Move tessellation math into GrQuadUtils
Change-Id: I133fb0d5e154c2f01aba7ef2a7e1b87b6089a608 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Robert Phillips <> Commit-Queue: Michael Ludwig <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public:
// certain types of matrices:
enum class Type {
// The 4 points remain an axis-aligned rectangle; their logical indices may not respect
// TL, BL, TR, BR ordering if the transform was a 90 degre rotation or mirror.
// TL, BL, TR, BR ordering if the transform was a 90 degree rotation or mirror.
// The 4 points represent a rectangle subjected to a rotation, its corners are right angles.
@ -144,7 +144,13 @@ public:
const float* ws() const { return fW; }
float* ws() { return fW; }
void setQuadType(Type newType) { fType = newType; }
// Automatically sets ws to 1 if new type is not perspective.
void setQuadType(Type newType) {
if (newType != Type::kPerspective) {
fW[0] = fW[1] = fW[2] = fW[3] = 1.f;
fType = newType;
template<typename T>
friend class GrQuadListBase; // for access to fX, fY, fW
@ -15,6 +15,47 @@
using V4f = skvx::Vec<4, float>;
using M4f = skvx::Vec<4, int32_t>;
static constexpr float kTolerance = 1e-2f;
// True/false bit masks for initializing an M4f
static constexpr int32_t kTrue = ~0;
static constexpr int32_t kFalse = 0;
// These rotate the points/edge values either clockwise or counterclockwise assuming tri strip
// order.
static AI V4f next_cw(const V4f& v) {
return skvx::shuffle<2, 0, 3, 1>(v);
static AI V4f next_ccw(const V4f& v) {
return skvx::shuffle<1, 3, 0, 2>(v);
// Replaces zero-length 'bad' edge vectors with the reversed opposite edge vector.
// e3 may be null if only 2D edges need to be corrected for.
static AI void correct_bad_edges(const M4f& bad, V4f* e1, V4f* e2, V4f* e3) {
if (any(bad)) {
// Want opposite edges, L B T R -> R T B L but with flipped sign to preserve winding
*e1 = if_then_else(bad, -skvx::shuffle<3, 2, 1, 0>(*e1), *e1);
*e2 = if_then_else(bad, -skvx::shuffle<3, 2, 1, 0>(*e2), *e2);
if (e3) {
*e3 = if_then_else(bad, -skvx::shuffle<3, 2, 1, 0>(*e3), *e3);
// Replace 'bad' coordinates by rotating CCW to get the next point. c3 may be null for 2D points.
static AI void correct_bad_coords(const M4f& bad, V4f* c1, V4f* c2, V4f* c3) {
if (any(bad)) {
*c1 = if_then_else(bad, next_ccw(*c1), *c1);
*c2 = if_then_else(bad, next_ccw(*c2), *c2);
if (c3) {
*c3 = if_then_else(bad, next_ccw(*c3), *c3);
// Since the local quad may not be type kRect, this uses the opposites for each vertex when
// interpolating, and calculates new ws in addition to new xs, ys.
static void interpolate_local(float alpha, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3,
@ -343,4 +384,458 @@ bool CropToRect(const SkRect& cropRect, GrAA cropAA, GrQuadAAFlags* edgeFlags, G
return false;
// TessellationHelper implementation
TessellationHelper::QuadMetadata TessellationHelper::getMetadata(const Vertices& vertices,
GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags) {
V4f dx = next_ccw(vertices.fX) - vertices.fX;
V4f dy = next_ccw(vertices.fY) - vertices.fY;
V4f invLengths = rsqrt(mad(dx, dx, dy * dy));
V4f mask = aaFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kAll ? V4f(1.f) :
V4f{(GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft & aaFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
(GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom & aaFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
(GrQuadAAFlags::kTop & aaFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
(GrQuadAAFlags::kRight & aaFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f};
return { dx * invLengths, dy * invLengths, invLengths, mask };
TessellationHelper::Edges TessellationHelper::getEdgeEquations(const QuadMetadata& metadata,
const Vertices& vertices) {
V4f dx = metadata.fDX;
V4f dy = metadata.fDY;
// Correct for bad edges by copying adjacent edge information into the bad component
correct_bad_edges(metadata.fInvLengths >= 1.f / kTolerance, &dx, &dy, nullptr);
V4f c = mad(dx, vertices.fY, -dy * vertices.fX);
// Make sure normals point into the shape
V4f test = mad(dy, next_cw(vertices.fX), mad(-dx, next_cw(vertices.fY), c));
if (any(test < -kTolerance)) {
return {-dy, dx, -c, true};
} else {
return {dy, -dx, c, false};
bool TessellationHelper::getOptimizedOutset(const QuadMetadata& metadata,
bool rectilinear,
V4f* outset) {
if (rectilinear) {
*outset = 0.5f;
// Stay in the fast path as long as all edges are at least a pixel long (so 1/len <= 1)
return all(metadata.fInvLengths <= 1.f);
if (any(metadata.fInvLengths >= 1.f / kTolerance)) {
// Have an empty edge from a degenerate quad, so there's no hope
return false;
// The distance the point needs to move is 1/2sin(theta), where theta is the angle between the
// two edges at that point. cos(theta) is equal to dot(dxy, next_cw(dxy))
V4f cosTheta = mad(metadata.fDX, next_cw(metadata.fDX), metadata.fDY * next_cw(metadata.fDY));
// If the angle is too shallow between edges, go through the degenerate path, otherwise adding
// and subtracting very large vectors in almost opposite directions leads to float errors
if (any(abs(cosTheta) >= 0.9f)) {
return false;
*outset = 0.5f * rsqrt(1.f - cosTheta * cosTheta); // 1/2sin(theta)
// When outsetting or insetting, the current edge's AA adds to the length:
// cos(pi - theta)/2sin(theta) + cos(pi-ccw(theta))/2sin(ccw(theta))
// Moving an adjacent edge updates the length by 1/2sin(theta|ccw(theta))
V4f halfTanTheta = -cosTheta * (*outset); // cos(pi - theta) = -cos(theta)
V4f edgeAdjust = metadata.fMask * (halfTanTheta + next_ccw(halfTanTheta)) +
next_ccw(metadata.fMask) * next_ccw(*outset) +
next_cw(metadata.fMask) * (*outset);
// If either outsetting (plus edgeAdjust) or insetting (minus edgeAdjust) make edgeLen negative
// then use the slow path
V4f threshold = 0.1f - (1.f / metadata.fInvLengths);
return all(edgeAdjust > threshold) && all(edgeAdjust < -threshold);
void TessellationHelper::outsetVertices(const V4f& outset,
const QuadMetadata& metadata,
Vertices* quad) {
// The mask is rotated compared to the outsets and edge vectors, since if the edge is "on"
// both its points need to be moved along their other edge vectors.
auto maskedOutset = -outset * next_cw(metadata.fMask);
auto maskedOutsetCW = outset * metadata.fMask;
// x = x + outset * mask * next_cw(xdiff) - outset * next_cw(mask) * xdiff
quad->fX += mad(maskedOutsetCW, next_cw(metadata.fDX), maskedOutset * metadata.fDX);
quad->fY += mad(maskedOutsetCW, next_cw(metadata.fDY), maskedOutset * metadata.fDY);
if (quad->fUVRCount > 0) {
// We want to extend the texture coords by the same proportion as the positions.
