General clean up on bookmaker.

Command line runs without error for
SkBitmap, SkPath, SkRect, SkIRect,
SkPixmap, SkCanvas.

Bug: skia:6898
Change-Id: I73b69ae8ffdf0a1e6bc187dc8a9dfb28f7766faa
Reviewed-by: Cary Clark <>
Commit-Queue: Cary Clark <>
This commit is contained in:
Cary Clark 2017-10-11 10:37:52 -04:00 committed by Skia Commit-Bot
parent 4815db5938
commit 884dd7d428
18 changed files with 462 additions and 150 deletions

View File

@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ or setPixelRef was called.
SkDebugf("pixel address = %p\n", bitmap.getPixels());
pixel address = (nil)
pixel address = 0x560ddd0ac670

View File

@ -6104,4 +6104,55 @@ Returns false if the clip is empty, or if it is not Rect.
#Class SkCanvas ##
#Class SkAutoCanvasRestore
Stack helper class calls SkCanvas::restoreToCount() when SkAutoCanvasRestore
goes out of scope. Use this to guarantee that the canvas is restored to a known
#Method SkAutoCanvasRestore(SkCanvas* canvas, bool doSave)
Preserves Canvas save count. Optionally saves Canvas Clip and Matrix.
#Param canvas Canvas to guard ##
#Param doSave call SkCanvas::save() ##
#Return utility to restore Canvas state on destructor ##
// incomplete
#SeeAlso SkCanvas::save SkCanvas::restore
#Method ~SkAutoCanvasRestore()
Restores Canvas to saved state.
// incomplete
#SeeAlso SkCanvas::save SkCanvas::restore
#Method void restore()
Restores Canvas to saved state immediately. Subsequent calls and class
destructor have no effect.
// incomplete
#SeeAlso SkCanvas::save SkCanvas::restore
#Class SkAutoCanvasRestore ##
#Topic Canvas ##

View File

@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ its top, it is considered empty.
#Subtopic Operators
# description # function ##
# description # function ##
#Legend ##
# friend bool operator!=(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b) # Returns true if members are unequal. ##
# friend bool operator==(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b) # Returns true if members are equal. ##
# bool operator!=(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b) # Returns true if members are unequal. ##
# bool operator==(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b) # Returns true if members are equal. ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ When equal to or less than fTop, IRect is empty.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeEmpty()
#Method static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeEmpty()
Returns constructed IRect set to (0, 0, 0, 0).
Many other rectangles are empty; if left is equal to or greater than right,
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ outset isEmpty: true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(int32_t w, int32_t h)
#Method static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(int32_t w, int32_t h)
Returns constructed IRect set to (0, 0, w, h). Does not validate input; w or h
may be negative.
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ all equal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkISize& size)
#Method static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkISize& size)
Returns constructed IRect set to (0, 0, size.width(), size.height()).
Does not validate input; size.width() or size.height() may be negative.
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ floor width: 25 height: 35
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeLTRB(int32_t l, int32_t t, int32_t r, int32_t b)
#Method static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeLTRB(int32_t l, int32_t t, int32_t r, int32_t b)
Returns constructed IRect set to (l, t, r, b). Does not sort input; Rect may
result in fLeft greater than fRight, or fTop greater than fBottom.
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ rect: 5, 25, 15, 35 isEmpty: false
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h)
#Method static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h)
Returns constructed IRect set to
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ w or h may be negative.
#Param w added to x and stored in fRight ##
#Param h added to y and stored in fBottom ##
#Return bounds (x, y, x + w, y + h) ##
#Return bounds at (x, y) with width w and height h ##
SkIRect rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(5, 35, -15, 25);
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ large is empty: false
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method friend bool operator==(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)
#Method bool operator==(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)
Returns true if all members in a: fLeft, fTop, fRight, and fBottom; are
identical to corresponding members in b.
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ test == sorted
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method friend bool operator!=(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)
#Method bool operator!=(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)
Returns true if any member in a: fLeft, fTop, fRight, and fBottom; is not
identical to the corresponding member in b.

