Fix fast blur for shadow rrects.
* Handles case where blur is greater than corner radius. * Speeds up shader by avoiding a divide. * Tweaks shadow sample to be more MD-ish. Bug: skia: Change-Id: I2990357b39784c22f02a8e51872391fd68e8226a Reviewed-on: Commit-Queue: Jim Van Verth <> Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
, fAnimAngle(0)
, fShowAmbient(true)
, fShowSpot(true)
, fUseAlt(true)
, fUseAlt(false)
, fShowObject(true)
, fIgnoreShadowAlpha(false) {}
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ protected:
fWideRectPath.addRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, 630, 70));
fWideOvalPath.addOval(SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, 630, 70));
fLightPos = SkPoint3::Make(-700, -700, 2800);
fLightPos = SkPoint3::Make(350, 0, 600);
// overrides from SkEventSink
@ -465,38 +465,32 @@ protected:
void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
const SkScalar kLightWidth = 2800;
const SkScalar kAmbientAlpha = 0.25f;
const SkScalar kLightWidth = 800;
const SkScalar kAmbientAlpha = 0.1f;
const SkScalar kSpotAlpha = 0.25f;
SkPaint paint;
SkPoint3 lightPos = fLightPos;
lightPos.fX = canvas->getBaseLayerSize().fWidth * 0.5f;
canvas->translate(200, 90);
lightPos.fX += 200;
lightPos.fY += 90;
SkScalar zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 2 + fZDelta);
std::function<SkScalar(SkScalar, SkScalar)> zFunc =
std::function<SkScalar(SkScalar, SkScalar)> zFunc =
[zValue](SkScalar, SkScalar) { return zValue; };
this->drawShadowedPath(canvas, fRRPath, zFunc, paint, kAmbientAlpha,
lightPos, kLightWidth, kSpotAlpha);
canvas->translate(250, 0);
lightPos.fX += 250;
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 4 + fZDelta);
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 8 + fZDelta);
zFunc = [zValue](SkScalar, SkScalar) { return zValue; };
this->drawShadowedPath(canvas, fRectPath, zFunc, paint, kAmbientAlpha,
lightPos, kLightWidth, kSpotAlpha);
canvas->translate(-250, 110);
lightPos.fX -= 250;
lightPos.fY += 110;
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 12 + fZDelta);
zFunc = [zValue](SkScalar, SkScalar) { return zValue; };
this->drawShadowedPath(canvas, fCirclePath, zFunc, paint, kAmbientAlpha,
@ -504,7 +498,6 @@ protected:
canvas->translate(250, 0);
lightPos.fX += 250;
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 64 + fZDelta);
zFunc = [zValue](SkScalar, SkScalar) { return zValue; };
this->drawShadowedPath(canvas, fRRPath, zFunc, paint, kAmbientAlpha,
@ -512,8 +505,6 @@ protected:
canvas->translate(-250, 110);
lightPos.fX -= 250;
lightPos.fY += 110;
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 8 + fZDelta);
zFunc = [zValue](SkScalar, SkScalar) { return zValue; };
this->drawShadowedPath(canvas, fFunkyRRPath, zFunc, paint, kAmbientAlpha,
@ -521,7 +512,6 @@ protected:
canvas->translate(250, 0);
lightPos.fX += 250;
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 16 + fZDelta);
zFunc = [zValue](SkScalar, SkScalar) { return zValue; };
this->drawShadowedPath(canvas, fCubicPath, zFunc, paint,
@ -535,8 +525,6 @@ protected:
canvas->translate(-125, 60);
lightPos.fX -= 125;
lightPos.fY += 60;
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 32 + fZDelta);
zFunc = [zValue](SkScalar, SkScalar) { return zValue; };
this->drawShadowedPath(canvas, tmpPath, zFunc, paint, .1f,
@ -555,9 +543,6 @@ protected:
persp.preTranslate(-pivot.fX, -pivot.fY);
persp.postTranslate(pivot.fX + translate.fX, pivot.fY + translate.fY);
lightPos = fLightPos;
lightPos.fX += pivot.fX + translate.fX;
lightPos.fY += pivot.fY + translate.fY;
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 16 + fZDelta);
SkScalar radians = SkDegreesToRadians(fAnimAngle);
zFunc = [zValue, pivot, radians](SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
@ -576,9 +561,6 @@ protected:
persp.preTranslate(-pivot.fX, -pivot.fY);
persp.postTranslate(pivot.fX + translate.fX, pivot.fY + translate.fY);
lightPos = fLightPos;
lightPos.fX += pivot.fX + translate.fX;
lightPos.fY += pivot.fY + translate.fY;
zValue = SkTMax(1.0f, 32 + fZDelta);
zFunc = [zValue, pivot, radians](SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
return -SkScalarSin(radians)*x +
@ -217,13 +217,13 @@ bool SkAmbientShadowMaskFilterImpl::directFilterRRectMaskGPU(GrContext*,
// TODO: take flags into account when generating shadow data
if (fAmbientAlpha > 0.0f) {
SkScalar srcSpaceAmbientRadius = fOccluderHeight * kHeightFactor * kGeomFactor;
SkScalar srcSpaceStrokeWidth = fOccluderHeight * kHeightFactor * kGeomFactor;
const float umbraAlpha = (1.0f + SkTMax(fOccluderHeight * kHeightFactor, 0.0f));
const SkScalar strokeWidth = srcSpaceAmbientRadius * umbraAlpha;
const SkScalar blurWidth = srcSpaceStrokeWidth * umbraAlpha;
// For the ambient rrect, we outset the offset rect by srcSpaceAmbientRadius
// minus half the strokeWidth to get our stroke shape.