maskedOutset *= metadata.fInvLengths;
maskedOutsetCW *= next_cw(metadata.fInvLengths);
V4f du = next_ccw(quad->fU) - quad->fU;
V4f dv = next_ccw(quad->fV) - quad->fV;
quad->fU += mad(maskedOutsetCW, next_cw(du), maskedOutset * du);
quad->fV += mad(maskedOutsetCW, next_cw(dv), maskedOutset * dv);
if (quad->fUVRCount == 3) {
V4f dr = next_ccw(quad->fR) - quad->fR;
quad->fR += mad(maskedOutsetCW, next_cw(dr), maskedOutset * dr);
void TessellationHelper::outsetProjectedVertices(const V4f& x2d, const V4f& y2d,
GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, Vertices* quad) {
// Left to right, in device space, for each point
V4f e1x = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fX) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fX);
V4f e1y = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fY) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fY);
V4f e1w = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fW) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fW);
correct_bad_edges(mad(e1x, e1x, e1y * e1y) < kTolerance * kTolerance, &e1x, &e1y, &e1w);
// // Top to bottom, in device space, for each point
V4f e2x = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fX) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fX);
V4f e2y = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fY) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fY);
V4f e2w = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fW) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fW);
correct_bad_edges(mad(e2x, e2x, e2y * e2y) < kTolerance * kTolerance, &e2x, &e2y, &e2w);
// Can only move along e1 and e2 to reach the new 2D point, so we have
// x2d = (x + a*e1x + b*e2x) / (w + a*e1w + b*e2w) and
// y2d = (y + a*e1y + b*e2y) / (w + a*e1w + b*e2w) for some a, b
// This can be rewritten to a*c1x + b*c2x + c3x = 0; a * c1y + b*c2y + c3y = 0, where
// the cNx and cNy coefficients are:
V4f c1x = e1w * x2d - e1x;
V4f c1y = e1w * y2d - e1y;
V4f c2x = e2w * x2d - e2x;
V4f c2y = e2w * y2d - e2y;
V4f c3x = quad->fW * x2d - quad->fX;
V4f c3y = quad->fW * y2d - quad->fY;
// Solve for a and b
V4f a, b, denom;
if (aaFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kAll) {
// When every edge is outset/inset, each corner can use both edge vectors
denom = c1x * c2y - c2x * c1y;
a = (c2x * c3y - c3x * c2y) / denom;
b = (c3x * c1y - c1x * c3y) / denom;
} else {
// Force a or b to be 0 if that edge cannot be used due to non-AA
M4f aMask = M4f{(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kRight) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kRight) ? kTrue : kFalse};
M4f bMask = M4f{(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kTop) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kTop) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom) ? kTrue : kFalse};
// When aMask[i]&bMask[i], then a[i], b[i], denom[i] match the kAll case.
// When aMask[i]&!bMask[i], then b[i] = 0, a[i] = -c3x/c1x or -c3y/c1y, using better denom
// When !aMask[i]&bMask[i], then a[i] = 0, b[i] = -c3x/c2x or -c3y/c2y, ""
// When !aMask[i]&!bMask[i], then both a[i] = 0 and b[i] = 0
M4f useC1x = abs(c1x) > abs(c1y);
M4f useC2x = abs(c2x) > abs(c2y);
denom = if_then_else(aMask,
c1x * c2y - c2x * c1y, /* A & B */
if_then_else(useC1x, c1x, c1y)), /* A & !B */
if_then_else(useC2x, c2x, c2y), /* !A & B */
V4f(1.f))); /* !A & !B */
a = if_then_else(aMask,
c2x * c3y - c3x * c2y, /* A & B */
if_then_else(useC1x, -c3x, -c3y)), /* A & !B */
V4f(0.f)) / denom; /* !A */
b = if_then_else(bMask,
c3x * c1y - c1x * c3y, /* A & B */
if_then_else(useC2x, -c3x, -c3y)), /* !A & B */
V4f(0.f)) / denom; /* !B */
V4f newW = quad->fW + a * e1w + b * e2w;
// If newW < 0, scale a and b such that the point reaches the infinity plane instead of crossing
// This breaks orthogonality of inset/outsets, but GPUs don't handle negative Ws well so this
// is far less visually disturbing (likely not noticeable since it's at extreme perspective).
// The alternative correction (multiply xyw by -1) has the disadvantage of changing how local
// coordinates would be interpolated.
static const float kMinW = 1e-6f;
if (any(newW < 0.f)) {
V4f scale = if_then_else(newW < kMinW, (kMinW - quad->fW) / (newW - quad->fW), V4f(1.f));
a *= scale;
b *= scale;
quad->fX += a * e1x + b * e2x;
quad->fY += a * e1y + b * e2y;
quad->fW += a * e1w + b * e2w;
correct_bad_coords(abs(denom) < kTolerance, &quad->fX, &quad->fY, &quad->fW);
if (quad->fUVRCount > 0) {
// Calculate R here so it can be corrected with U and V in case it's needed later
V4f e1u = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fU) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fU);
V4f e1v = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fV) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fV);
V4f e1r = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fR) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fR);
correct_bad_edges(mad(e1u, e1u, e1v * e1v) < kTolerance * kTolerance, &e1u, &e1v, &e1r);
V4f e2u = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fU) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fU);
V4f e2v = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fV) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fV);
V4f e2r = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fR) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fR);
correct_bad_edges(mad(e2u, e2u, e2v * e2v) < kTolerance * kTolerance, &e2u, &e2v, &e2r);
quad->fU += a * e1u + b * e2u;
quad->fV += a * e1v + b * e2v;
if (quad->fUVRCount == 3) {
quad->fR += a * e1r + b * e2r;
correct_bad_coords(abs(denom) < kTolerance, &quad->fU, &quad->fV, &quad->fR);
} else {
correct_bad_coords(abs(denom) < kTolerance, &quad->fU, &quad->fV, nullptr);
V4f TessellationHelper::getDegenerateCoverage(const V4f& px, const V4f& py, const Edges& edges) {
// Calculate distance of the 4 inset points (px, py) to the 4 edges
V4f d0 = mad(edges.fA[0], px, mad(edges.fB[0], py, edges.fC[0]));
V4f d1 = mad(edges.fA[1], px, mad(edges.fB[1], py, edges.fC[1]));
V4f d2 = mad(edges.fA[2], px, mad(edges.fB[2], py, edges.fC[2]));
V4f d3 = mad(edges.fA[3], px, mad(edges.fB[3], py, edges.fC[3]));
// For each point, pretend that there's a rectangle that touches e0 and e3 on the horizontal
// axis, so its width is "approximately" d0 + d3, and it touches e1 and e2 on the vertical axis
// so its height is d1 + d2. Pin each of these dimensions to [0, 1] and approximate the coverage
// at each point as clamp(d0+d3, 0, 1) x clamp(d1+d2, 0, 1). For rectilinear quads this is an
// accurate calculation of its area clipped to an aligned pixel. For arbitrary quads it is not
// mathematically accurate but qualitatively provides a stable value proportional to the size of
// the shape.
V4f w = max(0.f, min(1.f, d0 + d3));
V4f h = max(0.f, min(1.f, d1 + d2));
return w * h;
V4f TessellationHelper::computeDegenerateQuad(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, const V4f& mask,
const Edges& edges, bool outset, Vertices* quad) {
// Move the edge 1/2 pixel in or out depending on 'outset'.
