Remove old and unused Android font host code,

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git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
This commit is contained in: 2013-07-09 20:35:03 +00:00
parent 13b3aa1466
commit dc7919f228
3 changed files with 0 additions and 1295 deletions

View File

@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "FontHostConfiguration_android.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkTDArray.h"
#include <expat.h>
#include <sys/system_properties.h>
#define SYSTEM_FONTS_FILE "/system/etc/system_fonts.xml"
#define FALLBACK_FONTS_FILE "/system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml"
#define VENDOR_FONTS_FILE "/vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml"
// These defines are used to determine the kind of tag that we're currently
// populating with data. We only care about the sibling tags nameset and fileset
// for now.
#define NO_TAG 0
#define NAMESET_TAG 1
#define FILESET_TAG 2
* The FamilyData structure is passed around by the parser so that each handler
* can read these variables that are relevant to the current parsing.
struct FamilyData {
FamilyData(XML_Parser *parserRef, SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &familiesRef, const AndroidLocale &localeRef) :
parser(parserRef), families(familiesRef), currentTag(NO_TAG),
locale(localeRef), currentFamilyLangMatch(false), familyLangMatchCount(0) {}
XML_Parser *parser; // The expat parser doing the work
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &families; // The array that each family is put into as it is parsed
FontFamily *currentFamily; // The current family being created
int currentTag; // A flag to indicate whether we're in nameset/fileset tags
const AndroidLocale &locale; // The locale to which we compare the "lang" attribute of File.
bool currentFamilyLangMatch; // If currentFamily's File has a "lang" attribute and matches locale.
int familyLangMatchCount; // Number of families containing File which has a "lang" attribute and matches locale.
* Handler for arbitrary text. This is used to parse the text inside each name
* or file tag. The resulting strings are put into the fNames or fFileNames arrays.
void textHandler(void *data, const char *s, int len) {
FamilyData *familyData = (FamilyData*) data;
// Make sure we're in the right state to store this name information
if (familyData->currentFamily &&
(familyData->currentTag == NAMESET_TAG || familyData->currentTag == FILESET_TAG)) {
// Malloc new buffer to store the string
char *buff;
buff = (char*) malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char));
strncpy(buff, s, len);
buff[len] = '\0';
switch (familyData->currentTag) {
*(familyData->currentFamily->fNames.append()) = buff;
*(familyData->currentFamily->fFileNames.append()) = buff;
// Noop - don't care about any text that's not in the Fonts or Names list
* Handler for the start of a tag. The only tags we expect are family, nameset,
* fileset, name, and file.
void startElementHandler(void *data, const char *tag, const char **atts) {
FamilyData *familyData = (FamilyData*) data;
int len = strlen(tag);
if (strncmp(tag, "family", len)== 0) {
familyData->currentFamily = new FontFamily();
familyData->currentFamily->order = -1;
// The Family tag has an optional "order" attribute with an integer value >= 0
// If this attribute does not exist, the default value is -1
for (int i = 0; atts[i] != NULL; i += 2) {
const char* valueString = atts[i+1];
int value;
int len = sscanf(valueString, "%d", &value);
if (len > 0) {
familyData->currentFamily->order = value;
} else if (len == 7 && strncmp(tag, "nameset", len)== 0) {
familyData->currentTag = NAMESET_TAG;
} else if (len == 7 && strncmp(tag, "fileset", len) == 0) {
familyData->currentTag = FILESET_TAG;
} else if (strncmp(tag, "name", len) == 0 && familyData->currentTag == NAMESET_TAG) {
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(*familyData->parser, textHandler);
} else if (strncmp(tag, "file", len) == 0 && familyData->currentTag == FILESET_TAG) {
// From JB MR1, the File tag has a "lang" attribute to specify a language specific font file
// and the family entry has higher priority than the others without "lang" attribute.
bool includeTheEntry = true;
for (int i = 0; atts[i] != NULL; i += 2) {
const char* attribute = atts[i];
const char* value = atts[i+1];
if (strncmp(attribute, "lang", 4) == 0) {
if (strcmp(value, familyData->locale.language) == 0) {
// Found matching "lang" attribute. The current Family will have higher priority in the family list.
familyData->currentFamilyLangMatch = true;
} else {
// Don't include the entry if "lang" is specified but not matching.
includeTheEntry = false;
if (includeTheEntry) {
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(*familyData->parser, textHandler);
* Handler for the end of tags. We only care about family, nameset, fileset,
* name, and file.
