RIP podofo
Review URL: git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
#include "SkPdfPodofoTokenizer.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "SkPdfStream_autogen.h"
#include "SkPdfMapper_autogen.h"
#include "podofo.h"
// maps to a null doc, if the code asks for it, we should err/crash.
SkPdfMapper gNullMapper(NULL);
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer::SkPdfPodofoTokenizer(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* parser, PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer* tokenizer)
: fMapper(parser->mapper()), fDoc(parser->podofo()), fTokenizer(tokenizer), fUncompressedStream(NULL), fUncompressedStreamLength(0), fEmpty(false), fHasPutBack(false) {}
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer::SkPdfPodofoTokenizer(const SkPdfObject* objWithStream) : fMapper(&gNullMapper), fDoc(NULL), fTokenizer(NULL), fUncompressedStream(NULL), fUncompressedStreamLength(0), fEmpty(false), fHasPutBack(false) {
fUncompressedStream = NULL;
fUncompressedStreamLength = 0;
fDoc = NULL;
SkPdfStream* stream = NULL;
if (objWithStream &&
objWithStream->doc()->mapper()->mapStream(objWithStream, &stream) &&
stream->GetFilteredCopy(&fUncompressedStream, &fUncompressedStreamLength) &&
fUncompressedStream != NULL &&
fUncompressedStreamLength != 0) {
fTokenizer = new PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer(fUncompressedStream, fUncompressedStreamLength);
fDoc = objWithStream->doc()->podofo();
} else {
fEmpty = true;
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer::SkPdfPodofoTokenizer(const char* buffer, int len) : fMapper(&gNullMapper), fDoc(NULL), fTokenizer(NULL), fUncompressedStream(NULL), fUncompressedStreamLength(0), fEmpty(false), fHasPutBack(false) {
try {
fTokenizer = new PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer(buffer, len);
} catch (PoDoFo::PdfError& e) {
fEmpty = true;
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer::~SkPdfPodofoTokenizer() {
bool SkPdfPodofoTokenizer::readTokenCore(PdfToken* token) {
PoDoFo::PdfVariant var;
PoDoFo::EPdfContentsType type;
token->fKeyword = NULL;
token->fObject = NULL;
bool ret = fTokenizer->ReadNext(type, token->fKeyword, var);
if (!ret) return ret;
switch (type) {
case PoDoFo::ePdfContentsType_Keyword:
token->fType = kKeyword_TokenType;
case PoDoFo::ePdfContentsType_Variant: {
token->fType = kObject_TokenType;
PoDoFo::PdfObject* obj = new PoDoFo::PdfObject(var);
fMapper->mapObject(obj, &token->fObject);
case PoDoFo::ePdfContentsType_ImageData:
token->fType = kImageData_TokenType;
// TODO(edisonn): inline images seem to work without it
#ifdef PDF_TRACE
std::string str;
if (token->fObject) {
printf("%s %s\n", token->fType == kKeyword_TokenType ? "Keyword" : token->fType == kObject_TokenType ? "Object" : "ImageData", token->fKeyword ? token->fKeyword : str.c_str());
return ret;
void SkPdfPodofoTokenizer::PutBack(PdfToken token) {
fHasPutBack = true;
fPutBack = token;
bool SkPdfPodofoTokenizer::readToken(PdfToken* token) {
if (fHasPutBack) {
*token = fPutBack;
fHasPutBack = false;
return true;
if (fEmpty) {
return false;
return readTokenCore(token);
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
#include "stddef.h"
class SkPdfObject;
class SkPdfMapper;
class SkPodofoParsedPDF;
namespace PoDoFo {
class PdfMemDocument;
class PdfContentsTokenizer;
enum SkPdfTokenType {
kImageData_TokenType, // TODO(edisonn): inline images seem to work without it
struct PdfToken {
const char* fKeyword;
SkPdfObject* fObject;
SkPdfTokenType fType;
PdfToken() : fKeyword(NULL), fObject(NULL) {}
class SkPdfPodofoTokenizer {
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* parser, PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer* tokenizer);
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer(const SkPdfObject* objWithStream);
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer(const char* buffer, int len);
virtual ~SkPdfPodofoTokenizer();
bool readToken(PdfToken* token);