View File

@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
#Class SkMatrix
The SkMatrix class holds a 3x3 matrix for transforming coordinates.
Matrix holds a 3x3 matrix for transforming coordinates.
Matrix elements are in column major order.
SkMatrix does not have a constructor, so it must be explicitly initialized
using either reset() - to construct an identity matrix, or one of the set
functions (e.g. setTranslate, setRotate, etc.).
SkMatrix is not thread safe unless getType is called first.
#Topic Overview
@ -25,8 +28,10 @@ SkMatrix is not thread safe unless getType is called first.
# description # function ##
#Legend ##
# friend SK_API bool operator!=(const SkMatrix& a, const SkMatrix& b) # ##
# friend SK_API bool operator==(const SkMatrix& a, const SkMatrix& b) # ##
# friend SK_API bool operator!=(const SkMatrix& a, const SkMatrix& b) # Returns true if members are unequal. ##
# friend SK_API bool operator==(const SkMatrix& a, const SkMatrix& b) # Returns true if members are equal. ##
# SkScalar operator[](int index) const # Returns one of nine Matrix values. ##
# SkScalar& operator[](int index) # Returns a writable reference to one of nine Matrix values. ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
@ -35,46 +40,45 @@ SkMatrix is not thread safe unless getType is called first.
# description # function ##
#Legend ##
# Concat # ##
# GetMapPtsProc # ##
# GetMapXYProc # ##
# I # ##
# InvalidMatrix # ##
# MakeRectToRect # ##
# MakeScale # ##
# MakeTrans # ##
# SetAffineIdentity # ##
# [ # ##
# asAffine # ##
# cheapEqualTo # ##
# decomposeScale # ##
# dirtyMatrixTypeCache # ##
# dump # ##
# fixedStepInX # ##
# get # ##
# get9 # ##
# getMapPtsProc # ##
# getMapXYProc # ##
# getMaxScale # ##
# getMinMaxScales # ##
# getMinScale # ##
# getPerspX # ##
# getPerspY # ##
# getScaleX # ##
# getScaleY # ##
# getSkewX # ##
# getSkewY # ##
# getTranslateX # ##
# getTranslateY # ##
# getType # ##
# hasPerspective # ##
# invert # ##
# isFinite # ##
# isFixedStepInX # ##
# isIdentity # ##
# isScaleTranslate # ##
# isSimilarity # ##
# isTranslate # ##
# Concat # Returns the concatenation of Matrix pair. ##
# GetMapPtsProc # Returns optimal function to map Point array. ##
# GetMapXYProc # Returns optimal function to map one Point. ##
# I # Returns a reference to a const identity Matrix. ##
# InvalidMatrix # Returns a reference to a const invalid Matrix. ##
# MakeRectToRect # Constructs from source Rect to destination Rect. ##
# MakeScale # Constructs from scale in x and y. ##
# MakeTrans # Constructs from translate in x and y. ##
# SetAffineIdentity # Sets 2x3 array to identity. ##
# asAffine # Copies to 2x3 array. ##
# cheapEqualTo # Compares Matrix pair using memcmp(). ##
# decomposeScale # Separates scale if possible. ##
# dirtyMatrixTypeCache # Private; used by testing. ##
# dump # Sends text representation using floats to standard output. ##
# fixedStepInX # Returns step in x for a position in y. ##
# get # Returns one of nine Matrix values. ##
# get9 # Returns all nine Matrix values. ##
# getMapPtsProc # Returns optimal function to map Point array. ##
# getMapXYProc # Returns optimal function to map one Point. ##
# getMaxScale # Returns maximum scaling, if possible. ##
# getMinMaxScales # Returns minimum and maximum scaling, if possible. ##
# getMinScale # Returns minimum scaling, if possible. ##
# getPerspX # Returns horizontal perspective factor. ##
# getPerspY # Returns vertical perspective factor. ##
# getScaleX # Returns horizontal scale factor. ##
# getScaleY # Returns vertical scale factor.##
# getSkewX # Returns horizontal skew factor. ##
# getSkewY # Returns vertical skew factor. ##
# getTranslateX # Returns horizontal translation factor. ##
# getTranslateY # Returns vertical translation factor. ##
# getType # Returns transform complexity. ##
# hasPerspective # Returns if transform includes perspective. ##
# invert # Returns inverse, if possible. ##
# isFinite # Returns if all Matrix values are not infinity, NaN. ##
# isFixedStepInX # Returns if transformation supports fixed step in x. ##
# isIdentity # Returns if matrix equals the identity Matrix .##
# isScaleTranslate # Returns if transform is limited to scale and translate. ##
# isSimilarity # Returns if transform is limited to square scale and rotation. ##
# isTranslate # Returns if transform is limited to translate. ##
# mapHomogeneousPoints # ##
# mapPoints # ##
# mapPointsWithStride # ##

View File

@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
#Enum Convexity
enum Convexity {
enum Convexity : uint8_t {

View File

@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ integer input cannot convert to SkScalar without loss of precision.
#Subtopic Operators
# description # function ##
# description # function ##
#Legend ##
# friend bool operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b) # Returns true if member bits are unequal. ##
# friend bool operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b) # Returns true if member bits are equal. ##
# bool operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b) # Returns true if member bits are unequal. ##
# bool operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b) # Returns true if member bits are equal. ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ integer input cannot convert to SkScalar without loss of precision.
# MakeIWH # Constructs from int input returning (0, 0, width, height). ##
# MakeLTRB # Constructs from SkScalar left, top, right, bottom. ##
# MakeLargest # Constructs (SK_ScalarMin, SK_ScalarMin, SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax). ##
# MakeLargestS32 # Constructs largest signed integers that fit in 32-bit float. ##
# MakeSize # Constructs from Size returning (0, 0, width, height). ##
# MakeWH # Constructs from SkScalar input returning (0, 0, width, height). ##
# MakeXYWH # Constructs from SkScalar input returning (x, y, width, height). ##
@ -184,13 +185,42 @@ outset a little more isFinite: false
#SeeAlso isLargest setLargest SkIRect::MakeLargest
#SeeAlso MakeLargestS32 isLargest setLargest SkIRect::MakeLargest
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeLargestS32()
Returns constructed Rect that can be represented exactly with IRect. The left
and top are set to the most negative integer value that fits in a 32-bit float,
and the right and bottom are set to the most positive finite value that fits in
a 32-bit float.
These are the largest values for which round() is well defined.
#Return bounds (SK_MinS32FitsInFloat, SK_MinS32FitsInFloat,
SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat, SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat)
SkRect f_rect = SkRect::MakeLargestS32();
SkIRect i_rect = f_rect.round();
SkRect r_rect = SkRect::Make(i_rect);
SkDebugf("f_rect %c= r_rect\n", f_rect == r_rect ? '=' : '!');
f_rect == r_rect
#SeeAlso MakeLargest isLargest setLargest SkIRect::MakeLargest
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static constexpr SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
Returns constructed Rect set to SkScalar values (0, 0, w, h). Does not
validate input; w or h may be negative.
@ -253,7 +283,7 @@ i_rect width: 125000111 f_rect width:125000112
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkSize& size)
#Method static constexpr SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkSize& size)
Returns constructed Rect set to (0, 0, size.width(), size.height()). Does not
validate input; size.width() or size.height() may be negative.
@ -313,7 +343,7 @@ rect: 5, 25, 15, 35 isEmpty: false
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
#Method static constexpr SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
Returns constructed Rect set to
@ -327,7 +357,7 @@ w or h may be negative.
#Param w added to x and stored in fRight ##
#Param h added to y and stored in fBottom ##
#Return bounds (x, y, x + w, y + h) ##
#Return bounds at (x, y) with width w and height h ##
SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(5, 35, -15, 25);
@ -784,7 +814,7 @@ left: 2e+38 right: 3e+38 centerX: inf safe mid x: 2.5e+38
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method friend bool operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
#Method bool operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
Returns true if all members in a: fLeft, fTop, fRight, and fBottom; are
equal to the corresponding members in b.
@ -827,7 +857,7 @@ tests are equal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method friend bool operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
#Method bool operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
Returns true if any in a: fLeft, fTop, fRight, and fBottom; does not
equal the corresponding members in b.
@ -1962,7 +1992,7 @@ rect: 30, 50, 40, 60
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Method bool contains(const SkRect& r) const {
#Method bool contains(const SkRect& r) const
Returns true if Rect contains r.
Returns false if Rect is empty or r is empty.