V4f oc = edges.fC + mask * (outset ? 0.5f : -0.5f);
// There are 6 points that we care about to determine the final shape of the polygon, which
// are the intersections between (e0,e2), (e1,e0), (e2,e3), (e3,e1) (corresponding to the
// 4 corners), and (e1, e2), (e0, e3) (representing the intersections of opposite edges).
V4f denom = edges.fA * next_cw(edges.fB) - edges.fB * next_cw(edges.fA);
V4f px = (edges.fB * next_cw(oc) - oc * next_cw(edges.fB)) / denom;
V4f py = (oc * next_cw(edges.fA) - edges.fA * next_cw(oc)) / denom;
correct_bad_coords(abs(denom) < kTolerance, &px, &py, nullptr);
// Calculate the signed distances from these 4 corners to the other two edges that did not
// define the intersection. So p(0) is compared to e3,e1, p(1) to e3,e2 , p(2) to e0,e1, and
// p(3) to e0,e2
V4f dists1 = px * skvx::shuffle<3, 3, 0, 0>(edges.fA) +
py * skvx::shuffle<3, 3, 0, 0>(edges.fB) +
skvx::shuffle<3, 3, 0, 0>(oc);
V4f dists2 = px * skvx::shuffle<1, 2, 1, 2>(edges.fA) +
py * skvx::shuffle<1, 2, 1, 2>(edges.fB) +
skvx::shuffle<1, 2, 1, 2>(oc);
// If all the distances are >= 0, the 4 corners form a valid quadrilateral, so use them as
// the 4 points. If any point is on the wrong side of both edges, the interior has collapsed
// and we need to use a central point to represent it. If all four points are only on the
// wrong side of 1 edge, one edge has crossed over another and we use a line to represent it.
// Otherwise, use a triangle that replaces the bad points with the intersections of
// (e1, e2) or (e0, e3) as needed.
M4f d1v0 = dists1 < kTolerance;
M4f d2v0 = dists2 < kTolerance;
M4f d1And2 = d1v0 & d2v0;
M4f d1Or2 = d1v0 | d2v0;
V4f coverage;
if (!any(d1Or2)) {
// Every dists1 and dists2 >= kTolerance so it's not degenerate, use all 4 corners as-is
// and use full coverage
coverage = 1.f;
} else if (any(d1And2)) {
// A point failed against two edges, so reduce the shape to a single point, which we take as
// the center of the original quad to ensure it is contained in the intended geometry. Since
// it has collapsed, we know the shape cannot cover a pixel so update the coverage.
SkPoint center = {0.25f * (quad->fX[0] + quad->fX[1] + quad->fX[2] + quad->fX[3]),
0.25f * (quad->fY[0] + quad->fY[1] + quad->fY[2] + quad->fY[3])};
px = center.fX;
py = center.fY;
coverage = getDegenerateCoverage(px, py, edges);
} else if (all(d1Or2)) {
// Degenerates to a line. Compare p[2] and p[3] to edge 0. If they are on the wrong side,
// that means edge 0 and 3 crossed, and otherwise edge 1 and 2 crossed.
if (dists1[2] < kTolerance && dists1[3] < kTolerance) {
// Edges 0 and 3 have crossed over, so make the line from average of (p0,p2) and (p1,p3)
px = 0.5f * (skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(px) + skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(px));
py = 0.5f * (skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(py) + skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(py));
} else {
// Edges 1 and 2 have crossed over, so make the line from average of (p0,p1) and (p2,p3)
px = 0.5f * (skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(px) + skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(px));
py = 0.5f * (skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(py) + skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(py));
coverage = getDegenerateCoverage(px, py, edges);
} else {
// This turns into a triangle. Replace corners as needed with the intersections between
// (e0,e3) and (e1,e2), which must now be calculated
using V2f = skvx::Vec<2, float>;
V2f eDenom = skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(edges.fA) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(edges.fB) -
skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(edges.fB) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(edges.fA);
V2f ex = (skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(edges.fB) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(oc) -
skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(oc) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(edges.fB)) / eDenom;
V2f ey = (skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(oc) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(edges.fA) -
skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(edges.fA) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(oc)) / eDenom;
if (SkScalarAbs(eDenom[0]) > kTolerance) {
px = if_then_else(d1v0, V4f(ex[0]), px);
py = if_then_else(d1v0, V4f(ey[0]), py);
if (SkScalarAbs(eDenom[1]) > kTolerance) {
px = if_then_else(d2v0, V4f(ex[1]), px);
py = if_then_else(d2v0, V4f(ey[1]), py);
coverage = 1.f;
outsetProjectedVertices(px, py, aaFlags, quad);
return coverage;
V4f TessellationHelper::computeNestedQuadVertices(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, bool rectilinear,
Vertices* inner, Vertices* outer) {
SkASSERT(inner->fUVRCount == 0 || inner->fUVRCount == 2 || inner->fUVRCount == 3);
SkASSERT(outer->fUVRCount == inner->fUVRCount);
QuadMetadata metadata = getMetadata(*inner, aaFlags);
// When outsetting, we want the new edge to be .5px away from the old line, which means the
// corners may need to be adjusted by more than .5px if the matrix had sheer. This adjustment
// is only computed if there are no empty edges, and it may signal going through the slow path.
V4f outset = 0.5f;
if (getOptimizedOutset(metadata, rectilinear, &outset)) {
// Since it's not subpixel, outsetting and insetting are trivial vector additions.
outsetVertices(outset, metadata, outer);
outsetVertices(-outset, metadata, inner);
return 1.f;
// Only compute edge equations once since they are the same for inner and outer quads
Edges edges = getEdgeEquations(metadata, *inner);
// Calculate both outset and inset, returning the coverage reported for the inset, since the
// outset will always have 0.0f.
computeDegenerateQuad(aaFlags, metadata.fMask, edges, true, outer);
return computeDegenerateQuad(aaFlags, metadata.fMask, edges, false, inner);
V4f TessellationHelper::computeNestedPerspQuadVertices(const GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags,
Vertices* inner,
Vertices* outer) {
SkASSERT(inner->fUVRCount == 0 || inner->fUVRCount == 2 || inner->fUVRCount == 3);
SkASSERT(outer->fUVRCount == inner->fUVRCount);
// Calculate the projected 2D quad and use it to form projeccted inner/outer quads
V4f iw = 1.0f / inner->fW;
V4f x2d = inner->fX * iw;
V4f y2d = inner->fY * iw;
Vertices inner2D = { x2d, y2d, /*w*/ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0 }; // No uvr outsetting in 2D
Vertices outer2D = inner2D;
V4f coverage = computeNestedQuadVertices(aaFlags, /* rect */ false, &inner2D, &outer2D);
// Now map from the 2D inset/outset back to 3D and update the local coordinates as well
outsetProjectedVertices(inner2D.fX, inner2D.fY, aaFlags, inner);
outsetProjectedVertices(outer2D.fX, outer2D.fY, aaFlags, outer);
return coverage;
TessellationHelper::TessellationHelper(const GrQuad& deviceQuad, const GrQuad* localQuad)
: fAAFlags(GrQuadAAFlags::kNone)
, fCoverage(1.f)
, fDeviceType(deviceQuad.quadType())
, fLocalType(localQuad ? localQuad->quadType() : GrQuad::Type::kAxisAligned) {
fOriginal.fX = deviceQuad.x4f();
fOriginal.fY = deviceQuad.y4f();
fOriginal.fW = deviceQuad.w4f();
if (localQuad) {
fOriginal.fU = localQuad->x4f();
fOriginal.fV = localQuad->y4f();
fOriginal.fR = localQuad->w4f();
fOriginal.fUVRCount = fLocalType == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective ? 3 : 2;
} else {
fOriginal.fUVRCount = 0;
V4f TessellationHelper::pixelCoverage() {
// When there are no AA edges, insetting and outsetting is skipped since the original geometry
// can just be reported directly (in which case fCoverage may be stale).
return fAAFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kNone ? 1.f : fCoverage;
void TessellationHelper::inset(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, GrQuad* deviceInset, GrQuad* localInset) {
if (aaFlags != fAAFlags) {
fAAFlags = aaFlags;
if (aaFlags != GrQuadAAFlags::kNone) {
if (fAAFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kNone) {
this->setQuads(fOriginal, deviceInset, localInset);
} else {
this->setQuads(fInset, deviceInset, localInset);
void TessellationHelper::outset(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, GrQuad* deviceOutset, GrQuad* localOutset) {
if (aaFlags != fAAFlags) {
fAAFlags = aaFlags;
if (aaFlags != GrQuadAAFlags::kNone) {
if (fAAFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kNone) {
this->setQuads(fOriginal, deviceOutset, localOutset);
} else {
this->setQuads(fOutset, deviceOutset, localOutset);
void TessellationHelper::recomputeInsetAndOutset() {
// Start from the original geometry
fInset = fOriginal;
fOutset = fOriginal;
if (fDeviceType == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective) {
fCoverage = computeNestedPerspQuadVertices(fAAFlags, &fInset, &fOutset);
} else {
fCoverage = computeNestedQuadVertices(fAAFlags, fDeviceType <= GrQuad::Type::kRectilinear,
&fInset, &fOutset);
void TessellationHelper::setQuads(const Vertices& vertices,
GrQuad* deviceOut, GrQuad* localOut) const {
SkASSERT(vertices.fUVRCount == 0 || localOut);
if (fDeviceType == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective) {
deviceOut->setQuadType(fDeviceType); // This sets ws == 1 when device type != perspective
if (vertices.fUVRCount > 0) {
if (vertices.fUVRCount == 3) {
}; // namespace GrQuadUtils
@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
#ifndef GrQuadUtils_DEFINED
#define GrQuadUtils_DEFINED
#include "include/private/SkVx.h"
#include "src/gpu/geometry/GrQuad.h"
enum class GrQuadAAFlags;
enum class GrAA : bool;
enum class GrAAType : unsigned;
class GrQuad;
struct SkRect;
namespace GrQuadUtils {
@ -38,6 +40,107 @@ namespace GrQuadUtils {
bool CropToRect(const SkRect& cropRect, GrAA cropAA, GrQuadAAFlags* edgeFlags, GrQuad* quad,
GrQuad* local=nullptr);
class TessellationHelper {
// Provide nullptr if there are no local coordinates to track
TessellationHelper(const GrQuad& deviceQuad, const GrQuad* localQuad);
skvx::Vec<4, float> pixelCoverage();
void inset(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, GrQuad* deviceInset, GrQuad* localInset);
void outset(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, GrQuad* deviceOutset, GrQuad* localOutset);
using V4f = skvx::Vec<4, float>;
struct Vertices {
// X, Y, and W coordinates in device space. If not perspective, w should be set to 1.f
V4f fX, fY, fW;
// U, V, and R coordinates representing local quad.
// Ignored depending on uvrCount (0, 1, 2).
V4f fU, fV, fR;
int fUVRCount;
struct QuadMetadata {
// Normalized edge vectors of the device space quad, ordered L, B, T, R
// (i.e. nextCCW(x) - x).
V4f fDX, fDY;
// 1 / edge length of the device space quad
V4f fInvLengths;
// Edge mask (set to all 1s if aa flags is kAll), otherwise 1.f if edge was AA,
// 0.f if non-AA.
V4f fMask;
struct Edges {
// a * x + b * y + c = 0; positive distance is inside the quad; ordered LBTR.
V4f fA, fB, fC;
// Whether or not the edge normals had to be flipped to preserve positive distance on
// the inside
bool fFlipped;
// Repeated calls to inset/outset with the same mask skip calculations
GrQuadAAFlags fAAFlags;
Vertices fOriginal;
Vertices fInset;
Vertices fOutset;
skvx::Vec<4, float> fCoverage;
GrQuad::Type fDeviceType;
GrQuad::Type fLocalType;
void recomputeInsetAndOutset();
void setQuads(const Vertices& vertices, GrQuad* deviceOut, GrQuad* localOut) const;
static QuadMetadata getMetadata(const Vertices& vertices, GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags);
static Edges getEdgeEquations(const QuadMetadata& metadata, const Vertices& vertices);
// Sets 'outset' to the magnitude of outset/inset to adjust each corner of a quad given the
// edge angles and lengths. If the quad is too small, has empty edges, or too sharp of
// angles, false is returned and the degenerate slow-path should be used.
static bool getOptimizedOutset(const QuadMetadata& metadata,
bool rectilinear,
skvx::Vec<4, float>* outset);
// Ignores the quad's fW, use outsetProjectedVertices if it's known to need 3D.
static void outsetVertices(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& outset,
const QuadMetadata& metadata,
Vertices* quad);
// Updates (x,y,w) to be at (x2d,y2d) once projected. Updates (u,v,r) to match if provided.
// Gracefully handles 2D content if *w holds all 1s.
static void outsetProjectedVertices(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& x2d,
const skvx::Vec<4, float>& y2d,
GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags,
Vertices* quad);
static skvx::Vec<4, float> getDegenerateCoverage(const skvx::Vec<4, float>& px,
const skvx::Vec<4, float>& py,
const Edges& edges);
// Outsets or insets xs/ys in place. To be used when the interior is very small, edges are
// near parallel, or edges are very short/zero-length. Returns coverage for each vertex.
// Requires (dx, dy) to already be fixed for empty edges.
static skvx::Vec<4, float> computeDegenerateQuad(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags,
const skvx::Vec<4, float>& mask,
const Edges& edges,
bool outset,
Vertices* quad);
// Computes the vertices for the two nested quads used to create AA edges. The original
// single quad should be duplicated as input in 'inner' and 'outer', and the resulting quad
// frame will be stored in-place on return. Returns per-vertex coverage for the inner
// vertices.
static skvx::Vec<4, float> computeNestedQuadVertices(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags,
bool rectilinear,
Vertices* inner,
Vertices* outer);
// Generalizes computeNestedQuadVertices to extrapolate local coords such that after
// perspective division of the device coordinates, the original local coordinate value is at
// the original un-outset device position.
static skvx::Vec<4, float> computeNestedPerspQuadVertices(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags,
Vertices* inner,
Vertices* outer);
}; // namespace GrQuadUtils
@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
#include "src/gpu/ops/GrQuadPerEdgeAA.h"
#include "include/private/SkNx.h"
#include "include/private/SkVx.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrVertexWriter.h"
#include "src/gpu/SkGr.h"
#include "src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLGeometryProcessor.h"
@ -17,478 +18,22 @@
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLVertexGeoBuilder.h"
namespace {
// Helper data types since there is a lot of information that needs to be passed around to
// avoid recalculation in the different procedures for tessellating an AA quad.
using V4f = skvx::Vec<4, float>;
using M4f = skvx::Vec<4, int32_t>;
struct Vertices {
// X, Y, and W coordinates in device space. If not perspective, w should be set to 1.f
V4f fX, fY, fW;
// U, V, and R coordinates representing local quad. Ignored depending on uvrCount (0, 1, 2).
