Blend functions as SkSL built ins.
GPU-only for right now. Use in GrGLSLBlend::AppendMode. Remove unused GrGLSLBlend::AppendRegionOp. Change-Id: I23affe255a1adafa55f3a07ca6291dc84e18e213 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Ethan Nicholas <> Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <> Commit-Queue: Brian Salomon <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,501 +9,42 @@
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h"
// Advanced (non-coeff) blend helpers
static void hard_light(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder,
const char* final,
const char* src,
const char* dst) {
static const char kComponents[] = { 'r', 'g', 'b' };
for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kComponents); ++i) {
char component = kComponents[i];
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("if (2.0 * %s.%c <= %s.a) {", src, component, src);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = 2.0 * %s.%c * %s.%c;",
final, component, src, component, dst, component);
fsBuilder->codeAppend("} else {");
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = %s.a * %s.a - 2.0 * (%s.a - %s.%c) * (%s.a - %s.%c);",
final, component, src, dst, dst, dst, component, src, src,
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb += %s.rgb * (1.0 - %s.a) + %s.rgb * (1.0 - %s.a);",
final, src, dst, dst, src);
// Does one component of color-dodge
static void color_dodge_component(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder,
const char* final,
const char* src,
const char* dst,
const char component) {
const char* divisorGuard = "";
const GrShaderCaps* shaderCaps = fsBuilder->getProgramBuilder()->shaderCaps();
if (shaderCaps->mustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck()) {
divisorGuard = "+ 0.00000001";
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("if (0.0 == %s.%c) {", dst, component);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a);",
final, component, src, component, dst);
fsBuilder->codeAppend("} else {");
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half d = %s.a - %s.%c;", src, src, component);
fsBuilder->codeAppend("if (0.0 == d) {");
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = %s.a * %s.a + %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a) + %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a);",
final, component, src, dst, src, component, dst, dst, component,
fsBuilder->codeAppend("} else {");
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("d = min(%s.a, %s.%c * %s.a / (d %s));",
dst, dst, component, src, divisorGuard);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = d * %s.a + %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a) + %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a);",
final, component, src, src, component, dst, dst, component, src);
// Does one component of color-burn
static void color_burn_component(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder,
const char* final,
const char* src,
const char* dst,
const char component) {
const char* divisorGuard = "";
const GrShaderCaps* shaderCaps = fsBuilder->getProgramBuilder()->shaderCaps();
if (shaderCaps->mustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck()) {
divisorGuard = "+ 0.00000001";
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("if (%s.a == %s.%c) {", dst, dst, component);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = %s.a * %s.a + %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a) + %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a);",
final, component, src, dst, src, component, dst, dst, component,
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("} else if (0.0 == %s.%c) {", src, component);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a);",
final, component, dst, component, src);
fsBuilder->codeAppend("} else {");
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half d = max(0.0, %s.a - (%s.a - %s.%c) * %s.a / (%s.%c %s));",
dst, dst, dst, component, src, src, component, divisorGuard);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = %s.a * d + %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a) + %s.%c * (1.0 - %s.a);",
final, component, src, src, component, dst, dst, component, src);
// Does one component of soft-light. Caller should have already checked that dst alpha > 0.