bool readTokenCore(PdfToken* token);
void PutBack(PdfToken token);
const SkPdfMapper* fMapper;
const PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument* fDoc;
PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer* fTokenizer;
char* fUncompressedStream;
long fUncompressedStreamLength;
bool fEmpty;
bool fHasPutBack;
PdfToken fPutBack;
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
#include "SkPodofoParsedPDF.h"
#include "SkPdfPodofoTokenizer.h"
#include "SkPdfHeaders_autogen.h"
#include "SkPdfMapper_autogen.h"
#include "SkPdfBasics.h"
#include "SkPdfParser.h"
#include "podofo.h"
SkPodofoParsedPDF::SkPodofoParsedPDF(const char* path) : fDoc(new PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument(path))
, fMapper(new SkPdfMapper(this)) {}
SkPodofoParsedPDF::~SkPodofoParsedPDF() {
delete fDoc;
delete fMapper;
int SkPodofoParsedPDF::pages() const {
return fDoc->GetPageCount();
double SkPodofoParsedPDF::width(int page) const {
PoDoFo::PdfRect rect = fDoc->GetPage(page)->GetMediaBox();
return rect.GetWidth() + rect.GetLeft();
double SkPodofoParsedPDF::height(int page) const {
PoDoFo::PdfRect rect = fDoc->GetPage(page)->GetMediaBox();
return rect.GetHeight() + rect.GetBottom();
const SkPdfResourceDictionary* SkPodofoParsedPDF::pageResources(int page) const {
SkPdfPageObjectDictionary* pg = NULL;
SkPdfObject* obj = make(fDoc->GetPage(page)->GetObject());
fMapper->mapPageObjectDictionary(obj, &pg);
return pg ? pg->Resources() : NULL;
SkRect SkPodofoParsedPDF::MediaBox(int page) const {
PoDoFo::PdfRect rect = fDoc->GetPage(page)->GetMediaBox();
SkRect skrect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(SkDoubleToScalar(rect.GetLeft()),
SkDoubleToScalar(rect.GetLeft() + rect.GetWidth()),
SkDoubleToScalar(rect.GetBottom() + rect.GetHeight()));
return skrect;
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer* SkPodofoParsedPDF::tokenizerOfPage(int page) const {
PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer* t = new PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer(fDoc->GetPage(page));
return new SkPdfPodofoTokenizer(this, t);
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer* SkPodofoParsedPDF::tokenizerOfStream(const SkPdfStream* stream) const {
if (stream == NULL) {
return NULL;
char* buffer = NULL;
long len = 0;
stream->GetFilteredCopy(&buffer, &len);
return tokenizerOfBuffer(buffer, len);
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer* SkPodofoParsedPDF::tokenizerOfBuffer(char* buffer, size_t len) const {
PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer* t = new PoDoFo::PdfContentsTokenizer(buffer, len);
return new SkPdfPodofoTokenizer(this, t);
size_t SkPodofoParsedPDF::objects() const {
return fDoc->GetObjects().GetSize();
const SkPdfObject* SkPodofoParsedPDF::object(int i) const {
PoDoFo::PdfVecObjects& objects = (PoDoFo::PdfVecObjects&)fDoc->GetObjects();
return make(objects[i]);
SkPdfObject* SkPodofoParsedPDF::make(PoDoFo::PdfObject* obj) const {
return new SkPdfObject(this, obj);
const SkPdfObject* SkPodofoParsedPDF::make(const PoDoFo::PdfObject* obj) const {
return new SkPdfObject(this, obj);
const SkPdfMapper* SkPodofoParsedPDF::mapper() const {
return fMapper;
SkPdfNumber* SkPodofoParsedPDF::createNumber(double number) const {
return new SkPdfNumber(this, new PoDoFo::PdfObject(PoDoFo::PdfVariant(number)));
SkPdfInteger* SkPodofoParsedPDF::createInteger(int value) const {
return new SkPdfInteger(this, new PoDoFo::PdfObject(PoDoFo::PdfVariant((PoDoFo::pdf_int64)value)));
SkPdfString* SkPodofoParsedPDF::createString(char* sz, size_t len) const {
// TODO(edisonn): NYI
return NULL;
PdfContext* gPdfContext = NULL;
void SkPodofoParsedPDF::drawPage(int page, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
SkPdfPodofoTokenizer* tokenizer = tokenizerOfPage(page);
PdfContext pdfContext(this);
pdfContext.fOriginalMatrix = SkMatrix::I();
pdfContext.fGraphicsState.fResources = pageResources(page);
gPdfContext = &pdfContext;
// TODO(edisonn): get matrix stuff right.