SkScalar ambientPathOutset = SkTMax(srcSpaceAmbientRadius - strokeWidth * 0.5f,
SkScalar ambientPathOutset = SkTMax(srcSpaceStrokeWidth * 0.5f,
SkRRect ambientRRect;
@ -234,17 +234,18 @@ bool SkAmbientShadowMaskFilterImpl::directFilterRRectMaskGPU(GrContext*,
rrect.outset(ambientPathOutset, ambientPathOutset, &ambientRRect);
const SkScalar devSpaceAmbientRadius = strokeWidth * scaleFactor;
const SkScalar devSpaceAmbientBlur = blurWidth * scaleFactor;
GrPaint newPaint(paint);
GrColor4f color = newPaint.getColor4f();
color.fRGBA[3] *= fAmbientAlpha;
SkStrokeRec ambientStrokeRec(SkStrokeRec::kHairline_InitStyle);
ambientStrokeRec.setStrokeStyle(strokeWidth, false);
bool transparent = SkToBool(fFlags & SkShadowFlags::kTransparentOccluder_ShadowFlag);
ambientStrokeRec.setStrokeStyle(srcSpaceStrokeWidth, transparent);
rtContext->drawShadowRRect(clip, std::move(newPaint), viewMatrix, ambientRRect,
GrStyle(ambientStrokeRec, nullptr));
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
// emit attributes
fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec4 shadowParams;");
fragBuilder->codeAppend("vec3 shadowParams;");
varyingHandler->addPassThroughAttribute(rsgp.inShadowParams(), "shadowParams");
// setup pass through color
@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ public:
fragBuilder->codeAppend("float d = length(shadowParams.xy);");
fragBuilder->codeAppend("float distance = shadowParams.z * (1.0 - d);");
fragBuilder->codeAppend("float radius = shadowParams.w;");
fragBuilder->codeAppend("float factor = 1.0 - clamp(distance/radius, 0.0, 1.0);");
fragBuilder->codeAppend("float factor = 1.0 - clamp(distance, 0.0, 1.0);");
fragBuilder->codeAppend("factor = exp(-factor * factor * 4.0) - 0.018;");
fragBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = vec4(factor);",
@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ GrRRectShadowGeoProc::GrRRectShadowGeoProc(const SkMatrix& localMatrix)
fInPosition = &this->addVertexAttrib("inPosition", kVec2f_GrVertexAttribType,
fInColor = &this->addVertexAttrib("inColor", kVec4ub_GrVertexAttribType);
fInShadowParams = &this->addVertexAttrib("inShadowParams", kVec4f_GrVertexAttribType);
fInShadowParams = &this->addVertexAttrib("inShadowParams", kVec3f_GrVertexAttribType);
void GrRRectShadowGeoProc::getGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps& caps,
@ -168,8 +168,7 @@ private:
SkPoint fPos;
GrColor fColor;
SkPoint fOffset;
SkScalar fOuterRadius;
SkScalar fBlurRadius;
SkScalar fDistanceCorrection;
int instanceCount = fCircles.count();
@ -201,6 +200,7 @@ private:
SkScalar outerRadius = circle.fOuterRadius;
SkScalar innerRadius = circle.fInnerRadius;
SkScalar blurRadius = circle.fBlurRadius;
SkScalar distanceCorrection = outerRadius / blurRadius;
const SkRect& bounds = circle.fDevBounds;
CircleVertex* ov0 = reinterpret_cast<CircleVertex*>(vertices + 0 * vertexStride);
@ -222,50 +222,42 @@ private:
ov0->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(-octOffset * halfWidth, -halfWidth);
ov0->fColor = color;
ov0->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-octOffset, -1);
ov0->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
ov0->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
ov0->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
ov1->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(octOffset * halfWidth, -halfWidth);
ov1->fColor = color;
ov1->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(octOffset, -1);
ov1->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
ov1->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
ov1->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
ov2->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(halfWidth, -octOffset * halfWidth);
ov2->fColor = color;
ov2->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(1, -octOffset);
ov2->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
ov2->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
ov2->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
ov3->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(halfWidth, octOffset * halfWidth);
ov3->fColor = color;
ov3->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(1, octOffset);
ov3->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
ov3->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
ov3->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
ov4->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(octOffset * halfWidth, halfWidth);
ov4->fColor = color;
ov4->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(octOffset, 1);
ov4->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
ov4->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
ov4->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
ov5->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(-octOffset * halfWidth, halfWidth);
ov5->fColor = color;
ov5->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-octOffset, 1);
ov5->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
ov5->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
ov5->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
ov6->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(-halfWidth, octOffset * halfWidth);
ov6->fColor = color;
ov6->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-1, octOffset);
ov6->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
ov6->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
ov6->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
