/* * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "bench/Benchmark.h" #include "src/sksl/SkSLCompiler.h" class SkSLBench : public Benchmark { public: SkSLBench(SkSL::String name, const char* src) : fName("sksl_" + name) , fSrc(src) {} protected: const char* onGetName() override { return fName.c_str(); } bool isSuitableFor(Backend backend) override { return backend == kNonRendering_Backend; } void onDraw(int loops, SkCanvas*) override { for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = fCompiler.convertProgram( SkSL::Program::kFragment_Kind, fSrc, fSettings); if (!fCompiler.errorCount()) { fCompiler.optimize(*program); } else { printf("%s\n", fCompiler.errorText().c_str()); SK_ABORT("shader compilation failed"); } } } private: SkSL::String fName; SkSL::String fSrc; SkSL::Compiler fCompiler; SkSL::Program::Settings fSettings; typedef Benchmark INHERITED; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLBench("tiny", "void main() { sk_FragColor = half4(1); }"); ) DEF_BENCH(return new SkSLBench("huge", R"( uniform half2 uDstTextureUpperLeft_Stage1; uniform half2 uDstTextureCoordScale_Stage1; uniform sampler2D uDstTextureSampler_Stage1; noperspective in half4 vQuadEdge_Stage0; noperspective in half4 vinColor_Stage0; out half4 sk_FragColor; half luminance_Stage1(half3 color) { return dot(half3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), color); } half3 set_luminance_Stage1(half3 hueSat, half alpha, half3 lumColor) { half diff = luminance_Stage1(lumColor - hueSat); half3 outColor = hueSat + diff; half outLum = luminance_Stage1(outColor); half minComp = min(min(outColor.r, outColor.g), outColor.b); half maxComp = max(max(outColor.r, outColor.g), outColor.b); if (minComp < 0.0 && outLum != minComp) { outColor = outLum + ((outColor - half3(outLum, outLum, outLum)) * outLum) / (outLum - minComp); } if (maxComp > alpha && maxComp != outLum) { outColor = outLum +((outColor - half3(outLum, outLum, outLum)) * (alpha - outLum)) / (maxComp - outLum); } return outColor; } void main() { half4 outputColor_Stage0; half4 outputCoverage_Stage0; { // Stage 0, QuadEdge outputColor_Stage0 = vinColor_Stage0; half edgeAlpha; half2 duvdx = half2(dFdx(vQuadEdge_Stage0.xy)); half2 duvdy = half2(dFdy(vQuadEdge_Stage0.xy)); if (vQuadEdge_Stage0.z > 0.0 && vQuadEdge_Stage0.w > 0.0) { edgeAlpha = min(min(vQuadEdge_Stage0.z, vQuadEdge_Stage0.w) + 0.5, 1.0); } else { half2 gF = half2(2.0 * vQuadEdge_Stage0.x * duvdx.x - duvdx.y, 2.0 * vQuadEdge_Stage0.x * duvdy.x - duvdy.y); edgeAlpha = (vQuadEdge_Stage0.x*vQuadEdge_Stage0.x - vQuadEdge_Stage0.y); edgeAlpha = saturate(0.5 - edgeAlpha / length(gF)); } outputCoverage_Stage0 = half4(edgeAlpha); } { // Xfer Processor: Custom Xfermode if (all(lessThanEqual(outputCoverage_Stage0.rgb, half3(0)))) { discard; } // Read color from copy of the destination. half2 _dstTexCoord = (half2(sk_FragCoord.xy) - uDstTextureUpperLeft_Stage1) * uDstTextureCoordScale_Stage1; _dstTexCoord.y = 1.0 - _dstTexCoord.y; half4 _dstColor = sample(uDstTextureSampler_Stage1, _dstTexCoord); sk_FragColor.a = outputColor_Stage0.a + (1.0 - outputColor_Stage0.a) * _dstColor.a; half4 srcDstAlpha = outputColor_Stage0 * _dstColor.a; sk_FragColor.rgb = set_luminance_Stage1(_dstColor.rgb * outputColor_Stage0.a, srcDstAlpha.a, srcDstAlpha.rgb); sk_FragColor.rgb += (1.0 - outputColor_Stage0.a) * _dstColor.rgb + (1.0 - _dstColor.a) * outputColor_Stage0.rgb; sk_FragColor = outputCoverage_Stage0 * sk_FragColor + (half4(1.0) - outputCoverage_Stage0) * _dstColor; } } )"); )