static void soft_light_component_pos_dst_alpha(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder,
const char* final,
const char* src,
const char* dst,
const char component) {
const char* divisorGuard = "";
const GrShaderCaps* shaderCaps = fsBuilder->getProgramBuilder()->shaderCaps();
if (shaderCaps->mustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck()) {
divisorGuard = "+ 0.00000001";
// if (2S < Sa)
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("if (2.0 * %s.%c <= %s.a) {", src, component, src);
// (D^2 (Sa-2 S))/Da+(1-Da) S+D (-Sa+2 S+1)
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = (%s.%c*%s.%c*(%s.a - 2.0*%s.%c)) / (%s.a %s) +"
"(1.0 - %s.a) * %s.%c + %s.%c*(-%s.a + 2.0*%s.%c + 1.0);",
final, component, dst, component, dst, component, src, src,
component, dst, divisorGuard, dst, src, component, dst, component, src,
src, component);
// else if (4D < Da)
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("} else if (4.0 * %s.%c <= %s.a) {",
dst, component, dst);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half DSqd = %s.%c * %s.%c;",
dst, component, dst, component);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half DCub = DSqd * %s.%c;", dst, component);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half DaSqd = %s.a * %s.a;", dst, dst);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half DaCub = DaSqd * %s.a;", dst);
// (Da^3 (-S)+Da^2 (S-D (3 Sa-6 S-1))+12 Da D^2 (Sa-2 S)-16 D^3 (Sa-2 S))/Da^2
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c ="
"(DaSqd*(%s.%c - %s.%c * (3.0*%s.a - 6.0*%s.%c - 1.0)) +"
" 12.0*%s.a*DSqd*(%s.a - 2.0*%s.%c) - 16.0*DCub * (%s.a - 2.0*%s.%c) -"
" DaCub*%s.%c) / (DaSqd %s);",
final, component, src, component, dst, component,
src, src, component, dst, src, src, component, src, src,
component, src, component, divisorGuard);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("} else {");
// -sqrt(Da * D) (Sa-2 S)-Da S+D (Sa-2 S+1)+S
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.%c = %s.%c*(%s.a - 2.0*%s.%c + 1.0) + %s.%c -"
" sqrt(%s.a*%s.%c)*(%s.a - 2.0*%s.%c) - %s.a*%s.%c;",
final, component, dst, component, src, src, component, src, component,
dst, dst, component, src, src, component, dst, src, component);
// Adds a function that takes two colors and an alpha as input. It produces a color with the
// hue and saturation of the first color, the luminosity of the second color, and the input
// alpha. It has this signature:
// float3 set_luminance(float3 hueSatColor, float alpha, float3 lumColor).
static void add_lum_function(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, SkString* setLumFunction) {
// Emit a helper that gets the luminance of a color.
SkString getFunction;
GrShaderVar getLumArgs[] = {
GrShaderVar("color", kHalf3_GrSLType),
SkString getLumBody("return dot(half3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), color);");
SK_ARRAY_COUNT(getLumArgs), getLumArgs,
// Emit the set luminance function.
GrShaderVar setLumArgs[] = {
GrShaderVar("hueSat", kHalf3_GrSLType),
GrShaderVar("alpha", kHalf_GrSLType),
GrShaderVar("lumColor", kHalf3_GrSLType),
SkString setLumBody;
setLumBody.printf("half outLum = %s(lumColor);", getFunction.c_str());
setLumBody.appendf("half3 outColor = outLum - %s(hueSat) + hueSat;", getFunction.c_str());
setLumBody.append("half minComp = min(min(outColor.r, outColor.g), outColor.b);"
"half maxComp = max(max(outColor.r, outColor.g), outColor.b);"
"if (minComp < 0.0 && outLum != minComp) {"
"outColor = outLum + ((outColor - half3(outLum, outLum, outLum)) * outLum) /"
"(outLum - minComp);"
"if (maxComp > alpha && maxComp != outLum) {"
"outColor = outLum +"
"((outColor - half3(outLum, outLum, outLum)) * (alpha - outLum)) /"
"(maxComp - outLum);"
"return outColor;");
SK_ARRAY_COUNT(setLumArgs), setLumArgs,
// Adds a function that creates a color with the hue and luminosity of one input color and
// the saturation of another color. It will have this signature:
// float set_saturation(float3 hueLumColor, float3 satColor)
static void add_sat_function(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, SkString* setSatFunction) {
// Emit a helper that gets the saturation of a color
SkString getFunction;
GrShaderVar getSatArgs[] = { GrShaderVar("color", kHalf3_GrSLType) };
SkString getSatBody;
getSatBody.printf("return max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b) - "
"min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b);");
SK_ARRAY_COUNT(getSatArgs), getSatArgs,
// Emit a helper that sets the saturation given sorted input channels. This used
// to use inout params for min, mid, and max components but that seems to cause
// problems on PowerVR drivers. So instead it returns a float3 where r, g ,b are the
// adjusted min, mid, and max inputs, respectively.