ov7->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(-halfWidth, -octOffset * halfWidth);
ov7->fColor = color;
ov7->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-1, -octOffset);
ov7->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
ov7->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
ov7->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
if (circle.fStroked) {
// compute the inner ring
@ -286,58 +278,49 @@ private:
iv0->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(-s * r, -c * r);
iv0->fColor = color;
iv0->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-s * innerRadius, -c * innerRadius);
iv0->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv0->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv0->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
iv1->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(s * r, -c * r);
iv1->fColor = color;
iv1->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(s * innerRadius, -c * innerRadius);
iv1->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv1->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv1->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
iv2->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(c * r, -s * r);
iv2->fColor = color;
iv2->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(c * innerRadius, -s * innerRadius);
iv2->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv2->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv2->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
iv3->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(c * r, s * r);
iv3->fColor = color;
iv3->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(c * innerRadius, s * innerRadius);
iv3->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv3->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv3->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
iv4->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(s * r, c * r);
iv4->fColor = color;
iv4->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(s * innerRadius, c * innerRadius);
iv4->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv4->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv4->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
iv5->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(-s * r, c * r);
iv5->fColor = color;
iv5->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-s * innerRadius, c * innerRadius);
iv5->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv5->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv5->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
iv6->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(-c * r, s * r);
iv6->fColor = color;
iv6->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-c * innerRadius, s * innerRadius);
iv6->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv6->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv6->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
iv7->fPos = center + SkPoint::Make(-c * r, -s * r);
iv7->fColor = color;
iv7->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-c * innerRadius, -s * innerRadius);
iv7->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv7->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv7->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
} else {
// filled
CircleVertex* iv = reinterpret_cast<CircleVertex*>(vertices + 8 * vertexStride);
iv->fPos = center;
iv->fColor = color;
iv->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, 0);
iv->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
iv->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
iv->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
const uint16_t* primIndices = circle_type_to_indices(circle.fStroked);
@ -392,10 +375,7 @@ private:
// We have two possible cases for geometry for a shadow roundrect.
// In the case of a normal stroke, we draw the roundrect as a 9-patch without the center quad.
// The geometry for a shadow roundrect is similar to a 9-patch:
// ____________
// |_|________|_|
// | | | |
@ -404,9 +384,23 @@ private:
// |_|________|_|
// |_|________|_|
// In the case where the stroke width is greater than twice the corner radius (overstroke),
// we add additional geometry to mark out the rectangle in the center. The shared vertices
// are duplicated so we can set a different outer radius for the fill calculation.
// However, each corner is rendered as a fan rather than a simple quad, as below. (The diagram
// shows the upper part of the upper left corner. The bottom triangle would similarly be split
// into two triangles.)
// ________
// |\ \ |
// | \ \ |
// | \\ |
// | \|
// --------
// The center of the fan handles the curve of the corner. For roundrects where the stroke width
// is greater than the corner radius, the outer triangles blend from the curve to the straight
// sides. Otherwise these triangles will be degenerate.
// In the case where the stroke width is greater than the corner radius and the
// blur radius (overstroke), we add additional geometry to mark out the rectangle in the center.
// This rectangle extends the coverage values of the center edges of the 9-patch.
// ____________
// |_|________|_|
// | |\ ____ /| |
@ -415,40 +409,44 @@ private:
// |_|/______\|_|
// |_|________|_|
// For filled rrects we reuse the overstroke geometry but make the inner rect degenerate
// (either a point or a horizontal or vertical line).