V4f fU, fV, fR;
int fUVRCount;
struct QuadMetadata {
// Normalized edge vectors of the device space quad, ordered L, B, T, R (i.e. nextCCW(x) - x).
V4f fDX, fDY;
// 1 / edge length of the device space quad
V4f fInvLengths;
// Edge mask (set to all 1s if aa flags is kAll), otherwise 1.f if edge was AA, 0.f if non-AA.
V4f fMask;
struct Edges {
// a * x + b * y + c = 0; positive distance is inside the quad; ordered LBTR.
V4f fA, fB, fC;
// Whether or not the edge normals had to be flipped to preserve positive distance on the inside
bool fFlipped;
static constexpr float kTolerance = 1e-2f;
// True/false bit masks for initializing an M4f
static constexpr int32_t kTrue = ~0;
static constexpr int32_t kFalse = 0;
static AI V4f fma(const V4f& f, const V4f& m, const V4f& a) {
return mad(f, m, a);
// These rotate the points/edge values either clockwise or counterclockwise assuming tri strip
// order.
static AI V4f nextCW(const V4f& v) {
return skvx::shuffle<2, 0, 3, 1>(v);
static AI V4f nextCCW(const V4f& v) {
return skvx::shuffle<1, 3, 0, 2>(v);
// Replaces zero-length 'bad' edge vectors with the reversed opposite edge vector.
// e3 may be null if only 2D edges need to be corrected for.
static AI void correct_bad_edges(const M4f& bad, V4f* e1, V4f* e2, V4f* e3) {
if (any(bad)) {
// Want opposite edges, L B T R -> R T B L but with flipped sign to preserve winding
*e1 = if_then_else(bad, -skvx::shuffle<3, 2, 1, 0>(*e1), *e1);
*e2 = if_then_else(bad, -skvx::shuffle<3, 2, 1, 0>(*e2), *e2);
if (e3) {
*e3 = if_then_else(bad, -skvx::shuffle<3, 2, 1, 0>(*e3), *e3);
// Replace 'bad' coordinates by rotating CCW to get the next point. c3 may be null for 2D points.
static AI void correct_bad_coords(const M4f& bad, V4f* c1, V4f* c2, V4f* c3) {
if (any(bad)) {
*c1 = if_then_else(bad, nextCCW(*c1), *c1);
*c2 = if_then_else(bad, nextCCW(*c2), *c2);
if (c3) {
*c3 = if_then_else(bad, nextCCW(*c3), *c3);
static AI QuadMetadata get_metadata(const Vertices& vertices, GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags) {
V4f dx = nextCCW(vertices.fX) - vertices.fX;
V4f dy = nextCCW(vertices.fY) - vertices.fY;
V4f invLengths = rsqrt(fma(dx, dx, dy * dy));
V4f mask = aaFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kAll ? V4f(1.f) :
V4f{(GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft & aaFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
(GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom & aaFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
(GrQuadAAFlags::kTop & aaFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f,
(GrQuadAAFlags::kRight & aaFlags) ? 1.f : 0.f};
return { dx * invLengths, dy * invLengths, invLengths, mask };
static AI Edges get_edge_equations(const QuadMetadata& metadata, const Vertices& vertices) {
V4f dx = metadata.fDX;
V4f dy = metadata.fDY;
// Correct for bad edges by copying adjacent edge information into the bad component
correct_bad_edges(metadata.fInvLengths >= 1.f / kTolerance, &dx, &dy, nullptr);
V4f c = fma(dx, vertices.fY, -dy * vertices.fX);
// Make sure normals point into the shape
V4f test = fma(dy, nextCW(vertices.fX), fma(-dx, nextCW(vertices.fY), c));
if (any(test < -kTolerance)) {
return {-dy, dx, -c, true};
} else {
return {dy, -dx, c, false};
// Sets 'outset' to the magnitude of outset/inset to adjust each corner of a quad given the
// edge angles and lengths. If the quad is too small, has empty edges, or too sharp of angles,
// false is returned and the degenerate slow-path should be used.
static bool get_optimized_outset(const QuadMetadata& metadata, bool rectilinear, V4f* outset) {
if (rectilinear) {
*outset = 0.5f;
// Stay in the fast path as long as all edges are at least a pixel long (so 1/len <= 1)
return all(metadata.fInvLengths <= 1.f);
if (any(metadata.fInvLengths >= 1.f / kTolerance)) {
// Have an empty edge from a degenerate quad, so there's no hope
return false;
// The distance the point needs to move is 1/2sin(theta), where theta is the angle between the
// two edges at that point. cos(theta) is equal to dot(dxy, nextCW(dxy))
V4f cosTheta = fma(metadata.fDX, nextCW(metadata.fDX), metadata.fDY * nextCW(metadata.fDY));
// If the angle is too shallow between edges, go through the degenerate path, otherwise adding
// and subtracting very large vectors in almost opposite directions leads to float errors
if (any(abs(cosTheta) >= 0.9f)) {
return false;
*outset = 0.5f * rsqrt(1.f - cosTheta * cosTheta); // 1/2sin(theta)
// When outsetting or insetting, the current edge's AA adds to the length:
// cos(pi - theta)/2sin(theta) + cos(pi-ccw(theta))/2sin(ccw(theta))
// Moving an adjacent edge updates the length by 1/2sin(theta|ccw(theta))
V4f halfTanTheta = -cosTheta * (*outset); // cos(pi - theta) = -cos(theta)
V4f edgeAdjust = metadata.fMask * (halfTanTheta + nextCCW(halfTanTheta)) +
nextCCW(metadata.fMask) * nextCCW(*outset) +
nextCW(metadata.fMask) * (*outset);
// If either outsetting (plus edgeAdjust) or insetting (minus edgeAdjust) make edgeLen negative
// then use the slow path
V4f threshold = 0.1f - (1.f / metadata.fInvLengths);
return all(edgeAdjust > threshold) && all(edgeAdjust < -threshold);
// Ignores the quad's fW, use outset_projected_vertices if it's known to need 3D.
static AI void outset_vertices(const V4f& outset, const QuadMetadata& metadata, Vertices* quad) {
// The mask is rotated compared to the outsets and edge vectors, since if the edge is "on"
// both its points need to be moved along their other edge vectors.
auto maskedOutset = -outset * nextCW(metadata.fMask);
auto maskedOutsetCW = outset * metadata.fMask;
// x = x + outset * mask * nextCW(xdiff) - outset * nextCW(mask) * xdiff
quad->fX += fma(maskedOutsetCW, nextCW(metadata.fDX), maskedOutset * metadata.fDX);
quad->fY += fma(maskedOutsetCW, nextCW(metadata.fDY), maskedOutset * metadata.fDY);
if (quad->fUVRCount > 0) {
// We want to extend the texture coords by the same proportion as the positions.
maskedOutset *= metadata.fInvLengths;
maskedOutsetCW *= nextCW(metadata.fInvLengths);
V4f du = nextCCW(quad->fU) - quad->fU;
V4f dv = nextCCW(quad->fV) - quad->fV;
quad->fU += fma(maskedOutsetCW, nextCW(du), maskedOutset * du);
quad->fV += fma(maskedOutsetCW, nextCW(dv), maskedOutset * dv);
if (quad->fUVRCount == 3) {
V4f dr = nextCCW(quad->fR) - quad->fR;
quad->fR += fma(maskedOutsetCW, nextCW(dr), maskedOutset * dr);
// Updates (x,y,w) to be at (x2d,y2d) once projected. Updates (u,v,r) to match if provided.