View File

@ -443,6 +443,12 @@ FT_Load_Glyph
#Typedef SkScalar
#Typedef ##
#Const SK_MinS32FitsInFloat
to be written
#Const SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat
to be written
#Const SK_ScalarMin
to be written

View File

@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ true if pixels are allocated
#### Example Output
pixel address = (nil)
pixel address = 0x560ddd0ac670

View File

@ -5245,3 +5245,77 @@ clip is not rect
# <a name="SkAutoCanvasRestore"></a> Class SkAutoCanvasRestore
Stack helper class calls
<a name="SkAutoCanvasRestore_SkCanvas_star"></a>
## SkAutoCanvasRestore
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
SkAutoCanvasRestore(SkCanvas* canvas, bool doSave)
Preserves <a href="#Canvas">Canvas</a> save count. Optionally saves <a href="#Canvas">Canvas</a> <a href="#Clip">Clip</a> and <a href="#Matrix">Matrix</a>.
### Parameters
<table> <tr> <td><a name="SkAutoCanvasRestore_SkCanvas_star_canvas"> <code><strong>canvas </strong></code> </a></td> <td>
<a href="#Canvas">Canvas</a> to guard</td>
</tr> <tr> <td><a name="SkAutoCanvasRestore_SkCanvas_star_doSave"> <code><strong>doSave </strong></code> </a></td> <td>
call <a href="#SkCanvas_save">SkCanvas::save()</a></td>
### Return Value
utility to <a href="#SkAutoCanvasRestore_restore">restore</a> <a href="#Canvas">Canvas</a> state on destructor
### Example
<div><fiddle-embed name="882e8e0103048009a25cfc20400492f7"></fiddle-embed></div>
### See Also
<a href="#SkCanvas_save">SkCanvas::save</a> <a href="#SkCanvas_restore">SkCanvas::restore</a>
<a name="SkAutoCanvasRestore_destructor"></a>
## ~SkAutoCanvasRestore
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
Restores <a href="#Canvas">Canvas</a> to saved state.
### Example
<div><fiddle-embed name="882e8e0103048009a25cfc20400492f7"></fiddle-embed></div>
### See Also
<a href="#SkCanvas_save">SkCanvas::save</a> <a href="#SkCanvas_restore">SkCanvas::restore</a>
<a name="SkAutoCanvasRestore_restore"></a>
## restore
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
void restore()
Restores <a href="#Canvas">Canvas</a> to saved state immediately. Subsequent calls and class
destructor have no effect.
### Example
<div><fiddle-embed name="882e8e0103048009a25cfc20400492f7"></fiddle-embed></div>
### See Also
<a href="#SkCanvas_save">SkCanvas::save</a> <a href="#SkCanvas_restore">SkCanvas::restore</a>

