SkBitmap Reference
# Bitmap
## Overview
## Overview Subtopic
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| Class or Struct | embedded struct and class members |
| Constant | enum and enum class, const values |
| Constructor | functions that construct SkBitmap |
| Member Function | static functions and member methods |
| Operator | operator overloading methods |
| Related Function | similar methods grouped together |
# Class SkBitmap
Bitmap describes a two-dimensional raster pixel array. Bitmap is built on
Image Info, containing integer width and height, Color Type and Alpha Type
describing the pixel format, and Color Space describing the range of colors.
Bitmap points to Pixel Ref, which describes the physical array of pixels.
Image Info bounds may be located anywhere fully inside Pixel Ref bounds.
Bitmap can be drawn using Canvas. Bitmap can be a drawing destination for Canvas
draw methods. Bitmap flexibility as a pixel container limits some optimizations
available to the target platform.
If pixel array is primarily read-only, use Image for better performance.
If pixel array is primarily written to, use Surface for better performance.
Declaring SkBitmap const prevents altering Image Info: the Bitmap height, width,
and so on cannot change. It does not affect Pixel Ref: a caller may write its
pixels. Declaring SkBitmap const affects Bitmap configuration, not its contents.
Bitmap is not thread safe. Each thread must have its own copy of Bitmap fields,
although threads may share the underlying pixel array.
## Row Bytes
Bitmap pixels may be contiguous, or may have a gap at the end of each row.
Row Bytes is the interval from one row to the next. Row Bytes may be specified;
sometimes passing zero will compute the Row Bytes from the row width and the
number of bytes in a pixel. Row Bytes may be larger than the row requires. This
is useful to position one or more Bitmaps within a shared pixel array.
## Related Function
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| Allocate | allocates storage for pixels |
| Draw | set pixels to Color |
| Pixels | read and write pixel values |
| Property | metrics and attributes |
| Row Bytes | interval from one row to the next |
| Set | updates values and attributes |
| Utility | rarely called management functions |
## Constant
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| AllocFlags | zero pixel memory |
## Class or Struct
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| Allocator | abstract subclass of HeapAllocator |
| HeapAllocator | allocates pixel memory from heap |
## Constructor
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| SkBitmap() | constructs with default values |
| SkBitmap(SkBitmap&& src) | takes ownership of pixels |
| SkBitmap(const SkBitmap& src) | shares ownership of pixels |
| extractAlpha | creates Bitmap containing Alpha of pixels |
| | extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst) const |
| | extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst, const SkPaint* paint, SkIPoint* offset) const |
| | extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst, const SkPaint* paint, Allocator* allocator, SkIPoint* offset) const |
| extractSubset | creates Bitmap, sharing pixels if possible |
| reset | sets to default values, releases pixel ownership |
| ~SkBitmap() | releases ownership of pixels |
## Operator
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| operator=(SkBitmap&& src) | takes ownership of pixels |
| operator=(const SkBitmap& src) | shares ownership of pixels |
## Member Function
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| ComputeIsOpaque | returns true if all pixels are opaque |
| allocN32Pixels | allocates compatible Color ARGB pixels, or aborts |
| allocPixels | allocates pixels from Image Info, or aborts |
| allocPixelsFlags | allocates pixels from Image Info with options, or aborts |
| alphaType | returns Image Info Alpha Type |
| bounds | returns width and height as Rectangle |
| bytesPerPixel | returns number of bytes in pixel based on Color Type |
| colorSpace | returns Image Info Color Space |
| colorType | returns Image Info Color Type |
| computeByteSize | returns size required for pixels |
| dimensions | returns width and height |
| drawsNothing | returns true if no width, no height, or no Pixel Ref |
| empty | returns true if Image Info has zero width or height |
| erase | writes Color to rectangle of pixels |
| eraseARGB | writes Color to pixels |
| eraseColor | writes Color to pixels |
| eraseRGB | deprecated |
| extractAlpha | creates Bitmap containing Alpha of pixels |
| extractSubset | creates Bitmap, sharing pixels if possible |
| getAddr | returns readable pixel address as void pointer |
| getAddr16 | returns readable pixel address as 16-bit pointer |
| getAddr32 | returns readable pixel address as 32-bit pointer |
| getAddr8 | returns readable pixel address as 8-bit pointer |
| getBounds | returns width and height as Rectangle |
| getColor | returns one pixel as Unpremultiplied Color |
| getGenerationID | returns unique ID |
| getPixels | returns address of pixels |
| getSubset | returns bounds offset by origin |
| hasHardwareMipMap | returns Mip_Map support present; Android only |
| height | returns pixel row count |
| info | returns Image Info |
| installPixels | creates Pixel Ref, with optional release function |
| isImmutable | returns true if pixels will not change |
| isNull | returns true if Pixel Ref is nullptr |
| isOpaque | returns true if Image Info describes opaque pixels |
| isVolatile | returns true if pixels should not be cached |
| notifyPixelsChanged | marks pixels as changed, altering the unique ID |
| peekPixels | returns Pixmap if possible |
| pixelRef | returns Pixel Ref, or nullptr |
| pixelRefOrigin | returns offset within Pixel Ref |
| pixmap | returns Pixmap |
| readPixels | copies and converts pixels |
| readyToDraw | returns true if address of pixels is not nullptr |
| refColorSpace | returns Image Info Color Space |
| reset | sets to default values, releases pixel ownership |
| rowBytes | returns interval between rows in bytes |
| rowBytesAsPixels | returns interval between rows in pixels |
| setAlphaType | sets Alpha Type of shared pixels |
| setHasHardwareMipMap | sets Mip_Map support present; Android only |
| setImmutable | marks that pixels will not change |
| setInfo | sets height, width, Color Type, and so on, releasing pixels |
| setIsVolatile | marks if pixels should not be cached |
| setPixelRef | sets Pixel Ref and offset |
| setPixels | sets Pixel Ref without an offset |
| shiftPerPixel | returns bit shift from pixels to bytes |
| swap | exchanges Bitmap pair |
| toString | converts Bitmap to machine readable form |
| tryAllocN32Pixels | allocates compatible Color ARGB pixels if possible |
| tryAllocPixels | allocates pixels from Image Info if possible |
| tryAllocPixelsFlags | allocates pixels from Image Info with options if possible |
| validate | asserts if Bitmap is invalid (debug only) |
| width | returns pixel column count |
| writePixels | copies and converts pixels |
# Class SkBitmap::Allocator
class Allocator : public SkRefCnt {
virtual bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap* bitmap) = 0;
Abstract subclass of HeapAllocator.
## allocPixelRef
virtual bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap* bitmap) = 0
Allocates the pixel memory for the bitmap, given its dimensions and
Color Type. Returns true on success, where success means either setPixels
or setPixelRef was called.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Pixel Ref was allocated
### See Also
# Class SkBitmap::HeapAllocator
class HeapAllocator : public Allocator {
bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap* bitmap) override;
Subclass of SkBitmap::Allocator that returns a Pixel Ref that allocates its pixel
memory from the heap. This is the default SkBitmap::Allocator invoked by
## allocPixelRef
bool allocPixelRef(SkBitmap* bitmap) override
Allocates the pixel memory for the bitmap, given its dimensions and
Color Type. Returns true on success, where success means either setPixels
or setPixelRef was called.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if pixels are allocated
### Example
#### Example Output
pixel address = (nil)
pixel address = 0x560ddd0ac670
### See Also
SkBitmap::Allocator tryAllocPixels[2][3][4]
## SkBitmap
Creates an empty Bitmap without pixels, with kUnknown_SkColorType,
kUnknown_SkAlphaType, and with a width and height of zero. Pixel Ref origin is
set to (0, 0). Bitmap is not volatile.