void endElementHandler(void *data, const char *tag) {
FamilyData *familyData = (FamilyData*) data;
int len = strlen(tag);
if (strncmp(tag, "family", len)== 0) {
// Done parsing a Family - store the created currentFamily in the families array
if (familyData->currentFamilyLangMatch) {
*familyData->families.insert(familyData->familyLangMatchCount++) = familyData->currentFamily;
familyData->currentFamilyLangMatch = false;
} else {
*familyData->families.append() = familyData->currentFamily;
familyData->currentFamily = NULL;
} else if (len == 7 && strncmp(tag, "nameset", len)== 0) {
familyData->currentTag = NO_TAG;
} else if (len == 7 && strncmp(tag, "fileset", len)== 0) {
familyData->currentTag = NO_TAG;
} else if ((strncmp(tag, "name", len) == 0 && familyData->currentTag == NAMESET_TAG) ||
(strncmp(tag, "file", len) == 0 && familyData->currentTag == FILESET_TAG)) {
// Disable the arbitrary text handler installed to load Name data
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(*familyData->parser, NULL);
* Read the persistent locale.
void getLocale(AndroidLocale &locale)
char propLang[PROP_VALUE_MAX], propRegn[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
__system_property_get("persist.sys.language", propLang);
__system_property_get("", propRegn);
if (*propLang == 0 && *propRegn == 0) {
/* Set to ro properties, default is en_US */
__system_property_get("ro.product.locale.language", propLang);
__system_property_get("ro.product.locale.region", propRegn);
if (*propLang == 0 && *propRegn == 0) {
strcpy(propLang, "en");
strcpy(propRegn, "US");
strncpy(locale.language, propLang, 2);
locale.language[2] = '\0';
strncpy(locale.region, propRegn, 2);
locale.region[2] = '\0';
* Use the current system locale (language and region) to open the best matching
* customization. For example, when the language is Japanese, the sequence might be:
* /system/etc/fallback_fonts-ja-JP.xml
* /system/etc/fallback_fonts-ja.xml
* /system/etc/fallback_fonts.xml
FILE* openLocalizedFile(const char* origname, const AndroidLocale& locale) {
FILE* file = 0;
SkString basename;
SkString filename;
// Remove the .xml suffix. We'll add it back in a moment.
if (basename.endsWith(".xml")) {
// Try first with language and region
filename.printf("%s-%s-%s.xml", basename.c_str(), locale.language, locale.region);
file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
if (!file) {
// If not found, try next with just language
filename.printf("%s-%s.xml", basename.c_str(), locale.language);
file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
if (!file) {
// If still not found, try just the original name
file = fopen(origname, "r");
return file;
* This function parses the given filename and stores the results in the given
* families array.
void parseConfigFile(const char *filename, SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &families) {
AndroidLocale locale;
XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
FamilyData familyData(&parser, families, locale);
XML_SetUserData(parser, &familyData);
XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElementHandler, endElementHandler);
FILE *file = openLocalizedFile(filename, locale);
// Some of the files we attempt to parse (in particular, /vendor/etc/fallback_fonts.xml)
// are optional - failure here is okay because one of these optional files may not exist.
if (file == NULL) {
char buffer[512];
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), file);
int len = strlen(buffer);
if (feof(file) != 0) {
done = true;
XML_Parse(parser, buffer, len, done);
void getSystemFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &fontFamilies) {
parseConfigFile(SYSTEM_FONTS_FILE, fontFamilies);
void getFallbackFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &fallbackFonts) {
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> vendorFonts;
parseConfigFile(FALLBACK_FONTS_FILE, fallbackFonts);
parseConfigFile(VENDOR_FONTS_FILE, vendorFonts);
// This loop inserts the vendor fallback fonts in the correct order in the
// overall fallbacks list.
int currentOrder = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < vendorFonts.count(); ++i) {
FontFamily* family = vendorFonts[i];
int order = family->order;
if (order < 0) {
if (currentOrder < 0) {
// Default case - just add it to the end of the fallback list
*fallbackFonts.append() = family;
} else {
// no order specified on this font, but we're incrementing the order
// based on an earlier order insertion request
*fallbackFonts.insert(currentOrder++) = family;
} else {
// Add the font into the fallback list in the specified order. Set
// currentOrder for correct placement of other fonts in the vendor list.