// For filled rrects we reuse the stroke geometry but add an additional quad to the center.
static const uint16_t gOverstrokeRRectIndices[] = {
// clang-format off
// corners
0, 1, 5, 0, 5, 4,
2, 3, 7, 2, 7, 6,
8, 9, 13, 8, 13, 12,
10, 11, 15, 10, 15, 14,
static const uint16_t gRRectIndices[] = {
// clang-format off
// overstroke quads
// we place this at the beginning so that we can skip these indices when rendering as filled
0, 6, 25, 0, 25, 24,
6, 18, 27, 6, 27, 25,
18, 12, 26, 18, 26, 27,
12, 0, 24, 12, 24, 26,
// edges
1, 2, 6, 1, 6, 5,
4, 5, 9, 4, 9, 8,
6, 7, 11, 6, 11, 10,
9, 10, 14, 9, 14, 13,
// corners
0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 4, 0, 4, 5,
6, 11, 10, 6, 10, 9, 6, 9, 8, 6, 8, 7,
12, 17, 16, 12, 16, 15, 12, 15, 14, 12, 14, 13,
18, 19, 20, 18, 20, 21, 18, 21, 22, 18, 22, 23,
// overstroke quads
// we place this at the end so that we can skip these indices when rendering as stroked
16, 17, 19, 16, 19, 18,
19, 17, 23, 19, 23, 21,
21, 23, 22, 21, 22, 20,
22, 16, 18, 22, 18, 20,
// clang-format on
// edges
0, 5, 11, 0, 11, 6,
6, 7, 19, 6, 19, 18,
18, 23, 17, 18, 17, 12,
12, 13, 1, 12, 1, 0,
// fill quad
// we place this at the end so that we can skip these indices when rendering as stroked
0, 6, 18, 0, 18, 12,
// clang-format on
// standard stroke indices start at the same place, but will skip the overstroke "ring"
static const uint16_t* gStrokeRRectIndices = gOverstrokeRRectIndices;
// overstroke count
static const int kIndicesPerOverstrokeRRect = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gOverstrokeRRectIndices);
static const int kIndicesPerOverstrokeRRect = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gRRectIndices) - 6;
// simple stroke count skips overstroke indices
static const int kIndicesPerStrokeRRect = kIndicesPerOverstrokeRRect - 6 * 4 + 6;
static const int kVertsPerStrokeRRect = 16;
static const int kVertsPerOverstrokeRRect = 24;
static const int kIndicesPerStrokeRRect = kIndicesPerOverstrokeRRect - 6*4;
// fill count adds final quad to stroke count
static const int kIndicesPerFillRRect = kIndicesPerStrokeRRect + 6;
static const int kVertsPerStrokeRRect = 24;
static const int kVertsPerOverstrokeRRect = 28;
static const int kVertsPerFillRRect = 24;
enum RRectType {
@ -459,7 +457,7 @@ enum RRectType {
static int rrect_type_to_vert_count(RRectType type) {
switch (type) {
case kFill_RRectType:
return kVertsPerOverstrokeRRect;
return kVertsPerFillRRect;
case kStroke_RRectType:
return kVertsPerStrokeRRect;
case kOverstroke_RRectType:
@ -472,7 +470,7 @@ static int rrect_type_to_vert_count(RRectType type) {
static int rrect_type_to_index_count(RRectType type) {
switch (type) {
case kFill_RRectType:
return kIndicesPerOverstrokeRRect;
return kIndicesPerFillRRect;
case kStroke_RRectType:
return kIndicesPerStrokeRRect;
case kOverstroke_RRectType:
@ -485,25 +483,15 @@ static int rrect_type_to_index_count(RRectType type) {
static const uint16_t* rrect_type_to_indices(RRectType type) {
switch (type) {
case kFill_RRectType:
return gOverstrokeRRectIndices;
case kStroke_RRectType:
return gStrokeRRectIndices;
return gRRectIndices + 6*4;
case kOverstroke_RRectType:
return gOverstrokeRRectIndices;
return gRRectIndices;
SkFAIL("Invalid type");
return nullptr;
// For distance computations in the interior of filled rrects we:
// add a interior degenerate (point or line) rect
// each vertex of that rect gets -outerRad as its radius
// this makes the computation of the distance to the outer edge be negative
// negative values are caught and then handled differently in the GP's onEmitCode
// each vertex is also given the normalized x & y distance from the interior rect's edge
// the GP takes the min of those depths +1 to get the normalized distance to the outer edge
class ShadowCircularRRectOp final : public GrLegacyMeshDrawOp {
@ -515,8 +503,9 @@ public:
: INHERITED(ClassID()), fViewMatrixIfUsingLocalCoords(viewMatrix) {
SkRect bounds = devRect;
SkASSERT(!(devStrokeWidth <= 0 && strokeOnly));
SkScalar innerRadius = 0.0f;
SkScalar overStrokeRadius = 0.0f;
SkScalar outerRadius = devRadius;
SkScalar umbraInset = SkTMax(outerRadius, blurRadius);
SkScalar halfWidth = 0;
RRectType type = kFill_RRectType;
if (devStrokeWidth > 0) {
@ -525,22 +514,32 @@ public:
} else {
halfWidth = SkScalarHalf(devStrokeWidth);
if (strokeOnly) {
// If stroke is greater than width or height, this is still a fill
// Otherwise we compute stroke params
if (devStrokeWidth <= devRect.width() && devStrokeWidth <= devRect.height()) {
innerRadius = devRadius - halfWidth;
type = (innerRadius >= 0) ? kStroke_RRectType : kOverstroke_RRectType;
outerRadius += halfWidth;
bounds.outset(halfWidth, halfWidth);
// If the client has requested a stroke smaller than the outer radius,
// we will assume they want no special umbra inset (this is for ambient shadows).