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ its <a href="#SkIRect_top">top</a>, it is considered empty.
| description | function |
| --- | --- |
| friend bool <a href="#SkIRect_not_equal_operator">operator!=(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)</a> | Returns true if members are unequal. |
| friend bool <a href="#SkIRect_equal_operator">operator==(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)</a> | Returns true if members are equal. |
| bool <a href="#SkIRect_not_equal_operator">operator!=(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)</a> | Returns true if members are unequal. |
| bool <a href="#SkIRect_equal_operator">operator==(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)</a> | Returns true if members are equal. |
## <a name="Member_Functions"></a> Member Functions
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ When equal to or less than <a href="#SkIRect_fTop">fTop</a>, <a href="#IRect">IR
## MakeEmpty
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeEmpty()
static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeEmpty()
Returns constructed <a href="#IRect">IRect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_set">set</a> to (0, 0, 0, 0).
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ outset isEmpty: true
## MakeWH
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(int32_t w, int32_t h)
static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(int32_t w, int32_t h)
Returns constructed <a href="#IRect">IRect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_set">set</a> to (0, 0, <a href="#SkIRect_MakeWH_w">w</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_MakeWH_h">h</a>). Does not validate input; <a href="#SkIRect_MakeWH_w">w</a> or <a href="#SkIRect_MakeWH_h">h</a>
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ all equal
## MakeSize
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkISize& size)
static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkISize& size)
Returns constructed <a href="#IRect">IRect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_set">set</a> to (0, 0, <a href="#SkIRect_size">size</a>.<a href="#SkIRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_size">size</a>.<a href="#SkIRect_height">height</a>).
@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ floor width: 25 height: 35
## MakeLTRB
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeLTRB(int32_t l, int32_t t, int32_t r,
int32_t b)
static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeLTRB(int32_t l, int32_t t,
int32_t r, int32_t b)
Returns constructed <a href="#IRect">IRect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_set">set</a> to (<a href="#SkIRect_MakeLTRB_l">l</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_MakeLTRB_t">t</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_MakeLTRB_r">r</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_MakeLTRB_b">b</a>). Does not <a href="#SkIRect_sort">sort</a> input; <a href="SkRect_Reference#Rect">Rect</a> may
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ rect: 5, 25, 15, 35 isEmpty: false
## MakeXYWH
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w,
int32_t h)
static constexpr SkIRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(int32_t x, int32_t y,
int32_t w, int32_t h)
Returns constructed <a href="#IRect">IRect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_set">set</a> to(<a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a> + <a href="#SkIRect_MakeXYWH_w">w</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a> + <a href="#SkIRect_MakeXYWH_h">h</a>).
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ added to <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a> and stored in <a href="#SkIRect_fBottom">fBo
### Return Value
bounds (<a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a> + <a href="#SkIRect_MakeXYWH_w">w</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a> + <a href="#SkIRect_MakeXYWH_h">h</a>)
bounds at (<a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a>) with <a href="#SkIRect_width">width</a> <a href="#SkIRect_MakeXYWH_w">w</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_height">height</a> <a href="#SkIRect_MakeXYWH_h">h</a>
### Example
@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ large is empty: false
## operator==
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
friend bool operator==(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)
bool operator==(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)
Returns true if all members in <a href="#SkIRect_equal_operator_a">a</a>: <a href="#SkIRect_fLeft">fLeft</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_fTop">fTop</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_fRight">fRight</a>, and <a href="#SkIRect_fBottom">fBottom</a>; are
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ test == sorted
## operator!=
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
friend bool operator!=(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)
bool operator!=(const SkIRect& a, const SkIRect& b)
Returns true if any member in <a href="#SkIRect_not_equal_operator_a">a</a>: <a href="#SkIRect_fLeft">fLeft</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_fTop">fTop</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_fRight">fRight</a>, and <a href="#SkIRect_fBottom">fBottom</a>; is not
@ -1019,9 +1019,9 @@ rect2: {3, 4, 1, 2}
void setXYWH(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
Sets <a href="#IRect">IRect</a> to(<a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a> + w, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a> + h).
Sets <a href="#IRect">IRect</a> to(<a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_x">x</a> + <a href="#SkIRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_y">y</a> + <a href="#SkIRect_height">height</a>).
Does not validate input;
w or h may be negative.
<a href="#SkIRect_width">width</a> or <a href="#SkIRect_height">height</a> may be negative.
### Parameters
@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ If <a href="#SkIRect_makeInset_dy">dy</a> is positive, <a href="#IRect">IRect</a
### Return Value
<a href="SkRect_Reference#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_inset">inset</a> symetrically <a href="#SkIRect_left">left</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_top">top</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_bottom">bottom</a>
<a href="SkRect_Reference#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_inset">inset</a> symmetrically <a href="#SkIRect_left">left</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_top">top</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_bottom">bottom</a>
### Example
@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ If <a href="#SkIRect_makeOutset_dy">dy</a> is positive, <a href="#IRect">IRect</
### Return Value
<a href="SkRect_Reference#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_outset">outset</a> symetrically <a href="#SkIRect_left">left</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_top">top</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_bottom">bottom</a>
<a href="SkRect_Reference#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkIRect_outset">outset</a> symmetrically <a href="#SkIRect_left">left</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkIRect_top">top</a> and <a href="#SkIRect_bottom">bottom</a>
### Example

View File

@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ unmodified by the original <a href="#SkPath_FillType">FillType</a>.
## <a name="SkPath_Convexity"></a> Enum SkPath::Convexity
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 44em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
enum <a href="#Convexity">Convexity</a> {
enum <a href="#Convexity">Convexity</a> : uint8_t {
<a href="#SkPath_kUnknown_Convexity">kUnknown Convexity</a>,
<a href="#SkPath_kConvex_Convexity">kConvex Convexity</a>,
<a href="#SkPath_kConcave_Convexity">kConcave Convexity</a>,