*fallbackFonts.insert(order) = family;
currentOrder = order + 1;
* Loads data on font families from various expected configuration files. The
* resulting data is returned in the given fontFamilies array.
void getFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &fontFamilies) {
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> fallbackFonts;
// Append all fallback fonts to system fonts
for (int i = 0; i < fallbackFonts.count(); ++i) {
*fontFamilies.append() = fallbackFonts[i];
void getTestFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &fontFamilies,
const char* testMainConfigFile,
const char* testFallbackConfigFile) {
parseConfigFile(testMainConfigFile, fontFamilies);
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> fallbackFonts;
parseConfigFile(testFallbackConfigFile, fallbackFonts);
// Append all fallback fonts to system fonts
for (int i = 0; i < fallbackFonts.count(); ++i) {
*fontFamilies.append() = fallbackFonts[i];

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkTDArray.h"
* The FontFamily data structure is created during parsing and handed back to
* Skia to fold into its representation of font families. fNames is the list of
* font names that alias to a font family. fFileNames is the list of font
* filenames for the family. Order is the priority order for the font. This is
* used internally to determine the order in which to place fallback fonts as
* they are read from the configuration files.
struct FontFamily {
SkTDArray<const char*> fNames;
SkTDArray<const char*> fFileNames;
int order;
* Parses all system font configuration files and returns the results in an
* array of FontFamily structures.
void getFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &fontFamilies);
* Parse the fallback and vendor system font configuration files and return the
* results in an array of FontFamily structures.
void getFallbackFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &fallbackFonts);
* Parses all test font configuration files and returns the results in an
* array of FontFamily structures.
void getTestFontFamilies(SkTDArray<FontFamily*> &fontFamilies,
const char* testMainConfigFile,
const char* testFallbackConfigFile);
struct AndroidLocale {
char language[3];
char region[3];
void getLocale(AndroidLocale &locale);

View File

@ -1,944 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkFontHost.h"
#include "SkFontHost_FreeType_common.h"
#include "SkFontDescriptor.h"
#include "SkGraphics.h"
#include "SkDescriptor.h"
#include "SkPaint.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkThread.h"
#include "SkTSearch.h"
#include "SkTypeface_android.h"
#include "FontHostConfiguration_android.h"
#define SK_FONT_FILE_PREFIX "/fonts/"
#define SK_DEBUG_FONTS 0
// For test only.
static const char* gTestMainConfigFile = NULL;
static const char* gTestFallbackConfigFile = NULL;
static const char* gTestFontFilePrefix = NULL;
bool find_name_and_attributes(SkStream* stream, SkString* name,
SkTypeface::Style* style, bool* isFixedPitch);
static void GetFullPathForSysFonts(SkString* full, const char name[]) {
if (gTestFontFilePrefix) {
} else {
struct FamilyRec;
/* This guy holds a mapping of a name -> family, used for looking up fonts.
Since it is stored in a stretchy array that doesn't preserve object
semantics, we don't use constructor/destructors, but just have explicit
helpers to manage our internal bookkeeping.
struct NameFamilyPair {
const char* fName; // we own this
FamilyRec* fFamily; // we don't own this, we just reference it
void construct(const char name[], FamilyRec* family) {
fName = strdup(name);
fFamily = family; // we don't own this, so just record the referene
void destruct() {
// we don't own family, so just ignore our reference
typedef SkTDArray<NameFamilyPair> NameFamilyPairList;
// we use atomic_inc to grow this for each typeface we create
static int32_t gUniqueFontID;
// this is the mutex that protects gFamilyHead and GetNameList()
static FamilyRec* gFamilyHead;
static NameFamilyPairList& GetNameList() {
* It is assumed that the caller has already acquired a lock on
* gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex before calling this.
static NameFamilyPairList* gNameList;
if (NULL == gNameList) {
gNameList = SkNEW(NameFamilyPairList);
// register a delete proc with sk_atexit(..) when available
return *gNameList;
struct FamilyRec {
FamilyRec* fNext;
SkTypeface* fFaces[4];
fNext = gFamilyHead;
memset(fFaces, 0, sizeof(fFaces));
gFamilyHead = this;
static SkTypeface* find_best_face(const FamilyRec* family,
SkTypeface::Style style) {
SkTypeface* const* faces = family->fFaces;
if (faces[style] != NULL) { // exact match
return faces[style];
// look for a matching bold
style = (SkTypeface::Style)(style ^ SkTypeface::kItalic);
if (faces[style] != NULL) {
return faces[style];
// look for the plain
if (faces[SkTypeface::kNormal] != NULL) {
return faces[SkTypeface::kNormal];
// look for anything
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (faces[i] != NULL) {
return faces[i];
// should never get here, since the faces list should not be empty
SkDEBUGFAIL("faces list is empty");
return NULL;
static FamilyRec* find_family(const SkTypeface* member) {
FamilyRec* curr = gFamilyHead;
while (curr != NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (curr->fFaces[i] == member) {
return curr;
curr = curr->fNext;
return NULL;
// gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex must already be acquired
static const char* find_family_name(const SkTypeface* member) {
FamilyRec* family = find_family(member);
if (NULL == family) {
return NULL;
NameFamilyPairList& namelist = GetNameList();
NameFamilyPair* list = namelist.begin();
int count = namelist.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NameFamilyPair* pair = &list[i];
if (pair->fFamily == family) {
return pair->fName;
return NULL;
/* Returns the matching typeface, or NULL. If a typeface is found, its refcnt
is not modified.