SkString helperFunction;
GrShaderVar helperArgs[] = {
GrShaderVar("minComp", kHalf_GrSLType),
GrShaderVar("midComp", kHalf_GrSLType),
GrShaderVar("maxComp", kHalf_GrSLType),
GrShaderVar("sat", kHalf_GrSLType),
static const char kHelperBody[] = "if (minComp < maxComp) {"
"half3 result;"
"result.r = 0.0;"
"result.g = sat * (midComp - minComp) / (maxComp - minComp);"
"result.b = sat;"
"return result;"
"} else {"
"return half3(0, 0, 0);"
SK_ARRAY_COUNT(helperArgs), helperArgs,
GrShaderVar setSatArgs[] = {
GrShaderVar("hueLumColor", kHalf3_GrSLType),
GrShaderVar("satColor", kHalf3_GrSLType),
const char* helpFunc = helperFunction.c_str();
SkString setSatBody;
setSatBody.appendf("half sat = %s(satColor);"
"if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.g) {"
"if (hueLumColor.g <= hueLumColor.b) {"
"hueLumColor.rgb = %s(hueLumColor.r, hueLumColor.g, hueLumColor.b, sat);"
"} else if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.b) {"
"hueLumColor.rbg = %s(hueLumColor.r, hueLumColor.b, hueLumColor.g, sat);"
"} else {"
"hueLumColor.brg = %s(hueLumColor.b, hueLumColor.r, hueLumColor.g, sat);"
"} else if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.b) {"
"hueLumColor.grb = %s(hueLumColor.g, hueLumColor.r, hueLumColor.b, sat);"
"} else if (hueLumColor.g <= hueLumColor.b) {"
"hueLumColor.gbr = %s(hueLumColor.g, hueLumColor.b, hueLumColor.r, sat);"
"} else {"
"hueLumColor.bgr = %s(hueLumColor.b, hueLumColor.g, hueLumColor.r, sat);"
"return hueLumColor;",
getFunction.c_str(), helpFunc, helpFunc, helpFunc, helpFunc,
helpFunc, helpFunc);
SK_ARRAY_COUNT(setSatArgs), setSatArgs,
static void emit_advanced_xfermode_code(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, const char* srcColor,
const char* dstColor, const char* outputColor,
SkBlendMode mode) {
// These all perform src-over on the alpha channel.
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.a = %s.a + (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.a;",
outputColor, srcColor, srcColor, dstColor);
switch (mode) {
case SkBlendMode::kOverlay:
// Overlay is Hard-Light with the src and dst reversed
hard_light(fsBuilder, outputColor, dstColor, srcColor);
case SkBlendMode::kDarken:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = min((1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + %s.rgb, "
"(1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + %s.rgb);",
srcColor, dstColor, srcColor,
dstColor, srcColor, dstColor);
case SkBlendMode::kLighten:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = max((1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + %s.rgb, "
"(1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + %s.rgb);",
srcColor, dstColor, srcColor,
dstColor, srcColor, dstColor);
case SkBlendMode::kColorDodge:
color_dodge_component(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'r');
color_dodge_component(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'g');
color_dodge_component(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'b');
case SkBlendMode::kColorBurn:
color_burn_component(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'r');
color_burn_component(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'g');
color_burn_component(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'b');
case SkBlendMode::kHardLight:
hard_light(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor);
case SkBlendMode::kSoftLight:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("if (0.0 == %s.a) {", dstColor);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgba = %s;", outputColor, srcColor);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("} else {");
soft_light_component_pos_dst_alpha(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'r');
soft_light_component_pos_dst_alpha(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'g');
soft_light_component_pos_dst_alpha(fsBuilder, outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, 'b');
case SkBlendMode::kDifference:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = %s.rgb + %s.rgb -"
"2.0 * min(%s.rgb * %s.a, %s.rgb * %s.a);",
outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, srcColor, dstColor,
dstColor, srcColor);
case SkBlendMode::kExclusion:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = %s.rgb + %s.rgb - "
"2.0 * %s.rgb * %s.rgb;",
outputColor, dstColor, srcColor, dstColor, srcColor);
case SkBlendMode::kMultiply:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + "
"(1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + "
"%s.rgb * %s.rgb;",
outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, dstColor, srcColor,
srcColor, dstColor);
case SkBlendMode::kHue: {
// SetLum(SetSat(S * Da, Sat(D * Sa)), Sa*Da, D*Sa) + (1 - Sa) * D + (1 - Da) * S
SkString setSat, setLum;