// TODO(edisonn): add DPI/scale/zoom.
SkScalar z = SkIntToScalar(0);
SkRect rect = MediaBox(page);
SkScalar w = rect.width();
SkScalar h = rect.height();
SkPoint pdfSpace[4] = {SkPoint::Make(z, z), SkPoint::Make(w, z), SkPoint::Make(w, h), SkPoint::Make(z, h)};
// SkPoint skiaSpace[4] = {SkPoint::Make(z, h), SkPoint::Make(w, h), SkPoint::Make(w, z), SkPoint::Make(z, z)};
// TODO(edisonn): add flag for this app to create sourunding buffer zone
// TODO(edisonn): add flagg for no clipping.
// Use larger image to make sure we do not draw anything outside of page
// could be used in tests.
#ifdef PDF_DEBUG_3X
SkPoint skiaSpace[4] = {SkPoint::Make(w+z, h+h), SkPoint::Make(w+w, h+h), SkPoint::Make(w+w, h+z), SkPoint::Make(w+z, h+z)};
SkPoint skiaSpace[4] = {SkPoint::Make(z, h), SkPoint::Make(w, h), SkPoint::Make(w, z), SkPoint::Make(z, z)};
//SkPoint pdfSpace[2] = {SkPoint::Make(z, z), SkPoint::Make(w, h)};
//SkPoint skiaSpace[2] = {SkPoint::Make(w, z), SkPoint::Make(z, h)};
//SkPoint pdfSpace[2] = {SkPoint::Make(z, z), SkPoint::Make(z, h)};
//SkPoint skiaSpace[2] = {SkPoint::Make(z, h), SkPoint::Make(z, z)};
//SkPoint pdfSpace[3] = {SkPoint::Make(z, z), SkPoint::Make(z, h), SkPoint::Make(w, h)};
//SkPoint skiaSpace[3] = {SkPoint::Make(z, h), SkPoint::Make(z, z), SkPoint::Make(w, 0)};
SkAssertResult(pdfContext.fOriginalMatrix.setPolyToPoly(pdfSpace, skiaSpace, 4));
SkTraceMatrix(pdfContext.fOriginalMatrix, "Original matrix");
pdfContext.fGraphicsState.fMatrix = pdfContext.fOriginalMatrix;
pdfContext.fGraphicsState.fMatrixTm = pdfContext.fGraphicsState.fMatrix;
pdfContext.fGraphicsState.fMatrixTlm = pdfContext.fGraphicsState.fMatrix;
canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(z, z, w, h), SkRegion::kIntersect_Op, true);
// erase with red before?
// SkPaint paint;
// paint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
// canvas->drawRect(rect, paint);
PdfMainLooper looper(NULL, tokenizer, &pdfContext, canvas);
delete tokenizer;
// TODO(edisonn): move in trace util.