static SkTypeface* find_from_uniqueID(uint32_t uniqueID) {
FamilyRec* curr = gFamilyHead;
while (curr != NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
SkTypeface* face = curr->fFaces[i];
if (face != NULL && face->uniqueID() == uniqueID) {
return face;
curr = curr->fNext;
return NULL;
/* Remove reference to this face from its family. If the resulting family
is empty (has no faces), return that family, otherwise return NULL
static FamilyRec* remove_from_family(const SkTypeface* face) {
FamilyRec* family = find_family(face);
if (family) {
SkASSERT(family->fFaces[face->style()] == face);
family->fFaces[face->style()] = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (family->fFaces[i] != NULL) { // family is non-empty
return NULL;
} else {
// SkDebugf("remove_from_family(%p) face not found", face);
return family; // return the empty family
// maybe we should make FamilyRec be doubly-linked
static void detach_and_delete_family(FamilyRec* family) {
FamilyRec* curr = gFamilyHead;
FamilyRec* prev = NULL;
while (curr != NULL) {
FamilyRec* next = curr->fNext;
if (curr == family) {
if (prev == NULL) {
gFamilyHead = next;
} else {
prev->fNext = next;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
SkASSERT(!"Yikes, couldn't find family in our list to remove/delete");
// gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex must already be acquired
static SkTypeface* find_typeface(const char name[], SkTypeface::Style style) {
NameFamilyPairList& namelist = GetNameList();
NameFamilyPair* list = namelist.begin();
int count = namelist.count();
int index = SkStrLCSearch(&list[0].fName, count, name, sizeof(list[0]));
if (index >= 0) {
return find_best_face(list[index].fFamily, style);
return NULL;
// gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex must already be acquired
static SkTypeface* find_typeface(const SkTypeface* familyMember,
SkTypeface::Style style) {
const FamilyRec* family = find_family(familyMember);
return family ? find_best_face(family, style) : NULL;
// gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex must already be acquired
static void add_name(const char name[], FamilyRec* family) {
SkAutoAsciiToLC tolc(name);
name =;
NameFamilyPairList& namelist = GetNameList();
NameFamilyPair* list = namelist.begin();
int count = namelist.count();
int index = SkStrLCSearch(&list[0].fName, count, name, sizeof(list[0]));
if (index < 0) {
list = namelist.insert(~index);
list->construct(name, family);
// gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex must already be acquired
static void remove_from_names(FamilyRec* emptyFamily) {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
SkASSERT(emptyFamily->fFaces[i] == NULL);
SkTDArray<NameFamilyPair>& list = GetNameList();
// must go backwards when removing
for (int i = list.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
NameFamilyPair* pair = &list[i];
if (pair->fFamily == emptyFamily) {
class FamilyTypeface : public SkTypeface_FreeType {
FamilyTypeface(Style style, bool sysFont, SkTypeface* familyMember,
bool isFixedPitch)
: INHERITED(style, sk_atomic_inc(&gUniqueFontID) + 1, isFixedPitch) {
fIsSysFont = sysFont;
// our caller has acquired the gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex so this is safe
FamilyRec* rec = NULL;
if (familyMember) {
rec = find_family(familyMember);
} else {
rec = SkNEW(FamilyRec);
rec->fFaces[style] = this;
virtual ~FamilyTypeface() {
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex);
// remove us from our family. If the family is now empty, we return
// that and then remove that family from the name list
FamilyRec* family = remove_from_family(this);
if (NULL != family) {
bool isSysFont() const { return fIsSysFont; }
virtual const char* getUniqueString() const = 0;
virtual const char* getFilePath() const = 0;