if (devStrokeWidth <= outerRadius) {
umbraInset = outerRadius;
if (strokeOnly) {
// If stroke is greater than width or height, this is still a fill,
// otherwise we compute stroke params.
if (devStrokeWidth <= devRect.width() && devStrokeWidth <= devRect.height()) {
// We don't worry about an inner radius, we just need to know if we
// need to create overstroke vertices.
overStrokeRadius = SkTMax(devStrokeWidth - umbraInset,
type = overStrokeRadius > 0 ? kOverstroke_RRectType : kStroke_RRectType;
this->setBounds(bounds, HasAABloat::kNo, IsZeroArea::kNo);
fGeoData.emplace_back(Geometry{color, outerRadius, innerRadius, blurRadius, bounds, type});
fGeoData.emplace_back(Geometry{color, outerRadius, umbraInset, overStrokeRadius,
blurRadius, bounds, type});
fVertCount = rrect_type_to_vert_count(type);
fIndexCount = rrect_type_to_index_count(type);
@ -552,10 +551,11 @@ public:
for (int i = 0; i < fGeoData.count(); ++i) {
"Color: 0x%08x Rect [L: %.2f, T: %.2f, R: %.2f, B: %.2f],"
"OuterRad: %.2f, InnerRad: %.2f, BlurRad: %.2f\n",
"OuterRad: %.2f, Umbra: %.2f, Overstroke: %.2f, BlurRad: %.2f\n",
fGeoData[i].fColor, fGeoData[i].fDevBounds.fLeft, fGeoData[i].fDevBounds.fTop,
fGeoData[i].fDevBounds.fRight, fGeoData[i].fDevBounds.fBottom,
fGeoData[i].fOuterRadius, fGeoData[i].fInnerRadius, fGeoData[i].fBlurRadius);
fGeoData[i].fOuterRadius, fGeoData[i].fUmbraInset,
fGeoData[i].fOverstroke, fGeoData[i].fBlurRadius);
@ -580,73 +580,37 @@ private:
SkPoint fPos;
GrColor fColor;
SkPoint fOffset;
SkScalar fOuterRadius;
SkScalar fBlurRadius;
SkScalar fDistanceCorrection;
static void FillInOverstrokeVerts(CircleVertex** verts, const SkRect& bounds, SkScalar smInset,
SkScalar bigInset, SkScalar xOffset, SkScalar outerRadius,
GrColor color, SkScalar blurRadius) {
SkASSERT(smInset < bigInset);
static void FillInOverstrokeVerts(CircleVertex** verts, const SkRect& bounds, SkScalar inset,
GrColor color, SkScalar distanceCorrection) {
// TL
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fLeft + smInset, bounds.fTop + smInset);
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fLeft + inset, bounds.fTop + inset);
(*verts)->fColor = color;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(xOffset, 0);
(*verts)->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
(*verts)->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, 0);
(*verts)->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
// TR
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fRight - smInset, bounds.fTop + smInset);
(*verts)->fColor = color;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(xOffset, 0);
(*verts)->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
(*verts)->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fLeft + bigInset, bounds.fTop + bigInset);
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fRight - inset, bounds.fTop + inset);
(*verts)->fColor = color;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, 0);
(*verts)->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
(*verts)->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fRight - bigInset, bounds.fTop + bigInset);
(*verts)->fColor = color;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, 0);
(*verts)->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
(*verts)->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fLeft + bigInset, bounds.fBottom - bigInset);
(*verts)->fColor = color;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, 0);
(*verts)->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
(*verts)->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fRight - bigInset, bounds.fBottom - bigInset);
(*verts)->fColor = color;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, 0);
(*verts)->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
(*verts)->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
(*verts)->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
// BL
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fLeft + smInset, bounds.fBottom - smInset);
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fLeft + inset, bounds.fBottom - inset);
(*verts)->fColor = color;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(xOffset, 0);
(*verts)->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
(*verts)->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, 0);
(*verts)->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
// BR
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fRight - smInset, bounds.fBottom - smInset);