Use setInfo to associate SkColorType, SkAlphaType, width, and height
after Bitmap has been created.
### Return Value
empty Bitmap
### Example
#### Example Output
width: 0 height: 0 color: kUnknown_SkColorType alpha: kUnknown_SkAlphaType
width: 25 height: 35 color: kRGBA_8888_SkColorType alpha: kOpaque_SkAlphaType
### See Also
## SkBitmap
SkBitmap(const SkBitmap& src)
Copies settings from src to returned Bitmap. Shares pixels if src has pixels
allocated, so both bitmaps reference the same pixels.
### Parameters
### Return Value
copy of src
### Example
#### Example Output
original has pixels before copy: true
original has pixels after copy: true
copy has pixels: true
### See Also
setInfo setPixelRef setPixels swap
## SkBitmap
SkBitmap(SkBitmap&& src)
Copies settings from src to returned Bitmap. Moves ownership of src pixels to
### Parameters
### Return Value
copy of src
### Example
#### Example Output
original has pixels before move: true
original has pixels after move: false
copy has pixels: true
### See Also
setInfo setPixelRef setPixels swap
## ~SkBitmap
Decrements Pixel Ref reference count, if Pixel Ref is not nullptr.
### See Also
Pixel Ref
## operator=
SkBitmap& operator=(const SkBitmap& src)
Copies settings from src to returned Bitmap. Shares pixels if src has pixels
allocated, so both bitmaps reference the same pixels.
### Parameters
### Return Value
copy of src
### Example
#### Example Output
original has pixels before copy: true
original has pixels after copy: true
copy has pixels: true
### See Also
setInfo setPixelRef setPixels swap
## operator=
SkBitmap& operator=(SkBitmap&& src)
Copies settings from src to returned Bitmap. Moves ownership of src pixels to
### Parameters
### Return Value
copy of src
### Example
#### Example Output
original has pixels before move: true
original has pixels after move: false
copy has pixels: true
### See Also
setInfo setPixelRef setPixels swap
## swap
void swap(SkBitmap& other)
Swaps the fields of the two bitmaps.
### Parameters
### Example
#### Example Output
one width:1 height:1 colorType:kRGBA_8888_SkColorType alphaType:kOpaque_SkAlphaType
two width:2 height:2 colorType:kBGRA_8888_SkColorType alphaType:kPremul_SkAlphaType
one width:2 height:2 colorType:kBGRA_8888_SkColorType alphaType:kPremul_SkAlphaType
two width:1 height:1 colorType:kRGBA_8888_SkColorType alphaType:kOpaque_SkAlphaType
### See Also
SkBitmap(SkBitmap&& src) operator=(SkBitmap&& src)
## Property
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| alphaType | returns Image Info Alpha Type |
| bounds | returns width and height as Rectangle |
| bytesPerPixel | returns number of bytes in pixel based on Color Type |
| colorSpace | returns Image Info Color Space |
| colorType | returns Image Info Color Type |
| dimensions | returns width and height |
| drawsNothing | returns true if no width, no height, or no Pixel Ref |
| empty | returns true if Image Info has zero width or height |
| getAddr | returns readable pixel address as void pointer |
| getAddr16 | returns readable pixel address as 16-bit pointer |
| getAddr32 | returns readable pixel address as 32-bit pointer |
| getAddr8 | returns readable pixel address as 8-bit pointer |
| getBounds | returns width and height as Rectangle |
| | getBounds(SkRect* bounds) const |
| | getBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const |
| getColor | returns one pixel as Unpremultiplied Color |
| getPixels | returns address of pixels |
| getSubset | returns bounds offset by origin |
| hasHardwareMipMap | returns Mip_Map support present; Android only |
| height | returns pixel row count |
| info | returns Image Info |
| isImmutable | returns true if pixels will not change |
| isNull | returns true if Pixel Ref is nullptr |
| isOpaque | returns true if Image Info describes opaque pixels |
| isVolatile | returns true if pixels should not be cached |
| pixelRef | returns Pixel Ref, or nullptr |
| pixelRefOrigin | returns offset within Pixel Ref |
| pixmap | returns Pixmap |
| refColorSpace | returns Image Info Color Space |
| rowBytes | returns interval between rows in bytes |
| rowBytesAsPixels | returns interval between rows in pixels |
| shiftPerPixel | returns bit shift from pixels to bytes |
| width | returns pixel column count |
## pixmap
const SkPixmap& pixmap() const
Returns a constant reference to the Pixmap holding the Bitmap pixel
address, row bytes, and Image Info.
### Return Value
reference to Pixmap describing this Bitmap
### Example
#### Example Output
### See Also
peekPixels installPixels[2][3] readPixels[2][3][4] writePixels[2][3]
## info
const SkImageInfo& info() const
Returns width, height, Alpha Type, Color Type, and Color Space.
### Return Value
reference to Image Info
### Example
#### Example Output
width: 56 height: 56 color: BGRA_8888 alpha: Opaque
### See Also
Image Info
## width
int width() const
Returns pixel count in each row. Should be equal or less than:
rowBytes / info.bytesPerPixel.
Maybe be less than pixelRef.width. Will not exceed pixelRef.width less
### Return Value
pixel width in Image Info
### Example
#### Example Output
bitmap width: 16 info width: 16
### See Also
height SkPixelRef::width() SkImageInfo::width()
## height
int height() const
Returns pixel row count.
Maybe be less than pixelRef.height. Will not exceed pixelRef.height less
### Return Value
pixel height in Image Info
### Example
#### Example Output
bitmap height: 32 info height: 32
### See Also
width SkPixelRef::height() SkImageInfo::height()
## colorType
SkColorType colorType() const
Returns Color Type, one of: kUnknown_SkColorType, kAlpha_8_SkColorType,
kRGB_565_SkColorType, kARGB_4444_SkColorType, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kGray_8_SkColorType, kRGBA_F16_SkColorType.
### Return Value
Color Type in Image Info
### Example
#### Example Output
color type: kAlpha_8_SkColorType
### See Also
alphaType SkImageInfo::colorType
## alphaType
SkAlphaType alphaType() const
Returns Alpha Type, one of: kUnknown_SkAlphaType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType,
kPremul_SkAlphaType, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType.
### Return Value
Alpha Type in Image Info
### Example
#### Example Output
alpha type: kPremul_SkAlphaType
### See Also
colorType SkImageInfo::alphaType
## colorSpace
SkColorSpace* colorSpace() const
Returns Color Space, the range of colors, associated with Image Info. The
reference count of Color Space is unchanged. The returned Color Space is
### Return Value
Color Space in Image Info, or nullptr
### Example
#### Example Output
gammaCloseToSRGB: false gammaIsLinear: true isSRGB: false
### See Also
Color Space SkImageInfo::colorSpace
## refColorSpace
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> refColorSpace() const
Returns a smart pointer to Color Space, the range of colors, associated with
Image Info. The smart pointer tracks the number of objects sharing this
Color Space reference so the memory is released when the owners destruct.