#include "SkMatrix.h"
#include "SkRect.h"
#ifdef PDF_TRACE
void SkTraceMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix, const char* sz) {
printf("SkMatrix %s ", sz);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) {
printf("%f ", SkScalarToDouble(matrix.get(i)));
void SkTraceRect(const SkRect& rect, const char* sz) {
printf("SkRect %s ", sz);
printf("x = %f ", SkScalarToDouble(rect.x()));
printf("y = %f ", SkScalarToDouble(rect.y()));
printf("w = %f ", SkScalarToDouble(rect.width()));
printf("h = %f ", SkScalarToDouble(rect.height()));
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
#include "SkRect.h"
class SkCanvas;
class SkPdfInteger;
class SkPdfMapper;
class SkPdfNumber;
class SkPdfObject;
class SkPdfResourceDictionary;
class SkPdfStream;
class SkPdfString;
class SkPdfPodofoTokenizer;
namespace PoDoFo {
class PdfMemDocument;
class PdfObject;
class SkPodofoParsedPDF {
SkPodofoParsedPDF(const char* path);
virtual ~SkPodofoParsedPDF();
virtual int pages() const;
virtual double width(int page) const;
virtual double height(int page) const;
const SkPdfResourceDictionary* pageResources(int page) const;
virtual SkRect MediaBox(int n) const;
virtual SkPdfPodofoTokenizer* tokenizerOfPage(int n) const;
virtual SkPdfPodofoTokenizer* tokenizerOfStream(const SkPdfStream* stream) const;
virtual SkPdfPodofoTokenizer* tokenizerOfBuffer(char* buffer, size_t len) const;
virtual size_t objects() const;
virtual const SkPdfObject* object(int i) const;
PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument* podofo() const {return fDoc;}
const SkPdfMapper* mapper() const;
SkPdfNumber* createNumber(double number) const;
SkPdfInteger* createInteger(int value) const;
SkPdfString* createString(char* sz, size_t len) const;
void drawPage(int page, SkCanvas* canvas) const;
SkPdfObject* make(PoDoFo::PdfObject* obj) const;
const SkPdfObject* make(const PoDoFo::PdfObject* obj) const;
PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument* fDoc;
SkPdfMapper* fMapper;
@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
#include "SkPodofoUtils.h"
#include "SkMatrix.h"
#include "SkPdfHeaders_autogen.h"
#include "SkPdfMapper_autogen.h"
#include "podofo.h"
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* resolveReferenceObject(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* obj,
bool resolveOneElementArrays) {
while (obj && (obj->IsReference() || (resolveOneElementArrays &&
obj->IsArray() &&
obj->GetArray().GetSize() == 1))) {
if (obj->IsReference()) {
// We need to force the non const, the only update we will do is for recurssion checks.
PoDoFo::PdfReference& ref = (PoDoFo::PdfReference&)obj->GetReference();
obj = pdfDoc->podofo()->GetObjects().GetObject(ref);
} else {
obj = &obj->GetArray()[0];
return obj;
// TODO(edisonn): deal with synonyms (/BPC == /BitsPerComponent), here or in GetKey?
// Always pass long form in key, and have a map of long -> short key
bool LongFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
long* data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || !value->IsNumber()) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
*data = value->GetNumber();
return true;
bool LongFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
long* data) {
if (LongFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return LongFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool DoubleFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
double* data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || (!value->IsReal() && !value->IsNumber())) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
*data = value->GetReal();
return true;
bool DoubleFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
double* data) {
if (DoubleFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return DoubleFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool BoolFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
bool* data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || !value->IsBool()) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
*data = value->GetBool();
return true;
bool BoolFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
bool* data) {
if (BoolFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return BoolFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool NameFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
std::string* data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || !value->IsName()) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
*data = value->GetName().GetName();
return true;
bool NameFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
std::string* data) {
if (NameFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return NameFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool StringFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
std::string* data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || (!value->IsString() && !value->IsHexString())) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
*data = value->GetString().GetString();
return true;
bool StringFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
std::string* data) {
if (StringFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return StringFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool SkMatrixFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
SkMatrix** matrix) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || !value->IsArray()) {
return false;
if (value->GetArray().GetSize() != 6) {
return false;
double array[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* elem = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc, &value->GetArray()[i]);
if (elem == NULL || (!elem->IsReal() && !elem->IsNumber())) {
return false;
array[i] = elem->GetReal();
*matrix = new SkMatrix();
**matrix = SkMatrixFromPdfMatrix(array);
return true;
bool SkMatrixFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkMatrix** data) {
