Add Puppeteer perf for release and experimental_simd builds of CanvasKit against SKPs

Adds the command:
  make skps_release_and_SIMD
for perfing builds against a set of SKPs in ~/skps for release and
simd builds of CanvasKit. Also outputs a summary of the perf results
in a table format.

See the document "SIMD CanvasKit Build Performance Testing"
for more details:

Bug: skia:10453
Change-Id: I311629a1420301dda41f7ec57ce1403b05fd949b
Reviewed-by: Elliot Evans <>
Reviewed-by: Kevin Lubick <>
This commit is contained in:
Elliot Evans 2020-07-16 11:25:01 -06:00
parent 21522e846e
commit d511d9a086
8 changed files with 244 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -94,6 +94,15 @@ gold results are reported to
Coverage is not measured while running tests this way.
# Inspecting output WASM
The `wasm2wat` tool from [the WebAssembly Binary Toolkit](
can be used to produce a human-readable text version of a `.wasm` file.
The output of `wasm2wat --version` should be `1.0.13 (1.0.17)`. This version has been checked to
work with the tools in `wasm_tools/SIMD/`. These tools programmatically inspect the `.wasm` output
of a CanvasKit build to detect the presence of [wasm SIMD](
# Infrastructure Playbook

View File

@ -4,14 +4,18 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script takes a path to a .cpp file, compiles the file to wasm using emscripten, outputs
# textual representations of all wasm SIMD operations present in the compiled .wasm, and starts
# a static file server so that the running .wasm can be manually inspect in a browser.
# Example usage: ./ simd_float_capabilities.cpp
# Requires that emscripten and wasm2wat are added to your PATH.
# Requires, and is verified to work with
# - wasm2wat 1.0.13 (1.0.17)
# - The output of `wasm2wat --version` should be `1.0.13 (1.0.17)`
# - install from here:
# - emscripten 1.39.16
# - Chrome Canary 86.0.4186.0 with chrome://flags#enable-webassembly-simd enabled
# Example usage: ./ simd_float_test.cpp
# build the file specified as the first argument with SIMD enabled.
em++ $1 -I ../../../../ -msimd128 -Os -s WASM=1 -o output/simd_test.html
@ -27,5 +31,6 @@ echo "The following WASM SIMD operations were used in the compiled code:"
grep -f wasm_simd_types.txt output/simd_test.wat
# Serve the compiled WASM so output can be manually inspected for correctness.
echo "Go check out http://localhost:8000/output/simd_test.html"
echo "Go check out http://localhost:8000/output/simd_test.html in Chrome Canary 86.0.4186.0 \
or later and enable the chrome://flags#enable-webassembly-simd flag!"
python ../../

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script takes a path to a .wasm file as input and outputs textual representations of all wasm
# SIMD operations present in the .wasm file.
# Example usage: ./ simd_float_capabilities.wasm
# Requires that emscripten and wasm2wat are added to your PATH.
# Requires, and is verified to work with
# - The output of `wasm2wat --version` should be `1.0.13 (1.0.17)`
# - install from here:
wasm2wat --enable-simd $1 > output/simd_test.wat
# The following lines output all SIMD operations produced in the output WASM.
# Useful for checking that SIMD instructions are actually being used.
# e.g. for the following C++ code:
# auto vec1 = skvx::Vec<2, double>({11.f, -22.f}) + skvx::Vec<2, double>({13.f, -1.f});
# it is expected that the f64x2.add operation is present in the output WASM.
echo "The following WASM SIMD operations were used in the compiled code:"
grep -f wasm_simd_types.txt output/simd_test.wat

View File

@ -23,4 +23,7 @@ skp_with_local:
node perf-canvaskit-with-puppeteer.js --canvaskit_js ../../out/canvaskit_wasm/canvaskit.js \
--canvaskit_wasm ../../out/canvaskit_wasm/canvaskit.wasm --use_gpu \
--input_skp ${HOME}/skps/desk_nytimes.skp \
--bench_html render-skp.html
--bench_html render-skp.html
./ --release --simd --summary

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function startTimingFrames(drawFn, surface, warmupFrames, maxFrames, timeoutMill
// We can fill out this frame's intermediate steps.
withFlush[idx] = end - start;
withoutFlush[idx] = afterDraw - start;
if (timeoutMillis && ((beginTest + timeoutMillis) < {
console.log('test aborted due to timeout');