// Gracefully handles 2D content if *w holds all 1s.
static void outset_projected_vertices(const V4f& x2d, const V4f& y2d,
GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, Vertices* quad) {
// Left to right, in device space, for each point
V4f e1x = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fX) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fX);
V4f e1y = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fY) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fY);
V4f e1w = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fW) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fW);
correct_bad_edges(fma(e1x, e1x, e1y * e1y) < kTolerance * kTolerance, &e1x, &e1y, &e1w);
// // Top to bottom, in device space, for each point
V4f e2x = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fX) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fX);
V4f e2y = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fY) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fY);
V4f e2w = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fW) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fW);
correct_bad_edges(fma(e2x, e2x, e2y * e2y) < kTolerance * kTolerance, &e2x, &e2y, &e2w);
// Can only move along e1 and e2 to reach the new 2D point, so we have
// x2d = (x + a*e1x + b*e2x) / (w + a*e1w + b*e2w) and
// y2d = (y + a*e1y + b*e2y) / (w + a*e1w + b*e2w) for some a, b
// This can be rewritten to a*c1x + b*c2x + c3x = 0; a * c1y + b*c2y + c3y = 0, where
// the cNx and cNy coefficients are:
V4f c1x = e1w * x2d - e1x;
V4f c1y = e1w * y2d - e1y;
V4f c2x = e2w * x2d - e2x;
V4f c2y = e2w * y2d - e2y;
V4f c3x = quad->fW * x2d - quad->fX;
V4f c3y = quad->fW * y2d - quad->fY;
// Solve for a and b
V4f a, b, denom;
if (aaFlags == GrQuadAAFlags::kAll) {
// When every edge is outset/inset, each corner can use both edge vectors
denom = c1x * c2y - c2x * c1y;
a = (c2x * c3y - c3x * c2y) / denom;
b = (c3x * c1y - c1x * c3y) / denom;
} else {
// Force a or b to be 0 if that edge cannot be used due to non-AA
M4f aMask = M4f{(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kRight) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kRight) ? kTrue : kFalse};
M4f bMask = M4f{(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kTop) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kTop) ? kTrue : kFalse,
(aaFlags & GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom) ? kTrue : kFalse};
// When aMask[i]&bMask[i], then a[i], b[i], denom[i] match the kAll case.
// When aMask[i]&!bMask[i], then b[i] = 0, a[i] = -c3x/c1x or -c3y/c1y, using better denom
// When !aMask[i]&bMask[i], then a[i] = 0, b[i] = -c3x/c2x or -c3y/c2y, ""
// When !aMask[i]&!bMask[i], then both a[i] = 0 and b[i] = 0
M4f useC1x = abs(c1x) > abs(c1y);
M4f useC2x = abs(c2x) > abs(c2y);
denom = if_then_else(aMask,
c1x * c2y - c2x * c1y, /* A & B */
if_then_else(useC1x, c1x, c1y)), /* A & !B */
if_then_else(useC2x, c2x, c2y), /* !A & B */
V4f(1.f))); /* !A & !B */
a = if_then_else(aMask,
c2x * c3y - c3x * c2y, /* A & B */
if_then_else(useC1x, -c3x, -c3y)), /* A & !B */
V4f(0.f)) / denom; /* !A */
b = if_then_else(bMask,
c3x * c1y - c1x * c3y, /* A & B */
if_then_else(useC2x, -c3x, -c3y)), /* !A & B */
V4f(0.f)) / denom; /* !B */
V4f newW = quad->fW + a * e1w + b * e2w;
// If newW < 0, scale a and b such that the point reaches the infinity plane instead of crossing
// This breaks orthogonality of inset/outsets, but GPUs don't handle negative Ws well so this
// is far less visually disturbing (likely not noticeable since it's at extreme perspective).
// The alternative correction (multiply xyw by -1) has the disadvantage of changing how local
// coordinates would be interpolated.
static const float kMinW = 1e-6f;
if (any(newW < 0.f)) {
V4f scale = if_then_else(newW < kMinW, (kMinW - quad->fW) / (newW - quad->fW), V4f(1.f));
a *= scale;
b *= scale;
quad->fX += a * e1x + b * e2x;
quad->fY += a * e1y + b * e2y;
quad->fW += a * e1w + b * e2w;
correct_bad_coords(abs(denom) < kTolerance, &quad->fX, &quad->fY, &quad->fW);
if (quad->fUVRCount > 0) {
// Calculate R here so it can be corrected with U and V in case it's needed later
V4f e1u = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fU) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fU);
V4f e1v = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fV) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fV);
V4f e1r = skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(quad->fR) - skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(quad->fR);
correct_bad_edges(fma(e1u, e1u, e1v * e1v) < kTolerance * kTolerance, &e1u, &e1v, &e1r);
V4f e2u = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fU) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fU);
V4f e2v = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fV) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fV);
V4f e2r = skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(quad->fR) - skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(quad->fR);
correct_bad_edges(fma(e2u, e2u, e2v * e2v) < kTolerance * kTolerance, &e2u, &e2v, &e2r);
quad->fU += a * e1u + b * e2u;
quad->fV += a * e1v + b * e2v;
if (quad->fUVRCount == 3) {
quad->fR += a * e1r + b * e2r;
correct_bad_coords(abs(denom) < kTolerance, &quad->fU, &quad->fV, &quad->fR);
} else {
correct_bad_coords(abs(denom) < kTolerance, &quad->fU, &quad->fV, nullptr);
static V4f degenerate_coverage(const V4f& px, const V4f& py, const Edges& edges) {
// Calculate distance of the 4 inset points (px, py) to the 4 edges
V4f d0 = fma(edges.fA[0], px, fma(edges.fB[0], py, edges.fC[0]));
V4f d1 = fma(edges.fA[1], px, fma(edges.fB[1], py, edges.fC[1]));
V4f d2 = fma(edges.fA[2], px, fma(edges.fB[2], py, edges.fC[2]));
V4f d3 = fma(edges.fA[3], px, fma(edges.fB[3], py, edges.fC[3]));
// For each point, pretend that there's a rectangle that touches e0 and e3 on the horizontal
// axis, so its width is "approximately" d0 + d3, and it touches e1 and e2 on the vertical axis
// so its height is d1 + d2. Pin each of these dimensions to [0, 1] and approximate the coverage
// at each point as clamp(d0+d3, 0, 1) x clamp(d1+d2, 0, 1). For rectilinear quads this is an
// accurate calculation of its area clipped to an aligned pixel. For arbitrary quads it is not
// mathematically accurate but qualitatively provides a stable value proportional to the size of
// the shape.
