Hoping to land these using the other GN bots as trybots.
Don't know what magic was letting us get to webp's headers yesterday on Linux. Might have been using /usr/include's ?
The other change is the difference between some setups using #define SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC and others #define SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC 1. We want either to mean "we're Mac".
GOLD_TRYBOT_URL= https://gold.skia.org/search?issue=2190713004
Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2190713004
This builds, links, and runs on Linux. Have not tried Mac.
I've tested is_debug={true,false} and is_component_build.
It's neat that the component build DM works, but it's also an indication I've missed an essential flag or two... it shouldn't work. :)
The GPU backend isn't working yet, but all the software configurations I've tried look good.
This fleshes out all the other parts of SkCodec too... I noticed we weren't able to decode gifs or webp.
GOLD_TRYBOT_URL= https://gold.skia.org/search?issue=2188643002
Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2188643002