virtual void onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor*, bool*) const SK_OVERRIDE;
bool fIsSysFont;
typedef SkTypeface_FreeType INHERITED;
class StreamTypeface : public FamilyTypeface {
StreamTypeface(Style style, bool sysFont, SkTypeface* familyMember,
SkStream* stream, bool isFixedPitch)
: INHERITED(style, sysFont, familyMember, isFixedPitch) {
fStream = stream;
virtual ~StreamTypeface() {
virtual const char* getUniqueString() const SK_OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
virtual const char* getFilePath() const SK_OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
virtual SkStream* onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE {
*ttcIndex = 0;
// we just ref our existing stream, since the caller will call unref()
// when they are through
// must rewind each time, since the caller assumes a "new" stream
return fStream;
SkStream* fStream;
typedef FamilyTypeface INHERITED;
class FileTypeface : public FamilyTypeface {
FileTypeface(Style style, bool sysFont, SkTypeface* familyMember,
const char path[], bool isFixedPitch)
: INHERITED(style, sysFont, familyMember, isFixedPitch) {
SkString fullpath;
if (sysFont) {
GetFullPathForSysFonts(&fullpath, path);
path = fullpath.c_str();
virtual const char* getUniqueString() const SK_OVERRIDE {
const char* str = strrchr(fPath.c_str(), '/');
if (str) {
str += 1; // skip the '/'
return str;
virtual const char* getFilePath() const SK_OVERRIDE {
return fPath.c_str();
virtual SkStream* onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE {
*ttcIndex = 0;
return SkStream::NewFromFile(fPath.c_str());
SkString fPath;
typedef FamilyTypeface INHERITED;
static bool get_name_and_style(const char path[], SkString* name,
SkTypeface::Style* style,
bool* isFixedPitch, bool isExpected) {
SkString fullpath;
GetFullPathForSysFonts(&fullpath, path);
SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> stream(SkStream::NewFromFile(fullpath.c_str()));
if (stream.get()) {
return find_name_and_attributes(stream, name, style, isFixedPitch);
} else {
if (isExpected) {
SkDebugf("---- failed to open <%s> as a font", fullpath.c_str());
return false;
// used to record our notion of the pre-existing fonts
struct FontInitRec {
const char* fFileName;
const char* const* fNames; // null-terminated list
// deliberately empty, but we use the address to identify fallback fonts
static const char* gFBNames[] = { NULL };
/* Fonts are grouped by family, with the first font in a family having the
list of names (even if that list is empty), and the following members having
null for the list. The names list must be NULL-terminated.
static FontInitRec *gSystemFonts;
static size_t gNumSystemFonts = 0;
// these globals are assigned (once) by load_system_fonts()
static FamilyRec* gDefaultFamily;
static SkTypeface* gDefaultNormal;
static char** gDefaultNames = NULL;
static uint32_t *gFallbackFonts;
static void dump_globals() {
SkDebugf("gDefaultNormal=%p id=%u refCnt=%d", gDefaultNormal,
gDefaultNormal ? gDefaultNormal->uniqueID() : 0,
gDefaultNormal ? gDefaultNormal->getRefCnt() : 0);
if (gDefaultFamily) {
SkDebugf("gDefaultFamily=%p fFaces={%u,%u,%u,%u} refCnt={%d,%d,%d,%d}",
gDefaultFamily->fFaces[0] ? gDefaultFamily->fFaces[0]->uniqueID() : 0,
gDefaultFamily->fFaces[1] ? gDefaultFamily->fFaces[1]->uniqueID() : 0,
gDefaultFamily->fFaces[2] ? gDefaultFamily->fFaces[2]->uniqueID() : 0,
gDefaultFamily->fFaces[3] ? gDefaultFamily->fFaces[3]->uniqueID() : 0,
gDefaultFamily->fFaces[0] ? gDefaultFamily->fFaces[0]->getRefCnt() : 0,
gDefaultFamily->fFaces[1] ? gDefaultFamily->fFaces[1]->getRefCnt() : 0,
gDefaultFamily->fFaces[2] ? gDefaultFamily->fFaces[2]->getRefCnt() : 0,
gDefaultFamily->fFaces[3] ? gDefaultFamily->fFaces[3]->getRefCnt() : 0);
} else {
SkDebugf("gDefaultFamily=%p", gDefaultFamily);
SkDebugf("gNumSystemFonts=%d gSystemFonts=%p gFallbackFonts=%p",