(*verts)->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fRight - inset, bounds.fBottom - inset);
(*verts)->fColor = color;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(xOffset, 0);
(*verts)->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
(*verts)->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
(*verts)->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, 0);
(*verts)->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
@ -691,69 +655,90 @@ private:
const SkRect& bounds = args.fDevBounds;
SkScalar yCoords[4] = {bounds.fTop, bounds.fTop + outerRadius,
bounds.fBottom - outerRadius, bounds.fBottom};
SkScalar umbraInset = args.fUmbraInset;
SkScalar minDim = 0.5f*SkTMin(bounds.width(), bounds.height());
if (umbraInset > minDim) {
umbraInset = minDim;
SkScalar xInner[4] = { bounds.fLeft + umbraInset, bounds.fRight - umbraInset,
bounds.fLeft + umbraInset, bounds.fRight - umbraInset };
SkScalar xMid[4] = { bounds.fLeft + outerRadius, bounds.fRight - outerRadius,
bounds.fLeft + outerRadius, bounds.fRight - outerRadius};
SkScalar xOuter[4] = { bounds.fLeft, bounds.fRight,
bounds.fLeft, bounds.fRight };
SkScalar yInner[4] = { bounds.fTop + umbraInset, bounds.fTop + umbraInset,
bounds.fBottom - umbraInset, bounds.fBottom - umbraInset };
SkScalar yMid[4] = { bounds.fTop + outerRadius, bounds.fTop + outerRadius,
bounds.fBottom - outerRadius, bounds.fBottom - outerRadius };
SkScalar yOuter[4] = { bounds.fTop, bounds.fTop,
bounds.fBottom, bounds.fBottom };
SkScalar yOuterRadii[4] = {-1, 0, 0, 1};
// The inner radius in the vertex data must be specified in normalized space.
// For fills, specifying -1/outerRadius guarantees an alpha of 1.0 at the inner radius.
SkScalar blurRadius = args.fBlurRadius;
// In the case where we have to inset more for the umbra, our two triangles in the
// corner get skewed to a diamond rather than a square. To correct for that,
// we also skew the vectors we send to the shader that help define the circle.
// By doing so, we end up with a quarter circle in the corner rather than the
// elliptical curve.
SkVector outerVec = SkVector::Make(0.5f*(outerRadius - umbraInset), -umbraInset);
SkVector diagVec = SkVector::Make(outerVec.fX + outerVec.fY,
outerVec.fX + outerVec.fY);
diagVec *= umbraInset / (2 * umbraInset - outerRadius);
SkScalar distanceCorrection = umbraInset / blurRadius;
// build corner by corner
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fLeft, yCoords[i]);
// inner point
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(xInner[i], yInner[i]);
verts->fColor = color;
verts->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(-1, yOuterRadii[i]);
verts->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
verts->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
verts->fOffset = SkVector::Make(0, 0);
verts->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fLeft + outerRadius, yCoords[i]);
// outer points
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(xOuter[i], yInner[i]);
verts->fColor = color;
verts->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, yOuterRadii[i]);
verts->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
verts->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
verts->fOffset = SkVector::Make(0, -1);
verts->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fRight - outerRadius, yCoords[i]);
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(xOuter[i], yMid[i]);
verts->fColor = color;
verts->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(0, yOuterRadii[i]);
verts->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
verts->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
verts->fOffset = outerVec;
verts->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(bounds.fRight, yCoords[i]);
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(xOuter[i], yOuter[i]);
verts->fColor = color;
verts->fOffset = SkPoint::Make(1, yOuterRadii[i]);
verts->fOuterRadius = outerRadius;
verts->fBlurRadius = blurRadius;
verts->fOffset = diagVec;
verts->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(xMid[i], yOuter[i]);
verts->fColor = color;
verts->fOffset = outerVec;
verts->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
verts->fPos = SkPoint::Make(xInner[i], yOuter[i]);
verts->fColor = color;
verts->fOffset = SkVector::Make(0, -1);
verts->fDistanceCorrection = distanceCorrection;
// Add the additional vertices for overstroked rrects.