add_sat_function(fsBuilder, &setSat);
add_lum_function(fsBuilder, &setLum);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half4 dstSrcAlpha = %s * %s.a;",
dstColor, srcColor);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = %s(%s(%s.rgb * %s.a, dstSrcAlpha.rgb),"
"dstSrcAlpha.a, dstSrcAlpha.rgb);",
outputColor, setLum.c_str(), setSat.c_str(), srcColor,
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb += (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb;",
outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, dstColor, srcColor);
case SkBlendMode::kSaturation: {
// SetLum(SetSat(D * Sa, Sat(S * Da)), Sa*Da, D*Sa)) + (1 - Sa) * D + (1 - Da) * S
SkString setSat, setLum;
add_sat_function(fsBuilder, &setSat);
add_lum_function(fsBuilder, &setLum);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half4 dstSrcAlpha = %s * %s.a;",
dstColor, srcColor);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = %s(%s(dstSrcAlpha.rgb, %s.rgb * %s.a),"
"dstSrcAlpha.a, dstSrcAlpha.rgb);",
outputColor, setLum.c_str(), setSat.c_str(), srcColor,
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb += (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb;",
outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, dstColor, srcColor);
case SkBlendMode::kColor: {
// SetLum(S * Da, Sa* Da, D * Sa) + (1 - Sa) * D + (1 - Da) * S
SkString setLum;
add_lum_function(fsBuilder, &setLum);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half4 srcDstAlpha = %s * %s.a;",
srcColor, dstColor);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = %s(srcDstAlpha.rgb, srcDstAlpha.a, %s.rgb * %s.a);",
outputColor, setLum.c_str(), dstColor, srcColor);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb += (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb;",
outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, dstColor, srcColor);
case SkBlendMode::kLuminosity: {
// SetLum(D * Sa, Sa* Da, S * Da) + (1 - Sa) * D + (1 - Da) * S
SkString setLum;
add_lum_function(fsBuilder, &setLum);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("half4 srcDstAlpha = %s * %s.a;",
srcColor, dstColor);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb = %s(%s.rgb * %s.a, srcDstAlpha.a, srcDstAlpha.rgb);",
outputColor, setLum.c_str(), dstColor, srcColor);
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s.rgb += (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb + (1.0 - %s.a) * %s.rgb;",
outputColor, srcColor, dstColor, dstColor, srcColor);
SK_ABORT("Unknown Custom Xfer mode.");
// Porter-Duff blend helper
static bool append_porterduff_term(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, SkBlendModeCoeff coeff,
const char* colorName, const char* srcColorName,
const char* dstColorName, bool hasPrevious) {
if (SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero == coeff) {
return hasPrevious;
} else {
if (hasPrevious) {
fsBuilder->codeAppend(" + ");
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s", colorName);
switch (coeff) {
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kOne:
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kSC:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s", srcColorName);
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kISC:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (half4(1.0) - %s)", srcColorName);
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kDC:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s", dstColorName);
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kIDC:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (half4(1.0) - %s)", dstColorName);
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kSA:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s.a", srcColorName);
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kISA:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (1.0 - %s.a)", srcColorName);
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kDA:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * %s.a", dstColorName);
case SkBlendModeCoeff::kIDA:
fsBuilder->codeAppendf(" * (1.0 - %s.a)", dstColorName);
SK_ABORT("Unsupported Blend Coeff");
return true;
void GrGLSLBlend::AppendMode(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, const char* srcColor,
void GrGLSLBlend::AppendMode(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, const char* srcColor,
const char* dstColor, const char* outColor,
const char* dstColor, const char* outColor,
SkBlendMode mode) {
SkBlendMode mode) {
// When and if the SkSL compiler supports inlining we could replace this with
SkBlendModeCoeff srcCoeff, dstCoeff;
// out = blend(mode, src, dst) where mode is a literal.
if (SkBlendMode_AsCoeff(mode, &srcCoeff, &dstCoeff)) {
const char* name;
// The only coeff mode that can go out of range is plus.
