pt;
s.fInvProc(*s.fInvMatrix, SkIntToScalar(x) + SK_ScalarHalf,
SkIntToScalar(y) + SK_ScalarHalf, &pt);
fx = SkScalarToFixed(pt.fY);
const unsigned maxY = s.fBitmap->height() - 1;
*xy++ = SkClampMax(fx >> 16, maxY);
fx = SkScalarToFixed(pt.fX);
if (0 == maxX) {
// all of the following X values must be 0
memset(xy, 0, count * sizeof(uint16_t));
const SkFixed dx = s.fInvSx;
// test if we don't need to apply the tile proc
if ((unsigned)(fx >> 16) <= maxX &&
(unsigned)((fx + dx * (count - 1)) >> 16) <= maxX) {
// SSE version of decal_nofilter_scale
if (count >= 8) {
while (((size_t)xy & 0x0F) != 0) {
*xy++ = pack_two_shorts(fx >> 16, (fx + dx) >> 16);
fx += 2 * dx;
count -= 2;
__m128i wide_dx4 = _mm_set1_epi32(dx * 4);
__m128i wide_dx8 = _mm_add_epi32(wide_dx4, wide_dx4);
__m128i wide_low = _mm_set_epi32(fx + dx * 3, fx + dx * 2,
fx + dx, fx);
__m128i wide_high = _mm_add_epi32(wide_low, wide_dx4);
while (count >= 8) {
__m128i wide_out_low = _mm_srli_epi32(wide_low, 16);
__m128i wide_out_high = _mm_srli_epi32(wide_high, 16);
__m128i wide_result = _mm_packs_epi32(wide_out_low,
_mm_store_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(xy), wide_result);
wide_low = _mm_add_epi32(wide_low, wide_dx8);
wide_high = _mm_add_epi32(wide_high, wide_dx8);
xy += 4;
fx += dx * 8;
count -= 8;
} // if count >= 8
uint16_t* xx = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(xy);
while (count-- > 0) {
*xx++ = SkToU16(fx >> 16);
fx += dx;
} else {
// SSE2 only support 16bit interger max & min, so only process the case
// maxX less than the max 16bit interger. Actually maxX is the bitmap's
// height, there should be rare bitmap whose height will be greater
// than max 16bit interger in the real world.
if ((count >= 8) && (maxX <= 0xFFFF)) {
while (((size_t)xy & 0x0F) != 0) {
*xy++ = SkClampMax((fx + dx) >> 16, maxX) |
SkClampMax(fx >> 16, maxX);
fx += 2 * dx;
count -= 2;
__m128i wide_dx4 = _mm_set1_epi32(dx * 4);
__m128i wide_dx8 = _mm_add_epi32(wide_dx4, wide_dx4);
__m128i wide_low = _mm_set_epi32(fx + dx * 3, fx + dx * 2,
fx + dx, fx);
__m128i wide_high = _mm_add_epi32(wide_low, wide_dx4);
__m128i wide_maxX = _mm_set1_epi32(maxX);
while (count >= 8) {
__m128i wide_out_low = _mm_srli_epi32(wide_low, 16);
__m128i wide_out_high = _mm_srli_epi32(wide_high, 16);
wide_out_low = _mm_max_epi16(wide_out_low,
wide_out_low = _mm_min_epi16(wide_out_low, wide_maxX);
wide_out_high = _mm_max_epi16(wide_out_high,
wide_out_high = _mm_min_epi16(wide_out_high, wide_maxX);
__m128i wide_result = _mm_packs_epi32(wide_out_low,
_mm_store_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(xy), wide_result);
wide_low = _mm_add_epi32(wide_low, wide_dx8);
wide_high = _mm_add_epi32(wide_high, wide_dx8);
xy += 4;
fx += dx * 8;
count -= 8;
} // if count >= 8
uint16_t* xx = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(xy);
while (count-- > 0) {
*xx++ = SkClampMax(fx >> 16, maxX);
fx += dx;
@ -17,3 +17,7 @@ void S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX_SSE2(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
int count, uint32_t* colors);
void Color32_SSE2(SkPMColor dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count,
SkPMColor color);
void ClampX_ClampY_filter_scale_SSE2(const SkBitmapProcState& s, uint32_t xy[],
int count, int x, int y);
void ClampX_ClampY_nofilter_scale_SSE2(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
uint32_t xy[], int count, int x, int y);
@ -85,19 +85,27 @@ static bool cachedHasSSSE3() {
void SkBitmapProcState::platformProcs() {
if (cachedHasSSSE3()) {
if (fSampleProc32 == S32_opaque_D32_filter_DX) {
fSampleProc32 = S32_opaque_D32_filter_DX_SSSE3;
} else if (fSampleProc32 == S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX) {
fSampleProc32 = S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX_SSSE3;
} else if (cachedHasSSE2()) {
if (cachedHasSSSE3()) {
if (fSampleProc32 == S32_opaque_D32_filter_DX) {
fSampleProc32 = S32_opaque_D32_filter_DX_SSSE3;
} else if (fSampleProc32 == S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX) {
fSampleProc32 = S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX_SSSE3;
} else if (cachedHasSSE2()) {
if (fSampleProc32 == S32_opaque_D32_filter_DX) {
fSampleProc32 = S32_opaque_D32_filter_DX_SSE2;
} else if (fSampleProc32 == S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX) {
fSampleProc32 = S32_alpha_D32_filter_DX_SSE2;
if (cachedHasSSSE3() || cachedHasSSE2()) {
if (fMatrixProc == ClampX_ClampY_filter_scale) {
fMatrixProc = ClampX_ClampY_filter_scale_SSE2;
} else if (fMatrixProc == ClampX_ClampY_nofilter_scale) {
fMatrixProc = ClampX_ClampY_nofilter_scale_SSE2;
static SkBlitRow::Proc32 platform_32_procs[] = {
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