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ integer input cannot convert to <a href="undocumented#SkScalar">SkScalar</a> wit
| description | function |
| --- | --- |
| friend bool <a href="#SkRect_not_equal_operator">operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)</a> | Returns true if member bits are unequal. |
| friend bool <a href="#SkRect_equal_operator">operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)</a> | Returns true if member bits are equal. |
| bool <a href="#SkRect_not_equal_operator">operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)</a> | Returns true if member bits are unequal. |
| bool <a href="#SkRect_equal_operator">operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)</a> | Returns true if member bits are equal. |
## <a name="Member_Functions"></a> Member Functions
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ integer input cannot convert to <a href="undocumented#SkScalar">SkScalar</a> wit
| <a href="#SkRect_MakeIWH">MakeIWH</a> | Constructs from int input returning (0, 0, <a href="#SkRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a>). |
| <a href="#SkRect_MakeLTRB">MakeLTRB</a> | Constructs from <a href="undocumented#SkScalar">SkScalar</a> <a href="#SkRect_left">left</a>, <a href="#SkRect_top">top</a>, <a href="#SkRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkRect_bottom">bottom</a>. |
| <a href="#SkRect_MakeLargest">MakeLargest</a> | Constructs (<a href="undocumented#SK_ScalarMin">SK ScalarMin</a>, <a href="undocumented#SK_ScalarMin">SK ScalarMin</a>, <a href="undocumented#SK_ScalarMax">SK ScalarMax</a>, <a href="undocumented#SK_ScalarMax">SK ScalarMax</a>). |
| <a href="#SkRect_MakeLargestS32">MakeLargestS32</a> | Constructs largest signed integers that fit in 32-bit float. |
| <a href="#SkRect_MakeSize">MakeSize</a> | Constructs from <a href="undocumented#Size">Size</a> returning (0, 0, <a href="#SkRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a>). |
| <a href="#SkRect_MakeWH">MakeWH</a> | Constructs from <a href="undocumented#SkScalar">SkScalar</a> input returning (0, 0, <a href="#SkRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a>). |
| <a href="#SkRect_MakeXYWH">MakeXYWH</a> | Constructs from <a href="undocumented#SkScalar">SkScalar</a> input returning (<a href="#SkRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a>). |
@ -180,7 +181,44 @@ outset a little more isFinite: false
### See Also
<a href="#SkRect_isLargest">isLargest</a> <a href="#SkRect_setLargest">setLargest</a> <a href="#SkIRect_MakeLargest">SkIRect::MakeLargest</a>
<a href="#SkRect_MakeLargestS32">MakeLargestS32</a> <a href="#SkRect_isLargest">isLargest</a> <a href="#SkRect_setLargest">setLargest</a> <a href="#SkIRect_MakeLargest">SkIRect::MakeLargest</a>
<a name="SkRect_MakeLargestS32"></a>
## MakeLargestS32
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeLargestS32()
Returns constructed <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> that can be represented exactly with <a href="SkIRect_Reference#IRect">IRect</a>. The <a href="#SkRect_left">left</a>
and <a href="#SkRect_top">top</a> are <a href="#SkRect_set">set</a> to the most negative integer value that fits in a 32-bit float,
and the <a href="#SkRect_right">right</a> and <a href="#SkRect_bottom">bottom</a> are <a href="#SkRect_set">set</a> to the most positive finite value that fits in
a 32-bit float.
These are the largest values for which <a href="#SkRect_round_2">round</a> is well defined.
### Return Value
bounds (<a href="undocumented#SK_MinS32FitsInFloat">SK MinS32FitsInFloat</a>, <a href="undocumented#SK_MinS32FitsInFloat">SK MinS32FitsInFloat</a>,
<a href="undocumented#SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat">SK MaxS32FitsInFloat</a>, <a href="undocumented#SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat">SK MaxS32FitsInFloat</a>)
### Example
<div><fiddle-embed name="9dde55347ba15b60166b5a0583c55587">
#### Example Output
f_rect == r_rect
### See Also
<a href="#SkRect_MakeLargest">MakeLargest</a> <a href="#SkRect_isLargest">isLargest</a> <a href="#SkRect_setLargest">setLargest</a> <a href="#SkIRect_MakeLargest">SkIRect::MakeLargest</a>
@ -188,7 +226,7 @@ outset a little more isFinite: false
## MakeWH
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
static constexpr SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeWH(SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
Returns constructed <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkRect_set">set</a> to <a href="undocumented#SkScalar">SkScalar</a> values (0, 0, <a href="#SkRect_MakeWH_w">w</a>, <a href="#SkRect_MakeWH_h">h</a>). Does not
@ -277,7 +315,7 @@ i_rect width: 125000111 f_rect width:125000112
## MakeSize
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkSize& size)
static constexpr SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeSize(const SkSize& size)
Returns constructed <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkRect_set">set</a> to (0, 0, <a href="#SkRect_MakeSize_size">size</a>.<a href="#SkRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkRect_MakeSize_size">size</a>.<a href="#SkRect_height">height</a>). Does not
@ -364,8 +402,8 @@ rect: 5, 25, 15, 35 isEmpty: false
## MakeXYWH
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
static SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar w,
SkScalar h)
static constexpr SkRect SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MakeXYWH(SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
SkScalar w, SkScalar h)
Returns constructed <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkRect_set">set</a> to(<a href="#SkRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkRect_x">x</a> + <a href="#SkRect_MakeXYWH_w">w</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a> + <a href="#SkRect_MakeXYWH_h">h</a>).
@ -387,7 +425,7 @@ added to <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a> and stored in <a href="#SkRect_fBottom">fBott