switch (mode) {
bool clamp = mode == SkBlendMode::kPlus;
case SkBlendMode::kClear: name = "clear"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kSrc: name = "src"; break;
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = ", outColor);
case SkBlendMode::kDst: name = "dst"; break;
if (clamp) {
case SkBlendMode::kSrcOver: name = "src_over"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kDstOver: name = "dst_over"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kSrcIn: name = "src_in"; break;
// append src blend
case SkBlendMode::kDstIn: name = "dst_in"; break;
bool didAppend = append_porterduff_term(fsBuilder, srcCoeff, srcColor, srcColor, dstColor,
case SkBlendMode::kSrcOut: name = "src_out"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kDstOut: name = "dst_out"; break;
// append dst blend
case SkBlendMode::kSrcATop: name = "src_atop"; break;
if(!append_porterduff_term(fsBuilder, dstCoeff, dstColor, srcColor, dstColor, didAppend)) {
case SkBlendMode::kDstATop: name = "dst_atop"; break;
fsBuilder->codeAppend("half4(0, 0, 0, 0)");
case SkBlendMode::kXor: name = "xor"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kPlus: name = "plus"; break;
if (clamp) {
case SkBlendMode::kModulate: name = "modulate"; break;
fsBuilder->codeAppend(", 0, 1);");
case SkBlendMode::kScreen: name = "screen"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kOverlay: name = "overlay"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kDarken: name = "darken"; break;
} else {
case SkBlendMode::kLighten: name = "lighten"; break;
emit_advanced_xfermode_code(fsBuilder, srcColor, dstColor, outColor, mode);
case SkBlendMode::kColorDodge: name = "color_dodge"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kColorBurn: name = "color_burn"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kHardLight: name = "hard_light"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kSoftLight: name = "soft_light"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kDifference: name = "difference"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kExclusion: name = "exclusion"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kMultiply: name = "multiply"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kHue: name = "hue"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kSaturation: name = "saturation"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kColor: name = "color"; break;
case SkBlendMode::kLuminosity: name = "luminosity"; break;
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = blend_%s(%s, %s);", outColor, name, srcColor, dstColor);
void GrGLSLBlend::AppendRegionOp(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, const char* srcColor,
const char* dstColor, const char* outColor,
SkRegion::Op regionOp) {
SkBlendModeCoeff srcCoeff, dstCoeff;
switch (regionOp) {
case SkRegion::kReplace_Op:
srcCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kOne;
dstCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero;
case SkRegion::kIntersect_Op:
srcCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kDC;
dstCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero;
case SkRegion::kUnion_Op:
srcCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kOne;
dstCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kISC;
case SkRegion::kXOR_Op:
srcCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kIDC;
dstCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kISC;
case SkRegion::kDifference_Op:
srcCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero;
dstCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kISC;
case SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op:
srcCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kIDC;
dstCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero;
SK_ABORT("Unsupported Op");
// We should never get here but to make compiler happy
srcCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero;
dstCoeff = SkBlendModeCoeff::kZero;
fsBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = ", outColor);
// append src blend
bool didAppend = append_porterduff_term(fsBuilder, srcCoeff, srcColor, srcColor, dstColor,
// append dst blend
if(!append_porterduff_term(fsBuilder, dstCoeff, dstColor, srcColor, dstColor, didAppend)) {
fsBuilder->codeAppend("half4(0, 0, 0, 0)");
@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ namespace GrGLSLBlend {
void AppendMode(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, const char* srcColor,
void AppendMode(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, const char* srcColor,
const char* dstColor, const char* outColor, SkBlendMode mode);
const char* dstColor, const char* outColor, SkBlendMode mode);
void AppendRegionOp(GrGLSLFragmentBuilder* fsBuilder, const char* srcColor,
const char* dstColor, const char* outColor, SkRegion::Op regionOp);
@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ static const char* SKSL_GPU_INCLUDE =
#include ""
#include ""
static const char* SKSL_BLEND_INCLUDE =
#include ""
static const char* SKSL_INTERP_INCLUDE =
static const char* SKSL_INTERP_INCLUDE =
#include ""
#include ""
@ -258,6 +262,9 @@ Compiler::Compiler(Flags flags)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProgramElement>> gpuIntrinsics;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProgramElement>> gpuIntrinsics;
this->processIncludeFile(Program::kFragment_Kind, SKSL_GPU_INCLUDE, strlen(SKSL_GPU_INCLUDE),
this->processIncludeFile(Program::kFragment_Kind, SKSL_GPU_INCLUDE, strlen(SKSL_GPU_INCLUDE),
symbols, &gpuIntrinsics, &fGpuSymbolTable);
symbols, &gpuIntrinsics, &fGpuSymbolTable);
this->processIncludeFile(Program::kFragment_Kind, SKSL_BLEND_INCLUDE,
strlen(SKSL_BLEND_INCLUDE), std::move(fGpuSymbolTable), &gpuIntrinsics,
grab_intrinsics(&gpuIntrinsics, &fGPUIntrinsics);
grab_intrinsics(&gpuIntrinsics, &fGPUIntrinsics);
// need to hang on to the source so that FunctionDefinition.fSource pointers in this file
// need to hang on to the source so that FunctionDefinition.fSource pointers in this file
// remain valid
// remain valid
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ static void fill_caps(const SKSL_CAPS_CLASS& caps,
@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ public:
return false;
return false;
bool mustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck() const {
return false;
bool mustEnableAdvBlendEqs() const {
bool mustEnableAdvBlendEqs() const {
return false;
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
// Definitions of functions implementing all of the SkBlendMode blends.