View File

@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ const opts = [
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: 'The perf file to write. Defaults to perf.json',
name: 'chromium_executable_path',
typeLabel: '{underline file}',
description: 'The chromium executable to be used by puppeteer to run tests',
name: 'merge_output_as',
typeLabel: String,
description: 'Overwrites a json property in an existing output file.',
name: 'use_gpu',
description: 'Whether we should run in non-headless mode with GPU.',
@ -58,6 +68,11 @@ const opts = [
'measured and returned in the output JSON. Example: "blink,cc,gpu"',
type: String,
name: 'enable_simd',
description: 'enable execution of wasm SIMD operations in chromium',
type: Boolean
name: 'port',
description: 'The port number to use, defaults to 8081.',
@ -187,6 +202,9 @@ async function driveBrowser() {
if (options.enable_simd) {
if (options.use_gpu) {
@ -194,7 +212,11 @@ async function driveBrowser() {
console.log("Running with headless: " + headless + " args: " + browser_args);
try {
browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: headless, args: browser_args});
browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: headless,
args: browser_args,
executablePath: options.chromium_executable_path
page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setViewport(viewPort);
} catch (e) {
@ -252,7 +274,19 @@ async function driveBrowser() {
} else {
const perfResults = await page.evaluate('window._perfData');
console.debug('Perf results: ', perfResults);
fs.writeFileSync(options.output, JSON.stringify(perfResults));
if (options.merge_output_as) {
const existing_output_file_contents = fs.readFileSync(options.output, 'utf8');
let existing_dataset = {};
try {
existing_dataset = JSON.parse(existing_output_file_contents);
} catch (e) {}
existing_dataset[options.merge_output_as] = perfResults;
fs.writeFileSync(options.output, JSON.stringify(existing_dataset));
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(options.output, JSON.stringify(perfResults));
} catch(e) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script measures frametimes for CanvasKit rendering all skps in ~/skps, using puppeteer. It
# can optionally output a human-readable summary of the collected measurements.
# See the document "SIMD CanvasKit Build Performance Testing" for results and context:
# arguments:
# --release perfs the release build of CanvasKit and outputs data to release_out.json
# --simd perfs the experimental_simd build of CanvasKit outputs data to simd_out.json
# --summary outputs results from the perfs in a human readable table format.
# example usage: ./ --release --simd --summary
for f in $HOME/skps/*.skp;
if [[ "$*" == *"--release"* ]]
echo $f
node perf-canvaskit-with-puppeteer.js \
--canvaskit_js ../../out/canvaskit_wasm/canvaskit.js \
--canvaskit_wasm ../../out/canvaskit_wasm/canvaskit.wasm --use_gpu \
--input_skp $f \
--bench_html render-skp.html \
--chromium_executable_path "/applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary" \
--output release_out.json \
--merge_output_as `basename $f`
if [[ "$*" == *"--simd"* ]]
node perf-canvaskit-with-puppeteer.js \
--canvaskit_js ../../out/canvaskit_wasm_experimental_simd/canvaskit.js \
--canvaskit_wasm ../../out/canvaskit_wasm_experimental_simd/canvaskit.wasm --use_gpu \
--input_skp $f \
--bench_html render-skp.html \
--chromium_executable_path "/applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary" \
--enable_simd \
--output simd_out.json \
--merge_output_as `basename $f`
if [[ "$*" == *"--summary"* ]]
node skp_data_prep

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
* Command line application to process the output of
* make skps_release_and_SIMD
* and present some statistical results in a human-readable table format.
const fs = require('fs');
// These files are the output of `make skps_release_and_SIMD`
const SIMD_DATA = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('simd_out.json', 'utf8'));
const RELEASE_DATA = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('release_out.json', 'utf8'));
let skp_names = new Set();
for (const key of Object.keys(SIMD_DATA)) {
for (const key of Object.keys(RELEASE_DATA)) {
let simd_frame_average_accumulator = 0;
let simd_frame_median_accumulator = 0;
let release_frame_average_accumulator = 0;
let release_frame_median_accumulator = 0;
const comparisonData = [];
for (const skp_name of skp_names) {
if (SIMD_DATA[skp_name] && RELEASE_DATA[skp_name]) {
// note: frames are frametimes, measured in ms
const simd_frames = SIMD_DATA[skp_name].total_frame_ms;
const simd_frames_average = averageFromArray(simd_frames);
const simd_frames_median = medianFromArray(simd_frames);
simd_frame_average_accumulator += simd_frames_average;
simd_frame_median_accumulator += simd_frames_median;
const release_frames = RELEASE_DATA[skp_name].total_frame_ms;
const release_frames_average = averageFromArray(release_frames);
const release_frames_median = medianFromArray(release_frames);
release_frame_average_accumulator += release_frames_average;
release_frame_median_accumulator += release_frames_median;
skp_name: skp_name,
frames_average_difference: release_frames_average - simd_frames_average,
frames_median_difference: release_frames_median - simd_frames_median,
simd_frames_median: simd_frames_median,
simd_frames_average: simd_frames_average,
release_frames_average: release_frames_average,
release_frames_median: release_frames_median
const simd_average_frame = simd_frame_average_accumulator / comparisonData.length;
const simd_skps_median_frame = simd_frame_median_accumulator / comparisonData.length;
const release_average_frame = release_frame_average_accumulator / comparisonData.length;
const release_median_frame = release_frame_median_accumulator / comparisonData.length;
console.log('\nAverages across all SKP files');
'Average frame time average': {
'release CanvasKit build (ms)': release_average_frame.toFixed(2),
'experimental_simd CanvasKit build (ms)': simd_average_frame.toFixed(2),
'difference (ms)': (release_average_frame - simd_average_frame).toFixed(2)
'Median frame time average': {
'release CanvasKit build (ms)': release_median_frame.toFixed(2),
'experimental_simd CanvasKit build (ms)': simd_skps_median_frame.toFixed(2),
'difference (ms)': (release_median_frame - simd_skps_median_frame).toFixed(2)
const frameTimeMedianDifferenceSorted =
({frames_median_difference: m1}, {frames_median_difference: m2}) => m2 - m1
console.log('\nBest 3 Individual SKP frame time median differences in favor of the SIMD build');
console.log('\nWorst 3 Individual SKP frame time median differences NOT in favor of the SIMD build');
function averageFromArray(array) {
return array.reduce((a, b) => a+b, 0) / array.length;
function medianFromArray(array) {
return array.sort((a,b) => a-b)[Math.floor(array.length/2)];
function tableDataFromComparisonDataObject({
}) {
return {
'.SKP name': skp_name,
'release CanvasKit build (ms)': release_frames_median.toFixed(2),
'experimental_simd CanvasKit build (ms)': simd_frames_median.toFixed(2),
'difference (ms)': frames_median_difference.toFixed(2)