gNumSystemFonts, gSystemFonts, gFallbackFonts);
for (size_t i = 0; i < gNumSystemFonts; ++i) {
SkDebugf("gSystemFonts[%d] fileName=%s", i, gSystemFonts[i].fFileName);
size_t namesIndex = 0;
if (gSystemFonts[i].fNames)
for (const char* fontName = gSystemFonts[i].fNames[namesIndex];
fontName != 0;
fontName = gSystemFonts[i].fNames[++namesIndex]) {
SkDebugf(" name[%u]=%s", namesIndex, fontName);
if (gFamilyHead) {
FamilyRec* rec = gFamilyHead;
int i=0;
while (rec) {
SkDebugf("gFamilyHead[%d]=%p fFaces={%u,%u,%u,%u} refCnt={%d,%d,%d,%d}",
i++, rec,
rec->fFaces[0] ? rec->fFaces[0]->uniqueID() : 0,
rec->fFaces[1] ? rec->fFaces[1]->uniqueID() : 0,
rec->fFaces[2] ? rec->fFaces[2]->uniqueID() : 0,
rec->fFaces[3] ? rec->fFaces[3]->uniqueID() : 0,
rec->fFaces[0] ? rec->fFaces[0]->getRefCnt() : 0,
rec->fFaces[1] ? rec->fFaces[1]->getRefCnt() : 0,
rec->fFaces[2] ? rec->fFaces[2]->getRefCnt() : 0,
rec->fFaces[3] ? rec->fFaces[3]->getRefCnt() : 0);
rec = rec->fNext;
} else {
SkDebugf("gFamilyHead=%p", gFamilyHead);
/* Load info from a configuration file that populates the system/fallback font structures
static void load_font_info() {
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> fontFamilies;
if (gTestMainConfigFile) {
getTestFontFamilies(fontFamilies, gTestMainConfigFile, gTestFallbackConfigFile);
} else {
SkTDArray<FontInitRec> fontInfo;
for (int i = 0; i < fontFamilies.count(); ++i) {
FontFamily *family = fontFamilies[i];
for (int j = 0; j < family->fFileNames.count(); ++j) {
FontInitRec fontInfoRecord;
fontInfoRecord.fFileName = family->fFileNames[j];
if (j == 0) {
if (family->fNames.count() == 0) {
// Fallback font
fontInfoRecord.fNames = (char **)gFBNames;
} else {
SkTDArray<const char*> names = family->fNames;
const char **nameList = (const char**)
malloc((names.count() + 1) * sizeof(char*));
if (nameList == NULL) {
// shouldn't get here
SkDEBUGFAIL("Failed to allocate nameList");
if (gDefaultNames == NULL) {
gDefaultNames = (char**) nameList;
for (int i = 0; i < names.count(); ++i) {
nameList[i] = names[i];
nameList[names.count()] = NULL;
fontInfoRecord.fNames = nameList;
} else {
fontInfoRecord.fNames = NULL;
*fontInfo.append() = fontInfoRecord;
gNumSystemFonts = fontInfo.count();
gSystemFonts = (FontInitRec*) malloc(gNumSystemFonts * sizeof(FontInitRec));
gFallbackFonts = (uint32_t*) malloc((gNumSystemFonts + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (gSystemFonts == NULL) {
// shouldn't get here
SkDEBUGFAIL("No system fonts were found");
gNumSystemFonts = 0;
SkDebugf("---- We have %d system fonts", gNumSystemFonts);
for (size_t i = 0; i < gNumSystemFonts; ++i) {
gSystemFonts[i].fFileName = fontInfo[i].fFileName;
gSystemFonts[i].fNames = fontInfo[i].fNames;
SkDebugf("---- gSystemFonts[%d] fileName=%s", i, fontInfo[i].fFileName);
* Called once (ensured by the sentinel check at the beginning of our body).
* Initializes all the globals, and register the system fonts.
* gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex must already be acquired.
static void init_system_fonts() {
// check if we've already been called
if (gDefaultNormal) {
SkASSERT(gUniqueFontID == 0);
FontInitRec* rec = gSystemFonts;
SkTypeface* firstInFamily = NULL;
int fallbackCount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < gNumSystemFonts; i++) {
// if we're the first in a new family, clear firstInFamily
if (rec[i].fNames != NULL) {
firstInFamily = NULL;
bool isFixedPitch;
SkString name;
SkTypeface::Style style;
// we expect all the fonts, except the "fallback" fonts
bool isExpected = (rec[i].fNames != gFBNames);
if (!get_name_and_style(rec[i].fFileName, &name, &style,
&isFixedPitch, isExpected)) {
// We need to increase gUniqueFontID here so that the unique id of
// each font matches its index in gSystemFonts array, as expected
// by find_uniqueID.