half4 blend_clear(half4 src, half4 dst) { return half4(0); }
half4 blend_src(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src; }
half4 blend_dst(half4 src, half4 dst) { return dst; }
half4 blend_src_over(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src + (1 - src.a)*dst; }
half4 blend_dst_over(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - dst.a)*src + dst; }
half4 blend_src_in(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src*dst.a; }
half4 blend_dst_in(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src.a*dst; }
half4 blend_src_out(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - dst.a)*src; }
half4 blend_dst_out(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - src.a)*dst; }
half4 blend_src_atop(half4 src, half4 dst) { return dst.a*src + (1 - src.a)*dst; }
half4 blend_dst_atop(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - dst.a) * src + src.a*dst; }
half4 blend_xor(half4 src, half4 dst) { return (1 - dst.a)*src + (1 - src.a)*dst; }
half4 blend_plus(half4 src, half4 dst) { return min(src + dst, 1); }
half4 blend_modulate(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src*dst; }
half4 blend_screen(half4 src, half4 dst) { return src + (1 - src)*dst; }
half _blend_overlay_component(half sc, half sa, half dc, half da) {
if (2*dc <= da) {
return 2*sc*dc;
return sa*da - 2*(da - dc)*(sa - sc);
half4 blend_overlay(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half4 result = half4(_blend_overlay_component(src.r, src.a, dst.r, dst.a),
_blend_overlay_component(src.g, src.a, dst.g, dst.a),
_blend_overlay_component(src.b, src.a, dst.b, dst.a),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
result.rgb += dst.rgb*(1 - src.a) + src.rgb*(1 - dst.a);
return result;
half4 blend_darken(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half4 result = blend_src_over(src, dst);
result.rgb = min(result.rgb, (1 - dst.a)*src.rgb + dst.rgb);
return result;
half4 blend_lighten(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half4 result = blend_src_over(src, dst);
result.rgb = max(result.rgb, (1 - dst.a)*src.rgb + dst.rgb);
return result;
half _guarded_divide(half n, half d) {
@if (sk_Caps.mustGuardDivisionEvenAfterExplicitZeroCheck) {
return n/(d + 0.00000001);
return n/d;
half _color_dodge_component(half sc, half sa, half dc, half da) {
if (dc == 0) {
return sc*(1 - da);
} else {
half d = sa - sc;
if (d == 0) {
return sa*da + sc*(1 - da) + dc*(1 - sa);
d = min(da, _guarded_divide(dc*sa, d));
return d*sa + sc*(1 - da) + dc*(1 - sa);
half4 blend_color_dodge(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4(_color_dodge_component(src.r, src.a, dst.r, dst.a),
_color_dodge_component(src.g, src.a, dst.g, dst.a),
_color_dodge_component(src.b, src.a, dst.b, dst.a),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half _color_burn_component(half sc, half sa, half dc, half da) {
if (da == dc) {
return sa*da + sc*(1 - da) + dc*(1 - sa);
} else if (sc == 0) {
return dc*(1 - sa);
half d = max(0, da - _guarded_divide((da - dc)*sa, sc));
return d*sa + sc*(1 - da) + dc*(1 - sa);
half4 blend_color_burn(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4(_color_burn_component(src.r, src.a, dst.r, dst.a),
_color_burn_component(src.g, src.a, dst.g, dst.a),
_color_burn_component(src.b, src.a, dst.b, dst.a),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half4 blend_hard_light(half4 src, half4 dst) { return blend_overlay(dst, src); }
half _soft_light_component(half sc, half sa, half dc, half da) {
if (2*sc <= sa) {
return _guarded_divide(dc*dc*(sa - 2*sc), da) + (1 - da)*sc + dc*(-sa + 2*sc + 1);
} else if (4.0 * dc <= da) {
half DSqd = dc*dc;
half DCub = DSqd*dc;
half DaSqd = da*da;
half DaCub = DaSqd*da;
return _guarded_divide(DaSqd*(sc - dc*(3*sa - 6*sc - 1)) + 12*da*DSqd*(sa - 2*sc)
- 16*DCub * (sa - 2*sc) - DaCub*sc, DaSqd);
return dc*(sa - 2*sc + 1) + sc - sqrt(da*dc)*(sa - 2*sc) - da*sc;
half4 blend_soft_light(half4 src, half4 dst) {
if (dst.a == 0) {
return src;
return half4(_soft_light_component(src.r, src.a, dst.r, dst.a),
_soft_light_component(src.g, src.a, dst.g, dst.a),