if (SkMatrixFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return SkMatrixFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool SkRectFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
SkRect** rect) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || !value->IsArray()) {
return false;
if (value->GetArray().GetSize() != 4) {
return false;
double array[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* elem = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc, &value->GetArray()[i]);
if (elem == NULL || (!elem->IsReal() && !elem->IsNumber())) {
return false;
array[i] = elem->GetReal();
*rect = new SkRect();
**rect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(SkDoubleToScalar(array[0]),
return true;
bool SkRectFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkRect** data) {
if (SkRectFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return SkRectFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
SkPdfObject* get(const SkPdfObject* obj, const char* key, const char* abr = "") {
PoDoFo::PdfObject* podofoObj = NULL;
if (obj == NULL) return NULL;
const SkPdfDictionary* dict = obj->asDictionary();
if (dict == NULL) return NULL;
if (!dict->podofo()->IsDictionary()) return NULL;
ObjectFromDictionary(dict->doc(), dict->podofo()->GetDictionary(), key, abr, &podofoObj);
SkPdfObject* ret = NULL;
obj->doc()->mapper()->mapObject(podofoObj, &ret);
return ret;
bool ArrayFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfArray* data) {return false;}
bool FileSpecFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfFileSpec* data) {return false;}
bool StreamFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfStream** data);
bool TreeFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfTree** data) {return false;}
bool DateFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfDate* data) {return false;}
bool FunctionFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfFunction* data) {return false;}
bool ArrayFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
SkPdfArray** data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || !value->IsArray()) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
return pdfDoc->mapper()->mapArray(value, data);
bool ArrayFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfArray** data) {
if (ArrayFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return ArrayFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool DictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
SkPoDoFo::PdfDictionary** data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL || !value->IsDictionary()) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
return pdfDoc->mapper()->mapDictionary(value, data);
bool DictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPoDoFo::PdfDictionary** data) {
if (DictionaryFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return DictionaryFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool ObjectFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
PoDoFo::PdfObject** data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
*data = (PoDoFo::PdfObject*)value;
return true;
bool ObjectFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
PoDoFo::PdfObject** data) {
if (ObjectFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return ObjectFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
bool StreamFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
SkPdfStream** data) {
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* value = resolveReferenceObject(pdfDoc,
if (value == NULL) {
return false;
if (data == NULL) {
return true;
return pdfDoc->mapper()->mapStream(value, data);
bool StreamFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfStream** data) {
if (StreamFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, key, data)) return true;
if (abr == NULL || *abr == '\0') return false;
return StreamFromDictionary(pdfDoc, dict, abr, data);
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
#include <string>
#include "SkPdfNYI.h"
class SkMatrix;
class SkRect;
namespace PoDoFo {
class PdfDictionary;
class PdfObject;
class SkPodofoParsedPDF;
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* resolveReferenceObject(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfObject* obj,
bool resolveOneElementArrays = false);
bool LongFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
long* data);
bool DoubleFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
double* data);
bool BoolFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
bool* data);
bool NameFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
std::string* data);
bool StringFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
std::string* data);
class SkPoDoFo::PdfDictionary;
bool DictionaryFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPoDoFo::PdfDictionary** data);
bool skpdfmap(const SkPodofoParsedPDF& podofoDoc, const PoDoFo::PdfObject& podofoObj, PoDoFo::PdfObject** out);
bool ObjectFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
PoDoFo::PdfObject** data);
class SkPdfArray;
class SkPdfStream;
bool ArrayFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfArray** data);
bool SkMatrixFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkMatrix** data);
bool FileSpecFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfFileSpec* data);
bool StreamFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfStream** data);
bool TreeFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfTree** data);
bool DateFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfDate* data);
bool SkRectFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkRect** data);
bool FunctionFromDictionary(const SkPodofoParsedPDF* pdfDoc,
const PoDoFo::PdfDictionary& dict,
const char* key,
const char* abr,
SkPdfFunction* data);
SkMatrix SkMatrixFromPdfMatrix(double array[6]);
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