### Return Value
bounds (<a href="#SkRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkRect_x">x</a> + <a href="#SkRect_MakeXYWH_w">w</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a> + <a href="#SkRect_MakeXYWH_h">h</a>)
bounds at (<a href="#SkRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a>) with <a href="#SkRect_width">width</a> <a href="#SkRect_MakeXYWH_w">w</a> and <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a> <a href="#SkRect_MakeXYWH_h">h</a>
### Example
@ -978,7 +1016,7 @@ left: 2e+38 right: 3e+38 centerX: inf safe mid x: 2.5e+38
## operator==
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
friend bool operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
bool operator==(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
Returns true if all members in <a href="#SkRect_equal_operator_a">a</a>: <a href="#SkRect_fLeft">fLeft</a>, <a href="#SkRect_fTop">fTop</a>, <a href="#SkRect_fRight">fRight</a>, and <a href="#SkRect_fBottom">fBottom</a>; are
@ -1025,7 +1063,7 @@ tests are equal
## operator!=
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
friend bool operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
bool operator!=(const SkRect& a, const SkRect& b)
Returns true if any in <a href="#SkRect_not_equal_operator_a">a</a>: <a href="#SkRect_fLeft">fLeft</a>, <a href="#SkRect_fTop">fTop</a>, <a href="#SkRect_fRight">fRight</a>, and <a href="#SkRect_fBottom">fBottom</a>; does not
@ -1502,9 +1540,9 @@ corner to include</td>
void setXYWH(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar width, SkScalar height)
Sets <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> to(<a href="#SkRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkRect_x">x</a> + w, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a> + h).
Sets <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> to(<a href="#SkRect_x">x</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a>, <a href="#SkRect_x">x</a> + <a href="#SkRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkRect_y">y</a> + <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a>).
Does not validate input;
w or h may be negative.
<a href="#SkRect_width">width</a> or <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a> may be negative.
### Parameters
@ -1545,8 +1583,8 @@ rect: -10, 35, 5, 60 isEmpty: false
void setWH(SkScalar width, SkScalar height)
Sets <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> to (0, 0, w, h). Does not validate input;
w or h may be negative.
Sets <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> to (0, 0, <a href="#SkRect_width">width</a>, <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a>). Does not validate input;
<a href="#SkRect_width">width</a> or <a href="#SkRect_height">height</a> may be negative.
### Parameters
@ -1711,7 +1749,7 @@ added to <a href="#SkRect_fTop">fTop</a> and subtracted from <a href="#SkRect_fB
### Return Value
<a href="#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkRect_inset">inset</a> symetrically <a href="#SkRect_left">left</a> and <a href="#SkRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkRect_top">top</a> and <a href="#SkRect_bottom">bottom</a>
<a href="#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkRect_inset">inset</a> symmetrically <a href="#SkRect_left">left</a> and <a href="#SkRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkRect_top">top</a> and <a href="#SkRect_bottom">bottom</a>
### Example
@ -1757,7 +1795,7 @@ subtracted to <a href="#SkRect_fTop">fTop</a> and added from <a href="#SkRect_fB
### Return Value
<a href="#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkRect_outset">outset</a> symetrically <a href="#SkRect_left">left</a> and <a href="#SkRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkRect_top">top</a> and <a href="#SkRect_bottom">bottom</a>
<a href="#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkRect_outset">outset</a> symmetrically <a href="#SkRect_left">left</a> and <a href="#SkRect_right">right</a>, <a href="#SkRect_top">top</a> and <a href="#SkRect_bottom">bottom</a>
### Example
@ -2330,7 +2368,7 @@ void joinNonEmptyArg(const SkRect& r)
Sets <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> to the union of itself and <a href="#SkRect_joinNonEmptyArg_r">r</a>.
Asserts if <a href="#SkRect_joinNonEmptyArg_r">r</a> is empty and <a href="undocumented#SK_DEBUG">SK DEBUG</a> is defined.
If <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> is empty, sets rect to <a href="#SkRect_joinNonEmptyArg_r">r</a>.
If <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> is empty, sets <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> to <a href="#SkRect_joinNonEmptyArg_r">r</a>.
May produce incorrect results if <a href="#SkRect_joinNonEmptyArg_r">r</a> is empty.
@ -2343,7 +2381,7 @@ expansion <a href="#Rect">Rect</a></td>
### Example
<div><fiddle-embed name="88439de2aa0911262c60c0eb506396cb"><div>Since rect is not sorted, first result is copy of toJoin.</div>
<div><fiddle-embed name="88439de2aa0911262c60c0eb506396cb"><div>Since <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> is not sorted, first result is copy of toJoin.</div>
#### Example Output
@ -2380,7 +2418,7 @@ expansion <a href="#Rect">Rect</a></td>
### Example
<div><fiddle-embed name="a476548d0001296afd8e58c1eba1b70b"><div>Since rect is not sorted, first result is not useful.</div>
<div><fiddle-embed name="a476548d0001296afd8e58c1eba1b70b"><div>Since <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> is not sorted, first result is not useful.</div>
#### Example Output
@ -2521,7 +2559,7 @@ rect: 30, 50, 40, 60
## contains
<pre style="padding: 1em 1em 1em 1em;width: 50em; background-color: #f0f0f0">
bool contains(const SkRect& r) const {
bool contains(const SkRect& r) const
Returns true if <a href="#Rect">Rect</a> <a href="#SkRect_contains">contains</a> <a href="#SkRect_contains_r">r</a>.