_soft_light_component(src.b, src.a, dst.b, dst.a),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half4 blend_difference(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4(src.rgb + dst.rgb - 2*min(src.rgb*dst.a, dst.rgb*src.a),
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half4 blend_exclusion(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4(dst.rgb + src.rgb - 2*dst.rgb*src.rgb, src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half4 blend_multiply(half4 src, half4 dst) {
return half4((1 - src.a)*dst.rgb + (1 - dst.a)*src.rgb + src.rgb*dst.rgb,
src.a + (1 - src.a)*dst.a);
half _blend_color_luminance(half3 color) { return dot(half3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), color); }
half3 _blend_set_color_luminance(half3 hueSatColor, half alpha, half3 lumColor) {
half lum = _blend_color_luminance(lumColor);
half3 result = lum - _blend_color_luminance(hueSatColor) + hueSatColor;
half minComp = min(min(result.r, result.g), result.b);
half maxComp = max(max(result.r, result.g), result.b);
if (minComp < 0 && lum != minComp) {
result = lum + (result - lum) * lum/(lum - minComp);
if (maxComp > alpha && maxComp != lum) {
return lum + ((result - lum) * (alpha - lum))/(maxComp - lum);
return result;
half _blend_color_saturation(half3 color) {
return max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b) - min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b);
half3 _blend_set_color_saturation_helper(half3 minMidMax, half sat) {
if (minMidMax.r < minMidMax.b) {
return half3(0, sat*(minMidMax.g - minMidMax.r)/(minMidMax.b - minMidMax.r), sat);
return half3(0);
half3 _blend_set_color_saturation(half3 hueLumColor, half3 satColor) {
half sat = _blend_color_saturation(satColor);
if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.g) {
if (hueLumColor.g <= hueLumColor.b) {
hueLumColor.rgb = _blend_set_color_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.rgb, sat);
} else if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.b) {
hueLumColor.rbg = _blend_set_color_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.rbg, sat);
} else {
hueLumColor.brg = _blend_set_color_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.brg, sat);
} else if (hueLumColor.r <= hueLumColor.b) {
hueLumColor.grb = _blend_set_color_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.grb, sat);
} else if (hueLumColor.g <= hueLumColor.b) {
hueLumColor.gbr = _blend_set_color_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.gbr, sat);
} else {
hueLumColor.bgr = _blend_set_color_saturation_helper(hueLumColor.bgr, sat);
return hueLumColor;
half4 blend_hue(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half alpha = dst.a*src.a;
half3 sda = src.rgb*dst.a;
half3 dsa = dst.rgb*src.a;
return half4(_blend_set_color_luminance(_blend_set_color_saturation(sda, dsa), alpha, dsa) +
dst.rgb - dsa + src.rgb - sda,
src.a + dst.a - alpha);
half4 blend_saturation(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half alpha = dst.a*src.a;
half3 sda = src.rgb*dst.a;
half3 dsa = dst.rgb*src.a;
return half4(_blend_set_color_luminance(_blend_set_color_saturation(dsa, sda), alpha, dsa) +
dst.rgb - dsa + src.rgb - sda,
src.a + dst.a - alpha);
half4 blend_color(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half alpha = dst.a*src.a;
half3 sda = src.rgb*dst.a;
half3 dsa = dst.rgb*src.a;
return half4(_blend_set_color_luminance(sda, alpha, dsa) + dst.rgb - dsa + src.rgb - sda,
src.a + dst.a - alpha);
half4 blend_luminosity(half4 src, half4 dst) {
half alpha = dst.a*src.a;
half3 sda = src.rgb*dst.a;
half3 dsa = dst.rgb*src.a;
return half4(_blend_set_color_luminance(dsa, alpha, sda) + dst.rgb - dsa + src.rgb - sda,
src.a + dst.a - alpha);
enum class SkBlendMode {
kClear = 0,
kSrc = 1,
kDst = 2,
kSrcOver = 3,
kDstOver = 4,
kSrcIn = 5,
kDstIn = 6,
kSrcOut = 7,
kDstOut = 8,
kSrcATop = 9,
kDstATop = 10,
kXor = 11,
kPlus = 12,
kModulate = 13,
kScreen = 14,
kOverlay = 15,
kDarken = 16,
kLighten = 17,
kColorDodge = 18,
kColorBurn = 19,
kHardLight = 20,
kSoftLight = 21,
kDifference = 22,
kExclusion = 23,
kMultiply = 24,
kHue = 25,
kSaturation = 26,
kColor = 27,
kLuminosity = 28
half4 blend(SkBlendMode mode, half4 src, half4 dst) {
switch (mode) {