The returned Color Space is immutable.
### Return Value
Color Space in Image Info wrapped in a smart pointer
### Example
#### Example Output
gammaCloseToSRGB: false gammaIsLinear: true isSRGB: false
### See Also
Color Space SkImageInfo::colorSpace
## bytesPerPixel
int bytesPerPixel() const
Returns number of bytes per pixel required by Color Type.
Returns zero if colorType( is kUnknown_SkColorType.
### Return Value
bytes in pixel
### Example
#### Example Output
color: kUnknown_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 0
color: kAlpha_8_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 1
color: kRGB_565_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 2
color: kARGB_4444_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 2
color: kRGBA_8888_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 4
color: kBGRA_8888_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 4
color: kGray_8_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 1
color: kRGBA_F16_SkColorType bytesPerPixel: 8
### See Also
rowBytes rowBytesAsPixels width shiftPerPixel
## rowBytesAsPixels
int rowBytesAsPixels() const
Returns number of pixels that fit on row. Should be greater than or equal to
### Return Value
maximum pixels per row
### Example
#### Example Output
rowBytes: 4 rowBytesAsPixels: 1
rowBytes: 5 rowBytesAsPixels: 1
rowBytes: 6 rowBytesAsPixels: 1
rowBytes: 7 rowBytesAsPixels: 1
rowBytes: 8 rowBytesAsPixels: 2
### See Also
rowBytes shiftPerPixel width bytesPerPixel
## shiftPerPixel
int shiftPerPixel() const
Returns bit shift converting row bytes to row pixels.
Returns zero for kUnknown_SkColorType.
### Return Value
one of: 0, 1, 2, 3; left shift to convert pixels to bytes
### Example
#### Example Output
color: kUnknown_SkColorType shiftPerPixel: 0
color: kAlpha_8_SkColorType shiftPerPixel: 0
color: kRGB_565_SkColorType shiftPerPixel: 1
color: kARGB_4444_SkColorType shiftPerPixel: 1
color: kRGBA_8888_SkColorType shiftPerPixel: 2
color: kBGRA_8888_SkColorType shiftPerPixel: 2
color: kGray_8_SkColorType shiftPerPixel: 0
color: kRGBA_F16_SkColorType shiftPerPixel: 3
### See Also
rowBytes rowBytesAsPixels width bytesPerPixel
## empty
bool empty() const
Returns true if either width or height are zero.
Does not check if Pixel Ref is nullptr; call drawsNothing to check width,
height, and Pixel Ref.
### Return Value
true if dimensions do not enclose area
### Example
#### Example Output
width: 0 height: 0 empty: true
width: 0 height: 2 empty: true
width: 2 height: 0 empty: true
width: 2 height: 2 empty: false
### See Also
height width drawsNothing
## isNull
bool isNull() const
Return true if Pixel Ref is nullptr.
Does not check if width or height are zero; call drawsNothing to check
width, height, and Pixel Ref.
### Return Value
true if no Pixel Ref is associated
### Example
#### Example Output
empty bitmap does not have pixels
bitmap with dimensions does not have pixels
allocated bitmap does have pixels
### See Also
empty drawsNothing pixelRef
## drawsNothing
bool drawsNothing() const
Return true if width or height are zero, or if Pixel Ref is nullptr.
If true, Bitmap has no effect when drawn or drawn into.
### Return Value
true if drawing has no effect
### Example
#### Example Output
empty:true isNull:true drawsNothing:true
empty:true isNull:false drawsNothing:true
empty:false isNull:true drawsNothing:true
empty:false isNull:false drawsNothing:false
### See Also
empty isNull pixelRef
## rowBytes
size_t rowBytes() const
Returns row bytes, the interval from one pixel row to the next. Row bytes
is at least as large aswidth * info.bytesPerPixel.
Returns zero if colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType, or if row bytes supplied to
setInfo is not large enough to hold a row of pixels.
### Return Value
byte length of pixel row
### Example
#### Example Output
setInfo returned:false rowBytes:0
setInfo returned:true rowBytes:8
### See Also
info setInfo SkImageInfo::minRowBytes
## setAlphaType
bool setAlphaType(SkAlphaType alphaType)
Sets Alpha Type, if alphaType is compatible with Color Type.
Returns true unless alphaType is kUnknown_SkAlphaType and current Alpha Type
is not kUnknown_SkAlphaType.
Returns true if Color Type is kUnknown_SkColorType. alphaType is ignored, and
Alpha Type remains kUnknown_SkAlphaType.
Returns true if Color Type is kRGB_565_SkColorType or kGray_8_SkColorType.
alphaType is ignored, and Alpha Type remains kOpaque_SkAlphaType.
If Color Type is kARGB_4444_SkColorType, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, or kRGBA_F16_SkColorType: returns true unless
alphaType is kUnknown_SkAlphaType and Alpha Type is not kUnknown_SkAlphaType.
If Alpha Type is kUnknown_SkAlphaType, alphaType is ignored.
If Color Type is kAlpha_8_SkColorType, returns true unless
alphaType is kUnknown_SkAlphaType and Alpha Type is not kUnknown_SkAlphaType.
If Alpha Type is kUnknown_SkAlphaType, alphaType is ignored. If alphaType is
kUnpremul_SkAlphaType, it is treated as kPremul_SkAlphaType.
This changes Alpha Type in Pixel Ref; all bitmaps sharing Pixel Ref
are affected.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Alpha Type is set
### Example
### See Also
Alpha Type Color Type Image Info setInfo
## getPixels
void* getPixels() const
Returns pixel address, the base address corresponding to the pixel origin.
### Return Value
pixel address
### Example
#### Example Output
bitmap.getColor(0, 1) == 0x00000000
bitmap.getColor(0, 0) == 0xFFFFFFFF
### See Also
isNull drawsNothing
## computeByteSize
size_t computeByteSize() const
Returns minimum memory required for pixel storage.
Does not include unused memory on last row when rowBytesAsPixels exceeds width.
Returns zero if result does not fit in size_t.
Returns zero if height or width is 0.
Returns height times rowBytes if colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType.
### Return Value
size in bytes of image buffer
### Example
#### Example Output
width: 1 height: 1 computeByteSize: 4
width: 1 height: 1000 computeByteSize: 4999
width: 1 height: 1000000 computeByteSize: 4999999
width: 1000 height: 1 computeByteSize: 4000
width: 1000 height: 1000 computeByteSize: 4999000
width: 1000 height: 1000000 computeByteSize: 4999999000
width: 1000000 height: 1 computeByteSize: 4000000
width: 1000000 height: 1000 computeByteSize: 4999000000
width: 1000000 height: 1000000 computeByteSize: 4999999000000
### See Also
## isImmutable
bool isImmutable() const
Returns true if pixels can not change.
Most immutable Bitmap checks trigger an assert only on debug builds.
### Return Value
true if pixels are immutable
### Example
#### Example Output
original is immutable
copy is immutable
### See Also
setImmutable SkPixelRef::isImmutable SkImage
## setImmutable
void setImmutable()
Sets internal flag to mark Bitmap as immutable. Once set, pixels can not change.
Any other bitmap sharing the same Pixel Ref are also marked as immutable.
Once Pixel Ref is marked immutable, the setting cannot be cleared.