// Effectively this is an additional stroked rrect, with its
// outer radius = outerRadius - innerRadius, and inner radius = 0.
// This will give us correct AA in the center and the correct
// distance to the outer edge.
// Also, the outer offset is a constant vector pointing to the right, which
// guarantees that the distance value along the outer rectangle is constant.
// parameters equal to those in the center of the 9-patch. This will
// give constant values across this inner ring.
if (kOverstroke_RRectType == args.fType) {
SkASSERT(args.fInnerRadius <= 0.0f);
SkASSERT(args.fOverstroke > 0.0f);
SkScalar overstrokeOuterRadius = outerRadius - args.fInnerRadius;
// this is the normalized distance from the outer rectangle of this
// geometry to the outer edge
SkScalar maxOffset = -args.fInnerRadius / overstrokeOuterRadius;
FillInOverstrokeVerts(&verts, bounds, outerRadius, overstrokeOuterRadius, maxOffset,
overstrokeOuterRadius, color, blurRadius);
if (kFill_RRectType == args.fType) {
SkScalar halfMinDim = 0.5f * SkTMin(bounds.width(), bounds.height());
SkScalar xOffset = 1.0f - outerRadius / halfMinDim;
FillInOverstrokeVerts(&verts, bounds, outerRadius, halfMinDim, xOffset, halfMinDim,
color, blurRadius);
FillInOverstrokeVerts(&verts, bounds, umbraInset + args.fOverstroke,
color, distanceCorrection);
const uint16_t* primIndices = rrect_type_to_indices(args.fType);
@ -792,7 +777,8 @@ private:
struct Geometry {
GrColor fColor;
SkScalar fOuterRadius;
SkScalar fInnerRadius;
SkScalar fUmbraInset;
SkScalar fOverstroke;
SkScalar fBlurRadius;
SkRect fDevBounds;
RRectType fType;
@ -839,9 +825,9 @@ static std::unique_ptr<GrLegacyMeshDrawOp> make_shadow_rrect_op(GrColor color,
SkVector radii = rrect.getSimpleRadii();
SkScalar xRadius = SkScalarAbs(viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleX] * radii.fX +
viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewY] * radii.fY);
SkScalar yRadius = SkScalarAbs(viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewX] * radii.fX +
viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleY] * radii.fY);
viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewX] * radii.fY);
SkDEBUGCODE(SkScalar yRadius = SkScalarAbs(viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewY] * radii.fX +
viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleY] * radii.fY));
SkASSERT(SkScalarNearlyEqual(xRadius, yRadius));
SkStrokeRec::Style style = stroke.getStyle();
@ -859,9 +845,9 @@ static std::unique_ptr<GrLegacyMeshDrawOp> make_shadow_rrect_op(GrColor color,
scaledStroke.set(1, 1);
} else {
scaledStroke.fX = SkScalarAbs(
strokeWidth * (viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleX] + viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewY]));
strokeWidth * (viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleX] + viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewY]));
scaledStroke.fY = SkScalarAbs(
strokeWidth * (viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewX] + viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleY]));
strokeWidth * (viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMSkewX] + viewMatrix[SkMatrix::kMScaleY]));
// we don't handle anisotropic strokes
@ -875,7 +861,7 @@ static std::unique_ptr<GrLegacyMeshDrawOp> make_shadow_rrect_op(GrColor color,
// patch will have fractional coverage. This only matters when the interior is actually filled.
// We could consider falling back to rect rendering here, since a tiny radius is
// indistinguishable from a square corner.