case SkBlendMode::kClear: return blend_clear(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kSrc: return blend_src(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kDst: return blend_dst(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kSrcOver: return blend_src_over(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kDstOver: return blend_dst_over(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kSrcIn: return blend_src_in(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kDstIn: return blend_dst_in(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kSrcOut: return blend_src_out(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kDstOut: return blend_dst_out(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kSrcATop: return blend_src_atop(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kDstATop: return blend_dst_atop(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kXor: return blend_xor(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kPlus: return blend_plus(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kModulate: return blend_modulate(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kScreen: return blend_screen(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kOverlay: return blend_overlay(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kDarken: return blend_darken(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kLighten: return blend_lighten(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kColorDodge: return blend_color_dodge(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kColorBurn: return blend_color_burn(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kHardLight: return blend_hard_light(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kSoftLight: return blend_soft_light(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kDifference: return blend_difference(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kExclusion: return blend_exclusion(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kMultiply: return blend_multiply(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kHue: return blend_hue(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kSaturation: return blend_saturation(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kColor: return blend_color(src, dst);
case SkBlendMode::kLuminosity: return blend_luminosity(src, dst);
return half4(0); // Avoids "'blend' can exit without returning a value."
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// defines built-in functions supported by SkSL when running on a GPU
// defines built-in functions supported by SkSL when running on a GPU
@ -295,5 +295,4 @@ float interpolateAtOffset(float interpolant, float2 offset);
float2 interpolateAtOffset(float2 interpolant, float2 offset);
float2 interpolateAtOffset(float2 interpolant, float2 offset);
float3 interpolateAtOffset(float3 interpolant, float2 offset);
float3 interpolateAtOffset(float3 interpolant, float2 offset);
float4 interpolateAtOffset(float4 interpolant, float2 offset);
float4 interpolateAtOffset(float4 interpolant, float2 offset);
@ -343,10 +343,10 @@ bool log_texture_proxy(GrContext* context, sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> src, SkString*
bool fuzzy_color_equals(const SkPMColor4f& c1, const SkPMColor4f& c2) {
bool fuzzy_color_equals(const SkPMColor4f& c1, const SkPMColor4f& c2) {
// With the loss of precision of rendering into 32-bit color, then estimating the FP's output
// With the loss of precision of rendering into 32-bit color, then estimating the FP's output
// from that, it is not uncommon for a valid output to differ from estimate by up to 0.01
// from that, it is not uncommon for a valid output to differ from estimate by up to 0.03
// (really 1/128 ~ .0078, but frequently floating point issues make that tolerance a little
// (really 1/128 ~ .0078, but frequently floating point issues make that tolerance a little
// too unforgiving).
// too unforgiving).
static constexpr SkScalar kTolerance = 0.01f;
static constexpr SkScalar kTolerance = 0.03f;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (!SkScalarNearlyEqual(c1[i], c2[i], kTolerance)) {
if (!SkScalarNearlyEqual(c1[i], c2[i], kTolerance)) {
return false;
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user