Writing to immutable Bitmap pixels triggers an assert on debug builds.
### Example
Triggers assert if SK_DEBUG is true, runs fine otherwise.
### See Also
isImmutable SkPixelRef::setImmutable SkImage
## isOpaque
bool isOpaque() const
Returns true if Alpha Type is kOpaque_SkAlphaType.
Does not check if Color Type allows Alpha, or if any pixel value has
### Return Value
true if Image Info describes opaque Alpha
### Example
isOpaque ignores whether all pixels are opaque or not.
#### Example Output
isOpaque: false
isOpaque: false
isOpaque: true
isOpaque: true
### See Also
ComputeIsOpaque SkImageInfo::isOpaque
## isVolatile
bool isVolatile() const
If true, provides a hint to caller that pixels should not
be cached. Only true if setIsVolatile has been called to mark as volatile.
Volatile state is not shared by other bitmaps sharing the same Pixel Ref.
### Return Value
true if marked volatile
### Example
#### Example Output
original is volatile
copy is not volatile
### See Also
## setIsVolatile
void setIsVolatile(bool isVolatile)
Sets if pixels should be read from Pixel Ref on every access. Bitmaps are not
volatile by default; a GPU back end may upload pixel values expecting them to be
accessed repeatedly. Marking temporary Bitmaps as volatile provides a hint to
Device that the Bitmap pixels should not be cached. This can
improve performance by avoiding overhead and reducing resource
consumption on Device.
### Parameters
### Example
### See Also
## reset
void reset()
Resets to its initial state; all fields are set to zero, as if Bitmap had
been initialized by SkBitmap().
Sets width, height, row bytes to zero; pixel address to nullptr; SkColorType to
kUnknown_SkColorType; and SkAlphaType to kUnknown_SkAlphaType.
If Pixel Ref is allocated, its reference count is decreased by one, releasing
its memory if Bitmap is the sole owner.
### Example
#### Example Output
width:1 height:1 isNull:false
width:0 height:0 isNull:true
### See Also
SkBitmap() SkAlphaType SkColorType
## ComputeIsOpaque
static bool ComputeIsOpaque(const SkBitmap& bm)
Returns true if all pixels are opaque. Color Type determines how pixels
are encoded, and whether pixel describes Alpha. Returns true for Color Types
without alpha in each pixel; for other Color Types, returns true if all
pixels have alpha values equivalent to 1.0 or greater.
For Color Types kRGB_565_SkColorType or kGray_8_SkColorType: always
returns true. For Color Types kAlpha_8_SkColorType, kBGRA_8888_SkColorType,
kRGBA_8888_SkColorType: returns true if all pixel Alpha values are 255.
For Color Type kARGB_4444_SkColorType: returns true if all pixel Alpha values are 15.
For kRGBA_F16_SkColorType: returns true if all pixel Alpha values are 1.0 or
Returns false for kUnknown_SkColorType.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if all pixels have opaque values or Color Type is opaque
### Example
#### Example Output
computeIsOpaque: false
computeIsOpaque: true
computeIsOpaque: false
computeIsOpaque: true
### See Also
isOpaque Color Type Alpha
## getBounds
void getBounds(SkRect* bounds) const
Returns Rect { 0, 0, width, height }.
### Parameters
bounds |
container for floating point rectangle |
### Example
### See Also
void getBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const
Returns IRect { 0, 0, width, height }.
### Parameters
bounds |
container for integral rectangle |
### Example
### See Also
## bounds
SkIRect bounds() const
Returns IRect { 0, 0, width, height }.
### Return Value
integral rectangle from origin to width and height
### Example
### See Also
## dimensions
SkISize dimensions() const
Returns ISize { width, height }.
### Return Value
integral size of width and height
### Example
### See Also
height width
## getSubset
SkIRect getSubset() const
Returns the bounds of this bitmap, offset by its Pixel Ref origin.
### Return Value
bounds within Pixel Ref bounds
### Example
#### Example Output
source: 0, 0, 512, 512
subset: 100, 100, 412, 412
### See Also
extractSubset getBounds[2]
## setInfo
bool setInfo(const SkImageInfo& imageInfo, size_t rowBytes = 0)
Sets width, height, Alpha Type, Color Type, Color Space, and optional
rowBytes. Frees pixels, and returns true if successful.
imageInfo.alphaType may be altered to a value permitted by imageInfo.colorSpace.
If imageInfo.colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType, imageInfo.alphaType is
set to kUnknown_SkAlphaType.
If imageInfo.colorType is kAlpha_8_SkColorType and imageInfo.alphaType is
kUnpremul_SkAlphaType, imageInfo.alphaType is replaced by kPremul_SkAlphaType.
If imageInfo.colorType is kRGB_565_SkColorType or kGray_8_SkColorType,
imageInfo.alphaType is set to kOpaque_SkAlphaType.
If imageInfo.colorType is kARGB_4444_SkColorType, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, or kRGBA_F16_SkColorType: imageInfo.alphaType remains
rowBytes must equal or exceed imageInfo.minRowBytes. If imageInfo.colorSpace is
kUnknown_SkColorType, rowBytes is ignored and treated as zero; for all other
Color Space values, rowBytes of zero is treated as imageInfo.minRowBytes.
Calls reset and returns false if:
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Image Info set successfully
### Example
### See Also
Alpha Type Color Type Color Space height rowBytes width
## Enum SkBitmap::AllocFlags
enum AllocFlags {
kZeroPixels AllocFlag = 1 << 0,
AllocFlags provides the option to zero pixel memory when allocated.
### Constants
### See Also
tryAllocPixelsFlags allocPixelsFlags erase eraseColor
## Allocate
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| allocN32Pixels | allocates compatible Color ARGB pixels, or aborts |
| allocPixels | allocates pixels from Image Info, or aborts |
| | allocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, size t rowBytes) |
| | allocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info) |
| | allocPixels |
| | allocPixels(Allocator* allocator) |
| allocPixelsFlags | allocates pixels from Image Info with options, or aborts |
| installPixels | creates Pixel Ref, with optional release function |
| | installPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size t rowBytes, void (*releaseProc) (void* addr, void* context) , void* context) |
| | installPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size t rowBytes) |
| | installPixels(const SkPixmap& pixmap) |
| tryAllocN32Pixels | allocates compatible Color ARGB pixels if possible |
| tryAllocPixels | allocates pixels from Image Info if possible |
| | tryAllocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, size t rowBytes) |
| | tryAllocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info) |
| | tryAllocPixels |
| | tryAllocPixels(Allocator* allocator) |
| tryAllocPixelsFlags | allocates pixels from Image Info with options if possible |
## tryAllocPixelsFlags
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixelsFlags(const SkImageInfo& info, uint32_t flags)
Sets Image Info to info following the rules in setInfo and allocates pixel
memory. If flags is kZeroPixels AllocFlag, memory is zeroed.
Returns false and calls reset if Image Info could not be set, or memory could
not be allocated, or memory could not optionally be zeroed.
On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is
not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place
until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform
implementation of malloc(), if flags is zero, and calloc(), if flags is
kZeroPixels AllocFlag.
Passing kZeroPixels AllocFlag is usually faster than separately calling
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if pixels allocation is successful
### Example
#### Example Output
bitmap allocation succeeded!