View File

@ -736,6 +736,12 @@ template &lt;typename D, typename S&gt; inline bool SkTFitsIn(S s)
### Constants
<td><a name="SK_MinS32FitsInFloat"> <code><strong>SK_MinS32FitsInFloat </strong></code> </a></td><td>to be written</td><td></td>
<td><a name="SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat"> <code><strong>SK_MaxS32FitsInFloat </strong></code> </a></td><td>to be written</td><td></td>
<td><a name="SK_ScalarMin"> <code><strong>SK_ScalarMin </strong></code> </a></td><td>to be written</td><td></td>

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ DEFINE_string2(ref, r, "", "Resolve refs and write bmh_*.md files to path. (Requ
DEFINE_string2(spellcheck, s, "", "Spell-check [once, all, mispelling]. (Requires -b)");
DEFINE_string2(tokens, t, "", "Directory to write bmh from include. (Requires -i)");
DEFINE_bool2(crosscheck, x, false, "Check bmh against includes. (Requires -b -i)");
DEFINE_bool2(skip, z, false, "Skip missing example error.");
DEFINE_bool2(skip, z, false, "Skip degenerate missed in legacy preprocessor.");
/* recipe for generating timestamps for existing doxygen comments
find include/core -type f -name '*.h' -print -exec git blame {} \; > ~/all.blame.txt
@ -390,9 +390,6 @@ bool Definition::checkMethod() const {
string paramName;
methodParser.fChar = nextEnd + 1;
if (1494 == methodParser.fLineCount) {
if (!this->nextMethodParam(&methodParser, &nextEnd, &paramName)) {
@ -823,11 +820,12 @@ bool RootDefinition::dumpUnVisited() {
for (auto& leaf : fLeaves) {
if (!leaf.second.fVisited) {
// TODO: parse embedded struct in includeParser phase, then remove this condition
size_t firstColon = leaf.first.find("::");
size_t lastColon = leaf.first.rfind("::");
if (firstColon != lastColon) { // struct, two sets
allStructElementsFound = false;
if (FLAGS_skip) {
const Definition& def = leaf.second;
if (def.fChildren.size() > 0 &&
MarkType::kDeprecated == def.fChildren[0]->fMarkType) {
SkDebugf("defined in bmh but missing in include: %s\n", leaf.first.c_str());
@ -1120,9 +1118,7 @@ bool BmhParser::addDefinition(const char* defStart, bool hasEnd, MarkType markTy
if (definition->fChildren.size() == 0) {
TextParser emptyCheck(definition);
if (emptyCheck.eof() || !emptyCheck.skipWhiteSpace()) {
if (!FLAGS_skip) {
return this->reportError<bool>("missing example body");
return this->reportError<bool>("missing example body");

View File

@ -1099,9 +1099,6 @@ public:
if (fDebugOut) {
if (!strncmp("SK_SUPPORT", data, 10)) {
string check(data, size);
SkDebugf("%s", check.c_str());
@ -1874,7 +1871,7 @@ public:
Definition* structMemberOut(const Definition* memberStart, const Definition& child);
void structOut(const Definition* root, const Definition& child,
const char* commentStart, const char* commentEnd);
void structSizeMembers(Definition& child);
void structSizeMembers(const Definition& child);
BmhParser* fBmhParser;

View File

@ -199,16 +199,48 @@ string IncludeParser::className() const {
return result;
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
bool IncludeParser::crossCheck(BmhParser& bmhParser) {
string className = this->className();
string classPrefix = className + "::";
RootDefinition* root = &bmhParser.fClassMap[className];
for (auto& classMapper : fIClassMap) {
if (className != classMapper.first
&& classPrefix != classMapper.first.substr(0, classPrefix.length())) {
string className = classMapper.first;
auto finder = bmhParser.fClassMap.find(className);
if (bmhParser.fClassMap.end() == finder) {
SkASSERT(string::npos != className.find("::"));
RootDefinition* root = &finder->second;
for (auto& classMapper : fIClassMap) {
string className = classMapper.first;
std::istringstream iss(className);
string classStr;
string classBase;
RootDefinition* root = nullptr;
while (std::getline(iss, classStr, ':')) {
if (root) {
if (!classStr.length()) {
classBase += "::" + classStr;
auto finder = root->fBranches.find(classBase);
if (root->fBranches.end() != finder) {
root = finder->second;
} else {
} else {
classBase = classStr;
auto finder = bmhParser.fClassMap.find(classBase);
if (bmhParser.fClassMap.end() != finder) {
root = &finder->second;
} else {
auto& classMap = classMapper.second;
auto& tokens = classMap.fTokens;
for (const auto& token : tokens) {
@ -399,10 +431,18 @@ bool IncludeParser::crossCheck(BmhParser& bmhParser) {
if (!root->dumpUnVisited()) {
SkDebugf("some struct elements not found; struct finding in includeParser is missing\n");
for (auto& classMapper : fIClassMap) {
string className = classMapper.first;
auto finder = bmhParser.fClassMap.find(className);
if (bmhParser.fClassMap.end() == finder) {
RootDefinition* root = &finder->second;
if (!root->dumpUnVisited()) {
SkDebugf("some struct elements not found; struct finding in includeParser is missing\n");
SkDebugf("cross-checked %s\n", className.c_str());
SkDebugf("cross-checked %s\n", className.c_str());
bmhParser.fWroteOut = true;
return true;
@ -1044,32 +1084,45 @@ bool IncludeParser::parseClass(Definition* includeDef, IsStruct isStruct) {
(*childIter)->fPrivate = true;
childIter = std::next(childIter);
int lastPublic = publicIndex;
int keyIndex = publicIndex;
KeyWord currentKey = KeyWord::kPublic;
const char* publicName = kKeyWords[(int) KeyWord::kPublic].fName;
size_t publicLen = strlen(publicName);
const char* protectedName = kKeyWords[(int) KeyWord::kProtected].fName;
size_t protectedLen = strlen(protectedName);
const char* privateName = kKeyWords[(int) KeyWord::kPrivate].fName;
size_t privateLen = strlen(privateName);
while (iter != includeDef->fTokens.end()
&& (protectedLen != (size_t) (iter->fContentEnd - iter->fStart)
|| strncmp(iter->fStart, protectedName, protectedLen))
&& (privateLen != (size_t) (iter->fContentEnd - iter->fStart)
|| strncmp(iter->fStart, privateName, privateLen))) {
iter = std::next(iter);
fLastObject = nullptr;
while (childIter != includeDef->fChildren.end() && (*childIter)->fParentIndex < lastPublic) {
while (childIter != includeDef->fChildren.end()) {
Definition* child = *childIter;
if (!this->parseObject(child, markupDef)) {
return false;
while (child->fParentIndex > keyIndex && iter != includeDef->fTokens.end()) {
const char* testStart = iter->fStart;
size_t testLen = (size_t) (iter->fContentEnd - testStart);
iter = std::next(iter);
if (publicLen == testLen && !strncmp(testStart, publicName, testLen)) {
currentKey = KeyWord::kPublic;
if (protectedLen == testLen && !strncmp(testStart, protectedName, testLen)) {
currentKey = KeyWord::kProtected;
if (privateLen == testLen && !strncmp(testStart, privateName, testLen)) {
currentKey = KeyWord::kPrivate;
fLastObject = nullptr;
if (KeyWord::kPublic == currentKey) {
if (!this->parseObject(child, markupDef)) {
return false;
} else {
child->fPrivate = true;
fLastObject = child;
childIter = std::next(childIter);
while (childIter != includeDef->fChildren.end()) {
(*childIter)->fPrivate = true;
childIter = std::next(childIter);
fParent = fParent->fParent;
return true;
@ -1242,6 +1295,23 @@ bool IncludeParser::parseEnum(Definition* child, Definition* markupDef) {
} while (true);
for (auto count : child->fChildren) {
if (Definition::Type::kBracket == count->fType) {
SkASSERT(Definition::Type::kKeyWord == count->fType);
if (KeyWord::kClass == count->fKeyWord) {
SkASSERT(KeyWord::kStatic == count->fKeyWord);
markupChild->fTokens.emplace_back(MarkType::kMember, count->fContentStart,
count->fContentEnd, count->fLineCount, markupChild);
Definition* member = &markupChild->fTokens.back();
member->fName = count->fName;
// FIXME: ? add comment as well ?
IClassDefinition& classDef = fIClassMap[markupDef->fName];
string uniqueName = this->uniqueName(classDef.fEnums, nameStr);
@ -1320,9 +1390,6 @@ bool IncludeParser::parseMethod(Definition* child, Definition* markupDef) {
std::advance(tokenIter, child->fParentIndex);
tokenIter = std::prev(tokenIter);
string nameStr(tokenIter->fStart, tokenIter->fContentEnd - tokenIter->fStart);
if (0 == nameStr.find("SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED")) {
while (tokenIter != child->fParent->fTokens.begin()) {
auto testIter = std::prev(tokenIter);
switch (testIter->fType) {
@ -1355,9 +1422,14 @@ bool IncludeParser::parseMethod(Definition* child, Definition* markupDef) {
tokenIter->fName = nameStr;
tokenIter->fMarkType = MarkType::kMethod;
tokenIter->fPrivate = string::npos != nameStr.find("::");
auto testIter = child->fParent->fTokens.begin();
SkASSERT(child->fParentIndex > 0);
std::advance(testIter, child->fParentIndex - 1);
if (tokenIter->fParent && KeyWord::kIfdef == tokenIter->fParent->fKeyWord &&
0 == tokenIter->fParentIndex) {
tokenIter = std::next(tokenIter);
const char* start = tokenIter->fContentStart;
const char* end = tokenIter->fContentEnd;
const char kDebugCodeStr[] = "SkDEBUGCODE";