V4f w = max(0.f, min(1.f, d0 + d3));
V4f h = max(0.f, min(1.f, d1 + d2));
return w * h;
// Outsets or insets xs/ys in place. To be used when the interior is very small, edges are near
// parallel, or edges are very short/zero-length. Returns coverage for each vertex.
// Requires (dx, dy) to already be fixed for empty edges.
static V4f compute_degenerate_quad(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, const V4f& mask, const Edges& edges,
bool outset, Vertices* quad) {
// Move the edge 1/2 pixel in or out depending on 'outset'.
V4f oc = edges.fC + mask * (outset ? 0.5f : -0.5f);
// There are 6 points that we care about to determine the final shape of the polygon, which
// are the intersections between (e0,e2), (e1,e0), (e2,e3), (e3,e1) (corresponding to the
// 4 corners), and (e1, e2), (e0, e3) (representing the intersections of opposite edges).
V4f denom = edges.fA * nextCW(edges.fB) - edges.fB * nextCW(edges.fA);
V4f px = (edges.fB * nextCW(oc) - oc * nextCW(edges.fB)) / denom;
V4f py = (oc * nextCW(edges.fA) - edges.fA * nextCW(oc)) / denom;
correct_bad_coords(abs(denom) < kTolerance, &px, &py, nullptr);
// Calculate the signed distances from these 4 corners to the other two edges that did not
// define the intersection. So p(0) is compared to e3,e1, p(1) to e3,e2 , p(2) to e0,e1, and
// p(3) to e0,e2
V4f dists1 = px * skvx::shuffle<3, 3, 0, 0>(edges.fA) +
py * skvx::shuffle<3, 3, 0, 0>(edges.fB) +
skvx::shuffle<3, 3, 0, 0>(oc);
V4f dists2 = px * skvx::shuffle<1, 2, 1, 2>(edges.fA) +
py * skvx::shuffle<1, 2, 1, 2>(edges.fB) +
skvx::shuffle<1, 2, 1, 2>(oc);
// If all the distances are >= 0, the 4 corners form a valid quadrilateral, so use them as
// the 4 points. If any point is on the wrong side of both edges, the interior has collapsed
// and we need to use a central point to represent it. If all four points are only on the
// wrong side of 1 edge, one edge has crossed over another and we use a line to represent it.
// Otherwise, use a triangle that replaces the bad points with the intersections of
// (e1, e2) or (e0, e3) as needed.
M4f d1v0 = dists1 < kTolerance;
M4f d2v0 = dists2 < kTolerance;
M4f d1And2 = d1v0 & d2v0;
M4f d1Or2 = d1v0 | d2v0;
V4f coverage;
if (!any(d1Or2)) {
// Every dists1 and dists2 >= kTolerance so it's not degenerate, use all 4 corners as-is
// and use full coverage
coverage = 1.f;
} else if (any(d1And2)) {
// A point failed against two edges, so reduce the shape to a single point, which we take as
// the center of the original quad to ensure it is contained in the intended geometry. Since
// it has collapsed, we know the shape cannot cover a pixel so update the coverage.
SkPoint center = {0.25f * (quad->fX[0] + quad->fX[1] + quad->fX[2] + quad->fX[3]),
0.25f * (quad->fY[0] + quad->fY[1] + quad->fY[2] + quad->fY[3])};
px = center.fX;
py = center.fY;
coverage = degenerate_coverage(px, py, edges);
} else if (all(d1Or2)) {
// Degenerates to a line. Compare p[2] and p[3] to edge 0. If they are on the wrong side,
// that means edge 0 and 3 crossed, and otherwise edge 1 and 2 crossed.
if (dists1[2] < kTolerance && dists1[3] < kTolerance) {
// Edges 0 and 3 have crossed over, so make the line from average of (p0,p2) and (p1,p3)
px = 0.5f * (skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(px) + skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(px));
py = 0.5f * (skvx::shuffle<0, 1, 0, 1>(py) + skvx::shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(py));
} else {
// Edges 1 and 2 have crossed over, so make the line from average of (p0,p1) and (p2,p3)
px = 0.5f * (skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(px) + skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(px));
py = 0.5f * (skvx::shuffle<0, 0, 2, 2>(py) + skvx::shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(py));
coverage = degenerate_coverage(px, py, edges);
} else {
// This turns into a triangle. Replace corners as needed with the intersections between
// (e0,e3) and (e1,e2), which must now be calculated
using V2f = skvx::Vec<2, float>;
V2f eDenom = skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(edges.fA) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(edges.fB) -
skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(edges.fB) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(edges.fA);
V2f ex = (skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(edges.fB) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(oc) -
skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(oc) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(edges.fB)) / eDenom;
V2f ey = (skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(oc) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(edges.fA) -
skvx::shuffle<0, 1>(edges.fA) * skvx::shuffle<3, 2>(oc)) / eDenom;
if (SkScalarAbs(eDenom[0]) > kTolerance) {
px = if_then_else(d1v0, V4f(ex[0]), px);
py = if_then_else(d1v0, V4f(ey[0]), py);
if (SkScalarAbs(eDenom[1]) > kTolerance) {
px = if_then_else(d2v0, V4f(ex[1]), px);
py = if_then_else(d2v0, V4f(ey[1]), py);
coverage = 1.f;
outset_projected_vertices(px, py, aaFlags, quad);
return coverage;
// Computes the vertices for the two nested quads used to create AA edges. The original single quad
// should be duplicated as input in 'inner' and 'outer', and the resulting quad frame will be
// stored in-place on return. Returns per-vertex coverage for the inner vertices.
static V4f compute_nested_quad_vertices(GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, bool rectilinear,
Vertices* inner, Vertices* outer, SkRect* domain) {
SkASSERT(inner->fUVRCount == 0 || inner->fUVRCount == 2 || inner->fUVRCount == 3);
SkASSERT(outer->fUVRCount == inner->fUVRCount);
QuadMetadata metadata = get_metadata(*inner, aaFlags);
// Calculate domain first before updating vertices. It's only used when not rectilinear.
if (!rectilinear) {
// The domain is the bounding box of the quad, outset by 0.5. Don't worry about edge masks
// since the FP only applies the domain on the exterior triangles, which are degenerate for
// non-AA edges.
domain->fLeft = min(outer->fX) - 0.5f;
domain->fRight = max(outer->fX) + 0.5f;
domain->fTop = min(outer->fY) - 0.5f;
domain->fBottom = max(outer->fY) + 0.5f;
// When outsetting, we want the new edge to be .5px away from the old line, which means the
// corners may need to be adjusted by more than .5px if the matrix had sheer. This adjustment
// is only computed if there are no empty edges, and it may signal going through the slow path.