### See Also
allocPixelsFlags tryAllocPixels[2][3][4] SkMallocPixelRef::MakeZeroed
## allocPixelsFlags
void allocPixelsFlags(const SkImageInfo& info, uint32_t flags)
Sets Image Info to info following the rules in setInfo and allocates pixel
memory. If flags is kZeroPixels AllocFlag, memory is zeroed.
Aborts execution if Image Info could not be set, or memory could
not be allocated, or memory could not optionally
be zeroed. Abort steps may be provided by the user at compile time by defining
On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is
not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place
until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform
implementation of malloc(), if flags is zero, and calloc(), if flags is
kZeroPixels AllocFlag.
Passing kZeroPixels AllocFlag is usually faster than separately calling
### Parameters
### Example
Text is drawn on a transparent background; drawing the bitmap a second time
lets the first draw show through.
### See Also
tryAllocPixelsFlags allocPixels[2][3][4] SkMallocPixelRef::MakeZeroed
## tryAllocPixels
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes)
Sets Image Info to info following the rules in setInfo and allocates pixel
memory. rowBytes must equal or exceed info.width times info.bytesPerPixel,
or equal zero. Pass in zero for rowBytes to compute the minimum valid value.
Returns false and calls reset if Image Info could not be set, or memory could
not be allocated.
On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is
not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place
until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform
implementation of malloc().
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if pixel storage is allocated
### Example
### See Also
tryAllocPixelsFlags allocPixels[2][3][4] SkMallocPixelRef::MakeAllocate
## allocPixels
void allocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes)
Sets Image Info to info following the rules in setInfo and allocates pixel
memory. rowBytes must equal or exceed info.width times info.bytesPerPixel,
or equal zero. Pass in zero for rowBytes to compute the minimum valid value.
Aborts execution if Image Info could not be set, or memory could
not be allocated. Abort steps may be provided by
the user at compile time by defining SK_ABORT.
On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is
not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place
until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform
implementation of malloc().
### Parameters
### Example
### See Also
tryAllocPixels[2][3][4] allocPixelsFlags SkMallocPixelRef::MakeAllocate
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info)
Sets Image Info to info following the rules in setInfo and allocates pixel
Returns false and calls reset if Image Info could not be set, or memory could
not be allocated.
On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is
not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place
until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform
implementation of malloc().
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if pixel storage is allocated
### Example
### See Also
tryAllocPixelsFlags allocPixels[2][3][4] SkMallocPixelRef::MakeAllocate
void allocPixels(const SkImageInfo& info)
Sets Image Info to info following the rules in setInfo and allocates pixel
Aborts execution if Image Info could not be set, or memory could
not be allocated. Abort steps may be provided by
the user at compile time by defining SK_ABORT.
On most platforms, allocating pixel memory may succeed even though there is
not sufficient memory to hold pixels; allocation does not take place
until the pixels are written to. The actual behavior depends on the platform
implementation of malloc().
### Parameters
### Example
### See Also
tryAllocPixels[2][3][4] allocPixelsFlags SkMallocPixelRef::MakeAllocate
## tryAllocN32Pixels
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocN32Pixels(int width, int height, bool isOpaque = false)
Sets Image Info to width, height, and Native Color Type; and allocates
pixel memory. If isOpaque is true, sets Image Info to kOpaque_SkAlphaType;
otherwise, sets to kPremul_SkAlphaType.
Calls reset and returns false if width exceeds 29 bits or is negative,
or height is negative.
Returns false if allocation fails.
Use to create Bitmap that matches SkPMColor, the native pixel arrangement on
the platform. Bitmap drawn to output device skips converting its pixel format.
### Parameters
width |
pixel column count; must be zero or greater |
height |
pixel row count; must be zero or greater |
isOpaque |
true if pixels do not have transparency |
### Return Value
true if pixel storage is allocated
### Example
### See Also
tryAllocPixels[2][3][4] allocN32Pixels SkMallocPixelRef::MakeAllocate
## allocN32Pixels
void allocN32Pixels(int width, int height, bool isOpaque = false)
Sets Image Info to width, height, and the Native Color Type; and allocates
pixel memory. If isOpaque is true, sets Image Info to kPremul_SkAlphaType;
otherwise, sets to kOpaque_SkAlphaType.
Aborts if width exceeds 29 bits or is negative, or height is negative, or
allocation fails. Abort steps may be provided by the user at compile time by
defining SK_ABORT.
Use to create Bitmap that matches SkPMColor, the native pixel arrangement on
the platform. Bitmap drawn to output device skips converting its pixel format.
### Parameters
width |
pixel column count; must be zero or greater |
height |
pixel row count; must be zero or greater |
isOpaque |
true if pixels do not have transparency |
### Example
### See Also
allocPixels[2][3][4] tryAllocN32Pixels SkMallocPixelRef::MakeAllocate
## installPixels
bool installPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes, void (*releaseProc)
(void* addr, void* context) , void* context)
Sets Image Info to info following the rules in setInfo, and creates Pixel Ref
containing pixels and rowBytes. releaseProc, if not nullptr, is called
immediately on failure or when pixels are no longer referenced. context may be
If Image Info could not be set, or rowBytes is less than info.minRowBytes:
calls releaseProc if present, calls reset, and returns false.
Otherwise, if pixels equals nullptr: sets Image Info, calls releaseProc if
present, returns true.
If Image Info is set, pixels is not nullptr, and releaseProc is not nullptr:
when pixels are no longer referenced, calls releaseProc with pixels and context
as parameters.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Image Info is set to info
### Example
#### Example Output
before installPixels
releaseProc called
install not successful
### See Also
bool installPixels(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes)
Sets Image Info to info following the rules in setInfo, and creates Pixel Ref
containing pixels and rowBytes.
If Image Info could not be set, or rowBytes is less than info.minRowBytes:
calls reset, and returns false.
Otherwise, if pixels equals nullptr: sets Image Info, returns true.
Caller must ensure that pixels are valid for the lifetime of Bitmap and Pixel Ref.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Image Info is set to info
### Example
### See Also
bool installPixels(const SkPixmap& pixmap)
Sets Image Info to following the rules in setInfo, and creates
Pixel Ref containing pixmap.addr() and pixmap.rowBytes.
If Image Info could not be set, or pixmap.rowBytes is less than
SkImageInfo::minRowBytes: calls reset, and returns false.
Otherwise, if pixmap.addr() equals nullptr: sets Image Info, returns true.
Caller must ensure that pixmap is valid for the lifetime of Bitmap and Pixel Ref.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Image Info was set to
### Example
Draw a five by five bitmap, and draw it again with a center white pixel.
### See Also
## installMaskPixels
bool installMaskPixels(const SkMask& mask)
## Pixels
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| notifyPixelsChanged | marks pixels as changed, altering the unique ID |
| peekPixels | returns Pixmap if possible |
| readPixels | copies and converts pixels |
| | readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY, SkTransferFunctionBehavior behavior) const |
| | readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY) const |
| | readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst, int srcX, int srcY) const |
| | readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst) const |
| setPixels | sets Pixel Ref without an offset |
| writePixels | copies and converts pixels |
| | writePixels(const SkPixmap& src, int dstX, int dstY) |
| | writePixels(const SkPixmap& src) |
| | writePixels(const SkPixmap& src, int x, int y, SkTransferFunctionBehavior behavior) |
## setPixels
void setPixels(void* pixels)
Replaces Pixel Ref with pixels, preserving Image Info and rowBytes.