SkTypeface* tf = SkNEW_ARGS(FileTypeface,
true, // system-font (cannot delete)
firstInFamily, // what family to join
isFixedPitch) // filename
SkDebugf("---- SkTypeface[%d] %s fontID %d",
i, rec[i].fFileName, tf->uniqueID());
if (rec[i].fNames != NULL) {
// see if this is one of our fallback fonts
if (rec[i].fNames == gFBNames) {
SkDebugf("---- adding %s as fallback[%d] fontID %d",
rec[i].fFileName, fallbackCount, tf->uniqueID());
gFallbackFonts[fallbackCount++] = tf->uniqueID();
// Use the font file name as the name of the typeface.
const char **nameList = (const char**)malloc(2 * sizeof(char*));
if (nameList == NULL) {
// shouldn't get here
SkDEBUGFAIL("Failed to allocate nameList");
nameList[0] = rec[i].fFileName;
nameList[1] = NULL;
rec[i].fNames = nameList;
firstInFamily = tf;
FamilyRec* family = find_family(tf);
const char* const* names = rec[i].fNames;
// record the default family if this is it
if (names == gDefaultNames) {
gDefaultFamily = family;
// add the names to map to this family
while (*names) {
add_name(*names, family);
names += 1;
// do this after all fonts are loaded. This is our default font, and it
// acts as a sentinel so we only execute load_system_fonts() once
gDefaultNormal = find_best_face(gDefaultFamily, SkTypeface::kNormal);
// now terminate our fallback list with the sentinel value
gFallbackFonts[fallbackCount] = 0;
static size_t find_uniqueID(const char* filename) {
// uniqueID is the index, offset by one, of the associated element in
// gSystemFonts[] (assumes system fonts are loaded before external fonts)
// return 0 if not found
const FontInitRec* rec = gSystemFonts;
for (size_t i = 0; i < gNumSystemFonts; i++) {
if (strcmp(rec[i].fFileName, filename) == 0) {
return i+1;
return 0;
static void reload_fallback_fonts() {
if (gTestFallbackConfigFile) {
// No need to reload fallback fonts in test environment.
SkTDArray<FontFamily*> fallbackFamilies;
int fallbackCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fallbackFamilies.count(); ++i) {
FontFamily *family = fallbackFamilies[i];
for (int j = 0; j < family->fFileNames.count(); ++j) {
if (family->fFileNames[j]) {
// ensure the fallback font exists before adding it to the list
bool isFixedPitch;
SkString name;
SkTypeface::Style style;
if (!get_name_and_style(family->fFileNames[j], &name, &style,
&isFixedPitch, false)) {
size_t uniqueID = find_uniqueID(family->fFileNames[j]);
SkASSERT(uniqueID != 0);
SkDebugf("---- reload %s as fallback[%d] fontID %d oldFontID %d",
family->fFileNames[j], fallbackCount, uniqueID,
gFallbackFonts[fallbackCount++] = uniqueID;
break; // The fallback set contains only the first font of each family
// reset the sentinel the end of the newly ordered array
gFallbackFonts[fallbackCount] = 0;
static void load_system_fonts() {
static AndroidLocale prevLocale;
AndroidLocale locale;
if (!gDefaultNormal) {
prevLocale = locale;
} else if (strncmp(locale.language, prevLocale.language, 2) ||
strncmp(locale.region, prevLocale.region, 2)) {
prevLocale = locale;
void FamilyTypeface::onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor* desc,
bool* isLocalStream) const {
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex);
*isLocalStream = !this->isSysFont();
#if 0 // do we need this different name lookup for Deserialize?