if (!isStrokeOnly && (SK_ScalarHalf > xRadius || SK_ScalarHalf > yRadius)) {
if (!isStrokeOnly && SK_ScalarHalf > xRadius) {
return nullptr;
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ SkSpotShadowTessellator::SkSpotShadowTessellator(const SkPath& path, const SkMat
// if the umbra would collapse, we back off a bit on inner blur and adjust the alpha
SkScalar newRadius = SkScalarSqrt(minDistSq) - kTolerance;
fOffsetAdjust = newRadius - radius;
SkScalar ratio = 256 * newRadius / radius;
SkScalar ratio = 128 * (newRadius + radius) / radius;
// they aren't PMColors, but the interpolation algorithm is the same
fUmbraColor = SkPMLerp(fUmbraColor, fPenumbraColor, (unsigned)ratio);
radius = newRadius;
@ -454,33 +454,79 @@ void draw_shadow(const FACTORY& factory, SkCanvas* canvas, ShadowedPath& path, S
static bool draw_analytic_shadows(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPath& path, SkScalar occluderZ,
const SkPoint3& devLightPos, SkScalar lightRadius,
SkScalar ambientAlpha, SkScalar spotAlpha, SkColor color,
uint32_t flags) {
SkRect rect;
SkRRect rrect;
if (canvas->getTotalMatrix().isSimilarity()) {
if (path.isRect(&rect)) {
SkPaint newPaint;
if (ambientAlpha > 0) {
ambientAlpha, flags));
canvas->drawRect(rect, newPaint);
if (spotAlpha > 0) {
newPaint.setMaskFilter(SkSpotShadowMaskFilter::Make(occluderZ, devLightPos,
lightRadius, spotAlpha,
canvas->drawRect(rect, newPaint);
return true;
} else if (path.isRRect(&rrect) && rrect.isSimpleCircular() &&
rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperLeft_Corner).fX > SK_ScalarNearlyZero) {
SkPaint newPaint;
if (ambientAlpha > 0) {
ambientAlpha, flags));
canvas->drawRRect(rrect, newPaint);
if (spotAlpha > 0) {
newPaint.setMaskFilter(SkSpotShadowMaskFilter::Make(occluderZ, devLightPos,
lightRadius, spotAlpha,
canvas->drawRRect(rrect, newPaint);
return true;
} else if (path.isOval(&rect) && SkScalarNearlyEqual(rect.width(), rect.height()) &&
rect.width() > SK_ScalarNearlyZero) {
SkPaint newPaint;
if (ambientAlpha > 0) {
ambientAlpha, flags));
canvas->drawOval(rect, newPaint);
if (spotAlpha > 0) {
newPaint.setMaskFilter(SkSpotShadowMaskFilter::Make(occluderZ, devLightPos,
lightRadius, spotAlpha,
canvas->drawOval(rect, newPaint);
return true;
return false;
// Draw an offset spot shadow and outlining ambient shadow for the given path.
void SkShadowUtils::DrawShadow(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPath& path, SkScalar occluderHeight,
const SkPoint3& devLightPos, SkScalar lightRadius,
SkScalar ambientAlpha, SkScalar spotAlpha, SkColor color,
uint32_t flags, SkResourceCache* cache) {
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
SkMatrix viewMatrix = canvas->getTotalMatrix();
// try circular fast path
SkRect rect;
if (viewMatrix.isSimilarity() &&
path.isOval(&rect) && rect.width() == rect.height()) {
SkPaint newPaint;
if (ambientAlpha > 0) {
newPaint.setMaskFilter(SkAmbientShadowMaskFilter::Make(occluderHeight, ambientAlpha,
canvas->drawOval(rect, newPaint);
if (spotAlpha > 0) {
newPaint.setMaskFilter(SkSpotShadowMaskFilter::Make(occluderHeight, devLightPos,
lightRadius, spotAlpha, flags));
canvas->drawOval(rect, newPaint);
// try fast paths
if (draw_analytic_shadows(canvas, path, occluderHeight, devLightPos, lightRadius,
ambientAlpha, spotAlpha, color, flags)) {
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
SkMatrix viewMatrix = canvas->getTotalMatrix();
ShadowedPath shadowedPath(&path, &viewMatrix);
@ -563,28 +609,14 @@ void SkShadowUtils::DrawUncachedShadow(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPath& path,
const SkPoint3& lightPos, SkScalar lightRadius,
SkScalar ambientAlpha, SkScalar spotAlpha, SkColor color,
uint32_t flags) {
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
SkMatrix viewMatrix = canvas->getTotalMatrix();
// try circular fast path
SkRect rect;
if (viewMatrix.isSimilarity() &&
path.isOval(&rect) && rect.width() == rect.height()) {
SkPaint newPaint;
if (ambientAlpha > 0) {
newPaint.setMaskFilter(SkAmbientShadowMaskFilter::Make(heightFunc(0,0), ambientAlpha,
canvas->drawOval(rect, newPaint);
if (spotAlpha > 0) {
newPaint.setMaskFilter(SkSpotShadowMaskFilter::Make(heightFunc(0,0), lightPos,
lightRadius, spotAlpha, flags));
canvas->drawOval(rect, newPaint);
// try fast paths
if (draw_analytic_shadows(canvas, path, heightFunc(0, 0), lightPos, lightRadius,
ambientAlpha, spotAlpha, color, flags)) {
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
SkMatrix viewMatrix = canvas->getTotalMatrix();
bool transparent = SkToBool(flags & SkShadowFlags::kTransparentOccluder_ShadowFlag);
Reference in New Issue
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