Sets Pixel Ref origin to (0, 0).
If pixels is nullptr, or if info.colorType equals kUnknown_SkColorType;
release reference to Pixel Ref, and set Pixel Ref to nullptr.
Caller is responsible for handling ownership pixel memory for the lifetime
of Bitmap and Pixel Ref.
### Parameters
pixels |
address of pixel storage, managed by caller |
### Example
### See Also
installPixels[2][3] allocPixels[2][3][4]
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels()
Allocates pixel memory with HeapAllocator, and replaces existing Pixel Ref.
The allocation size is determined by Image Info width, height, and Color Type.
Returns false if info.colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType, or allocation fails.
### Return Value
true if the allocation succeeds
### Example
### See Also
allocPixels[2][3][4] installPixels[2][3] setPixels
void allocPixels()
Allocates pixel memory with HeapAllocator, and replaces existing Pixel Ref.
The allocation size is determined by Image Info width, height, and Color Type.
Aborts if info.colorType is kUnknown_SkColorType, or allocation fails.
Abort steps may be provided by the user at compile
time by defining SK_ABORT.
### Example
### See Also
tryAllocPixels[2][3][4] installPixels[2][3] setPixels
bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT tryAllocPixels(Allocator* allocator)
Allocates pixel memory with allocator, and replaces existing Pixel Ref.
The allocation size is determined by Image Info width, height, and Color Type.
If allocator is nullptr, use HeapAllocator instead.
Returns false if Allocator::allocPixelRef return false.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if custom allocator reports success
### Example
HeapAllocator limits the maximum size of
Bitmap to two gigabytes. Using
a custom
allocator, this limitation may be relaxed. This example can be
modified to allocate an eight gigabyte
Bitmap on a 64 bit platform with
sufficient memory.
### See Also
allocPixels[2][3][4] Allocator Pixel Ref
void allocPixels(Allocator* allocator)
Allocates pixel memory with allocator, and replaces existing Pixel Ref.
The allocation size is determined by Image Info width, height, and Color Type.
If allocator is nullptr, use HeapAllocator instead.
Aborts if Allocator::allocPixelRef return false. Abort steps may be provided by
the user at compile time by defining SK_ABORT.
### Parameters
### Example
### See Also
allocPixels[2][3][4] Allocator Pixel Ref
## pixelRef
SkPixelRef* pixelRef() const
Returns Pixel Ref, which contains: pixel base address; its dimensions; and
rowBytes, the interval from one row to the next. Does not change Pixel Ref
reference count. Pixel Ref may be shared by multiple bitmaps.
If Pixel Ref has not been set, returns nullptr.
### Return Value
Pixel Ref, or nullptr
### Example
### See Also
getPixels getAddr
## pixelRefOrigin
SkIPoint pixelRefOrigin() const
Returns origin of pixels within Pixel Ref. Bitmap bounds is always contained
by Pixel Ref bounds, which may be the same size or larger. Multiple Bitmaps
can share the same Pixel Ref, where each Bitmap has different bounds.
The returned origin added to Bitmap dimensions equals or is smaller than the
Pixel Ref dimensions.
Returns (0, 0) if Pixel Ref is nullptr.
### Return Value
pixel origin within Pixel Ref
### Example
#### Example Output
source origin: 0, 0
subset origin: 32, 64
### See Also
SkPixelRef getSubset setPixelRef
## Set
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| setAlphaType | sets Alpha Type of shared pixels |
| setHasHardwareMipMap | sets Mip_Map support present; Android only |
| setImmutable | marks that pixels will not change |
| setInfo | sets height, width, Color Type, and so on, releasing pixels |
| setIsVolatile | marks if pixels should not be cached |
| setPixelRef | sets Pixel Ref and offset |
## setPixelRef
void setPixelRef(sk_sp<SkPixelRef> pixelRef, int dx, int dy)
Replaces pixelRef and origin in Bitmap. dx and dy specify the offset
within the Pixel Ref pixels for the top-left corner of the bitmap.
Asserts in debug builds if dx or dy are out of range. Pins dx and dy
to legal range in release builds.
The caller is responsible for ensuring that the pixels match the
Color Type and Alpha Type in Image Info.
### Parameters
### Example
Treating 32 bit data as 8 bit data is unlikely to produce useful results.
### See Also
## readyToDraw
bool readyToDraw() const
Returns true if Bitmap is can be drawn.
### Return Value
true if getPixels is not nullptr
### Example
### See Also
getPixels drawsNothing
## getGenerationID
uint32_t getGenerationID() const
Returns a unique value corresponding to the pixels in Pixel Ref.
Returns a different value after notifyPixelsChanged has been called.
Returns zero if Pixel Ref is nullptr.
Determines if pixels have changed since last examined.
### Return Value
unique value for pixels in Pixel Ref
### Example
#### Example Output
empty id 0
alloc id 4
erase id 6
### See Also
notifyPixelsChanged Pixel Ref
## notifyPixelsChanged
void notifyPixelsChanged() const
Marks that pixels in Pixel Ref have changed. Subsequent calls to
getGenerationID return a different value.
### Example
### See Also
getGenerationID isVolatile Pixel Ref
## Draw
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| erase | writes Color to rectangle of pixels |
| eraseARGB | writes Color to pixels |
| eraseColor | writes Color to pixels |
| eraseRGB | deprecated |
## eraseColor
void eraseColor(SkColor c) const
Replaces pixel values with c. All pixels contained by bounds are affected.
If the colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType or k565_SkColorType, then Color Alpha
is ignored; Color RGB is treated as opaque. If colorType is kAlpha_8_SkColorType,
then Color RGB is ignored.
### Parameters
### Example
### See Also
eraseARGB erase
## eraseARGB
void eraseARGB(U8CPU a, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b) const
Replaces pixel values with Unpremultiplied Color built from a, r, g, and b.
All pixels contained by bounds are affected.
If the colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType or k565_SkColorType, then a
is ignored; r, g, and b are treated as opaque. If colorType is kAlpha_8_SkColorType,
then r, g, and b are ignored.
### Parameters
### Example
### See Also
eraseColor erase
## eraseRGB
void eraseRGB(U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b) const
Deprecated. Use eraseARGB or eraseColor.
### Parameters
r |
amount of red |
g |
amount of green |
b |
amount of blue |
### See Also
eraseColor eraseARGB erase
## erase
void erase(SkColor c, const SkIRect& area) const
Replaces pixel values inside area with c. If area does not intersect bounds,
call has no effect.
If the colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType or k565_SkColorType, then Color Alpha
is ignored; Color RGB is treated as opaque. If colorType is kAlpha_8_SkColorType,
then Color RGB is ignored.
### Parameters
### Example
### See Also
eraseColor eraseARGB eraseRGB SkCanvas::drawRect
## eraseArea
void eraseArea(const SkIRect& area, SkColor c) const
## getColor
SkColor getColor(int x, int y) const
Returns pixel at (x, y) as Unpremultiplied Color.
Returns black with Alpha if Color Type is kAlpha_8_SkColorType.
Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y trigger an assert() if
built with SK_DEBUG defined; and returns undefined values or may crash if
SK_RELEASE is defined. Fails if Color Type is kUnknown_SkColorType or
pixel address is nullptr.