SkTypeface* SkFontHost::Deserialize(SkStream* stream) {
if (NULL != fontFileName && 0 != *fontFileName) {
const FontInitRec* rec = gSystemFonts;
for (size_t i = 0; i < gNumSystemFonts; i++) {
if (strcmp(rec[i].fFileName, fontFileName) == 0) {
// backup until we hit the fNames
for (int j = i; j >= 0; --j) {
if (rec[j].fNames != NULL) {
return SkFontHost::CreateTypeface(NULL,
rec[j].fNames[0], style);
SkTypeface* SkFontHost::CreateTypeface(const SkTypeface* familyFace,
const char familyName[],
SkTypeface::Style style) {
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex);
// clip to legal style bits
style = (SkTypeface::Style)(style & SkTypeface::kBoldItalic);
SkTypeface* tf = NULL;
if (NULL != familyFace) {
tf = find_typeface(familyFace, style);
} else if (NULL != familyName) {
// SkDebugf("======= familyName <%s>\n", familyName);
tf = find_typeface(familyName, style);
if (NULL == tf) {
tf = find_best_face(gDefaultFamily, style);
// we ref(), since the semantic is to return a new instance
return tf;
SkTypeface* SkAndroidNextLogicalTypeface(SkFontID currFontID, SkFontID origFontID,
const SkPaintOptionsAndroid& options) {
// Skia does not support font fallback by default for ndk applications. This
// enables clients such as WebKit to customize their font selection. In any
// case clients can use GetFallbackFamilyNameForChar() to get the fallback
// font for individual characters.
if (!options.isUsingFontFallbacks()) {
return NULL;
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex);
const SkTypeface* origTypeface = find_from_uniqueID(origFontID);
const SkTypeface* currTypeface = find_from_uniqueID(currFontID);
SkASSERT(origTypeface != 0);
SkASSERT(currTypeface != 0);
// Our fallback list always stores the id of the plain in each fallback
// family, so we transform currFontID to its plain equivalent.
currFontID = find_typeface(currTypeface, SkTypeface::kNormal)->uniqueID();
/* First see if fontID is already one of our fallbacks. If so, return
its successor. If fontID is not in our list, then return the first one
in our list. Note: list is zero-terminated, and returning zero means
we have no more fonts to use for fallbacks.
const uint32_t* list = gFallbackFonts;
for (int i = 0; list[i] != 0; i++) {
if (list[i] == currFontID) {
if (list[i+1] == 0)
return NULL;
const SkTypeface* nextTypeface = find_from_uniqueID(list[i+1]);
return SkRef(find_typeface(nextTypeface, origTypeface->style()));
// If we get here, currFontID was not a fallback, so we start at the
// beginning of our list. Assuming there is at least one fallback font,
// i.e. gFallbackFonts[0] != 0.
const SkTypeface* firstTypeface = find_from_uniqueID(list[0]);
return SkRef(find_typeface(firstTypeface, origTypeface->style()));
SkTypeface* SkFontHost::CreateTypefaceFromStream(SkStream* stream) {
if (NULL == stream || stream->getLength() <= 0) {
return NULL;
bool isFixedPitch;
SkTypeface::Style style;
if (find_name_and_attributes(stream, NULL, &style, &isFixedPitch)) {
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex);
// Make sure system fonts are loaded to comply with the assumption of
// unique id offset by one in find_uniqueID.
return SkNEW_ARGS(StreamTypeface, (style, false, NULL, stream, isFixedPitch));
} else {
return NULL;
SkTypeface* SkFontHost::CreateTypefaceFromFile(const char path[]) {
SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> stream(SkStream::NewFromFile(path));
return stream.get() ? SkFontHost::CreateTypefaceFromStream(stream) : NULL;
// Function from SkTypeface_android.h
// this function can't be called if the gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex is already locked
static bool typefaceContainsChar(SkTypeface* face, SkUnichar uni) {
SkPaint paint;
uint16_t glyphID;
paint.textToGlyphs(&uni, sizeof(uni), &glyphID);
return glyphID != 0;
// this function can't be called if the gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex is already locked
static SkTypeface* findFallbackTypefaceForChar(SkUnichar uni) {
const uint32_t* list = gFallbackFonts;
for (int i = 0; list[i] != 0; i++) {
SkTypeface* face;
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex);
face = find_from_uniqueID(list[i]);
if (typefaceContainsChar(face, uni)) {
return face;
return 0;
bool SkGetFallbackFamilyNameForChar(SkUnichar uni, SkString* name) {
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex);
const SkTypeface* tf = findFallbackTypefaceForChar(uni);
if (!tf) {
return false;
SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(gFamilyHeadAndNameListMutex);
return true;
void SkUseTestFontConfigFile(const char* mainconf, const char* fallbackconf,
const char* fontsdir) {
gTestMainConfigFile = mainconf;
gTestFallbackConfigFile = fallbackconf;
gTestFontFilePrefix = fontsdir;
SkDEBUGF(("Use Test Config File Main %s, Fallback %s, Font Dir %s",
gTestMainConfigFile, gTestFallbackConfigFile, gTestFontFilePrefix));
#include "SkFontMgr.h"
SkFontMgr* SkFontMgr::Factory() {
// todo
return NULL;