View File

@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ Definition* IncludeWriter::structMemberOut(const Definition* memberStart, const
return valueEnd;
void IncludeWriter::structSizeMembers(Definition& child) {
void IncludeWriter::structSizeMembers(const Definition& child) {
int longestType = 0;
Definition* typeStart = nullptr;
int longestName = 0;
@ -815,6 +815,7 @@ bool IncludeWriter::populate(Definition* def, ParentPair* prevPair, RootDefiniti
fContinuation = nullptr;
bool inStruct = false;
bool inConstructor = false;
bool inInline = false;
for (auto& child : def->fTokens) {
if (memberEnd) {
if (memberEnd != &child) {
@ -824,8 +825,34 @@ bool IncludeWriter::populate(Definition* def, ParentPair* prevPair, RootDefiniti
memberEnd = nullptr;
if (child.fPrivate) {
if (MarkType::kMethod == child.fMarkType) {
inInline = true;
if (inInline) {
if (Definition::Type::kKeyWord == child.fType) {
SkASSERT(MarkType::kMethod != child.fMarkType);
if (Definition::Type::kPunctuation == child.fType) {
if (Punctuation::kLeftBrace == child.fPunctuation) {
inInline = false;
} else {
SkASSERT(Punctuation::kAsterisk == child.fPunctuation);
if (Definition::Type::kWord == child.fType) {
string name(child.fContentStart, child.fContentEnd - child.fContentStart);
SkASSERT(string::npos != name.find("::"));
if (Definition::Type::kBracket == child.fType) {
SkASSERT(Bracket::kParen == child.fBracket);
if (fContinuation) {
if (Definition::Type::kKeyWord == child.fType) {
if (KeyWord::kFriend == child.fKeyWord ||
@ -1131,6 +1158,16 @@ bool IncludeWriter::populate(Definition* def, ParentPair* prevPair, RootDefiniti
if (Definition::Type::kWord == child.fType) {
if (MarkType::kMember == child.fMarkType) {
if (!memberStart) {
auto iter = def->fTokens.begin();
std::advance(iter, child.fParentIndex - 1);
memberStart = &*iter;
if (!fStructDef) {
SkASSERT(KeyWord::kStruct == def->fParent->fKeyWord);
fStructDef = def->fParent;
memberEnd = this->structMemberOut(memberStart, child);
fStart = child.fContentEnd + 1;
fDeferComment = nullptr;

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@ -595,7 +595,6 @@ void SpellCheck::wordCheck(const string& str) {
sawSpecial = true;
if (sawSpecial && !hasParen) {