Color Space in Image Info is ignored. Some Color precision may be lost in the
conversion to Unpremultiplied Color; original pixel data may have additional
### Parameters
x |
column index, zero or greater, and less than width |
y |
row index, zero or greater, and less than height |
### Return Value
pixel converted to Unpremultiplied Color
### Example
#### Example Output
(0, 0) 0x00000000 0x2a0e002a 0x55380055 0x7f7f007f
(0, 1) 0x2a000e2a 0x551c1c55 0x7f542a7f 0xaaaa38aa
(0, 2) 0x55003855 0x7f2a547f 0xaa7171aa 0xd4d48dd4
(0, 3) 0x7f007f7f 0xaa38aaaa 0xd48dd4d4 0xffffffff
(0, 0) 0x00000000 0x2a5500ff 0x55a800ff 0x7fff00ff
(0, 1) 0x2a0055ff 0x555454ff 0x7fa954ff 0xaaff54ff
(0, 2) 0x5500a8ff 0x7f54a9ff 0xaaaaaaff 0xd4ffaaff
(0, 3) 0x7f00ffff 0xaa54ffff 0xd4aaffff 0xffffffff
### See Also
getAddr readPixels[2][3][4]
## getAddr
void* getAddr(int x, int y) const
Returns pixel address at (x, y).
Input is not validated: out of bounds values of x or y, or kUnknown_SkColorType,
trigger an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined. Returns nullptr if
Color Type is kUnknown_SkColorType, or Pixel Ref is nullptr.
Performs a lookup of pixel size; for better performance, call
one of: getAddr8, getAddr16, or getAddr32.
### Parameters
x |
column index, zero or greater, and less than width |
y |
row index, zero or greater, and less than height |
### Return Value
generic pointer to pixel
### Example
#### Example Output
addr interval == rowBytes
### See Also
getAddr8 getAddr16 getAddr32 readPixels[2][3][4] SkPixmap::addr[2]
## getAddr32
inline uint32_t* getAddr32(int x, int y) const
Returns address at (x, y).
Input is not validated. Triggers an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined and:
### Parameters
x |
column index, zero or greater, and less than width |
y |
row index, zero or greater, and less than height |
### Return Value
unsigned 32-bit pointer to pixel at (x, y)
### Example
#### Example Output
addr interval == rowBytes
### See Also
getAddr8 getAddr16 getAddr readPixels[2][3][4] SkPixmap::addr32[2]
## getAddr16
inline uint16_t* getAddr16(int x, int y) const
Returns address at (x, y).
Input is not validated. Triggers an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined and:
### Parameters
x |
column index, zero or greater, and less than width |
y |
row index, zero or greater, and less than height |
### Return Value
unsigned 16-bit pointer to pixel at (x, y)
### Example
#### Example Output
addr interval == rowBytes
### See Also
getAddr8 getAddr getAddr32 readPixels[2][3][4] SkPixmap::addr16[2]
## getAddr8
inline uint8_t* getAddr8(int x, int y) const
Returns address at (x, y).
Input is not validated. Triggers an assert() if built with SK_DEBUG defined and:
### Parameters
x |
column index, zero or greater, and less than width |
y |
row index, zero or greater, and less than height |
### Return Value
unsigned 8-bit pointer to pixel at (x, y)
### Example
#### Example Output
&pixels[4][2] == bitmap.getAddr8(2, 4)
### See Also
getAddr getAddr16 getAddr32 readPixels[2][3][4] SkPixmap::addr8[2]
## extractSubset
bool extractSubset(SkBitmap* dst, const SkIRect& subset) const
Shares Pixel Ref with dst. Pixels are not copied; Bitmap and dst point
to the same pixels; dst bounds are set to the intersection of subset
and the original bounds.
subset may be larger than bounds. Any area outside of bounds is ignored.
Any contents of dst are discarded. isVolatile setting is copied to dst.
dst is set to colorType, alphaType, and colorSpace.
Return false if:
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if dst is replaced by subset
### Example
#### Example Output
bounds: 0, 0, 512, 512
subset: -100, 100, 0, 200 success; false
subset: -100, 100, 100, 200 success; true subset: 0, 0, 100, 100
subset: -100, 100, 1000, 200 success; true subset: 0, 0, 512, 100
subset: 0, 100, 0, 200 success; false
subset: 0, 100, 100, 200 success; true subset: 0, 0, 100, 100
subset: 0, 100, 1000, 200 success; true subset: 0, 0, 512, 100
subset: 100, 100, 0, 200 success; false
subset: 100, 100, 100, 200 success; false
subset: 100, 100, 1000, 200 success; true subset: 0, 0, 412, 100
subset: 1000, 100, 0, 200 success; false
subset: 1000, 100, 100, 200 success; false
subset: 1000, 100, 1000, 200 success; false
### See Also
readPixels[2][3][4] writePixels[2][3] SkCanvas::drawBitmap
## readPixels
bool readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY,
SkTransferFunctionBehavior behavior) const
Copies Rect of pixels from Bitmap pixels to dstPixels. Copy starts at (srcX, srcY),
and does not exceed Bitmap (width, height).
dstInfo specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, and
Color Space of destination. dstRowBytes specifics the gap from one destination
row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if:
Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Bitmap colorType is
kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; dstInfo.colorType must match.
If Bitmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, dstInfo.colorSpace must match.
If Bitmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, dstInfo.alphaType must
match. If Bitmap colorSpace is nullptr, dstInfo.colorSpace must match. Returns
false if pixel conversion is not possible.
srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. Returns
false if width or height is zero or negative.
Returns false ifabs(srcX) >= Bitmap width,
or ifabs(srcY) >= Bitmap height.
If behavior is SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kRespect: converts source
pixels to a linear space before converting to dstInfo.
If behavior is SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kIgnore: source
pixels are treated as if they are linear, regardless of how they are encoded.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if pixels are copied to dstPixels
### Example
### See Also
writePixels[2][3] SkPixmap::readPixels[2][3][4][5] SkCanvas::readPixels[2][3] SkImage::readPixels[2] SkSurface::readPixels[2][3]
bool readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, void* dstPixels, size_t dstRowBytes, int srcX, int srcY) const
Copies a Rect of pixels from Bitmap to dstPixels. Copy starts at (srcX, srcY),
and does not exceed Bitmap (width, height).
dstInfo specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, and Color Space of
destination. dstRowBytes specifics the gap from one destination row to the next.
Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if:
Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Bitmap colorType is
kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; dstInfo.colorType must match.
If Bitmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, dstInfo.colorSpace must match.
If Bitmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, dstInfo.alphaType must
match. If Bitmap colorSpace is nullptr, dstInfo.colorSpace must match. Returns
false if pixel conversion is not possible.
srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. Returns
false if width or height is zero or negative.
Returns false ifabs(srcX) >= Bitmap width,
or ifabs(srcY) >= Bitmap height.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if pixels are copied to dstPixels
### Example
Transferring the gradient from 8 bits per component to 4 bits per component
creates visible banding.
### See Also
writePixels[2][3] SkPixmap::readPixels[2][3][4][5] SkCanvas::readPixels[2][3] SkImage::readPixels[2] SkSurface::readPixels[2][3]
bool readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst, int srcX, int srcY) const
Copies a Rect of pixels from Bitmap to dst. Copy starts at (srcX, srcY), and
does not exceed Bitmap (width, height).
dst specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, Color Space, pixel storage,
and row bytes of destination. dst.rowBytes specifics the gap from one destination
row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if:
Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Bitmap colorType is
kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; dst Color Type must match.
If Bitmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, dst Color Space must match.
If Bitmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, dst Alpha Type must
match. If Bitmap colorSpace is nullptr, dst Color Space must match. Returns
false if pixel conversion is not possible.
srcX and srcY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. Returns
false if width or height is zero or negative.
Returns false ifabs(srcX) >= Bitmap width,
or ifabs(srcY) >= Bitmap height.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if pixels are copied to dst
### Example
### See Also
writePixels[2][3] SkPixmap::readPixels[2][3][4][5] SkCanvas::readPixels[2][3] SkImage::readPixels[2] SkSurface::readPixels[2][3]
bool readPixels(const SkPixmap& dst) const
Copies a Rect of pixels from Bitmap to dst. Copy starts at (0, 0), and
does not exceed Bitmap (width, height).
dst specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, Color Space, pixel storage,
and row bytes of destination. dst.rowBytes specifics the gap from one destination
row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if:
Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Bitmap colorType is
kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; dst Color Type must match.
If Bitmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, dst Color Space must match.
If Bitmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, dst Alpha Type must
match. If Bitmap colorSpace is nullptr, dst Color Space must match. Returns
false if pixel conversion is not possible.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if pixels are copied to dst
### Example
### See Also
writePixels[2][3] SkPixmap::readPixels[2][3][4][5] SkCanvas::readPixels[2][3] SkImage::readPixels[2] SkSurface::readPixels[2][3]
## writePixels
bool writePixels(const SkPixmap& src, int dstX, int dstY)
Copies a Rect of pixels from src. Copy starts at (dstX, dstY), and does not exceed
(src.width, src.height).
src specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, Color Space, pixel storage,
and row bytes of source. src.rowBytes specifics the gap from one source
row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if:
Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Bitmap colorType is
kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; src Color Type must match.
If Bitmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, src Color Space must match.
If Bitmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, src Alpha Type must
match. If Bitmap colorSpace is nullptr, src Color Space must match. Returns
false if pixel conversion is not possible.
dstX and dstY may be negative to copy only top or left of source. Returns
false if width or height is zero or negative.
Returns false ifabs(dstX) >= Bitmap width,
or ifabs(dstY) >= Bitmap height.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if src pixels are copied to Bitmap
### Example
### See Also
bool writePixels(const SkPixmap& src)
Copies a Rect of pixels from src. Copy starts at (0, 0), and does not exceed
(src.width, src.height).
src specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, Color Space, pixel storage,
and row bytes of source. src.rowBytes specifics the gap from one source
row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if:
Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Bitmap colorType is
kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; src Color Type must match.
If Bitmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, src Color Space must match.
If Bitmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, src Alpha Type must
match. If Bitmap colorSpace is nullptr, src Color Space must match. Returns
false if pixel conversion is not possible.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if src pixels are copied to Bitmap
### Example
### See Also
bool writePixels(const SkPixmap& src, int x, int y, SkTransferFunctionBehavior behavior)
Copies a Rect of pixels from src. Copy starts at (0, 0), and does not exceed
(src.width, src.height).
src specifies width, height, Color Type, Alpha Type, Color Space, pixel storage,
and row bytes of source. src.rowBytes specifics the gap from one source
row to the next. Returns true if pixels are copied. Returns false if:
Pixels are copied only if pixel conversion is possible. If Bitmap colorType is
kGray_8_SkColorType, or kAlpha_8_SkColorType; src Color Type must match.
If Bitmap colorType is kGray_8_SkColorType, src Color Space must match.
If Bitmap alphaType is kOpaque_SkAlphaType, src Alpha Type must
match. If Bitmap colorSpace is nullptr, src Color Space must match. Returns
false if pixel conversion is not possible. Returns false if width or height
is zero or negative.
If behavior is SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kRespect: converts src
pixels to a linear space before converting to Image Info.
If behavior is SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kIgnore: src
pixels are treated as if they are linear, regardless of how they are encoded.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if src pixels are copied to Bitmap
### Example
### See Also
## hasHardwareMipMap
bool hasHardwareMipMap() const
### Return Value
true if setHasHardwareMipMap has been called with true
### See Also
## setHasHardwareMipMap
void setHasHardwareMipMap(bool hasHardwareMipMap)
### Parameters
### See Also
## extractAlpha
bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst) const
Sets dst to Alpha described by pixels. Returns false if dst cannot be written to
or dst pixels cannot be allocated.
Uses HeapAllocator to reserve memory for dst Pixel Ref.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Alpha layer was constructed in dst Pixel Ref
### Example
### See Also
bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst, const SkPaint* paint, SkIPoint* offset) const
Sets dst to Alpha described by pixels. Returns false if dst cannot be written to
or dst pixels cannot be allocated.
If paint is not nullptr and contains Mask Filter, SkMaskFilter::filterMask
generates Mask Alpha from Bitmap. Uses HeapAllocator to reserve memory for dst
Pixel Ref. Sets offset to top-left position for dst for alignment with Bitmap;
(0, 0) unless SkMaskFilter generates mask.
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Alpha layer was constructed in dst Pixel Ref
### Example
### See Also
bool extractAlpha(SkBitmap* dst, const SkPaint* paint, Allocator* allocator, SkIPoint* offset) const
Sets dst to Alpha described by pixels. Returns false if dst cannot be written to
or dst pixels cannot be allocated.
If paint is not nullptr and contains Mask Filter, SkMaskFilter::filterMask
generates Mask Alpha from Bitmap. allocator may reference a custom allocation
class or be set to nullptr to use HeapAllocator. Sets offset to top-left
position for dst for alignment with Bitmap; (0, 0) unless SkMaskFilter generates
### Parameters
### Return Value
true if Alpha layer was constructed in dst Pixel Ref
### Example
### See Also
## peekPixels
bool peekPixels(SkPixmap* pixmap) const
Copies Bitmap pixel address, row bytes, and Image Info to pixmap, if address
is available, and returns true. If pixel address is not available, return
false and leave pixmap unchanged.
pixmap contents become invalid on any future change to Bitmap.
### Parameters
pixmap |
storage for pixel state if pixels are readable; otherwise, ignored |
### Return Value
true if Bitmap has direct access to pixels
### Example
#### Example Output
### See Also
pixmap installPixels[2][3] readPixels[2][3][4] writePixels[2][3]
## Utility
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| ComputeIsOpaque | returns true if all pixels are opaque |
| computeByteSize | returns size required for pixels |
| getGenerationID | returns unique ID |
| readyToDraw | returns true if address of pixels is not nullptr |
| swap | exchanges Bitmap pair |
| toString | converts Bitmap to machine readable form |
| validate | asserts if Bitmap is invalid (debug only) |
## validate
void validate() const;
Asserts if internal values are illegal or inconsistent. Only available if
SK_DEBUG is defined at compile time.
### See Also
## toString
void toString(SkString* str) const;
Creates string representation of Bitmap. The representation is read by
internal debugging tools. The interface and implementation may be
suppressed by defining SK_IGNORE_TO_STRING.
### Parameters
str |
storage for string representation |
### Example
#### Example Output
bitmap dimensions (6, 11)
### See Also