V4f outset = 0.5f;
if (get_optimized_outset(metadata, rectilinear, &outset)) {
// Since it's not subpixel, outsetting and insetting are trivial vector additions.
outset_vertices(outset, metadata, outer);
outset_vertices(-outset, metadata, inner);
return 1.f;
// Only compute edge equations once since they are the same for inner and outer quads
Edges edges = get_edge_equations(metadata, *inner);
// Calculate both outset and inset, returning the coverage reported for the inset, since the
// outset will always have 0.0f.
compute_degenerate_quad(aaFlags, metadata.fMask, edges, true, outer);
return compute_degenerate_quad(aaFlags, metadata.fMask, edges, false, inner);
// Generalizes compute_nested_quad_vertices to extrapolate local coords such that after perspective
// division of the device coordinates, the original local coordinate value is at the original
// un-outset device position.
static V4f compute_nested_persp_quad_vertices(const GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags, Vertices* inner,
Vertices* outer, SkRect* domain) {
SkASSERT(inner->fUVRCount == 0 || inner->fUVRCount == 2 || inner->fUVRCount == 3);
SkASSERT(outer->fUVRCount == inner->fUVRCount);
// Calculate the projected 2D quad and use it to form projeccted inner/outer quads
V4f iw = 1.0f / inner->fW;
V4f x2d = inner->fX * iw;
V4f y2d = inner->fY * iw;
Vertices inner2D = { x2d, y2d, /*w*/ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0 }; // No uvr outsetting in 2D
Vertices outer2D = inner2D;
V4f coverage = compute_nested_quad_vertices(
aaFlags, /* rect */ false, &inner2D, &outer2D, domain);
// Now map from the 2D inset/outset back to 3D and update the local coordinates as well
outset_projected_vertices(inner2D.fX, inner2D.fY, aaFlags, inner);
outset_projected_vertices(outer2D.fX, outer2D.fY, aaFlags, outer);
return coverage;
// Writes four vertices in triangle strip order, including the additional data for local
// coordinates, geometry + texture domains, color, and coverage as needed to satisfy the vertex spec
static void write_quad(GrVertexWriter* vb, const GrQuadPerEdgeAA::VertexSpec& spec,
GrQuadPerEdgeAA::CoverageMode mode, const V4f& coverage, SkPMColor4f color4f,
const SkRect& geomDomain, const SkRect& texDomain, const Vertices& quad) {
GrQuadPerEdgeAA::CoverageMode mode, const skvx::Vec<4, float>& coverage,
SkPMColor4f color4f, const SkRect& geomDomain, const SkRect& texDomain,
const GrQuad& deviceQuad, const GrQuad& localQuad) {
static constexpr auto If = GrVertexWriter::If<float>;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
// save position, this is a float2 or float3 or float4 depending on the combination of
// perspective and coverage mode.
vb->write(quad.fX[i], quad.fY[i],
If(spec.deviceQuadType() == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective, quad.fW[i]),
vb->write(deviceQuad.x(i), deviceQuad.y(i),
If(spec.deviceQuadType() == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective, deviceQuad.w(i)),
If(mode == GrQuadPerEdgeAA::CoverageMode::kWithPosition, coverage[i]));
// save color
@ -501,8 +46,8 @@ static void write_quad(GrVertexWriter* vb, const GrQuadPerEdgeAA::VertexSpec& sp
// save local position
if (spec.hasLocalCoords()) {
vb->write(quad.fU[i], quad.fV[i],
If(spec.localQuadType() == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective, quad.fR[i]));
vb->write(localQuad.x(i), localQuad.y(i),
If(spec.localQuadType() == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective, localQuad.w(i)));
// save the geometry domain
@ -551,58 +96,36 @@ void* Tessellate(void* vertices, const VertexSpec& spec, const GrQuad& deviceQua
GrQuadPerEdgeAA::CoverageMode mode = spec.coverageMode();
// Load position data into V4fs (always x, y, and load w to avoid branching down the road)
Vertices outer;
outer.fX = deviceQuad.x4f();
outer.fY = deviceQuad.y4f();
outer.fW = deviceQuad.w4f(); // Guaranteed to be 1f if it's not perspective
// Load local position data into V4fs (either none, just u,v or all three)
outer.fUVRCount = spec.localDimensionality();
if (spec.hasLocalCoords()) {
outer.fU = localQuad.x4f();
outer.fV = localQuad.y4f();
outer.fR = localQuad.w4f(); // Will be ignored if the local quad type isn't perspective
GrVertexWriter vb{vertices};
if (spec.usesCoverageAA()) {
SkASSERT(mode == CoverageMode::kWithPosition || mode == CoverageMode::kWithColor);
// Must calculate two new quads, an outset and inset by .5 in projected device space, so
// duplicate the original quad for the inner space
Vertices inner = outer;
// Must calculate inner and outer quadrilaterals for the vertex coverage ramps, and possibly
// a geometry domain
SkRect geomDomain;
V4f maxCoverage = 1.f;
if (spec.deviceQuadType() == GrQuad::Type::kPerspective) {
// For perspective, send quads with all edges non-AA through the tessellation to ensure
// their corners are processed the same as adjacent quads. This approach relies on
// solving edge equations to reconstruct corners, which can create seams if an inner
// fully non-AA quad is not similarly processed.
maxCoverage = compute_nested_persp_quad_vertices(aaFlags, &inner, &outer, &geomDomain);
} else if (aaFlags != GrQuadAAFlags::kNone) {
// In 2D, the simpler corner math does not cause issues with seaming against non-AA
// inner quads.
maxCoverage = compute_nested_quad_vertices(
aaFlags, spec.deviceQuadType() <= GrQuad::Type::kRectilinear, &inner, &outer,
} else if (spec.requiresGeometryDomain()) {
// The quad itself wouldn't need a geometric domain, but the batch does, so set the
// domain to the bounds of the X/Y coords. Since it's non-AA, this won't actually be
// evaluated by the shader, but make sure not to upload uninitialized data.
geomDomain.fLeft = min(outer.fX);
geomDomain.fRight = max(outer.fX);
geomDomain.fTop = min(outer.fY);
geomDomain.fBottom = max(outer.fY);
if (spec.requiresGeometryDomain()) {
geomDomain = deviceQuad.bounds();
geomDomain.outset(0.5f, 0.5f); // account for AA expansion
// Write two quads for inner and outer, inner will use the
write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, maxCoverage, color4f, geomDomain, domain, inner);
write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, 0.f, color4f, geomDomain, domain, outer);
// TODO(michaelludwig) - Update TessellateHelper to select processing functions based on the
// vertexspec once per op, and then burn through all quads with the selected function ptr.
GrQuadUtils::TessellationHelper helper(deviceQuad,
spec.hasLocalCoords() ? &localQuad : nullptr);
// Write inner vertices first
GrQuad aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad;
helper.inset(aaFlags, &aaDeviceQuad, &aaLocalQuad);
write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, helper.pixelCoverage(), color4f, geomDomain, domain,
aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad);
// Then outer vertices, which use 0.f for their coverage
helper.outset(aaFlags, &aaDeviceQuad, &aaLocalQuad);
write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, 0.f, color4f, geomDomain, domain, aaDeviceQuad, aaLocalQuad);
} else {
// No outsetting needed, just write a single quad with full coverage
SkASSERT(mode == CoverageMode::kNone && !spec.requiresGeometryDomain());
write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, 1.f, color4f, SkRect::MakeEmpty(), domain, outer);
write_quad(&vb, spec, mode, 1.f, color4f, SkRect::MakeEmpty(), domain,
deviceQuad, localQuad);
return vb.fPtr;
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